FoE - Research Summary - Single Page - For Download - Revisedv2
FoE - Research Summary - Single Page - For Download - Revisedv2
FoE - Research Summary - Single Page - For Download - Revisedv2
Global Perspectives
Research summary
3. Forward
4. Introduction
6. Recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders
7. Research Methodology
project (i)
Phase 1 Phase 3 research
16 Initial Funded
Graddol’s 8 thematic
14 trends
questions (e) research research (i)
trends agenda outputs
(c) (d)
Phase 2
Phase 2: Aim
To appraise the projections identified by Rich’s research during
Stress-testing Phase 1 of the project and elicit the opinions of a specific group
of stakeholders on the future of English in their own contexts.
16 projected trends
Project participants
through roundtable The participants included 92 policy makers and influencers from
discussions all over the world, along with British Council silent observers for each
roundtable who added their observations to the dataset through
a debriefing process.
The 14 roundtables took place online using Microsoft Teams as
a digital forum and aimed to elicit regional and national oversight
of English language trends and policy.
In this phase of the project we partnered with Trajectory, a company
that specialises in futures methodology and data analytics, to design
the discussion guides used to steer the roundtables, the note-taker
guides used to document the sessions, and the initial analysis
of the discussions.
The roundtable discussions produced two rich and interesting
datasets: the notes taken at each roundtable discussion and the
notes from the debrief meetings. Analysis of these resulted in the
identification of eight thematic questions. The publication, The Future
of English: Global Perspectives, written by Mina Patel, Mike Solly
and Steve Copeland, and edited by Professor Barry O’Sullivan and
Professor Yan Jin is the first publication for the programme. The book
begins the conversation about the future of English, explores these
eight thematic questions and is an invitation for further investigation
into the dynamic world of English language education.
British Council
1 Redman Place, Stratford, London E20 1JQ