Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus
Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus
Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus
As one of the world’s leading universities, situated in the heart of
a remarkable multicultural city, the University of Melbourne is an
excellent choice for international students. The University offers an
exceptional undergraduate student experience designed around the
Melbourne Curriculum, which has been created to support and inspire
our graduates to make a difference on a global scale.
The Trinity College Foundation Studies program provides a superb
preparatory pathway for international students planning to study in the
Australian tertiary education system, developing the academic, research
and communication skills critical for success in an undergraduate
degree. For students wanting to go on to become University of
Melbourne graduates, the program embodies the high academic
standards of the University and ensures that all participants receive
personal support.
If you are an international student interested in studying
at the University of Melbourne, I highly recommend
that you consider Trinity College Foundation Studies.
02 Discover Melbourne 18 Meet your academics 43 Map
04 Navigating Melbourne 20 TCFS pathway to the 45 Living expenses
06 Visiting Victoria University of Melbourne
46 Entry Requirements
22 University of Melbourne
08 Why Choose the entry requirements 49 Trinity College
University of Foundation Studies
Melbourne? 24 What Will You Study? application form 2024
10 Melbourne degrees 26 Core curriculum 50 How to apply
11 The University of subjects 51 2023–24 dates and fees
Melbourne campus 30 Elective curriculum
subjects 53 Staying in Touch
12 Your Journey Begins With Your Alma Mater
Here 36 Student Life
54 Policies
14 Scholarships and 38 Student wellbeing and
awards support
16 The Trinity College 39 Accommodation
2 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Melbourne has become one of the world’s most dynamic cities, known for its exciting events,
restaurants, cafes, business hubs, sports, multicultural communities and world-class education.
Spend time exploring the famous cobblestone lanes or walk to a scenic park or gallery. Whatever
you enjoy, it’s easy to navigate safely to your destination in a city connected by public transport
and bike paths. Find out more at
About Melbourne
Navigating Melbourne
Melbourne has an easy-to-use and reliable public transport
system with trams, buses and trains operating throughout the
city and suburbs. The free tram zone running through the
central business district (CBD) allows you to easily enjoy
all the city has to offer. For more information about
public transport in Melbourne, visit
4 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Discover Melbourne
explore a world of information and Melb Uni
Lygon Stre
stories, or to study in throughout the Tram Stop
5. Docklands Melbourne’s spectacular
harbour, offering water-view
restaurants, sporting events and 1. Lygon Street
6. Degraves Street Located across the
road from Flinders Street Station, this
is one of Melbourne’s first laneways,
lined with cafes and restaurants.
7. Federation Square The home of major
cultural attractions and considered
Melbourne’s meeting place.
2. Queen Victoria Market 3. Melbourne Central 4. State Library of Victoria
8. Southbank Melbourne’s bustling
waterfront hub, renowned for
restaurants, public art and stylish
9. National Gallery of Victoria
Australia’s oldest, largest and Melbourne
most-visited art museum. Central
le tr
Melbourne CBD
n St
7. Federation Square
Flinders Street
Station Yarra River
9. National Gallery
8. Southbank of Victoria
Visiting Victoria
Melbourne is located near some of Australia’s most visited tourist sites. The state of Victoria
is famous for its beaches, hiking and walking paths, historic regional towns and scenic driving
routes. For more information, see
Gold Coast
Perth Adelaide
(Australia’s capital city)
6 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Discover Melbourne
Ski and snowboard
in the mountains
at various locations.
St Kilda
Visit Sovereign Hill,
Take a ride on the oldest,
an open-air museum Lorne Mornington continually operating roller
situated in an early Peninsula coaster in the world – the
gold diggings area. Apollo Bay Scenic Railway –
at St Kilda's historic Luna
Phillip Park amusement park.
Twelve Island
8 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
The University of Melbourne is one of the world’s finest universities, ranked number one in
Australia.1 Our students succeed at the highest levels, while studying and creating lifelong
friendships with peers from all over Australia and more than 140 other countries. That’s why
some of the most ambitious minds choose Melbourne.
Melbourne degrees
University of Melbourne degrees aren’t like others you’ll find in Australia. They’re aligned with
those offered by many top institutions worldwide, which means more opportunities for you.
