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Apathy Associated With Antidepressant Drugs A Systematic Review

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Acta Neuropsychiatrica Apathy associated with antidepressant drugs:

a systematic review
Vasilios G. Masdrakis1, Manolis Markianos1 and David S. Baldwin2,3
Department of Psychiatry, Eginition Hospital, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Review Article Athens, Greece; 2University Department of Psychiatry, Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine,
Cite this article: Masdrakis VG, Markianos M, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK and 3University Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health,
and Baldwin DS. (2023) Apathy associated with University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
antidepressant drugs: a systematic review. Acta
Neuropsychiatrica 35:189–204. Abstract
doi: 10.1017/neu.2023.6
Objectives: Administration of antidepressant drugs – principally selective serotonin reuptake
Received: 14 October 2022 inhibitors (SSRIs) – may induce clinically significant ‘apathy’ which can affect treatment out-
Revised: 3 January 2023
comes adversely. We aimed to review all relevant previous reports. Methods: We performed a
Accepted: 3 January 2023
First published online: 16 January 2023 PUBMED search of English-language studies, combining terms concerning psychopathology
(e.g. apathy) and classes of antidepressants (e.g. SSRI). Results: According to certain inclusion
Key words: (e.g. use of DSM/ICD diagnostic criteria) and exclusion (e.g. presence of a clinical condition that
antidepressant drugs; apathy syndrome; may induce apathy) criteria, 50 articles were eligible for review. Together, they suggest that
emotional blunting; selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors administration of antidepressants – usually SSRIs – can induce an apathy syndrome or emo-
tional blunting, i.e. a decrease in emotional responsiveness, to circumstances which would have
Author for correspondence: triggered intense mood reactions prior to pharmacotherapy. The reported prevalence of anti-
David S. Baldwin, depressant-induced apathy ranges between 5.8 and 50%, and for SSRIs ranges between
Email: D.S.Baldwin@soton.ac.uk
20 and 92%. Antidepressant-induced apathy emerges independently of diagnosis, age, and
treatment outcome and appears dose-dependent and reversible. The main treatment strategy
is dose reduction, though some data suggest the usefulness of treatment with olanzapine, bupro-
pion, agomelatine or amisulpride, or the methylphenidate–modafinil–olanzapine combination.
Conclusion: Antidepressant-induced apathy needs careful clinical attention. Further systematic
research is needed to investigate the prevalence, course, aetiology, and treatment of this impor-
tant clinical condition.

• Pharmacotherapy with antidepressants (mostly SSRIs) may induce an array of clinically
significant manifestations, collectively termed ‘apathy syndrome’ or ‘emotional blunt-
ing’. Its estimated prevalence ranges from 5.8% to almost 50%, but in samples treated
only with SSRIs may range between 20% and 92%.
• Antidepressant-induced apathy emerges independently of the psychiatric disorder
for which the drug is prescribed and is found in all age groups. It is independent of
treatment outcome and may be clinically present even after psychopathology has

• There is a paucity of clinical trials, especially randomised placebo-controlled ones. Most
studies are either case reports or internet/telephone surveys in samples of ‘users’ of anti-
depressant medications.
• In many of the relevant reports, non-specific clinical measures – or no measures at all –
are used to evaluate apathy symptoms.
• The retrospective nature of many reports cannot exclude the possibility that patients
were being treated with SSRIs rather than with other antidepressants because of accom-
© The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge
University Press on behalf of Scandinavian panying factors which may also have influenced apathy.
College of Neuropsychopharmacology.

In patients with depressive, anxiety, or other psychiatric disorders, pharmacotherapy with anti-
depressants [mostly with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), but sometimes with
antidepressants from other classes] may induce an array of clinically significant manifestations,
collectively termed ‘apathy syndrome’ or ‘emotional blunting’ (or the narrower term ‘inability to

https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

190 Masdrakis et al.

cry’) (e.g. Hoehn-Saric et al., 1990; Hoehn-Saric et al., 1991; inhibitors’, OR ’SNRIs’, OR ‘tricyclic antidepressants’, OR ‘TCAs’,
George & Trimble, 1992; Garland & Baerg, 2001; Barnhart OR ‘antidepressants’).
et al., 2004). More precisely, the following combinations of terms were
Observed or reported features include a decrease in emotional explored in the PUBMED (in brackets N = the total number of
responsiveness to circumstances which would have triggered papers that the respective search yielded and E = the number of
intense mood reactions prior to pharmacotherapy. ‘Antidepressant- articles that were deemed eligible to be included, according to
induced apathy’ often emerges soon after starting pharmacotherapy inclusion/exclusion criteria and after removing the duplications
and may significantly compromise both treatment outcome and from the previous PUBMED search/searches): (1) ‘apathy þ selec-
quality of life (Padala et al., 2020). Differential diagnosis is often tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors’ (N = 88, E = 20); (2) ‘apathy þ
difficult, as apathy symptoms are included in the clinical presen- SSRIs’ (N = 83, E = 2); (3) ‘apathy syndrome þ selective serotonin
tation of other neurological and psychiatric conditions (e.g. trau- reuptake inhibitors’ (N = 29, E = 3); (4) ‘apathy syndrome þ
matic brain injury, dementia, cannabis use) (Barnhart et al., 2004). SSRIs’ (N = 24, E = 0); (5) ‘apathy þ serotonin noradrenaline
Additionally, apathy symptoms may be either a residual feature of reuptake inhibitors’ (N = 11, E = 1); (6) ‘apathy þ SNRIs’ (N = 11,
the clinical condition for which the medication is administered or E = 0); (7) ‘apathy syndrome þ serotonin noradrenaline reuptake
an early manifestation of relapse (Kelly et al., 2008). inhibitors’ (N = 2, E = 0); (8) ‘apathy syndrome þ SNRIs’ (N = 2,
As such, data concerning the clinical presentation, differential E = 0); (9) ‘apathy þ tricyclic antidepressants’ (N = 2, E = 0); (11)
diagnosis, and treatment of antidepressant-induced apathy ‘apathy þ TCAs’ (N = 1, E = 0); (10) ‘apathy syndrome þ tricyclic
are important for everyday clinical practice of mental health antidepressants’ (N = 10, E = 0); (12) ‘apathy syndrome þ TCAs’
professionals. Review papers regarding this issue have been previ- (N = 1, E = 0); (13) ‘apathy þ antidepressants’ (N = 63, E = 4); and
ously published, but the most recent was published in 2010 and (14) ‘apathy syndrome þ antidepressants’ (N = 63, E = 1).
concerns only SSRI-induced apathy (Barnhart et al., 2004; Consequently, the total number of papers that were deemed eli-
Sansone & Sansone, 2010; Lee & Keltner, 2005). A more recent gible to be included in the review was 31 (Hoehn-Saric et al., 1990;
review included consideration of treatment-associated apathy Hoehn-Saric et al., 1991; George & Trimble, 1992; Garland &
within a broader account of many potential adverse effects of Baerg, 2001; Barnhart et al., 2004; Padala et al., 2020; Kelly et al.,
SSRIs only (Marazziti et al., 2019). 2008; Sansone & Sansone, 2010; Lee & Keltner, 2005; Szmulewicz
We aimed to investigate in a systematic fashion all publications et al., 2016; Padala et al., 2012; Goodwin et al., 2017; Sato et al.,
regarding apathy/emotional blunting manifestations in patients 2020; Fava et al., 2006; Popovic et al., 2015; Rothschild et al.,
undergoing pharmacotherapy with any antidepressant agent. 2014; Reinblatt & Riddle, 2006; Kodela & Venkata, 2010; De
Berardis et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2019; Marangell et al., 2002;
Bolling & Kohlenberg, 2004; Settle, 1998; Cassano & Fava, 2004;
Method for the literature review
van Geffen et al., 2007; Wongpakaran et al., 2007; Sato &
Criteria for the appraisal of quality of reports Asada, 2011; Raskin et al., 2012; Read et al., 2014; Carvalho
et al., 2016; Ascibasi et al., 2020).
We conducted a search through PUBMED to investigate previous
Included in these 31 articles were 5 reviews which generally
reports which have explored various aspects (clinical features,
investigated pharmacotherapy with SSRIs/antidepressants and
treatment strategies, etc.) of antidepressant-induced apathy syn-
adverse events with these medications (Kelly et al., 2008;
drome. A number of inclusion and exclusion criteria were specified
Szmulewicz et al., 2016; Settle, 1998; Cassano & Fava, 2004;
to decide whether to include a report in our review.
Carvalho et al., 2016) and 3 reviews which explored the emergence
of apathy during pharmacotherapy with SSRIs or other anti-
Inclusion criteria
depressants (Barnhart et al., 2004; Sansone & Sansone, 2010;
(1) Only publications in scientific journals with a peer-review proc-
Lee & Keltner, 2005).
ess were included and (2) diagnoses were based on criteria from
standard international diagnostic systems (i.e. DSM, ICD).
Exclusion criteria We performed an updated PUBMED search using the terms (‘cry-
(1) Comorbid neurological or other somatic diseases that can cause ing’) AND (’selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors’, OR ’SSRIs’,
apathy manifestations and (2) comorbid alcohol/substance use OR ’serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors’, OR ’SNRIs’,
disorder. OR ‘tricyclic antidepressants’, OR ‘TCAs’, OR ‘antidepressants’).
More precisely, the following combinations of terms were
Search methodology explored in the PUBMED (in brackets N = the total number of papers
In the PUBMED search, we combined the terms ‘apathy’ (sub-sec- that the respective search yielded and E = the number of articles that
tion ‘Apathy’), ‘crying’ (sub-section ‘Crying’), and ‘emotional were deemed eligible to be included in the review, according to inclu-
blunting’ (sub-section ‘Emotional blunting’) with various terms sion/exclusion criteria and after removing the duplications from the
concerning classes of antidepressant medications, for example, previous PUBMED search/searches concerning both ‘crying’ and ‘apa-
’selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors’, ‘tricyclic antidepressants’, thy’): (1) ‘crying þ selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors’ (N = 67,
etc. In all cases, the last day of PUBMED search was 11th July 2022. E = 5); (2) ‘crying þ SSRIs’ (N = 57, E = 0); (3) ‘crying þ serotonin
Only English-language studies were reviewed. noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors’ (N = 4, E = 0); (4) ‘crying þ
SNRIs’ (N = 4, E = 0); (5) ‘crying þ tricyclic antidepressants’
Apathy (N = 28, E = 0); (6) ‘crying þ TCAs’ (N = 3, E = 0); and’ (7) ‘crying
We performed an updated PUBMED search using the terms þ antidepressants’ (N = 144, E = 1).
(‘apathy’, OR ‘apathy syndrome’) AND (’selective serotonin reup- Consequently, the total number of papers that were deemed eli-
take inhibitors’, OR ’SSRIs’, OR ’serotonin noradrenaline reuptake gible to be included in the present review was 6 (Scoppetta et al.,

