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Obstetric's Calculations

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Expected Date of Delivery/Confinement

Naegle’s Rule
LMP January 1 to March 24
LMP + 9 months + 7 days= EDD
LMP March 25 to December 31
LMP + 1 year- 3 months + 7days= EDD
Age of Gestation
McDonald’s Rule: method is used to determine the age ofgestation by measuring from the
fundus (obtaining the fundalheight) to the symphysis pubis.
I. AOG in weeks: Fundic Height in cm x 8/7
II. AOG in months: Fundic Height in cm x 2/7
*measurement is equal to week of gestation between 20 th and 31st weeks of pregnancy
* inaccurate in 3rd trimester because fetus is growing in weight than in height
a.What is the estimated gestational age inmonths if the fundicheight is 31.5 cm?
b.What is the estimated gestational age inweeksif the fundicheight is 36 cm?
Bartholomew Rule
12 weeks: at the level of symphysis pubis
16 weeks: halfway between symphysis pubis and umbilicus
20 weeks: at the level of umbilicus
24 weeks: two level above umbilicus
28-30 weeks: midway between umbilicus and xiphoid process
31-34 weeks: two fingers below the xiphoid process
36 weeks: at the xiphoid process
40 weeks: drops at 34 weeks due to “lightening”
Greater Fundic Height Indicates
 Multiple pregnancies
 Polyhydramnios
 Hydatidiform mole
 Miscalculated due date
Lesser Fundic height Indicates
 Oligohydramnios
 Fetal Death
 Intrauterine growth restriction
 Miscalculated AOG
Determine Age of Gestation “AOG”
LMP minus remaining days in month of LMP
Plus the days up to the current day(day of check-up)
To get the AOG in weeks, Divide the total number of days from LMP up to the day of check-up to
To get the AOG in months, divide by 4 the AOG in weeks
Example: LMP= July 21-26, 2022
Date of prenatal visit: January 14, 2023
LMP: July 21-31--------10 days
August -------------------31 days
October----------------- 31 days
November--------------30 days
December-------------- 31 days
January-------------------14 days
Total --------------------- 177 days
Divide by 7 -------25 weeks, 3 days (AOG)
Divide by 4 ------ 6 months, 3 days (AOG)
Johnson’s Rule: use to calculate fetal weight in grams
Constant: N= 12 if the fetus is already engaged
N= 11 if not yet engaged
K= 155
X= fundic height in cm
Formula: Estimated fetal weight= fundic height in cm- N x K
Example: A fundic height of 28 cm and not engaged.
Solution: K= 155(constant), N=11, X= 28cm
155( 28cm - 11)=
Haase’s Rule: use to determine the length of the fetus in cm
A. During the 1st half of pregnancy (1 to 5 months), square the number of months(x²)
B. During the 2nd half of pregnancy(6 to 10 months), multiply the number of months by 5
1 month: 1²= 1 cm
2 months: 2²= 4 cm
3 months: 3²= 9 cm
4 months: 4²=16 cm
5 months: 5²= 25 cm
6 months: 6 x 5= 30 cm
7 months: 7 x 5= 35 cm
8 months: 8 x 5= 40 cm
9 months: 9 x 5= 45 cm
10 months: 10 x 5= 50 cm

VIABILITY- ability of the fetus to live outside the uterus (20-24 weeks)
GRAVIDA – a woman who is pregnant and total number of confirmed pregnancies a
woman has had.*twins are count as one
PRIMIGRAVIDA – a woman who is pregnant for the first time
MULTIGRAVIDA – a woman who has been pregnant previously
NULLIGRAVIDA- a woman who is not now and never been pregnant
PARA – number of pregnancies that have reached age of viability(24weeks),
regardless of whether the infant was born alive. *twins are count as one
PRIMIPARA – woman who has given birth to one child past age of viability
MULTIPARA – woman who has carried two or more pregnancies to viability
NULLIPARA- woman who has never completed a pregnancy beyong the age of
TERM- an infant delivered between 37 weeks of gestation and but before 42 weeks of gestation.
PRETERM- an infant delivered between 20 to 36 weeks age of gestation. *twins are count as one
ABORTION-number of pregnancy ends before 20 weeks age of gestation, miscarriage. *twins are
count as one
LIVING- number of children currently living*twins are count individually.
I. A patient arrives in triage claiming she is in labor. She tells you that this is her 7th
pregnancy, with previous deliveries at 37, 28, 40, 39 and 38 weeks respectively, as well as a
loss at 14 weeks. She reports that one of her children died of SIDS at 4 months of age. What
is her G/P? GTPAL? G7T4P1A1L4
II.  Lisa is 8 weeks pregnant and had triplets born at 35 weeks gestation. She also reported to
have 3 miscarriages between 10 and 12 weeks. G5T0P1A3L3
III.  Isabelle is currently pregnant and had reported a miscarriage at 12 weeks during history
taking. Her son, Joseph, who is now 5 years old, was born at 36 weeks gestation. She also
has a daughter born at 39 weeks who is now 4 years old, and another son born at 25 weeks
but died shortly after delivery. What is Isabelle’s obstetric history?G5T1P2A1L2
IV. Sally is a 32-year-old female who comes to you for her prenatal assessment. She is currently
25 weeks pregnant with twins. She has 5 living children where in four were born at 39
weeks gestation, and one child was born at 28 weeks gestation. Two years ago, she
reported she had a miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation. G7T4P1A1L5
V. Hannah Smith, a 29-year-old female, is pregnant for the fourth time. During obstetric
history taking, she mentioned that she has an abortion at 8 weeks gestation. She had a
daughter who was born at 39 weeks gestation and another daughter born at 34 weeks.
Hannah’s obstetric history would be document as follows: G4T1P1A1L2

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