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CY - Perks

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The new Perks below include more options for
cyberware, access to new miracles for worshipers
of the Cyberpapacy, including those who fight
the corruption introduced into the faith by the
Cyberpope, new arcane traditions, and Perks
supporting holy warriors and deckers hacking into
the GodNet.
If a Perk lists Beta Clearance as a prerequisite
it may only be taken once the Storm Knight has
achieved that clearance level (50+ XPs) or greater.
When a Perk boosts an attribute it counts exactly
the same as if the gain were purchased by XPs. If
the Perk is lost due to transformation or some other
event, so is the attribute gain. The standard ceiling
for a race’s attribute remains unchanged unless the
Perk specifically increases it.

Example: Father Damien Moneils is a pious

follower of his religion, so he takes the Zealous
Perk at Beta Clearance which increases his
10 Spirit to 11. As a human he still has a
maximum Spirit of 13, and so he spends 24
XPs to increase his Spirit to 12. Later, Father
Moneils transforms to Tharkold and loses his
miracles and Zealous Perk. His Spirit drops
back down to 11. He could spend another 24
XPs to increase it to 12 again.

Cosm: Cyberpapacy

Drone oVerriDe Suit

• Prereq: None
Normally a drone jockey commands her drone
mentally through a TSE Drone Controller, and it
obeys according to its programming.
The drone override suit allows the jockey to take
direct control of her drone, seeing through its eyes
(and any other senses), and making melee and
ranged attacks. The find, stealth, energy weapons, and
melee weapons skill used is the higher of hers or her
drone’s. Additionally, she may use any of her own
Prowess Perks to benefit the drone (e.g. Sniper).
She directs attacks physically by pointing at
what onlookers would say is "nothing" and

then motioning as if she was firing weapons or • Mass of Blades (Assault Drone): The drone’s
swinging a blade. melee attacks gain a +2 bonus to hit.
The override suit also allows the jockey to "hack" • Regeneration Field (Shield Drone): At the end
drones of Tech 25 or lower by making a Challenging of a scene, the shield drone heals 1 Wound.
(DN 12) computers test. A success allows the drone • Remote Sensing (Scout Drone): The drone
jockey to inflict a Wound on the drone. A Good gains the benefits of any sensory cyberware
Success inflicts 2 Wounds. An Outstanding Success implants its controller has installed.
instead allows her to take control of the drone • Sensitivity Upgrade (Scout Drone): Find and
herself. tracking tests are Up when in Scout mode.
New Upgrades: This Perk may be selected
The suit also provides Armor +2 protection, with multiple times. Each time after the first, the Storm
no Max Dex. Knight selects one additional upgrade.

Drone uPgraDeS recalibrateD cyberware

• Prereq: TSE Drone Controller or • Prereq: None
Drone Override Suit, and at least
Natives of the Cyberpapacy benefit from the
one hardlight drone.
Law of Sanction at least partially, which enhances
The drone jockey has written their body’s tolerance of cyberware. Those who
custom code that increases the are not natives of the Cyberpapacy require
capabilities of his drones. When some additional software and hardware
this Perk is selected, he may modifications for installs to operate correctly.
choose two upgrades from the
following list: A Storm Knight selecting this Perk may
install up to $8000 worth of cyberware
• Electrical Feedback (Shield (though he does not have to install it all at
Drone): If the drone (or once). This cyberware causes contradictions
the person it is protecting if in as normal. Remember this Perk can only be
Bunker Mode) is hit by a melee selected once.
or unarmed attack (including
those involving spells, miracles, Special: This Perk may be selected by natives
psionic powers, etc.) redirected of cosms other than the Cyberpapacy
towards it, the attacker takes
8+1BD damage. HACKER PERKS
• Evasive Mode (Scout Drone): The Cosm: Core Earth, Cyberpapacy, Pan-Pacifica,
scout drone gains a new mode: Tharkold
Evasive. While in Evasive Mode, the
drone’s Active Defense rolls are Up. cuStom cyberDeck
• Forcefield Upgrade (Assault Drone): • Prereq: At least three adds in computers.
The assault drone’s Armor increases
to +4. While any nodder can grab themselves a
• High-Powered Laser (Assault Drone): cyberdeck or set of TempTrodes and log into
The damage of the assault drone’s laser is the GodNet, long-lived deckers customize
increased to 15. their rigs’ hardware and install personalized
• Light Bending Camouflage (Scout software that is specifically in tune with the
Drone): Find tests to see the scout decker’s brainwaves—no other person can use
drone have a –6 penalty when in Stealth the cyberdeck.
Mode. This penalty does not stack with Selecting this Perk grants the hero a customized
Darkness or Concealment. cyberdeck and the installation of a neural jack (see
• Mobile Bunker (Shield Drone): The shield page 31). The hero selects one of the cyberdecks in
drone can move 6 while in Bunker Mode.

Software library
EXORCISMS • Prereq: Custom Cyberdeck.
An exorcism is resolved as a Dramatic Skill The decker acquires additional programs for her
Resolution with Steps that can be performed (or cyberdeck, and learns four additional standard
aided through a Combined Action) by anyone, programs. Additionally she increases the available
but if the lead character does not have an ability storage on her deck by two.
that allows exorcism (e.g. the Exorcist Perk, or
is bonded to a Compassion familiar), all tests to FAITH PERKS
complete Steps are Disfavored. Other characters Cosm: Any (though most require Cyberpapacy).
may participate by using interaction attacks or
other abilities. inVeSteD cyberPrieSt
The exorcist invokes the banish miracle or cast out • Prereq: Cyberpapacy, Miracles, and Cyberware.
spell to complete the steps. The DN to complete a Cannot have Perks or access to miracle lists
Step is equal to the possessor’s willpower or Spirit, related to other religions. Cannot have the
but the DN increases by +2 for each subsequent Champion of God Perk.
Step after A. The possessor may make an Active Although all cyberpriests are capable of invoking
Defense to increase the difficulty of completing miracles, some have been recognized, either by the
the Step further. Otherwise the possessor can Church, or by God to be more pious than most, and
use its normal abilities to fight back, which can the cyberpriest learns two miracles and computer
include direct physical, spiritual, or magical empathy.
attacks, interaction attacks, or even summoning
or conjuring allies. chamPion of goD
In addition to the normal results from failing  Prereq: Cyberpapacy, at least three adds
a Dilemma, there are additional consequences: in faith, and a follower of the Cyberpapacy
• Possible Setback: The exorcist also becomes or Christianity. Cannot have the Invested
Vulnerable. Cyberpriest Perk.
• Complication: The exorcist takes Fatigue. The hero is a warrior for their deity, either the
Christian or Cyberpapacy God, as described in
• Critical Problem: The exorcist takes a Ephesians 6:10-18. Commonly the Storm Knight is
Wound. a member of the Knights Templar (see page 122),
If the exorcist completes Step D, the possession though this is not necessary. Hospitalers under the
is ended, and the spirit or demon is banished for command of the Cyberpapacy often have similar
a year and a day. If the exorcist fails to complete gifts granted to them.
Step D in five rounds, the possession can only Selecting this Perk for the first time grants the
be ended through the death of the host. champion the Breastplate of Righteousness and
one additional option from the selections below.
The Breastplate is a holographic suit of plate mail
the Gear chapter, and learns the programs available
armor that can be manifested or deactivated as a
on the cyberdeck. Cyberdecks are Tech 26.
simple action. It has Max Dex 11 and provides +4
Armor. The champion’s gifts only function for him.
Program uPgraDeS
• Prereq: Custom Cyberdeck. Additional Gifts: This Perk may be selected
multiple times for additional Gifts (though each
The hacker has spent some time tweaking and
individual Gift can only be chosen once).
optimizing the programs stored on her cyberdeck.
She may choose two programs she already knows • Belt of Truth: Grants a +1 bonus to defenses
to upgrade. against interaction attacks, and the DN of