https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Acta Neuropsychiatrica 191

2005; Opbroek et al., 2002; Oleshansky & Labbate, 1996; Vinar, SSRIs, but sometimes with antidepressants from other classes)
2000; van der Veen et al., 2012; Holguin-Lew & Bell, 2013). may induce an array of clinically significant manifestations, collec-
tively termed ‘apathy syndrome’ or ‘emotional blunting’ (or the
Emotional blunting more narrow term ‘inability to cry’) (e.g. Hoehn-Saric et al., 1990;
We performed an updated PUBMED search using the terms Hoehn-Saric et al., 1991; George & Trimble, 1992; Garland &
(‘emotional blunting’) AND (’selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- Baerg, 2001; Barnhart et al., 2004; Padala et al., 2020). These man-
tors’, OR ’SSRIs’, OR ’serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibi- ifestations often have an insidious onset and include lack of moti-
tors’, OR ’SNRIs’, OR ‘tricyclic antidepressants’, OR ‘TCAs’, OR vation or dullness and, more generally, a decrease in emotional
‘antidepressants’). responsiveness to circumstances which would have triggered
More precisely, the following combinations of terms were intense mood reactions before antidepressant treatment had
explored in the PUBMED (in brackets N = the total number of started. Antidepressants not only alleviate depressive symptoms
papers that the respective search yielded and E = the number of but may also ‘attenuate’ or ’set aside everyday concerns’ (Kelly
articles that – among the N articles – were deemed eligible to be et al., 2008; Sansone & Sansone, 2010; Szmulewicz et al., 2016).
included, according to inclusion/exclusion criteria and after This decreased responsiveness involves many aspects of emo-
removing the duplications from the previous PUBMED search/ tions, including crying, irritation, sadness, and creativity
searches concerning ‘emotional blunting’, ‘crying’ and ‘apathy’): (Scoppetta et al., 2005). It has been suggested that the well-known
(1) ‘emotional blunting þ selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors’ effect of SSRI on sexual desire and interest may be a concomitant
(N = 51, E = 4); (2) ‘emotional blunting þ SSRIs’ (N = 48, E = 0); and potential marker of the apathy syndrome induced by these
(3) ‘emotional blunting þ serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhib- medications (Sansone & Sansone, 2010; Szmulewicz et al., 2016;
itors’ (N = 6, E = 0); (4) ‘emotional blunting þ SNRIs’ (N = 5, Opbroek et al., 2002).
E = 0); (5) ‘emotional blunting þ tricyclic antidepressants’ Antidepressant-induced apathy appears both dose-dependent
(N = 9, E = 0); (6) ‘emotional blunting þ TCAs’ (N = 1, E = 0); and reversible (Padala et al., 2020). Patients can often differentiate
and (7) ‘emotional blunting þ antidepressants’ (N = 107, E = 9). between loss of interest as a symptom of depression from the apa-
Consequently, the total number of papers that were deemed eli- thy associated with SSRI treatment (Hoehn-Saric et al., 1990;
gible to be included in the present review was 13 (Price et al., 2009; Barnhart et al., 2004). However, apathy symptoms are frequently
Price et al., 2012; Goldsmith & Moncrieff, 2011; Balon, 2002; not reported and often remain untreated, with subsequent clinical,
Corruble et al., 2013; Cartwright et al., 2016; Hughes et al., social, and professional consequences. A proportion of patients
2017; Kajanoja et al., 2018; Read & Williams, 2018; Marazziti may consider antidepressant-induced apathy to be beneficial,
et al., 2019; Read et al., 2020; Camino et al., 2022; Christensen but probably most consider them to be the cause of difficulties such
et al., 2022). Included in these 13 articles is one review paper con- as financial and working problems (Price et al., 2009).
cerning adverse effects – including emotional blunting – of SSRIs Apathy manifestations often emerge soon after an antidepres-
only (Marazziti et al., 2019). sant is started and are most frequently reversible after drug discon-
tinuation, and their emergence does not appear associated with
patients’ age or diagnosis (Padala et al., 2020). In particular, the
Results onset of apathy with SSRIs use may be very quick. Thus, in a func-
Overall, the updated PUBMED search using various combinations tional magnetic resonance imaging study in a sample of healthy
of terms yielded a total of 50 articles to be included in the present volunteers, 1 week of citalopram administration was associated
review (for the references, see sub-section ’Search methodology’). with reduction in activity in the reward networks of ventral stria-
More data (e.g. patients’ age, dosages, etc.) regarding the studies tum and ventral medial/orbitofrontal cortex (McCabe et al., 2010).
that are described in this section can be found in Table 1. Some data suggest that apathy emergence is an effect specific to
Additionally, the terms ‘apathy’ and ‘emotional blunting’ are used SSRIs administration, as apathy manifestations during treatment
interchangeably, in line with previous reports. with SSRIs can remit after switching to an antidepressant from
Based on the data of these 50 studies, in the following sub-sec- another class (Hoehn-Saric et al., 1990; Hoehn-Saric et al., 1991;
tions we refer to the definition, clinical features, differential diag- Padala et al., 2012). However, an internet-based survey in patients
nosis, and prevalence of antidepressant-induced apathy syndrome with major depressive disorder (MDD) found no difference
(sub-section ‘Antidepressant-induced apathy syndrome: defini- regarding the prevalence of emotional blunting with differing anti-
tion, clinical features, differential diagnosis, and prevalence’), in depressant medicines (including SSRIs, SNRIs, mirtazapine,
its aetiology and treatment (sub-section ‘Aetiology and treat- bupropion, and amitriptyline), though it appeared less evident
ment’), while in the final sub-section ‘Clinical trials, case reports, with bupropion (Goodwin et al., 2017). More recently, Sato et al
and internet/telephone surveys’ we refer in more detail to data (2020) reported two cases of venlafaxine-induced apathy but
from previous relevant reports. attributed it to the serotoninergic component of the drug. More
details regarding the above-mentioned studies are included in
sub-section ‘Clinical trials, case reports, and internet/telephone
Antidepressant-induced apathy syndrome: definition, clinical
features, differential diagnosis, and prevalence
Antidepressant-induced apathy appears independent of the
Definition and clinical presentation psychiatric disorder for which medication is prescribed and
’Apathy syndrome’ is defined as the syndrome whose main clinical has been found in all age groups of patients with depressive or anxi-
characteristic is a primary loss of motivation which is not due to ety disorders (see for a review: Szmulewicz et al., 2016).
any intellectual impairment, emotional distress, or decreased con- Antidepressant-induced apathy also seems to be independent of
sciousness (Marin et al., 1991). treatment outcome and may be clinically present even after depres-
In patients with depressive, anxiety, or other psychiatric disor- sive and anxiety symptoms have remitted (Fava et al., 2006;
ders, pharmacotherapy with antidepressants (principally with Popovic et al., 2015). Importantly, some clinicians consider violent

https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Table 1. Studies concerning antidepressant-induced apathy syndrome

