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Japan 2021

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JMO 2021 Japan Mathematical Olympiad ‘The 31* Japanese Mathematical Olympiad ‘The First Round, The Final Round ‘The Mathematical Olympiad Foundation of Japan 2021 JAPAN MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD FIRST ROUND PROBLEMS, Given on January 11, 2021 ‘Time allowed for 12 problems: $ hours. Give only answers to problems 1L. When m, n are relatively prime positive intogors that satisfy m 4-n ~ 90, find the largest possible value of the product rn 2, In the figure belom, the arca ofthe whole regular decagon is 1. Find the area ofthe shaded region. 3, Let P be point inside isosceles triangle ABC with AB= AC, and let D, FF be the fot of the perpendicular from P so BC, CA, AB, respectively. If BD = 9, CD = 5, PE = 2, PR 5, find AB, 4 9 is c 4, There are three distinct pesitive integers writen on the balckbonrd. When real numbers 48, c are onthe blackoard, consider the procefve that replaces thowe tee numbers with bee Ce a ‘e ee Se CES, AAP oe he sume tine, After this procadue i done 2021 Une, al hee rninbers da the Blacebosrd ate positive integers. Determine the minimum value ofthe sum of nial ere positive integers on the blackboard 1 5. As showa in the following figure, there are four types of blocks forme by four enbes of side ‘one. How many ways aze therefor putting four blocks ofthese types in 8 2%2 4 rectangular box so that they do no stick out? [Note that we can use multiple blocks of the same type, and blocs can be rotated. Addi tionally, we distinguish ways which coincide with each other by rotating the box. A J G. For every positive integer m, let f(n) be the smallest positive inteyer such thet J(n) Is Prime to n and f(r) +1 Js prime ton +1, How many diferent integers will appear in {F420 SO} . In triangle ABC, let P and @ be points on side BC and suppase thatthe orthocenter of luiangle ACP and the orthoomter of triangle ABQ coincide. Given that AB = 10, AC’ BP =5, CQ =6, find the length of BO- 8, Determine the mumber of tapes of integers (a, 4... 0,2) which satisy 2 < aj < 20 for all fete TTand ap ah” 21 (mot 17) Hee the exponential is esleuated in order from upper vight two numbers 9. Let A be the mumber of cases such that cach cell of 2021 x 2021 table is fled with one of 1, 2,0rinsuch away that any 22 square inthe table sums up to 8, Answer the remainder after dividing A by 100. 10. Ina triangle ABC, we suppase that points D and F leon the segments AB and AC, respec- ey Let, B,C, Be oe sn vee le po i bs ye DBCE with CBDP = ZBPC = £PEO. Onkalate 25, give that AB = 9, AC = 11, DP = and BP =a AL. Por all quadruples (2,y,,w) consisting of integers 1 < x,y, % < 1000, we consider adding up the maximum value of zy-+ 2, 22 +a, 2 + yz and denote the sum by Af. Similarly, or all quaceuples (2 y, 2,1) consisting of intogers 1 < 2,9, 2, < 1000, wo consider adding up the minimum value of ay-+2w, 22+ yw, 2w-+ 92 and denote the sum by m. Determine the number of positive divisrs of M —m, 12. Ina77 chessboard, a con is placed inthe square in the frst row from the top, the fourth ‘coluran from the left. We eal squate ¥ a lower lef. square of squace X if Y is K squares to the left and & squares below X for some positive integer &. Similarly, we eall square ¥ a lower right square of equate X if¥ is squares tothe right and k squares below X for some positive integer. For a square X net on the bottom line, one ean perform one ofthe following four ‘operations when a coin ix planed on X: (8) Remove a coin rom X and place coin in the square one below X. (©) Remove a coin from X and place coins in each of the lower lft squares of X. (6) Remove a coin fom X and place coins in each ofthe lower ight squares of X. (4) Remove acoin from X and place cris in the