BD Tubes
BD Tubes
BD Tubes
EN – English
Evacuated Blood Collection System
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection Tube Reference*
BD Vacutainer® Tubes, Needles and Holders are used together as a system for the collection
of venous blood. BD Vacutainer® Tubes are used to transport and process blood for testing ADDITIVE GROUP/ADDITIVE
serum, plasma or whole blood in the clinical laboratory. These Tubes have a Unique Specimen Gel Separation Tubes
Identifier (Serialization Number). BD SST™ Tubes with Gel and Clot Activator
BD PST™ Tubes with Gel and Lithium HeparinN 1
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BD SST™ ll Advance Tubes with Gel and Clot Activator**
BD Vacutainer® Tubes are evacuated tubes with color-coded conventional stoppers or
Non-Additive Tubes
BD Hemogard™ Closures. BD Vacutainer® Plus Tubes are plastic tubes.
Most tube types contain additives in varying concentrations dependent upon the amount Silicone Coated**
of vacuum and the required additive to blood ratio for the tube. See each shelf package Uncoated**
or case label for specific additive quantity and approximate draw volume. Additive choice No Additive2
depends on the analytic test method. It is specified by the manufacturer of the test Serum Tubes with Additives
reagents and/or instrument on which the test is performed. Tube interiors are sterile. Tube
stoppers are lubricated with silicone or glycerin (see individual shelf package or case label) Thrombin3**
to facilitate stopper insertion. Plus Serum/CAT with Clot Activator
Thrombin3, Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor**
Whole Blood/Plasma Tubes
Citrate (Coagulation)
75 123 456 7891 Citrate (ESR)
(01)00382903600885 Sodium Fluoride/Sodium EDTA**
2 (Continued)
BD Vacutainer® SST™ Tubes / BD Vacutainer® SST™ II Advance Tubes* BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection Needles
The interior of the tube wall is coated with micronized silica particles to accelerate clotting. BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection Needles are single-use, double-ended, medical grade stainless
A barrier polymer is present at the tube bottom. The density of this material causes it to steel needles. They have a threaded hub that fits into the threads of all BD Vacutainer® Holders.
move upward during centrifugation to the serum-clot interface, where it forms a barrier The venipuncture end of the needle has a point specially designed to enter the skin easily during
separating serum from fibrin and cells. Serum may be aspirated directly from the collection venipuncture. The needle is lubricated with silicone. The needles are available in 1 and 1-1/2 inch
tube, eliminating the need for transfer to another container. A silicone coating on the inner lengths in 20, 21 and 22 gauge*; blood collection sets are available in 3/4 inch lengths in 21, 23
tube wall reduces adherence of red cells to tube walls. See Limitations of System, Precautions, and 25 gauge, BD Vacutainer® Passive Shielding Blood Collection Needles in 1 inch and 21 and
Specimen Collection and Handling Sections. 22 gauge and BD Vacutainer® Eclipse™ in 1-1/4 inch and 21 and 22 gauge. Needle size and lot
*May not be available in the U.S. number are printed on each individual needle assembly.
*Not available in the U.S.
BD Vacutainer® PST™ Tubes
The interior of the tube wall is coated with lithium heparin to inhibit clotting. Heparin BD Vacutainer® Luer Adapter, BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ Access Device, and
activates antithrombins, thus blocking the coagulation cascade and producing a whole blood/ BD Vacutainer® Blood Transfer Device are products designed with a luer fitting in place of
plasma sample instead of clotted blood and serum. A barrier polymer is present at the tube the venipuncture end of the needle. The BD Vacutainer® Luer Adapter is a male slip-luer
bottom. The density of this material causes it to move upward during centrifugation to the fitting opposing a multiple sample non-patient (NP) needle. It is designed to be used with
plasma-cell interface, where it forms a barrier separating plasma from cells. Plasma may a BD Vacutainer® Holder. The BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ Access Device is a holder with an
be aspirated directly from the collection tube, eliminating the need for transfer to another integrated multiple sample NP needle and threaded male luer fitting. The BD Vacutainer®
container. See Limitations of System, Precautions, Specimen Collection and Handling Sections. Blood Transfer Device is a holder with an integrated multiple sample NP needle and locking
female luer fitting.
