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4 Expressions and Iteration - Terraform in Depth

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4 Expressions and Iteration

This chapter covers

Modifying data through the use of
expressions and functions
Operators and their uses
Some of the most commonly used
String generation using Templates
Multiplying resources with foreach
and count
Iterating over and transforming
objects and lists

Please ignore grammar errors and typos. What you see is

a raw manuscript; it has not been copyedited.

So far in our quest to learn Terraform we’ve focused
on the objects of the Terraform language: the
resources, data sources, variables, and other blocks.
We’ve used those blocks to define and provision
infrastructure, and have even done a small amount
of validation using input validation blocks.

With what we’ve learned up until this point we can

do quite a bit, but we’re still mostly using Terraform
to define infrastructure and make copies of it. Our
variables have given us some ability to customize our
setup, but only in the sense that we’re exposing a
few variables to our users.

Terraform is capable of a lot more than that. It can be

used to create dynamic features which can be
enabled or disabled. It can calculate, derive, and
transform values for use as configuration. Terraform
has a rich library of reusable functions for
transforming data, and it even has a templating
language that can be used to build complex strings.

In this chapter, we’re going to focus on the features

of Terraform that allow us to include more logic
inside our code. We’re going to break down
expressions (pretty much everything to the right of
an equal sign is an expression in Terraform), discuss
the operators that are available in Terraform, and
discuss some of the more commonly used functions.
From there, we’re going to explore how Terraform
handles iteration, both in the context of 
transforming data as well as around creating a
dynamic number of resources.
4.1 Expanding our Module
The EC2 module that we built over the last two
chapters has shown continued success! Success
comes at a price though, and as more teams adopt
the module feature requests are starting to come in.
This time we’ve got a few requests in from four
different teams:

Our first team wants to give their AWS

Instance permission to access several other
AWS services such as S3 (an object storage
solution). They want to have some control
over this and change it without needing to
request more changes to the module.
The second team has heard about a feature of
AWS called Session Manager that lets them
log into instances without the need to
manage SSH keys.
A third team wants to launch multiple
The final team wants to be able to give their
instances names for when they’re looking for
them in the AWS Console (the website for
managing AWS services).

This looks like a lot of work, but before panicking

let’s dig into what it would take to add all of this to

our module. Before we start coding we’re going to
make a plan, and it’s okay if we go into it without
knowing exactly what that plan will look like. A lot of
times feature requests can seem daunting, but then
when you start digging into the specifics it turns out
that they’re simpler than you realized. That’s why,
even for small things, it’s important to do some
initial research before diving in.

4.1.1 Research
Before you can make any changes to your module
you need to understand what it is you’re trying to
accomplish and what the best path forward is going
to be, and that always requires some research. You
are not expected to know everything. The world of
infrastructure has grown to the point where there
are tens of thousands of different systems out there
and not a single person who knows all of them. Even
for systems you’re familiar with, there may have
been changes, new features, or even deprecation of
features that mean your knowledge is out of date.

In this case, we’ve got some interesting

requirements that you may not have encountered
before, and if you have you may not have used
Terraform to implement these features. Before even
attempting to write any code for them we should
make sure we know what we want our result to be,
and for that, we need to learn a bit. For us, that
means: 
Reading through the documentation for the
service itself, in this case EC2.
Looking up the Terraform resources and
features that might be needed.
Searching for blogs, social media posts,
Stackoverflow questions, or tutorials about
the topic.

For instance, we know that we’re working with the

AWS Instance resource. So we’ll want to make sure
we’ve reviewed the Terraform Documentation for
this resource itself since the Terraform
documentation tends to be really solid. We also want
to use our favorite search engine with a query like
“How do I set the name of an instance in the AWS
Console”, which will lead us to a Stack Overflow
question. In the case of naming an instance all the
answers and searches lead us to the same place:
names are controlled with the AWS “Name” tag.

If we’ve never used tags before then this will also be

something we need to research. In this way, our
research phase could expand as we learn about new
systems and functionality.

Figure 4.1 Example Development Process for a

new module feature.

4.1.2 Add a Name and Tags
During the first stage of research we looked into how
to add a name to the AWS Console for our instances,
and what we learned was that AWS uses tags to
provide the names. Tags are key/value pairs of
arbitrary strings (you can create your own keys and
values for tags) that are associated with an AWS
Resource, and it turns out if you use a tag with the
key of “Name” then AWS will display that name for
you in the console. This means we can resolve our
first issue by letting a user set that tag.

At this point, we could just provide a variable for the

name. However, tags look like a really useful feature
for our users. Since we’re already working with tags
we should consider exposing a new variable to let
users add their own tags. For that, we’re going to add 
a variable named tags to our module and pass it
along to resources that accept tags.

This raises a new question though: what should we

do about the name? We could skip it altogether and
just let our users assign a name using the tag variable
we’re providing. Although that is perfectly
reasonable, our other feature requests make it a bit
more complicated. We know that one of our users
wants to be able to launch multiple instances from
the module, and they’ll likely want unique names for
each instance. We also know that other resources
which might need names could come up. For that
reason, we should create a new variable called
name_prefix that will be used to generate the
names for all of our resources. It’s a prefix, rather
than a dedicated name, to accommodate the idea of
launching multiple instances from the module.

Listing 4.1 Add tags and name to our instance.

variable "name_prefix" {
type = string
description = "The prefix to apply to the beginn

variable "tags" {
type = map(string) #A
description = "Key/Value pairs to pass to AWS as
default = {}

resource "aws_instance" "hello_world" { 

ami = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
instance_type = var.instance_type
tags = merge(var.tags, { #B
Name : "${var.name_prefix}-" #C

copy 

Using the prefix might seem a little weird at this

point, since we’re simply passing it through without
changing it. Once we add in our next feature request
to create multiple instances we’ll end up changing
this section of code to allow for unique names for all
the instances.

4.1.3 Allow Multiple Instances

Our next feature request was to allow the creation of
multiple instances from the same module. During
this research we learned about a Terraform feature
that will come in handy: the count metaparameter!
This is a feature of Terraform that exists on the
module and resource blocks which tells Terraform
how many of those items you want to create; in this
case, we can use it to let the users of the modules

create any number of instances.
The count parameter also gives us access to a count
index. This is a special variable that exists only inside
of the block where the count parameter is set that
acts as an index for the created object. Each created
resource from this block will have a unique index
starting at zero and counting upwards one at a time.
We can use this to give each of our instances its own
unique name so they can be identified in the console.