square one square to the left ane one square below X., and the square one square tothe right and one square below X. If ther is only fone such square, place acoin in that square only. If thero is already a coin inthe place where one intend to place a coin, one will not place the cn here Find the maximum posibie number of eoins that ean be placed om the sare when the persion is performed as arbitrary number of times, ig Al (2) o) © @ 2021 JAPAN MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD FIRST ROUND, SOLUTIONS Given on January 11, 2021 ‘Time allowed for 12 problems: 3 hours. Give only answers to problem. a. [202i ‘The conditions are satisie for (m,n) hand, since (e)-Ge) ‘mn gets bigger when [m—45| gets smaller, Iffm—45| < 1, then (m,n) = (44,46), (45,45), (46,44), ‘but these pairs do not satisfy the condition that m and n ate coprime, ‘Therefore, 202 49,47), in which ease mm = 2021, On the other oe (=) = 295 - (m= 87, smn = 2025 ~ (m — 45)* < 2025 ~ From the aboe, the enswer is 2021 Hes Ode etn of ie A dD. he 0 wet of he ear ge oni cnr eel ath cpa 0c nF there fang cteamtaens, we 2EAD = t=, ODA 2 36°, from which AF || CD. Hence, the triangles AOD and AOC have the same area, Also, ee ne GH he AB mong tm it sel en Sion of heh ANCOI She el ge coe ges Cutten OAD en te gage ACO) ont congo the rangle OAB, the answer s 1 fm 2 B.| 4v7 Let M be the midpoint of segment BC, and let @ (resp. R) be the intersection of the line through P parallel to segment BC with segments AB (eesp. AC). As AB = AC, we have ZABM = ZAQP = ZARP, whieh yields thatthe righl-angled triangles AMB, PFQ, PER are sinilar. ‘Thus PQ: PR= PF: PE = 5:2 Also, the quadrilateral BCRQ is an Scones tape an! those ses ae perpen to he segment PD, so tat PQ ~ P= BD-CD=4, Therefore, PQ= 4: 225 = 7, und so we have AD: AM = PQ: PF = 4:3 52 Sine AB : BM = AB : VABP= AIG = 4: VE=B = 4: V7 by the Pythagorean AB ‘4 heorem, we have AB = BM 2 owt 4. [3-43] For integers r= 0,...,202, et a <8 < e be throe numbers on the blackboard efter the procedure is doe ther and It py = = 8 qe = B= a. Hee'n = O meats ihe init sats, When the proostre i done once thro nunbere a << cae replaced vith BaP BEE PEE hence pats = 2S* = gers = SFP = B holds. Thrafore Pat = fe, aos = zB. rita three mambers are distinct thus neither of po, a sO and then wider of uy A hee mums fer 2021 procedures repo ages hence pana: 2 1, dapat 2 1 and pp > 2°", gy > 2", The minimum number of initial three mumbai grater than or equal t 1 ths the sum of ini izes nuns greats than or sequal to 1+ (1+ 2) + (142-298) 3.29! 4.9, We show 1, 1+ 2%, 142.2% satisfy the condition of initial three numbers. Discussion stave shows Pact = 1 an =. Th sum of thee munters sept utchganed by te preture ‘thus the sum is 3-2""+-3 after 2021 procedures. Therefore three numbers after 2021 procedures: are 2", 277 + 1, 2" 42 and these are all integers. Hence the answer is 3» 2 + 3, s.[ 379 Denote a cube of side one as a small cube, The rectangular box consists of 16 sznall cubes, tnd we denote a cube of side two (Ford by eight sinallenbes) in the box as a. medion ee ‘Consider the ease where there are four blocks in the box. For each block in the bax, here ‘exists « medina eube containing that blode. We choose one such medium exe nad eal it circumscribed medeum eube ofthe block. There ave four circumscribed medium cubes, but the rectangular bax contains only three mediuin cubes. By the pigeonhole principle, there exist ‘wo blocks with common circumscribed medium cubes. Since the sum of the volumes of the ‘eo blocks is equal to the volume of « medium cube, these two blocks form x medium cube. Now, we calculate the numb of eases to combine two blocks t0 form a medium cube, Fist, ‘we distinguish the order of these two blocks. As shown in the figure below, we denote four types of blocks as (a), (b), (@). and (a), respectively. Note that when the postion ofthe frst 5 block is given, the shape and srentasion of the second block are uniquely determined if there exists such second block that forms a medium eube with the frst Y| Y U @ O) © @ ‘In the case where the fit block is (a), there is a one-to-one correspondence between the position of the frst block aud the location of the vertex of the modiunn cube where the black dot in the figure eoincides with it. ‘Then we can combine another (a) to form a medium cube. Since there are cight vertices in the eube, there are eight combinations, ‘In the case where the fist block is (0), there is a one-to-one correspondence between the ‘sition ofthe frst block andthe location ofthe edge of the mediutn cube where the bold Tine inthe figure eoincis with it, ‘Then we can combine another (b) to form ¢ medium cube, Since there ate twave edges in the cube, there are twelve combinations 1 Tn the case where the fist block is (c), the samme argument us (b) holds from syznmetry. "Thus there are twelve cauinations, ‘In the caso whore the first block is (d), there isa one-to-one correspondence between the position of the fret block and the location of the face of the medium cube where the shadod area inthe figure coincides with it. Then we can combine another (A) to farm & ‘medium cube, Since there are six faces in the cube, there are six combinations. ‘Therefore, there are a total af 8+ 12+ 12+6 = 38 combinations, and connting without distinguishing the fist and second block yielde 38 + 2 = 19 combinations. Finally, we cousider the postion ofthe medium cube formed by two blocks in the box. Denote the two 2% 2 faces of the bos ae upzer face and lower fac, reepootively. Among three msds cubes let A be the one containng the upper face, B containing the lower face, and C containing, neither. IA is formed by two blocks, B is also formed by two blocks, and vier versa. Ths, ‘# {total eases) = {both A and B axe formed by two blocks} + #{C is formed by two blocks} = #(A, B,C ae all formed by two blocks) ‘© In the case where A and B are formed by two blocks, there are 19 x 19, put blocks. 1 ways to ‘+ In the case where C is formed by bwo blocks, the remaining two blocks ate both (i) Hence there are 19 ways to put blocks. # In the case where A, B, and Care all formed by two biocks, all four blocks are (d) and put inthe box eo that the 2x 2 faves are parallel to the top face, thus there is only one vay to put blocks ‘Therefor, the answer is 361 +19 ~ 1 = 879. 6[ i int, we prove f(n) = »~1 fora postive integer n and the smallest prime p that does sot divide n-+ 1. Foe any sntrger m with 1 < m < p~ 1, m-+1 has a prime factor q with « 5, both 2B and £C are less than 90°. Therefore D ios n side BC and D is diferent ftom H. Assume that D and KC coincide, then two points P and @ coincide with D. ‘The Pythagorean theorem shows thet AB? ~ BP* = AD? = AC? ~CQ?, Which is « contradiction because 10? ~ 5% y 11? ~ 6. Te follows that D and AC we diferent points ‘Two lines BH and PK are both perpendicular to side AC. ‘Therefore these two lines are parallel and DB: BP = Dif: 1K follows. Similarly, two lines CH and QK are parallel nd DC: 0Q = DH: HK follows. From the above, it follows that DB : BP = DC: CQ and DB: DC = BP:0Q=5:6. Set DB =5t, DC ~ 6! where tis areal number, then by using Pythagorean thoorem for triangles ABD and ACD we have 10° ~ (51)? = 11? ~ (61)? Since the required lengths is C= 11, the answer is VST. 8. [2042-1 Fist we show the fllowing lemma, Lemma. et a,b, ¢ be integers satisfying @ # 0 (mod 17), b> 1,624 Then a” = 1 (0d 17) holds if and only if «= 1 (mod 12) orb is oven Proof. Ifa = 1 (mod 17), obviously a” = 1 (mod 17) holds. If bis even, ¢ > 4 shows ¥° is divisible by 16, By Format litle theorem a! == 1 (mod 17) holds thus a” = 1 (mod 17). We show the