A different way of thinking take a breadth subject in Mandarin Chinese – a great choice for
a scientist looking to work internationally and help solve global
You’ll start with an undergraduate degree. You can then choose
issues. You can also simply explore something you’ve always
to join the workforce or specialise at graduate level. Today’s
been curious about.
workplace demands forward-thinking graduates who are skilled
and resilient, with a broad outlook and collaborative approach. Some of our students find that after taking a breadth subject
they discover a passion they’d never known about and may even
change their career plans. Others might use breadth subjects to
It begins with your undergraduate degree improve their career prospects by complementing their major
Your undergraduate (bachelor) degree is your first university with a language, communications or business subject. ‘Breadth
degree. You can choose from more than 100 major fields of tracks’ (groups of subjects taken throughout your degree) may
study, giving you broad exposure to different ideas and ways of even qualify you for graduate study in a field that’s very different
thinking across many disciplines. You can focus on your major to your major.
from day one or keep your options open and discover new study
possibilities along the way.
Your next step: graduate study
When you’re informed and ready, you can choose from
Your major hundreds of graduate study options. You’ll get the full benefit
Your major is your chosen specialisation within your degree. of the graduate school experience by studying intensively in
You’ll develop a deep understanding of your major study area small classes led by experts and alongside others who share
from first to third year. In most degrees, you won’t need to select your interests and desire to succeed. You can work towards a
your major on day one. In first year, you’ll be able to explore professional qualification (for example, law through the Juris
a range of subject areas you’re interested in, so by the time it Doctor) or join our world-class researchers by taking a research
comes to choosing your major, you’ll be well informed. higher degree. Your graduate degree will be internationally
recognised and will set you apart from those who study a
traditional Australian single or double undergraduate degree.
What is a breadth subject?
A breadth subject is one taken from outside your core studies
or major. Most University of Melbourne undergraduates take
breadth subjects. Not only will breadth subjects provide you
with a greater understanding of the world around you, they will
allow you to tailor your course to fit your individual passions
and career ambitions. You might, for example, study science but
10 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Why Choose the University of Melbourne?
12 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Your Journey Begins Here
Trinity College was founded in 1872 following the model of the English colleges of Oxford
and Cambridge, and was affiliated as a college of the University of Melbourne. It is the
University’s oldest residential college. Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS) was
established in 1990 to provide a preparatory pathway for talented international students
seeking entry to the University of Melbourne. Today, an extremely high percentage of Trinity’s
Foundation Studies students matriculate the University of Melbourne, and are often among
the University’s best performers.
About the program TCFS to university TCFS graduates have also found
a pathway to various international
TCFS is the only foundation studies progression institutions,2 including:
program with guaranteed entry into TCFS is recognised as a pathway to all
University of Melbourne undergraduate • the University of Oxford (UK)
Australian universities, including:
courses for students who achieve the • Massachusetts Institute of
• the University of Melbourne
required scores. TCFS is a rigorous and Technology (US)
challenging academic program taught • the Australian National University
• McGill University (Canada)
by leading academics. The program has • the University of Queensland
• the University of Manchester (UK)
been designed in conjunction with the • the University of Sydney
University of Melbourne and is supervised • Boston University (US)
• Monash University
by the University’s Academic Board. • the University of Nottingham (UK)
• the University of New South Wales
• the University of Leeds (UK)
Where will I study? • the University of Western Australia
Parkville (on the University of • the University of Liverpool (UK)
• the University of Adelaide.
Melbourne campus) and Carlton • the University of Leicester (UK)
More than 90 per cent of graduating • London College of Fashion (UK).
What does it lead to? TCFS students are eligible for an offer at
1st year undergraduate degree at 1. M
inimum entry requirements apply, based
a Group of Eight university. on English language skills and level of study
the University of Melbourne
achieved in your home country.
When will I commence? 2. A
pplications to institutions outside Australia
are considered on a case-by-case basis.
January, February, June, August or
Scholarships and
Our scholarships and awards are designed
to celebrate your talent and commitment
to your education.
