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Position Based Dynamics

Matthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger, Marcus Hennix, John Ratcliff

3rd Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulation "VRIPHYS" (2006)

Presentation by Daniel Adam

What can you expect?
 To be crushed if you don’t pay attention!

 Position based approach to simulation of dynamic systems

 The Content
 Some of the math behind
 Constraint handling

 Usage - Cloth simulation

 Simulation of physical phenomena such as the dynamics of rigid bodies, deformable
objects or fluid flow

 Computation science: Accuracy

 Physical-based animation: Stability, robustness, speed and visual plausibility

 Traditional methods - Force or impulse based

 Simple explicit methods: Inaccuracy, instability
 Implicit methods: Large, slow

 Proposed method – Position based

 Directly modify positions
Features and advantages
 Similiar approaches have been used before, but no complete framework has been

Position based dynamics:

 gives control over explicit integration
 removes the typical instability problems
 allows direct manipulation of objects and its parts
 allows the handling of general constraints
 Object representation:
 dynamic object is represented with a set of N vertices
 vertex i∈ [1, ..., N] has a mass mi, a position xi and a velocity vi

 Constraint representation:
 a cardinality nj
 the constraint j is a function Cj(x): R3nj → R
 set of indices
 stiffness parameter (defines the strength of the constraint)
 equality constraint j is satisfied if: Cj (x) = 0
 inequality constraint j is satisfied if: Cj (x) ≥ 0
(1) forall vertices i
(2) initialize xi = xi0, vi = vi0, wi = 1/ mi
(3) endfor
(4) loop
(5) forall vertices i do vi = vi +∆twifext(xi)
(6) dampVelocities(v1, ... , vN)
(7) forall vertices i do pi = xi + ∆tvi
(8) forall vertices i do generateCollisionConstraints(xi → pi)
(9) loop solverIterations times
(10) projectConstraints(C1, ... , CM+Mcoll ;p1, ... ,pN)
(11) endloop
(12) forall vertices i
(13) vi = (pi - xi) / ∆t
(14) xi = pi
(15) endfor
(16) velocityUpdate(v1, ... , vN)
(17) endloop
Algorithm description
 (1)-(3) initialize the state variables.
 Velocity manipulation:
 (5) allows to hook up external forces
 (6) damps the velocities if necessary
 (16) the velocities of colliding vertices are modified according to friction and restitution
 Constraint manipulation:
 (8) generates the Mcoll collision constraints
 (10) projects all of the constraints
 Position based dynamics:
 (7) estimates pi of the vertices are computed using explicit Euler
 (9)-(11) manipulate these position estimates such that they satisfy the constraints
 (13-14) vertices are moved to the optimized estimates and the velocities are updated
 M +Mcoll constraints
 estimates p1, ... , pN

 The solver tries to modify the estimates such that they satisfy all the constraints. The
resulting system of equations is non-linear.

 iterative, similiar to the Gauss-Seidel method
 the idea is to solve each constraint independently one after the other
 repeatedly iterate through all the constraints and project the particles to valid locations
 order of constraints is important
Constraint projection
 moving the points such that they satisfy the constraint
 internal constraints must conserve both linear and angular momentum

 The Issue:
 let us have a constraint with cardinality n on the points p1, ... , pN with constraint function C
and stiffness k.
 let p be the concatenation [p1T, ..., pNT] T
 for internal constraints rotating or translating the points does not change the value of the
constraint function

 The Solution:
 if the correction ∆p is chosen to be along the gradient ∇ p C(p) both momenta are
Constraint projection

 The Correction:
 given p we want to find a correction ∆p such that C(p+ ∆p) = 0 ( ≥ 0).
 approximation: C(p+ ∆p) ≈ C(p) + ∇ p C(p) . ∆p = 0
 to solve the problem one needs to find a scalar λ (lagrange multiplier): ∆p = λ ∇ p C(p)
C ( p)

λ= −
| ∇ p C ( p ) |2
 solving for λ and substituting it into the formula yields the final formula for ∆p:
C ( p)
 ∆p = − ∇ pC ( p)
| ∇ p C ( p ) |2

 The result is a non-linear equation, which can be solved iteratively for each point pi
Constraint projection

 For the correction of an individual point pi we have:

∆pi = − s∇ pi C ( p1 ,..., p N ) , where s is the scaling factor (same for all points)

C ( p1 ,..., p N )
∑ pj 1 N
∇ C ( p ,..., p ) | 2

 The methods described so far work if all the points have the same masses
Weighted projection

 If the points have individual masses then the corrections ∆p must be weighted by the
inverse masses wi = 1 / mi
 In this case a point with infinite mass, i.e. wi = 0, does not move for example as expected

 Adding the inverse mass to the formula:

∆p i = λ w i ∇ pi C(p)

C ( p1 ,..., p N )
∑ w j | ∇ p j C ( p1 ,..., pN ) |2

 ∆pi = − s wi ∇ pi C ( p1 ,..., p N )
Constraint projection
 Type handling is straightforward:
 For equality constraint always perform a projection
 For inequality constraint perform a projection only when C(p) < 0