converse, Ifa” = 1 (mod 17) holds, we can take minimum positive integer d satisfying a! = 1 (mod 17). Wa #1 (mod 17) then d# 1, Assume 0 is not divisible by d, then MF ean be written in the form &° = sd-F£ with a non-negative intoger # and an integer ¢ satsying 1 < t 2? = holds, We have two cases; when ais odd and when i is even, 1» When az is oda Lemma shows 1 {mod 17) if and only if have ay #1 (mod 17) and then Feimma shows ofS ‘Therefore the number of tuples satisying the condition is 1-8-10- 19 1 (mod 17). Since ap #18, we (mod 17) if and only if a is even, 80-19" «When a seven ‘We have a; # 0 (mod 17) then lemma shows a{* = 1 (mod 17). By lemma, af” = 1 (aod 17) ols fend only if a» = 1 (wad 17) of ay is even. ‘Therefore the number of tuples etsy the conltion is 18-1- 19+ 18-9-10-10'* = 1962-19! Hence the total mun eof tuples satilying the condition is 80-10! + 1962-10! = 2042 19! o[ 3 For 1 4S 2021 and 1 = g(1,2021) and there are only 3 possibilities for (0(4,1),...,9(1,2021)). For each possibility, we have 3° ways of asigning the rest of ad) thas the number of cases is 3-39 = 3 +M—m=1 In this ease we have m = 1 or 2. For each m, we have 2°! — 2 posites for (60, ,-.-,9(t,2021). Ths, theater of eases ie 2. (8 ~2).29%) a 202g Mama Tn this case we have 32" — 2 - (9 — 2) — Thus, the numberof cases (582 — (2 2021) 2-8. posites fr (9,1), ---9 2) = 3) 12" = gat 9. (gh 9 Hence, Am 2 (000 — gy (gn — 9. (gat — 9) — 9) 2. git 4. OO gam 4 1 ‘To obtain the remainder after dividing A by 100, we compute A (mod 4) and A (mod 25) Since 2%"! = 3 (mod 4), we have A= 2-3-0041 =3 (mod 4). And since 2 (mod 25) from Enler’stotient theorem, AS 23. (P)% EF (M229) 1 O44 BTS (nod 25), ‘This concludes that A ao} tet Qe ie erin ie BP an AB, wd te he nat fe DP a Sina oo hve RPC DBP. Hone ZQPH~ ZRCP ed ZQNP = ZRPC. wih Hence we have ZABC = ZDBC = 180° ~ ZCED = 180° ~ ZRED = ZDQR = ZAQR (note tat D 3,0, Bans cen) This tee BC pr oe Qe ns 89"CH = BAC =i aaion ache SQDP = AAEP ne DR ter Becca ts gh P DP Bet Te tow amuman das 22% = HOOF, BQ "QP _ 0 a _ vB 3 (od 100) 1a BP Bo ap bewee SF PRORG ~ CR’ RP a1, [20812 For 3 real numbers be, she diference of the maximum value and the minimus valve of Hsing (ey + 2w)~ (22 + yu} = fe wlly~ 2, we hove mah SE (ey atten 7 : le -i) (2S:cewo : 4) geno ony 3 (699-1000 1001) 2 ° ‘Therefore, the number of positive divisors of M-—m is 6-6:7+3-3.3-3= 20412, a2. 992? w w.[ 19 [fone writes the mummber in each square as shown in the figure below, the sum ofthe mmbers ‘written in the squares where the coins are placed eaunot be increased by the operations. a] 6 as] oe [rs] [25 ‘32 4] 32 | o4 [32 oa | 92 ‘216 [a2 | 16] 32 [a6 [a2 ® [as] [asp e [as] ® elelelelelele atefelefal«|2 ‘The uumber writen in the square where the coin was iitially placed is 64 and there are ight squaves with 2 ane six squares with 4. Sinco the nnanber written in each of the aher squares isa Leas 8,64 < 1-3-+2-8-+4-64-8-8 shows that the umber of coins placed in the square ix alums less than or equal to 348-+6-+ 9. (On the other hand, one can place 19 coins in the squares by performing the operations as follows. In the following operstion (2) on the squase in sts row from the top and jth column frou the lef is denoted by “rom (i). Do don (1,4), bom (251, 00 (5,2), Lon (6,2), don (4,3), aon (6,2), don (5,4) 44m (6,8), on (6,5), aon (3,4), dom (4,3), a 04 (45), d on (5,5), d on (6,6), cs (5,4) con (2,8), 00 (5,6), don 4,5}, don (8,4 in that order. three squaves with I witton in the From the above, the answer i 19, Another solution. ‘The proof that the numberof coins placed in the squares is at most 19 is the same as above. One ear also place 19 coins in the squares by performing the operations 8 fll. Do don (1,4), 1 on (2,3), don (3,2), d on (4,3), 2 on (5,2), d on (6,2), d om 5,4), on (6,3), d on (6,5), on (3,4), a on (4,3), d on (5,3), d on (4,5), don (5,4), @ ‘01 (6,6), don (6,6), d on (2,5), d on (8,6), d on (4,5), aon (5,6), d on (3,4), bon (4,3), com (4,5) in that order: From the above, the answer is 19. 