Pupils' Performance in Blended Learning and Face-To-Face Learning Modality Towards A Proposed Learning Continuity Plan
Pupils' Performance in Blended Learning and Face-To-Face Learning Modality Towards A Proposed Learning Continuity Plan
Pupils' Performance in Blended Learning and Face-To-Face Learning Modality Towards A Proposed Learning Continuity Plan
Introduction about the school calendar and activities for the school
year 2021-2022, face-to-face classes are suspended
unless allowed by the Office of the President. This led
It is said that learning is a continuous process and the entire department to look for alternative learning
should not stop no matter what situation a person is in. modalities and enrich its learning delivery. Different
It starts when he becomes aware of what is happening modalities were introduced such as the Online Class,
around him and starts responding from it. Moreover, where only the pupils with internet connection at home
learning ends if he is already six feet below the ground can have the access to learning. In this type of
where his organs cease from functioning at all. modality, online learning platforms were used such as
According to Benigno Agapito Jr., Dean of Mapua but not limited to Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft
University-School of Media Arts, “learning is not Teams. Another modality was the TV-Based
confined within the four walls of the classroom. It can Instruction (TBI). The Department of Education has
be achieved even outside through digital media.” This produced video lessons that will be aired on television
is very timely and relevant to what is happening channels through TV networks partners. Schedules for
around the globe particularly in the sector of education the airing of the video lessons per grade level and
in the Philippines due to the threat brought by the learning areas were posted in advance. Meanwhile,
global pandemic. The country may not be prepared for Radio-Based instruction (RBI) was used in the absence
the coming of the virus, but they find ways to keep the of TV and network signals to the areas that were far
education going even in this time of hardship. away from civilization. Classroom Messenger was also
introduced to the pupils who will be utilizing the
As the Corona Virus continued to widespread across digital-printed modules. This modality was offered to
the country, the trends in education in the Philippines those who have gadgets but with poor internet
shifted from the traditional to digital era. Going to connections or those who were using mobile data only.
school to have a face-to-face class had been cancelled The most common and widely used modality was the
by the Department of Education following the order of use of printed modules. This modality was for pupils
the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of who don’t have the capacity to avail the Online Class,
Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) to limit the TV-Based, Classroom Messenger and Radio-Based
chance of pupils from acquiring COVID-19 and its Instruction.
different variants since vaccines are not yet available
for children during the first two years of the pandemic. The alternative learning modalities that DepEd had
offered has never been easy for both teachers and
As stated in the DepEd Order 29 s. 2021, which is pupils of Sagad Elementary School in this time of
pandemic since most of them were used to the their written works and, which is one of the bases for
traditional classroom set up. Given the different kinds the pupils to have a grade in a particular subject area.
of learning modalities, a great challenge for the Most of the pupils who took the examinations got a
teachers was on how they will facilitate the learning lower score as compared to the result of their scores
process. One of the things to consider was to keep the from the posttest and other activities in the module
attention of the pupils throughout the lesson since which they have submitted prior to the conduct of
there was no physical and tangible teacher that would written works. Teachers were also not able to identify
guide them throughout the lesson. As a result, pupils the authenticity of the pupils’ output regarding their
diverted their focus on some activities that hooked performance task, the other bases for grading, due to
their interest such as playing online or offline games the distance learning modality chosen by the pupils.
and browsing their social media accounts which are Teachers used to question their pupils if they were the
not related to studies. one who made the output, or somebody did it for them
since most of the output submitted was professionally
Hence, the development of the Self-Learning Modules done compared to the output submitted by the pupils
(SLMs), which was adapted from the Alternative inside the classroom. It was also questionable how the
Learning System (ALS) and production of video pupils responded and delivered their answers in the
lessons became few of the alternate sources to keep the Classroom Messenger as compared to their actual
learning process continuing despite the struggling performance when inside the classroom.
situation. As stipulated in the SDO-Pasig City
Division Unnumbered Memorandum dated December Research Questions
29, 2020, several teachers were tapped to attend the
write-shop webinar as preparation for the development This study determined the perceptions of grade six
of the self-learning modules. This led to some of them teachers and their pupils regarding the level of
becoming authors of several modules in different performance of grade six pupils in the blended
learning areas, while others became content and learning and face-to-face learning modality in the
language validators. The Self-Learning Modules selected schools of Cluster 1 in the Division of Pasig
developed by the teachers in the Schools Division of City during the 1st and 2nd quarter of the school year
Pasig City showcased different phases such as pretest, 2022 - 2023.
recap, activities, wrap up, valuing and post-test. The Specifically, it answered the following questions:
back part of the module contained the key to 1. What is the profile of the grade six pupil-
correction for the activities to guide the pupils in respondents in terms of the following variables:
checking whether their answers were correct or not. 1.1 Attendance;
The said modules were reproduced by the schools and 1.2 Pupils’ Interest;
distributed to the pupils through hard copies to those 1.3 Internet Connection;
who were enrolled in Modular Classes while soft 1.4 Socioeconomic Status; and
copies including the video lessons were uploaded to 1.5 Gadgets available at home?