14 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Your Journey Begins Here
16 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Your Journey Begins Here
200 Victoria Street, Carlton, Melbourne 243 Bouverie Street, Carlton, Melbourne
2-minute walk to Queen Victoria Market 1.5km walk from Trinity College
1.5km walk to Trinity College main campus main campus
Just outside the University of Melbourne precinct, Victoria Trinity College science labs are located at our Bouverie Street
Street is a contemporary campus with modern classrooms and campus, adjacent to the University of Melbourne. Here you will
open study spaces. There is also plenty of room to study with a learn about biology and chemistry.
group of friends.
From Victoria Street, take a two-minute walk to the Queen
Victoria Market and enjoy the cultural flavours of Melbourne
during your class breaks.
TCFS is the place where you meet people from all over the world and are
connected to lively cultures, and it allows you to build your network for
university in advance. Studying at Trinity College not only brings you academic
achievement but also lifelong experiences, such as living in an amazing city with
amazing people. The high-quality teaching and advanced facilities are impressive
and make it exciting to go to school every day.
Monique joined Trinity on completion of Rita has been teaching Psychology at Sara has been teaching Media and
her PhD at the University of Melbourne, Trinity College since 2016. Before this, She Communications at Trinity since 2016. She
where she researched the richness and worked for 14 years as a paediatric dental enjoys working with international students
value of creative/expressive art-making surgeon in Kuwait and Dubai. It was during and greatly admires their work ethic and
practices. This built on her masters’ this time that she realised her passion for their ability to undertake academic study
research into the power of dance when it teaching while training surgical interns in their second language.
comes to wellbeing. at the hospital. After moving to Australia, Sara holds a Bachelor of Arts (Professional
Monique is a passionate teacher of drama Rita entered university for a second time Writing) from Deakin University and a
as a means of embodied self-expression to take on a new challenge in her early Graduate Diploma of Education (Sec)
and enjoys helping our students build 40s by studying a completely different from Monash University. In 2010, she
skills that enable them to straddle discipline – psychology. Rita went on to underwent further teacher training – the
languages and cultures in new and complete a PhD in Psychology from Deakin Certificate of English Language Teaching
productive ways. She also believes in the University, where her research focused to Adults (CELTA) – to move into tertiary
importance of working collaboratively on Autism Spectrum Disorder and the ESL teaching. In 2020, she completed the
to find ways to express our relationship development of sexual orientation and Master of Applied Linguistics (TESOL)
with a constantly shifting and challenging gender-identity within this population. at the University of Melbourne. Sara
world. Through many years of teaching As a wife and mother of three sons with is currently enrolled in her second
drama in schools, Monique has become experience as an international mature- master’s program at the University of
adept at providing nurturing environments age student, Rita uses her personal Melbourne, the Master of Global Media
for students to work together, exploring stories and humour to create a safe and Communication, and hopes to pursue PhD
their communication and performance engaging atmosphere in her classroom, research in this field over the next few
skills. Living and working in South where she hopes students will engage years.
America for six years while teaching and with the rich gift of independent thinking Before arriving at Trinity, Sara taught
completing her masters’ thesis provided and efficient expression. Her students ELICOS at Monash College and VCE
Monique an invaluable experience in are encouraged to participate in dialogue English and Media at secondary colleges
learning to overcome the challenges of about current events and how it relates in Melbourne. She has also taught
living in a new cultural environment. All to the ‘mysteries of the human mind’, as at primary and secondary schools in
of this has provided Monique with much well as the intersection of culture, age and London. Sara is passionate about teaching
to offer students in Trinity’s Foundation gender in the navigation of the complexity and has appreciated the opportunities
Studies program. of everyday life. to meet many interesting people –
Rita is passionate about increasing mental students, teachers and those in the wider
health awareness, reducing related stigma, education community – over her 20-year
challenging her students to develop a teaching career. She is keen to now use
respect for themselves and others, and her upcoming studies concerning the
finally watching them walk out of Trinity intersection of politics and social media,
College into a world full of possibilities, and in particular the emerging laws
with their heads held high and their hearts concerning citizen journalism, to dig
well-equipped to face new adventures. deeper into media and communications
and help her students effectively navigate
their way through this increasingly
complex area of media literacy.