2021 JAPAN MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD FINAL ROUND PROBLEMS Given om February 11, 2021, ‘Time allowed fer 5 problems: 4 hours LL. Let Zsa be the set of positive integers. Find all functions f : 29 -» 259 such thet, forall positive integers m and n,n if andl only if #(n)|f(m) —m. 2. Let n > 1 be an integer. Alice exe! Bob play the following game using an ex 2021 grid First, Alice colors each square ithor black or white. Bob places a piece in one of the squares in the top cow and designates one square in the bottom row as the goal. Then, Alice repeatedly des the following operation 1 ~ 1 times: If the piece is on a white square, she moves the piece to the square ene below, Otherwise, she moves the piece to one left or right and then to oue below, Find the anininauin possible ylue of m such that Alice can always move the pee to the goal regardless of Bob's chofee In an acute triangle ABC, points D and # lie on sides AB and AC respectively which sstify BD = CE, Point P ison line segment DE and point Q lie on are BC, not containing A, ofthe cirenmeitele of triangle ABC. These points satiety BP : PC = £Q: QD and points A,B,C, D, B, P, Q are all distinct, Show that ZBPC = 2BAC + ZEQD. Tn the above, denote by XY the length of line segment XY. A, 2021 integers ai 005s aay sty aya + Oe > Ona Oars for all integers = 1,...,2016. Determine the minimum value of the difference between maxim and minimum ofa; 5. Lat m be a positive integer, Determine all integers 1 < k < Qn* satisfying the following ‘oncition. ‘There is 2nx2n board When k distinct cells are chosen and colored black, while the ather cells are colored white, the minimum numberof the 2 x 2 squares which Ihave both black and white ell is 2n — 1 2021 JAPAN MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD FINAL ROUND SOLUTIONS Given on February 11, 2021 ‘Time alloweel for 5 problems: $ hou. 1. Let be the postive integer. Substituting m =k and ave fH Now we prove that f(&) ~ k by induction on ky For k= 1 this claim is trivial. Let €> 1 be 1 postive integer and assume thas this clam is true for &-< &. Suppose that f() 1, and it follows that (0) = € since f(0). This completes the Induction Conversely, the function f(r) = m satisies the original condition, ‘Thus this is the only solution ‘ein the original condition, we 2. ‘The answer i n = 2022 First, we will prove that n > 2022. We denote the square in the # row and the 3" column a (6). When the piece in (,) i moved to (in single operation, i hola that d= 44-1 and ['—j] $1. Thus, in oer to move the pies Grom (a8) (ed) in some operations, it requires that a < e and |d-~b] 2021, For n = 2021, if Bob places the piece in (1,1) and designated (2021, 2021) as the goal, then ‘Alice has to ave the piece frm (Ef) to (R--1, +1) for any 1 & < 2020, Hence she has to color any (kk) blak, Tn tha tunton, we can show that she cannot move the piee from (1,1 to (k-1,4) for any 1 < k= 212, and specifclly to (221, 2020), which yes n > 2022. The poof fllowa from induction on. Por R-= 1 this claim holds since (1,1) fcelored black. For 2 2, note tat she can move the piece to (k+ 1,k) only from (kk ~ 1), (8), 0 (8) k-+ 1). Here, os (&-+1)~ 1] > k= 1, sbe cannot move from (1,1) to (ke 1). Alo se cannot move to (Kk 1) by the induction hypothe. Additonal, as (f,&) is colored black, she cannot move tom that squsze to (+) Conversely, we wll prove int Alice can move the piece to the goal when n = 2022. Fire, she colors the squares (i) with #4 black. Then, for ay odd integers a Dwith 3 Gys2~ @q and both left and right Ia ses ere integers thus 45 da > Omi tL holds, Let m be an integer