moving the hero against their will is the hero’s
• Gospel of Peace: The Breastplate of NEURODIVERSE AND
Righteousness’ Max Dex increases to 13. DISABLED STORM
• Helmet of Justice: The Breastplate of
Righteousness becomes Full Body Armor KNIGHTS
and reduces the AP value of weapons hitting
the warrior by an amount equal to half the Although the Neurodiverse and Disability
character’s faith adds, rounded down. Perks are available for selection in this
• Shield of Faith: A hardlight medium shield chapter, these Perks are not required to play a
(see Shields in Torg Eternity) powered by the neurodiverse or disabled Storm Knight.
champion’s faith. It also provides a +4 bonus They are provided only if you wish to make
to dodge and melee defense vs. fire, heat and that aspect an important part of your character,
energy weapon attacks.This does not stack with and gain a mechanical benefit from it.
the normal +2 bonus from medium shields.
• Sword of the Spirit: A longsword hilt that
lights up with a laser, powered by the faith
of the wielder. The Sword of the Spirit has faithful gets an Outstanding Success, the controller
damage Strength +4 and has Armor Piercing takes a Wound as well.
equal to half the cyberknight’s faith adds, If a supernatural agent has permanently possessed
rounded up. The sword gains +2 damage the target, it must instead be exorcised (see sidebar)
against supernaturally evil creatures like The exorcist must have access to the banish miracle
undead and gospog.The sword has the Small in this circumstance..
property when not activated.
• Word of God: The holy warrior gains access to
the God’s Champion miracle list and chooses
• Prereq: Cyberpapacy, Beta Clearance, Spirit 8+.
two miracles plus battle vigil from that list. This
Gift may be selected multiple times, each time The character’s Spirit attribute increases by +1.
allowing an additional miracle to be selected
from the God’s Champion list. PROWESS PERKS
exorciSt Cosm: Any.
• Prereq: At least three adds in faith, at least one
add in scholar, and see below. crackerjack
The miracle worker specializes in the exorcising • Prereq: Cyberpapacy, Beta Clearance, and
of spirits, demons, and other supernatural agents Mind 8+.
who have possessed or otherwise taken control The character’s Mind attribute increases by +1.
of a person, place, or object. If a character is being
temporarily controlled by another through magic, neuroDiVerSe
miracle, psionic power, pulp power, or any other • Prereq: None
supernatural ability, the exorcist may invoke Some people just think differently than most.
banish against a single target to end that control Even elves, dwarves, and edeinos have individuals
immediately (opposed by the controller’s willpower who could be considered neuroatypical. While this
or Spirit), even if the priest does not know the banish can cause problems with reading social dynamics,
miracle or have the required skill. If the priest does neurodiverse people can solve problems in creative
know banish, the invocation is Favored. Invoking ways. Mind-based tests during Dramatic Skill
banish in this manner has a range of Touch. Resolutions are Favored. Also, choose one narrow
On a Good Success the target is immune to any field of expertise related to the science or scholar
such control again until the end of the scene. If the skill (e.g. planetary astronomy, French literature,

or World War 2 history). All tests involving this SPELLCRAFT PERKS
field are Up.
Cosm: Cyberpapacy
• Prereq: None.
lone wolf
• Prereq: Spellcaster and access to the Cyberwitch
Many members of the disabled community have spell list.
taken up the battle against the invading High
Cyberwitches tend to be loners. They have
Lords, but nowhere is this more true than in the
a very specific method of doing things, and
Cyberpapacy. Many disabled people consider their
often get frustrated when others do not follow
disability part of their identity, or they simply don’t
their instructions. However, their intuitive
trust a theocratic organization (or any powerful
understanding of magic and technology allows
group) gaining access to their brain just to "solve
them to do feats alone better than many teams.
their disability issue."
When the cyberwitch attempts a computers or
Choose a mental, social, or physical disability.
magic skill test in a Dramatic Skill Resolution
Once per act, you may invoke your disability
without assistance, her test is Up.
to complicate your life to gain 2 Possibilities.
Alternatively, the Gamemaster may suggest a A Combined Action with a cyberwitch have an
complication during play, and if you accept that additional -4 penalty, and any attempts at Extra
complication, gain 3 Possibilities. Effort are Disfavored.
Should you gain a Perk or other effect that negates
your Disability, you lose this Perk and select a new familiar
one. • Prereq: Spellcaster and access to either the White
Witch or Cyberwitch spell list.

SOCIAL PERKS Although perceived as "pets" by non-witches,

familiars are in fact spirits that assist witches in
Cosm: All the casting of spells and other witch abilities. The
exact form of these spirits can vary significantly.
glib tongue White witches generally befriend animal
• Prereq: Mind 8+ and Charisma 8+. spirits, though more esoteric nature spirits are
When confronted by the Church Police, either on common too. Cyberwitches are more likely to
the street or at a checkpoint, the ability to come befriend technological spirits which can manifest
up with a plausible alibi or story is invaluable. holographically. A common tech spirit is a
However, it’s not just the ability to come up with "bit," which can only speak "yes" or "no," while
a tight alibi that is important, but delivering it temporarily transforming its form between three
convincingly is key as well. geometric states (one for each response, and a
resting state).
When the hero needs to make up a story on the
fly, he tests Mind. On a success, any persuasion Familiars remain in close proximity to their
or willpower tests to deceive someone or resist witch, but they instinctively avoid detection when
interrogation with the story are Favored. A Good threatened and cannot be directly targeted. Although
Success additionally makes any opposing evidence they are magical beings, familiars bond so fully with
analysis or intimidation tests Disfavored. On an their witch, they are essentially treated as part of the
Outstanding Success, the hero’s persuasion or witch themselves, and contradictions are only based
willpower is Up instead of Favored. on the witch herself. Wherever the witch is, the
familiar follows, whether the witch is individually
teleported or even logs into the GodNet.
No matter the form, these spirits are manifestations
of the eight Pagan virtues. The witch selects one

Viola, Father Damien, and Astre face off against unknown foes.