 Stiffness parameter k:

 simplest variant is to multiply the corrections ∆p by k ∈ [0, …, 1]

 for multiple iteration loops of the solver, the effect of k is non-linear

1/ n s
 better solution: multiply by 1 - (1 - k) where ns is the number of iterations
 resulting material stiffness is applied linearly, but it is still dependent on the time step of the
Distance constraint
 C(p1,p2) = |p1 - p2| - d = 0
 The gradients:
(p1 - p 2 )
 ∇ p1 C(p1 , p 2 ) =
| p1 - p 2 |
(p1 - p 2 )

∇ p 2 C(p1 , p 2 ) = -
| p1 - p 2 |
 The scaling factor s:
| p1 - p 2 | - d
w1 + w 2
 Final formula:
w1 p -p
 ∆p1 = - (| p1 - p 2 | - d) 1 2
w1 + w 2 | p1 - p 2 |
Example – Distance Constraint
 Let us consider a 2D case of 3 vertexes A, B, C bound by 2 distance constraints.
 The parameters:
 Weights: mA = 10, mB = 5, mC = 2
 Inverse weights: wA = 1/10, wB = 1/5, wC = 1/2
 Constraints: C1(A, B) = | A – B | - 1, C2(A, C) = | A – C | - 1
 New predicted positions: pA = [1, 1], pB = [4, 2], pC = [2, 3]
 Stiffness = 1
 Both constraints are violated: | A − B | = 10 > 1 | A − C | = 5 >1

 Constraint projection:
 Lets handle the constraints in order: C1, C2
w1 p -p w1 p -p
∆p1 = - (| p1 - p 2 | - d) 1 2 ∆p 2 = (| p1 - p 2 | - d) 1 2
w1 + w 2 | p1 - p 2 | w1 + w 2 | p1 - p 2 |

 1st iteration: 1 [-3, - 1]

 C1 : ∆p A = - ( 10 - 1) ≅ [0.68, 0.23] A = [1.68, 1.23], B = [2.63, 1.54]
3 10
| A - B | = 0,9986
2 [-3, - 1]
∆p B = ( 10 - 1) ≅ [-1.37, - 0.46]
 3 10

 C2 : | A − C | ≅ 1.8 > 1
1 [-0.32 , - 1.77] A = [1.7, 1.36], C = [1.88, 2.35]
∆p A = - (1.8 - 1) ≅ [0.02, 0.13] | A - C | = 1,0125
6 1,8
5 [-0.32 , - 1.77]
∆p C = - (1.8 - 1) ≅ [-0.12, - 0.65]
6 1,8

 New positions:
 A = [1.7, 1.36]
 B = [2.63, 1.54]
 C = [1.88, 2.35]

 The process is iteratively

repeated to get better results
Collision Detection

 Continuous collisions:
 for each vertex i the ray xi → pi is tested if it enters an object
 compute the entry point qc and the surface normal nc at this position
 add a new inequality constraint that ensures non-penetration to the list, such constraint has
function C(p) = (p - qc) . nc ≥ 0 and stiffness k = 1

 Static collisions:
 compute the surface point qs closest to the point pi and the surface normal nc at this position
 add add a new inequality constraint with C(p) = (p - qs) . ns ≥ 0 and stiffness k = 1

 To make the simulation faster, the collision constraint generation is done outside of
the solver loop.
Example – Plane Constraint
 Consider a case of a particle (single vertex) that has entered a wall (plane), however
the particle is elastic, so it shouldn’t penetrate the wall, but bounce off it.

 The parameters:
 Plane given by three points: A = [1, 0, 0], B = [0, 1, 0], C = [0, 0, 1]
 Particle X position: pX = [0, 0, 0]
 Stiffness = 1

 C(p) = (p - qs) . ns ≥ 0
 1 1 1 
 ns = normal vector = (1, 1, 1); normalized =  , , 
 3 3 3

 qs = parallel projection of X to the plane = [1/3, 1/3, 1/3]

 1 1 1 
 Final form: C(pX) = (pX – [1/3, 1/3, 1/3]) .  3 , 3 , 3  ≥ 0
 Constraint projection:

∆pi = − s wi ∇ pi C ( p1 ,..., p N ) C ( p1 ,..., p N )

∑ w j | ∇ p j C ( p1 ,..., pN ) |2

 Our case with a single particle:

C( pX )
∆p X = − ∇ p C( pX )
| ∇ p X C ( p X ) |2 X
 1  1 1 1  1
C ( p X ) =  [ x, y, z ] − (1, 1, 1) . , , = ( x + y + z − 1)
 3  3 3 3  3
 ∂C ( p X ) ∂C ( p X ) ∂C ( p X )   1 1 1 
∇ p X C ( p X ) =  , ,  =  , , 
 ∂ x ∂ y ∂ z   3 3 3 

| ∇ p X C ( p X ) |2 = 1
1  1 1 1 
∆p X = − ( x + y + z − 1). , , 
3  3 3 3

 X = [0, 0, 0]