BD Vacutainer® Tubes for Blood Banking
Products have a latex free sleeve covering the NP needle that prevents leakage of blood into
BD Vacutainer® Plus Serum Tubes, BD Vacutainer® Plus K2EDTA Tubes, BD Vacutainer® the holder during blood collection. The tubes slide into the holder and are pushed onto the NP
Glass Serum Tubes, and BD Vacutainer® Glass K3EDTA Tubes, may be used for routine needle, allowing the vacuum in the tube to draw blood to a predetermined level.
immunohematology testing such as ABO grouping, Rh typing, antibody screening, red cell
phenotyping and DAT testing, and blood donor screening for infectious disease such as Syphilis LIMITATIONS OF SYSTEM
Ab, anti-HIV, anti-HTLV, anti-HCV, anti-HBc, and HBsAg. The performance characteristics of The quantity of blood drawn varies with altitude, ambient temperature, barometric pressure,
these tubes have not been established for immunohematology testing and infectious disease tube age, venous pressure, and filling technique. Tubes with draw volume smaller than the
testing in general; therefore, users must validate the use of these tubes for their specific assay- apparent dimensions indicated (partial draw tubes), may fill more slowly than tubes of the
instrument/reagent system combinations and specimen storage conditions. same size with greater draw volume.
BD Vacutainer® SST™ Plus Tubes, BD Vacutainer® SST™ Glass Tubes and BD Vacutainer® For tubes subjected to centrifugation to generate plasma or serum for testing, standard
SST™ II Advance Tubes may be used for routine blood donor screening and diagnostic testing processing conditions do not necessarily completely sediment all cells, whether or not barrier
of serum for infectious disease such as ToRCH, Syphilis Ab, anti-HIV, anti-HTLV, anti-HCV, gel is present. Cell-based metabolism, as well as natural degradation ex vivo, can continue to
anti-HBc, and HBsAg. The performance characteristics of these tubes have not been affect serum/plasma analyte concentrations/activities after centrifugation. Separated plasma
established for infectious disease testing in general; therefore, users must validate the use of samples in particular, will have a gradient of cells and platelets present after centrifugation.
these tubes for their specific assay-instrument/reagent system combinations and specimen The presence of cells and platelets in the plasma may lead to increased variability and/or
storage conditions. instability of certain analytes that are involved in cell/platelet–mediated metabolic processes
BD Vacutainer® Plus Citrate Tubes and/or are present in higher concentrations in cells or platelets. Analytes that may be affected
include aspartate aminotransferase, glucose, inorganic phosphorus, lactate dehydrogenase
The tube component is comprised of two plastic tubes assembled together to maintain the
and potassium. The magnitude of such effects may vary depending on several factors,
draw volume and liquid additive. The tube contains buffered sodium citrate additive. All
including whether the plasma is aliquoted or remains in the primary tube, sample agitation,
tube configurations are full draw and utilize BD Hemogard™ Closures. The tube is designed
and time. Analyte stability should be evaluated for the storage containers and conditions of
to ensure appropriate fill level. Always allow the tube to fill until the blood ceases to flow.
each laboratory.
Information on correct tube fill level is provided below.
BD Vacutainer® PST™ Plus Tubes and BD Vacutainer® PST™ Glass Tubes are not
Minimum Fill Indicator: recommended for the collection of samples for blood banking procedures. BD Vacutainer®
The 360º etched fill indicator on the tube represents the minimum volume of blood required SST™ Plus Tubes, BD Vacutainer® SST™ Glass Tubes and BD Vacutainer® SST™ II Advance
for appropriate analysis. Check that the blood level is at or above the bottom edge of the Tubes are not recommended for immunohematology testing. BD Vacutainer® SST™ Plus
minimum fill indicator. Tubes and BD Vacutainer® SST™ II Advance Tubes can be used for certain TDM assays.