virtue from the list below and gains the associated • Humility: Up on Extra Effort tests. (See
ability. They also learn two spells. Combined Action in Torg Eternity)
Witches who align with familiars are often referred • Mirth: Concentration tests are Favored.
to according to their spirit (i.e. a Compassionate • Reverence: Reality tests to reconnect are
witch, or a Strong witch). Favored.
• Beauty: The witch’s alteration and divination
skills are based on Charisma instead of Mind. white witch
• Strength: +1 bonus to Toughness. The Witch • Prereq: Familiar, access to the White Witch spell
only gains one additional spell instead of two. list, and cannot have any Perk related to the
Cyberpapacy faith, cyberware, or Occultech.
• Power: May re-roll one test per scene as if
Favored. This choice may be declared after the The white witch may lead a coven to cast a spell
first roll. with a casting time of 1 minute or longer. This entails
a Combined Action (with 3 to 13 participants) and
• Compassion: Can exorcise (see page 24) reality-rated characters who are Unskilled in the
demons and other entities who have possessed magic skill may still assist or attempt Extra Effort
a victim. May cast the cast out spell, even if she (see Combined Actions in Torg Eternity).
doesn’t have the required skill, but if cast out is
known, casting the spell is Favored. Additionally, the white witch attracts two more
spirits which inhabit her familiar, and may select
• Honor: Persuasion tests are Favored. two additional virtues from the Familiar Perk.

yberware is advanced bionics which
replicate or enhance body parts and
functions. Nanotechnology and synthetic
nerve fibres known as NeuraCal allow cybernetic
devices to be installed in humans (or even animals)
and integrate seamlessly with the person’s nervous
system. Cyberware in the Cyberpapacy is a mature
technology and is nearly flawless—as long as it

CYBERWARE isn’t hacked.

While most people are satisfied with a modicum
of cyberware, some exceptional cyberpriests and
Inquisitors are blessed with the installation of
significant amounts of cyberware. In the service of
the Church of course. Theoretically it is possible
to completely replace every organ and part of the
human body with the exception of the brain, and
those who approach this point are known as "full
conversion cyborgs."
Installed cyberware does not run out of power
except in very unusual circumstances. Small
systems are powered by miniaturized power cells
that recharge through chemical reactions in the
body, as well as mechanical movements. Larger
devices, such as limb replacements, have miniature
solar cells that allow power recharging.
Cyberware is obviously artificial, electronic, and
full of chrome. The presence of cyberware can
be hidden by covering it with synthetic skin or
manufacturing items to look identical to biological
organs. Church dogma states cyberware is the
blessing of God and must not be hidden by flesh.
Even in cases like body plating, where the armor
plates are covered by NeuraSkin, its presence is
obvious by the unnatural bulges it makes between
the skin and muscle. Rebels do not obey this canon,
and even the Church makes an exception for agents
who infiltrate other realities, especially prior to
Even with hacked cyberware, devices are
displayed as fashion statements. Some speculate
the Law of Sanction even requires this display of
cyberware in order to enjoy the benefit of reliability
and lack of cyberpsychosis.

The spread of cyberware is a primary mission of
the Church—sanctioned and ordered by God.

Sanctioned cyberware is permanently connected
to the GodNet through wireless connections,
allowing the Church to monitor the individual.
Sensory information can be transmitted from The most common installs of cyberware in the
nearly all types of cyberware through the use Cyberpapacy are "humanity upgrades." These
of microcameras and tiny microphones—those are sanctioned cyberware devices that replace
with sanctioned cyberware are literally the eyes organs or other biological systems. They are
and ears of the Church. There are even cases only marginally more powerful or faster than
where jackpriests in the GodNet take control of a the body parts they replace. Their main benefit
person’s cyberware, and in some cases there are is durability.
reports of people being taken over whole cloth.
Much of the time, these upgrades replace
For this reason, the Delphi Council strictly forbids
body parts that have been damaged or worn
its agents from installing sanctioned cyberware.
down with age, but many Cyberpapacy citizens
If sanctioned cyberware is shut down, either via
replace body parts because they feel it brings
an EMP or other means, the surveillance and
them closer to God, because they like the
controlling capabilities of the cyberware are also
appearance, or because the Church told them to.
shut down for the duration.
The Church provides humanity upgrades
The installation of sanctioned cyberware is
for free to all citizens in the Cyberpapacy,
painless and completely safe. The healing miracles
installed under the supervision and blessing
of cyberpriests, along with the Law of Sanction
of cyberpriests and sanctioned technicians in
ensure the flock only sees cyberware as a benefit,
Church hospitals. More powerful cyberware,
never a hindrance or something to be feared.
which actually enhances a person’s abilities, are
also installed in those who are deemed worthy
HACKED CYBERWARE of such gifts (i.e., those who are Blessed or
The Church is not the only source of cyberware. Anointed).
Chop shops where cyberleggers ply their trade are Fortunately, because humanity upgrades are
found in hidden and secret locations. Cyberleggers not strongly controlled by the Church, they are
often steal cyberware from warehouses and relative simple to hack, and the Delphi Council
hospitals, but some less ethical ones will scavenge can easily provide a Storm Knight with a hacked
cyberware from the dead, and sometimes even humanity upgrade.
harvest from, the living. Cyberleggers hack
Humanity upgrades have a Tech Axiom of 25.
the software of cyberware in order to remove
connections to the GodNet, as well as disabling
sensors that could gather data, store it, and then without any Church contamination. The Delphi
transmit at a later time. Furthermore control Council considers installation of cyberware
modules that could allow agents of the Church which has not fully been cleansed just as bad as
to take control of the cyberware (or worse) are installing cyberware that hasn’t been hacked at
eliminated. all. Additionally, Cyberware Perks represent the
guaranteed safe and painless installation of the
Installing hacked cyberware is a heretical act and device.
is treated extremely harshly by the Church—death.
The only question is how long and agonizing a The Law of Sanction impacts the use of hacked
death it would be. cyberware, and while natives of other cosms can
have hacked cyberware installed, their bodies
PurchaSing hackeD cyberware aren’t quite compatible with the circuitry which
Not all hacked cyberware is 100% clean, and limits the amount of organs and body parts they
Cyberware Perks represent the social and financial can replace.
capital needed to install various systems and When a Cyberware Perk is selected, the character
have complete assurance they are clean and does not need to use the entire allowance

