The Effect of Tax Avoidance, Profit Management, Managerial Ownership On Tax Disclosure
The Effect of Tax Avoidance, Profit Management, Managerial Ownership On Tax Disclosure
The Effect of Tax Avoidance, Profit Management, Managerial Ownership On Tax Disclosure
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The purpose of this study is to examine and two DGT's corrections. Hakim Budi mentioned the positive
analyze the effect of tax avoidance, profit management and corrections made by the DGT regarding police and military
managerial ownership on tax disclosure at mining support services or security assistance from elements of the
companies in Indonesia that are listed on the Indonesia TNI/Polri worth USD 4,940,258. The Chief Judge continued
Stock Exchange for the 2019-2021 period. The data in this that the panel also defended the DGT's correction of the
study were obtained from the company's financial professional fee component of USD 2,813,595. Both
statements and annual reports on the Indonesian Stock corrections were defended because Freeport did not have
Exchange (IDX) website or related company websites. The enough evidence to convince the panel of judges.
samples used in this study were 23 mining companies listed
on the IDX for the 2019-2021 period, with a total of 69 According to Kristen in Pratama & Pratiwi (2022) Tax
samples. The sampling technique is pursosive sampling transparency provides information that can be used by the
method. The analytical tool used to analyze the hypothesis public to assess company activities. For example, the copper
is Eviews 10. with the analysis model, namely the random mining industry in Zambia came under heavy fire after its tax
effect model. The results showed that managerial ownership audit information was leaked. The industry only pays 0.6% of
had a effect on tax disclosure, while tax evasion and its profits to the government.
earnings management had no effect on tax disclosure.
One of the factors taxpayers avoid disclosure obligations
Keywords:- Tax avoidance, earnings management and by reducing the company's taxable profit. To minimize this,
managerial ownership of tax disclosure disclosure of complete tax information can provide an
opportunity to estimate the increased amount in corporate tax
I. INTRODUCTION returns. (Kvaal & Nobes, 2013).
Tax disclosure has long been a public concern. Companies Previous research related to tax disclosure in financial
provide tax disclosures as part of their financial reporting, either statements is still small. This research contribute to explaining
on a voluntary or mandatory basis. However, the level of tax the variables that can affect the level of tax disclosure and aims
disclosure is still problematic because of the confidentiality to explain the gap in the current level of tax disclosure in the
aspect of taxation. This practice is very important because many financial statements, therefore the authors are interested in
parties need information. Companies that report their tax examining the ‘‘Effect of Tax Avoidance, Profit Management,
obligations require that their financial statements be adjusted to Managerial Ownership, on Tax Disclosure. (Empirical Study of
tax provisions to determine the basis of their tax obligations. To Mining Sector Companies Listed on the IDX 2019-2021)”.
prove this obligation, it is not uncommon for further disclosures
to be required related to the tax obligations of the company as
an entity (Pratama & Pratiwi, 2022). A. Agency Theory
Agency theory is a theory that explains the concept of a
Global activists are also asking governments to regulate
contractual relationship between the principal (owner) and the
the disclosure of information regarding how much tax is paid,
agent (management of a company) to perform services on
especially how much is paid by multinational companies. The
behalf of the principal which involves delegating decision-
phenomenon of tax disclosure that occurred in the mining sector
making authority to the agent, this theory was first discovered
where PT Freeport Indonesia was involved in a corporate
by Jensen & Meckling (1976).
income tax (PPh) dispute in 2016. The dispute case went to the
Tax Court and now the Panel of Judges has granted part of the Meanwhile, according to Wanti et al (2020) In the agency
dispute regarding the net income figure submitted by PT theory model, companies are described as a collection of
Freeport Indonesia. In the first dispute, the DGT made positive contracts between parties who interact within the company
fiscal corrections to the company's net income. The positive (stakeholders). Each party will act according to its own interests
correction consists of four components, Police and military so that conflicting interests will emerge.
support service fees, professional fees, supplies costs, and IT
costs. Against the components in the first dispute, the panel of
judges defended the DGT's two corrections, and canceled the
H. Multicolliearity Test
Based on the results of the multicollinearity test in the Ownership is less than 10. Thus it can be concluded that the
table above, it shows that the VIF value for the variables Tax four variables are free from multicollinearity problems because
Disclosure, Tax Avoidance, Profit Management, Managerial the VIF value < 10.
Based on the results of the chow-test above, it can be seen accepted. That is, the model estimation approach follows the
that the probability value of the F test is 0.0000 < 0.05 and the fixed effect model. In other words, the fixed effect model is
chi-square is 0.0000 < 0.05. Thus, Ho was rejected and H1 was better than the common effect model.
J. Hausman Test)
Tabel 4 Hasil Uji Hausman (Hausman Test)
Correlated Random Effects – Hausman Test
Equation: Untitled
Test cross-section random effects
Based on the results of the Hausman test on the able K. Random Panel Data Regression Results
above, it can be seen that the probability value in the random Before the panel data regression test was carried out, a
cross section test is 0.4781 which means it has a significance classical assumption test was first carried out to ensure that the
greater than the confidence level (significance level) 95% (α = regression coefficient did not occur, and the best panel data
5%). So that the decision taken on this Hausman test is that Ho regression model in this study was decided using a random
is accepted and H1 is rejected. In other words, the model effect model.can be seen in the table.
follows the random effect model method. Or it can be
concluded that the random effect model method is better than
the fixed effect model method.
Based on the data above, PKP = 0.219319 + 0.040656 PHP - 0.001893 ML - 0.056093 KM + ε
From the equation model above, it can be explained that Meanwhile and Profit Management and Managerial Ownership
based on the results of the regression test with HAC shows that have a negative relationship with Tax Disclosure.
Tax Avoidance has a positive relationship with Tax Disclosure.
Effect of Tax Avoidance, Profit Management, Managerial Ownership, Against Tax Disclosure.
Based on the results of data processing, the R-Squared the dependent variable, namely tax disclosure of 4.25%. The
value is 0.042510. This can be interpreted that the independent remaining 95.75% was explained by other variables outside the
variables in this study, namely tax avoidance, profit research model.
management and managerial ownership together can explain
Statistical Test F
Based on the value of F-Statistic and the value of Prob (F- independent variables in this study, namely tax avoidance,
statistic) in this study is 0.961931 with a probability value of profit management and managerial ownership together do not
0.416134. The statistical probability value F is greater than the have a significant effect on the variable tied to tax disclosure.
significant value α = 5%, so it can be concluded that the
Statistical Test t
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