Antidepressant outcome
drug inducing Percentage of Number of Treatment strat- regarding
apathy and daily patients report- patients and Measures of egy for apathy apathy
Authors Type of study dosage ing apathy diagnosis Age (years) Gender apathy symptoms symptoms Comments
Hoehn-Saric Case report Fluoxetine (3 NA 5 (MDD = 3, Mean = 43; F = 4, None Dose reduction = Resolved = 4; –
et al. (1990) MDD patients; PD = 2) range = 35– M=1 3; switch to TCA improved = 1
20 mg); 55 = 1; switch to
Fluvoxamine (2 MAOI = 1
PD patients; 300
400 mg/day)
Hoehn-Saric Case report Fluoxetine (100 NA 1 (OCD) 23 M None Drug Resolved –
et al. (1991) mg) discontinuation
George and Case report Fluvoxamine NA 1 (OCD) 42 M None Dose reduction Resolved –
Trimble (1992) (150 mg)
Garland and Case report Fluoxetine (N = NA 5 (1 child; 4 Mean = 14; F = 2, None Dose reduction = Resolved in –
Baerg (2001) 3; 10, 30, and 40 adolescents) range = M=3 4; Dose reduction all cases
mg); Paroxetine (OCD = 2; 14–17 and bupropion
(N = 2; MDD = 1; (150 mg/d)
20 and 30 mg) ANX-NOS = 1; augmentation =
NOS = 1)
Marangell Open-label SSRIs NA 21 (Non- – – AES Olanzapine 5.4 ± Significant –
et al. (2002) clinical trial for psychotic MDD 2.8 mg/day improvement
the in full in all clinical
effectiveness of remission) measures
olanzapine in
treating SSRI-
induced apathy
Opbroek et al. Clinical trial Number of Apathy 15 (MDD in 46 ± 11 F = 10, LEIS NA NA –
(2002) patients: symptoms = remission) M=5
Fluoxetine = 5; 80%
paroxetine = 5;
sertraline = 5.
Mean dosage
Fluoxetine = 40;
Paroxetine = 26;
Sertraline = 100.
Mean duration of
Fluoxetine =

Masdrakis et al.
Paroxetine =
18.8; Sertraline
= 22.8
https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Acta Neuropsychiatrica
Table 1. (Continued )

Bolling and Telephone SSRIs ‘Apathy’ = 20%; Total sample = – – None NA NA –

Kohlenberg semi-structured ‘Loss of 161 MDD
(2004) interview ambition’ = patients who
16.1% had completed
SSRI treatment
Fava et al. Cross-sectional Antidepressants Apathy 117 (MDD) 43.4 ± 12.6 F = 78 Study-specific NA NA Apathy
(2006) study symptoms = 30– (66.7%) clinical measure symptoms may
40%; motivation of AEs be both drug
loss = 40%; AEs and MDD
significant residual
impairment = symptoms
Reinblatt and Case report Fluvoxamine (N NA 2 (GAD þ SAD = 16 and 9 F = 1, None Dose reduction = Resolved = 2 –
Riddle (2006) = 2; 125 mg) 1; GAD þ SEPAD M=1 1; Discontinuation
= 1) of the drug = 1
Hughes et al. Internet-based Duloxetine; ‘Emotional 3243 ‘users’. Half of users: F = 1882 Codebook of 60 NA NA –
(2017) survey Escitalopram; numbing’: Anxiety, 25–54 (58%); somatic,
Vilazodone; duloxetine = depressive, or M = 794 emotional and
Vortioxetine 8.2%; bipolar (24.5%) behavioural AEs
escitalopram = disorders
vilazodone =
vortioxetine =
van Geffen Internet-based SSRIs = 63%, ‘Apathy’ = 10.8% Total sample = 42.8 ± 13.5 Females = None NA NA 46% perceived
et al. (2007) survey of TCA = 12%, 258 (total 72% (total apathy as
patients and other sample) sample) “very
clinicians antidepressant negative”; 54%
= 25%. Among discontinued
all patients, 35% treatment. No
received clinician traced
paroxetine; “apathy” as a
venlafaxine = side-effect
15%; citalopram
= 10%;
mirtazapine =
8%. Concurrent
use of BDZ =
Wongpakaran Retrospective SSRIs and other Apathy was 384 elderly with SSRI-treated: SSRI-treated: [1] GAS; [2] HAS NA NA Age range
et al. (2007) case control antidepressants significantly MDD (90%) and/ mean = 74.6 F = 72.5%; 70–75 tends to
study using a greater in SSRI- or dysthymia. ± 6.9; Non- non-SSRI- predict apathy
10-year treated elderly SSRI-treated = SSRI-treated: treated, emergence
database 160; non-SSRI- mean = 75.7 F = 72.3%
treated = 224 ± 6.9


https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Table 1. (Continued )

Antidepressant outcome
drug inducing Percentage of Number of Treatment strat- regarding
apathy and daily patients report- patients and Measures of egy for apathy apathy
Authors Type of study dosage ing apathy diagnosis Age (years) Gender apathy symptoms symptoms Comments
Price et al. Qualitative SSRIs NA 38 patients with 19–84 F = 28, None NA NA Data acquired
(2009) study MDD or AD and (median = M = 10 through
concurrent 41.5) interviews and
SSRI-induced from patients’
apathy websites
Kodela and Case report Sertraline NA 1 (MDD) 48 M None Dose reduction Resolved –
Goldsmith Internet-based Mean dose: ‘Emotional 468 ‘users’ of Mean age: Females: None NA NA –
and Moncrieff survey Fluoxetine = blunting’: venlafaxine (N = fluoxetine = fluoxetine
(2011) 26.4 mg; venlafaxine = 182) or 36.5; = 73.5%;
Venlafaxine = 17%; fluoxetine fluoxetine venlafaxine = venlafaxine
145.6 mg = 19% 34.3 = 75.8%
Sato and Case report Sertraline (50 NA 1 (PD) 39 F None Dose reduction Resolved –
Asada (2011) mg) (to 25 mg/day)
Padala et al. Case report Citalopram = 4; NA 6 MDD patients Range = 53– M=6 AES-C SSRI Significant –
(2012) fluoxetine = 2 76 discontinuation improvement
without or with in all cases
(N = 2)
Raskin et al. Multicentre, SSRIs NA 483 (MDD in Median age: Females: AES-C Switch to Similar Switching to
(2012) double-blind, (citalopram, remission, but duloxetine = duloxetine duloxetine (244) reductions of SSRI or SNRI
randomised 8- escitalopram, with apathy 45.1; = 76.6%; or escitalopram apathy with were equally
week study paroxetine, symptoms) escitalopram escitalopram (179); Remain to the two effective to
sertraline) and = 45.0 = 74.9% escitalopram = switch- treat apathy
other 60 strategies;
antidepressants Reductions of
apathy also
in patients
remained on
Corruble et al. Randomised, Agomelatine ‘Emotions lack Agomelatine = Agomelatine Females: OQESA NA NA Agomelatine
(2013) controlled, 24- (25–50 mg/day); intensity’: 25; = 43.6 ± 12.9; agomelatine superior to
week, double- Escitalopram agomelatine = Escitalopram = Escitalopram = 73.2%; escitalopram
blind trial (10–20 mg/day) 28% vs. 20 = 42.8 ± 11.8 escitalopram concerning
escitalopram = = 68.7% apathy
60% emergence