To allow multiple instances to be created in our

module we need to use the count metaparameter
on our aws_instance resource and to do that we
need to add a new input variable. We want to make
sure that this input variable is a whole number, and
since it’s not possible to create a negative number of
resources we’ll verify that a positive number was
passed in. This way if our user provides something
that would cause an error with the count
metaparameter they’ll get a clear error message
from our input validation.

Listing 4.2 Launching a dynamic number of

instances with our module.
variable "instance_count" {
type = number
description = "The number of instances to launch
default = 0
validation { #A
condition = can(parseint(var.instance_coun 
error_message = "The instance count must be a
validation {
condition = var.instance_count >= 0 #B
error_message = "The instance count can not be

resource "aws_instance" "hello_world" {

count = var.instance_count #C
ami = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
instance_type = var.instance_type

tags = merge(var.tags, {
Name : "${var.name_prefix}-${count.index}" #D

copy 

You may have noticed that I mentioned modules as

well. The module block can also take a count
argument, which means that our module already
could have created multiple instances by using
count on the module block calling it. In this
particular case, we want to push it inside the module
so we can reduce the number of duplicate resources

Listing 4.3 Using the count metaparameter on
our module.
module "my_instances" {
source = "github.com/tedivm/terraform_in_dept
count = 5 #A
subnet_id = var.subnet_id

copy 

4.1.4 Create Role

One of the requests we received was from a group
that wants to use the instance created by our module
to access other AWS resources.

AWS manages permissions through a system called

IAM, which stands for Identity and Access
Management. AWS uses what is known as a Role
Based Access Control system, often shortened as
RBAC, for permissions. These systems create
permissions by creating Policies (which combine
resources with allowed actions) for Roles. The Role
then gets assigned to users or machines. By creating
a Role for our Instance we can let other developers
add their policies for the machine. This allows our
module users to do things like give their instance the

ability to access S3 buckets (which are commonly
used to store data), secret management systems
(which could contain database credentials or API
keys the developer needs on the system), or any of
the other hundreds of services offered by AWS.

IAM for any vendor can be complicated. It may be

tempting to try and account for every possible set of
permissions right in our module: we could expose
variables for S3 buckets, create policies that
incorporate them, and then add additional services
and features. This is an impossible task though.
Every cloud provider has hundreds, if not thousands,
of services, and developers need the flexibility to
create custom and complex permissions.

Instead of accounting for every possibility we should

focus on giving users of our module the ability to
customize their permissions. This makes our task
much simpler, while also making our module more

So how do we keep it simple while still letting our

users control permissions? In our research we
learned that IAM needs two resources for every
instance to work; aws_iam_instance_profile and
aws_iam_role . To customize permission we can
then add new policy documents to the
aws_iam_role resource. Since every single AWS
Instance needs those two resources to allow IAM
permissions it makes sense that we would include 
that in our module. Since the policies themselves are
going to be custom for different projects we
shouldn’t try to define that. Instead, we can return
the aws_iam_role as an output and allow users to
attach policies to it themselves. This makes our
module useful without it being restrictive.

Our research also turned up another fact about IAM

that wasn’t so obvious. For an IAM role to get passed
to an instance we need to give AWS itself the
permission to grant the role to EC2. This is done
using an assume_role policy, which is a special
policy that tells AWS who is allowed to use the role.
To build that we’re going to use the
aws_iam_policy_document data source, which is a
fancy little helper for building policies that are clear
to read.

Listing 4.4 Creating a Role

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "instance_assume_ro
statement { #B
actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"]

principals {
type = "Service"
identifiers = ["ec2.amazonaws.com"] #C

resource "aws_iam_role" "main" {

name = "${var.name_prefix}-instanc
assume_role_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_documen

resource "aws_iam_instance_profile" "main" { #F 

name = aws_iam_role.role.name #G
role = aws_iam_role.role.name
resource "aws_instance" "hello_world" {
count = var.instance_count
ami = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
instance_type = var.instance_type
iam_instance_profile = aws_iam_instance_profile

tags = merge(var.tags, {
Name : "${var.name_prefix}-${count.index}"

copy 

Now that our role is created it can be used to grant

permission to the instances by creating and
attaching policies. It is impossible for us to think of
every possible policy and put it in our module, so we
return the role from the module as an output. This
way users of our module aren’t limited to only what
we’ve thought of and can use the module for things
we haven’t considered.

Listing 4.5 Role Output

output "aws_instance_role" {
value = aws_iam_role.main #A
} 
copy 

4.1.5 Enable Session Manager

The final feature request we got was to enable the

Session Manager for our instances. Before starting
we had no idea what this was, which is where
research came in again. After doing a quick search we
found the AWS Systems Manager documentation,
which let us know that the system manager is a
system with a bunch of small tools that help
maintain AWS instances. This has the Session
Manager that was requested by our users.

Our research says that we need to install a special

agent on our machines and then give it permission to
access the AWS Systems Manager service. Since
we’re using provided machine images (our data
lookup from chapters 2 and 3 looked up an AMI for
us) it turns out the agent is already installed, so
there’s nothing for us to do there. That just leaves
the permissions.

Fortunately, we set up our role for the last feature, so

now we have something to build on for adding 
permissions. AWS has a predefined IAM Policy that
grants the permissions needed for the Session
Manager, as well as other Systems Manager features,
to run on an instance. Since we’re using the AWS
managed policy we don’t have to create our own, but
we do need to use a data source named
aws_iam_policy to pull in the policy to our program.

Listing 4.6 Use a Data Source to find the AWS

Managed Policy
data "aws_iam_policy" "ssm_arn" {
arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedE

copy 

Now we can use the

policy to the role. We use our variable along with the
ternary statement, which is a one-line if/else
statement, to switch the count between 0 if the input
is false and 1 if the input is true. Using the count
variable in this way allows a resource to be toggled
on and off.

Listing 4.7 Session Manager

variable "enable_systems_manager" {
type = bool
description = "When enabled the Systems Manager
default = false

resource "aws_iam_policy_attachment" "ssm_attach"

count = var.enable_systems_manager ? 1 : 0
name = "${aws_iam_role.main.name}-ssm-atta
roles = [aws_iam_role.main.name]
policy_arn = data.aws_iam_policy.ssm_arn.arn

copy 

With this functionality in place, our module allows

users to enable or disable Systems Manager for their
instances using a single variable on our module. In
theory, we could have left it to the users to attach the
policy to the role we’ve exported, but since this is a
fairly common use case we save our users the trouble
and provide a simple interface to use this feature.
This is one of the powerful features of Terraform: by
providing this functionality in an easy to use way we
encourage users to take advantage of this feature
they may not have previously even known about.

