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Marketing Analytics Consilidated ITAE003

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Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4

Which of the followinng types of segmentation is used to evaluate
1 the usage of a product among customers and different buying Customer segmentation Behaviour-based segmentation Value-based segmentation Need-based segmentation
2 Which of the following metrics is expressed in terms of ratings? Awareness, Attitudes and Usage Share of requirements Customer satisfaction Sales revenue
Which of the following secondary sources displays detailed
3 information about a company’s offerings, operations, structure, sales Focus group Trade publication Government statistics Company website
methods, customer relationships, etc?
4 Which of the following is a factor that increase threat of substitutes? Higher costs of switching suppliers Awareness about a product and cost of manufacturing it Low consumer switching costs Availability of substitutes
Which of the following factors measures collective income of a
5 Exchange rates GDP and GNP Taxes and duties Inflation
Sparklines are Microsoft
The histogram is used to display Excel offers built-in formulas
Most of the businesses rely heavily on the revenue generated Excel’s features that are used
6 Which of the following statements is true? continuous data that is divided into and functions to summarise
by finance. to visually represent single
classes which are called stores. quickly and accurately.
data series.
Which of the following functions is used to calculate mean of data in
Which of the following features of Excel are used to draw attention
8 Sparklines Histogams Pivot Table Both 1 and 3
to seasonal changes or economic cycles?
Which of the following features of Excel helps users to control data
9 Pivot Table Check Boxes Statistical Functions Table
of multiple products?
What feature of Excel can be used by a company to analyse the
10 Pivot Chart Pivot table GETPIVOT Both 1 and 2
demographics of the target audience?
Which of the following is an internal factor that affects pricing
11 Competitors Distributors Marketing strategy Suppliers
In which pricing technique, a product is sold at a lower price initially
12 Penetration pricing Competitive pricing Bundle pricing Skimming pricing
so that people try the product of the new brand?
There are not enough prospective The unit cost increases with
In which of the following conditions is skimming pricing techniques Sales volume increases extremely
13 buyers willing to buy the product at a Buyers interpret the high price as a sign of better quality. an increase in the quantity of
useful? on lowering the price.
high price. production
Which of the following types of pice discriminationidea is based on
14 the assumption that customers who are more price sensitive will Channel pricing Couponing Regional pricing Product versioning
make an effort to get the discount.
A customer chooses the option getting shampoo and conditioner at
15 prices which is lower than the sum of their individual prices. What Bundle pricing Skimming pricing Demand based pricing Penetration pricing
type of pricing is being followed here?

16 Which of the following is a component of advertising? Communication Invitation Idea Relationship selling
Sponsorships are provided in the Sales PromotionIt includes long-term activities that create Relationship sellingis mainly
Personal selling is a cheap way
17 Which fo the following statements is true? return of advertising space received at interest or offer incentives to motivate buyers to make the suitable for expensive and high-
of promotion
any event purchase tech business products
Which of the following method of promotional budget estimation is
18 Afforfable method Copetitive parity method Percentage of sales method objective-task method
heavily reliant on the availability of funds?
Which of the following ways can help a marketer to know opinions
19 Promtional codes Key codes Customer polls Unique phone numbers
of their customers about the business?
The total number of people following a Having a high number of active Having critical comments is
A business should focus only on acquiring new customers from
20 Which of the following statements is true? brand on social media indicates followers means people are not better than having no
social media
engagement. appreciating your promotions. comments at all
21 Correlation coefficient is denoted by ________. c r q v

