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Corona - Covid-19

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Corona virus structure

CORONA Virus – Covid19

Dr. Ahmed M. Al - Haddad

CORONA Covid 19 is an acute novel viral infection of
respiratory system leading to an atypical pneumonia.
 Corona covid 19 causes blood-clotting and severe
abnormalities , which can damage lung, heart and other
major organs throughout the body

Causative agent
Corona - Covid 19 – virus from corona family, RNA (previously
It is a big virus, size 400- 500 nm (nanometer), a thousand of
micrometers (polio virus 25-50nm, viral hepatitis A and B 25,
28 nm respectively)
Now a day Covid 19 have a lot of variants such as:
1) Alfa - Announced about it in England - September 2020
2) Beta – Announced about it in south Africa - May 2020
3) Gama – Announced about it in Braze lea-November 2020
4) Delta - Announced about it India – October 2020
5) Omicron – Announced about it in south Africa and many
countries – November 2021
6) ba2, ba1, ba1.1,ba3 etc… - Announced about it in
England and other countries - January 2022 ( all these
variants divided from omicron variant)

Reservoir of infection
Human case and carriers
Wild animals (Corona-Covid 19 transferred from animal to

Source of infection
Respiratory secretions

Age: All ages, but more in old ages
Sex: Both sexes
Susceptibility: All groups
Post infection: Unknown yet
Place: Worldwide
1) A worldwide alert on corona covid-19 was issued Chins
authorities late last year (December 2019)

2) Corona - Covid - 19 recognized in the late of year of 2019
in Wuhan, China and since that till now (10 March 2022)
has made its way into all courtiers outside main land china
and has so far infected many people
3) Corona-Covid -19 outbreak began late of year 2019
(December - 2019) and considered as a new emerging
communicable disease of the 20st century resulted
pandemic by the beginning of 2020. when” WHO”
announced it’s officially as a Pandemic infection on 11
March 2020
4) Globally it’s was recorded till today (10 March 2022)
Corona covid 19, 454 million cases, out of them 6 millions
death (Case fatality rate 1.3 %), tell now.
5) In Yemen first case recorded on Friday 10 .4. 2020 in
Hadramout, till now 10 of March 2022 recorded by Yemen
national committee of corona protection 12000 cases,
272 2 deaths (case fatality rate 22.7 % )
6) The disease spread from Asia to American continent,
Europe and all countries in the world through
International Travels
7) History of travel to an area with recent local transmission
of Corona covid-19.
8) Route of transmission are mouth, nose and eyes
9) The distance between cases or carriers and healthy person
Must be not less than 2 meters to protect the infection
Registration of the 10th Priorities countries Corona covid 19 by
Death, Cases and Case Fatality Rare (Jon Hopkins University
Report in the beginning of March 2021) .
Country Deaths Cases CFR
U.S.A. 524. 987 28.991.537 1.8
Brazil 265.411 11.019.344 2.4
Mexico 190.357 2.125.866 8.9
India 157.756 11.210.799 1.4
England 124.736 4.231.166 2,9
Italy 99.785 3.067.486 3.2
France 88.727 3.964.078 2.2
Russia 87.614 4.274.263 2.0

Germany 71.956 2.508.655 2.8
Spain 71.138 3.149.012 2.2
Total 2.592.768 116.817.145 2.2

Period of communicability
Short limited hours or days
Corona - Covid 19 survive outside of human body:
It stays about 2-3 hours on the droplets, 8 hour on the air, but on
the poop, materials or equipment it stay about 9 days
Corona - Covid19 may die under 30c of hot and under 60c of

Incubation Period
2 - 14 days

Mode of transmission
1) By Droplets transmission and airborne transmission
2) By Close contact with patients or carriers (person to
3) By Touching any objects, materials and equipments
contaminated by Corona - Covid 19, Then touching nose,
mouth and eyes

Predisposing Factors (People at risk more)

1) Persons in old ages
2) Patients with chronic diseases
3) Immunodeficiency person
4) Malnutrition people
5) Smoking, alcohol drinking, khat chewing, Shisha and
6) Big meeting, meeting should be not more than 50 persons
7) Medical staff
8) Medical health care