18 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Your Journey Begins Here
Sasha has been teaching Mathematics 2 Leigh joined the TCFS program in 2013 Theresa has been teaching Biology at
in the TCFS program since 1997. Before while in the final stages of writing his Trinity College since 2015. She enjoys
joining Trinity, he completed a PhD in PhD. During his time at Trinity, he has working with students from all over the
general relativity and conducted research lectured and tutored both Mathematics 1 world and helps them to explore the many
in stochastic numerics, which resulted and Mathematics 2 in the Standard and wonders of biology. She particularly likes
in the book titled From Elementary Fast Track programs, and became the to share how an understanding of biology
Probability to Stochastic Differential Mathematics 1 Subject Leader in 2020. can maintain, benefit and enhance the
Equations with MAPLE, published by He’s very pleased to have a job where he quality of life.
Springer-Verlag. While such a book is can spend most of his time talking about Theresa holds a PhD in neuroscience
an esoteric read, Sasha was pleasantly mathematics. and has worked as a neuroscientist
surprised when a student from China said Leigh holds a PhD in Set Theory from the in Australia, Germany and Japan. Her
she had chosen to study at Trinity after University of Melbourne. Prior to working research focused on understanding
reading this book in secondary school. at Trinity he taught mathematics and logic and treating neurological disorders.
Sasha has delivered mathematics at the University of Melbourne and as a She has published several scientific
seminars in Malaysia, New Zealand, visitor at universities in the US and New research papers internationally and has
Canada and the United States, and has Zealand. taught undergraduate Neuroscience and
taught courses in Indonesia and Ireland. In his spare time, Leigh enjoys cooking Psychology at Monash University.
He enjoys seeing and helping students and eating, listens to jazz and indulges These days, Theresa uses her
of all backgrounds and abilities learn himself in a variety of crafts and hobbies. understanding of the brain to help
mathematics, whether that be as an Occasionally he tries to explain the students at Trinity College reach their full
individual student in silent contemplation different infinities to his friends and family. learning potential. As eLearning Manager,
of a challenging problem or a group of she enjoys incorporating technology into
classmates in raucous engagement as they the classroom to enhance the student
attempt to program a robotic sphere to learning experience. She looks forward
negotiate an obstacle course. to meeting and inspiring new students in
Sasha encourages his students to engage their studies.
with mathematics outside of the classroom
and felt a great sense of pride in 2018
when a group of Mathematics 2 students
won the Australian phase of the NASA Zero
Robotics competition and subsequently Anjali Kumanan, Malaysia
had their code run on the International January Main Plus 2020
Space Station. Bachelor of Arts
February Standard Our two Standard intakes are our most popular programs and suit
15 February to 29 November 2024 students who are confident with their English and mathematics.
July Comprehensive
16 July 2024 to 6 June 2025
August Standard
8 August 2024 to 30 May 2025
20 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Your Journey Begins Here
The TCFS program meets the requirements for foundation programs registered on the
CRICOS for delivery in Australia to overseas students, providing academic preparation for
entry into first-year undergraduate study or its equivalent. Extended courses offered are
not remedial and not available to students who do not meet TCFS requirements.
Enter university
February 2025
Enter university
Our two Standard intakes are our most popular July 2025
programs and suit students who are confident with
their English and mathematics.
Graduating from Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS) guarantees you a place
in your preferred course at the University of Melbourne if you meet the required
prerequisites and score.
