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Articulo 3
Waste Management
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Article history: With the purpose of developing a novel approach of agricultural waste treatment and overcoming bottle-
Received 14 September 2019 necks for upscaling solid-state fermentation processes, the type of aerated, continuously stirred solid-
Revised 11 November 2019 state bioreactors were used for the production of c-PGA by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JX-6. Using corn
Accepted 10 December 2019
stalk and soybean meal, the most common agricultural waste in China, as solid substrates, the maximum
Available online 16 December 2019
production of c-PGA was 116.88 ± 5.05 g/kg and 102.48 ± 3.30 g/kg in 50 L and 150 L bioreactors, respec-
tively. Production of c-PGA in 50 L bioreactor was higher than in 150 L bioreactor, demonstrating that a
reduction in c-PGA production occurred as the fermentation system enlarged. An analysis of the interac-
Agricultural waste
Poly-c-glutamic acid
tions among fermentation parameters (temperature, moisture, and pH), c-PGA production, solid sub-
Solid-state bioreactor strates and bacterial communities indicated that different bioreactor capacities caused changes in
Non-sterilized condition fermentation parameters and bacterial communities, which in turn affected substrate utilization and
Bacterial community c-PGA production. Overall, obtaining considerable amounts of c-PGA under non-sterilized fermentation
expressed that JX-6 has excellent abilities to adapt to these substrates and conditions. Bioconversion of
agricultural waste into c-PGA in scale-up fermentation was successfully conducted by creating a more
stable and suitable fermentation environment in bioreactors.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0956-053X/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
940 J. Fang et al. / Waste Management 102 (2020) 939–948
c-PGA production by Bacillus. amyloliquefaciens JX-6 in continu- Corn stalk Soybean meal
ously stirred, solid-state bioreactors. Continuously stirred bioreac- TS (%) 92.53 ± 0.13 88.90 ± 0.08
tors (CSR) are not commonly utilized in SSF (Thomas et al., 2013). VS (%) 90.84 ± 0.61 92.90 ± 0.08
The process of c-PGA production by microorganism is strictly aer- Total C (%TS) 44.59 ± 0.13 49.65 ± 0.09
obic, and oxygen plays an important part in the growth of micro- Total N (%TS) 1.23 ± 0.01 7.23 ± 0.14
Cellulose (%) 29.41 ± 1.74 12.71 ± 0.52
bials and synthesis of c-PGA (Zhang et al., 2012). Hence, it Hemicellulose (%) 24.62 ± 0.71 5.82 ± 1.67
appears recommendable to use bioreactors equipped with ventilat- Lignin (%) 4.64 ± 0.23 1.51 ± 0.21
ing and stirring devices to ensure adequate oxygen levels for
microbial growth and c-PGA production during SSF processes. At
the same time, automatic controlling systems can regulate temper- compressor, and some sensors. Temperature in the bioreactor is
ature and humidity and minimize large fluctuation. When fermen- kept constant by a water jacket by circulating cold or hot water.
tation experiments are conducted under non-sterilized conditions, An air compressor, transports air from outside into the bioreactor.
the effects of interactions within complex microbial communities Outside air is introduced at the bottom of the reactor after humid-
on c-PGA production must also be considered. Traditional analyti- ification by a water tower at 35 °C. Partial gas is emitted at the top
cal methods of microbial structure and composition in SSF were of the bioreactor, and constantly monitored by temperature and
dependent on selective-plating and Real-Time Polymerase Chain moisture sensors. Solid media were mixed completely in the biore-
Reaction (RT-PCR) in combination with Denaturing Gradient Gel actor and inoculated with JX-6 after temperature reached 35 °C.