Masdrakis et al.
De Berardis Case report Escitalopram NA 1 (MDD) 70 M AES Co- Resolved Escitalopram
et al. (2013) (10 mg) administration of was
agomelatine 25 discontinued
mg/d within 9 weeks
https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Acta Neuropsychiatrica
Table 1. (Continued )

Read et al. Internet-based Fluoxetine = ‘Feeling 1829 ‘users’ of Mean age Females = Study-specific NA NA –
(2014); survey 22.4%; Emotionally antidepressants group = 36– 76.6% questionnaire of
Cartwright citalopram = Numb’ = 60%; 45 antidepressant
et al. (2016) 20.3%; ‘Reduction in AEs
paroxetine 8.7%; Positive Feelings’
TCAs = 4.5%; = 42%; ‘Caring
venlafaxine = Less About
2.2%; multiple Others’ = 39%
Popovic et al. Clinical study SSRIs Apathy 67: MDD = 37; Mean age: Males = Study-specific NA NA –
(2015) (Paroxetine, symptoms: All AD = 30 MDD = 47.3; 46.3% questionnaire
citalopram, patients = AD = 39.5
escitalopram, 20.4%; MDD =
fluoxetine, 22.6%; AD =
sertraline) 18.2%
Goodwin Internet-based Monotherapy 46% of currently 669 with current With With OQESA NA NA No significant
et al. (2017) survey with: (1) SSRIs: depressed MDD on emotional emotional difference of
Sertraline, patients had treatment and blunting = blunting: apathy
fluoxetine, emotional 150 drug-free 49.5 ± 12.3; females = according to
paroxetine, blunting (men = previously Without 68%; Without antidepressant
escitalopram, 52%, women = depressed emotional emotional agent. Positive
citalopram. (2) 44%) controls blunting = blunting: correlation
non-SSRI 51.7 ± 12.4 females = between
antidepressants: 75% OQESA and
duloxetine, HAMD scores.
Kajanoja et al. Clinical study Serotoninergic Patients on 57 MDD – – TAS-subscale: NA NA –
(2018) antidepressants medication patients; 441 “difficulty
had greater controls identifying
difficulty to feelings”
Read and Internet-based Antidepressants ‘Feeling 1.431 users of – – Questionnaire NA NA Less than 5%
Williams survey emotionally antidepressants with 20 AEs of of the patients
(2018) numb’ = 71%; (from 38 antidepressants were informed
‘Reduction in countries) including at baseline for
positive feelings’ apathy potential side
= 60%; ‘Caring symptoms effects.
less about
others’ = 54.5%


https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Table 1. (Continued )

Antidepressant outcome
drug inducing Percentage of Number of Treatment strat- regarding
apathy and daily patients report- patients and Measures of egy for apathy apathy
Authors Type of study dosage ing apathy diagnosis Age (years) Gender apathy symptoms symptoms Comments
Kim et al. Case report Dosages (mg/d): NA 1 (MDD) 67 F AES Discontinuation Resolved –
(2019) Fluoxetine = 60, of all
venlafaxine = antidepressants.
225, mirtazapine Administration of
= 30, methylphenidate
aripiprazole = 5 (25 mg/day),
modafinil (200
mg/day) and
olanzapine (10
Ascibasi et al. Prospective SSRI = 41.8%; NA (Focus on 98 (MDD) 34.9 ± 10.6 F = 70.4% OQESA NA NA The OQESA
(2020) clinical study SNRI = 40.8%; the association scores were
vortioxetine = of apathy and related both to
13.3%; others = depressive drug AEs and
4.1% symptoms) to residual
Padala et al. Retrospective SSRIs Apathy: SSRI- 119 (MDD, SSRI-treated Not AES-C NA NA –
(2020) chart review (citalopram, treated patients bipolar = 57.2 ± 15.4; mentioned
study escitalopram, = 92%; non-SSRI disorder, Non-SSRI- (“the
paroxetine, treated = 61% anxiety treated = majority
fluoxetine, disorders, 54.2 ± 11.5 were males”)
sertraline) schizophrenia,
Read et al. Internet-based Antidepressants ‘Emotional 342 users of – – List of open NA NA –
(2020) survey blunting’ = 5.8% antidepressant questions
drugs concerning
experience with
Sato et al. Case report Venlafaxine Mild apathy at 2 47 and 55 Males None Increase of Resolved Apathy was
(2020) 75 and 37.5 mg/ venlafaxine to (both) attributed to
day, respectively 150 mg/d (both) the
component of

Masdrakis et al.
https://doi.org/10.1017/neu.2023.6 Published online by Cambridge University Press

Acta Neuropsychiatrica
Table 1. (Continued )

Camino et al. Analysis of data Dosage (mg) Total percentage 50 posts for Median age Females = NA NA NA –
(2022) from patient- (SD): Sertraline of users each = 37; IQR = 70.2%; Males
oriented = 93.5 (53.9); reporting antidepressant 26.25–49.00 = 29.8%
website Paroxetine = ‘emotional (total = 450).
31.3 (15.9); blunting’ = 18%; MDD = 66.7%;
Fluoxetine = Sertraline = Bipolar disorder
32.9 (18.6); 26%; Paroxetine = 4.7%; Anxiety
Escitalopram = = 32%; disorder = 51%;
14.1 (7.3); Fluoxetine = OCD = 7%
Citalopram = 24%;
30.2 (16.6); Escitalopram =
Venlafaxine = 18%; Citalopram
139.6 (141.0); = 14%;
Duloxetine = Venlafaxine =
75.4 (37.4); 12.5%;
Mirtazapine = Duloxetine =
31.1 (17.4); 22%; Mirtazapine
Bupropion = = 9.8%;
270 (89.2) Bupropion = 4%
Christensen Internet-based Antidepressant Only patients 752 MDD 45 (SD = 12) Female = ODG NA NA –
et al. (2022) survey of MDD received by with apathy patients in 62%; Male =
patients in patients: were included in acute (N = 300) 38%
acute or Fluoxetine 26%; the study; or remission
remission escitalopram Patients rating phase (N = 452)
phase, currently 17%; sertraline their emotional
receiving a 16%; citalopram blunting as
prescribed 15%; venlafaxine ‘extremely
antidepressant, 13%; bupropion severe’ = 44%;
who reported 11%; paroxetine Patients
emotional 10%; duloxetine attributing their
blunting during 7%; mirtazapine emotional
the last 6 6%; blunting to: (a)
weeks desvenlafaxine the MDD = 56%;
5%; vortioxetine (b) the
4%; agomelatine antidepressant
3%; other drug drug = 45%; 1/3
therapy 23% of patients were
stopping or had
stopped the
medication as a
AD, anxiety disorder; AEs, adverse effects; AES, Apathy Evaluation Scale; AES-C, Apathy Evaluation Scale-Clinical Version; ANX-NOS, anxiety disorder not otherwise specified; AS, Apathy Scale; BDZ, benzodiazepine; DEPRESS-NOS, depressive disorder not
otherwise specified; F, female; GAD, generalised anxiety disorder; GAS, GDS-apathy subscale; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; CGI-S, Clinical Global Impressions-Severity of Illness scale; HAMD, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; HAS, HAMD-apathy
subscale; IQR, interquartile range; M, male; LEIS, Laukes Emotional Intensity Scale; MADRS, Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale; MAOI, monoamine oxidase inhibitor; MDD, major depressive disorder; NA, non-applicable (e.g. when all patients are
selected to suffer from drug-induced apathy); OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder; ODQ, Oxford Depression Questionnaire; OQESA, Oxford Questionnaire on the Emotional Side-effects of Antidepressants; PD, panic disorder; SAD, social anxiety disorder; SD,
standard deviation; SEPAD, separation anxiety disorder; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TAS, Toronto Alexithymia Scale; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant.

