Global Sponge Cities Snapshot 2023
Global Sponge Cities Snapshot 2023
Global Sponge Cities Snapshot 2023
Arup Global
Sponge Cities
Using digital tools to understand the natural absorbency
of cities to cope with increasingly heavy rainfall
Introduction 4
City Profiles 9
Auckland 11
London 13
Montreal 15
Mumbai 17
Nairobi 19
New York City 21
Shanghai 23
Singapore 25
Sydney 27
Toronto 29
Future recommendations 32
Cities can’t go on being concrete jungles, in This report is focused on looking at the value of Once we know our natural baseline, we can then
conflict with nature. To flourish, cities need to blue and green features in helping cities tackle understand better how to enhance, extend and work
work ‘in tune’ with nature. They need to learn storm events. Nature-based solutions can also be with these natural assets. We have the power to
quickly how to deploy nature-based solutions that applied to a whole host of problems that climate harness this natural absorbency, moving away from
bring far wider benefits than traditional engineered change will bring such as extreme heat and drought. the reliance on some of the traditional engineered
‘grey’ infrastructure and contribute positively to As well as fighting to keep global warming to ‘grey’ solutions that are not necessarily best
biodiversity and carbon reduction. There’s good below 2 degrees Celsius, we need to build the equipped to deal with the effects of climate change,
news – powerful new digital mapping tools now resilience of our cities and communities in dealing including pumps, pipes and storage tanks. I hope
exist to help us understand cities as complex with the effects of climate change. One of those this report starts a conversation and gives people
systems, allowing us to adopt nature-based major risks is flooding. an understanding and confidence that nature-based
solutions in our projects. This now needs to be infrastructure solutions can be deployed, bringing
Our survey ranks the current natural absorbency
accelerated on a global scale. more resilient, cleaner, healthier, and happier cities.
or ‘sponginess’ of several cities from around the
We have developed the Global Sponge Cities world. It has been compiled using our digital tool,
Snapshot to highlight the importance of Terrain, and quantifies the amount of green (grass,
understanding a city’s natural ability to manage trees) and blue (for example, ponds or lakes)
heavy rainfall, as a critical first step to enhancing infrastructure in the urban centre of the cities versus
this ability. It does not answer all the questions, the amount of grey (buildings and hard surfaces).
but it is aimed at accelerating a much-needed It considers a multitude of land ‘types’: not only
conversation – giving cities more insight into identifying greenery in public park lands, but also
their existing blue and green infrastructure. Our in private gardens and around buildings.
message is simple: cities need to be asking – ‘how
spongy am I?’. We need to get used to measuring
and understanding our existing blue and green
infrastructure to help us strengthen it. Our green
and blue assets – grass, trees, bushes, lakes and
ponds – need to be quantified and valued in the
Greener Grangetown
same way we have treated other resources, such as
As part of the Greener Grangetown project in Cardiff, UK, ‘rain
pumps and concrete pipes. gardens’ have been created to slow rainwater run-off flows,
Mark Fletcher removing more than 40,000 cubic metres of rainwater each year
Arup Global Water Leader from entering the combined sewer network. Read more.
For millennia, civilisations across the world learned The Global Sponge Cities Snapshot study helps
to live with and utilise the nature around them highlight the opportunity for cities to move away
– from ancient irrigation systems to present-day from the unsustainable and costly interventions,
rainwater gardens to manage rain water. Under towards green and blue solutions. I hope cities
the influence of climate change and rapid urban across the world take notice and find ways to better
development, the problem of urban stormwater ultilise their natural assets.
systems is particularly serious, showing many
Professor Li Junqi
problems such as frequent flood disasters, water
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and
environment deterioration, water resource shortage
and water ecological destruction.
The nature based solution based on natural
sponging improves the toughness of urban
rainwater system from two perspectives of
‘For millennia,
‘adaptation’ and ‘mitigation’. Although on the civilisations across the
whole, it is a common consensus to improve
the urban rainwater system by combining blue, world learned to live
green and grey, different countries or cities have
developed and implemented different standard with and utilise the
systems according to their own conditions, which
leads to certain differences in management modes nature around them’
and actual effects of stormwater control. In fact,
different cities and their regions have different Professor Li Junqi, Beijing University of Civil
Engineering and Architecture
problems, characteristics and goals. I think
sponge city is multi-objective and can be adjusted
according to the actual situation. Sponge city can be
applied to any climate and geology conditions.