Electrophoresis (DGGE) (Wang et al., 2011); however, these meth-
ods cannot accurately and quickly distinguish all microorganisms
present in samples. Moreover, there was only an article described 2.2.2. Solid-state fermentation in the 50L bioreactor
the dynamic shifts of bacterial community using PCR-DGGE in the 10.00 kg of medium with an initial moisture content of 60% and
production of c-PGA under non-sterilized fermentation conditions a pH of 7.5 were used to produce c-PGA by JX-6. The medium was
(Yong et al., 2011a). In addition, to date no study has used high- composed of 2.00 kg CS, 2.00 kg SBM and 0.40 kg IMSG. The non-
throughput sequencing to analyze microbial communities in the sterilized substrates were mixed thoroughly, inoculated with a
context of SSF with unsterilized substrates. level of 5% JX-6 (v/w), and then fermented at 35 °C for 72 h in a
The objective of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for 50 L solid-state bioreactor. During the process of fermentation,
upscaling the bioconversion of agricultural waste into c-PGA by the air flow rate was 2 m3/h and the stirring speed was kept con-
fermentation processed in solid-state reactors to an industrial stant at 10 rpm.
level. For this purpose, experimental bioreactor capacity was
increased from 50 L to 150 L. This was the first research to inves- 2.2.3. Solid-state fermentation in the 150L bioreactor
tigate the production of c-PGA at different fermentation scales. To further scale-up fermentation, 7.5 kg CS and 7.5 kg SBM sup-
Moreover, this study could make some contributions to the pro- plemented with 1.5 kg IMSG were prepared to produce c-PGA in a
duction of c-PGA in large-scale fermentation processes: not only 150 L solid-state bioreactor. The fermentation parameters of 150 L
the changes of fermentation parameters, solid substrates, bacterial bioreactor were the same as in the 50 L bioreactor. In order to
community and c-PGA production along with their interactions make sure the consistency of aeration rate per unit volume both
during fermentation were performed, but also the reason of differ- reactors, the air flow rate in the150 L bioreactor was set to 6 m3/h.
entiation of c-PGA production at different fermentation scales was
explored. 2.3. Analytical methods
Fig. 2. Changes of temperature, moisture content and pH in (a) 50 L bioreactor, (b) 150 L bioreactor.
bioreactor. Overall, the control mechanisms for the temperature with previous studies that there was only on absorption peak with
and moisture content of solid substrates effectively ensured pure c-PGA in the wavebands of 190–600 nm (Zeng et al., 2012).
homogenous conditions in these bioreactors. These findings indi- To demonstrate the interactions between c-PGA production and
cate that CSR should be considered a feasible approach to over- IMSG content, as well as their dynamic changes over time, the SSF
come bottlenecks associated with controlling temperature and was performed based on the substrates of CS and SBM supplement-
humidity, which have impeded the upscaling of fermentation pro- ing with IMSG. IMSG consumption and c-PGA accumulation were
cessed for c-PGA synthesis. observed simultaneously in the 50 L and 150 L bioreactors
(Fig. 3). Overall, trends of c-PGA accumulation and IMSG consump-
3.2. c-PGA production tion were similar in the two bioreactors, which is matched up with
previous findings (Zhang et al., 2019). The yield of c-PGA initially
In order to evaluate the quality of c-PGA produced by B. amy- increased without a long lag phase, quickly reached a peak, and
loliquefaciens JX-6, Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer was used to after that began to decrease. Simultaneously, the content of IMSG
determine the absorption peak of c-PGA in 190–600 nm. The was decreased continually, and then remained approximately con-
absorption spectra between the c-PGA standards and c-PGA prod- stant after the maximum of c-PGA production was reached. As the
ucts displayed the same waveforms (Fig. S1). Both standards and consumption of IMSG and accumulation of c-PGA seemed syn-
products had an absorption peak at 192 nm, which was consistent chronous, it could be inferred that the utilization of IMSG resulted
J. Fang et al. / Waste Management 102 (2020) 939–948 943
Fig. 3. Time course of c-PGA production and IMSG content in (a) 50 L bioreactor, (b) 150 L bioreactor.