4.1.6 Reviewing our Work
At this point we’ve evolved our module from
controlling a single simple instance to building a
series of dynamic resources. Our module can launch
multiple instances, supports connecting using
Systems Manager, and lets our users grant
permissions to any number of AWS systems.

Figure 4.2 The resources we create are circles.

We also pull in the AWS Subnet as a variable and
look up the AWS Machine Image and SSM

Our users can access all of that with a simple module

block that points to our module and defines a few
input variables.

Listing 4.8 Using our updated module.
module "my_instances" {
source = "github.com/tedivm/terraform_in_
num_instances = 5 #B
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
name_prefix = "example" #C
tags = {
"BillingGroup" = "mygroup" #D

copy 

What’s even more exciting about this is that these

upgrades will roll out to everyone using the module.
Although our features were requested by specific
users they are able to be used by anyone, and may
even inspire a few ideas from the teams benefiting.

To accomplish this we relied on a lot of new

functionality. We used functions to merge our tags,
used conditional statements to toggle functionality
on and off, and introduced the count
metaparameter. Throughout the rest of this chapter,
we’re going to dive deep into those features and
similar functionality that is used to dynamically
adjust our parameters. This will include different
operator types, functions in general as well as some 
specific important functions that you’ll use often,
and new expressions that help us transform groups
of data.

Any comments on sectio…

4.2 Operators and Conditionals

In software development, context operators are
symbols (one or more characters) that represent an
action or process. The most common place people
see operators outside of programming is in math,
where symbols like the addition and subtraction
signs are used to create equations. Operators in
Terraform work in similar ways, and indeed even
include some of the same symbols seen in math.

Operators let us create equations, compare values,

evaluate boolean logic, and create branching logic.

4.2.1 Math

One of the common uses of operators is to create

mathematical expressions; to literally do math.
Terraform has all of the basic mathematical
operators, allowing developers to handle most basic
arithmetic without the need for special functions.
This allows users to perform math right in their
Terraform programs. 
Table 4.1 Mathematical Operations

Operator Description Example Example

Usage Value

+ Addition 5+4 9

- Subtraction 10-5 5

* Multiplication 5*5 25

/ Division 40/10 4

% Modulus 50/9 5

Listing 4.9
locals {
availability_zones = min(var.active_availability
needed_subnets = local.availability_zones *

copy 

Other mathematical operations are available using
functions. We’ll talk about functions in the next
section of this chapter, but if you need to calculate
exponents, round numbers, or get absolute values
you can do that using functions.

4.2.2 Comparison
Operators are also used to compare values. This can
mean comparing the quantity of the value, such as
with the greater than and less than operators, or
whether the values are the same using the equality

Table 4.2 Comparison Operators

Operator Description Example Example

Usage Value

== Equality true == false


!= Inequality “This” != true


< Less Than 15 < 20 true

<= Less Than 20 <= 20 true

or Equal

> Greater 12 > 19 false 

>= Greater 10 >= 10 true
Than or

When comparing using the Equality operator it’s

important to note that the value has to be the same
type to be equal. Terraform does a lot of type
conversation behind the scenes so this doesn’t come
up often, but the string “12” and the number 12 will
return false with an equality check.

One way to use the equality operator and avoid errors

is to explicitly cast the values you’re comparing to
the same type. Alternatively, if you know that the
items are both of the appropriate type (if they are
both input variables with a defined type, for
instance) you can do the comparison without

Listing 4.10 Examples of Comparison Operators

locals {
alpha = 15 > 15 #A
beta = 15 >= 15 #B
gamma = 14 >= 15 #C
delta = "15" == 15 #D 
epsilon = "15" != 15 #E
zeta = toint("15") == 15 #F
copy 

4.2.3 Boolean Operators

You may remember from our discussion on types

that booleans are values that are either true or false.
The AND, OR, and Negation operators are known as
boolean operators, and they always resolve to
boolean values.

Table 4.3 Boolean Operators

Operator Description Example Example

Usage Value

|| or true || false true

&& and true && false false

! negation !true false

Listing 4.11 Examples of Boolean Operators

locals {
is_true = true || false
is_false = true && false
is_also_false = (true || false) && false
complex_example = var.servers > 15 || var.featur

copy 

4.2.4 Conditional (Terraform’s Ternary

What Terraform calls the Conditional Expressions is
often referred to as a ternary operator in pretty much
every other language. Unlike most operators which
have one or two values that it acts on, Conditional
Expressions operate on three values (hence
“ternary”). The first value has to resolve to a
boolean; if it is true the second expression is
returned, if it is false the third expression is
returned. This in essence, makes the Conditional
Statement an “if-then” statement.

As a result, this is perhaps one of the most powerful

operators in Terraform, as it allows branching logic.
We’ve already seen this used at the start of the

chapter to enable or disable the Systems Manager
integration of our AWS instance. Using the ternary
operator to enable or disable a resource based on a
variable input is an extremely common pattern when
working with Terraform. When building modules you
can accept a boolean variable, such as our
enable_systems_manager example, and convert
that boolean (which is always either true or
false ) into the number 1 for true or 0 for
false and pass that into count. Compared to asking
for a number this provides a much nicer interface for
users for resources that can only be turned on and

Listing 4.12 Condition Expressions to Enable a

resource "aws_iam_policy_attachment" "ssm_attach"
count = var.enable_systems_manager ? 1 : 0
name = "${aws_iam_role.main.name}-test-att
roles = [aws_iam_role.main.name]
policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.policy.arn

copy 

Another common use case is to switch between two 

different modules depending on settings. For
example, if you’re setting up networking on AWS you
can pick between NAT Instances and NAT Gateways
to connect your private subnets to the internet. Both
of these do the same thing (let your instances
connect to the internet) but do it in different ways. If
you made a module that configured networking in
AWS you may want to let people switch between
these two methods using a simple variable.

Behind the scenes, two submodules would each hold

the respective logic for the service, but only one
would be enabled at a time. This allows a simple
boolean variable the ability to switch between
complex configurations, which is what makes
conditional expressions so powerful.

The condition expression, like other expressions, is

not limited to the count parameter and can be used
anywhere an expression can be used. When using it
to toggle between resources you can also use it to
control the outputs to the module.