Soaked. On a Good Success, the target does not
STACKING take a Wound. He is only Fatigued and takes 2
Shock that cannot be recovered for a week. With an
Stacking restrictions apply to magic and Outstanding Success the target does not suffer any
holy items. Only the highest bonus or lowest aftereffects.
penalty counts, no matter if it’s from a Perk,
spell, miracle, psionic power, or piece of gear. CYBERWARE LIST
Generally bonuses or penalties stack if they Unless otherwise noted, only one install of each
are applied to different stats (e.g. Strength, implant is permitted. All cyberware has a Tech
Toughness, and Armor, Strength and damage, Axiom of 26.
or Dexterity, melee weapons, and defenses).
Unless otherwise stated, any increase or chiPware
decrease is a bonus. The GM makes the final Chips are sophisticated holographic storage and
call, but when in doubt, it doesn’t stack. processing units that can be placed in a ChipHolder,
which is normally installed on the user’s temple
or neck. Additionally the ChipHolder contains a
immediately, but can "save up" to purchase more wireless transmitter that allows a low-bandwidth,
expensive installs with a subsequent selection of constant connection to the GodNet, which provides
the Cyberware Perk. for easy updating of any fact or instruction needed
Hacking cyberware to make it safe for Storm for life—and easy tracking of the person’s location.
Knights and members of the Resistance removes Nearly every citizen of the Cyberpapacy has a
some of the protection against cyberpsychosis the sanctioned ChipHolder installed when they are
Law of Sanction provides. This is represented by young, as this is the source of their "facts" and
Cosm cards such as Rage and Mandatory Upgrade, "information." There is little need for education
but applying a temporary penalty such as becoming (beyond "Sunday School") when information can
Stymied or Vulnerable due to a minor episode be accessed easily and you can do your assigned
of cyberpsychosis is a very appropriate thematic task just by replacing a chip.
result of a Mishap or Setback. Hacked ChipHolder/StackHolder: These Chip-
Holders and StackHolders have been upgraded so
CYBERWARE REMOVAL they disable the "always on" wireless signals of any
Many victims of the Cyberpapacy have cyberware chip installed in them. Instead the user can access
installed in them against their will, including the GodNet to acquire information in burst mode,
SpiritChips, trackers, and explosive devices. Some which is much more difficult to track. Any piece
characters choose to replace cyberware installs of information not contained in a Reliquary may
with different ones. be accessed with a computers test, although certain
heretical materials, or those from other cosms, are
Removing cyberware requires a day, the proper more difficult to access.
instruments, and a medicine test. Each install of
cyberware counts as an additional target using ActChip: Similar to MemChips, these chips are
the Multi-Targeting rules. The medicine test is tightly controlled by the Church and are only
Challenging (–2) if $10,000 or more cyberware is distributed to its agents. ActChips either contain
removed, or Very Hard (–6) if $20,000 worth of forbidden knowledge or abilities the Church wants
cyberware is removed. Sanctioned cyberware is to control. Each ActChip has a unique signature
numerated as if it was hacked cyberware. connected to the person its assigned to, and
should it be installed in another ChipHolder, it
On a Failure, the target takes a temporary Injury automatically destroys itself. However, members
(see Defeat in Torg Eternity) of the Resistance have been able to acquire and
On a success, the cyberware is removed from the hack ActChips, leading to their higher cost. Each
body. The target takes a Wound that may not be ActChip provides 2 adds in a specific skill, which

Implant Price Notes
Hacked ChipHolder/ 500 (13) Upgrade, allows the use of chips with burst GodNet connection.
ActChip 3,000 (18) Grants 2 adds in particular skills (no stacking).
HereticChip 5,000 (19) Grants 2 adds in particular heretical skills (no stacking)
StackHolder 5,000 (19) Allows the use of up to three chips simultaneously.
MemChip 1,500 (16) Grants 2 adds in particular skills (no stacking).

Implant Price Notes
Neural Jack * Allows direct high-bandwidth access to GodNet and other
devices. Free with taking any Perk that provides Cyberware.
Rebooter 500 (13) Reboots shut down cyberware on a faith test.
TSE CyberDriver 1,000 (15) Ignores 2 points of Multi-Action penalties when one action
involves land vehicles, water vehicles, or air vehicles.
TSE CyberGunner 1,000 (15) Can remotely fire vehicle-mounted weapons. See text.
TSE Drone Controller 500 (13) Allows remote control of drones.

does not stack in any way with any other skill adds. adds from any other source. MemChips contain
The skills found on ActChips include: air vehicles, info on the following skills: computers, find, first aid,
beast riding, computers, dodge, energy weapons, land vehicles, language, maneuver, medicine, profession,
evidence analysis, find, fire combat, first aid, heavy scholar, survival, tracking, and water vehicles.
weapons, intimidation, land vehicles, language, lock StackHolder: These are highly-modified, hacked
picking, maneuver, medicine, melee weapons, missile ChipHolders that instead allow the activation of
weapons, profession, scholar, stealth, survival, tracking, up to three different Chips in parallel. Like hacked
trick, unarmed combat, and water vehicles. ChipHolders, these devices can access information
HereticChip: These chips are modified ActChips on the GodNet but disable the constant GodNet
that instead contain information regarding heretical connection that chips normally maintain, instead
knowledge stored on them, and possession of a operating in burst mode.
HereticChip is punishable by death. They provide
2 adds in one skill, which does not stack in any way control interfaceS
with other skill adds. These skills include: alteration, Control interfaces are implants that allow the user
apportation, conjuration, divination, persuasion, to interact with electronic devices, either in the
science, and streetwise. Flesh or for accessing the GodNet directly.
MemChip: These chips store the knowledge, Neural Jack: Although access to the GodNet is
facts, and procedures needed to perform certain effortlessly provided by the use of TempTrodes,
professions and duties. The Church assigns neural jacks allow a connection that has significantly
MemChips to its followers when they are acting in more bandwidth. Most cyberdecks require a
the Church’s service, most commonly by working neural jack to use. Sanctioned neural jacks enhance
in a factory or on farms. The information on these the experience for worshipers as they enter and
chips can be (and often is) updated automatically experience the GodNet, making it feel more "alive."
from the GodNet. Each MemChip grants the user Worshipers claim they can feel God speaking to
2 adds in a skill. These adds do not stack with any them, but hackers and La Résistance counter that

this is just part of Church brainwashing. Neural SenSory imPlantS
jacks are usually installed in the user’s temple or Sensory implants replace and enhance a person’s
neck and connect to other devices such as vehicles, five senses. Visual and auditory implants are the
not just the GodNet. Neural jacks can use a Wi-Fi most common, while cyberware that enhances
signal to access the GodNet, but since all jack inputs touch, taste, and smell are more specialized.
include the cord used to connect, this feature is only
Cybereyes can appear obviously artificial, but
used to trivially retrieve information. Neural jacks
cyberwitches and other individuals who resist the
come free with any Perk that provides a Cyberware
Church often request a more biological appearance.
Some go "beyond" human and request eyes with
Rebooter: After cyberwitches began utilizing cat-like or lizard-like pupils, and occasionally even
electromagnetic pulses and other spells to shut without irises. Eyes are considered by many to be
down cyberware, Church clerics prayed for a the window into one’s soul, and unusual eyes are
counter, and their prayers were answered. A unnerving to some people unused to such implants.
rebooter allows the stricken character to attempt to
Auditory systems replace the inner ear structures
revive shut down cyberware as an action by making
in both ears. This makes the implants technically
a faith test. On a success, one piece of cyberware
invisible, though many consider it fashionable
reactivates. On a Good Success, two implants are
to modify or entirely replace the earlobes as
revived. An Outstanding Success returns all of the
well. Taste implants are usually implanted into
character’s cyberware to functionality.
the tongue, but occasionally are placed into the
TSE CyberDriver: This implant allows the user fingertips, allowing tasting a substance without
to accept sensory input from and directly control putting it in the mouth. Tactile systems are usually
a suitably equipped vehicle. The hero actually installed into the fingertips, but occasionally into
feels as if he is the vehicle, and can drive it with the feet. Unless covered by NeuraSkin the circuitry
precision. While driving a vehicle, the hero ignores of these implants is visible.
2 points worth of Multi-Action penalties, when
one of those actions involves a land vehicles, water ViSual imPlantS
vehicles, or air vehicles test. Additionally, the hero BelleScan: This implant enhances the detection of
may also recover Shock if the only actions he takes motion, especially at a distance. The device allows
involve a vehicles test. the user to ignore 2 points of Speed penalties when
TSE CyberGunner: The CyberGunner allows firing weapons at fast moving targets.
a single individual to fire one or more computer BelleSnipe: The BelleSnipe allows the shooter to
controlled weapons mounted on the same vehicle use the Aim combat option to fire a weapon with a
they are in or on. If those weapons are the same SmartGun attachment as a simple action, instead of
type, he may fire all of them as if making a sacrificing a turn, but only if the character shoots at
Combined Action. Weapons of different types may a single target with a single shot.
be fired as a Multi-Action. This ability ignores the
usual restriction of using the same skill for a Multi- BelleSpectrum: The BelleSpectrum implant
Action. detects radio, infrared, and UV radiation and
converts it into a visual signal transmitted directly
TSE Drone Controller: Drone controllers are able to the user’s brain. The user ignores up to 4 points
to transmit instructions via radio signal to drones. of Darkness penalties as long as the target emits
These drones can be as advanced as hardlight heat. Additionally, the presence of cyberware or
drones found in the Cyberpapacy (see page 39) but Occultech in a being is automatically detected
can also attune to and control less sophisticated unless those devices have hardened shielding.
"dumb" drones from lower Tech Axiom realities.
Reports from the drone, including short video or BelleTrack: This implant interfaces with a
pictures, recordings of sounds, or identification of SmartGun and tracks multiple targets, allowing
targets are displayed by direct neural stimulation, the character to shoot multiple targets or take
and a cybereye or HUD is not needed. simultaneous actions with ease. The character may