198 Masdrakis et al.

behaviour in SSRI-treated adolescents to be related, at least in part, apathy symptomatology, without concomitant depression
to the experience of medication-induced apathy (Lee & (Reinblatt & Riddle, 2006). More data about the prevalence of anti-
Keltner, 2005). depressant-induced apathy are mentioned in sub-section ‘Clinical
trials, case reports, and internet/telephone surveys’.
Differential diagnosis and clinical measures of apathy
Clinicians must take into account that apathy manifestations are Aetiology and treatment
included in the clinical presentation of other medical conditions,
such as (apathetic) hyperthyroidism, dementia, frontal lobe Aetiology
lesions, and cannabis use (Barnhart et al., 2004). Additionally, apa- The mechanisms underlying the syndrome are not clarified fully.
thy symptoms may be an adverse effect of medication, a residual Due to the effect of SSRIs on pathological emotional lability, a sero-
symptom, or an early manifestation of relapse (Kelly et al., 2008). It toninergic hypothesis has been proposed: SSRIs may exert their
has been suggested that the presence of apathy without concurrent therapeutic effect by elevating the ‘threshold’ for feeling intense
fatigue is more indicative that it is antidepressant-induced emotions and subsequently by reducing emotional ‘responsive-
(Barnhart et al., 2004). Although the symptoms of apathy and ness’ (Scoppetta et al., 2005). As clinically similar emotional blunt-
depression overlap, they are considered distinct clinical entities ing can be observed after damage to the anterior cingulate cortex,
(Levy et al., 1998; Monga & Padala, 2015). Patients with apathy which receives extensive dopaminergic input from the ventral teg-
can demonstrate a lack of concern, while depressed patients show mental area, abnormal dopaminergic activity is also conjectured to
pathological self-criticism and a negative outlook – two symptoms be a cause of apathy (Padala et al., 2020). Furthermore, in healthy
which are usually absent in apathy (Landes et al., 2001). subjects, an inverse association was found between ‘crying prone-
Furthermore, at a nosological level, it is considered important to ness’ (as reflected in the ‘crying easily’-item of the Symptom
define the exact relationship between apathy and anhedonia – Checklist-90 measure) and cerebrospinal fluid levels of the nor-
the latter defined as the (complete) inability to experience pleasure, adrenaline metabolite 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol
as manifested in facial expression, speech, behaviour, lifestyle, and (MHPG), suggesting that central noradrenergic mechanisms
the individual’s account of personal experience. Thus, Starkstein may contribute to crying behaviour (Markianos et al., 2001).
and Leentjens (2008) emphasise that this relationship depends Hoehn-Saric et al (1990, 1991) proposed two alternative mech-
on how apathy is conceptualised. If apathy is considered a state anisms. The first is that SSRIs directly modulate frontal lobe activ-
of absence of feeling and emotional sensitivity, anhedonia should ity through changes in serotoninergic systems. Alternatively, SSRI
be considered a mandatory symptom of apathy. If, on the other administration may alter serotoninergic systems and subsequently
hand, apathy is considered a state of diminished motivation, anhe- modulate midbrain dopaminergic systems which project to the
donia may not be a necessary diagnostic criterion. prefrontal cortex: that is, SSRIs indirectly modulate frontal lobe
As it is often difficult to trace apathy manifestations and differ- activity by inhibiting the release of dopamine. In this respect, ago-
entiate them from depressive symptoms, a number of clinical mea- nism of 5HT-2C receptors may play a particular role (Gobert et al.,
sures have been developed for this purpose, including the Apathy 2002; Arnone et al., 2009). More precisely, SSRI-induced chronic
Evaluation Scale (Marin et al., 1991), the Rothschild Scale for increases of serotonin levels in the nucleus accumbens leads – due
Antidepressant Tachyphylaxis (RSAT) (Rothschild et al., 2014; to 5HT-2C agonism – may lead to a down-regulation of dopamine
Rothschild, 2008), the Massachusetts General Hospital Cognitive turn-over in neurobiological structures closely associated with apa-
and Physical Functioning Questionnaire (CPFQ) (Rothschild thy. The subsequent SSRI-induced ‘frontal hypo-dopaminergic’
et al., 2014; Fava et al., 2009), and the Oxford Questionnaire on state may manifest as apathy (Hoehn-Saric et al., 1990; Hoehn-
the Emotional Side effects of Antidepressants (OQESA) (Price Saric et al., 1991; Lee & Keltner, 2005; Szmulewicz et al., 2016;
et al., 2012). Most recently, novel clinical evaluation methods com- Levy & Dubois, 2006).
bining text, audio, and video features were used for the early detec- Emotional blunting may reduce a focus on depressed feelings or
tion and differential diagnosis of apathy and depression in patients negative experiences (Harmer et al., 2004). Moncrieff and Cohen
with mild cognitive impairment (Zhou et al., 2022). Of note, clini- (2005, 2006) have proposed that antidepressants work through a
cal measures must be part of a broader, comprehensive neuropsy- ‘drug-centred’ mechanism, altering a patient’s mental state which
chiatric evaluation, including the assessment of patient’s social and subsequently impacts MDD psychopathology, rather than through
physical context, her/his education, social class, interests and goals, a ‘disease-centred’ way, that is, by reversing specific biological
and cultural parameters (Marin & Wilkosz, 2005). mechanisms underlying disease.
SSRIs may alter neurocognitive processes underlying recogni-
Prevalence tion of an array of emotions, including happiness, sadness, fear,
The prevalence of antidepressant-induced apathy may be high. An disgust, and surprise, both in MDD patients and in healthy con-
early study found that up to 80% of 15 patients with SSRI-induced trols (Harmer et al., 2004; Harmer et al., 2011). Some researchers
sexual dysfunction also reported clinically significant emotional suggest antidepressants with a different mechanism of action –
blunting (Opbroek et al., 2002). Goodwin et al (2017) reported that such as reboxetine (Harmer et al., 2004), mirtazapine (Arnone
among 669 MDD patients undergoing monotherapy with either an et al., 2009), or agomelatine (Harmer et al., 2011) – may modify
SSRI (citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, or sertra- biological factors underlying the processing of happiness and sad-
line) or a non-SSRI-antidepressant (amitriptyline, bupropion, des- ness, but not of other emotions. However, further evidence is
venlafaxine, duloxetine, mirtazapine, or venlafaxine), the overall needed concerning this hypothesis.
prevalence of emotional blunting was 46%. A retrospective chart
review of 125 outpatients receiving only SSRIs found that up to Treatment options
92% demonstrated clinically significant apathy (Padala et al., Dose reduction of the antidepressant. Since apathy can be a
2020). Regarding paediatric populations, 5% of 45 patients with residual symptom of depression, the clinician may consider
anxiety disorders receiving the SSRI fluvoxamine demonstrated increasing the dose of the antidepressant: however, if apathy was