the tablets of the pupils who were enrolled in Digitized 2. What are the perceptions of the grade six teachers,
and Online classes. and their pupils regarding the level of performance of
grade six pupils on the blended learning and face-to-
The development of the said modules helped the face learning modality in terms of the following
teachers in the delivery of the lessons based on the variables:
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs). On 2.1 Written works;
the other hand, it created a mediocre practice of study 2.2 Performance tasks; and
habits among the grade six pupils due to some features 2.3 Quarterly assessment?
of the modules which resulted in their poor academic 3. Is there a significant difference in the perceptions of
performance. The existence of the key to correction at the two group of respondents on the level of
the back of the modules gave an opportunity to the performance of grade six pupils on the blended
pupils to just copy the answers from it. As a result, learning and face-to-face learning modality in terms of
pupils tend to get lazy regarding their study habits. the aforecited variables?
They neither read the lessons from the module nor 4. Is there a significant relationship between the
attended classes from their selected mode of learning. selected profile and level of performance of grade six
They only send or submit their copied answers, pupils on the blended learning and face-to-face
thinking that their teachers will believe that they really learning modality?
work hard in answering the activities and tests. Their 5. Is there a significant difference between the level of
learning was assessed using Google Form as part of performance of the grade six pupils on the blended
learning and face-to-face learning modality in terms of benefits of live interaction between the instructor and
the following variables? the learner.
5.1 Written Works
5.2 Performance Tasks Shah (2022) stated in his article entitled “Face to Face
5.3 Quarterly Assessments Learning: Benefits, Advantages and Disadvantages”
6. What learning continuity plan can be developed that face-to-face learning is an instructional method
based on the result of the study? where course content and learning material are taught
in person to a group of students. This allows for a live
interaction between a learner and an instructor. It is the
Literature Review most traditional type of learning instruction. Learners
benefit from a greater level of interaction with their
Blended learning was defined by Naba (2022) as a fellow students as well. In face-to-face learning,
combination of conventional education with online students are held accountable for their progress at the
learning. The same is gaining popularity as of late in class’s specific meeting date and time. Face-to-face
every aspect of personal and professional life since the learning ensures a better understanding and
wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The author added recollection of lesson content and gives class members
that blended learning also has disadvantages in terms a chance to bond with one another. On the other side,
of technology. Technology is constantly evolving, and the online model emphasizes an interactive learning
sometime, hard to handle. For people who aren’t as environment designed to create a dialogue between
tech savvy, it may take longer for them to fully benefit instructor and students and among students
from the material you’re putting in front of them. themselves. The online process requires both instructor
and students to take active roles, which are more
An article by Chaturvedi (2021) entitled “Importance highlighted. The instructor should facilitate activities
of Blended Learning in the Era of Digital Education” that engage students directly rather than relying too
stated that blended learning is a combination of offline heavily on lectures and memorization.
and online education which enables students to interact
with the instructor, study material, and other students Nortvig et al. (2018) on their study entitled “Factors
both through physical classroom and online platforms. Influencing E Learning and Blended Learning in
The idea of blended education makes learning easy Relation to Learning Outcome, Student Satisfaction
and more productive which is why this interpretation and Engagement”, stated that in higher education, e
of digital learning is promising in the long run and will learning is gaining more and more impact, especially
become the new normal. Blended learning in the format of blended learning, and this new kind of
consolidates the best of both traditional and digital traditional teaching and learning can be practiced in
methods of education. While classroom learning is many ways. The findings from the research papers
important to incorporate overall discipline, online included in the review show that among the many
learning helps students to customize their education. factors some seem to dominate more: educator
This method enables students to explore information presence in online settings, interactions between
or guidance online, which can be accessed any time students, teachers and content, and designed
they need, and classroom learning helps to build better connections between online and offline activities as
relations between the learner and the teacher. well as between campus related and practice related
Nguyen (2021) differentiated online learning from the
traditional face-to-face learning by saying that any Singh (2021) in his study entitled “Building Effective
type of learning that occurs on the internet could be Blended Learning Programs”, explored on how
considered online learning, also known as eLearning. eLearning has evolved toward blended learning and
Nowadays, virtual learning is most often used to refer how we can use modern technologies like artificial
to asynchronous learning material, which allows for intelligence and learning models such as microlearning
learners to engage with instructional material at their and spaced learning to improve blended learning. The
own pace, from anywhere, available at any time. On author said that the term ‘remote learning' became
the other hand, Face-to-face learning refers to the very common during the COVID-19 pandemic as
traditional, classroom-based method of learning. This remote work and remote learning became common
style of learning involves in-person sessions with an practices across the globe. Education and training
instructor. The pace of learning is set by the instructor programs have shifted to self-paced eLearning and
and students in this setting are passive learners. Face- virtual classrooms. Post COVID-19, even when
to-face learning is considered effective due to the learning returns to the physical classroom, the trend
toward blended learning will continue. recommendations for further research are discussed
through the study's proposed modifications on the
Kintu et al. (2017) in their study entitled “Blended cognitive presence categories, indicators, and the
Learning Effectiveness: The Relationship Between survey instrument for the K–12 setting where teacher-
Student Characteristics, Design Features and directed pedagogies or collaborative inquiry processes
Outcomes”, investigated the effectiveness of a blended have not been thoroughly co-opted.