ignore up to 2 points of Multi-Targeting or Multi-
Action penalties (not both) when equipped with
a SmartGun. Multi-Action penalties still apply to
actions other than shooting a target. SpiritChips are arguably the most insidious
CSI Rove-Eye: This implant can be unnerving, cyberware devices of all. The doctrine of the
as it randomly scans the person’s surroundings, One True Way states that those who serve God
independent of their other eye. The device’s most faithfully will have everlasting life in the
processor automatically compares objects and service of God and the Church. This, like the
people detected to known dangers, including other aspects of the One True Way is absolutely
weapons, assassins, and ambushes. The user cannot true. From a certain point of view.
be surprised but is treated as an outsider when SpiritChips are reserved for those who the
making persuasion tests (–4 penalty). The processing Church deserves their highest reward, or their
automatically compensates for the motion, and worst punishment. These chips are directly
the user does not feel any disorientation while the integrated with the nervous system of the
device is active. The Rove-Eye can be removed and person, with strands of NeuraCal spread
placed on a surface. These can rotate around and throughout the brain.
transmit images up to 100 meters away.
As long as the person is in a reality with a Spirit
TSE HUD: This heads up display allows the Axiom of 14 or more, at the instant of death,
user to read documents or view video sent to the SpiritChip uploads the person’s soul to the
them electronically. The images are displayed GodNet, which goes to Purgatory (see page
directly onto the user’s retina. Some applications page 96). Alternatively, Babel Monitors in the
of this implant include discrete document reading, GodNet can possess the person’s body at will.
viewing of security feeds, or monitoring data from To remove a SpiritChip requires a medicine test
various sources (including a TSE Recorder, or just like normal cyberware, but the test is Heroic
DataChips). (DN 18).
CyberHam Retina Mimic: This device can record SpiritChips are Holy items in addition to being
the retina pattern of an individual by looking eye- Tech 26 (see page page 72).
to-eye within one meter distance. Lockpicking tests
to fool a retina scanner with a recorded pattern are
automatically passed with an Outstanding Success.
Without a specific retina pattern, the test is Favored is a modern language native to Core Earth or
instead. Magna Verita.
TSE Recorder: This device allows the user to
auDitory imPlantS record visual and auditory data by tapping the
CyberHam Scanner: The Scanner allows rapid user’s optic and vestibulocochlear nerves. The
scanning of unidirectional radio signals across user may take high definition still photographs,
all typical frequencies and dynamically decrypt video, and audio, simply by looking and listening.
them. Radio signals, including bugs, GodNet The implant includes its own storage, and images
devices, and communications are automatically and video can be downloaded to other devices, a
detected and can be recorded then downloaded to DataChip, or the GodNet via Wi-Fi connection.
a DataChip, or another device, to be retransmitted High speed photography has a resolution of one
or decrypted. millisecond, with slow motion video up to to 1,000
CyberHam Translator: This device is also known frames per second.
as "BabelTech" and is fitted in the user’s ears. It TSE Snooper: This install allows the character
automatically translates whatever the user hears to hear and filter particular sounds and noises. It
into her native tongue, as long as the language can pick out very quiet sounds, or normal volume

Visual Implant Price Notes
BelleScan 1,000 (15) Ignore 2 points of Speed penalties
BelleSnipe 3,000 (17) Allows Aim combat option as simple action (see text).
BelleView 20-20 Cyber Eye* 2,000 (16) Visual evidence analysis, find, tracking become Favored.
BelleView Low-Light Mk II* 1,000 (15) Ignore 2 points of Darkness penalties
BelleSpectrum 3,000 (17) Ignore 4 points of Darkness penalties. See text.
BelleTrack 3,000 (17) Ignore 2 points of Multi-Targeting or Multi-Action
penalties with SmartGun attachment.
CSI EyeKill Mk IV* 2,000 (16) Ignore 2 points of Range penalties with SmartGun
CSI RoveEye 5,000 (18) Immune to surprise but –4 to persuasion attempts.
Cyberham Retina Mimic 2,000 (16) Fools retina scans. See text.
TSE HUD 500 (13) Allows direct viewing of images, data, and video.
Auditory Implant Price Notes
CyberHam Encrypted Coms* 500 (13) Allows silent and untraceable communication.
CyberHam Scanner 1,000 (15) Allows interception and automatic decryption of radio
signals. See text.
CyberHam Translator 500 (13) Allows automatic translation of any modern language
native to Core Earth or Magna Verita.
TSE Recorder 500 (13) Records video and audio.
TSE Snooper 1,500 (16) Auditory evidence analysis, find, and tracking tests are
TSE Transonic 5,000 (18) Ignores 4 points of Darkness penalties. See text.
Olfactory Implant Price Notes
TSE Bloodhound 2,000 (17) Evidence analysis, find, or tracking tests involving gases
and scents Favored.
TSE Clamp 2,000 (17) Immune to attacks involving gases or inhalation.
Taste Implant Price Notes
TSE Taster 2,000 (17) Evidence analysis, find, and tracking tests using taste are
Tactile Implant Price Notes
CyberHam Fingerprint Mimic* 1,000 (15) Fools fingerprint scans.
TSE LeDos 5,000 (18) Immune to Flat Footed from melee attacks.
TSE LeTres 5,000 (18) Immune to surprise within 100 meters. Requires TSE
TSE LeCuatro 5,000 (18) Detects motion within 100 meters. Requires TSE
* cyberware is detailed in Gear Chapter of Torg Eternity

