Modern Aether Science - Aspden, Harold
Modern Aether Science - Aspden, Harold
Modern Aether Science - Aspden, Harold
Doctor of Philosophy of Trinity College
in the University of Cambridge
P.O. Box 35, Southampton, England
© Harold Aspden, 1972
All rig/its res0r1'eu'
ISBN 0 85056 0039 (Cloth Edition)
ISBN 0 85056 0047 (Paper Edition)
The old foundations of scientific thought are becoming unintel-
ligible. Time, space, matter, material. ether. electricity. mechanism,
organism, configuration, structure, pattern, function, all require
reinterpretation. What is the sense of talking about a mechanical
explanation when you do not know what you mean by mechanics?
The paradox is now fully established that the utmost abstractions are
the true weapons with which to control our thought of concrete fact.
the evidence provided will convince the reader that the ever-
present aether deserves his attention, but if the reader is left
with doubts it is hoped that this book will stimulate him to voice
them and to seek to resolve them constructively. The true
form of Nature is already set. It needs imagination and analysis
and a will to defend as well as criticize any theories put forward,
if we are to find a way to comprehend the sub-structure of
Nature. In this book the author has been ready to criticize and
has offered much that can be criticized, and if the reader is
left with doubts he did not have before, this book will have
served him well.
* Page 12 of second revised edition, Harper and Row, New York, 1957.
the body of modern science, many of them are not yet part of the
modern curriculum. It is not surprising therefore that many a college
graduate still thinks of Einstein as a kind of mathematical surrealist
rather than as the discoverer of certain cosmic laws of immense
importance in man's slow struggle to understand physical reality. He
may not realise that Relativity. over and above its scientific import,
comprises a major philosophical system which augments and
illumines the reflections of the great epistemologists—Locke,
Berkeley. and Hume. Consequently he has very little notion of the
vast, arcane. and mysteriously ordered universe in which he dwells.
Clearly. we must start with Einsteins Relativity. Yet,
where will this lead us? Will we follow like sheep into the
complexity of a philosophical system and be hopelessly lost
in a world of confusion ? Let us avoid indoctrination which may
cause us to make our scientific evaluations on the basis of
aesthetic appreciation. It is not uncommon for scientists to
describe Relativity by the use of the term ‘elegant’, but the
truths of Nature are all too often inelegant and if we are to be
objective we should favour simplicity rather than complexity.
Disorder may come from order. Complexity may come from
simplicity. The fundamental structure from which we are formed
may therefore be simple, and should be assumed so in our
initial enquiries. The world we experience is one of three dimen-
sions. It is, in its structural geometrical concept, rather simple.
It can be visualized. It is experienced and, in this sense, it must
be real. Yet, Relativity would have us believe in a different world,
a world of four space dimensions interlinked by time. Relativity
concerns ‘notions, relations, instants . . . which no one can pry
into, unless he . . . can see things that have no existence what-
ever.’ These may seem to be words of a heretic but, in the spirit
of Erasmus, we will forge ahead with this assertion as a challenge
to the existing disorder of things.
Do we have any allies in this pursuit‘? A recently published
book by Harald Nordenson has critized the fundamental
foundations of Einsteins theory.* In the final reflections in this
work Nordenson writes:
As I have criticized Einstein very heavily in this book I am anxious to
point out that my criticism applies to his philosophical reasonings
* Re/uI1'1"i'z_r Time mid Ruziliry, Allen and Unwin, London, I969.
* Sr-ii'nr"<> .S‘i/icu I500, by T. Pledge. H.M. Stationery Otliee, London, 1939, p. 71.
rotation. Analysis shows that for any such body the ratio ofthe
magnetic moment as expressed in electrostatic units to the
angular momentum is simply one half of the square root of G.
Hence our hypothesis has something to predict, both quali-
tatively and quantitatively. lt can be tested.
In fact, something very similar to this hypothesis emerged
historically and from empirical study, as the subject developed
over the years. Schuster (I912) and Wilson (1923) have shown
that the magnetic moments and angular momenta of the sun
and earth are approximately related by a common ratio. This
led to the hypothesis, the so-called Schuster-Wilson hypothesis,
that a fundamental property exists which causes any rotating
body to have a magnetic moment. A particularly significant
result emerged from the quantitative aspects of the hypothesis.
It was shown by Wilson that the right order of magnitude for the
magnetic fields of the earth and the sun is obtained if it is
assumed that a moving mass, measured in gravitational units,
has the same effect as a moving negative charge, measured in
electrostatic units. It was then realized that the possibly coinci-
dental result of the Schuster-Wilson hypothesis might develop
the long-sought link between magnetism and gravitation.
Wilson carried out laboratory experiments. He made magnetic
tests on a large swinging iron bar. The magnetic field predicted
by using the hypothesis did not exist. The hypothesis stood
refuted. Then. two decades later, there was a revival of interest.
Babcock (1947) succeeded in measuring the magnetic field of the
star 78 Virginis. lt now became possible to apply the hypothesis
to three bodies instead of two. Coincidental results might stem
from a comparison between two astronomical bodies. Co-
incidence was unlikely ifthe hypothesis worked on the only three
large bodies for which the parameters being compared had been
measured. The hypothesis was verified. It was fully applicable
to them all, notwithstanding the fact that angular momentum
involved in the comparison was for the star l0,000,000,000
times greater than for the earth. Blackett (1947) was quick to
draw this to attention.* Seemingly, if we accept Wilson’s
experiment. there is something special about large bodies. Their
* .\‘nIn/'4’, \'o|. I5‘), pp. (153416.
THE I.()Dl-lSTONE 29
ability to induce magnetic fields seems different from that of
simple iron bars. Blackett then set about the task of carrying
out a much more sophisticated experiment to check the hypo-
thesis in the laboratory. Meanwhile, in this period, unsettling
anomalies were being discovered. For example, Babcock (1948),
Thiessen (I949) and Von Kluber (I95 I) were discovering that the
solar magnetic field varies. Changing magnetic moment is not
consistent with the hypothesis. Blackett (l952) made tests on a
large gold cylinder fixed in position in a remote test location.
It rotated with the earth. lt was of very dense material and, by
the Schuster-Wilson hypothesis, this concentration of mass
rotating slowly with the earth should be the seat of a magnetic
moment. Very delicate and extremely sensitive magnetometer
measurements were made. The remote location minimized any
ambient interference from noise and vibration or other inan-
made causes. The instrument was sensitive enough to detect
the proverbial needle in a haystack, even at a distance measured
in hundreds of yards. But, there was no evidence substantiating
the hypothesis. The gold body exhibited no magnetic effects
attributable to its rotation with the earth. The hypothesis
again stood refuted.
Furthermore, Runcorn and others (1950 and 1951) made
measurements on the variation of the earth‘s magnetic field over
a range of depths below the earth’s surface and were able to
analyse the shape of the earth‘s field. The magnetism which
would arise if the implications of the Schuster-Wilson hypo-
thesis are given meaning has a different field form to that which
arises merely if there is, in effect, a large magnet at the centre
of the earth.
The principal and clear distinction to be drawn between
these two concepts is that for one the horizontal component of
the geomagnetic field should increase with increasing depth
below the earth’s surface, whereas for the other this component
should decrease with increasing depth. The result found experi-
mentally went against the Schuster-Wilson hypothesis. lt is
refuted and it stands refuted. So our own version of the hypo-
thesis is short-lived. We are left with the inevitable challenge
of still finding the real answer.
A little reflection here might help. Had the hypothesis been
verified, what would that have really told us? Would we not
then have confronted just another problem, one still more
elusive? What is virtual charge? Why should there be the non-
symmetrical behaviour of charge of opposite polarity? Surely,
it is just as well that the hypothesis failed. Nature should be
simple and never non-symmetrical in its endowment of proper-
ties to electric charge of different polarities. We should not
invent a pattern of scientific behaviour and expect Nature to
conform. We should perceive Nature’s own pattern. Our
examination of Nature's phenomena will lead us to the answer.
The clues to this great mystery are there if only we can see them.