learning environment through analyzing the
relationship between student characteristics or
background, design features and learning outcomes. Methodology
They aimed at determining the significant predictors of
blended learning effectiveness taking student A descriptive research design will be used in this
characteristics/background and design features as study. The participants in the samples are teachers and
independent variables and learning outcomes as officially enrolled elementary pupils coming from
dependent variables. The results indicated that some of sixth grade of Sagad Elementary School, Liberato
the student characteristics/backgrounds and design Damian Elementary School, and Pasig Elementary
features were significant predictors for student School. The sampling technique that will be used is by
learning outcomes in blended learning. random sampling wherein everyone from the
population will be randomly selected and participate in
On the other hand, Jones (2019) in his study “The
the study. According to McCombes (2022), descriptive
Implications of Blended Learning in Today’s
research design aims to describe a population,
Classroom”, explored the transformation by looking
situ atio n, or ph enom eno n accurately and
into the history leading up to the regular use of
systematically. It can answer what, where when and
technology in the classroom, as well as the theoretical
how questions, but not why questions. A descriptive
frameworks that support the premise of blended
research design can use a wide variety of research
learning. According to her, blended learning has
methods to investigate one or more variables. Unlike
transformed the landscape of classrooms over the past
in experimental research, the researcher does not
few years, as technology has become more readily
control or manipulate any of the variables, but only
accessible. Several significant themes in the literature
observes and measures them.
were discussed next to some of the main oppositions to
the implementation of blended learning. Legislation Participants of the Study
pertaining to blended learning and technology in
education was briefly described, followed by a This study gathered information from the 36 grade six
description of the impacts that the successful teachers and 269 grade six pupils coming from the
implementation of effective blended learning selected schools of Cluster 1 in the Division of Pasig
environments can have on students, teachers, and City who had undergone the blended learning and
districts. To conclude, several areas for future research face-to-face instruction for the first and second quarter
were addressed. of the school year 2022-2023. The information will be
gathered from the respondents through a survey
Villanueva (2022), through an exploratory case study questionnaire using a Google Form. All results will be
titled Manifestations of Cognitive Presence in Blended collected in a Google Sheet and will undergo statistical
Learning Classes of the Philippine K–12 System, treatment analysis, and interpretations. The expected
sought to determine the applicability of the outputs are the profile collected from the pupil-
Community of Inquiry in the K–12 setting. There are respondents, teacher-respondents, and their
research gaps to leverage support for blended learning perceptions on the two learning modalities.
and flexible learning options to benefit Filipino youth
and school-leavers under the Alternative Delivery Instruments of the Study
Mode of the Philippine K–12 system. Through
constant comparison analysis and descriptive statistics, This study will use a 5-point point Likert scale with a
evidence revealed cognitive presence across its 20-item questionnaire as the instrument in gathering
categories in the form of connectedness, collaborative information from the respondents. According to
work, trust and reciprocation, and shared views on Bhandari and Nikolopoulou (2020), a Likert scale is a
technology by K–12 teachers and learners. The rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or
analysis affirmed “regulating learning” as the behaviors. It consists of a statement or a question,
intersection of cognitive presence and teaching followed by a series of five or seven answer
p res en ce. I m p l i c a t io n s for p r acti ce and statements. Respondents choose the option that best
Ethical Considerations
Profile of the Grade Six Pupil-Respondents in the Table 3. Profile of Grade Six Pupils in Terms of
Blended Learning and Face-to-Face Learning Internet Connection
Table 14. Test of Difference Between the Level of late 2019 up to present, DepEd opted to try limited
Performance of the Blended Learning and Face-to- face-to-face classes in certain parts of the country
Face Learning Modalities of Grade Six Pupils as during the first quarter of the current school year.
regards Quarterly Assessment While the second quarter marked the major comeback
of face-to-face classes. After many months of ignoring
the pandemic, several news outlets highlighted the
spike of numbers in the case of acquiring the virus,
reminding everyone that Covid19 is not yet over.In the
current situation of our country, aside from the global
This supports that there is a significant difference pandemic, we are experiencing extreme heat due to
between the level of performance of the blended summer season that brings uncomfortable feeling to
learning and face-to-face learning modalities of grade both the pupils and teachers inside the classroom.
six pupils in quarterly assessment. This means that the Recently, the DepEd had cascaded a memorandum
grade 6 pupils’ level of performance in quarterly giving the discretion to the school head whether to
assessment during the face-to-face learning is adopt or not the reimplementation of blended learning
improved than that of the blended learning.This is true in the most affected area.
since Quarterly Assessment is not included as one of
the bases for computing the grades of the pupils based
on the revised grading system during the pandemic.
Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP)
Only written works and performance tasks are graded
is now part of the Philippine Educational System
having both 50% to compute for the total grade of the
where learners should continue to learn, and teachers
pupils. It is supported by the DepEd Order 31 s. 2020
should deliver instruction in a safe work and learning
which is the Interim Guidelines for Assessment and
environment amid the threat of Covid19. Aligned with
Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning
Continuity Plan stating that only Written Works and this plan is the creation of a flexible schedule that will
Performance Task shall be the bases for grading the incorporate the utilization of blended learning among
pupils. the schools in Cluster 1 in the Division of Pasig
City. To address the summer heat problem that most of
Developed Learning Continuity Plan Based on The the pupils are facing now, SA-LCP Framework is
Results of The Study developed. SA-LCP Framework stands for Shortened-
Alternate Learning Continuity Plan. This is applicable
Based on the results of the study, almost half of the for small schools with limited classrooms. It proposes
grade six pupils are attending their classes in blended that classes should have a shortened time compared to
learning, and it doubled in face-to-face learning the regular class hours. Particularly, classes will be
modality. Nevertheless, there are still pupils who done in the morning from 7:00am-11:00am only.
showed poor attendance in both learning modality. There will be no classes in the afternoon since the peak
Furthermore, the pupils who showed interest and of heat index is during noontime onwards. Pupils will
attended their classes regularly got the chance of be grouped into two sets (Set A and Set B) where each
getting a higher grade than those who showed poor set will have an alternate schedule of going to school.
attendance and interest. A model framework for To understand further this model, refer to the table
learning continuity plan is developed to address the below.
learning loss of the pupils. It will also bridge the gap
of the learning loss between the blended learning and Monitoring and Evaluation
face-to-face learning modality. The provision of the
tablets among the learners is an edge since they During the coordination meeting, a technical working
already have the gadget where they can interact with group will be formed. The proponent together with the
the learning material in the conduct of blended Master Teachers will be assigned to monitor the
learning. progress of the implemented framework. Monitoring
should be done weekly until the end of the school year.
Rationale Narrative Reports and documentation will be collected
from the teachers weekly indicating how they have
Classes were officially opened amidst the threat of the implemented the schedule. At the end of the school
global pandemic. Despite its reigning season from the year, the in-charge for monitoring and evaluation will
create a Google Form to be accomplished by the
teachers and pupils that will evaluate the
majority of them belonged to middle socioeconomic Nortvig, Anne-Mette, et al. “A Literature Review of the Factors
status who are using cellphones for their studies. (2) Influencing E Learning and Blended Learning in Relation to
The level of performance of grade six pupils has a Learning Outcome, Student Satisfaction and Engagement Electronic
Journal of e-Learning.” Https://Academic-
significant relationship both in the blended and face-
Publishing.Org/Index.Php, The Electronic Journal of e-Learning,
to-face learning modality. The performance of grade 2018,
six pupils was significantly higher in face-to-face https://academic-publishing.org/index.php/ejel/article/view/1855.
learning. There is a more beneficial jolt on the pupils'
Shah, R. (2022, March 1). Face-to-face Learning: Benefits,
academic performance as compared to blended Ad v a n t a g e s and D i s a d v a n t a g e s . B ench Pa rt n e r.
learning modality. https://benchpartner.com/blog/face-to-face-learning-benefits-advanta
Based on the findings of the study, as well as the
Singh, Harvey. “Building Effective Blended Learning Programs:
conclusions drawn by the researcher, the following Education Book Chapter | IGI Global.” IGI Global: International
recommendations are hereby given: (1) That, Academic Publisher,
educators may consider the interests of the learners https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/building-effective-blended-learn
when making and implementing meaningful learning ing-programs/277742. Accessed 8 Oct. 2022.
experiences to improve their participation in the Villanueva, J. A., Redmond, P., & Galligan, L. (2022).
lesson. (2) That, a further study to explore the factors Manifestations of Cognitive Presence in Blended Learning Classes
affecting the relationship the relationship between of the Philippine K—12 System. Online Learning, 26(1), 19-37.
pupils' interest and their performance may be DOI: 10.24059/olj.v26i1.302.