sounds at a distance, or pick through chaotic noise, TSE LeCuatro: A further upgrade to the TSE
such as in city traffic or a crowded room, to listen LeDos suite can detect any movement within 100
to particular sounds or conversations. Evidence meters of the character. If the motion is obscured
analysis, find, and tracking tests related to sound are by walls or other hard structures, the range is
Favored. The Snooper is also capable of recording decreased to 20 meters. The nature of what is
the sounds or conversations picked up. actually moving cannot be determined, only its
TSE Transonic: The TSE Transonic allows the user presence. The information can be displayed on a
to pick up sounds with a frequency beyond normal handheld device, HUD Goggles, or a CyberHam
human hearing. Subsonic sounds can include those HUD.
made by natural phenomena, such as avalanches, TSE Taster: The Taster implant allows the user to
thunderstorms, calving of icebergs, and tornadoes. analyze liquid or solid substances and determine
Man-made phenomena include sonic booms and their constituent components. Evidence analysis,
explosions. Some animals like whales, elephants, find, and tracking tests using taste are Favored. The
hippos, and rhinos communicate with frequencies device includes storage that records tastes and
below 20 Hz. Ultrasonic sounds include those analyses for later reference.
used for navigation by bats and insects. Coded
messages using transonic sounds are often used PhySical enhancementS
by la Résistance. This install also allows the user These installs enhance various bodily functions,
to "see" with sound and ignore up to 4 points of especially those involving organs and the endocrine
Darkness penalties. system.
Compte’s Adrenal Booster: This device
olfactory, taSte, anD tactile imPlantS significantly supercharges the user’s adrenal
TSE Bloodhound: This nasal implant can analyze glands and enhances the effect that adrenalin has
the components of any gas or vapor inhaled by on his body. Once per day, the device may be
the user. Evidence analysis, find, or tracking tests activated as a free action and removes all Shock,
involving gases and scents are Favored. as well as preventing any additional Shock for 30
TSE Clamp: The Clamp is a safety device that seconds. If this device is shut down, or at the end of
automatically closes off the user’s nasal passages 30 seconds, the character suffers Fatigue.
when a hazardous substance is detected. The gas Compte’s DeTox: This upgrade to the liver
is then filtered through the sides of the nose and supercharges the metabolism of poisons and toxins.
allows the user to breathe normally. The character The character is immune to poison (including
is immune to attacks with gases that involve alcohol).
inhalation like chlorine, knockout gas, or poisonous
vapors. It has no effect on neurotoxins. Compte’s EndoBoost: Once per day, as a simple
action, this implant can inject high amounts of
TSE LeDos: This extensive series of implants has endorphins into the user’s bloodstream, reducing
pressure and electromagnetic sensors located all his sensitivity to pain. For the remainder of the
over the body and can enable the user to detect scene the character ignores all Wound penalties.
nearby attacks from any direction. The user
experiences the detection of an attack as if their Compte’s Stabiliza: The Stabiliza replaces the
skin is crawling. The user is immune to being Flat user’s cochlea and improves balance, allowing
Footed melee attacks. quick movements of the head without becoming
dizzy or experiencing vertigo. The user gains +1 to
TSE LeTres: This upgrade to the LeDos implant her dodge, maneuver, melee, and unarmed defenses.
allows an even more sensitive, but still split-second
detection of ambushes. The character is immune CyberHam Synthivoice: This device alters the
to surprise but this does not prevent allies from user’s voice, enabling it to sound differently, or,
becoming surprised. if a voice pattern has been recorded, replicate a
specific person’s voice. Recording a person’s voice
requires an in-person conversation (transmissions

Implant Price Notes
Compte’s Adrenal Booster 4,000 (18) 1/day remove all Shock and prevent Shock for 30
Compte’s DeTox 4,000 (18) Immune to poison.
Compte’s Endoboost 4,000 (18) Ignores Wound Penalties.
Compte’s Stabiliza 5,000 (18) +1 to dodge, maneuver, melee, and unarmed defenses.
CyberHam Synthivoice 1,000 (15) Alters user’s voice. Tests to fool target are Favored.
HardPlas LifeLock Backup 3,000 (17) Ignore 2 points of penalties when testing Defeat.
Hexxer MK I* 5,000 (18) Ignore half the Shock from failing a spell
Hexxer MK II* 5,000 (18) Upgrade. Ignored Shock becomes a casting bonus.
Requires Hexxer MK I.
Hexxer MK III 5,000 (18) Upgrade. Any ignored Shock becomes +1BD to
damage. Requires Hexxer MK II.
Hexxer MK IV 5,000 (18) Upgrade. A summoned demon is placed into storage.
Requires Hexxer MK III.
* cyberware is detailed in Gear Chapter of Torg Eternity

are insufficient but meeting in the GodNet suffices) ProStheticS

of at least 30 seconds using specific words, or a With safety regulations non-existent in the factories,
casual conversation of 5 minutes. Lockpicking tests accidental amputations are not uncommon.
to fool a voice scanner with a recorded pattern are Fortunately the Church provides replacement
automatically passed with an Outstanding Success. prosthetics for free. For most people these
Without a specific voiceprint recording the test is prosthetics merely replicate the function of the lost
Favored instead. limb, with no improvement of Strength or Dexterity.
Hexxer MK III: The cyberwitch is now capable of However, cyberpriests, Inquisitors, cyberknights,
channeling the arcane energies to directly increase and other Church agents often replace their limbs
the damage of her spells. When any Shock is and other body parts with enhanced prosthetics,
ignored by a Hexxer implant, the spellcaster may and these are detailed below.
choose to keep the effects of the Hexxer MK II, or Prosthetics are manufactured from an advanced
instead make the next spell that causes damage form of plastic, HardPlas, manufactured by Compte.
cause an additional +1BD damage. This choice can Concealing cyberware is heretical unless approved
be made before casting the next spell. by the Church, so the vast majority of prosthetics
Hexxer MK IV: The Mk IV is the current state- are exposed. However, many still "chrome them
of-the-art device in backlash mitigation and can up." Although it is typical for those rebelling
actually contain a single demon accidentally against the Church to make fashion statements
summoned by the cyberwitch (such as by a Heretical with their cybernetics, the Church does not deem
Magic card) and place it in storage. While stored, any particular appearance of prosthetics as "bad,"
the implant crackles with energy and causes a –2 just as long as it’s not covered with NeuraSkin.
penalty to spellcasting tests. The demon may be Compte’s Trilon Tendons: Tendons are the
released as a free action or exorcised (see sidebar structures that anchor the muscles to the skeleton,
on page 24). and this install replaces all of the tendons in
the user’s body with stronger, but still flexible,

Implant Price Notes
Compte’s Clenching Cleats 1,000 (15) Upgrade.Climbing and balance tests are Favored.
Compte’s Crazy Fingers 2,500 (17) Upgrade. Manual dexterity tests Favored / +4 bonus (see
Compte’s Rocket Jumpers 3,000 (17) Upgrade. Allows enhanced jump (see text)
Compte’s Spring Foot 1,000 (15) Upgrade. +2 to base move.
Compte’s Trilon Tendons 3,000 (17) Strength tests are Favored.
Compte’s Vacuum Palm 5,000 (18) Upgrade. Ignores 6 points of penalties for climbing tests
(see text).
HardPlas Arm* 5,000 (18) +1 to Strength tests and melee damage, +2 Armor on limb.
HardPlas Legs 5,000 (18) Strength tests Favored, +2 Armor on legs. See text.
Trigon Body Plating* 6,000 (17) +2 Armor, Full Body, concealed under skin.
Trigon CyberSkel 5,000 (18) +1 Toughness.
Trigon EMP Shield 4,000 (18) Attacks to shut down cyberware are contests and