Yet, as I write this, l am mindful of a private communication
I have just received from a young French scientist presently in
North America. Edouard Rocher‘s thesis is that space—time
has a metric composed of two four-dimensional systems inter-
acting in conjunction with an operator j, the symbol for the
square root of minus one, as used by the electrical theorist. It
symbolizes the act of half-reversing a vector, that is a phase
change through a right angle. By using it in conjunction with
field theory one can make attractive interactions repulsive and
vice versa. Rocher's eight-dimensional universe is his starting
point in an attempt to relate gravitation and magnetism, and
he takes encouragement from the Schuster—Wilson hypothesis,
notwithstanding its rejection. Rocher’s ideas may gain strength
if Einstein’s principles survive, but I believe they will collapse
alongside Einstein's. Nevertheless, Rocher is undaunted by the
rejection of the hypothesis under study. Therefore, let us keep
it in mind as we now look for the signs Nature is presenting to us
to help us in our quest.
Let us go back in time to that period following Benjamin
Franklin’s discovery of the electrical nature of lightning.
Some years thereafter, in 1774, Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)
There is nothing in the history of philosophy more striking than the
rapid progress of electricity. Nothing ever appeared more trifling
than the first effects which were observed of this agent in nature, as
the attraction and repulsion of straws and other light substances. It
excited more attention by the flashes of light which it exhibited. We
were more seriously alarmed at the electrical shock, and the effects of
the electrical battery; and we were astonished to the highest degree by
the discovery of the similarity of electricity with lightning, and the
aurora borealis, with the connection it seems to have with water-
spouts, hurricanes, and earthquakes, and also with the part that is
probably assigned to it in the system of vegetation, and other the
most important processes in nature?“
As already noted, we read in Nature in 1970 that the light-
ning accompanying earthquakes is difficult to explain. There
seems no link between the two phenomena, and yet the relation
has been a feature demonstrated, it seems, for so long and
commented on in records two centuries ago. What is the use of
theories, such as Einsteins, when we cannot explain those
powers of destruction commanded by Nature and called light-
ning and earthquakes. Surely, we can explain each of them, but
it seems that something is lacking if there is a definite link
which we cannot explain. What does Einstein have to say about
lightning‘? He docs not explain lightning at all. Franklin did
that! To Einstein, lightning is merely a flash of light which is
signalled at the speed of light. He uses lightning to explain his
concept of time, in his discussion of what is and what is not
simultaneous.T Given two flashes of lightning Einstein argues
that they are simultaneous only if they are seen simultaneously
by the observer. Yet, his argument is based upon the acceptance
that it takes time for their light to travel to the observer at a
finite speed. Therefore, the observer may see them simultaneous-
ly and know that they are not simultaneous. The observer may
then well wonder why his time measure has to be modified to
suit Einstein. Do we really live in a world of makebelief‘?
Time is one ofthe most basic sense references we have for under-
standing our environment and as a basic reference its constancy
ought really to be taken as ‘timeless’. It is so fundamental. We
will proceed on this conviction. We will see whether we can
come to understand more about phenomena such as lightning,
on this foundation, rather than following Einstein and bringing
* Quoted from S('i(’II(‘(’ Pm! am] PI‘('\'(’IIf, by F. Sherwood Taylor, Heinemann,
London, I945, p. 129.
R0/aIii"i/_i', by A. Einstein, Crown Publishers, New York, l96l, p. 25.
lightning and other such physical experiences into account to
explain variations in the measure oftime while yet not explaining
the nature of time.
Nordenson (l969)* is highly critical of Einstein"s ideas on
simultaneity. He writes:
According to this declaration the concept of simultaneity does not
exist a pr/'0/'1'. lt is only by performing certain physical experiments
that the concept achieves any sense. This is a most remarkable philo-
sophical proclamation in any context.
However open-minded we are, surely we must believe that an
instant in time is universal. No apparition can shatter such
belief. It is necessary if only as a matter of definition. If we
appeal to definition we can, l suppose. adopt Einstein’s definition
instead. But why complicate things‘? Use the natural sense
conception oftime. lt must be right and Nature must be capable
of more straightforward interpretation if we stay with this
notion. lf, after checking the synchronous running of my wrist-
watch against a clock in my house, I went away on a one-day
trip and returned to find these chronometers disagreeing by
one hour, and could trace this to no normal cause, I would still
believe simultaneity had meaning divorced from signal propaga-
tion considerations. Time is fundamental. The chronometers
may behave in a queer fashion, evidencing some interesting
physical phenomenon, which hopefully would yield to eventual
explanation. But if time has to be redefined to provide an ex-
planation one might as well take, as scientific, observations
made in one’s dreams. To resort to abstract thinking merely to
satisfy one‘s ego that one can find explanation for Nature’s
elusive behaviour and then to project such ideas is to render
science a disservice. lt is the universality of time, the sharing of
the succession of instants in time by mankind which constitutes
the related existence about which man can usefully philosophize.
Time has to be fundamental.
Adherents to Einstein’s theory talk of ‘time dilation’. Some
elementary particles are unstable. They have a finite lifetime
before they decay into something else. Like man, they die after
* Rvlrilii-1'!,i' Time um! Rm/II)‘, by ll. Nordenson, Allen and Unwin, London,
I969, p. 45.
their due lifespan. Experiment shows that the faster they travel,
the longer their expectancy of life. They do not share man’s
experience in this regard. Scientists attribute this increased
lifetime to Einstein’s ‘time dilation’. In a frame of reference
moving faster than ours time passes more quickly—or is it
more slowly? Then again, how fast are we moving in space?
No, it is the relative velocity which counts, and it is better not to
try to explain this in words. Mathematics can extricate us from
the confusion. Or do mathematics really obscure the problem?
The increase in stability with speed might have been explained
before the days of Relativity had the observation been presented.
Perhaps the elementary particle, being electrically charged and
having all its charge elements mutually repelling according to
statistical energy considerations, would find that at speed it has
a mutual magnetic attraction between its charge elements which
offsets the repulsion and delays the likelihood of disruption
to a degree depending upon speed. The experiment supports the
idea of time dilation, to be sure, if one merely seeks a meta-
physical explanation, but the physicist ought really to look first
for a truly physical explanation before abandoning his cause.
Time is measured by the pendulum because, thanks to gravity,
the pendulum has the property of relating displaced mass with a
restoring force proportional to displacement distance, and
because mass, force and distance are appropriately related by the
time parameter. Time may be measured by a spring controlled
device in which the restoring force is linearly related with dis-
placement by virtue of the elastic properties of the spring.
Clocks and watches are useful because they keep time and time
keeps constant itself. Since time and its constancy are inherent
to Nature as its prime universal property, Nature is not dis-
similar from the mechanism of the clock. Our unseen aether
medium, if this is the universal clock, has its own harmonious
oscillations. It must have a feature by which its distortion is
opposed by forces linearly proportional to displacement. If it
is a subtle electrical substance, we can imagine a negatively
charged system somehow swinging as a whole within a cancell-
ing positive charge. Ifthe unseen aether medium is a plenum of
electrical charge and there are, therefore, no voids, then the
* See footnote on page I0. if The Flight of Tlimiderbolrs, pp. 55 and 56.
state. It is as if some natural urge exists which ensures magnet-
ism unless accompanying constraints impose energy require-
ments which cannot be met. If the aether likes to adopt a
magnetic state and yields energy readily in adopting this state
we can imagine materials being ferromagnetic if only the strains
in them resulting from the condition do not require more elastic
energy than is available from magnetic sources. Similarly, the
aether itself might tend to be magnetized, as it can be if it
rotates. However, its own magnetic energy yielded thus will not.
it seems, sustain the other kinetic energy needed to permit
rotation. Rotation of aether, given a liberal source of energy,
can be expected. This now takes us to the problem of the
creation ofthe solar system, but we will return to ferromagnetism
in Chapter I2.
As a small addendum to this chapter reference is made to a
report in the December 24. I971, issue of Nature. At page 465
there is an analysis of experimental evidence showing that the
earth has a solid core. It is concluded that ‘solidity of the inner
core represents the only solution consistent with the observa-
tions'. Such a discovery invalidates the accepted theory of
geomagnetism and should enhance interest in the theory of an
aether-based geomagnetic field discussed above.