in increased synthesis of c-PGA (Chen et al., 2005), which is consis- Fig. 3a illustrated the trajectories of c-PGA production and
tent with previous research, reporting that glutamic acid was the IMSG content in the 50 L bioreactor. The yield of c-PGA increased
most suitable precursor for c-PGA formation (Sung et al., 2005). at the beginning of the fermentation process, and reached a peak
Considering the effects of c-PGA depolymerase (Yao et al., 2009) within 48 h. At the same time, the content of IMSG was reduced
and the activity of the microbial communities, the reduction of to 11.63 ± 7.08 g/kg, and remained relatively constant at approxi-
c-PGA production in the late phase of fermentation was not sur- mately 10 g/kg until the fermentation process ended. Successive
prising. In Fig. 3, the substrate composed of CS, SBM and IMSG sup- consumption of IMSG led to the accumulation of c-PGA (Yao
ported the maximum production of c-PGA of 116.88 ± 5.05 g/kg et al., 2012), and the decrease of IMSG stopped when c-PGA pro-
and 102.48 ± 3.30 g/kg in the 50 L and 150 L solid-state bioreactors, duction leveled off. The process of SSF in the 150 L bioreactor
respectively. This exhibits that CS and SMB, as the economic and reached a maximum production of c-PGA obtained within 54 h,
available resources, can provide sufficient nutrition and energy indicating that fermentation time was longer and maximum yield
for c-PGA production by SSF, with no need for any additional sup- was lower, in comparison to the processes occurring in the 50 L
plements or ingredients. bioreactor. These results demonstrate that SSF was carried out in
944 J. Fang et al. / Waste Management 102 (2020) 939–948
fermentation parameters during SSF, it can be inferred that the fac- Cellulose (%) Hemicellulose (%) Lignin (%)
tors affecting fermentation processes in the 150 L bioreactor are Before fermentation 28.55 ± 1.03 22.37 ± 2.92 6.25 ± 0.15
much more complex. Besides temperature, moisture content, and After fermentation (50L) 19.56 ± 0.76 14.29 ± 0.29 5.33 ± 0.71
pH of the substrate, other factors need to be considered, including After fermentation (150L) 20.61 ± 0.76 16.11 ± 0.88 5.69 ± 0.52
heat and mass transfer as well as oxygen supply (Pitol et al., 2016).
This applies especially to the dynamics and diversities of microbial
communities (Durand, 2003) under non-sterilized conditions. It is during SSF (Sun et al., 2016). The structural changes in the sub-
recommendable to measure these parameters potentially influenc- strate differed between the two solid-state bioreactors. It seemed
ing c-PGA production in future experiments. A comparison of that SSF had more significant effects on CS and SBM structures in
c-PGA production using different substrates is shown in Table 2. the 50 L bioreactor than in the larger one.
Few literatures concentrate on bioconversion of agro-industrial Considering that each functional group has a specific absor-
waste into c-PGA in large-scale fermentation. Moreover, using corn bance pattern in the infrared absorption spectrum (Jiang et al.,
stalk as the substrates for c-PGA production is the first time. It is 2012), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used
noteworthy that the production of c-PGA in the 50 L bioreactor to monitor the changes in functional groups of solid substrates in
was the highest in all reported literatures, whereas the c-PGA pro- the absorption bands of 400–4000 cm1. After fermentation, the
duction in the 150 L bioreactor was also at a relatively high level. FT-IR spectra in Fig. S2 of all substrate samples displayed the same
waveforms as before SSF, although the intensities of all functional
groups had significantly declined. This indicates that the SSF pro-
3.3. Changes of solid substrates cess had an effect on the intensities of functional groups, but not
the types of groups present. For example, wavenumbers near
High yield of c-PGA was obtained in the two bioreactors, using 3400 cm1 were assigned to OH stretching, linked to hydrogen
substrates of CS and SBM, thus, it is necessary to assess the phys- bonds (Sevilla and Fuertes, 2009). In the 50 L bioreactor, the inten-
ical changes of solid substrates before and after fermentation. For sity of the wavenumber 3409 cm1 decreased from 47 at 0 h to 19
this purpose, the changes in lignocellulose content, surface mor- at 72 h, whereas in the 150 L bioreactor intensity decreased to 27
phology, and functional groups of solid substrates were analyzed. at 72 h, suggesting a rupture of hydrogen bonds by SSF. A similar
Table 3 shows the different degradation rates of lignocellulose in pattern was observed for the wavenumber 2920 cm1, associated
50 L and 150 L bioreactors. Both cellulose and hemicellulose were with CH3, CH2, and CH stretching (Luo et al., 2017). While the
degraded in the two bioreactors, although, the removed fraction of absorbance of 2920 cm1 was 62 before fermentation, it declined
lignocellulose was larger in the 50 L bioreactor. The content of cel- to 30 and 38 after fermentation in the 50 L and 150 L bioreactors,
lulose and hemicellulose in the 50 L bioreactor decreased from 28. respectively. In addition, the intensities of functional groups in the
55 ± 1.03% to 19.56 ± 0.76% and from 22.37 ± 2.92% to 14.29 ± 0. 50 L bioreactor were all lower than that in the 150 L bioreactor,
29%, respectively, whereas the content of cellulose was 20.61 ± 0. both at 36 h and 72 h, suggesting the greater influence of SSF on
76% and hemicellulose was 16.11 ± 0.88% after fermentation in substrates in the smaller reactor. This is consistent with the obser-
the 150 L bioreactor. Among the three components of lignocellu- vation that lignocellulose degradation and structural substrate
lose, lignin was the most difficult to decompose, which is in agree- changes were greater in the 50 L bioreactor.