* cyberware is detailed in Gear Chapter of Torg Eternity

materials. The user’s Strength tests become Favored. allow a character to ignore 6 points of penalties for
climbing tests. If two cyberarms are upgraded this
Compte’s Clenching Cleats: This upgrade to
way, those tests are also Favored.
a pair of HardPlas legs features auto-retracting
cleats and grips which can grab even small rocks. HardPlas Arm: One of the hero’s arms is replaced
Dexterity or Strength tests involving climbing and by a cybernetic version. It increases Strength tests
balance are Favored. and damage based on Strength by +1 and has +2
Armor on that limb only. The arm’s Armor protects
Compte’s Crazy Fingers: The fingers of a HardPlas
the character’s torso if he takes an Active Defense.
cyberarm are enhanced with highly agile fibers.
The Strength and damage increase applies only to
Dexterity tests involving manual agility are Favored
tests and attacks made with that limb. This implant
(e.g. using keyboards, lock picking). If both are
may be installed a second time, which grants a total
upgraded, the test gains a +4 bonus instead.
bonus of +2 to Strength tests and damage if both
Compte’s Rocket Jumpers: A pair of HardPlas arms are used (such as with two-handed weapons),
cyberlegs are upgraded with small rocket systems. and applies the Armor bonus to both limbs.
Allows a jump up to 2x a character’s base move
HardPlas Legs: Always installed as a pair, these
once per turn, but the character is Vulnerable. He
prosthetics entirely replace the legs of the character,
may instead jump up to his run move but becomes
from the hip bone down. The character halves
Very Vulnerable.
falling damage, and can leap twice the distance as
Compte’s Spring Foot: HardPlas cyberlegs are normal, as shown in Torg Eternity. Additionally,
upgraded with internal and external hydraulic Strength tests are Favored and the character gains
springs that increase the character’s base move +2 Armor, but only on the legs.
by +2.
Trigon Body Plating: This subdermal armor is
Compte’s Vacuum Palm: This upgrade to the grafted throughout the patient’s body, increasing
palm of a HardPlas cyberarm features a strong overall durability. It adds +2 Armor, and provides
vacuum and seal, as well as locking mechanisms, to Full Body coverage. This Armor bonus does not
grab rock outcroppings and limbs. These features

Implant Price Notes
Compte’s Power Fist 2,500 (17) Upgrade, +5 damage, Stagger, Unwieldy, uses unarmed
combat. Manual dexterity tests involving fist are Disfavored.
Compte’s ShocKnucks 1,000 (135 Strength +2 damage, Painful, Small, 3/scene, uses unarmed
CSI Eyebomb 1,000 (15) 16 damage, Medium Blast, –4 to detect, uses missile weapons.
Damocles Device 10K (20) Remotely detonated bomb causes DN 20 Defeat test.
Trigon Dicers 1,000 (15) Strength +2 damage, AP 1, Small, uses melee weapons.
Trigon Integrated 1,000 (15) Concealed, add the cost of the weapon.
Weapon Mount**
Trigon Slicers 500 (13) Strength +1 damage, AP 1, Small, uses unarmed combat.
* replaces entry in Gear Chapter of Torg Eternity

stack with other armor, as normal. into their functional form as the character activates
Trigon CyberSkel: This installation involves the the weapon mount.
reinforcement of the character’s skeletons, either Compte’s Power Fist: A HardPlas cyberarm’s fist
by reinforcing bones or replacing them outright. is upgraded, adding more mass and density, as well
The character gains a +1 Toughness bonus. as charging it with a plasma field. The cyberarm
Trigon EMP Shield: This installation wraps counts as a melee weapon that causes +5 damage
the character’s cyberware in heavy shielding, and has the Stagger and Unwieldy properties. As
increasing his resistance to EMP or other attacks a result, manual dexterity tests involving the fist
that can shut down cyberware. Attempts to shut are Disfavored. A cyberarm with this upgrade can
down the wearer’s cyberware are contests instead have no additional upgrades.
of tests, and the attacker’s test is Disfavored. Damocles Device: This device is not officially
Additionally, the character’s cyberware cannot manufactured by any monastic order and is not
be detected by effects that use electromagnetic installed willingly. It consists of a small explosive
radiation. device attached to the optic nerve where it enters
the brain. It transmits images (but not sound) to a
SubDermal weaPonS device set by the installer and may receive a signal
Subdermal weapons allow the installation of that causes an explosion. If this device is triggered,
firearms or melee weapons in limbs (usually, but the victim must make a Nearly Impossible (DN 20)
not always, the arm). If they are installed in a Defeat test. Removal of this device requires a Very
non-prosthetic limb, they are usually covered by Hard (DN 16) medicine test, and a Mishap causes a
NeuraSkin, but agents of the Church usually mount detonation.
these in HardPlas arms. Either way, the weapon is Compte’s ShocKnucks: The user’s knuckles are
not normally detected unless intentionally searched replaced with HardPlas interlaced with quickly-
for, and even then they cause an additional –2 charging capacitors attached by a hardened variant
penalty to find tests to detect them. of NeuraCal to a battery located in the torso. This
Most subdermal weapons are just normal weapons allows the character to charge up his knuckles,
integrated with a Trigon weapon mount. Other which causes a visible glow and miniature bolts to
more specialized weapons are detailed below. surround his fists. The electricity discharges when
Weapons longer than the limb they are integrated the fists hit an object hard. The battery has enough
with are folded in an efficient manner and expand uses to discharge three times per scene, and then
recharges using the character’s body heat and

movement at the start of the next scene. The user toes and can be extended at will. A character using
attacks with unarmed combat. slicers attacks using unarmed combat. No objects can
CSI Eyebomb: Instead of a visual enhancement, be held while slicers are extended.
this cybereye is actually a cleverly disguised
explosive that can be popped out and thrown as HARDLIGHT DRONES
a grenade. The Eyebomb causes 16 damage to a Hardlight drones are hardlight hologram tech
Medium Blast radius, and attempts to detect it constructs, which are stored as programs in an
have a –4 penalty. The Eyebomb still provides installed TSE Drone Controller (see page 32) or
visual information. Once the Eyebomb is used, it drone override suit and manifested around a TSE
can be replaced at the start of the next act. Hardlight Drone emitter (see page 74). They are
Trigon Integrated Weapon Mount: controlled via a Wi-Fi signal out to a range
This upgrade to a cyberarm or which depends on the drone type.
cyberlegs (either a simple humanity Although holographic tech constructs are
upgrade or more advanced similar in form and function
HardPlas branded versions) allows to the Host and other
a special version of a weapon to be GodNet entities, they are
concealed within the shell of the non-autonomous artificial
cybernetic limb. These weapons intelligences and can only act
are modified and can autoconfigure on basic orders, such as attacking
between holstered and active states a particular foe, protecting an
as part of drawing or stowing the area, or scouting a general location,
weapon. The GM makes the final call though they can act independently
on what can fit in a cyberlimb, but in to perform those tasks.
general a cyberarm can hold a weapon
or device (e.g. lockpicks or a cyberdeck) The hologram does not have
that is the size of a pistol or smaller. and Possibilities of its own, but the
cyberlegs can contain a rifle or smaller (i.e. character can spend her
no heavy weapons or Bulky weapons). Possibilities (and Destiny
The weapons may be upgraded (e.g. cards) for the drone even if they
silencers, smartgun attachments) are separated. If the drone jockey
but the upgrades are integrated into is in the GodNet, the construct
the weapon and cannot be removed. manifests normally, and she can
When deployed the weapon requires control the drone mentally as long as
the normal amount of hands. The cost it remains in the same sector.
of the weapon is added to this install to Even if a drone jockey owns
determine the final price. multiple emitters, he can still
Trigon Dicers: This pair of long but only activate one drone at a
narrow blades with monofilament time. Activating a drone takes
edges are installed in the user’s the drone controller’s action, but it
wrists or feet. When extended, immediately replaces the current active
they do so with a distinctive one, appearing adjacent to the drone
sound that is strangely difficult to controller. The drone controller
conceal. They are particularly issues a command to the drone
suited for penetrating armor. with a simple action.
No objects can be held in a
hand that has dicers extended.
Trigon Slicers: These retractable monofilament SISTER MARIA
edged claws are installed in the user’s fingers or