Listing 4.13 Conditional Expressions to Toggle

variable "use_nat_instance" {
description = "When enabled a NAT Instance will
type = bool
default = false

module "nat_instance" {
source = "./modules/nat_instance" 
count = var.use_nat_instance ? 1 : 0 #A
module "nat_gateway" {
source = "./modules/nat_gateway"
count = var.use_nat_instance ? 0 : 1 #B

output "nat_ip_address" { #C
value = var.use_nat_instance ? module.nat_instan

copy 

The Terraform Conditional has one feature that

makes it very unique amongst programming
languages: it evaluates both return results even
though only one is going to be used. Most
programming languages only evaluate the
expression that is being returned, but Terraform will
evaluate both of them. In most cases, this isn’t an
issue, but if you’re trying to choose between two
items and one of them doesn’t exist you’ll end up
with a potential error. A way to avoid this is with the
try function, which is discussed later in the

4.2.5 Order

Just like algebra, Terraform operators have their own
order of operations. If an expression contains
multiple operators then they will be evaluated in this
1. ! , - (when used to multiply by -1)
2. *, /, %
3. + , - (when used as subtraction)
4. > , >= , < , <=
5. == , !=
6. &&
7. ||

You can also use parentheses to override the order of

operations and ensure that the expressions you want
to evaluate are. While you can rely on the order of
operations, it can be difficult to read and error-prone
when editing. For the sake of clarity if you’re using
multiple operators in an expression consider putting
parentheses in even if they don’t change the logic.

Listing 4.14 Operator Ordering and Readability

locals {
confusing = 2 + 4 / 5 * var.multiple ? 4 : 9 - 7
clearer = 2 + ((4 / 5) * (var.multiple ? 4 : 9

copy 

Any comments on sectio…

4.3 4.3 Functions

Functions in Terraform are familiar to functions in
languages such as Python, Javascript, and C: they
have a name, take in parameters, and they return a
value. Where Terraform functions are different from
other languages is in their purpose. Terraform uses
functions primarily to transform data. This could be
by running special math functions, converting types,
building complex strings, or even converting errors
into booleans.

With Imperative languages, functions will not only

transform data, but they’ll “do” things. That could
mean opening a socket, saving a file to disk, running
an API call to a service, or even making physical
changes such as turning on a light or unlocking a
door. Terraform is a declarative language though, so
the type of operations that would change the state of
a system are reserved for Resources and Data
Sources. Functions exist to support creating and
configuring those resources and data sources, which
really means altering data to be used as arguments
when creating those block types.

4.3.1 Calling and Using Functions
Functions have a name, may take in arguments, and
always return values. A function has the format of
function_name(arg1, arg2, …), with the specific
arguments depending on the function themselves.
Functions aren’t required to have arguments, and
some even take in a dynamic number of arguments.

The timestamp function doesn’t have any

The file function needs a path, so it has
one argument.
The concat function needs at least two
arguments but can take any number on top of

Function arguments can themselves be expressions,

which will be resolved before being passed to the

Listing 4.15 Using Functions to Transform Data

locals { #A
is_dev = startswith(var.environment, "dev-")
env_name = split(var.environment, "-")[1] #C
env_label = upper(local.env_name) #D

copy 

4.3.2 The Standard Library

Terraform has a standard library of functions that it

ships with, and those are the only functions
available. Terraform does not have a way to define
custom functions or to add functions with providers.

This may seem weird, and it would certainly be a

problem if Terraform was an imperative language.
Terraform is a declarative language though, and the
vast majority of the work in the language is done
with Resources and Data Sources.

Terraform divides the functions into categories,

although these categories are mostly for
documentation's sake.

Table 4.4 Terraform Function Categories

Function Category Descriptions


Numeric Mathematical functions that

are too complicated to have
operators for.
String String and template
manipulation, including
regex and pattern matching

Collection Functions that manipulate

lists, objects, and maps.

Encoding Converting data into strings

and back, such as encoding
into JSON.

Filesystem File manipulation functions,

including templatefile.

Date and Time Functions for formatting and

manipulating dates, including
pulling the current

Hash and Functions for creating

Cryptography cryptographic hashes of data
as well as some cryptography

IP Network Functions that help

Functions automatically calculate
subnets. These are extremely
useful for setting up dynamic
IP address spacing.

Type Functions for converting data

Conversion from one type to another. 
It’s worth looking through and reviewing the list of
functions now and then, as it does occasionally grow
as new features are added. This chapter goes over the
most important functions to immediately know, and
others will be introduced and used throughout the

4.3.3 Pure Versus Impure Functions

In computer science terms functions can be pure or
impure. A pure function will always have the same
return value for the same inputs. For example, if a
function adds two numbers together then you would
always expect it to return the same result from the
same numbers (two plus two is always four). Most
functions in Terraform are pure functions and don’t
need any special consideration.

An impure function, on the other hand, can have

different results each time they are called. Two really
common examples of impure functions are random
functions and functions that return the current time.
Since time is always moving forward you can always
expect a different return value from a function that
gets the current time. A random function that always
returned the same value wouldn’t be very random.

In most languages, the difference between impure
and pure functions can be ignored, but in a
declarative language like Terraform, the difference is
extremely important. If an impure function is used to
generate the configuration of a resource then the
function will always cause Terraform to think that
the resource needs to be updated. To put it another
way, when impure functions are part of the
configuration then the second the Terraform apply is
run the workspace is already out of date.

If you find yourself in a situation where your code is

registering changes immediately after you’ve
already applied all of the updates then you should
look for cases where you may be using impure
functions. If you find yourself depending on
functions like uuid or timestamp then you may
want to look at the Random and Time providers in
Terraform, which we’ll discuss in Chapter 8.

Listing 4.16 Example of UUID function forcing

constant changes.
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
tags = {
id = uuid() #A

copy 

Any comments on sectio…

4.4 Strings and Templates

In the last chapter we talked about Strings and
introduced String Interpolation, which is one
method for building strings from a group of variables
and attributes. This is a great method for smaller
strings, such as when we used it to turn our
“name_prefix” variable into indexed names for our
instances at the beginning of the chapter. This can be
burdensome for larger strings, so Terraform
provides a system for managing large strings using
files and templates.

4.4.1 The file function

If you have a large string that you don’t need to

change at all then one convenient way to manage it is
by storing it in files. The file function takes in a path
and returns the contents of the path as a string. This
way you don’t have to put extremely long strings

directly in your code.
When using the file function it’s common to use the
special path value provided by Terraform. This is
an object that contains three values:

path.module contains a path to the module

that it’s being called from.
path.root contains the path to the root
path.cwd contains the path to the current
working directory. This is often, but not
always, the same as path.root .

