C-AJ-2813 - Through-Penetration Firestop Systems - UL Product Iq
C-AJ-2813 - Through-Penetration Firestop Systems - UL Product Iq
C-AJ-2813 - Through-Penetration Firestop Systems - UL Product Iq
See General Information for Through-penetration Firestop Systems Certified for Canada
F Rating — 3 Hr F Rating — 3 Hr
T Rating — 3 Hr FT Rating — 3 Hr
FH Rating — 3 Hr
FTH Rating — 3 Hr
System tested with a pressure differential of 2.5 Pa between the exposed and the unexposed surfaces with the higher pressure on
the exposed side.
1. Wall and Floor Assembly — Min. 4-1/2 in. (115 mm) thick lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf or 1600 - 2400
kg/m3) concrete. Wall may also be constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. Opening shall be circular or rectangular
with max dimensions of 7-7/8 in. (200 mm).
See Concrete Blocks (CAZT) in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers.
2. Pipes/ Tubes — Single to be installed within the opening. The annular space between the pipes and the periphery of the
opening to be 2 in (50 mm). Pipes to be rigidly supported on both sides of the floor or wall assembly. The following penetrants
may be used:
A. Nominal 1-1/4 in (32 mm) diameter, 1/16 in. (1.9 mm) wall thickness PVC pipe for use in closed (process or supply)
or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems.
B. Fill, Void or Cavity Material* — Min. 1/16 in. (2 mm) dry film thickness to be applied inside the aperture before
installation and over the full surface of the mineral wool boards, and overlapping onto the wall or floor by min. 3/4 in.
(20 mm).
C. Fill, Void or Cavity Material* — 2 lengths of 1 layers of 1/16 in (1.5 mm) by 4 in. (100 mm) wrap butt jointed
centrally within the depth of the seal around the bundle to a total length of 10 in. (200 mm).
D. Min 24 AWG steel wire tied around 3C at nominally 1 in. (25 mm) from both faces of the seal
* Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for
jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada),
Last Updated on 2017-09-07
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