They have a heightened sense of self preservation,
and can be scared away, but are difficult to see when
DRONE LONG RANGE they go into stealth mode. Scout drones do not have
CONTRADICTIONS any offensive weapons but are excellent at finding
and tracking objects. Scout drones can start in Stealth
Controlling a drone obeys the Long Range mode or Search mode, and the drone controller can
Contradiction rules (see Torg Eternity). Most order the drone to switch between the two as a free
drones in a reality where they are contradictory action. This sacrifices the scout drone’s action.
stop functioning after 10 seconds leaving a Scout drones have a maximum range of five
Storm Knight’s possession, so most drones kilometers.
are functionally useless in low tech realities.
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 11, Mind 8,
Hardlight drones have a Tech Axiom of 26
Spirit 6, Strength 6
and have limited artificial intelligence so are
Skills: Dodge 13, find 11, maneuver 12, stealth 13,
considered living creatures as far as the Everlaw
tracking 11
of One is concerned. Still, hardlight drones are
Move: —; Tough: 6; Shock: —; Wounds: 1
connected to the Storm Knight via the Everlaw of
Perks: —
Two, and if the drone itself fails a contradiction
Possibilities: Never
check, the Storm Knight disconnects and the
Special Abilities:
hologram emitter shuts down as normal until
• Airborne: Hardlight drones can only move
the hero reconnects. The maximum range of one
by flying and have speed 12 in air.
kilometer for Long Range Contradictions still
• Slavish: Hardlight drones are immune to
taunt attacks.
• Search/Stealth Mode: In Stealth mode,
stealth tests are Favored. In Search mode,
Drones may be attacked and damaged normally. find and tracking tests are Favored.
Wounds not only represent physical damage tot he • Tech Construct: Hardlight drones are
drone emitter but also corruption to the program immune to poison and other effects that
itself. If the controller manifests replaces a require breathing, eating, or other "living"
Wounded drone with a different type, the Wounds processes.
remain. • Tiny: Scout drones are about the size of
A Wounded drone may be healed in a similar a softball and attacks against it take a -6
fashion as detailed in Healing in Torg Eternity, penalty.
except the drone makes a Mind test instead of
Strength, and the drone jockey may aid with a tSe aSSault Drone
computers test instead of medicine. Assault drones usually appear as holograms
consisting of a high-powered laser, which fires
If a drone is defeated, the drone emitter is also highly accurate and intense beams. However,
destroyed, and the program shuts down until the instead of Ranged mode, the assault drone can be
end of the scene. The controller can manifest a put into Melee mode, at which point it changes
different type of drone one on his next turn. appearance into a cylinder armed with multiple
energy blades, axes, and spears. The drone
tSe Scout Drone controller can switch the drone between modes
Scout drones appear as small polyhedrons as a free action, and the drone can complete the
that fluctuate between different kinds, like switch by sacrificing its own action.
octahedrons, dodecahedrons, or icosahedrons.
Assault drones have a maximum range of one
They communicate with their controllers non-
kilometer, but are practically unable to sneak up on
verbally but can communicate with others as well,
targets. Due to the intensity of the hologram lights,
only responding to questions in the form of "yes"
the drone actually can act as a light source, and the
or "no."

Drone Price Notes
TSE Assault Drone 8,000 (19) Requires drone controller and hardlight drone emitter.
TSE Scout Drone 4,000 (18) Requires drone controller and hardlight drone emitter.
TSE Shield Drone 8,000 (19) Requires drone controller and hardlight drone emitter.

emitter array makes a distinctive whine. The lights Bunker mode. In shield mode, the drone provides
also interfere with its own sensor matrix, which a +2 bonus to the target’s dodge and melee weapons
impairs the drones ability to find targets itself, and from any and all attacks directed the target’s way,
relies on the drone controller’s ability to spot targets. and can redirect damaging blows.
These drones can only be directed by their drone In Bunker mode, the drone envelops the target
controller, and the limited AI is only sufficient to (and itself) within a strong force field, providing +6
operate the drone. It is incapable of independent Full Body Armor. The drone cannot rush while in
action beyond attacking particular targets. Bunker mode, and if it’s target does so, she leaves
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 9, Mind 6, the protection of the force field.
Spirit 6, Strength 8 Shield drones have a limited AI and require the
Skills: Dodge 11, energy weapons 11, melee drone controller to designate who to protect. If
weapons 11 the drone does not have a target (or if its target is
Move: —; Tough: 10 (2); Shock: —; Wounds: 2 KO’ed or Defeated), it defaults to protecting the
Perks: — drone controller.
Possibilities: Never
Special Abilities: Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 11, Mind 6,
• Armor: Forcefield +2 Spirit 12, Strength 12
• Blades: Only functions in Melee mode. Skills: Maneuver (16)
Damage Strength +2 (10). Move: —; Tough: 12/16; Shock: —; Wounds: 3
• Laser: Only functions in Ranged mode. Perks: —
Damage 13. Range 10/25/50. Possibilities: Never
• Airborne: Assault drones can only move by Special Abilities:
flying and have speed 9 in air. • Airborne: Hardlight drones can only move
• Mindless: Assault drones are immune by flying and have speed 12 in air.
to intimidate and taunt interactions and • Bunker Mode: The drone envelops the
telepathic powers. target (and itself) within a strong force field,
• Tech Construct: Hardlight drones are immune providing +6 Full Body Armor. The drone
to poison and other effects that require and its cannot rush while in Bunker mode.
breathing, eating, or other "living" processes. • Defensive: Shield drones cannot make
• Very Small: Assault drones are about the size attacks of any kind.
of a basketball, and attacks against it take a -4 • Mindless: Shield drones are immune
penalty. to intimidate and taunt interactions and
telepathic powers.
tSe ShielD Drone • Shield Mode: One nearby target designated by
Shield drones appear literally like giant shields that the drone controller gains a +2 bonus to dodge
flash when struck. They remain in close proximity and melee weapons defenses. Additionally, if
(within two meters) to a target the drone controller the target is hit, once per round, the attack
commands the drone to protect, either himself or may be redirected to the shield drone instead
someone else. The drone can provide protection and the damage affects it normally.
to another target as long as it remains within one • Tech Construct: Drones are immune
kilometer of the drone controller. Shield drones to poison and other effects that require
can be ordered into two modes: Shield mode and breathing, eating, or other "living" processes.


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