The Origin of the Solar System
Many treatises on physics present the same theories in the same
way and do not admit any of the weaknesses in the matter
which the student is thus required to accept. Seldom does one
see encouragement to compare the accepted theory with those
many theories which have neither become accepted nor have
really been rejected. We may read of the contributions of the
eminent physicists but we are not exposed to the many sound
ideas of those of lesser standing. If these lesser contributions
have been published they are there in the masses of scientific
literature to be found when we go searching. It has to be so,
but the modern textbook would have the reader believe that the
best has been sifted out and what is hidden is for the historian
rather than the forward thinker.
It is not unusual for a scientific theory to be developed over a
period of many years after its initial conception. The task is a
labour of love for the creator. Few physicists are ready to take
an incomplete theory and project it themselves. Thus, by the
nature of things there must be in the literature many sound ideas
which have been presented in their initial form only and which, for
some reason, their originator has been unable to develop in his
own remaining lifetime. There is no convincing physical explana-
tion of the creation of the solar system in any modern textbook.
The Bible is probably as authoritative as any account of the
subject. Therefore, there is all the more reason for exploring
the ideas of scientists of the past who had lesser standing than
those whose names appear in the textbooks.
In seeking to understand the origin of the solar system, we
will begin by extending some recognition to a French astronomer
named Véronnet. On December I6, 1929 the French Académie
des Sciences conferred the Henry Poincaré medal on Louis de
Broglie for his work on wave mechanics. On the same occasion
Alexandre Véronnet (astronome adjoint a l’Observatoire de
Strasbourg) was presented with the Prix Lalande for his works
in astronomy. Véronnet’s work is particularly interesting because
he did not turn away from the idea of the aether, and was ready
to call it into account in furthering his theories. He wrote
prolifically in C0/npres Rendus for several years but seems to
have had little published after the I929 period when he proposed
an electrical structure for the aether medium. His particular
concern was the question ofthe origins of the angular momenta
of stellar systems. Angular momentum is the key problem con-
fronting any theorist endeavouring to understand the creation
of the solar system.
We note here that one of the consequences of any central law
of force such as Coulomb's law of electrostatic interaction and
Newton’s law of gravitation is that if particles are in motion
subject only to their mutual action the sum of their moments of
rotation, termed angular momentum, is constant. The planets in
the solar system all travel around the sun in the same orbital
direction, which is also the direction in which the sun itself
rotates about its axis. Therefore, the solar system has quite
substantial angular momentum. One would expect that if the
planets were produced from substance ejected from the sun,
then the sun would rotate oppositely to the planets and their
angular momenta would compensate that of the sun, at least
partly if not exactly. The solar system has a net angular momen-
tum and it is an important cosmological question to know where
it came from.
There are really three primary aspects of the solar system
which need explanation. These are:
1. How was the sun itself created?
2. How did the sun acquire angular momentum?
3. What caused the formation of the planets?
Ideas on this are much as they were in 1929. In that year
Eddington’s book The Nature of the Physical World was
published. Here are some excerpts:*
* Published by Cambridge University Press, pp. 175-7.
It was in great favour with the engineers. Their sponsorship was the
highest testimonial to its good character; because at that time it was
the general assumption that the Creation was the work of an engineer
(not ofa mathematician, as is the fashion nowadays).
Then, later on page 209 of his book Eddington wrote:
Nowadays we do not encourage the engineer to build the world for
us out of his material, but we turn to the mathematician to build it
out of his material. Doubtless the mathematician is a loftier being
than the engineer. but perhaps even he ought not to be entrusted
with the Creation unreservedly. We are dealing in physics with a
symbolic world, and we can scarcely avoid employing the mathe-
matician who is the professional wielder of symbols.
All this, of course, has given the philosopher food for thought.
Dana Scott* writing under the title: ‘Existence and Description
in Formal Logic‘, says:
It is curious that in ordinary mathematical practice having undefined
functional values, a situation close to using improper description,
does not seem to trouble people. A mathematician will often formu-
late conditionals of the form
iff(.\‘) exists for all .\"<a, then. . . .
and will not give a moment's thought to the problem of the meaning
offta). More careful authors never use a description or a function
unless it has been previously proved that its value exists. . . . More
serious is the fact that it is quite natural to employ descriptions before
they have been proved to be proper.
Scott then goes on to prove something in eighteen pages of
mathematical symbology. I could not follow the analysis; it
seemed too complicated, though it is surely undoubtedly valid.
Jumping to his conclusions I quote one of his results from his
page 197:
The operator 0 is eliminable in a theory T if and only if whenever
two models of Tare weakly isomorphic by a certain one-one function
they are also strongly isomorphic by the same function.
As applied to the physics of crystals, isomorphism is the
property of forming in the same or closely related geometrical
* The l6th essay in Bertrand RIISSI’//.’ Philosopher of the Century, edited by
R. Schoenman, Allen and Unwin, 1967, p. 181.
configurations. In the logical derivation of this result, the opera-
tor 0 is something which has replaced the ‘abstraction operator’.
I do not confess the slightest understanding of the above
conclusion. Nor am I encouraged by the final conclusion on
page 199:
This result on eliminability is not very satisfactory. . . . The author
has no idea what kind of model-theoretic conditions would corre-
spond to this uniform eliminability that we have when operators are
introduced by contextual definitions. It seems like an interesting
Perhaps an abstraction operator is involved in linking the
three-dimensional world of our experience with the four-
dimensional world of Relativity. Perhaps then it is difficult for
the logician to satisfy himself that the method of Relativity is a
valid method by which to reason an understanding of Nature.
Or perhaps the logician isjust confused by Relativity.
At this stage I wish to give my view that the mathematical
theories of our universe, highlighted by Einstein‘s Relativity,
have given too much rein to the mathematician. His skills in
providing one of the tools needed by the physicist have been set
aside and he has tried to become a philosopher in his own right.
His apparent success has so afi"ected the would-be general
philosopher that mathematics appear nearly everywhere,
superimposing a man-made vision of Nature and confusing us
rather than recounting Nature’s ordered structure with clear
Max Born* in his essay ‘Reflections of a Physicist’ writes:
All our instruments consist of ordinary bodies and cannot be dis-
cussed but by ordinary language with the help of concepts of Eucli-
dean geometry. It is of course left to the philosopher to analyse this
macroscopic domain. But the physicist has enlarged it enormously by
using magnifying apparatus: telescopes, microscopes, amplifiers,
multipliers, etc. These produce data which, though consisting
primarily of ordinary sense perceptions, cannot be conceived as
meaningful structures with the help of the experience collected and
the language learned in childhood. One has to apply abstract think-
ing. This is the domain of Russell‘s theory of empirical knowledge.
* The llth essay in Bartram] Russell: Plzi/o.s'opl10r of the Centur_1‘, edited by
R. Schoenman, Allen and Unwin, I967, p. I24.
For the physical world revealed here is a construction of the mind,
armed with mathematics, from raw material obtained by the senses,
armed by the magnifying tools of science.
Evidently, Born sees both the physicist and the mathematician
as mere helpers who carry the brushes and paint to the great
philosopher artist, busy at work transforming the visions of his
mind on to a canvas which will portray Nature and Creation.
But surely, this canvas has already been painted by Nature her-
self. lt only needs the physicist to clean ofi‘ the paint added for
centuries by these many philosopher artists and then to examine,
under his microscope of course, the fine detail and true beauty
and majesty of what is there to be revealed.
When Eddington referred to the Creation being the province
of the mathematician he had in mind the name of Dirac. Dirac
graduated Ph.D. at Cambridge in 1926 in mathematics. Six
years later in 1932 he was awarded a Nobel Prize along with
Schroedinger for ‘the discovery of new productive forms of
atomic theory’. Yet. Dirac was an engineer turned mathematic-
ian. He graduated as a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineer-
ing at Bristol in 1921, and his engineering spirit may well account
for his frank and objective way of expressing his ideas, thus
making his work an easy target for our enquiry. Dirac’s
contribution to modern scientific outlook on the workings of the
cosmic world is so great that he provides the focal point for
study in this chapter and also in Chapter 10. Following the
theme of our introduction, it will be the objective to question
and criticize the reputed ‘wizardry’ of Dirac. But this attack
has broader address. The viewpoints projected here can be
levied against the works of numerous less-eminent contributors
to the mathematical theories of physics. It is just that Dirac’s
work provides an exciting stimulus to critical and constructive
review and adds to rather than detracts from the magnitude of
his great contribution to the scientific thought of this century.