Outside the U.S. contact your local representative.
Maximum fill level guidance: Do not use BD Vacutainer® Tubes containing lithium heparin for lithium measurement.
For the 2.7 mL tube, if blood meniscus is not visible per the figure below, the tube is considered For coagulation tests, if patient hematocrit is above 55%, the final citrate concentration
overfilled. For the 1.8 mL tube, if blood meniscus is higher than level shown in the figure below, in the specimen should be adjusted.
the tube is considered overfilled. The meniscus must be at least a distance of 3 mm from the Venous blood gas samples collected with BD Vacutainer® Plastic Lithium Heparin tubes
bottom edge of the closure as shown in the figure below. should not be used when testing carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) using the IL GEM 4000
instrument. A clinically significant positive bias with COHb results may occur.
Maximum fill
point Distance
from 1. Storage of glass tubes containing blood at or below 0 ºC may result in tube breakage.
Ensure cap to
meniscus 360 °etched max line 2. Do not remove conventional rubber stoppers by rolling with thumb. Remove stoppers with
3 mm
is visible minimum a twist and pull motion.
fill indicator
Always allow the
tube to fill until
3. Do not use tubes or needles if foreign matter is present.
the blood ceases
to flow 4. The paper label covering the connection of the needle shields will tear when the needle is
Check that the opened. Do not use needle if label has been torn before venipuncture.
blood level is at or
above the bottom
edge of the minimum
5. Separation of serum or plasma from the cells should take place within 2 hours of
fill indicator. collection to prevent erroneous test results unless conclusive evidence indicates that
longer contact times do not contribute to result error.
6. Do not use luer adapters for connection to indwelling catheters/ports; use a
2.7 mL draw tube 1.8 mL draw tube
13 x 75 mm 13 x 75 mm BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ Access Device instead.
7. BD Vacutainer® EDTA tubes and Lithium Heparin tubes are not recommended for use with
See Limitations of System, Precautions, Specimen Collection and Handling Sections. The Magellan Diagnostics LeadCare® assays, employing the Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
product performance has been compared to the 4.5 mL glass tube for routine coagulation (ASV) methodology, or any other assay employing ASV methodology.
assays on a variety of donor populations with clinically equivalent results obtained. Note: all
studies were performed on donors with hematocrits between 25 and 55%.
CAUTION: 3. Gloves and other personal protective equipment as necessary for protection from
exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
1. Practice Universal Precautions. Use gloves, gowns, eye protection, other personal
protective equipment, and engineering controls to protect from blood splatter, blood Preparation for Specimen Collection
leakage, and potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
Be sure the following materials are readily accessible before performing venipuncture:
2. All glass has the potential for breakage. Examine all glass for potential damage in transit
before use, and take precautionary measures during handling. 1. See Required Equipment Not Provided for Specimen Collection above.
3. Handle all biologic samples and blood collection “sharps” (lancets, needles, luer adapters, 2. All necessary tubes, identified for size, draw, and additive.
and blood collection sets) according to the policies and procedures of your facility. 3. Labels for positive patient identification of samples.
Obtain appropriate medical attention in the event of any exposure to biologic samples
(for example, through a puncture injury), since they may transmit viral hepatitis, HIV Recommended Order of Draw
(AIDS), or other infectious diseases. Utilize any built-in used needle protector, if the 1. Tubes for sterile samples.
blood collection device provides one. BD does not recommend reshielding used needles.
However, the policies and procedures of your facility may differ and must always be 2. Tubes for coagulation studies (e.g., citrate).
followed. 3. BD SST™, BD SST™ II Advance and Serum Tubes.
4. Discard all blood collection “sharps” in biohazard containers approved for their disposal. 4. Tubes with other additives (e.g., heparin, EDTA, fluoride).
5. Transferring a sample collected using syringe and needle to a tube is not recommended.
When using a winged blood collection set for venipuncture and a coagulation (citrate) tube is the
Additional manipulation of sharps, such as hollow bore needles, increases the potential
first specimen tube to be drawn, a discard tube should be used prior to the first specimen collection.
for needlestick injury.