How we rated the cities’ ‘sponginess’
How spongy is my city? What is its 1. Measuring the amount of green and blue space 2. Accounting for soil types 3. Calculating water runoff potential for green areas
natural ability to absorb rainfall? using our advanced digital tool
Once we had the percentage of blue, green and grey With the impact of soil type factored in, we then
These are questions that cities need to be asking We have set out to rapidly and accurately measure spaces for each city, the next step was to factor in used the Curve Number method – a simple, widely
themselves if they are to cope with one of the major the trees, grass and waterbodies in the urban centres the impact of different soil types and vegetation in used method – to calculate the amount of runoff
impacts of climate change – increased flooding. of the cities to get a far better understanding of their each city. from a defined rainfall event.
Using the survey as a ‘lens’, we have set out to natural absorbency. We have calculated this using
Using a global database of hydrologic soil groups Imagine rain falling onto a surface: it is either
shed more light on the natural absorbency of cities our sophisticated digital mapping tool, Terrain,
(HYSOGs250m), we were able to calculate the absorbed or ‘stored’ in the soil – potentially adding
around the world and their natural ability to manage which uses machine learning techniques to produce
amount of each major hydrological soil type to groundwater stores – or slowly makes its way to
increasingly heavy and sustained periods of rainfall. a high-quality land use assessment from satellite
present in each city. Soil types have a significant water bodies. Alternatively, it runs off the land and
We examined diverse cities across the world with impact on the amount of water runoff and therefore therefore contributes to storm flow and potential
different urban profiles – from the densely packed To carry out the analysis, we secured detailed a city’s sponginess. This can be due to the soil flooding: this is the rainfall runoff potential.
Mumbai to Auckland, which is known for its satellite imagery for each city from commercial and type and texture – for example, sandy soils are
The amount of runoff is affected by the vegetation
generous public parklands. open sources. We ensured that this imagery covered ‘spongier’ than clay-based soils; as well as depth
cover; in our examples, we considered whether
approximately 150 square kilometres over a city’s of soil and depth to the water table – for example,
We have given each city a sponginess rating based the soil was grass covered open space in ‘Fair
main urban centre, to provide a representative study a groundwater table close to the surface reduces
on three major factors: the amount of green and Condition’ or a tree-grass mix. Rainfall runoff
area. sponge capacity of the soil.
blue space within the urban environment; the potential also varies according to the amount of rain
hydrological properties of the soil in each city, and We then trained the machine learning model to that falls, so for our calculations we looked at the
the water runoff potential for green areas. recognise multiple typologies – between 8 and runoff potential for 50 mm of rain falling in a day
15, depending on the city – for example, low for each city – this would be equivalent to a 1 in
rise residential, tower blocks or urban parks. We 5-year rainfall event in London or an annual event
then took samples from each typology and for in New York. For blue spaces within the typologies,
each of the samples we measured the amount of the assumption is that all the rainfall is absorbed.
grass, trees, water bodies and ‘grey infrastructure’
– hard paved surfaces and buildings. This gave
us an average amount of blue, green and grey
infrastructure for each typology in each city, which
can then be multiplied by the amount of each
typology in the city – giving us a breakdown of
green, blue and grey surface areas for each city.