Dirac‘s main contribution concerns the properties of the
electron, that fundamental entity of electric charge which is
almost the sole performer in the practical applications of elec-
tricity. The history of science is well coloured by the early
recognition of the existence of the electron and its eventual
the stars of each kind. The two kinds of stars would both show
exactly the same spectra, and there would be no way of distinguishing
them by present astronomical methods.
Now, this is only speculation. Symmetry has meaning in
mathematics but we have to be cautious in physics. Dirac’s
mathematics pertain to an aether as much as they do to the
systems of matter we can see. If the aether had regions with
polarity of charge inverted. would the boundaries between these
regions be stable? Boundary conditions are of vital importance
to the physicist. The mathematician can examine his ideal
regions, his singularities, and forget the practical boundary
problems. This is where Relativity Fails, as we shall presently
see. The chances are that with the aether of mixed polarity there
would be an over-riding tendency towards uniformity rather
than symmetry. Aether in which positrons and anti-protons
predominate might be squeezed out of existence as the boundar-
ies move to convert it to aether pervaded by electrons and
protons. We are speculating, of course, but we are thinking in
physical terms, not mere mathematical notions of symmetry.
Perhaps, then, it is in the sun and all the other stars that this
fight between the aethers is raging. The polarity inversion may be
occurring at the spherical boundaries between aether at the solar
surface and hence energy may be unleashed from the aether
itself as by-products ofthe basic particles of charge are produced
to create and illuminate the universe. It is not our task to pursue
this here. We have examined how Dirac approached the problem
of explaining the properties of electrons. What he discovered
may, or may not, be an answer. lt may only beitselfa philosophi-
cal problem. In any event, Dirac became the man most com-
petent to speak about the origins and the nature of the electron.
It is, therefore, of particular interest to see what he has to say
about the electron a little later in 1938 when he is examining
electron radiation properties. lt is the question of energy
radiation which is attracting attention at the present time.
Hence the importance ofthis question. But we will come to that
in Chapter 10. First, we will digress a little to philosophize
about physics. This diversion seems appropriate because ideas
of the cosmos have been our prime concern in the previous
Fig. |
Next, note that electrodynamic theory concerns actions
additional to the Coulomb effects between charges. Usually we
are dealing with current elements, that is charge moving in
association with other local charge which provides an electro-
static field cancellation. The result is that there can be Coulomb
forces on the electrons in these circumstances, as when they are
flowing in a conductor. but they must be embraced exclusively
by the two vector forces X depicted in Fig. l.
We are then left to consider the mutual magnetic effects of
the two electrons. By working out the interaction of their
magnetic fields and analysing how the interaction energy com-
ponent changes with separation distance between the charges,
we find that a direct force acts between them. This is denoted F
in Fig. l. The history books show that some workers, notably
Helmholtz. worked along these lines and proposed F as the
complete law of electrodynamics.* lt was inadequate, of course,
because it took no account of the forces X. To find X is quite
simple. We merely consider energy deployment at each particle.
The force components, the energy supplied and the energy ab-
sorbed by the electrons must be compatible. The result presented
in the Appendix at page l6l is a new general law of electrody-
namics which differs from those derived historically and based
on other assumptions. But it is a law which not only gives all the
right answers when adapted for use for studying interaction
involving a closed eircuital current; it additionally reduces to a
form for which the forces X are zero when the current elements
represented by the electrons move in parallel directions. The
two velocities u and v in Fig. l then are parallel. The result of
the Trouton—Noble experiment clearly conforms. Hence, in
electrodynamic terms we arrive at a law of attraction conform-
ing exactly with the form of Newton‘s law of gravitation for a
common condition of all interacting elements. This condition is
satisfied if all mass is associated with a related electric charge
moving harmoniously in synchronous circular orbit. Charge
in such motion was the key to Véronnet's aether, as presented
in Chapter 4 to explain the earth’s magnetism. Hence, we have
* F alone is inadequate to explain the eircuital laws but Helmholtz's formula-
tion would have explained the null result ofthe Trouton~Noble experiment.
rm; LAW or FORCE 81
our clue to understanding gravitation. It is beyond the scope
ofthis work, but it is possible to derive the Constant of Gravita-
tion in terms of the charge/mass ratio of the electron and thus
provide convincing evidence in support of such a theory of
gravitation. This is presented in detail in the author’s recent
book P/i_rs1'e\‘ wit/zoul Em.m>m.
A concluding remark. perhaps needed to dispel some doubts,
is that the above views are not refuted because an electrical
current will turn a coil in a magnetic field. To develop the
turning moment here there are at least three current interactions,
two current elements in the coil and one developing the field.
No two alone will develop a torque between them. The coil will
never turn itself. Nor will the whole system including the source
of the field ever turn itself due to its own interactions.
B011/r2a’aries of Relativity
ln the concluding pages of the previous chapter we escaped
losing ourselves in the abstract world we entered earlier. We
arrived at a conclusion about the law of electrodynamic inter-
action between electric charge in motion without even defining
what we meant by motion. lt was a natural result of being
satisfied that our theory fitted what we saw. Electrons in motion
can be measured. Their velocity is determined from a knowledge
oftheir mass. their charge and their centrifugal behaviour when
deflected by an electric or magnetic field. Velocity is measured
relative to the earth frame. the frame from which we make most
of measurements in physics. lt is the frame we have in mind
when we speak of motion. Philosophieally we may wonder ifthe
same laws of physics would apply ifmeasureinents were made on
the surface of the moon. It seems quite probable because test
apparatus sent to the moon appears to function there much as it
does on earth. Therefore, philosophically, we can accept the
Principle of Relativity or we can say that both the moon and the
earth have their own aether moving with them and all physics
are the same relative to this aether medium. Motion of electric
charge really means motion relative to a frame of reference in
the aether. if our interest centres on magnetic effects. This is
hypothesis. but it is a good working hypothesis and it suits the
ideas presented in Chapter 4. Nevertheless. we must admit that
other ideas can have closer claim on the truth, until there is con-
clusive evidence determining which is right. So we will be
tolerant of Relativity and explore that subject further now.
Let us stay with the problem of the force between two electric
charges in motion. The reader may glance at the reference works
available to him to find the textbook formulae for the inter-
action force. But. search as he may, he will not find anything to
prove that a formula has been verified by experiment. Therefore,
the reader must keep a critical eye on the way the formulae are
It will be found that there is an empirical formula for the
force on an electric charge in motion in an electric and in a
magnetic field. lt is known as the Lorentz force equation. Being
empirical. the equation has to be believed. having due regard for
the restrictions imposed by the experimental techniques used.
For example. we must remember that the magnetic field on
which the empirical facts are established is not produced by a
single electron but by electric currents in closed circuits or by
whatever it is that generates magnetic field inside a fcrromagnet.
Writing about this empirical equation. Dingle* said:
This is not deducible from the general equations of the field accord-
ing to classical theory. and has therefore to be ranked as an additional
postulate. The modifications introduced by Relativity. however.
remove the necessity for this. since. when the proper transformation
equations are used. the force appears as a consequence ofthe change
of the co-ordinate system.
Now, this is a very powerful statement. To say that an empiri-
cal equation of classical physics cannot be deduced from
classical field theory is itself a challenging remark, and it cer-
tainly is not true today. The force on an electric charge due to an
electric field can be derived from classical field energy analysis.
The force on the charge due to a magnetic field can also be
derived by classical techniques. as was shown at the end of the
previous chapter. provided. of course. we know the origins of
the magnetic field or assume that it is produced by a eircuital
current. But, for Dingle to say that the force on an electron can
be understood in the mere transformation of a co-ordinate
system is unduly provocative. We should be in rebellion at this
blatant suggestion that magnetism is an electric field viewed
from a difierent reference system. But how can we rebel without
weapons‘? Words and philosophy are no help against an estab-
lished doctrine. Well. we do have weapons. We have our experi-
mental facts. and we can disprove what Dingle says. First. note
that if we can develop a magnetic field merely by transforming a
* The S/><'('ial T/wt»/'_\' ufR</luli'ri!_v. H. Dingle. Methuen. l950, p. 79.
co-ordinate system, we have contrived to do what Nature her-
self cannot do. We have produced a field which is not character-
istically dependent upon a source. We have assumed that all
magnetic fields are generated, not by a discrete electric charge,
but by some system defined by co-ordinates. We have invoked
some kind of infinite electric fluid. It is, of course, the electric
charge continuum introduced by Maxwell to explain his dis-
placement currents. Maxwelfs equations are the basis of the
transformations used in Relativity to derive a magnetic field
from an electric field and vice versa. But, of course, if you do
this. you are no longer talking of magnetic fields produced by
electrons or discrete charges in a system under analysis. You are
assuming that all magnetic fields are in effect the same as those
developed by a uniform electric charge in the aether medium.
