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Answer The Following Questions

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Subject: PHYSICS Grade: XII Section:

Name of the Student: ………………………………………….

Date of issue: 15/06/23 Date of submission:25/08/23

Answer the following questions:

1. A certain region has cylindrical symmetry of electric field. Name the charge
distribution producing such a field.
2 Represent graphically the variation of electric field with distance, for a uniformly
charged plane sheet.
3 How will the radius of a flexible ring change if it is given positive charge?
4 Five Charges of equal amount (q) are placed at five corners of a regular hexagon
of side 10 cm. What will be the value of sixth charge placed at sixth corner of the
hexagon so that the electric field at the centre of hexagon is zero ?.
5 Two conducting spheres of radii r1 & r2 are at same potential. What is the ratio of
charges on the spheres?.
6 A square surface of side L meters is in the plane of the paper. A uniform electric
field E (volts/m), also in the plane of paper, is limited only to lower half of the
square as shown in the diagram. What will be the electric flux (in SI units)
associated with the surface.

7 The distance of the field point on the equatorial plane of a small electric dipole is
halved. By what factor will the electric field change for the dipole?
8 A charge of 10 µc is brought from point A (0,4 cm,0) to C (3 cm,0,0) via point B
(0,0,6 cm) in vacuum. Calculate the work done if the charge at origin is 20 µc.

9 A charged particle is free to move in an electric field. Will it always move along an
electric line of force? Justify your answers?.
10 The flux of the electrostatic fields, through the closed spherical surface S,’ is found
to be four times that through the closed sphere ‘S1’. Find the magnitude of the
charge Q. Given, q1= 1 µc,q2=-2µc and q3=9.854 µc.

11 A charge Q is divided in two parts q and Q - q separated by a distance R. If force

between the two charges is maximum, find the relationship between q & Q.
12 A capacitor is made of a flat plate of area A and
second plate having a stair like structure as shown
in figure below. If width of each stair is A/3 and
height is d. Find the capacitance of the

13 If N drops of same size, each having the same charge, coalesce to form a bigger

drop. How will the following vary with respect to single small drop?
(i)Total charge on bigger drop
(ii) Potential on the bigger drop
(iii) The capacitance on the bigger drop
14 Work done to move a charge along a closed path inside an electric field is always
zero, using this fact, prove that it is impossible to produce an electric field in which
all lines of force would be parallel lines and density of their distribution would
constantly increase in a direction perpendicular to the lines of force.

15 Under what conditions will Terminal potential difference of a cell be greater than its
16 How does the drift velocity of electrons in a metallic conductor change, if the
length of the conductor is doubled by stretching it, keeping the applied potential
difference constant?
17 V-I graph for metallic wire at two different
temperatures ‘a’ and ‘b’ is shown in fig. Which
of the two temperatures is higher and why?

18 Explain why the I-V characteristics of a resistor are obtained to deviate from a
straight line from higher values of current.
19 A household circuit has a fuse of 5A rating. Calculate the maximum number of
bulbs of rating 60W-220V each which can be connected in the household circuit.
20 Two identical cells of EMF E and internal resistance r whether joined in series or in

parallel give the same current, when connected to external resistance of 1 ohm.
Find internal resistance of each cell.
21 A potential difference (V) is applied across a conductor of length ‘L’ and cross –
sectional area ‘A’.
How will the drift velocity of electrons and the current density be affected if another
identical conductor of the same material were connected in series with the first
conductor? Justify your answers.
22 (i) Explain how free electrons in a metal at constant temperature attain an average
velocity under the action of an electric field. Hence obtain an expression for it.
(ii) Consider two conducting wires A and B of the same diameter but made of
different materials joined in series across a battery. The number density of
electrons in A is 1.5 times that in B. find the ratio of drift velocity of electrons in
wire A to that in wire B.
23. (a) A cell of emf (E) and internal resistance (r) is connected across a variable load
resistance (R). Draw plots showing the variation of terminal voltage V with(i) R and
(ii) the current (I) in the load.
(b) Three cells, each of emf E but internal resistance 2r,3r and 6r are connected in
parallel across a resistor R.
Obtain expressions for (i) current flowing in the circuit, and (ii) the terminal
potential difference across the equivalent cell.

24. Find the equivalent capacitance between points A and B in the given diagram.

25 (i) A capacitor A of capacitance C, having charge Q is connected across another

uncharged capacitor B of capacitance 2C. find an expression for (a) the potential
difference the combination and (b) the charge lost by capacitor A.
(ii) Two slabs of dielectric constant 2K and K fill the space between the plates of a
parallel plate capacitor of plate area A and plate separation d as shown in figure.
Find an expression for capacitance of the system.


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