The path.module value makes it easier to pull files

from inside of your module.

Listing 4.17 file_function Example

resource "aws_instance" "cloud_init_file" {
user_data = file("${path.module}/files/cloud-ini

copy 

4.4.2 The templatefile function 

The templatefile function is similar to the file
function except it also supports string interpolation
and basic iteration using the file as a template. This
is used quite often to define complex configuration
files to supply to programs or systems. If you’re
configuring a service that uses nginx (a common
HTTP Reverse Proxy) you can use a template to
generate the configuration file it expects.

The templatefile function takes two arguments.

Like the file function, it takes in a path that it uses to
load a template file.

The second argument is a map of strings. The keys

are the names of the interpolated variables, which
should also be present in the template. When
templatefile is run it will replace the variables in the
template with the values passed in from the map.

Listing 4.18 templatefile Function Example

resource "aws_instance" "template_file" {
user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/templat
services = ["nomad", "consul"], #B
backups = var.enable_backups, #B
hostname = "${var.name}-nomad" #B

copy 

4.4.3 String Template Language

So far we’ve seen a lot of interpolation, that is,

expressions that create a larger string by
incorporating a bunch of smaller ones. In these
cases, we’re taking the smaller string directly and
including in the larger one without any
transformations or logic.

Terraform strings and templates allow for more than

just string interpolation. With string templates you
can also call expressions and take advantage of logic
branches and iteration. This allows for arbitrary
complex strings to be generated from a smaller set of

String interpolation is represented with the “dollar

brackets” symbol, while directives such as if/else
statements use the “percentage brackets” symbol. In
the simplest example, we can include between two
branches depending on whether a flat is enabled.
This can be used to turn a feature on and off, or
switch between two different options. 
Listing 4.19 Using Branches in Templates
%{ if enable_feature }
feature_flag = 1 #A
%{ else }
feature_flag = 0 #B
%{ endif }

copy 

We can also call functions inside of our expressions.

The only limit here is that Terraform will not allow
us to call the templatefile function from inside of a
template, but other than that all of the functions are
available. We can do math, run type conversations,
and encode data right from in our templates.

Listing 4.20 Expressions in Templates

${value * 2} #A
${max(OptionA, OptionB)} #B

copy 

Even cooler, we can apply iteration in our templates.
If we have a map or a list we can iterate over all of the
values in our template.

Listing 4.21 Iterating over collections in

%{ for key, value in variable_object } #A
${key} ${value}
%{ endfor }

%{ for value in variable_list } #B

%{ endfor }

copy 

4.4.4 The template file resource

The templatefile function is not the only way to

access templates, although it is the recommended
way. Terraform does have a deprecated
“template_file” resource as part of the “template”

Listing 4.22 The template_file Resource Example
data "template_file" "main" { #A
template = file("${path.module}/example.tftpl")
vars = { #C
service_name = var.name
other_config = var.feature_enabled

copy 

There is no reason to ever use the template_file

resource with new code, and if you see this in a
module that you’re using you should remove it and
replace it with the templatefile function. By
marking it as deprecated the Terraform team has
made it clear that they do not plan on maintaining it
in the long term, and it will likely be removed from
the language at some point in the future. The only
reason that it’s even mentioned here is that a lot of
older code uses it, so you’re likely to see it when
reading examples or when using code that hasn’t
been updated in a while.

4.4.5 When not to use Templates

Templates are an amazing feature in Terraform, but 

there are situations where they are not appropriate.
In particular, if Terraform has a way to natively deal
with the format you’re trying to work with you are
always better using that method. Since Terraform
has a way to natively work with JSON and YAML, for
instance, you should avoid building templates to
create JSON and YAML files and instead rely on
Terraform to encode your data for you.

For example, it may be tempting to store IAM

Policies as templates and fill in their values from
variables. This can end up with malformed data that
can create errors down the line, and in general,
makes it harder to expand your module. You are
normally much better off storing the data directly in
code as a variable and then using the jsonencode
and yamlencode functions to handle turning it to
the appropriate string.

Listing 4.23 JSON and YAML Encoding with

strings and functions.
locals {
json_string = <<EOT
"{ #A
\"name\": \"${var.name}\"

config_object = { #B
name = var.name

yaml_config = yamlencode(local.config_object) #C
json_config = jsonencode(local.config_object) #C
} 
copy 

For specialty documents like IAM policies there are

even Data Sources that can be used instead of
templates for even deeper validation. These are nice
because they enforce the same structure as the
documents they represent, and are able to give you
better feedback when errors occur.

Any comments on sectio…

4.5 Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions are a small language used to
match string patterns. Pretty much every commonly
used programming language supports regular
expressions in one way or another. Terraform
supports the use of regular expressions through the
use of the “regex”, “regexall”, and “replace”

Regular expressions are powerful. We’ve seen

examples in previous chapters of using regular
expressions alongside the validation block to throw 
errors when input variables are set to invalid values.
Another common use is to extract a smaller string
from a bigger one, such as pulling an account
number out of an Amazon Resource Name (ARN, the
standardized identifier AWS uses for resources).

Listing 4.24 Regular Expression with Named

Capture Groups
locals {
arn_parts = regex(local.arn, "/^\\w+:(?P<par
arn_partition = arn_parts["partition"] #A
arn_service = arn_parts["service"] #A
arn_region = arn_parts["region"] #A
arn_account = arn_parts["account"] #A

copy 

When writing regular expressions in Terraform it’s

important to remember that Terraform was written
in Golang and uses the Golang regular expression
syntax. If you’re using tools such as Regex101 to test
your patterns out (which is highly recommended)
then you’ll want to set them to use the Golang syntax
for regular expressions.

4.5.1 Regex
The regex function is useful when you absolutely
have to get the results out of a string, or otherwise
fail. With this function, if no matching string is
found it will raise an error.

The return results of the regex function depend on

whether you use capture groups, which are a feature
of regular expressions that allow you to return
multiple strings from the same pattern. Capture
groups can be named or unnamed as long as the
pattern is consistent. Depending on your use of
capture groups you’ll get a different return value.