Well, they are not the same. To assume that they are the same
will merely lead to a result which is correct only for those
situations where the magnetic field is developed by a current
which is a closed circuit one. The infinite current filaments of
the notional charge continuum invoked by transforming
Maxwell's equations are, mathematically. closed circuits.
Evidently, Relativity denies the possibility that a magnetic
field could develop a force on an electric charge along the direc-
tion in which the charge is moving. Lorentz’s formula says the
magnetic force has to act at right angles to the motion. Yet, ifthe
magnetic efi"ect is produced by a charge following in line behind
the first charge, there is no magnetic field along points in this
line but there is an electrodynamic force between the charges.
Many authors have provided experimental evidence of these
forces. They appear as anomalous cathode reaction forces
where electric discharges are under study. Furthermore, our
understanding of the energy in a magnetic field should tell us
that the interaction energy between two electric current elements
when aligned is dependent upon their separation distance. lf
they comprise two electrons moving forward in the same line,
they will have an electrodynamic force set against their mutual
repulsive force. Also. if gravitation is an electrodynamic force
action, as Einstein tried to show without success, we would
expect gravitation to act between particles even though they are
Fig. 2
One ofthe most attractive ideas in the Lorentz model ofthe electron,
the idea that all mass is of electromagnetic origin, appears at the
present time to be wrong, for two separate reasons. First, the dis-
covery ofthe neutron has provided us with a form of mass which it is
very hard to believe could be of electromagnetic nature. Secondly,
we have the theory of the positron—a theory in agreement with
experiment so far as is known—in which positive and negative values
for the mass of an electron play symmetrical roles. This cannot be
fitted in with the electromagnetic idea of mass. which insists on all
mass being positive. even in abstract theory.
A great deal of work has been done in the past in examining the
general implications of Maxwell's theory. but it was nearly all done
before the disco\ery of quantum mechanics in 1925, when people
ga\e all their attention to the question of how an electron could
remain in an atomic orbit without radiating --a question we now
know can be answered only by going outside classical theory—and
were thus not interested in simply looking for the most natural
interpretation their equations would allow.
The modern idea ofthe nature of mass dates back to I904, when
Mach put forward the principle now named after him. It is still
only an idea. The nature of mass, like its great property gravita-
tion, is still a mystery to the physicist, the philosopher and the
Let us examine a few authorities on the subject. First, what is
Mach's principle ‘? Sir Edmund Whittaker explains it thuszl
According to Mach“s principle as adopted by Einstein, the curvature
of space is governed by physical phenomena, and we have to ask
whether the metric of space—time may not be determined wholly by
the masses and energy present in the universe, so that space—time
cannot exist at all except in so far as it is due to the existence of
Whittaker was writing in April 1953. Mass, space—time and
energy stand or fall together as the basic elements of this fabric
* The author is indebted to H. J. Josephs for his kindness in providing the
above quotation from Heaviside’s unpublished work as kept in the archives of
the library of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in London. Mr. Josephs
wrote about Heaviside's manuscripts in ‘Postscript to the work of Heaviside’, at
p. 5ll of the December 1963 issue of the Journal ofthe Institution of Electrical
"l' Ili.\'r0r_\* Of r/it’ T/1vm'[r'r r{f.40l/ivr and E/r’€Irir'iI_\', I900-I926, E. Whittaker,
Nelson, 1953, p. 168.
which is us and our environment. The inertia of mass is due to
the interaction of mass with all other mass in the universe. At
about this time Sciama was writing his Ph.D. thesis at Cam-
bridge ‘On the Origin of Inertia’:*
Einstein's work . . . shows that inertia is connected with gravitation.
However, as Einstein himself was the first to point out, general
relativity does not fully account for inertia. Thus a new theory of
gravitation is needed.
Ten years later. in 1963. we find Bondi writingfi
What is gravity‘? . . . We are more familiar with its effects than with
perhaps the effects of any other force. Nevertheless. science finds it
rather difficult to digest gravity, and our best modern theory of
gravitation. Einstein's theory. is a very cotnplete and beautiful theory
that yet does not quite tit in with the rest of physics . . . we do hope to
gain much more insight once this great difficulty, this gap between
the theory of gravitation and the rest of physics. has been closed.
This was followed in 1964 by Hoylezi
Einstein’s mathematics has always been a complete unit in itself. It
has remained an isolated corner of physics which nobody has stic-
ceeded in relating in a really fruitful w'ay to the rest of physics.
Is this progress‘? Surely we should heed Heaviside. We must
come back to the aether. to classical ideas, to the eircuital laws
of electromagnetism. We must cast Einstein's ‘distorted nothing-
ness’ aside, and our prejudice as well, and think again. We must
heed Dirac’s conclusions in I938 that the boundaries of the
electron extend to infinity and that space—time fails in the
‘interior’ of the electron. We must think again about the nature
of this electron, and stop talking about signals travelling faster
than light and particles being accelerated without accompanying
At the Kelvin lecture of the Institution of Electrical Engin-
eers delivered by Hoyle in 1970 he spoke of signals from the
future. In a report published by the Institution we read:§
’ ,- _
// \\\ \
/ / \\
\\ I, \
/ \\
\. //
/'/ ‘ Q Z: ,\\ \
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
(\\ \ -~~R\
\\ \\
»-— -\ \\
\ / _.- _ \ \ \
/// \\ \\
/ / \ 1‘
’ I I "_*V
~T, / It’-_//'/_:\\\\
;\ § I \ _ \ \\~
, ;/,/
\ \\ /
/ /
\\ _ /’ /
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
son. Hence, the reader may ask how we can retain the assertion
that the electric charge does not radiate energy. Well, the answer
is so obvious once you see it. The business of squaring and
adding only works to give energy correctly if there are no other
electric fields present. We really can never say that our charge
exists in complete isolation in a universe devoid of other electric
field-producing charge, particularly if we wish to give it a little
pulse of acceleration.
Let us assume that our charge has decided to move in the
direction of the ambient electric field, seeking to conserve itself
and being unwilling to radiate its energy as we have described.
There is then an electric field in the direction V. This field is in
the direction V because like charges repel and there is repulsion
of the charge in the V direction. This ambient field itself does
not move with the field disturbance radiating from the acceler-
ated charge. Now, as is known, where we have two field com-
ponents which act in opposition and which are not orthogonal
but are directly opposed, we obtain three energy density com-
ponents when we square the result. We have two quantities
found by squaring each component independently and we have
a negative energy density component due to the interaction of
the components. The self combination of the components of the
ambient field adds nothing to our energy radiation problem
because the field itself is not moving. The energy radiation terms
deduced from Fig. 6 do remain as positive radiation. However,
the interaction with the field in Fig. 6 will introduce negative
energy radiation as well. Now, the overall field energy at any
point can never be negative. A component can be negative if we
have another component which is adequately positive. The
negative energy component under review will appear in the
wave zone as the disturbance travels outwards to infinity. This
negative quantity can cancel the zone energy exactly. This is seen
if we resolve the ambient field at each point in the zone into a
component in line with the disturbance field components of
Fig. 6 and other components in orthogonal directions. The
component in opposition with the disturbance field component
increases from zero to a maximum around the wave zone
exactly as does the disturbance component. Now, if two terms
separated by a minus sign are squared and added so that the
interaction component cancels the square of one of the terms
alone, this term is exactly double the other term. It follows,
therefore, that for zero energy in the disturbance zone due to the
acceleration pulse the ambient field must be exactly half of the
maximum field component shown in the disturbance zone in
Fig. 6.