The discard tube must be used to fill the blood collection set tubing’s “dead space” with blood. The
6. Transferring samples from syringe to an evacuated tube using a non-sharps device should discard tube does not need to be filled completely. This step will ensure maintenance of the proper
be performed with caution for the reasons described below. • Depressing the syringe blood-additive-ratio of the specimen. The discard tube should be a non additive or coagulation
plunger during transfer can create a positive pressure, forcefully displacing the stopper tube. BD Vacutainer® SST™ Tubes, BD Vacutainer®SST™ II Advance Tubes and BD Vacutainer®
and sample, causing splatter and potential blood exposure. • Using a syringe for blood Plus Serum Tubes / CAT Tubes contain particulate clot activators and are considered additive tubes.
transfer may also cause over or under filling of tubes, resulting in an incorrect blood-to- Therefore, BD Vacutainer® Plus Serum Tubes are not to be used as discard tubes before drawing
additive ratio and potentially incorrect analytic results. • Evacuated tubes are designed to citrate tubes for coagulation studies.
draw the volume indicated. Filling is complete when vacuum no longer continues to draw,
Prevention of Backflow
though some tubes may partially fill due to plunger resistance when filled from a syringe.
The laboratory should be consulted regarding the use of these samples. Since some evacuated blood collection tubes contain chemical additives, it is important to
avoid possible backflow from the tube, with the possibility of adverse patient reactions.
7. If blood is collected through an intravenous (I.V.) line, ensure that line has been cleared
To guard against backflow, observe the following precautions:
of I.V. solution before beginning to fill blood collection tubes. This is critical to avoid
erroneous laboratory data from I.V. fluid contamination. 1. Place patient’s arm in a downward position.
8. Overfilling or under filling of tubes will result in an incorrect blood-to-additive ratio and 2. Hold tube with the stopper uppermost.
may lead to incorrect analytic results or poor product performance. 3. Release tourniquet as soon as blood starts to flow into tube.
9. Endotoxin not controlled. Blood and blood components collected and processed in the 4. Make sure tube additives do not touch stopper or end of the needle during venipuncture.
tube are not intended for infusion or introduction into the human body.
10. Do not write on, or obscure the barcode areas as sample identification may be compromised. Venipuncture Technique and Specimen Collection General Instructions
11. Ensure the intended of use of these tubes carrying a serial barcode do not impact WEAR GLOVES DURING VENIPUNCTURE AND WHEN HANDLING BLOOD COLLECTION
pre-existing serialization system to avoid unintended sample confusion. Ensure that TUBES TO MINIMIZE EXPOSURE HAZARD.
barcode reading devices are properly set and configured to capture the intended data 1. Select tube or tubes appropriate for required specimen. For sterile collections, see the
from any of the barcode (1D or 2D) on the label. specific instructions noted in the collection device product circular.
2. Assemble needle in holder. Be sure needle is firmly seated to ensure needle does not
STORAGE unthread during use.
Store tubes at 4–25 ºC (39–77 ºF), unless otherwise noted on the package label. All liquid 3. Gently tap tubes containing additives to dislodge any material that may be adhering to
preservatives and anticoagulants are clear and colorless. Do not use if they are discolored the stopper.
or contain precipitates. Powdered additives such as heparin and thrombin are white;
4. Place tube into holder. Note: Do not puncture stopper.
fluoride and fluoride/oxalate may be pale pink. Do not use if color has changed. EDTA spray
coated additives may have a white to slightly yellow appearance; this does not affect the 5. Select site for venipuncture.
performance of the EDTA additive. Do not use tubes after their expiration date. Tubes expire 6. Apply tourniquet. Prepare venipuncture site with an appropriate antiseptic. DO NOT
on the last day of the month and year indicated. PALPATE VENIPUNCTURE AREA AFTER CLEANSING.
SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND HANDLING 7. Place patient’s arm in a downward position.