How we rated the cities’ ‘sponginess’
Auckland Shanghai
Montreal Mumbai
London Singapore
Nairobi Toronto
Auckland City Dashboard
Auckland Analysis
Area surveyed Torrential rainfall continued for a week and the However, a high proportion of the study area
floods caused a direct loss of about 5.50 billion also featured high-density development with
Mumbai is the ninth most populated city in the
world, with a population of over 20.6 million
rupees (€80 million or US$100 million). almost no green space, and consequently, the
green infrastructure is not providing stormwater
Ranking 3 rd
and one of the most densely populated. There are In late August 2017, Mumbai recorded 468mm of
management or other benefits in these areas.
distinct differences in the quantity of greenery rainfall in 12 hours and 21 people died. Transport
around the city, closely correlated to an area’s systems were unavailable through parts of the The city’s sponge ranking was achieved by several
wealth. The more sparsely populated areas which city as trains and roadways were shut. Power was factors working together. Firstly, it was hindered Sponge Percentage Permeable Surfaces
include tower blocks and medium rise residential shut off from various parts of the city to prevent by having the joint-least permeable soil type of the
areas have small parkland areas with trees aplenty. electrocution. other cities – meaning less water can be absorbed 30% 45%
Greenery in these areas is well integrated with and subsequently runs off onto adjacent areas. Green / Blue
In July 2021, Mumbai International Airport
housing and commercial builds. However, in high- However, the high runoff potential of the soil type
recorded 235mm of rain in 24 hours. The heavy
density, low-rise informal settlements there is very is counteracted by the city’s high percentage of
rainfall led to landslides and flooding, causing the
little to no greenery and subsequently the residents permeable surfaces, having the joint third highest Soil characteristics
death of at least 20 people.
will be unable to draw on the benefits provided by percentage of green-blue areas in the cities studied. High runoff potential
green infrastructure.
Sponge ranking The type of permeable surface also plays a part.
The study assessed that there is a greater amount of
<50% 20-40%
Mumbai was joint third in our ‘sponge ranking’, Sand Clay
Flood risk tree coverage than grass or other green across the
alongside Singapore and New York. However, city: comparable to the tree coverage of Singapore
Mumbai is likely to be hit by many more incidents as the data suggests within the study area, the and New York.
of extreme weather, and indeed endures a monsoon city benefits from a large quantity of green
season between June and September, bringing most infrastructure, particularly tree cover. This is
of the yearly rainfall quantities. driven by large areas of woodland to the north-
Floods often cause devastation. In 2005, the east but more interestingly a large quantity of trees
Maharashtra floods led to the deaths of more than interspersed around buildings that are spread across
1,000 people, caused by the 8th heaviest-ever the whole study area. This integration of green
recorded 24-hour rainfall figure of 944mm. infrastructure across the urban areas helps give the
city some resilience to storms but also urban heat
island effects.
Click onto the map to expand
Nairobi City Dashboard
Nairobi Analysis
NYC is facing an increasing threat of flash floods The city’s score was achieved in part by its
permeable soil type – meaning more water can be
40-70% <10%
and events which will see far greater levels of Sand Clay
rainfall hit within a short space of time. It has absorbed and not run straight off it. However soil
been predicted that the city will face an increased type alone is not enough; these need to be accessed
average level of rainfall from 4 to 11% and rising through permeable surfaces and New York has a
sea levels of 280mm to 530mm by the 2050s. The good percentage, roughly mid-table compared to
number of most intense hurricanes across the North the other cities.
Atlantic Basin is also expected to increase, testing
the resilience of the city. In 2021 Tropical Storm
Elsa left New York facing double the amount of
precipitation expected for the month of July in just
a few days, which lead to pluvial flooding across
the city.
Click onto the map to expand
Shanghai City Dashboard
Shanghai Analysis
Area surveyed Warragamba Dam reached as close to 70% capacity Sponge ranking
after the deluge, a week earlier the dam was only
Sydney is a coastal city with an annual average
rainfall of 1,147mm which has been historically
at 42% after one of the driest years on record and
this event put 10 million Australians under a severe
With about 76% of the surface area of the city
assessed as being impervious or covered by
Ranking 7 th
relatively uniform throughout the year, although flood warning, with floods forecast to affect most buildings, it had the highest percentage of hard
recently the rainfall has been more summer states excluding Western Australia. At least 18,000 surface land of the cities analysed. This is the main
dominant. people were evacuated from New South Wales. reason that the city scores lowest in the rankings.