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Acta Neuropsychiatrica 199

not part of the manifestations of MDD prior to antidepressant were impaired in patients. Moreover, he stressed that some ‘emo-
treatment, then apathy is possibly an adverse effect of the pharma- tional blunting’ manifestations could be personality traits or
cotherapy, in which case a dose reduction may be preferred (Padala residual MDD symptoms. The issue of whether apathy symptoms
et al., 2012; Kodela & Venkata, 2010). It has been suggested that if a are medication-induced or residual symptoms of MDD is a fre-
differential diagnosis cannot be made, a first step is to increase the quent puzzle (e.g. Fava et al., 2006; 31, 42).
daily dosage: if symptoms are due to drug-induced apathy and not A cross-sectional study explored side effects of long-term phar-
to MDD, they are expected to worsen, in which case the clinician macotherapy with antidepressants in 117 MDD patients who had
can safely reduce the dosage (Lee & Keltner, 2005): with this strat- initially responded to a 3-month acute treatment (Fava et al.,
egy a clinician might avoid a potential relapse of MDD, if they 2006): a study-specific questionnaire was used to inquire for apa-
reduce the antidepressant dosage mistakenly assuming it is apathy thy, among other side effects. Up to 30–40% of the patients
syndrome – but the evidence for this suggested approach is very reported apathy and loss of motivation. The authors concluded
limited. that apathy is frequent in long-term pharmacotherapy of MDD
and may be due both to medication and residual psychopathology.
Pharmacotherapy of antidepressant-induced apathy. Relevant A retrospective case–control study – using a 20-year database –
data are limited to cases treated with bupropion (Garland & investigated the specificity of SSRIs to cause emotional blunting in
Baerg, 2001), agomelatine (De Berardis et al., 2013), amisulpride antidepressant-treated elderly inpatients (N = 384) with MDD
(Monga & Padala, 2015), and a methylphenidate-modafinil-olan- and/or dysthymia (Wongpakaran et al., 2007). A study-specific
zapine combination (Kim et al., 2019), together with an open-label clinical measure of apathy – combining items from established
study of olanzapine administration (Marangell et al., 2002) (for depression rating scales – was used. At discharge, depressive symp-
details, see sub-section ‘Clinical trials, case reports, and internet/ tomatology was significantly reduced, irrespective of the type of
telephone surveys’ and Table 1). antidepressant prescribed. However, SSRI-treated patients demon-
strated significantly greater apathy. Both the age range 70–75 years
Considering antidepressant-induced apathy as a beneficial and the length of hospital stay predicted post-treatment apathy.
effect. Many patients dislike antidepressant-induced emotional A qualitative study explored the phenomenology of SSRI-
suppression or disengagement, especially since these manifesta- induced apathy in 38 SSRI-treated depressed or anxious patients,
tions are often associated with other side effects, such as decline through interviews and inquiry of relevant posts in patient-ori-
in sexual interest and function (Bolling & Kohlenberg, 2004; ented websites (Price et al., 2009). Findings suggested that SSRI
Price et al., 2009; Goldsmith & Moncrieff, 2011). However, some administration is associated with ‘emotional detachment’ ranging
patients seem to consider this ‘emotional numbing’ as a desired from ‘just not caring’ for stimuli eliciting anxiety prior to treatment
effect, helping to overcome often intense symptoms of affective dis- to generalised emotional numbing. More precisely, eight key
orders and/or providing some relief from psychosocial stressors framework ‘themes’ were identified, including ‘general effects on
(Hoehn-Saric et al., 1990; Lee & Keltner, 2005; Price et al., 2009; all emotions’, ‘reduction of positive or negative emotions’, ‘emo-
Moncrieff, 2015). tional detachment’, ‘just-not-caring’ manifestations, fears of
‘changed personality’, ‘effects on everyday life (helpful and unhelp-
Clinical trials, case reports, and internet/telephone surveys ful)’ and ‘it’s because of my pills!’ statements, in which patients
attributed their apathy symptoms to SSRI treatment. Notably, apa-
In each of the following sub-sections (‘Clinical trials’, ‘Case thy manifestations were considered as beneficial by an unspecified
reports’, and ‘Internet/telephone surveys and investigation of proportion of patients, but others considered them as the cause of
patient-oriented websites’), studies are reviewed in chronological their financial and working problems.
order: for reports from the same year, alphabetical order is A multicentre, double-blind, randomised study found that in
followed. 423 SSRI-treated patients with MDD in remission, but with clin-
ically significant apathy, switching to the SNRI duloxetine was sim-
Clinical trials ilarly effective to switching to another SSRI (escitalopram)
An open-label study explored the effectiveness of olanzapine for regarding the reduction in apathy (Raskin et al., 2012). The authors
treatment of prominent apathy in the absence of depression in suggest that the serotoninergic component of duloxetine may
21 patients with non-psychotic MDD in full remission, all receiv- reduce its efficacy to alleviate apathy symptomatology and that
ing long-term pharmacotherapy with an SSRI (Marangell et al., a ‘pure’ noradrenergic drug might prove more effective. Of note,
2002). The rationale for adding olanzapine to SSRI treatment another 60 patients who had been receiving escitalopram already
was that it can enhance dopamine availability in the frontal cortex at baseline, and continued this medication for a further 8 weeks,
by blocking serotonin-induced inhibition of dopamine release. also demonstrated an improvement in apathy. Data from this
Following initial response, olanzapine was administered for 8 study were additionally used to assess the underlying structure
weeks at a stable dose (5.4 ± 2.8 mg/day). Clinically significant of the RSAT and the Massachusetts General Hospital CPFQ for
improvements were seen in all measures of apathy. measuring apathy (Rothschild, 2008; Fava et al., 2009).
In a clinical trial, up to 80% of 15 patients with SSRI (fluoxetine, The clinical efficacy, safety, and tolerability of agomelatine have
paroxetine, or sertraline)-induced sexual dysfunction also reported been confirmed (Pompili et al., 2013). A randomised, controlled,
clinically significant apathy, including reductions regarding ability double-blind 24-week trial suggests that ‘emotional blunting’” is
to cry, irritation, care about others’ feelings, sadness, erotic dream- less frequent with agomelatine (25–50 mg/day) than with escitalo-
ing, creativity, surprise, anger, expression of their feelings, worry pram (10–20 mg/day), although the drugs had similar efficacy in
over things or situations, sexual pleasure, and interest in sex treating MDD (Corruble et al., 2013). Apathy manifestations
(Opbroek et al., 2002). However, Balon (2002) criticised this study included lack of emotions’ intensity (agomelatine = 28% vs. escita-
for using a clinical measure of apathy without validity, and for not lopram = 60%) and lack of care for issues previously considered as
specifying which aspects of the broad term ’sexual functioning’ important (agomelatine 16% vs. escitalopram 53%). The authors

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200 Masdrakis et al.

suggest that emotional blunting may not be a side effect of anti- A 17-year-old female with MDD experienced fluoxetine
depressants, but a symptom of MDD that conventional clinical (30 mg/day)-induced apathy which improved after dose reduction
measures fail to trace and where agomelatine is superior to escita- (to 20 mg/day) and augmentation with bupropion (150 mg/day)
lopram. They also propose that the OQESA – used to evaluate apa- (Garland & Baerg, 2001). Sertraline-induced apathy was described
thy in the study – should be considered a clinical measure of MDD. in a 48-year-old male with MDD and ‘personality change due to
In another study, up to 22.6% of MDD patients and 18.2% of medical condition’, which resolved after dosage reduction
patients with an anxiety disorder demonstrated apathy manifesta- (Kodela & Venkata, 2010). Likewise, the panic symptoms of a
tions after at least 6 months of successful SSRI monotherapy 39-year-old female improved with sertraline (50 mg/day), but
(Popovic et al., 2015). The overall incidence of apathy in the sample she also demonstrated flattening of emotions and a ‘like-noth-
(N = 67) was 20.4%. The authors attribute the higher incidence of ing-matters’ feeling: these apathy manifestations abated after dos-
SSRI-induced apathy to the ‘real-world setting’, in contrast to the age reduction to 25 mg/day (Sato & Asada, 2011).
more rarefied environment of clinical trials, and hypothesised that In another report, among six patients demonstrating SSRI-
partial responders, receiving combined pharmacotherapy, will induced loss of motivation, four improved only by discontinuing
have a higher incidence of apathy. medication, and two resolved after switching to a dopaminergic
In another study, 57 depressed patients treated with serotoni- agent (bupropion) (Padala et al., 2012). In another report, a 70-
nergic antidepressants reported significantly greater subjective dif- year-old male MDD patient improved moderately after 6 months
ficulty in identifying feelings, when compared to 441 controls of escitalopram treatment (10 mg/day), but later demonstrated
(Kajanoja et al., 2018). A 16-week prospective study investigated apathy manifestations, including loss of drive and motivation,
various adverse effects of antidepressants in 98 MDD patients without however worsening of depression (De Berardis et al.,
and found that as depressive symptoms (rated by the 2013): co-administration of agomelatine (25 mg/day) for 9 weeks
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale, MADRS) gradually both reversed the escitalopram-induced apathy and preserved the
improved, apathy symptoms (OQESA) decreased (Ascibasi et al., therapeutic gains of the latter, which subsequently was discontinued.
2020): furthermore, at Week 8 and Week 16, patients in remission In another report, a 42-year-old male patient with depression
demonstrated significantly lower apathy manifestations compared and epilepsy received a carbamazepine–topiramate–sertraline
to non-remitted patients. The OQESA and the MADRS scores combination, which reduced depression and terminated seizures:
were significantly correlated in all assessments, suggesting that however, he demonstrated apathy which did not remit after carba-
severity of apathy may be related to both the medication and mazepine cessation, but only after administration of amisulpride
the intensity of depressive symptoms. (15 mg/day) (Monga & Padala, 2015). The case of a 67-year-old
A retrospective chart review of 119 outpatients with MDD or female MDD patient was reported, who while receiving combined
other diagnoses found that clinically important apathy emerged fluoxetine–venlafaxine–mirtazapine–aripiprazole pharmacotherapy
significantly more often and was more severe in SSRI-treated experienced severe symptoms of apathy which abated after discon-
patients when compared to those treated with a non-SSRI anti- tinuation of all antidepressants and co-administration of methyl-
depressant (92% vs. 61%) (Padala et al., 2020). Antidepressant- phenidate (25 mg/day)-modafinil (200 mg/day)-olanzapine
induced apathy was observed in all psychiatric disorders, especially (10 mg/day) (Kim et al., 2019).
in patients with dementia, and with all the SSRIs administered (cit- Additionally, two male MDD patients receiving venlafaxine (75
alopram, escitalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline). and 37.5 mg/day, respectively) experienced mild apathy symptoms
which abated after increasing the dosage to 150 mg/day (Sato et al.,
2020). The authors consider the serotoninergic mechanisms that
Case reports prevail with low doses of venlafaxine to cause apathy, which sub-
Hoehn-Saric et al (1990) were the first to report the presence of sequently abates with dosage increases which result in a better sero-
apathy, indifference, loss of initiative, or disinhibition (without tonin/norepinephrine balance.
concurrent sedation or hypomania) in three MDD patients receiv-
ing 20 mg/day fluoxetine and two patients with panic disorder Internet/telephone surveys and investigation of patient-
receiving fluvoxamine 300 mg/day and 400 mg/day, respectively. oriented websites
Clinical manifestations were dose-related and completely resolved In a telephone survey (semi-structured interview) of 161 MDD
(N = 4) or improved after dose reduction (n = 1), or after switching patients who had completed SSRI therapy, up to 20% reported
to another class of antidepressants. Remission of apathy took ‘apathy’, while 16.1% suffered from loss of ambition (Bolling &
longer to achieve in fluoxetine-treated patients, possibly due to Kohlenberg, 2004). Another study explored reviews in three popu-
its longer half-life when compared to that of fluvoxamine. lar health Internet-websites concerning the antidepressants escita-
A 23-year-old patient treated with high doses of fluoxetine lopram, duloxetine, vilazodone, and vortioxetine (Hughes et al.,
(100 mg/day) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) demon- 2017): participants (N = 3243) reported suffering from anxiety,
strated apathy, indifference, inattention, and perseveration and depressive, or bipolar disorders. Patients receiving vilazodone
found to be associated with a decrease in cerebral blood flow in or vortioxetine more often reported ‘emotional instability’.
the frontal lobes and changes in neuropsychological measures sug- ‘Emotional numbing’ was more often reported by patients on esci-
gesting frontal lobe impairment (Hoehn-Saric et al., 1991). Apathy talopram (10.7%) or duloxetine (8.2%), compared to those on vor-
completely resolved 4 weeks after discontinuing fluoxetine, concur- tioxetine (5.9%) or vilazodone (4.1%): overall, 9.4% of subjects
rently with normalisation of cerebral blood flow and neuropsycho- reported ‘emotional blunting’.
logical measurements. Likewise, an OCD patient with comorbid The adverse effects reported by 258 patients receiving anti-
Tourette syndrome demonstrated a clinically significant ‘frontal depressants (SSRIs, TCAs, ‘other’) were compared to those
lobe syndrome’ characterised mainly by apathy and indifference reported by clinicians, through an internet-based medicine report-
after a 4-week fluvoxamine (150 mg/day) treatment (George & ing system (van Geffen et al., 2007). Up to 10.8% of patients
Trimble, 1992), this syndrome resolving after dose reduction. reported ‘apathy’, while none of the clinicians reported apathy