Hence, if we have an electric charge in an electric field and it
reacts to avoid energy radiation it will move so that it produces
a distorted field satisfying this criterion. The field which pro-
duces the acceleration actually prevents energy radiation. An
accelerated charge does not radiate its energy and thereby it
derives its property of inertia.
Why has this been missed by the great thinkers ofthe classical
period in physics? Probably because they were convinced that
light conveyed its energy by waves in the aether. The discovery
of the photon and the quantum features of energy transfer had
not daunted their belief in wave theory and the clear mathe-
matics of energy radiation by accelerated charge. They could
take the disturbance zone of Fig. 6 out beyond the range of the
local field producing the acceleration. Radio waves travel far
from the electric circuits producing the electron oscillations in
the transmitter. However, this is assuming that the energy ever
gets away from the electron in the first place.* If there is an
aether a wave might come along and merely ripple the energy
already present in the aether itself. Field energy cannot be con-
* See later discussion in Chapter 12.
veyed by waves, as is so clearly evident from quantum behaviour
in energy transfer. It is also evident from our illustrated analysis,
because as the disturbance field components are propagated
away from the charge they become weaker. The related com-
ponents of the ambient electric field do not weaken in this way.
Therefore, the passage of the wave causes a ripple of negative
energy in the field-permeated surrounding space. This only
means that the local energy is deployed into other forms, but it
tells us something very important about the electric charge
emitting the disturbance. The zero net energy condition has to
apply at the surface of this charge.
If the charge is contained, say, in a hollow spherical shell
containing a void and surrounded by the aether medium, there
is nothing inside it to store any energy. lt, the charge, is a mere
spherical shell. It moves so as not to radiate any energy or even
deploy any of its energy at the location of its charge. Hence, the
condition for the half field response applies exactly at its outer
surface. This means that given a unit strength ambient field
acting on a unit strength charge, the charge will accelerate to
develop a double unit field at its surface at positions lateral to
the acceleration direction. The field which is developed here is
found as the radial field of the charge as distorted by a deflection
equivalent to multiplying it by the ratio of the eccentricity
distance of the spheres already mentioned to the radial distance
between the spheres. This ratio works out to be the acceleration
times the time it takes for the disturbance to develop at the
surface divided by the propagation velocity of the disturbance.
This is simply the acceleration times the radius of the charge
divided by the square of the propagation velocity. The radial
electric field is simply the unit strength charge divided by the
square of the radius, using the simple inverse square law of
field. Thus, the disturbance field developed is the acceleration
divided by the charge radius and by the square of the propaga-
tion velocity. For unit spherical charge, the charge radius is one
half of the reciprocal of the energy stored by the charge. The
disturbance field then becomes double the acceleration times
the energy divided by the square of the propagation velocity,
and we know that the acceleration is such that this field is two
units in strength. It follows that unit force developed by unit
ambient field on unit charge will produce an acceleration
inversely proportional to the energy divided by the propagation
velocity squared. In other words, the electric charge, in respond-
ing so as not to radiate its energy, will display the property we
term mass. lts mass will be equal to its energy divided by the
square of the velocity of propagation of the aether medium.
Thus, its energy will equal its mass multiplied by the square of
the velocity of light.
We have now accomplished our task. Mass is explained as
the property of an electric charge in contriving to avoid energy
exchanges at its surface. It emits waves when it is accelerated by
an electric field. lt causes oscillations in the aether when it is
oscillated itself. The energy in the aether is disturbed, but at the
very boundary surface of the electric charge there is no dis-
turbance. The charge has found a way of moving which brings a
calm unrufiied field condition to its surface form. Meanwhile
the accelerating electric field puts some of its energy into another
form in recognition of the acceleration imparted to the charge.
This is the kinetic energy of the charge. It is stored in the field
without disturbing the field remote from the surface of the
charge and this can only be true if in fact the charge sphere
shrinks a little to create more space for field energy. Kinetic
energy is stored by the charge reducing its radius.
In explaining the nature of mass we have come to the well-
known relationship between energy and mass, on which much of
Einstein’s recognition is founded. We do not see inertia as a
property dependent upon gravitation. Mass is a mere property
of electricity. Inertia is synonymous with mass. One implies the
It is to be noted that the above argument has been applied to
a spherical shell of charge. It applies equally to a solid sphere of
charge. The latter is merely an aggregation of spherical charge
shells. There is no energy transfer at the surface of each shell due
to acceleration of its own charge. Further, if we consider inter-
action field effects between any two such shells, since there is no
interaction energy within the outermost shell, we can have no
energy transfer in this regard at the surface of the outermost
shell. It works out that the mass property is linked to energy by
the same relationship.
It remains to ask what happens if the electric charge moves
at a very high speed approaching the speed of light itself.
Increase in mass with speed has been observed. The answer is
given already. The charge does not change but in shrinking to
store the kinetic energy the electric field energy has increased.
Thus, since mass is proportional to this energy for a constant
speed oflight, mass increases. As speed increases with increasing
mass the elfect is compounded and, mathematically, it may be
shown that the speed oflight is limiting. Mass would be infinite
at this speed.
The Aether in Evidence
In the previous chapter we were able to explain mass as a
property of electric charge in motion through space. The nature
of kinetic energy was explained in terms of the physical contrac-
tion of the charge in reacting in an electric field to prevent
radiation of field energy. Thus, the history of the motion of an
electric charge from its instant of creation is partially recorded
in terms of its physical size. lts state of motion relative to a basic
reference frame is implicit. There must be some kind of reference
frame in which matter is created. Furthermore, an electric
charge in motion induces certain effects. It acquires kinetic
energy, but it is also known to develop magnetic fields. One may
wonder then if the reference frame for matter creation is the
frame of reference for electromagnetism. This means that we are
considering something other than the charge, its energy and its
so-called field. A frame implies the existence of something else,
an orderly structure interacting with electric charge in motion.
We are considering the aether.
The fundamental ingredients of our study are electric charge,
energy and a time parameter. Logically, our aether will be
composed of an orderly array of electric charges in an organized
state of motion. Such charges will react to the electric field of a
moving electric particle. We will depict the action in the field
vector diagram in Fig. 7. Consider a charge at Q moving with
a velocity proportional to OQ. Imagine an element of aether
charge normally at P but having a new home position at R
because of the direct electric field of our charge at Q. This
aether element is, however, reacting to our charge as if it were
at O, because it has taken time for the action to be propagated.
In fact, the vector OP represents the propagation velocity.
Therefore the aether charge will not be at R. It will be displaced
from R and somehow reacting to the propagated effect from O.
The diagram assumes that the displacement vector RS is a
minimum, making RSP a right angle. As was suggested in
Fig. 7
, v>
Fig. 8 so that the electron migrates around the inside boundary
to develop a magnetic field compensating the orbital motions of
the other free electrons. There is also a reserve position. Van
Vleck falls back with confidence upon quantum theory for a
supporting explanation. He imparts a statistical distribution to
the angular momentum. Negative angular momentum is as
likely in mathematics as is positive angular momentum, when
there is no magnetic field. When we apply a field we know that
magnetic force acts at right angles to the electron motion. It
does no work. Therefore no energy is added by applying the field
and so, ifthere is no magnetism due to the electron motion when
no field is applied, there is none when the field is applied. The
argument is clarity itself. But it is wrong: not because the quan-
tum statistics are wrong, but because we have applied with
confidence a law of elcctrodynamics according to Lorentz, and
completely forgotten that fundamental discovery Inade in 1831
by Michael Faraday. An electric current is generated in a closed
circuit when a magnet in its neighbourhood is moved. This dis-
covery still has to survive all quantum treatment by the physicist.
If you apply a magnetic field to a system of electrons in motion
you must supply energy. There is an experiment which shows
that induction applies to the current element, and so to the
discrete charge in motion.
It is an experimental fact that the electromotive force and
potential drop can differ in a circuit element. This has been
shown by apparatus of the kind shown in Fig. 9. Here, a mag-
netic core M is excited by an alternating magnetizing field to
produce magnetic flux changes linking a circular current circuit
C. Two diametrically-opposite points on the circuit are con-
nected by symmetrically disposed leads to a voltage detector G.