Bachelor of Agriculture 75 EAP, English, History of Ideas and Agricultural Economics, Plant and Soil Science,
Mathematics 1 Production Animal Science
February (Semester 1)
and July (Semester 2)
#21 in the world for Veterinary
#1 in Australia for Life
Bachelor of Arts 80 EAP, English^ and History of Ideas^ Ancient World Studies, Anthropology, Arabic Studies, Art
History, Asian Studies, Chinese Societies*, Chinese Studies,
February (Semester 1)
Classics, Creative Writing, Criminology, Development Studies*,
and July (Semester 2)
Economics, English and Theatre Studies, English Language
#1 in Australia and Studies*, Environmental Studies*, European Studies*, French
#12 in the world for Social Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, German Studies, Hebrew
Policy & Administration and Jewish Studies, History, History and Philosophy of Science,
#1 in Australia and Indigenous Studies, Indonesian Studies, Islamic Studies, Italian
#16 in the world for Arts & Studies, Japanese Societies*, Japanese Studies, Knowledge and
Humanities Learning*, Korean Studies*, Law and Justice*, Linguistics and
#1 in Australia and Applied Linguistics, Media and Communications, Medieval and
#26 in the world for Modern Early Modern Studies*, Philosophy, Politics and International
Languages Studies, Psychology, Russian Studies, Screen and Cultural Studies,
Sociology, Spanish and Latin American Studies
*Study area available as a minor only
Bachelor of Biomedicine 91 EAP, English, History of Ideas, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Chemistry and Mathematics 1 Systems, Biotechnology, Cell and Development Biology, Genetics,
February (Semester 1)
Human Nutrition, Human Structure and Function, Immunology,
and July (Semester 2)
Infection and Immunity Microbiology, Neuroscience, Pathology,
#1 in Australia, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology
#14 in the world for Clinical
and Health2
22 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Your Journey Begins Here
Bachelor of Commerce 86 EAP, English, Mathematics 1^ Accounting, Actuarial Studies, Economics, Finance, Management,
and History of Ideas Marketing
February (Semester 1)
and July (Semester 2) Applicants intending to commence a
major in Actuarial Studies mid-year
#1 in Australia
(July) are recommended to take
#34 in the world for Business
Mathematics 2.
and Management Studies1
Bachelor of Design 80 EAP, English and History of Ideas Architecture, Civil Engineering Systems, Computing & Software
Environment, Development and Systems, Construction, Digital Infrastructure Engineering Systems,
February (Semester 1)
Design is a recommended subject Graphic Design, Landscape Architecture, Mechanical Engineering
and July (Semester 2)
for the Bachelor of Design. Systems, Performance Design, Property, Urban Planning, User
#1 in Australia and Experience Design
#24 in the world for Applicants intending to major in Civil
Architecture and Built Systems, Computing, Construction,
Environment Mechanical Systems, Property or
Spatial Systems may be required
to undertake a bridging subject in
mathematics as breadth in first year.
Bachelor of Music N/A* EAP, English, History of Ideas, Music Composition, Interactive Composition, Jazz and Improvisation,
and knowledge of music theory and Performance/Composition/Musicology/Ethnomusicology
February (Semester 1) and
harmony of at least AMEB Grade 5
July (Semester 2). Semester 2
level or equivalent.
for international students only.
#1 in Australia,
#49 in the world for
Performing Arts1
Bachelor of Science 80 EAP, English, History of Ideas, Agricultural Science, Animal Health and Disease, Animal Science
Mathematics 1 and one of Biology, and Management, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomedical
February (Semester 1)
Chemistry or Physics. Or EAP, Engineering Systems, Biotechnology, Cell and Developmental
and July (Semester 2)
English, History of Ideas and both Biology, Chemical Engineering Systems, Chemistry, Civil
#1 in Australia and Mathematics 1 and Mathematics 2 Engineering Systems, Climate and Weather, Computing and
#41 in the world for Biological Software Systems, Data Science, Digital Infrastructure Engineering
Sciences Systems, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Ecosystem Science,
#1 in Australia and Electrical Engineering Systems, Environmental Engineering
#43 in the world for Computer Systems, Environmental Science, Food Science, Genetics,
Science Geography, Geology, Human Nutrition, Human Structure and
Function, Immunology, Infection and Immunity, Marine Biology,
Mathematical Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, Mechanical
Engineering Systems, Mechatronics Engineering Systems,
Microbiology, Neuroscience, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physics,
Physiology, Plant Science, Psychology, Veterinary Biosciences,
Bachelor of Fine Arts Students wishing to undertake Fine Arts at the University of Melbourne should enrol in any of the degrees listed in this
table then apply for Fine Arts once at Trinity. Additional entry requirements will be applicable (e.g. audition, interview,
February (Semester 1)
folio presentation). Note that entry to Fine Arts is only available in February (Semester 1) and there are limited places for
#1 in Australia, international students.