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Acta Neuropsychiatrica 201

in their antidepressant-treated patients. Up to 46% of the patients your experience of taking medication?’): up to 5.8% reported that
who reported apathy perceived it as ‘very negative’, and up to 54% their feelings were blunted by the antidepressant, using terms like
discontinued pharmacotherapy. ‘flattened’ or ‘numbed’ (Read et al., 2020).
In a patient-oriented website, the views of 468 subjects receiving Camino et al (2022) recently analysed 450 posts from a patient-
venlafaxine or fluoxetine were explored (Goldsmith & Moncrieff, oriented website – 50 on each of the most prescribed anti-
2011). Apathy manifestations (‘flat mood’, ‘unable to cry very depressants, including bupropion, citalopram, duloxetine, escitalo-
often’, ‘numb’, ‘blank’, ‘no motivation’, ‘lack of interest’, ‘distanced pram, fluoxetine, mirtazapine, paroxetine, sertraline, and
from life’, ‘loss of humour’, ‘less creative’, ‘less motivated’, ‘it seems venlafaxine. Sertraline, paroxetine, and fluoxetine were associated
less me’, etc.) were reported by 17% and 19% of responders to ven- with frequent reports of emotional blunting, but bupropion with
lafaxine and fluoxetine, respectively. Apathy was associated with very few. The presence of emotional blunting was among the side
cognitive impairment, reduced libido, and sedation. The authors effects (the other being suicidality, irritability, cognitive disturb-
suggested that antidepressant-induced reduced libido is not an iso- ances, and withdrawal symptoms) that were inversely associated
lated effect but related to emotional blunting caused by these med- with satisfaction with antidepressant treatment. After adjusting
ications. Moreover, feelings of emotional blunting or indifference for confounders, only emotional blunting was more frequently
coexisted with activation/arousal effects and emotional instability reported by users of serotoninergic agents, as compared to non-
and – most importantly – with suicidal thoughts. The researchers serotoninergic agents. The authors concluded that patients/users
suggest that emotional blunting reduces normal inhibitions, which may prefer receiving a non-serotonergic agent over a serotonergic
in turn results in the emergence of suicidal ideation (Goldsmith & one, due to the lower propensity of the former to induce emotional
Moncrieff, 2011). blunting.
An internet-based survey investigated the rate of antidepres- Recently, Christensen et al (2022) reported data from an inter-
sant-induced emotional blunting in 669 currently depressed net-based survey of 752 MDD patients (female = 62%) in acute
patients under monotherapy with either an SSRI (citalopram, esci- (N = 300) or remission phase, currently receiving a prescribed
talopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, or sertraline) or a non-SSRI-anti- antidepressant, who reported emotional blunting during the last
depressant (amitriptyline, bupropion, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, 6 weeks. Emotional blunting was assessed using the Oxford
mirtazapine, or venlafaxine) and 150 drug-free, previously Depression Questionnaire. Antidepressant agents taken by
depressed controls (Goodwin et al., 2017). Overall, the rate of emo- patients included agomelatine, bupropion, citalopram, desvenla-
tional blunting in currently depressed patients was 46% (men vs. faxine, duloxetine, escitalopram, fluoxetine, mirtazapine, paroxe-
women = 52% vs. 44%). Contrary to the notion that apathy is seen tine, sertraline, venlafaxine, and vortioxetine. Up to 44% of
only in SSRI-treated patients, the authors found no major patients rated their emotional blunting as ‘extremely severe’. Up
differences between agents in apathy emergence, although it to 45% of study patients believed that antidepressant medication
appeared less evident with bupropion. Currently, depressed was the cause of their emotional blunting: as a result, one-third
patients had significantly higher emotional blunting scores on of patients were either considering stopping or had stopped the
the OQESA compared to controls, while total blunting score medication.
was correlated with depression severity. Of those reporting emo-
tional blunting, 37% had a negative perception of the condition, Studies in children and adolescents
but up to 38% had a positive perception. In summary, this study Previous data have also suggested the presence of SSRI-induced
suggests that almost half of MDD patients receiving anti- apathy in paediatric populations (Garland & Baerg, 2001;
depressants demonstrate emotional blunting. Moreover, it suggests Reinblatt & Riddle, 2006). Its prevalence in children treated for
that emotional blunting is not merely a side effect of anti- anxiety disorders was reported to be 5% (Reinblatt & Riddle,
depressants but also a symptom of depression and associated with 2006). Garland and Baerg (2001) were the first to report five ‘typ-
a poorer outcome. ical cases’ (2 OCD, 2 depressed and one anxious) of SSRI (fluox-
An internet-based survey designed to elicit experiences with etine, paroxetine)-induced apathy and lack of motivation – one
antidepressants (SSRIs, TCAs, and venlafaxine), of 1829 adults accompanied by disinhibition – in a 10-year-old child and in four
who had started pharmacotherapy in the preceding 5 years adolescents (14–17 years old). Symptoms were dose-related and
(52% were treated for >3 years) (Read et al., 2014; Cartwright reversible after dosage reduction without (N = 4) or with bupro-
et al., 2016), found a high prevalence of apathy symptoms, includ- pion (150 mg/day) co-administration. The authors stress that
ing ‘feeling emotionally numb’ (60%), ‘reduction in positive feel- the delayed onset, subtlety of symptoms, lack of subjective aware-
ings’ (42%), and ‘caring less about others’ (39%): all apathy ness, and the resulting disability indicate a need for clinicians to
manifestations were reported as being associated with ’suicidality’. inform families for the possible emergence of apathy when chil-
Another online survey, in 38 countries, asked 1431 users of anti- dren/adolescents are prescribed SSRIs. Another study reported
depressants for the presence and severity of symptoms ‘as a result that among 45 non-depressed paediatric patients with anxiety dis-
of taking the antidepressant’ (Read & Williams, 2018). Apathy orders who received fluvoxamine, two patients (5%) demonstrated
manifestations included ‘feeling emotionally numb’ (71%; the most apathy (Reinblatt & Riddle, 2006): both presentations were char-
frequently reported adverse effect), ‘reduction in positive feelings’ acterised by lack of awareness, delayed onset, dose-dependency,
(60%), and ‘caring less about others’ (54.5%). Less than 5% of and reversibility following reduction of dosage or discontinuation.
patients reported being informed prior to pharmacotherapy about
the potential emergence of medication-induced apathy. The Reduction of crying and other emotional symptoms without
authors conclude that asking people directly reveals far higher rates emergence of apathy in SSRI-treated subjects
of medication-induced manifestations than clinicians consider, Previous data suggest that some MDD patients and healthy volun-
including apathy. In another online survey, 342 users of anti- teers with emotional lability demonstrate SSRI-induced reduction
depressants were asked open questions concerning their pharma- of crying, but without suffering from concurrent apathy. Rapid
cotherapy (e.g. ‘Is there anything else you would like to tell us about improvement of excessive or inappropriate crying without