These leads are flexibly connected so that the circular current
circuit can be pivoted about an axis through the two points of
connection. The axis of the magnetic core passes through the
centre of the circular current circuit. The experiment consists in
pivoting the circular current circuit with the magnet excited. It
is found that, whereas the potential drop in the two halves of the
circular circuit must be the same since they carry the same
current, the measured signal changes from zero as the circuit
F {#9
Q / I
Fig. 9
This is Poynting’s result and this vector is usually called after him. It
is however necessary to emphasize the fact that it represents the flux
of energy only on the hypothesis that the kinetic energy is distributed
in the medium with a density fgH dB per unit volume; and even then
it is uncertain to an additive vector quantity which integrates out
when taken all over the surfacejl However, following usual practice
in physics, it is best to adhere to the simplest hypothesis. The actual
phenomena strongly suggest that the flux of energy is correctly
represented by this vector and the addition of anything else is merely
a gratuitous complication which is not, after all, necessary. There is
however no definite and precise reason why we should take the matter
this way; we might have adopted some other scheme. The only other
one of any importance is obtained by performing the first integration
by parts in some other way. We found that. . . . This is the general
form of a result which has received very influential support in some
quarters and there is something to be said for it. . . . In any case we
cannot definitely say that either form is wrong, and the particular
form of theory is entirely a matter of preference and not proof. The
chief point to be noticed is that we get different distributions of
magnetic energy according to the assumptions we make; the differ-
ences are, it is true, unimportant in the ordinary statical and
dynamical aspects of the theory so far examined, but cases will be
examined where the two distributions are of fundamentally different
types. In some types of fields, for example, the densities of the
magnetic energy on the two theories are equal in magnitude but
opposite in sign.
The above appears between pages 242 and 244 of Livens’
book. Written, as it was, in the heyday of the quantum theory,
when more and more evidence was being discovered of energy
transfer by discrete quantum processes, it is surprising that the
popular preference did not switch to reject Poynting’s ideas and
accept the alternative outlined by Livens. Probably, however,
the minds of the time were too busy with the new ideas in wave
mechanics to be bothered repairing some of the classical theory.
Professor Livens reverted to the problem on page 313 of his
book writing ‘On the flux of energy in radiation fields’:
According to the usual conceptions of physical science, when
energy travels by radiation the direction ofthe flux is along the ray, so
that the flux vector gives not only the direction but also the intensity
of the ray (the intensity ofa ray being measured by the energy that
passes along it per unit of time). In ordinary propagation in isotropic
media the direction of the beam is perpendicular to the wave front,
because the electric and magnetic vectors are both in this surface.
The energy in this case travels along the beam normally to the wave
surfaces. In crystalline media however it is the electric displacement
vector that is in the wave front and the electric force is not coincident
with the displacement so that the energy flux vector is no longer
normal to the wave front. The direction of the ray, that is the path of
the energy, is then oblique to the wave front surfaces, but in any case
its direction at any point is the same as that of the energy flux vector
at that point.
In entering into a more detailed analysis of these phenomena the
first difficulty encountered is the ambiguity in the definition of the
flux vector. The usual procedure is to base the whole discussion on
Poynting‘s form of the theory, which appears to provide the simplest
view of the phenomena, and to ignore the possibility of alternatives.
We must not however forget that our view-point may be coloured by
a long use of the particular form of the theory as the sole possibility
so that its apparent suitability may be at least misleading. It is there-
fore essential that we bear in mind that Poynting‘s theory is not the
only one which is consistent with the rest of the electromagnetic
scheme and we shall therefore follow the usual discussion along the
lines laid down by Poynting by a brief review of at least one simple
After Livens has given the analysis using Poynting’s theory he
then writes:
The whole of this discussion has been based on Poynting’s theory of
the processes involved. If we turn to the single alternative theory
suggested in paragraph 229 where the radiation vector appears not as
the vector product of the force vectors but as the product of the
complete vector current by the scalar potential . . . we shall find a
remarkably different aspect of the whole of the processes.
He then shows energy transfer perpendicular to the direction
of propagation of wave radiation and says:
Of course in a theory where there is to be no transfer of the energy,
the whole conception of energy at a point must be different. That this
is so in our present case is immediately obvious. According to the
general discussion the appropriate formula for the kinetic energy
density is . . . that is the kinetic energy now has the same value but
the opposite sign to that usually employed in Poynting’s theory, so
that the total energy is on the modified theory simply the excess of the
electric potential energy over the magnetic kinetic energy on the
older interpretation. In the case of no absorption these are equal and
the present theory does not associate energy at all with the radiation,
so that no question of its transference arises. In the case of absorp-
tion it will be seen that the new theory identifies as the total energy in
the fieldjust that part ofthe energy which on Poynting‘s theory is not
Livens next considers the Hertzian vibrator and goes on:
Thus whereas on Poynting"s theory the energy supplied to the field
at the vibrator is transferred outwards and radiated away, on the new
form ofthe theory the energy, now however differently interpreted, is
stored up in the field surrounding the vibrator and counted there in
the kinetic energy. . . . We know without ambiguity the difference of
the energies . . ., the Lagrangian function, which is of necessity
correct, as it leads to equations which have been proved by experi-
ment to represent the motions of observable electrons. But beyond
this the rest is pure conjecture.
Livens says ‘beyond this and the rest is pure conjecture’, yet
we have had half a century of pure conjecture thrust upon us
because we favoured the wrong alternative. Professor Livens
puts the case for non-radiation of energy and the case for nega-
tive field energy. The present author, unaware of Livens’ work,*
was later to develop these same notions on independent lines
and to follow their stimulus in understanding magnetic
We may now revert to the problem of action at a distance and
the nature of electric charge. Let us proceed, attempting a
simple logical approach. Three dimensions are needed to define
the parameters of physics. We may choose dimensions which are
observed as variable quantities or we may opt to base our
physics on dimensions which match the basic physical con-
stants. ln the latter case we would need to explain then why a
particular quantity could occur as a constant. Therefore, logi-
cally, we will choose as primary dimensions quantities which are
variable, or rather arbitrary, in the scheme of Nature. Thus
electric charge seems to be a fixed quantum and cannot be con-
sidered as primary. Hence, we can hope to explain it in terms of
more fundamental concepts. Nature somehow keeps the electron
charge invariable. It is a determined quantity and is not arbit-
rarily fixed by some quirk of Nature. Variables we can use as
primary dimensions are energy, time and distance. A universe
can be constructed in one's imagination which permits the dis-
tance between its elements to be set arbitrarily. If the elements
move to relate to time then time can be set arbitrarily as well.
Also, energy does not come in Nature as a fixed quantum. Even
a photon is frequency-dependent. Hence energy, space (or dis-
* I am indebted to Mr. David Eagles for drawing Livens’ work to my attention
in November I970.
tance) and time are appropriate primary dimension quantities.
Time, distance and energy may have units set by Nature but
all can change. More important is that electric charge can come
in positive and negative forms. Now what does this really mean ?
We only have positive and negative as notional concepts; some-
thing we interpret by mathematics in comparing two quantities.
In terms of time, distance and energy we cannot conceive nega-
tive time or negative space. Negative energy is no better than
negative substance. A negative energy component is possible if
our measure is relative to a positive reference and negative
magnetic field energy as contemplated in Chapter 12 only
implies an aether permeated with energy and depleted to become
energy in some other form. Negative energy is an impossible
notion in any fundamental frame of reference. Nevertheless we
can combine space and time to develop opposites. We can con-
ceive oppositcs which arbitrarily become positive or negative in
the choice of direction of movement or rotation of an element
of energy.
It follows from this that the logical approach to explaining
Coulomb's law and the charge it connects is to try to seek out
something which offers motion of energy in a plenum. Vortex
theory is the likely candidate. Such speculations will not be
pursued here save for a cautionary remark. Vortex theory often
presumes the existence of particle forms in a fiuid medium and
accounts for their interaction in terms of the vortices ever
present when they move. This assumption will not advance us
to a better solution than was found when vortex theories went
out of fashion at the beginning of the twentieth century. The
particle form itself must be part of the same fluid form. It
could be a cluster of vortex filaments in an all-pervading incom-
pressible fluid medium.