#49 in the world for
Performing Arts1
Bachelor of Oral Health 803 EAP, English, History of Ideas and one Clinical and Preventative Dentistry, Dental and Health Sciences,
of Biology or Chemistry Social Sciences and Health Promotion, Vocational Clinical Practice
February (Semester 1)
To find out more about any of these subject areas, please visit
^ These prerequisite subjects must be included in the final best four calculation
* A range of criteria is used for selection. Check for additional requirements at
1. QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022
2. Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject 2022
3. Indicative score only (entry is not guaranteed)
24 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
What Will You Study?
The Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS) curriculum is specifically designed to give you
the best foundation for success at top Australian and overseas universities. The university
environment will require you to speak in front of others, work in groups, develop an argument,
and be creative, constructive, analytical and critical. The academic skills and critical thinking
outcomes of the core curriculum will give you the confidence and ability to achieve success in
your future studies.
1. You must have prior knowledge of these subjects in order to enrol in them.
2. You can only select Music if your University of Melbourne chosen degree is the Bachelor of Music.
3. Music is taken as a fourth elective and attracts an additional fee.
The English subject consists of three components:
Written assessments: 70%
Oral assessments: 25% Margaretha Devina
Devina, Indonesia
Participation and independent learning: 5% July Fast Track 2020
Bachelor of Commerce
Subject Leader Bachelor of Commerce Global Scholarship
Mr John Murphy 2021
BA (Communication Studies) Newcastle
I liked English for Academic Purposes
MTESOL Victoria
(EAP) because it taught me how to do
citations, how to conduct research and
how to write academic essays, which is
very important for university studies.
26 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
What Will You Study?
English Literature
English Literature is designed to improve your English and academic skills
by providing instruction in reading, analysing, discussing and writing about a
variety of literary texts.
This subject will help you develop a nuanced understanding of different uses of
language and various English-speaking cultures. The study of English literature
prepares you for life in English-speaking environments, including universities
and the broader Australian community. It will also assist you in developing
critical thinking, communication and writing skills, which are essential in all
tertiary subjects.
In English Literature, you will study texts including:
• short fiction
• poetry
Ma Huiling, China
• a novel February Main 2020
• Shakespearean drama. Bachelor of Commerce
International Undergraduate Partner
These texts will develop your ability to interpret and use sophisticated forms of Scholarship 2021
language, such as symbolism, connotation, metaphor and narrative.
Assessment Literature was one of my favourite
Written assessment (essays and exams): 50% subjects as I enjoyed the analysis of
Class participation: 10% the language used by the authors of
the short stories, poetry, novels and
Creative and/or reflective assignment: 5%
plays we studied. It was interesting
Group presentation: 5% to develop our own interpretation of
Subject Leader the themes demonstrated in the text
and it was fun and useful to discuss
Dr Mark Nixon
our thoughts with our tutors and
BComm, BA(Hons), PhD Melb
This subject develops communication skills and will help you learn how to use
English language within the Australian social and cultural context. It promotes
group skills, fosters creativity and imagination, develops self-confidence and
encourages initiative, responsibility and leadership.
Drama will help you develop:
• a confident understanding of the impact of body language and vocal skills for
effective communication
• an understanding of dramatic elements, such as space, time and tension
• exploration, understanding and development of text, working solo, in pairs or
in larger groups
• an understanding of improvisation, characterisation, roleplay, monologue and
dialogue Kitaila Taleni, Samoa
• theatrical storytelling – both literal and abstract (through images, text and January Main Plus 2020
poetry) – culminating in group performances Bachelor of Science
28 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
What Will You Study?
History of Ideas
This subject is an intensive university preparation subject that examines
Western society and the ideas that affect our lives. Through this subject, you will
develop the specific academic skills required in all university faculties, including
academic communication through oral and written discussion, research and
correct use of published material, critical use of data and analysis of complex
issues. You will read about and discuss important philosophers, scientists and
religious and political writers, and formulate your own responses.