Required Equipment Not Provided for Specimen Collection
1. Practice Universal Precautions. Use gloves, eye protection, coats or gowns, and other
appropriate apparel for protection from exposure to bloodborne pathogens or other
potentially infectious materials.
2. Any BD Vacutainer® Needle Holders of the standard size may be used with 13 or 16 mm 8. Remove needle shield. Perform venipuncture WITH ARM DOWNWARD AND TUBE
diameter tubes. A pediatric tube adapter should be used to modify the standard holder to STOPPER UPPER-MOST.
fit the 10.25 mm diameter tubes. 9. Center tubes in holder when penetrating the stopper to prevent sidewall penetration and
3. Alcohol swab for cleansing site. If additional tubes requiring sterile collections, such as resultant premature vacuum loss. Push tube onto needle, puncturing stopper diaphragm.
blood cultures, are filled from the same venipuncture, use tincture of iodine or suitable 10. REMOVE TOURNIQUET AS SOON AS BLOOD APPEARS IN TUBE. DO NOT ALLOW
alternative for cleansing. Follow the laboratory policy for sterile sample collection for site CONTENTS OF TUBE TO CONTACT THE STOPPER OR END OF THE NEEDLE DURING
preparation and tube handling instructions. Do not use alcohol based cleansing materials PROCEDURE.
when samples are to be used for blood alcohol testing.
Note: Blood may occasionally leak from the needle sleeve. Practice Universal Precautions to
4. Dry, clean disposable gauze.
minimize exposure hazard. If no blood flows into tube or if blood ceases to flow before an
5. Tourniquet. adequate specimen is collected, the following steps are suggested to complete satisfactory
6. Needle disposal container for used needle or needle/holder combination. collection:
a. Push tube forward until tube stopper has been penetrated. If necessary, hold in place
Required Equipment Not Provided for Specimen Processing to ensure complete vacuum draw.
1. Disposable transfer pipets if direct sampling from the instrument is not used or if specimen b. Confirm correct position of needle cannula in vein.
is stored separately.
2. Centrifuge capable of generating the recommended RCF at the tube bottom. A horizontal
centrifuge head is preferred for barrier quality with gel tubes and to obtain platelet poor d. If second tube does not draw, remove needle and discard. Repeat procedure from Step 1.
plasma for coagulation studies.
1 1. When first tube has filled to its stated volume and blood flow ceases, remove it from holder. Closure, gel tubes to gel tubes, BD Vacutainer® Plus Tubes with Plus Tubes, and tube size to
12. Place succeeding tubes in holder, puncturing diaphragm to begin flow. See Recommended tube size.
Order of Draw. Always allow centrifuge to come to a complete stop before attempting to remove tubes.
13. While each successive tube is filling, turn the filled tube upside-down and return it to When centrifuge head has stopped, open the lid and examine for possible broken tubes. If
upright position. This is one complete inversion. breakage is indicated, use mechanical device such as forceps or hemostat to remove tubes.
Caution: Do not remove broken tubes by hand.
For proper additive performance, invert BD SST™ Tubes or Plus Serum Tubes 5 times. Invert
BD CAT Tubes 5–6 times. Invert BD SST™ II Advance Tubes 6 times. Invert Citrate tubes 3–4 See centrifuge instruction manual for disinfection instructions.
times. Invert all other filled additive tubes 8–10 times. Do not shake. Vigorous mixing may
cause foaming or hemolysis. Insufficient mixing or delayed mixing in serum tubes may result Barrier Information
in delayed clotting and incorrect test results. In tubes with anticoagulants, inadequate mixing The flow properties of the barrier material are temperature-related. Flow may be impeded
may result in platelet clumping, clotting and/or incorrect test results. if chilled before or during centrifugation. To optimize flow and prevent heating during
14. As soon as blood stops flowing in the last tube, remove tube from holder, remove needle centrifugation, set refrigerated centrifuges to 25 ºC (77 ºF).
