5 Solution
5 Solution
5 Solution
A n I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2008 C e r t i f i e d O r g a n i s a t i o n
12. (A) 28.5 × 7 27 × 3 29 × 3 = 31.5 oC Given y = 3x
13. (A) The join of two points on a circule is its ∴ x + 3x = 216
chord. 4x = 216
14. (A) The given figure becomes a cuboid if it x = 54
has 4 × 3 × 2 = 24 cubes. y x = 3x x = 2x = 2 × 54 = 108
The no. of cubes in the given figure = 11
0.1 0.01
∴ The no. of cubes that must be added 23. (A) +
0.01 0.1
to make it a cuboid = 24 11 = 13
1 1 1 1
Hence, its volume = 13 × 2 × 2 × 2 cm3 = ÷ + ÷
10 100 100 10
= 104 cm3 1 1
= × 100 + × 10
15. (C) 10 times. 10 100
28. (B) The required product AB = CD + EF + GH
1 1 7 BC = AH + GF + ED
=1 ×3 ×
3 4 8 Overall length and breadth are given as
4 13 7 10 cm and 12 cm.
= × ×
3 4 8
∴ Perimeter = 2 (l + b) = (10 + 12) = 2
13 × 7 91 ' (22) = 44 cm.
= = =!
3×8 24 " ∴ Answer is option (B).
1 37. (C) 5663 is nearer to 5660 and 2234 is
29. (C) No. of bags of chocolates = 1
2 nearer to 2230. Best estimiation of 5663
No. of packets in each bag = 32 × 2234 is 5660 × 2230.
No. of chocolates in each packet = 10 38. (B) Flow of water in 1 minutes = 3.5 l
∴ Total no. of chocolates Vinod had = ⇒ Flow of water in 15 minutes = (15
1 × 3.5) = 52.5 l.
1 × 32 × 10
39. (D) 70 = 2 x 5 x 7
30. (B) A simple closed figure bounded by three
The prime factors of 70 are 2, 5, 7
line segments is called a triangle.
∴ p + q + r = 2 + 5 + 7 = 14
31. (C) 2385
=795 40. (D) 0.3 ÷ 0.3 × 3 = 1 × 3 = 3
41. (B) Of the given options 33 and 55 have 11
as their greatest common factor.
32. (B)
42. (A) P= 1800, A = 2700,
3 T = 10 years
Shaded fraction = 20 = 0.15
I = A P = (2700 1800) = 900
3 2
6 6
6 = 50( ) R=
100 × I 100 × 900
= = 5%
33. (B) 5
20 20
20( 39 ) P × T 1800 × 10
43. (A) Given, A = 31.36 and B = 45.63
34. (D) The cost of 15 sandwiches = < 225 ∴ 2 A B = 2 × 31.36 45.63
∴ The cost of 21 sandwiches
= 62.72 45.63 = 17.09
225 x 21
= = 15 x 21= < 315 2 ×2 4 5×5
15 44. (B) = , =
5 × 2 10 2×5
∴ Answer is option (D). 25 7 × 2
35. (D) H.C.F x L.C.M = a x b 10 5 × 2 10
⇒ 285 = 15 x b 9×5 45 7 × 5 35
= , =
2×5 10 2 × 5 10
⇒ = b ⇒ b = 19 4 14 25 35 45
15 ⇒ < < < <
10 10 10 10 10
∴ Answer is option (D).
14 7
36. (B) Given figure consist of only horizontal Hence 10 i.e., 5 lies between
and vertical lines.
4 2 25 5
) 0 i.e., & 10 i.e., 2
10 5
. 45. (D) 0.3 + 0.03 + 0.003 = 0.333
* +
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46. (D) The digestive system breaks down food 61. (C) Living things reproduce so that there will
that we eat into simpler substances. always be living things like themselves
47. (C) The given joint is present at elbow and
knee. Such joints are called hinge joint. 62. (D) Mushrooms and bread mould can be
grouped as fungi.
48. (C) The life cycle of a plant starts with a
seed, followed by the roots which help 63. (D) The sweet potato is a storage root plant.
absorb water from the soil. Soon, the Besides helping to absorb water and
shoot will appear and it will grow leaves. mineral salts for the plant. It also stores
49. (B) Oxygen helps in combustion. When a
burning stick brought into a jar filled 64. (B) The surround air and plate are losing
with oxygen burning stick burn more heat to the melting ice cube. The
brightly. temperature of the melting ice remains
at 0oC until the whole ice has melted
50. (B) Skull bones protect brain and rib bones
protect lungs and heart.
