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3 Micro Plan 2 Bachi

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Academic Year: 2016 - 2017

Teacher: Area: Grade / Course: Class:
English as a Foreign Language 1st EGB B 1.1

Book: Unit 3 Objectives

English B 1.1 What Lies O.EFL 5.4

Within Us
Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to
independently access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect
themselves and others within the communication process, cultivating habits of
honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.

O.EFL 5.5

Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English language
texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general
investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.

Periods: 30, 7-8 class periods per lesson Weeks: 6

Skills and Performance Criteria Evaluation Criteria

Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.5.3.

Interpret cultural and language patterns in English,

EFL 5.1.7 including nonverbal communication, and apply them in
appropriate contexts.
Interpret and demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and oral
communication features by applying them in appropriate CE.EFL.5.4.
contexts. (Example: use of stress, intonation, pace,
Communicate effectively using a variety of media and
formats, including ICT, by saying things in alternative
ways and applying self-correcting and self-monitoring
strategies when needed.

EFL 5.1.8

Discover and employ alternative ways of saying things in

social and classroom interactions.

Oral Communication:(Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.5.5.

Listening for Meaning: Identify the main idea in a

EFL 5.2.5
variety of audio recordings (e.g., interviews, radio ads,
Understand the main idea of radio and audio recordings on news reports, etc.) and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar
subjects of personal interest, provided speech is clear. phrases and words in familiar contexts, provided speech
is clear and visuals help support meaning.

Reading CE.EFL.5.10.

Find specific information and identify the main points in

EFL 5.3.3 simple, straightforward texts on subjects of personal
interest or familiar academic topics while making
Determine the main conclusion in texts which clearly informed decisions about one’s own reaction to the text.
argue a point of view in order to make informed decisions
about one’s own opinion and reaction to the text. CE.EFL.5.12.

Engage with a variety of digital and print texts and

resources by evaluating and detecting complexities and
EFL 5.3.5 discrepancies in the information in order to find the
most appropriate sources to support an idea or argument.
Assess, compare and evaluate the quality of written texts
and visual presentations using different criteria and ICT
tools related to the organization, subject area and
purpose of a text. (Examples of text types: editorials,
letters to the editor, political speeches, illustrations,
charts, advertisements, etc.)

Writing CE.EFL.5.14.
EFL 5.4.4 Identify, critically evaluate and recommend a variety of
potential resources and references, including digital
Select and make effective use of a range of digital tools tools, that support collaboration and productivity, for
to write, edit, revise and publish written work in a way educational and academic use.
that supports collaboration, learning and productivity.
(Example: image editing, GoogleDrive, infographic makers,
audio and video editing, presentation apps, etc.)

Language through the Arts CE.EFL.5.17.

Demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in

EFL 5.5.4
literary texts by identifying distinguishing features,
Read aloud with confidence, accuracy, fluency and interpreting implicit and explicit messages and
expression to demonstrate understanding and to convey an responding in a variety of ways.
interpretation of meaning.


EFL 5.5.9 Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of

student groupings in order to solve problems and reflect
Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of
on literary texts, and produce criteria for evaluating
student groupings to share, reflect on, express and
the effectiveness of the group.
interpret opinions and evaluations of a range of literary
texts. (Example: small groups, cooperative learning
groups, literature circles, process writing groups, etc.)

Methodological Strategies Resources Performance Indicators Evaluation: Activities /

Techniques / Instruments
Communication and Cultural
Awareness New Curriculum EFL for Communication and Cultural ACTIVITIES and TECHNIQUES
Superior EGB Awareness
Participating in short role Listen to a dialogue and
English - Teacher´s Book B I.EFL.5.3.1. identifying examples of
plays using a range of
1.1 humor.
verbal and nonverbal Learners can interpret
communication. cultural and language Conduct a role play between
English - Teacher´s Book B
patterns in English, includ- two students on a given
1.1 (Audios)
ing nonverbal communication, topic.
Listening to a dialogue and and apply them in
Flash Cards
identifying examples of appropriate contexts. (I.3, Read a short text and
humor. I.4, S.1, S.2) showing comprehension by
Photocopiable Sheets
completing the accompanying
I.EFL.5.4.1. graphic organizer.
Demonstrating appropriate Learners can communicate
Read a class dialogue in
language use during class, effectively using a variety
Strategies Templates three different ways.
group and pair discussions. of media and formats,
(Example: correct including ICT, by saying
intonation, natural pace, things in alternative ways
and applying self-correcting INSTRUMENTS
using modals to show
politeness, etc.) and self-monitoring
strategies when needed. Rubrics
(I.1, I.3, J.4)
Practicing the use of
expressions of politeness Oral Communication: Oral interview
during collaborative pair Listening and Speaking)
and small group work.
Quiz Time Test

