Brillio mandates that 40% or more of its hires fall into the "Top Performer" category
in terms of hiring quality.
Time to Hire: In a market with intense compe on, finding talent within the lowest
possible cycle periods is crucial.
Cost of Hiring: There are several disadvantages to the fierce compe on and ongoing
demand on businesses to cut opera onal expenses. As a result, businesses are
compelled to reduce both the quality of their products and the cash allocated for
recrui ng and retaining employees.
Finding the proper Talent: When a job opportunity is listed, a lot of applicants apply,
and it can be difficult to iden fy the proper talent.
Managing Talent Acquisi on Costs: Businesses are compelled to make trade-offs
between the quality of their products and the cost of recrui ng and retaining staff.
Retaining Top Talent: Finding and keeping brilliant employees is difficult, especially in
light of limited resources and fierce compe on across all industries.
In order to meet competences and cultural fi ng, Brillio has created an 11-pronged
mul -dimensional method. The strategy entails a rac ng talent, wri ng engaging job
descrip ons, using social media, ge ng employee recommenda ons, hiring on-campus,
and more. To a ract and keep top talent, the organisa on has also implemented cu ng-
edge strategies including gamifica on, hackathons, and coding compe ons. To fulfil the
extremely demanding expecta ons of its technology clients, Brillio has also invested in
crea ng cu ng-edge technologies and a sharp and obsessively focused talent acquisi on
Brillio's Talent Acquisi on strategy uses an 11-point mul -dimensional approach to match
cultures and competencies.
Talent a rac on: Strong job descrip ons that inform and mo vate candidates about
the culture and values of the organisa on.
Social media: Making use of social media sites to reach a larger audience and draw
top talent.
Encouragement of current employees to recommend friends and co-workers for
available vacancies.
Campus Hiring: Establishing connec ons with colleges and ins tu ons to draw
excellent graduates.
Gamifica on: Applying game-based learning to the hiring process to make it more
par cipatory and interes ng.
To ensure that the best candidate is chosen, Brillio's recruitment structure involves
numerous rounds of interviews, tests, and evalua ons.
Focusing on diversity and inclusion will make sure that the staff of the organisa on
reflects the communi es it serves.
Developing a strong employer brand to draw in and hold on to top employees.
Hos ng hackathons and coding compe ons can help a company a ract top talent
and highlight its innova ve culture.
Talent analy cs: the applica on of data and analy cs to the assessment of the
efficiency of the hiring procedure and the formula on of data-driven judgements.
Making sure that candidates, whether or not they are chosen for the post, have a
great experience throughout the recruitment process.
Objec ves and Key Results (OKRs): an approach for defining and monitoring
measurable goals that encourages team collabora on. Google, LinkedIn, and Twi er
are a few examples of businesses that use OKRs.
MBO: Management by Objec ves Specific, measurable, and doable goals that are
connected to the purposes of the organisa on are established by employees and
managers. MBO is used by businesses like Intel and Hewle -Packard, as examples.
360-DEGREE Feedback: Employees receive feedback from a variety of sources,
including bosses, colleagues, superiors, and clients. General Electric and IBM are two
companies that use 360-degree feedback.
Con nuous Feedback: Rather than wai ng for a yearly review, managers
con nuously provide feedback to staff members throughout the year. Adobe and
Deloi e are two examples of companies that use con nual feedback.
Stacked Ranking: Based on performance, employees are ranked against one another,
with rewards given to the top performers. Microso and General Electric are two
examples of businesses that employ stacked ranking.
Psychological evalua ons: Rather of focusing on previous performance, this strategy
evaluates an employee's poten al for future success. It focuses on how an
employee's emo onal state, intellect, and other aspects of their personality affect
how well they perform. IBM and P&G are two examples of businesses that make use
of psychological evalua ons.
Organisa ons may increase employee
reten on, produc vity, and engagement
by implemen ng these cu ng-edge
appraisal techniques. These techniques
assist discover areas for development, give
staff mely feedback, and make sure that
they are in line with the goals of the
CONCLUSION: Numerous organisa ons have seen success using contemporary appraisal
techniques. These techniques include Management by Objec ves (MBO), Objec ves and
Key Results (OKRs), 360-degree feedback, con nuous feedback, stacked ranking, and
psychological appraisals. Organisa ons may increase employee reten on, produc vity,
and engagement by implemen ng these cu ng-edge appraisal techniques. These
techniques assist discover areas for development, give staff mely feedback, and make
sure that everyone is on the same page with the company's goals. There is no one-size-
fits-all strategy for evalua ng performance, though, so businesses should pick the
methodology that best matches their culture, nature of their business, and goals.
Answer 3a
The training programme at Apex is ineffec ve and
unorganised. There are no instruc on manuals, and all new
hire training takes place on the job. If there is no overlap, the
new employee is trained as effec vely as feasible by other
employees who have occasionally covered for the depar ng
employee on the job during the 1- to 2-week period of
overlap. All employees receive the iden cal training across
the board at the organisa on, and there are no metrics to
gauge the training's effec veness.
Employees at Apex lack the necessary skills, knowledge, and abili es to carry out their du es
in accordance with Jim's instruc ons because of inadequacies in the training process.
Therefore, the exis ng training procedure does not aid in enhancing employees'
performance. Apex Door needs to develop a systema c training process with training
manuals and professionals to train new staff if it wants to improve the training process. To
make sure that employees have the skills and knowledge required to carry out their du es
effec vely, the training process should be tailored to each profession and updated on a
regular basis. Apex Door may lower errors, boost efficiency, and guarantee that staff
members obey instruc ons by pu ng in place a disciplined training process. Lack of training
manuals and reliance on on-the-job instruc on provided by depar ng employees or other
staff members renders employees ineffec ve.
Conclusion: In order to explain how things should be done, Apex Door must supply suitable
training manuals and job descrip ons, and current staff will complete the work in
accordance with those requirements. This will ensure that new hires understand how to
work in accordance with par cular standards and the requirements or standards that jobs
ask and require, as well as aid to improve the training's quality and reinforce it.
Answer 3b
Apex Door needs to develop an organised training process with training
manuals and experts to train new hires if it wants to improve the training
process there. To make sure that employees have the skills and
knowledge required to carry out their du es effec vely, the training
process should be tailored to each profession and updated on a regular
basis. To determine how much money may be set aside expressly for training, what ac vi es
precisely personnel need to be trained for, and which ones can be learnt by experience, the
business should first do a thorough needs analysis. The organisa on should create a master
training plan with clear training objec ves and finances, and the training should be created
to fit the job requirements.
In order to explain how things should be done, the organisa on should also supply suitable
training manuals and job descrip ons. The exis ng employees will then complete the work
in accordance with the job specifica ons. This will ensure that new hires understand how to
work in accordance with par cular standards and in accordance with the needs or standards
that jobs expect of them. It will also assist to reinforce the training and increase its quality.
To create a training programme that is effec ve, the organisa on should also evaluate the
strengths and shortcomings of its employees. The workplace is improved by teaching people
excellent communica on skills because there is no longer a dis nc on between expecta ons
and achievement. The next training development process starts by pu ng the organiza on's
future needs in context. This calls for iden fying the crucial competencies required for the
organisa on to stay successful and compe ve.