If you don’t use capture groups at all you’ll

get back a string matching your pattern.
If you use unnamed capture groups you’ll get
a list of the substrings in the order they were
defined in your regular expression pattern.
If you use named capture groups you’ll get
back a map, with the keys of the map being
the name of the group and the value being the

Listing 4.25 Regular Expressions with “regex”

variable "name" {
type = string
default = "dev-local"

locals {
env_type = regex(var.name, "/^[a-z]+/") #B
env_name = regex(var.name, "/^[a-z]+-(.*)/")[0]

env_error = regex(var.name, "/^[A-Z]/")

copy 

4.5.2 Regexall

The regexall function is very similar to the regex

function, except instead of finding one match it can
find all the matches from a string in the form of a

Just like regex, the return value types will vary

depending on your use of capture groups. It follows
the same rules, only it returns a list of all the results
instead of just a single result.

If there aren’t any capture groups you get a

list of strings.
If there are unnamed capture groups you get
a list of lists. 
If there are named capture groups you get a
list of maps.
Unlike the regex function, the regexall will not throw
an error if no results are found. Instead, you get an
empty list.

Listing 4.26 Regular Expressions

variable "aws_region" {
type = string
default = "us-east-1"
validation { #A
condition = length(regexall("/^[a-z]{2}-[a
error_message = "This value must match the aws

copy 

4.5.3 Replace

The replace function is used to alter a string by

searching for a pattern and replacing it with a new
string. The replace function can take pure strings or
regular expressions, which it recognizes by the
wrapping slashes in the regular expression pattern.

Listing 4.27 Using the Replace function with plan 

locals {
simple_swap = replace("Hello World!", "Hello",

flexible_swap = replace("Hello World", "/^[a-zA-

copy 

If capture groups are used in the pattern then the

captured strings are available for use in the
replacement string. If they are unnamed capture
groups the replacement text accesses them by index
number ( $1 , $2 , etc) while named groups have
variables with the same name.

Listing 4.28 Using the Replace function with

regular expressions
locals { #A
reuse_swap = replace("ip_address:;"

copy 

Any comments on sectio…

4.6 Type Conversion

We’ve talked about type a few times now, mostly in
the context of defining input variables. Outside of
that case type can mostly be ignored, as Terraform
itself will handle conversation between one type and
another automatically if possible. That said
Terraform does have a few ways to change the type,
as well as the sensitivity, of a value.

4.6.1 Implicit Type Conversion

Terraform attempts to convert types automatically if

possible. If a string is passed in where a number is
expected, Terraform will try to convert that to a
number. If the string contains only numbers and a
decimal point this will work pretty well. Terraform
will also convert the booleans true and false
into the strings “true” and “false” , which
works in the other direction as well.

If Terraform cannot convert a value into the needed
type an error will be thrown. Terraform also won’t
convert types when using the equality operators, ==
and != .

Listing 4.29 Implicit Type Conversion from

Number to String
locals { #A
long_pi = 3.14159
pi_string = substr(local.long_pi, 0, 3) #B

copy 

4.6.2 The toType functions

Terraform also has a way to explicitly convert the

type using functions. Basically every type has a
“toType” function: tobool , tolist , tomap ,
tonumber , toset , tostring .

In general the Terraform developers recommend

that these functions only be used to normalize
output of modules, so that modules have a consistent 
type on their outputs.
Listing 4.30 Explicit Type Conversion with toType
locals {
enable_flag = "true"

output "feature_enabled" {
value = tobool(local.enable_flag) #A

copy 

4.6.3 Sensitive and Nonsensitive

Values can be marked as Sensitive, which Terraform
uses as a signal to prevent the value from being
displayed or logged. This sensitive flag doesn’t just
apply to the initial value, but can also apply to values
derived from it. For example, if you embed a
sensitive string inside of another string it can mark
the new string as sensitive.

As this system is rather conservative and marks all

sensitive derived values as sensitive themselves
there will be times when innocuous values will get 
marked as sensitive when they aren’t. Other times
you may have a value that isn’t sensitive but you
think should be. Terraform offers a way to explicitly
change the sensitive flag using the sensitive and
nonsensitive functions.

Since Terraform values can not change these

functions do not actually change an existing variable.
Instead, the functions return a new value with the
corresponding sensitivity flag. In other words, if you
pass a value that is sensitive to the nonsensitive
function, the function will return a new value that is
identical but no longer marked as sensitive.

Listing 4.31 Sensitive and Nonsensitive

resource "random_uuid" "visible_uuid" { #A

locals {
sensitive_uuid = sensitive(random_uuid.visible_u

copy 

If you use either of these functions you should review

and document why you’re using them. If you are
making a value sensitive it may be a sign that you’re 
using a variable that should have been assigned as
sensitive but wasn’t. At the same time if you’re
removing the sensitive flag with the nonsensitive
function then you should make sure you aren’t going
to leak information that is better kept out of logs.

Any comments on sectio…

4.7 Try and Can

The Try and Can functions are both useful in
situations where you potentially, or even
purposefully, expect an error to occur.

The Try function takes in any number of arguments

and returns the first one that isn’t an error. A
common use case is to provide a default value for an
expression that can fail with some input: for that,
the try statement takes the expression as the first
argument and the default value as the second. It is
also pretty common to see Try statements used to
prevent errors while looking up attributes of optional
resources (where the count is either 0 or 1 depending
on input).

Listing 4.32 Using the Try function to test a

dynamic resource.
output "instance_id" { 
value = try(aws_instance.main[0].id, null) #A
copy 

The Can function converts an expression into a

boolean, returning false if that expression triggered
an error and returning true for all other results. The
main purpose of this function is to test validation
rules in variables, and it is recommended not to use
the Can function outside of that use case. If you want
to use Can somewhere else chances are you should be
using Try.

Listing 4.33 Using Can in validation rules to give

specific error messages.
variable "number_string" {
type = string
validation {
condition = can(tonumber(var.number_string
error_message = "Although this variable is a s

copy 

These functions are great for normalizing data but
do not use them to hide real errors. If there’s a place
where errors are occurring you should always try to
eliminate the error itself rather than cover it up. One
area where these functions are great is validation
blocks, as they let you catch the errors and replace
them with better error messages. They can also be
useful inside of some output blocks. Outside of those
scenarios you should make sure to document your
reasoning for using it in a comment.

Any comments on sectio…

4.8 Count and For_each

Terraform supports Iteration a bit differently than
other languages. The typical do and while loops
really don’t make sense outside of imperative
languages, but there are still cases where it makes
sense to iterate over objects or attempt to do
something more than once. Terraform has two forms
of iteration:

Creating multiple resources at once,

Transforming groups of data from one type to

The foreach and count metaparameters

accomplish the first goal. These two metaparameters
each give a slightly different way for a single block to
define multiple resources. At most one of these
parameters can be used in a block, as attempting to
use both will trigger an error. Accomplishing the
second goal can be done with the for expression,
which we’ll discuss in the section after this.