Sponge Percentage Permeable Surfaces
Developed around its harbour, Sydney has high In March 2021, the city was again hit by a 1 Many of the natural creeks and river throughout the
amenity benefits and biodiversity coming from
blue infrastructure, and it does have some parkland
in 50-year event as days of heavy downpours city have been concrete lined to form more formal
stormwater channels.
18% 24%
caused fluvial flooding and required military Green / Blue
space particularly to the east. However, further assistance for search and rescue. This rainfall The soil type is assessed as very similar to
inland to the west, the study area features a large event caused Warragamba Dam to spill, the first Auckland’s in terms of permeability but the larger
proportion of high rise and medium density significant overflow of the reservoir since 1990 quantity of blue-green infrastructure in Auckland Soil characteristics
residential typologies with lower quantities of and widespread flooding along the east coast of is what has resulted in the difference in two cities’ Moderately-high runoff potential
permeable surfaces. The study assessed that the Australia. rankings in this study. An increase in the city’s
current green infrastructure within the city is
unlikely to be well integrated to help manage Scientists fear localised flooding could occur almost percentage of blue-green areas would help to >60% 10-30%
every week by 2050 due to human-caused sea level increase its score in the rankings. Sand Clay
storm water.
rises, according to Bureau of Meteorology.
Flood risk
Wet weather overflow from sewage mains into
In February 2020, the Sydney metropolitan stormwater mains is also a frequent occurrence
experienced its heaviest rain in 30 years, over three leading to pollution of the city’s beaches and
days. The city recorded around 391.6 mm of rain harbours and the majority of the city’s stormwater
within those three days, which is more than three network is only designed to accommodate a 1 in
times the average rainfall for February. 2-year storm event.
east and west, respectively. been possible without nearly a century of work network, to the east, somewhat removed from
The study area includes approximately 150km 2 from 1850 onwards to bury and culvert most of the buildings or the city’s most densely populated 30% 39%
city’s natural watercourses, now known as “lost areas. Toronto’s ravines are naturally spongy green Green / Blue
of the city including the high-density downtown spaces which provide co-benefits such as improving
rivers.” These underground features are a reminder
core, a mix of medium- and low-density air quality, protecting biodiversity, and enhancing
that water is meant to flow naturally into the
housing, and major urban parks. Notable areas wellbeing.
ground, feeding rivers and streams that once used to Soil characteristics
and neighbourhoods include the Union Station
be visible. Flooding is common today near many of However, much of the upstream catchment Moderately-high runoff potential
Rail Corridor and Gardiner Expressway, High
these lost rivers, as well as in areas near the city’s area in the Don and Humber River watersheds
Park, the Lake Ontario Waterfront, Port Lands
Redevelopment Area, and sections of the City’s
floodplains, and meanwhile Toronto’s rainfall is is impervious, particularly along the right-of-
<50% 20-40%
becoming increasingly intense. There have been Sand Clay
ravine system including the Lower Don Valley way. Sponginess offered by green infrastructure
over six 100-year events in the past 20 years, and it could provide a much-needed layer of retention
and Humber River Valley. The downtown core and
is predicted that with climate change these extreme to Toronto’s water management strategy that,
associated districts are dominated by areas of high
weather events will become more frequent, leading to this day, has relied heavily on conventional
to medium density urban typologies, both having
to a greater risk of flooding, infrastructure damage, grey infrastructure such as tanks and sewage
relatively low proportions of green-blue areas.
and impacting community wellbeing. interceptor tunnels. Nature-based solutions not only
Other areas, like Midtown, comprise of a larger
variety of land uses, including low-density housing, provide flood relief, but also socio-economic and
major road arteries, parks and green spaces, environmental benefits including greater respite
cemeteries, and industrial sectors. from urban heat events, community education and
recreation, increased property value, and restoration
of urban wildlife.