ment with previous studied (Guan et al., 2015). There was almost
no degradation of lignin during the short SSF process. The analyzed
differences in lignocellulose content indicated that B. amyloliquefa- 3.4. Dynamics of bacterial community
ciens JX-6 can partially decompose the cellulose and hemicellulose
but had no effect on lignin, which was consistent with previous To evaluate the dynamic change in the bacterial communities
studies reporting that B. amyloliquefaciens, is a promising strain during SSF, 16 s rRNA high throughput sequencing was used and
for biological treatment of CS, with the ability to selectively sequences were retrieved from solid substrates in the two bioreac-
degrade lignocellulose (Guo et al., 2008). tors at 0 h, 12 h, 24 h, 36 h, 48 h, 60 h, and 72 h. The structure of
There were noticeable changes in the surface morphology of CS bacterial phyla and genera with a relative abundance greater than
and SBM before and after fermentation (Fig. S1). Compact and 1% are shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that the sources of micro-
smooth structures could be observed in both CS and SBM before bial composition do not only include the initial inoculum and sub-
fermentation, which showed that the physical appearance of sam- strates themselves, but also very likely the surrounding
ples surfaces was not damaged by mechanical grinding (Guan environment (Shi et al., 2018). Samples from the 50 L bioreactor
et al., 2015). Scanning electron microscope images showed sub- mainly consisted of five phyla, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Actinobac-
stantial cracking and fragmentation of CS and SBM material after teria, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria. All of these also appeared in
fermentation, revealing the effects of microbial decomposition 150 L bioreactor, in addition to Fibrobacteres (Fig. 4a, b). The
Table 2
Comparison of c-PGA production on compost fermentation using agro-industrial waste.
Fig. 4. Dynamic changes of bacterial community. Relative abundance of bacterial community on Phylum level in (a) 50 L bioreactor, (b) 150 L bioreactor, Relative abundance
of bacterial community on Genus level in (c) 50 L bioreactor, (d) 150 L bioreactor.
dominant phyla in the two bioreactors were almost similar, and Strenotrophomonas, and Weissella being the most abundant genera.
the diversity of the bacterial community was prone to decline as Before fermentation, the diversity of genera in the 150 L bioreactor
the fermentation progressed. Firmicutes was the most dominant was richer than in 50 L bioreactor. It may be related to the indige-
phyla during the entire period of SSF, with its relative abundance nous microorganism within the bioreactor because the materials
consistently exceeding 50%, except the beginning of SSF. These and inoculated strains were the same in the two bioreactors. As
observations confirm previous reports stating that that Firmicutes the fermentation process proceeds, the diversity of dominant gen-
could play an important role in producing extracellular enzymes era is decreasing due to lower moisture content.