4.8.1 Count
The count metaparameter makes it possible for
Module and Resource blocks to create multiple
objects from a single block. It is a simpler method for
creating multiple objects. It takes in an integer and
creates that many items. If you pass in five it will
create five, if you pass in 0 as a value then it won’t
create any.

Blocks that use count get access to a special variable

named count that is only valid inside of the block.
This variable has one attribute named index , which
is a zero-indexed identifier for each item created. If
you use this to create multiple AWS Instances, such
as in the beginning of the chapter, then the value of
count.index will be a different number (starting
with zero) for each of them.

Listing 4.34 Using the Count metaparameter to

create resources. 
variable "subnet_ids" {
description = "A list of subnet ids to launch in
type = set(string)

variable "num_instances" {
description = "How many instances to launch."
type = number
default = 0

resource "aws_instance" "instances" {

count = var.num_instances
subnet_id = var.subnet_ids[count.index % cou
instance_type = "t3.micro"
ami = data.aws_ami.main.id #B

copy 

The count parameter can be used with the

Conditional Statement to define a resource that can
be toggled on and off with a boolean. This is
especially useful inside of modules, as it provides a
very nice interface for users to turn on optional

Listing 4.35 Count as a Toggle

variable "enable_resource" {
type = bool
default = true
} 
resource "resource_type" "resource_name" {
count = var.enable_resource ? 1 : 0 #A

copy 

4.8.2 For_each
The for_each metaparameter services a similar
function as count, except that it takes in an object or
list instead of an integer and gives developers access
to the each variable instead of the count variable.
This each variable is an object with two items, a
key and a value . For objects the key and value
map to the object’s own keys and values. When using
a list each element is passed to both each.key and
each.value .

This structure lets each object created from the block

have its own configuration. Let’s say we wanted to
create a bunch of instances each with their own
name, instance type, and subnet. We can create a
local object that has the instance names as a key, and
the custom variables for each instance as the values.
Then using the for_each parameter alongside our

module we can use a single block to create all of
these instances.
It’s also possible to use for_each with lists. This can
come in handy when you have a group of resources
that only differ on one field. AWS has a resource
called VPC Endpoints that can be a good example of
this. These endpoints create AWS APIs inside of your
VPC, so you can access AWS services without going
over the internet (saving money in transfer fees
while also making your services more resilient). It’s
possible to create a module that takes a list of
services you want to enable these endpoints for and
create them from that list.

Listing 4.36 Using for_each to create resources

with different parameters.
locals {
machine_configs = {
"web_server" = {
type = "t3.large"
"background_processor" = {
type = "m3.large"

resource "aws_instance" "for_each" {

for_each = local.configs #A
subnet_id = var.subnet_id #B
instance_type = each.value.type #C
tags = {
Name = each.key #D
} 
locals { #E
vpc_endpoints = [ #F

data "aws_region" "current" {} #G

resource "aws_vpc_endpoint" "s3" { #H

for_each = local.vpc_endpoints
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
service_name = "com.amazonaws.${data.aws_region

copy 

4.8.3 Accessing Attributes

Resources and Modules that use count still have

outputs and attributes. Instead of accessing them
directly though they are accessed like you would a
list. You can access them individually using their
index value, or you can iterate over all of the values
like any other list or object.

Listing 4.37 Accessing Attributes from Resource

with count or for_each.
resource "aws_instance" "main" { 
count = var.count
output "first_instance" {
value = aws_instance.main[0] #A

copy 

4.8.4 Limitations and Workarounds

The values passed to foreach and count have to be

known to Terraform at the start of the plan phase.
This means the values can not rely on data from
Resources or Data Sources to calculate their values.
There are even some functions, such as the
timestamp and uuid functions, which can not be
used here. When either foreach or count needs
information that isn’t available to it at the early
planning phase then Terraform will throw an error.

These limitations are especially painful when

working with foreach. With count, you’re dealing
with a very simple value so it’s easier to find ways to
calculate it without remote values. When using
foreach you generally are passing in more complex
configurations, and if any part of that configuration
comes from a resource attribute or “impure 
function” then it can’t be used.
There are some workarounds to this behavior. Since
count is often simpler and less prone to this error it
can be used in places where foreach would give an
error. The configuration values that are needed can
be stored in an intermediate local variable, and then
that variable can be referenced by the count.index
value. This works because it’s only the
metaparameter that needs to be known by Terraform
in advance, so we can use count as the
metaparameter and pull out our local values for
configuration during a later part of the planning

Listing 4.38 Working around for_each

variable "num_resources" {
type = number

variable "subnet_ids" {
type = list(string)

resource "aws_instance" "distributed_servers_error

for_each = var.subnet_ids #A
subnet_id = each.value

resource "aws_instance" "distributed_servers_worka

count = var.num_instances
subnet_id = element(var.subnet_ids, count.index

copy 

It is also possible to break up the Terraform plan to

create resources in batches so the ones depending on
the count or foreach value will be created later in the
process after the information is loaded. Terraform
will even mention this as a possibility when the error

This is, to be blunt, a horrible practice. Part of the

beauty of Terraform is the ability to easily launch
and tear down the environment while Terraform
handles your ordering for you. If you try to work
around limitations by complicating your deployment
process you’re going to make Terraform more
painful to work with. Instead, look at ways you can
refactor your code to remove the problem itself.

Any comments on sectio…

4.9 For
The for statement allows developers to run a
transformation on every item in a group and then 
return a new group with those transformations. It
can also be used to filter items out of the group.
As a very simple example, lets say you have a list of
strings and you want to add a prefix to each item in
the list.

[for item in var.list : “prefix-${item}”]

copy 

This statement can be translated into English as “for

each item in this list create a new string”. The
statement takes each string in the list, places its
value into the item variable for use by the
transformation section, and then packages all the
results up into a new list.

The for statement can be complicated because it has

different options depending on what types you put in
and what types you take out. You can put in anything
that converts to a list or object (so sets, maps,
tuples), and you can return either a list or an object.

4.9.1 List and Object Inputs

The biggest difference between using a list or an

object as your input is that Terraform will give you

access to the key and the value when iterating over
an object, while you only get access to the values
when using a list.