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202 Masdrakis et al.

concurrent apathy was initially reported in SSRI-treated depressed disorders (e.g. Folstein et al., 1982). This follows a dose-response
patients (Oleshansky & Labbate, 1996). Subsequently, in a rando- pattern being more prominent in patients with higher lithium
mised, placebo-controlled trial, a single dose (20 mg) of paroxetine serum levels (Szmulewicz et al., 2016). Regarding anticonvulsant
significantly inhibited the crying behaviour of 25 healthy, young medications, as already mentioned, a case report suggests that car-
females in response to emotional movies, without concurrent bamazepine-topiramate combination administered for epilepsy
mood changes (van der Veen et al., 2012). together with sertraline for depression was associated with emer-
Eight female MDD patients reported that after SSRI therapy gence of significant apathy (Monga & Padala, 2015).
they ceased to cry during moving film scenes, although their overall
emotional experience was left intact (Vinar, 2000). Another case
study explored the effect of SSRIs on ‘emotional lability’, that is,
poor control of emotions manifested as tearfulness, weeping, To summarise, in patients with depressive, anxiety or other psychi-
and crying spells (Scoppetta et al., 2005): participants (3 MDD atric disorders, pharmacotherapy with antidepressants (mostly
patients, 2 controls) received an SSRI for 5-day cycles and all with SSRIs, but in some cases with antidepressants from other
reported total remission of emotional lability after a few days of classes) may induce an array of clinically significant manifesta-
pharmacotherapy. In another case report, all seven SSRI-treated tions, collectively termed “apathy syndrome” or “emotional blunt-
patients demonstrated inability to cry soon after starting pharma- ing”. These manifestations – which often have an insidious onset –
cotherapy, although feelings of sadness and the urge to cry include lack of motivation or dullness and, more generally, a
remained intact (Holguin-Lew & Bell, 2013). The different secon- decrease in emotional responsiveness to numerous circumstances
dary pharmacological effects of the various SSRIs administered which would have triggered intense mood reactions prior to anti-
(fluvoxamine on sigma-1 receptors, sertraline on dopamine recep- depressant pharmacotherapy. The prevalence of apathy syndrome
tors, and citalopram and escitalopram on histamine receptors) led in patients receiving either an SSRI or a non-SSRI antidepressant
the authors to suggest that the amelioration of crying behaviour ranges from 5.8% to almost 50% in the related reports. However,
was probably due to their common serotoninergic effect. the prevalence of apathy manifestations in samples treated only
with SSRIs ranges between 20% and 92%. A number of researchers
Clinical conditions in which SSRIs might improve apathy assume that apathy symptoms, at least in depressive patients, may
Some data suggest that SSRIs may improve apathy in patients with be attributed to both the antidepressant medication and to the
dementia. However, other reports do not support this notion clinical syndrome. Other researchers have suggested that emo-
(Azhar et al., 2022). Thus, in non-depressed behaviourally dis- tional blunting may not be a side effect of antidepressants, but
turbed patients with Alzheimer’s disease, administration of citalo- solely a symptom of depression which is not traced by conven-
pram was associated with up to 60% reduction in scores of the tional clinical measures.
Apathy subscale of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (Siddique Antidepressant-induced apathy emerges independently of the
et al., 2009). Likewise, in a mix of patients with Alzheimer’s disease psychiatric disorder for which the drug is prescribed and can be
or vascular dementia, Nyth and Gottfries (1990) reported a signifi- found in all age-groups. Furthermore, it is independent of treat-
cant reduction in apathy in the citalopram group in at week 4 in ment outcome and may be clinically present even after depressive
comparison with baseline. However, this reduction in apathy or other psychopathology has remitted. Libido reduction may be a
was not significant when compared with placebo. Another study sexual accompaniment of antidepressant-induced apathy syn-
in patients with the same diagnoses as in the previous study did drome, while some clinicians consider violent behaviours in ado-
not show any effect of citalopram in apathy (Pollock et al., 2002). lescents to be related, at least partly, to antidepressants-induced
apathy. Often, apathy symptoms are not raised by the patient
Other medications that may induce apathy symptoms and/or relatives and so remain untreated, with subsequent clinical,
Apathy manifestations may emerge as a consequence of treatment social, and professional consequences.
with antipsychotics. More precisely, antipsychotic medications – Clinicians should be alert for antidepressant-induced apathy
both typical and atypical – may induce a condition known as when there is clinically prominent loss of motivation, especially
neuroleptic-induced deficit syndrome (NIDS) which includes apa- since this syndrome is dose-dependent and reversible. If the clini-
thy, lack of initiative, anhedonia, indifference, blunted affect, and cian is not sure whether emotional blunting is a side effect of the
reduced insight into disease. The concept of NIDS is well described antidepressant or a residual symptom of MDD, it has been recom-
in patients with schizophrenia. However, antipsychotics are widely mended firstly to increase the dose. If the symptoms are due to apa-
used in patients with depressive or bipolar disorders. Thus, anti- thy and not to MDD, they are expected to worsen, in which case the
psychotics can make depression or bipolar disorder resemble other clinician can safely reduce the drug’s dosage. Therefore, the clini-
more refractory conditions and may lead clinicians to mistaken cian avoids a potential relapse of MDD, if he initially reduces the
diagnoses and inappropriate treatments (Szmulewicz et al., antidepressant’s dose mistakenly assuming it is apathy syndrome:
2016). Such cases have been already described in literature but this is an approach with some drawbacks. Few data exist as to
(Ueda et al., 2016). Moreover, it has been proposed that anti- the pharmacotherapy of the antidepressant-induced apathy syn-
psychotic drugs do not extinguish psychotic symptoms, but rather drome and are limited to case reports describing treatment with
they produce emotional detachment due to down-regulation of bupropion, agomelatine, or amisulpride and an open-label study
dopamine turn-over (Kapur, 2003). It also assumes that apathy of olanzapine administration.
and lack of initiative is an unwanted consequence of the same The main limitation of this review is the paucity of clinical trials
psychological mechanism that relieves psychotic symptoms – especially randomised placebo-controlled ones – as most ‘studies’
(Kapur et al., 2006). are either case reports or internet/telephone surveys in samples of
Data from healthy subjects and case reports suggest that lithium “users” of antidepressant medications. Furthermore, in many of
can induce an amotivational syndrome in healthy volunteers (e.g. these reports, non-specific clinical measures – or no measures at
Kropf & Muller-Oerlinghausen, 1979) or in patients with bipolar all – are used to evaluate apathy symptoms. The retrospective

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Acta Neuropsychiatrica 203

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