Given a particle concept in terms of motion and an energy
substance, mass can be developed from the dimensional relation-
ship between energy and velocity. Perhaps then if the particle
form is nothing more than a vortex system it may move to
conserve itself and thus display inertial properties and its Inass
in keeping with the author's theory. To be reasonably content
with such an approach Coulomb‘s law would need to be
explained and. consequent upon this, magnetic effects. This was
the fundamental object ofmany of the old aether theories which
claimed success in their time. Whittaker* has provided an
excellent account of such theories. Also, hovvever, vortex theory
is still very much alive in some minds. See. for example, the
work of Wilhelm M. BZ1LlCl'.+
It may seem to the reader that to speak of vortex theories of a
fluid aether is to set the clock back a century. lt is out of tune
with the world of the modern physicist. Yet the eventual truths
about the aether vvill not change vvith time and the truths of the
past will not either. The physicists of the last century may not
have had the experimental data \ve possess today, but equally
they could focus their undistracted attention on to the funda-
mental philosophical implications of the subject. Their eon-
clusions inay not be conclusive. but their lines of enquiry
deserve respect and should not be rejected without some
caution. After all, they did possess some experimental facts
which the modern physicist still cannot explain.
lt is gratifying to see a report of a lecture in June l97l
presented by Professor Wheeler at the Cambridge Institute of
Theoretical Astronomyti
His new discipline describes reality without recourse to either mass
or charge. Whereas Einstein described a universe where the curvature
of space--time vv as a product of real masses for which Einstein could
not account theoretically, Wheeler's universe accounts for all pheno-
mena without the need to postulate any real mass at all. This is a
revolutionary improvement on Einstein. lts full implications are only
beginning to be realised. In superspacc. Wheeler contends, ‘pre-
geometry‘ constructs material out of non-material. This plenteous
nothing (not to be confused with antiquated theories of an aether)
contains entities of dimensions far too small for direct observation.
However. on a scale of the order of lO‘3"‘ cm the universe is a fabu-
ously rich sea ofevents. eddies. vortices. and foam.
Let us. therefore. revive vortex theory of the substance permeat-
ing empty space, but let us be at pains to avoid anything anti-
quated. A modern aether is \vhat is needed.
* l]i.s'r0r_1' n/' I/l(’ '1'/ieoriux of /Iv!/|<'r uml L'1eetri<'i!_\‘, T/IL’ C'las.\'irul Tlzeories,
Nelson, London, l95l.
/\1c('/Imii/\' [J/ckrmIm1_Q/1z'!i.\'<'/1t'r l*o1"_g'iiI1g<', 1965.
i New S('it'11Ii.vl um! St'iz'm'c Journal, July 29, 1971, p. Z42.
lt will be seen from this discussion that we are as yet very far from
having a satisfactory theory of atmospheric electricity.
,-\ \ \
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65 Z0 Z2 24
Fig. 10
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so —-»——-~ —- -»—
40 = — -~-
20 ~ -. - ._--- --
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‘J l' -—r\~*v ,+ ‘J i
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li::_ l3
Compare now these reversal data with a steady rate of pro-
gress along the trajectories in Fig. l2. Regard them as depicting
motion in a circle from dilTerent viewpoints relative to the co-
ordinate system created by the aether symmetry. The reversals
in Fig. l3 can be matched exactly by the steady motion depicted
in Fig. 12. Reversals are indicated at R1, R2, R3, etc. Further,
there is the expected orbital pattern. This provides an assuring
check on the proposal that there is an aether with symmetrical
polarity inversion as depicted. Interested readers will see that
given known data for the speed of the solar system through
space, as measured relative to an assumed isotropic cosmic
background radiation.* we can work out the cell dimensions of
the aether. The lattice spacing is of the order of 300 light years.
Also, from the earth orbit evidenced by the magnetic reversal
data, an estimate can be made olithe distance to the point in our
galaxy about which we are moving and the orbital period of this
galactic motion. An orbital period of 108 years is indicated by
the data.
Before ending this book it is perhaps important to comment
about the Michelson-Morley Experiment. Traditionally, aether
theory has been set in conflict with the null result of this experi-
ment. The author lias dealt with this conflict in his previous
worksi and has really nothing to add that is new. Reference is,
however, made to the recent analysis of Ruderferi who has
reviewed the subject only to conclude that the aether is very
much in evidence and in no way rejected by the Michelson-
Morley approach.
Ruderfer writes:
ln retrospect, the search for dynamic proof of an ether has been a
sterile one. lt has distracted us for over a century from what may be
stated as the origirial fundamental question: ls the space between
matter a void or a plenum? When approached in this way, the ether
may be viewed as a natural extension of the known hierarchal struc-
ture of matter--~ -pcndcrable bodies. conipouiids, atoms. elementary
particles. The relati\e rapidity ofthe discoy cry of this series and the
prevalent belief in the existence of an elementary particle substructure
* E. K. Conklin, .\'iirii/1'. June 7. 1%‘), p. 971, gives I60 knisee.
1' The books l'Cl'\.‘fl'Ctl on page I30.
I M. Riidertcr", Lt’!/L'I'(' 11/ .\'1mro ("i1m'iiin, Series I, Vol. 3, pp. 658-62, 1970.
THE cos.\nc AETHER 159
presages further structural delineation in the microcosm, conceivably
ad infinitum. The ether may then be regarded as the repository of all
the submicroscopie structures that may conceivably exist but are
beyond present observational limits. The attribution of energy
properties to such a plenum inevitably follows. In fact, the 1neasur-
able QED and the relativistic effects of matter on the vacuum and
space—time provide independent support for the necessity ofascribing
energy properties to the ether: from the minuteness ofthese effects of
the interaction of matter and ether. it must be surmised that the ether
energy density must be much greater than that of matter. That all of
the energy of the observable universe may then originate from the
ether now becomes plausible.
Later he writes:
In summation. the various physical disciplines appear to be intri-
cately interwoven with the concept of an ether. One may wonder ifthe
widespread rejection of an ether, \\hieh primarily derives from the
inability to dynamically detect it, is worth the loss of its synergistic
potential in physical theory.
Of this, he said:
The current appeared to be due to residual magnetism in the iron
case, which could not be got rid of.
This vvas in spite of the fact that he rotated the specimen about
vertical and horizontal axes.
Relativity killed Wilsotfs experiment, just as:
Einstein's special relati\ity killed this idea of the ether. But . . . one
can get over the diiliculties of reconciling the existence of an ether
with the special theor) ofrel;tti\it_\.
So said Dirac“. but let us not theorize. Rather let us examine
these effects \vhieh Wilson cannot get rid of.
’*‘ Page 287, February ll, 1970.
'§' l’ .~\ M. Dirac, .81 it‘/iii/iv .-in.-t'r/(‘<1/1. May, 1963, p. 50.
The Law of Electrodynamics
Consider two electric charges ofequal mass positioned at A and
B in Fig. 14. Let the forces AF’, BF denote the electromagnetic
field interaction exerted between the charges. The value of AF’
or BF, as an attractive force, is the product ofthe two charges in
electromagnetic units multiplied by the scalar product of their
velocities and divided by the square of AB. The velocities of the
charges are represented by u, v in the directions AO and BO,
respectively, as shown.
We now suppose that an external force acts on the system.
The force will be etliective through the centre of gravity of the
two charges and will be equally apportioned in providing an
action AX’ or BX at A and B. The total force on the charge at A
is then AX’ +AF’ and this may be resolved into a component
AP at right angles to AO and a component AU along OA.
Similarly, the total force on the charge at B is BX »E-BF and this
may be resolved into a component BQ at right angles to BO
and a component BV along OB.
The nature of the force component BV is that needed to slow
down the charge at B, since we assume its speed is changing due
to the interaction effects. Then. for there to be no turning action
on the system as a whole. this force component must have a
counterpart at A. Hence, we equate UX’ and BV. Similarly, for
speed changes at A there is the force component AU which is
balanced by the force \'.\' induced at B.
Given the positions cf./\ and B. the interaction force BF, and
the vector directions u and v. we can then derive the value of the
force AX’ or BX from the geometry of Fig. l4. To {ind the force
on B, draw FQ in the direction opposite to u, determining Q by
the perpendicular to from B. Then derive V by drawing FV
(shown by the broken line) front F perpendicular to u. V being
Tt X
Ll \ , '. '\ S
.- T. t v
Fig. 14
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