from vein, applying pressure to puncture site with dry sterile swab until bleeding stops. Tubes should not be re-centrifuged once barrier has formed. Barriers are more stable when
15. Once clotting has occurred, apply bandage if desired. tubes are spun in centrifuges with horizontal (swinging bucket) heads than those with fixed
16. After venipuncture, the top of the stopper may contain residual blood. Take proper angle heads.
precautions when handling tubes to avoid contact with this blood. Separated serum or plasma is ready for use. The tubes may be placed directly on the
17. Dispose of needle and holder per your facility’s policy and guidelines. instrument carrier or serum/plasma may be pipetted into an analyzer cup. Some instruments
can sample directly from a separator tube with the stopper in place. Follow the instrument
Clotting Instructions manufacturer’s instructions.
Allow blood to clot thoroughly before centrifugation. The following table gives the ANALYTIC EQUIVALENCY
recommended minimum clotting times for specific tube types or additives.
Evaluations of BD Vacutainer® Tubes have been performed for an array of analytes over a
Minimum Clotting Time Recommendations variety of test methods and time periods. BD Life Sciences - Integrated Diagnostic Solutions
PRODUCT TIME (min) is available to answer questions regarding these studies. Please contact them to obtain
references and technical reports on these evaluations and any other information regarding
Serum / CAT Tubes 60 the use of BD Vacutainer® Tubes with your instrument/reagent system.
BD SST™ / BD SST™ II Advance Tubes 30
Thrombin Tubes 5
1. Product name BD Vacutainer
Recommended times are based upon an intact clotting process. Patients with abnormal 2. Catalog number
ACD Solution A 1.5 mL
clotting due to disease, or those receiving anticoagulant therapy require more time for 3. Nominal fill indicator
complete clot formation. 4. Batch code 91
Caution: Do not centrifuge glass tubes at forces above 2200 RCF in a horizontal head 5. Use By (Year-Month-Day)
(swinging bucket) centrifuge as breakage may occur. Glass tubes may break if centrifuged
above 1300 RCF in fixed angle centrifuge heads. BD Vacutainer® Plus Tubes will
withstand up to 10,000 RCF in a balanced centrifuge. Always use appropriate carriers
6. Manufacturer
or inserts. Use of tubes with cracks or chips or excessive centrifugation speed may cause
BD, Plymouth, PL6 7BP UK
tube breakage, with release of sample, droplets, and an aerosol into the centrifuge 7. Caution 11. Consult instructions for use
bowl. Release of these potentially hazardous materials can be avoided by using specially
12. Contains or presence of
designed sealed containers in which tubes are held during centrifugation. Centrifuge 8. Do not reuse natural rubber latex
9. Method of Sterilization Using Irradiation 13. CE Mark
carriers and inserts should be of the size specific to the tubes used. Use of carriers too 10. BD SAP number 500041550 14. In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
large or too small for the tube may result in breakage. VDL14260(02) 8.5 mL 15. Nominal draw volume in mL
RCF is related to centrifuge speed setting (rpm) using the following equation:
where “r”, expressed in cm, is the radial distance from the
center of the centrifuge head to the bottom of the tube.
Outside the U.S. please contact your local BD representative.
Whenever changing any manufacturer’s blood collection tube type, size, handling, processing
The following table gives recommended centrifuge RCF and time:
or storage condition for a particular laboratory assay, the laboratory personnel should review
the tube manufacturer’s data and their own data to establish/verify the reference range for
Centrifugation RCF and Time* a specific instrument/reagent system. Based on such information, the laboratory can then
PRODUCT RCF (g) TIME (min) decide if a change is appropriate.
BD SST™ Plus and BD PST™ Plus Tubes - 13mm 1100 – 1300 10 REFERENCES
BD SST™ Plus and BD PST™ Plus Tubes - 16mm 1000 – 1300 10 1.
CLSI Document H1-A6. Tubes and Additives for Venous and Capillary Blood Specimen
Collection; approved standard, 6th ed. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards
BD SST™ II Advance Tubes 1300 – 2000 10
Institute; 2010.