Click onto the map to expand
Digital technology as an enabler of nature-based solutions
Nature-based solutions have previously been seen Shanghai – urban drainage masterplanning This analysis, alongside a review of the previous
as more difficult to implement and prohibitively Terrain tool drainage masterplan and a study of relevant cases
expensive. But advanced digital tools have been a An example of this in practice is our work in across the globe, gave us the insight to devise a
game changer. Arup’s Terrain tool is being used around Shanghai. The Shanghai metropolis covers 640 targeted water management approach. Instead
the world to help planners and authorities square kilometres and has a population of 15 of focusing solely on drainage, we proposed a
In our recent report with the World Economic understand how land is being used, as well million - a number that has tripled since 1990. As visionary ‘blue, green and grey’ approach to support
Forum, BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming as to conduct global surveys such as the its impermeable concrete spaces have grown and an integrated water cycle within the city. Based on
Cities’ Relationship with Nature, we highlighted Global Sponge Cities Snapshot, which green spaces decreased, stormwater runoff across the Arup-developed ‘design with water’ framework,
that nature-based solutions are on average 50% assesses the natural ability of major global the city has increased. On top of this, the existing our urban flooding model found opportunities to
more cost-effective than man-made alternatives and cities to absorb water and mitigate urban drainage system was already challenged in both old use blue infrastructure. This was the first-ever
deliver 28% more added value. flooding problems based on their green and newly developed areas. model to integrate the river and drainage network
Digital tools are transforming our ability to assess and blue spaces. in Shanghai. An additional enabling factor for this
Shanghai’s risk of city flooding and river
cities’ preparedness for future climate risks and Terrain harnesses the power of data analytics, pollution was an urgent issue: the city needed masterplan was improved governance across the
identify opportunities for improvement. Thanks machine learning and automation to digest advanced yet implementable strategies. Arup water system. Find out more.
to the power of AI and machine-learning, we can large quantities of data and satellite imagery. won an international competition – organised
now quantify the case for nature-based solutions; It recognises patterns, producing detailed by the Shanghai Water Authority – to provide a
better understand a city’s natural ability and how to land use maps and accurately calculating a stormwater masterplan for the city. We used remote
enhance it. region’s percentage coverage of different sensing tools to scan Greater Shanghai and used
Projects around the world from Shanghai, China categories of land type – such as grass, our Terrain machine learning tool to interpret
to Mansfield, UK - are showing what is possible trees, hard paved impervious land, the images and categorise the entire area into 12
and now is the time to accelerate their adoption on buildings, and water. categories of flooding protection required.
global scale. This automates the traditionally time-
consuming task of deciphering a city’s
typology: Terrain is x5 quicker than a manual
approach, able to analyse 20,000m² of land
data per second. The technology is also
highly accurate and can even distinguish
between a tree nursery and a forest.
Will Cavendish
Global Digital Services Leader
Digital technology as an enabler of nature-based solutions
Mansfield – showing the wider benefits Tirana Orbital Forest – securing Looking forward
of nature-based solutions access to funding
As cities increasingly face extreme flood events due
Our project in Mansfield, UK, shows how Terrain In Tirana, Terrain was used to secure access to to the impact of climate change, we need to look to
can help quantify the benefits of nature-based vital funding for a proposal by its Mayor. The nature-based solutions to help cities become more
solutions. Arup undertook a rapid assessment of Tirana Orbital Forest is a proposed ring around the resilient. But for many, the adoption of nature-
the potential of different land uses in Mansfield to urban perimeter of the city with a mix of forests, based planning will require a significant transition
accommodate nature-based solutions and mitigate shrubland, agricultural land and recreational areas – - and leaders may struggle to prioritise.
surface water flood risk. We then carried out a cost- a large-scale, nature-based solution that is intended
Now, digital mapping can facilitate more informed,
benefit analysis of the different potential scenarios, to put a brake on urban sprawl, reconnect the
faster decision-making around nature-based urban
which included the assessment and valuation of citizens with nature, clean the air and address urban
solutions. We hope that these tools will help city
wider benefits associated with the implementation heat effects.
leaders better understand the complexity of city
of nature-based solutions.
