Electricity & Magnetism Syllabus
Electricity & Magnetism Syllabus
Electricity & Magnetism Syllabus
Course details
Instructor/ Eric Coughlin
Professor Email: ecoughli@syr.edu, Office: 263-4 Physics Bldg.
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 11:00AM - 1:00 PM
TA’s Ananya Bandopadhyay, abandopa@syr.edu
Daniel Paradiso, dparadis@syr.edu
Nandita Tiwari, natiwari@syr.edu
John Batarekh, jvbatare@syr.edu
Concerns For questions on Kudu (see below) homework problems,
please contact the TA appropriate to your recitation
section. For other matters, please contact Eric.
Lecture Tue. & Thur., 9:30-10:50 AM, Stolkin Auditorium
times (Physics Bldg 1st floor)
Credits 3
Prerequisi PHY 211 or PHY 215 (General Physics I)
tes PHY 221 (General Physics I Laboratory)
MAT 285 or MAT 295 (Calculus I)
Co- PHY 222 (General Physics II Laboratory)
requisites MAT 286 or MAT 296 (Calculus II)
Recitation Your recitation section will meet for 55 minutes each
Wednesday and Friday.
Enrollmen If you are having trouble adding/dropping the course, or
t issues switching sections, please speak with Kristine Weisblatt
via email: phyacademics@syr.edu
Blackboar Your grades will be posted on blackboard:
d http://blackboard.syr.edu/
Kudu We will use the free online homework system, Kudu, for
(Online this course (see below for instructions on signing up).
Physics A physics clinic is operated in room 112 of the Physics
clinic Bldg. You can drop by to get help with physics problems.
Lab There is a lab for this course, PHY 222, but the lab and the
course are completely disconnected. Therefore, if you have
a question regarding the lab, you must ask the lab
instructor or your lab TA.
There is one book for this class, the Openstax free textbook - “University Physics Volume 2”:
3. Click the red "+" button to sign up for a new course and search for the course ID: 9joqp2
4. To access this course directly go to https://www.kudu.com/?course=9joqp2.
5. This is a FREE course and you will not be charged any fees.
6. Make sure you see "PHY212-Fall23" on your Kudu homepage.
7. If you need assistance contact support@kudu.com.
There will be 5 assessments throughout the semester, which are designed to be a hybrid between a short quiz
and a more traditional, longer exam. These will be held in Stolkin during scheduled class times. If you
cannot make it to a particular scheduled Quizzam, please let Prof. Coughlin know ASAP.
Because this is a large-enrollment course (typically > 200 students), the quizzam format will be multiple
choice; this will enable us to return your scores to you in a timely manner. However, we would like to give
you partial credit, as physics is most often about the process and the sequence of steps taken to arrive at an
answer, rather than the answer itself. Therefore, below each question we will provide you space to show
your work, and even if you select the wrong answer you will be eligible to receive partial credit.
You may bring a single, one-sided sheet of notes/equations to use for each Quizzam. You cannot use any
external assistance. This includes online “answer mills,” such as Chegg, Slader, etc. Using services like
Under Topic, the number in parenthesis is the chapter in the text. The exact timing of lecture topics may
change slightly during the semester.
The distribution of points used in determining your final grade is:
Quizzams 50%
“Two-week” Kudu homeworks 25%
Recitation (15% Kudu problems, 5% attendance, 5% participation) 25%
Your grade in this course is not curved. Thus, it is possible for every student in the class to get an “A”. Your
course grade will be based on the following scale:
A 90-100 A- 85-89
B+ 80-84 B 75-79 B- 70-74
PHY 212 Syllabus Fall 2023 Page 3
C+ 65-69 C 60-64 C- 55-59
D 40-54
F 0-39
PHY 222 is the laboratory component of PHY 212, but it is taught independently of PHY 212. We cannot
help with logistical issues regarding the laboratory course.
Public Health
What to do if you’re not feeling well: One of the most important things you can do is to stay home if you
are sick.
What to do if you’re seriously sick: If you have an illness or injury that interferes with your ability to do
work in our class, talk to us! The Center for Disability Resources also helps students with short-term injuries
and illnesses – concussions, broken bones, etc. If you are sick or hurt, we will work with you and with CDR
to do whatever we can to accommodate your condition.
If you are sick and miss things, we will be flexible with deadlines to allow you to catch up. If you miss a
large amount of class (two weeks or more), you may be eligible to take an “incomplete grade” in the course.
If you think you might need to use this option, it is important to talk to us as early as possible so we can
discuss arrangements. In general, only students who have completed a meaningful amount of classwork with
a passing grade are eligible to take an incomplete.
Disability-related accommodations
If you believe that you need accommodations for a disability, please contact the Office of Disability Services
(ODS), http://disabilityservices.syr.edu, located in Room 309 of 804 University Avenue, or call (315) 443-
4498, TDD: (315) 443-1371 for an appointment to discuss your needs and the process for requesting
accommodations. ODS is responsible for coordinating disability-related accommodations and will issue
students with documented “Disabilities Accommodation Authorization Letters”, as appropriate. Since
accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact
ODS as soon as possible.
The Code of Ethical Conduct is a statement of principles guiding the activities of all faculty, staff, and
students. It provides, in part, that we: Respect the rights and dignity of all persons and recognize that
discrimination or harassment in any form undermines the fundamental principles of the University; and
Support a respectful environment through our own actions, encourage respectful behavior in others, and
speak out against hatred and bias. Additional information can be found at www.syr.edu/hcd/equal-
opportunity.html. If you have any concerns about these matters, write to the Office of Equal Opportunity,
Inclusion and Resolution Services at titleix@syr.edu.
We want to hear your feedback! You are an important part of our community, and we value your opinion; if
you have any comments, concerns, or suggestions that you would like to relay anonymously, you can fill out
the survey found here (you can also use the QR code below):