satisfying 1 < m < 1006, then by summing up this inequality for 506 integers = mn, +2, . , m +1010 we get dmysens ~ dea 2 dn stais ~ dy +506 hence eys015 ~ Ara & Ames ~ + 506 is obtnined, ‘Then by summing up this inequality fr 306 intgers m = 1 4, --y 1006 wget ay ~ tas 2 ve + 17016 hence (ey ~ os) + (04) 2 17OOI6 hos Thereore at least ane of agqqx ~ aygrs anid a; ~ ayq99 is greater than or equal to ‘85008 and thus: fhe cfference between nai and inimum i greater than or equal Yo 85005, Next wo sow tere exits 2021 Integers, am satin the conto whowe x= inoum aetna have the 8500 ference. Tet we a integer sting 1 << 2024 tnd take non-negative integer 9 es thas oe Yo 395 and nonnegative ngs +e ha or equal fo 5 eich that n= 64-+1 hold. Dafite oy ‘la ~ 168)(g~ 169) +1 (r =0), (q~ 168)(39-+r 507) (1 Oyory Shona S++ S samy < aps ‘Therefore the minimum and maxinnam of a, a3, ..-, amy are ayo; = O ad ay = aap = 85008 respectively then the difference is 85008, We prove those 2021 integers aay... satisfy the condition. If is lees than or equal £0 2019, ayy ~ ty = (tay2—tyy1) + (Oust ~ A) equal to maT (r=0), %y-896 (1S r<3), my-335 (4S <5) and thus for les than eal £0 2016, (gs +04) ~ (Gny2 + n4) (o942 ~ es) ~ (@y42~ oy) i equal to (24-896) - (29-897) =1 (=O, (24-335) ~(2y~ 506) = 1 (F=1,2), {2(g+1)— 837) ~ (29-336) =1 (r= 3), (2(a#1) — 336) ~ 2 —835) =1 = 4,5) ‘which is positive hence the condition is sais. ‘We have proved the answer is 85008. 5. In thie anawer, the rows are munbered from the top a, the columns are numbered fom the eft, We denote the cll nthe th cow, the j-th eau by (7), 2x 2 square consting of (a)5 (©) (5 41), (14 #1) by (Fj. Abo, of als is said to be mixed, i has both bac aid white calls First, we consider the case | < k 1. Therefore, k 1, When the numberof mixed rows is aand the munber of xed columina i b, we show that there exist est a-+—1 mixed 2x2 squares. Since rows ad chins are ned if they have cell whoge color is diferent frm hat ofthe top left ell ab > mv hos. We ony have to show i since a-+B3 2VaB > 2m by AMCCM inequality. We eeate «graph G whose vertices are mixed 2 2aquares andthe ae of edges are defined safolows, (The terms of graph theory inthe fellowing are explained atthe end of this answer) For each integer 1 << R, if the th row is mixed, we choose an integer 1 1. Since G has no eycle, each connected component of G is tree, aud the number ofthe vertices is bigger than that of the edges exactly by 1, Therefore, denoting the number ofthe vertices andthe edges and the connected components of Gby V, 8, C respectively, wo have V = E +0. By the definition ofthe set of edges, E> (a~1)-+(0— 1) hholds and, combined with C > 1, we have V > a-+b—1, which ia what we wanted to show. ‘We take 1 < i,j,< 2 such chat all the cells i the i-th row aud j-th column have the same color, We denote the numberof calls with the other color +n the Ist to th the Ist to jh columns by a, «in the Ist to th rows, the j-th to 2nth columas by b +n the th to 2ncth roms, the Ist to jth cols by 6 ‘+ in the th to 2nth roms, the j-th to n-th columns by Denoting max{0,2vm — 1} by f{m), the number of mixed 2 x 2 squares is at least f(a) + 4101+ Flo) + Jd) by the lemma, We define fm) = £2) (1) AC fom > 1 ant 9(0) ‘Then, fis weakly monotonically increasing and f(y) = tig(m) for any m > 0. Als, since for any 1S Sm, avi T holds, combined with 9(0) = ¢(1), 9 is weakly monotonically decreasing, Since a+ b-+ 6-4 d equals to or dn? —k, we have at bbe+d > k 2 nn] by nt n+] fl? —n+1) >mn-2 ‘Therefore, there exist atleast n—1 mixed 2x 2squares. Bspecially for kinn®—m41 2n1, this case is excluded, Hence, without Joss of generality, we ean assume that all the rows aze mixed. In this case, far any 1 2, Theeefore, soe (i,1) and (+11) have the same color for any 1

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