Arup is supporting this vision by using Terrain to ecosystems, provide clarity on what is possible, and
We calculated that an additional £6 million assess the environmental and economic benefits of convince them of the powerfully positive impact of
investment to establish a green stormwater different forest options and scenarios the city could nature-based infrastructure.
management solution would result in wider benefits adopt. We are working with the European Bank
of more than £22 million. On top of improved for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to
resilience to floods, the benefits hit a variety of develop a financial and technical feasibility study
stakeholders: health benefits for citizens due to for the Orbital Forest, taking into account the
changes in the living environment; increased local, wide-ranging indirect economic benefits – from
government and business revenues because of health improvements for residents, to a new leisure
stimulated local economic activity and upskilling in business ecosystem. The project is a first of its kind
green economy jobs; and improved human health for the Bank – and will seek to demonstrate that
and happiness thanks to improved amenities. holistic, nature-based solutions can be as effective
as grey infrastructure to address environmental
Based on our analysis, the Office of Water Shanghai Urban Drainage Masterplanning
challenges and deliver net economic benefits worth Shanghai Metropolis covers 640 square kilometres. We used
Services in England and Wales allocated £75.7
investing in. Find out more. remote sensing tools to scan the area then used our Terrain AI
million to Severn Trent to build sustainable
land use analysis tool to interpret the images and categorise the
green infrastructure and resilient communities in entire area into 12 categories of flooding protection required.
Future recommendations
Bringing nature-based solutions to life Each environment is unique, and designs – Governance: a critical over-arching system 3. Adaptive: interventions aligned with an
include features best suited to the site, from for strategy development and implementation adaptive management approach that provides
Nature already has the answers. We just need to green spaces, rainwater gardens and permeable involving no-build solutions such as enforcing flexibility to address future uncertainty
listen. Nature-based solutions can be affordable paving to rainwater harvesting and retention sponge city planning guidance and design and new insight, avoiding inefficiency and
and scalable; they have a powerful role to play in ponds. Combining traditional grey infrastructure standards, regulation, incentivisation, unnecessary spending and delivering better
decarbonising the built environment. approaches with these nature-based solutions can information sharing and collaboration outcomes over time. This could include phased
Working in tune with natural systems is critical to provide infrastructure solutions that transform a – Green infrastructure: maximise above-ground
strategies that looks at small interventions
responding to climate change positively. Nature- neighhourhood’s capacity to flood resilience, while interventions to increase storage, improve
that can be delivered quickly alongside
based solutions is a term used to describe a diverse simultaneously integrating more green space to the water quality and reduce flooding at or near to
planning large infrastructure investments.
range of techniques that increase our resilience to urban fabric. source, primarily using nature-based solutions. 4. SMART: Strategies should be based on robust
climate impacts - such as overheating, flooding, Strategies to improve the sponginess of cities These include parkland, meadows, recreation data science and smart integrated models which
and more frequent and intense storms to the should be based on four core principles: areas, street trees, green roofs and walls, optimise the existing infrastructure, allow
overuse of natural resources - whilst simultaneously and sustainable urban drainage systems sophisticated future planning scenarios and
supporting the regeneration of ecosystems. 1. Integrated: working at basin-scale, taking into
support monitoring programmes the performance
consideration existing plans and strategies across – Blue infrastructure: the network of hydraulically
An evolving set of methods, nature-based solutions of solutions based on local conditions.
multiple different city departments, including controlled urban rivers and canals including
represent an essential step forward beyond city strategies and flooding, water-management, associated flood defences, pumping stations
‘hard’ approaches traditionally deployed by built infrastructure and development plans. and tidal controls. This also includes ponds and
environment practitioners. lakes. Modelling these in an integrated way
2. Systems-led: interventions must be implemented
In this report we have focused on harnessing nature can maximise storage and minimise flooding.
across the interconnected systems that make
to improve flood risk management. Increasing up a city’s water environment. Strategies – Grey infrastructure: underground drainage
concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases should be optimised across four systems: infrastructure and pumps, storage and treatment.
means that global climate systems have been By focusing on governance and blue and
seriously disrupted. In many locations this means green infrastructure, the need for residual grey
more extreme rainfall and more frequent flooding. infrastructure can be significantly reduced
Climate scientists have confirmed that flooding will
continue to intensify over coming decades. Relying
solely on physically constructed barriers to protect
us from flooding is no longer the best approach.