Within these themes, History of Ideas examines:
• reasoning, science and methods of achieving knowledge
• educational methods and aims
• scepticism and debate
• democracy and other political views Junfei Zhang, China
• power relationships and equality February Main 2020
Bachelor of Science
• ideas of rights and freedom Melbourne International Undergraduate
• religious and philosophical influences on society Scholarship 2021
This subject introduces you to fundamental accounting tools to provide a basis
for analysing and interpreting financial statements and internal management
documents throughout your career. The educational philosophy used is based
on the ‘building blocks’ approach (the accounting cycle), a sequence of steps or
procedures related to a firm’s accounts and account entries, which culminates in
the ultimate objective of financial reports.
Course outline
Semester 1
• Understanding basic accounting concepts
• Summarising and reporting accounting information
• The measurement of profit
Senghoarng On, Cambodia
• Special aspects and application of decision-making
August Main 2019
Bachelor of Arts
Semester 2
• Accounting for accounts receivable and bad debts Trinity College Foundation Studies has
• Alternative inventory valuation models prepared me extensively for tertiary
studies as the program is designed
• Goods and Services Tax (GST)
in conjunction with the University of
• Valuation of non-current assets and making financing decisions Melbourne. After completing TCFS
• Accounting for partnerships and companies and moving to university, I did not feel
• Ethics and its relevance to business naïve – lectures, small-size tutorials
and the independent learning style are
• Financial statement and ratio analysis
equivalent to the university academic
• Management and manufacturing; application of costing the cash-flow system. Trinity College also enhanced
statement my skills in English, most importantly
in writing, and I understand plagiarism
and referencing.
Exams: 70%
Assignment: 10%
Reports: 10%
Attendance and participation: 10%
Subject Leader
Ms Mary Zafirakis
BEc, PostGradDip(Acc) Monash
30 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
What Will You Study?
Biology Chemistry
Biology aims to foster an understanding of major biological This subject provides a foundation for further study
concepts, an awareness of how such concepts are in chemistry and related disciplines. The focus is on
connected within the biological sciences and an appreciation understanding chemical concepts and calculations,
and interest in biological science as an integral part of development of laboratory and reporting skills, awareness of
society and everyday life. The subject provides a strong safety protocols, fluency in terminology, and an appreciation
foundation for further study of the biological sciences and of the role of chemistry in our world.
related disciplines.
Course outline
Course outline
Semester 1
Semester 1 • Nomenclature and stoichiometry
• Cell structure and function – biological molecules, • Atomic structure and bonding
prokaryotes, eukaryotes and organelles, and energy
• Liquids, gases and solids
• Chemistry of main group elements, transition metals and
• Plants – plant cells, tissues and the plant body
coordination chemistry
• Animals – organ systems, tissues and organs
Semester 2
Semester 2
• Organic chemistry and spectroscopy
• Genetics – cell division, inheritance, gene expression,
• Food chemistry
genetic engineering, human genetics, reproduction and
development • Sustainable chemistry
• Evolution and diversity – evidence and mechanisms for • Fundamentals of chemical reactions – thermochemistry,
evolution, viruses, bacteria, fungi and protists kinetics and chemical equilibria
• Acid-base equilibria
• Redox chemistry, electrolysis and extraction of metals
Exams: 70%
Assignment: 10% Assessment
Practical classes: 20% Exams: 60%
Assignment: 10%
Subject Leader
Quizzes: 10%
Dr Catherine Symington
BAgrSc(Hons), PhD La Trobe, MEd(EdMgt) Melb Practical classes: 20%
Subject Leader
Dr Kerry Higgins
BSc(Hons), PhD Melb
32 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
What Will You Study?
Mathematics 1 Mathematics 2
This subject develops mathematical knowledge and skills in This subject is a specialised mathematics subject that aims to
pre-calculus, calculus, matrices, statistics and probability, as provide you with the skills to succeed in university courses
preparation for a wide variety of university courses. requiring a high level of analytical and logical thought, such
Course outline as mathematics, statistics, data science, computer science
and actuarial studies.