When the correlation coefficient If the correlation coefficient is

22 Under what condition, a correlation is positive? When the correlation coefficient is zero When the correlation coefficient is 1
is less than one, but positive. more than -1 but negative.
Which of the following indicates the number of points fall on the
23 Multiple R Adjusted R square Observations R squared
regression line?
The linearity assumption can be tested with the help of
24 Bar charts Pie charts Scatter plots Histograms
Which of the following neural tools represents a network's state
25 SIMBRAIN Artificial Neural Network Model Developer NeuralMachine Multiplicative model
Which of the following technique is used to determine various
26 Full Profile Conjoint Analysis Regression analysis Multiple regression Discrete choice analysis
parameters that impact the choices made by a customer?
Individuals are irrational and
Individuals are irrational and when Individuals are rational and when
when they face multiple
Which of the following assumptions is dicrete choice analysis they face multiple choices, they will individuals are rational and when they face multiple choices, they face multiple choices, they
27 choices, they will select the
technique based on? select the alternative with the they will select the alternative with the one-time utility. will select the alternative with the
alternative with the maximum
minimum utility. maximum utility.
Which of the following indicates the relationship between change in
28 Price elasticity Demand elasticity Supply elasticity Both 1 and 2
demand and change in price of a product?
A customer never prefers a A brand has brand equity as
In real-life situations, the products are product at certain price and long as customer prefers
29 Which of the folowing statements is true? A customer judges a product independent of its price.
judged in comparison with each other he/she may reject the same similar products of other
product at a slightly higher price. brands over it's product.
In _______________________, a product is viewed as a collection of
30 several attributes and the levels of the attributes of the products Regression analysis Discrete choice analysis Conjoint analysis Both 1 and 2
define the product.
There must be an outcome There must be an outcome
Which of the following conditions must be true for logistic There must be an outcome variable There must be an outcome variable with two results, i.e. 0
31 variable with two results, i.e. 0 variable with two results, i.e. -
regression? with two results, i.e. 0 and 0.5 and 1
and 1.5 1 and 0
What are the problems wherein customers are classified into two
32 Classification problems Probaility problems Brand issues Customer dilemma
or more categories called?
If you want to estimate the probability of events, which of he
33 Discrete choice analysis Conjoint analysis Logistic regression Linear regression
following techniques would you use?
In logistic regression, the In logistic regression, the
In logistic regression, the probability of probability of dependent variable probability of dependent
In logistic regression, the probability of independent variable
independent variable taking either of taking either of the two states for variable taking all the states
34 Which of the following statements is true? taking only one state of any given value of the independent
the two states for any given value of any given value of the for any given value of the
variable is calculated.
the dependent variable is calculated. independent variable is independent variable is
calculated. calculated.

