The Bolak God - The Homebrewery
The Bolak God - The Homebrewery
The Bolak God - The Homebrewery
Scourge of Ships. The Bolak deals x100 damage if the target is a Devour(Charge-Up 3 Rounds). The Bolak chooses a target (often
floating vessel inside of a large body of water. So basically a a ship) that can be no longer than 200ft in width but length
ship in the sea. And also deal x4 damage to other structures. doesn’t matter. After 2 extra rounds have passed without the
great Bolad making ANY other actions or movement it devours
Spellcasting. The Bolak is a 30th-level spellcaster. Its spell- the target, taking 1 000 damage, there is no saving throw.
casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 26, +25 to hit with Passengers of the ship will know that their vessel is about to
spell attacks). It can cast all its spells as a bonus action instead get destroyed as the Bolak towers above it before consuming it
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