1  1 1 1  1 1 1
 ∆p X = − (−1). , , = , , 
3  3 3 3   3 3 3

1 1 1
 New position: X =  , , 
3 3 3
Collision Detection

 Friction and restitution can be handled by manipulating the velocities of colliding

vertices in step (16) of the algorithm
 The described collision handling is only correct for collisions with static objects,
because no impulse is transferred to the collision partners

 Multiple colliding objects:

 Correct response for multiple colliding objects can be achieved by simulating all objects
with the simulator
 the N vertices and M constraints which are the input to the algorithm simply represent two
or more independent objects.
Collision Detection

 Lets consider a case of two dynamic objects

 Let q be a point of the first object
 Let p1, p2, p3 be a triangle of the second object

 Example: Point q enters the triangle p1, p2, p3

 the algorithm inserts an inequality constraint with constraint function
C(q, p1, p2, p3 ) = ± (q - p1) . [(p2 – p2) x (p3 – p1)]
 this keeps the point q on the correct side of the triangle
 the velocities are dampened before they are used for the prediction of the new
 local deviations from the global motion is dampened

 Proposed method:
(1) forall vertices i
(2) ∆vi = vcm + ω x ri - vi
(3) vi ← vi + kd∆vi
(4) endfor
 The variables:
 pcm = (Σi pi mi) / (Σi mi)
 vcm = (Σi vi mi) / (Σi mi) (velocity due to global body motion)
 ri = pcm – pi
 L = Σi ri x (mi vi )
 J = Σi (rxi)(rxi) T mi , where rxi is the cross product matrix
 ω = J-1 L
 Attaching vertices to static or kinematic objects

 How to model it:

 position of the vertex is simply set to the static target position
 alternatively update the position at every time step to coincide with the position of the
kinematic object
 To make sure other constraints containing this vertex do not move it, its inverse mass wi is
set to zero
Cloth Simulation

 the position based dynamics framework has been used to implement a real time cloth
simulator for games

 Representation of cloth:
 simulator accepts as input arbitrary triangle meshes
 the input mesh must represent a 2-manifold
 each node of the mesh becomes a simulated vertex
 user inputs cloth density and thickness, which are used to calculate the mass of each triangle
 the mass of a vertex is set to the sum of one third of the mass of each adjacent triangle
 constraints are defined along edges and faces
 Stretching constraints:
 generated for each edge
 Cstretch(p1, p2) = |p1 – p2| - l0 = 0
 l0 is the initial length of the edge
 the stiffness parameter kstretch is set by the user

 Bending constraints:
 generated for each pair of adjacent triangles (p1, p3, p2) and (p1, p2, p4)
(p 2 - p1 ) x (p3 - p1 ) (p 2 - p1 ) x (p 4 - p1 )
 C bend (p1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 ) = acos( . ) - ϕ0
| (p 2 - p1 ) x (p3 - p1 ) | | (p 2 - p1 ) x (p 4 - p1 ) |
 φ0 is the initial dihedral angle between the two triangles
 the stiffness parameter kbend is set by the user
Cloth simulation
 Collision with rigid bodies:
 to get two-way interactions an impulse mi∆pi / ∆t is applied at the contact point each time
the vertex i is projected due to collision
 assume the triangles all have about the same size and use spatial hashing to find vertex
triangle collisions
 if a vertex q moves through a triangle p1, p2, p3, use the constraint function:
 C(q, p1, p2, p3 ) = ± (q - p1) . [(p2 – p2) x (p3 – p1)] – h (h is cloth thickness)
 testing continuous collisions is insufficient if cloth gets into a tangled state
Cloth Balloons
 For closed triangle meshes, overpressure inside the mesh can easily be modeled

 The model:
 an equality constraint concerning all N vertices of the mesh
 compute the actual volume of the closed mesh and compare it against the original volume
V0 times the overpressure factor kpressure
 ntriangles 
 C ( p1 ,..., p N ) =  ∑ ( pt i × pt i ). pt i  − k pressureV0

 i =1 
1 2 3

 t1i , t 2i , t3i are the three indices of the vertices belonging to triangle i
Cloth Tearing

 Tearing is simulated by a simple process:

 When the stretching of an edge exceeds a threshold, select one of the adjacent vertices
 Put a split plane through that vertex perpendicular to the edge direction and split the vertex
 All triangles above the split plane are assigned to the original vertex
 All triangles below are assigned to the new vertex
 Method remains stable even in extreme situations

 Position based dynamics framework that can handle general constraints

formulated via constraint functions.

 With the position based approach it is possible to manipulate objects directly

during the simulation.

 It significantly simplifies the handling of collisions, attachment constraints

and explicit integration and it makes direct and immediate control of the
animated scene possible.

 The approach presented could quite easily be extended to handle rigid

objects as well
Eye Candy
Eye Candy
The End
Thank you for your attention.

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