There must be inappropriate There must be a well-defined

The regression model must be
estimation to ascertain the probability There must be an accurate estimation of coefficients of the relationship between the
35 Which of the following is not a condition for logistic regression? adequately tested to determine if
P of an observed value of the resultant regression equation. outcome variable and
it fits the intervals of coefficient
variable. explanatory variable.
It indicates whether the
It is a double numerical measure in It gives the summary of total costs and revenue associated with It is an important method for
36 Which of the following statements is associated with CLV? customer is beneficial for the
monetary terms a product. measuring budget utilisation.
firm or not.
Which of the following techniques is used to determinehow
37 Simulation Sensitivity analysis Monte carlo simulation Markov model
sensitive is the output to the changes in the value of input?
Which of the following is the correct formula of calculating working
38 Revenues – variable and fixed costs Variable and fixed costs – depreciation Current assets – current liabilities PAT + depreciation
39 Which of the following is the first stage in lifecycle of customer? Acquisition Loyalty Conversion Reach
Which of the following costs cannot be calculated aby any accepted
40 Acquisition cost Conversion cost Retention cost Loyalty cost
If each data point belongs to a cluster either completely or not at all,
41 K-means clustering Soft clustering Hard clustering Hierarchical clustering
what type of clustering is it?
Which of the follwing is an appraoch used in hierarchical
42 Multiplicative Divisive Additive Subtratctive
It is easy for a researcher to Clusters are built as
Cluster analysis as a process is very
43 Which of the following is true about cluster analysis? Cluster analysis needs very less amount of computational time select the correct method of hierarchies by dividing the
specific yet.
clustering for the given problem. data into different levels
The most important application of cluster analysis in marketing is
44 Promotion Segmentation Pricing Customer retention
Excessive classification of data makes it Segmentation helps a company to
The number of clusters can be
45 Which of the following statements is true? easy to place a new observation in a The success of a decision tree is measured by classification rate understand the varied needs of
determined in only one way.
suitable class. the customers
Which of the following represents the usefulness of a rule in finding
46 Association rules Support Confidence Lift ratio
47 Which of the following is the formula of determining Confidence? Probability (B/A) Probability (A and B) Probability (A and B)/ P(A) Probability (A-B)
The goods that are bought together are known as
48 Complementary goods Substitute goods Supplementary goods Both 1 and 3
Which of the following letters do graphs of Sigmoid functions
49 Q S G C
resemble to?
Which of the following forecasting methods is used to define the
50 Opinion based forecasting Econometric model building Statistical methods Analysis of market factors
sales volume of a product in terms of mathematical function?
51 How many keywords can be there in an Ad group? 15, 000 20, 000 23, 000 25, 000
What is the next step after the establishment of goals in the
52 Planning the target audience Researching and selecting keywords Developing effective text for ad Selecting the right platform
development of a PPC Ad campaign?
Which of the following would be the exact match for the keyword
53 English Libraries Old libraries Libraries in Delhi Libraries
54 What is the limit of general positioning of ads? 4 to 5 5 to 8 8 to 11 9 to 10
Which of the following is calculated by an advertiser using the
55 Cost per click Clicks per day Average profit per sale Conversion rate
historical data?
The data is collected by the
The data is considered Collecting the data is a
56 Which of the following is a feature of secondary data? investigator from the source of its There is no scope of bias in collecting the data.
reliable. time-consuming process
Which of the following methods is best suitable to study
57 Focus group discussion Observation Case study Interview
specific situations?
__________________measures the distance between each value
58 Linear combination Covariance Variance Probability
of the data set from the mean.
Which of the following classification algorithm was
59 Conditional Probability Linear Discriminant Analysis Naïve Classifier Both 1 and 2
developed by R.Fisher?
Questionnaires are time Focus groups discussion may
Interviews are less flexible
60 Which of the following statements is true? consuming than other research Observation is an expensive method of collecting data. provide distorting data due to
than questionnaires.
methods. moderator’s bias.
Which of the following is a place for debate where anyone is
61 Forum Social network Blog Microblog
allowed to participate?
Social media does not provide
Social media does not allow Social media marketing
control to customers who are The voice of the customer is given lesser importance in
62 Which of the following statements is true? users to post negative delivers results in the long
actively involved in expressing online marketing.
reviews about products term.
their needs and preferences.
What is the process of collecting and combining all the
63 Corpus Stemming Sentiment analysis Clustering
related tokens in a single token called?
Which of the following techniques is used to reduce the
64 overall length of the text, while retaining the crucial Categorisation Summarisation Information extraction Visualisation
information and semantic meaning?
Which of the following methods involves the analysis of
65 document based on the patterns that are derived through Term-based method Phrase-based method Concept-based method Pattern taxonomy method
data mining techniques?
Which of the following types of data includes the
66 Web traffic data Web server performance data Web transactional data Usability studies
information that can be directly derived from a transaction?
Which of the following is used were developed to capture User-submitted
67 Web beacons Javascript tags Web logs
the errors generated by web servers? information
Which of the following terms refers to a URL of the web
68 Hits Site referrers Visits Page views
page from which a user has navigated to another web page?
Which of the following KPIs indicates the effectiveness of Shopping cart abandonment Marketing effectiveness
69 Content-effectiveness KPIs Conversion KPIs
online marketing campaign? rate KPIs
Which of the following Goal types includes user interactions
70 that take place by clicking on ads, signing up, and other such Destination Duration Event Pages/Screens Per Session

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