51. (C) The tree will not be uprooted from the 65. (B) Hip joint is also called ball and socket
ground easily as the roots help to hold joint.
the plant firmly in place on the ground. 66. (D) Vitamin D is called sunshine vitamin. It
52. (C) The tortoise, moth and lizard reproduce is prepared in our body in the presence
by laying eggs. Only the lizard crawls. of sunlight.
The moth is an insect, so it has six legs, 67. (C) The legs are found on the thorax, which
not four. is the middle part of the insect.
53. (A) Mixture of sand and iron filings are 68. (A) The bear eats almost anything. It
separated by magnetic separation. basically eats both plants and animals.
54. (B) Tomato seeds are dispersed by animals. However, the sheep, elephant and goat
eat plants.
55. (D) If fulcrum lies between effort and load
such simple machines are I order 69. (C) Yeast is useful to us as we can use them
levers. Scissors and hammer claw are I in bread-baking and wine-making. Yeast
order levers. converts the sugar present in dough into
56. (A) Lotus plant is a floating aquatic plant the gas, carbon dioxide. The dough then
with broad leaves. Leaves are coated expands and rises as gas forms pockets
with a layer of wax with hollow stems in it. Yeast converts the sugar present
and stomata are present on upper in grape juice into alcohol.
surface of leaf. 70. (B) Part A is the seed coat. It acts as a
57. (D) A block of wood is a solid. Solids have protective layer to the seed until it is
definite shape and no intercellular time for it to sprout.
spaces between molecules. Hence they 71. (D) The skeletal system provides a structure
cannot be compressed. frame for our body, but not the bulk
58. (C) The fish uses its fins (labelled P) and frame. It is the muscular system that
tail (labelled Q) to help it move about in gives the bulk.
the water. The scales (labelled R) protect 72. (D) Our muscles are working at all times
the fish from injuries. when we are awake and carrying out our
59. (D) Potato is a stem tuber (dormant buds) daily activities. The heart itself it a
new plants grow from the eyes of the muscular organ and is pumping every
modified stems. second during the entire lifetime of a
person to keep him alive. The muscles
in our lungs do not stop working too
when we are sleeping.
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73. (C) The leaf like part of the plant embryo 83. (B) Only the sun and lightning give out light
is called cotyledon. on their own.
74. (B) Various insects, butterflies, birds, 84. (D) The sun rises in the east. Hence, the
animals and wind etc are also shadow cast towards the west. Since the
pollinators. shadow of Tree 1 lies in the west, the
75. (A) Chewed food is lumped together by the time should be around morning. The
action of the tongue and the saliva. The shadow of the tree is the shortest during
tongue helps to roll the food particles noon which can be shown for Tree 2. The
into ball. The balls can then pass through shadow of Tree 3 lies in the east and
the gullet and into the stomach easily. the time should be around late afternoon
to evening.
76. (D) Chlorophyll is the green pigment found
in the leaves of a plant that helps it to 85. (C) Plants with weak stems, need to climb
trap sunlight. on a support so that its leaves will
receive optimum sunlight.
77. (D) The roots of sweet potatoes are edible.
86. (B) The dolphin is an aquatic mammal. It
78. (C) The picture shows a wriggler, the young
gives to youngones and breathes
of a mosquito.
through its lungs.
79. (B) Matter has mass and occupies space.
However, not all matter has definite 87. (D) A crow bar is a straight iron or steel bar
volume. with the point flattened and sometimes
set at an angle, used as a lever.
80. (D) The stone occupies the space in the
beaker of water. The amount of space it 88. (A) A thin, flat with a large surface area
occupies is called volume. makes it suitable for trapping sunlight
to make food.
81. (B) Matter is anything that has mass and
takes up space. Oxygen is matter 89. (D) Caterpillar is a herbivore. Snake, lizard
because it occupies space and has mass. and frog are carnivore.
Having no definite shape is not 90. (C) Cholera is a disease caused due to the
considered a factor to determine if entry of germs through contaminated
oxygen is matter. water.
82. (D) The tiny openings, also known as
stomata, allow the exchange of gases GENERAL AWARENESS
with the surroundings to take place. Air
containing oxygen and carbon dioxide 91. (B) 92. (B) 93. (D)
enters and exists the openings during 94. (A) 95. (A) 96. (B)
the processes of photosynthesis and
97. (C) 98. (B) 99. (C)
respiration. At the same time, when the
leaf transpires, it gives out water 100. (D)
vapour through the stomata.
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