Listing 4.39 Using for expressions with different

input types.
locals {
object_example = [for key, value in var.object
list_example = [for x in var.list : x * 2] #D

copy 

4.9.2 List and Object Outputs

So far our examples have all returned lists. The for
expression can also return objects. A for statement
that returns an object will be surrounded by curly
brackets, while statements that return a list will be
wrapped with square brackets. With objects, you also
have to return a key, not just a value like with a list.
To make this work Terraform has a special operator
that is only used in this specific case, the =>
operator. 
Listing 4.40 Using for expressions with different
locals {
objects = { for x in var.list : s => md5(s) } #C

copy 

4.9.3 Filtering
The for statement can support filtering objects with
an optional if statement. When this statement isn’t
present then every item is included, but when it is
present then it only includes items if the statement
returns true.

Listing 4.41 Using for expressions to filter lists

and objects.
locals {
filtered_list = [for x in var.inputs : x if x !=
evens_only = [for x in var.numbers : x if x %

copy 

4.9.4 Grouping mode

Grouping Mode is an interesting feature of the for

expression. It can be used to create new objects,
where each key in the new object points to a
collection of values (such as a list of strings). What
makes this interesting is that the values are built up
over multiple iterations, not just through one

When using grouping mode you define your output

like normal, with a key and a value. To turn on
grouping mode you add three dots (an ellipsis) after
your value. Now you can use the same key multiple
times, and the results from each iteration will get
merged with the other outputs of the same key.

Listing 4.42 Grouping data with for expressions

locals {
servers_by_subnet = { #A
for server in aws_instances.main[*] : server.s

copy 

4.9.5 Splat

The Splat Expression is a simple way to turn

expressions into lists. Everything that’s possible to
do with the splat expression can be done with the for
expression, but the splat expression removes a lot of
boilerplate around a fairly common operation.

Listing 4.43 Removing for boilerplate with splat

variable "object_config" {
type = list(object({
id = string
type = string

locals { #A
config_id_for = [for x in var.object_config :
config_id_splat = var.object_config[*].id #B

copy 

A common pattern is to use the splat operator to take
the output of a module or resource that uses “count”
or “for_each” to turn that output into a list. For
example, our instance example has an output for the
aws_instance_ip . We can use the splat operator to
get a list of aws_instance_ip values, which we can
then pass to a security group.

Listing 4.44 Simple Splat Usecases

locals { #A
instance_ids_for = [for x in module.instances
instance_ids_splat = module.instances[*].aws_ins

copy 

The splat expression can also be used to turn a single

value into a list that contains that value. This is
useful if you have arguments that expect a list but
you only plan on sending one item to it. By putting
the splat operator after the variable it will return a
one item list.

Listing 4.45 Using splat to convert single items to
variable "security_group_id" {
type = string

resource "aws_instance" "sg_example" {

vpc_security_group_ids = var.security_group_id[*

copy 

Any comments on sectio…

4.10 Dynamic Blocks

Going back to our second chapter we know that HCL
objects have both arguments and subblocks.
Arguments can only be used once inside a block, but
subblocks can be used repeatedly to build up a set of

What if you want to optionally define a block, or use

a different number of blocks depending on the
circumstances? For example, many providers use
subblocks to define their network access rules. These
rules can change based on need. Someone may want 
multiple ports open or none at all. API Gateways and
Content Delivery Networks also tend to use
subblocks in their resources, and making a reusable
module would be difficult if all the subblocks had to
be defined in advance.

Terraform has a construct called Dynamic Blocks

which use a special subtype named dynamic that is
used to create subblocks. It uses the subblock name
as a label and takes a for_each parameter similar
to the one used by Resources and Modules. For each
of the values passed in it creates a unique block, and
it makes those values available when defining the
block config.

Dynamic Blocks have the most confusing syntax in

all of Terraform. Rather than using the each or
count keyword like other iterators in the language,
the Dynamic block creates a new keyword each time
it is used named after the subblock the dynamic
block is creating. It also puts all of the configuration
inside of a sub-subblock named content . As a
result, a lot of new Terraform developers end up
looking this up often.

Listing 4.46 Dynamic Block

variable "security_group_rules" {
type = list(object({
description = string,
from_port = number,
to_port = number
protocol = string 
cidr_blocks = list(string)
resource "aws_security_group" "main" {
name = "${var.name}-sg"
description = "The security group for an AWS Ins
vpc_id = var.vpc_id

dynamic "ingress" { #A
for_each = var.security_group_rules #B

content {
description = ingress.description #C
from_port = ingress.from_port #C
to_port = ingress.to_port #C
protocol = ingress.protocol #C
cidr_blocks = ingress.cidr_blocks #C

ingress { #D
description = "HTTPS"
from_port = 443
to_port = 443
protocol = tcp
cidr_blocks = [""]

copy 

Although Dynamic Blocks are based on the for_each

parameter rather than the count parameter it is still
possible to use it to toggle a block on and off. In this
case, we use the Conditional Statement to switch 
between an empty list and a list with a single
placeholder value. If the empty list is provided the
block won’t be enabled, while the value from the
placeholder list is enough to create the block even if
the value isn’t used.

Listing 4.47 Dynamic Block Toggle

resource "aws_security_group" "dynamic" {

name = "${var.name}-sg"
description = "The security group for an AWS Ins
vpc_id = var.vpc_id

dynamic "ingress" { #A
for_each = var.enable_public_https ? ["placeho
content {
description = "Enable global access to port
from_port = 443 #C
to_port = 443
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""] #D

egress { #E
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]
ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]

copy 

In this chapter we learned how to use more of the
logical components of the Terraform language.
We’ve expanded our toolset to include the operators,
standard library of functions, and iteration; tools we
can use to make modules that are far more flexible.
In our next chapter we’re going to spend more time
focused on how Terraform takes our code and
converts it into a plan that it can then execute, which
in turn will help understand how to write more
efficient code and the types of problems we can run
into and how to avoid them.

Any comments on sectio…

4.11 Summary
Terraform has a variety of operators that can
be used to perform math, boolean operations,
and comparisons (such as greater
than/equals to).
There is a rich standard library of functions
built into Terraform, but those are the only
functions available as there is no way for
third parties to create or add new ones.
Functions in Terraform are primarily used to
transform data, not to take action.
Larger strings can be stored as either files or
templates, with templates having their own 
small language that can be used to generate
complex strings from developer input.
Resources and Modules can have multiple
instances of resources created from the same
block through the use of count and
foreach .

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