Firstly sex signs of corona covid 19 (Mild)
1) Itchy and Sore throat
2) Dry throat
3) Dry cough
4) Fever mostly high
5) Shortness of breath
6) Loss of taste and smell

Clinical Picture of mild cases

1) High Fever
2) Cough usually dry
3) Chest pain
4) Water eyes or runny eyes
5) Fatigue
6) Headaches
7) Sore throat
8) Difficulty in breathing or
9) Shortness of breath
10) Dry mouth and throat
11) Sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms could be the
First signs of Covid 19 infection (vomiting, nausea
and diarrhea) before patients get the fever.
12) Runny nose
13) Temporary loss of taste and smell
14) Inflammatory of blood vessels in the hands and feet’s
(Nicknamed covid 19 toes)

90 - 95 % Unapparent infection (Symptomless)
5-8 % Mild illness - need health care (Home)
2 -5 % Severe illness - need intensive care (Hospital)
0.5 -3 % Death - Case fatality rate

Pneumonia, Respiratory failure, renal failure and may be death

1) Careful epidemiological picture e.g. travel history or
contact with a person diagnosed with corona patient or
2) Careful clinical picture
3) Viral culture
4) Existing ELIZA test
5) Existing PCR tests
6) Chest X-Ray (CXR)

A) Mild cases - treatment Home
1) Home isolation with suitable meal and drink
2) Panadol 1000 mg 1x2 per day
3) Azitromycine 500 mg 1x1 for 5 days
4) Vitamin ”C” 1000mg 1x2 per day
5) Zinc 50 mg 1x1 per day
6) Vitamin “D” 50000 one tab per week
7) Aspirin 75-100 mg 1x2 daily
8) Strepslis 1x3 per day
B) Severe cases - Hospitalization
1) Severe Cases: Supportive treatment especially rehydration
and oxygen therapy in specific Quarantine
2) Treat symptoms and complications in some countries such
as Hydroxy- Chloroquine +Azitromycine (Azitone) +
Vit.C. with specific therapy in specific hospital
3) A case should be excluded if an alternative diagnosis can
fully explain the illness

4) Specific therapy anti viral drugs such as Remdesivir and
Backslowvid etc…

Prevention and Control

1) Vaccinations which started just by December 2020 and
now it’s worldwide such as Modern’a Pfizer, AstraZeneca,
and Sputnik etc…..
2) Frequently Hand Washing with soap, wearing gloves, and
surgical mask
3) Throat and sore cleaning with hot water and salt or
4) Disinfected any poop, subjects, materials, equipments and
clothes in the contaminated area (by Ethanol,
hydrochloride sodium, peroxide hydrogen etc..)
5) Social distancing and avoiding overcrowding places as
buses, lecture hall, school classes, celebrating houses,
population market and avoid close contact with people
who are at risk, poor ventilated rooms, kissing others etc...
6) Eating vegetables and fruits retches vitamin “C”
7) The patient should be moved to a single room with the
door closed
8) People with chronic diseases especially old ages should be
stay home in the outbreak of Corona Covid -19
9) Medical Staff should wear a surgical mask
9) Patient should wear a surgical mask until they are admitted
to the isolation room
10) Health workers staff should immediately inform the
Infection to the Control department that a patient is under
investigation for Corona
11) Eye protection is strongly recommended (e.g. goggles)
12) Patient should not be left sitting in the waiting room area
13) A suspect case should transported immediately to the
hospital and the hospital should be notified of the
patient ‘s pending arrival
14) Local public health authority should notified immediately
of the case

15) Any one who accompanied the suspect case to the
outpatient setting should be given written information on
infection prevention and control measures related to
16) Isolation Probable and suspected cases in the hospitals or
in health centers
17) Quarantine in the Airport and all ports in the country
18) Disinfection procedure for materials and equipment
19) Area should be under surveillance
20) Avoid smoking, alcohol, chat chewing, Shisha and
21) Immediately international notification especially WHO

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