Writing a short conversation Learners can identify the

and including an appropriate main idea in a variety of
idiom. audio recordings (e.g.,
interviews, radio ads, news
reports, etc.) and deduce
the meanings of unfamiliar
Participating in short phrases and words in
dialogues and role plays to familiar contexts where
practice target language. speech is clear and visuals
(Example: thanking others, help support meaning. (I.3,
apologizing, asking for I.4)
help, greeting authorities,
etc.) Reading

I.EFL. 5.10.1.
Practicing the language Learners can find specific
needed to deal with a need information and identify the
through a mini role play. main points in simple,
straightforward texts on
subjects of personal
Paraphrasing an idea when a interest or familiar
peer asks for clarification. academic topics while making
informed decisions about
one’s own reaction to the
text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
Using a definition or
example to explain a concept
or word that one does not I.EFL.5.12.1.
yet have the exact language
for. Learners can engage with a
variety of digital and print
texts and resources by
evaluating and detecting
Completing group work in a complexities and
fair and honest manner and discrepancies in the
accepting the group’s information in order to find
decisions. the most appropriate sources
to support an idea or
argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
Oral Communication:
(Listening and Speaking) Writing


Using pictures and other Learners can identify,

visuals to predict the main critically evaluate and
idea of a short recommend a variety of po-
conversation. tential resources and
references, including
digital tools, that support
Listening to a short collaboration and
conversation between two productivity, for
speakers and deciding who is educational and academic
speaking, where they are and use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
how they feel. (Example: two
siblings, at home, talking Language through the Arts
about household chores,
etc.) I.EFL.5.17.1.

Learners can demonstrate and

convey different levels of
Listening for specific words meaning in literary texts by
in a conversation and trying identifying distinguishing
to guess the meaning from features, interpreting
the context. (Example: implicit and explicit
understanding that That’s messages and responding in a
too bad is an expression variety of ways. (I.3, I.4,
that means I’m sorry, etc.) J.3)


Reading Learners can engage in

collaborative activities
through a variety of student
Reading a short text and groupings in order to solve
showing comprehension by problems and reflect on
completing the accompanying literary texts, and produce
graphic organizer. (Example: criteria for evaluating the
learners read about effectiveness of the group.
archeological ruins and (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4,
complete a Venn diagram, J.3, J.4)

Reading a text on a familiar

content area subject and
answering information ques-
tions. (Example: learners
read about foodborne
illnesses and then write
three ways to prevent them,

Identifying unreliable
resources on the Internet.

Using a rubric to evaluate a

print or online resource.

Using a rubric to assess the

validity of a web site,
according to one’s academic


Identifying the best

resources for a writing
project in pairs.
Using a list of criteria in
order to evaluate a web

Analyzing three different

types of dictionaries (e.g.,
online, English-English,
English-Spanish) and giving
reasons for using each.

Choosing the best type of

dictionary to use for a
writing project and giving
your reasons for the choice.

Language through the Arts

Reading a class dialogue in

three different ways.
(Example: reading it as if
you were angry, then as if
you were sad, and then as if
you were extremely bored,

Appropriately exhibiting
surprise, joy, sadness,
etc., in a conversation.

Brainstorming features and

conventions of a genre and
then reading an
Discussing rules and norms
for a group project before
the project begins.
(Example: Don’t interrupt
others, Do your work on
time, Don’t make negative
remarks, etc.)

Creating literature circles

where learners have the
freedom to say anything they
want about a text from class
or outside of class.

Participating in classroom
games in which problem-
solving as a team is

Students with Special Needs Specifications of the Material to Be Applied

CLIL Components - Science/Technology/Arts:

Transversal Axes

Intercultural awareness, tolerance, respect,

multiculturalism, responsibility, solidarity,
responsibility, honesty, respect, love,
peace, justice, innovation, etc.

Prepared by Revised by Approved by

Teacher: Teacher: Teacher:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: September 30th, 2016 Date: Date:

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