All Non-gel Tubes ≤1300 10 2. C LSI Document H3-A6. Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by
Citrate Plus Tubes 2000 – 2500** 10 – 15** Venipuncture; approved standard, 6th ed. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards
Institute; 2007.
15 minutes for all gel tubes in a fixed angle centrifuge
3. Landt M, Smith CH and Hortin GL. Evaluation of evacuated blood-collection tubes: Effects of
RCF = Relative Centrifuge Force, g’s three types of polymeric separators on therapeutic drug-monitoring specimens. Clin Chem
1993; 39:1712-1717.
*Use of alternate centrifugation conditions (e.g., higher RCF and shorter spin time) may also
provide acceptable performance; this should be evaluated and validated by the laboratory. 4. Dasgupta A, Dean R, Saldana S, Kinnaman G and McLawhon RW. Absorption of therapeutic
drugs by barrier gels in serum separator blood collection tubes. Am J Clin Path
**Citrate tubes should be centrifuged at a speed and time to consistently produce platelet- 1994; 101:456-461.
poor plasma (platelet count <10,000/μL) per CLSI Guidelines.
5. Yawn BP, Loge C and Dale J. Prothrombin time, one tube or two? Am J Clin Path
Ensure that tubes are properly seated in the centrifuge carrier. Incomplete seating could result 1996; 105:794-97.
in separation of the BD Hemogard™ Closures from the tube or extension of the tube above 6. Gottfried, EL and Adachi, MM. Prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial prothrombin time
the carrier. Tubes extending above the carrier could catch on centrifuge head, resulting in (APTT) can be performed on the first tube. Am J Clin Path 1997; 107:681-683.
breakage. Balance tubes to minimize the chance of glass breakage. Match tubes to tubes of
the same fill level, glass tubes to glass, tubes with BD Hemogard™ Closures to others with the
CLSI Document H21-A5. Collection, Transport, and Processing of Blood Specimens for Testing Symbol and Mark Key
Plasma-Based Coagulation Assays and Molecular Hemostasis Assays; approved guideline,
Authorized Representative
5th ed. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2008.
8. CLSI Document H18-A4. Procedures for the Handling and Processing of Blood Specimens for Batch Code
Common Laboratory Tests; approved guideline, 4th ed. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory
CE Marking
Standards Institute; 2010.
Catalogue Number
Instructions for Removal of BD Hemogard™ Closure
Consult instructions for use
Grasp the BD Vacutainer® Tube with one hand, placing the thumb under the Do Not Reuse
BD Hemogard™ Closure. (For added stability, place arm on solid surface). With the Do Not Use If Package Damaged
other hand, twist the BD Hemogard™ Closure while simultaneously pushing up with the
thumb of the other hand ONLY UNTIL THE TUBE STOPPER IS LOOSENED. Fragile, Handle With Care
2. Move thumb away before lifting closure. DO NOT use thumb to push closure off tube. In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
Caution: Any glass tube has the potential to crack or break. If the tube contains
blood, an exposure hazard exists. To help prevent injury during closure removal, it is Keep Away from Sunlight
important that the thumb used to push upward on the closure be removed from contact
with the tube as soon as the BD Hemogard™ Closure is loosened. Manufacturer
3. Lift closure off tube. In the unlikely event of the plastic shield separating from the rubber Method of Sterilization Using Irradiation
stopper, DO NOT REASSEMBLE CLOSURE. Carefully remove rubber stopper from tube.
Instructions for Reinsertion of BD Hemogard™ Closure Contact regional telephone numbers to obtain printed instruction for use
Temperature Limitation
This End Up
1. Replace closure over tube.
2. Twist and push down firmly until stopper is fully reseated. Complete reinsertion of the Use By
stopper is necessary for the closure to remain securely on the tube during handling.
Change History
Becton, Dickinson and Company, 1 Becton Drive, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417-1885 USA
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BD, the BD Logo, Eclipse, Hemogard, Luer-Lok, PST, SST, and Vacutainer
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