for hydrolysis of lignocellulose and proteins (Lee et al., 2014; The relative abundance of bacteria on a species level showed
Yong et al., 2013). that B. amyloliquefaciens JX-6 was the dominant species within
Although the bacterial communities in the two bioreactors were the genus Bacillus (Fig. S3). It can be inferred that JX-6 was well
similar on a phylum level, relative abundances varied greatly on adapted to the solid medium and fermentation environment pro-
the genus level. Bacteria in the 150 L bioreactor were more diverse vided by this experiment. It can be also observed form Fig. 4d that
than in the 50 L bioreactor, indicating that interactions among Bacillus could occupy a relatively dominant position in the 150 L
microorganisms in the former might be more considerable. Bacillus bioreactor, but its population was significantly lower than in the
and Enterobacter were dominant among the 13 genera found in the 50 L bioreactor. Maximum relative abundances of Bacillus were
50 L bioreactor (Fig. 4c). The remaining genera decreased as the 61.79% and 47.51% in the 50 L and 150 L bioreactor, respectively.
fermentation time going, suggesting that either they could not The difference in the quantities of the inoculated stain present
adjust to the SSF medium or their growth was inhibited by the inside the two reactors helps to explain why maximum c-PGA pro-
inoculated strain. In the 150 L bioreactor, the bacterial community duction in the 50 L bioreactor. In this study, high throughput
was composed of 25 genera (Fig. 4d), with Bacillus, Pantoea, sequencing technology was used only to evaluate the dynamics
946 J. Fang et al. / Waste Management 102 (2020) 939–948
of bacterial communities, further investigation is needed on partic- and edges indicates more complex interactions within a commu-
ular functions of the present microorganisms, especially the fungal nity (Berry and Widder, 2014). Therefore, it was apparent that
community and their contribution to c-PGA production. the interactions of bacteria in the 150 L bioreactor (Fig. 5c) were
The results of principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and more complex, which was consistent with dynamic changes of bac-
co-occurrence networks analysis of microbial communities in dif- terial community on a genera level in Fig. 4c and d.
ferent bioreactors are shown in Fig. 5. Although the fermentation When considering the interactions of fermentation parameters,
conditions in the two bioreactors were the same, the composition solid substrates, c-PGA production and bacterial community, it
of bacteria varied greatly between them. Samples were clearly appears that the changes of fermentation parameters affected the
classified into two groups, corresponding to the fermentation growth of microbials, which in turn directly affected the utilization
scales, at the beginning of the fermentation process, with 72.67% of solid substrates and c-PGA production. In addition, a larger
of the data variation explained by the first principle coordinate bioreactor capacity will result in a larger variability of fermenta-
(PC1), which demonstrated that different scales displayed a vari- tion parameters, which explains why the fermentation parameters
ous effect on bacterial structures. In the second principle coordi- in the 150 L bioreactor were more difficult to control in the late
nate (PC2), there was also a 12.09% variation in these samples, stage of SSF. In order to solve these problems, the types of more
suggesting that other unknown factors may slightly affect micro- sensitive temperature and moisture detectors provided by manu-
bial compositions (Sun et al., 2016). Analysis of co-occurrence facturer can be applied in CSR.
networks of different microbial Operational Taxonomic Units on
the genus level in the two bioreactors are separately illustrated 3.5. A feasible proposal for utilization of CS
in Fig. 5b and c, and the metrics of these networks are exhibited
in Table S1. Layout algorithms of the networks were based on Based on the results of this study and previous research (Zhang
Fruchterman-Reinghold. Network for 50 L bioreactor consisted of et al., 2019), an economically feasible and environmentally sus-
15 nodes and 48 edges (Fig. 5b), whereas for 150 L bioreactor tainable approach can be proposed for the utilization of CS. It is
had 26 nodes and 93 edges (Fig. 5c). A higher number of nodes well known that CS as the most common biomass without proper
Fig. 5. Correlation analysis of bacterial community in different bioreactors. (a) PCoA analysis based on weighted UniFrac distance, Co-occurrence networks in (b) 50 L
bioreactor (c) 150 L bioreactor. (A means 50 L bioreactor, B means 150 L bioreactor, and 0, 12, etc. mean the different fermentation time.)
J. Fang et al. / Waste Management 102 (2020) 939–948 947
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