Semester 1
Course outline
• Review of algebra and trigonometry
• Functions and graphs Semester 1
• Limits, continuity, differentiability, differentiation from first • Logic
principles and differentiation formulae • Complex numbers
• Implicit differentiation • Matrices and transformations
• Related rates of change • Ellipses and hyperbolas
• Applications of differentiation and optimisation • Vectors
• Computer programming
Semester 2
• Anti-differentiation, fundamental theorem of calculus and Semester 2
evaluation of areas • Statistical inference
• Indefinite integrals and further applications of integration • Techniques of anti-differentiation
• Permutations and combinations • Volumes of solids of revolution
• Introduction to probability, probability distributions, • Approximation of definite integrals
expected values and standard deviation
• Differential equations
• Binomial, hypergeometric and geometric distributions
• Computer programming
• Continuous probability density functions, mean, median,
variance and applications Assessment
• Normal distributions and confidence intervals for a Term 1 assessment: 25%
population proportion Term 2 assessment: 25%
Assessment Term 3 assessment: 25%
Quizzes: 10% Term 4 assessment: 25%
Assignments: 10% Subject Leader
Tests and exams: 80% Dr Sasha Cyganowski
BSc(Hons), PhD Deakin
Subject Leader
Dr Leigh Humphries
BSc, PGDipSci, PhD Melb
Exams: 70%
Assignments: 5%
Practical classes: 20%
Quizzes: 5%
Subject Leader
Dr Fun Lai
BSc, MSc RMIT, PhD Melb
34 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
What Will You Study?
Assessment Assessment
Exams: 70% End of year 15–20 minute practical examination consisting
In-class quiz: 10% of a solo repertoire studied throughout the year. The
performance exam is graded out of 100, as both a TCFS
Written task and presentation: 20%
subject and simultaneously as an audition for the University
Hurdle requirement: Attendance and participation of Melbourne’s Bachelor of Music.
Subject Leader
Dr Maureen Vincent Note: Music is taken as an additional elective. You can only
BA, GradDipEd(Psych) Monash, BSW Melb, GradDipEd(Sec) select Music if your University of Melbourne chosen degree
ACU, MclinPsych, PhD Deakin is the Bachelor of Music. Results in this subject cannot be
used in the calculation of entrance scores for other faculties
of the University of Melbourne. This subject is only offered in
Standard intakes.
36 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Student Life
At Trinity College, your learning experience will be combined with a range of engaging,
fun activities all year round. Not only will you build a strong bond with your classmates,
but you’ll also form friendships with Foundation Studies students from all programs.
Elisha Jane
August Main 2017
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
While you are studying at Trinity College you will have access to Academic advice and support
a range of professional staff who are trained and experienced in
We will offer the support you need during your studies to help
helping students to learn skills and capabilities to manage stress
you progress into your desired degree. If you need advice
and challenges, understand and better leverage their strengths,
regarding a change of degree preference or subject selection,
and share and celebrate cultural stories. At Trinity, we aim to
we are here to assist you in achieving the best possible outcome
help you perform at your best, no matter what comes your way.
for your future.
More information
For more information about wellbeing and support, including
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), attendance and the out-
Under-18 support: ISA Student of-hours helpline, visit
Advocates student-support/wellbeing-and-personal-support
We understand that adjusting to a new life away from
home can be a challenge. Our aim is to help you find the
best support and make the best decisions to enhance
your time at Trinity College. In addition to the support
services on offer at Trinity College, each student under
the age of 18 is required to sign up to a student care
arrangement with Trinity’s partner organisation ISA
Student Advocates.
This company will allocate all under-18 students an
independent advocate who can help them navigate
the range of individual challenges faced by young
Jodis Tjuntoro, Indonesia
people living in a country other than their own. This February Main 2020
Bachelor of Commerce
support service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a Bachelor of Commerce Global Scholarship 2021
week to answer all types of questions. The service
is a requirement for students to be issued with a I enjoyed meeting and making friends with other
Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and international students and I learned a lot about their
Welfare (CAAW) from Trinity College. It is not required, culture and languages. I enjoyed meeting the amazing
however, for those who have had their accommodation teachers who are always willing to help you if you are
and welfare approved by the Department of Home struggling. aThe mentorship program at Trinity is great,
Affairs. Please refer to the accommodation section for because we get the chance to exchange ideas with our
further information. teacher, whether it’s about school or our lives.
38 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Student Life
Trinity College has a range of approved accommodation options, including purpose-built student
accommodation (PBSA) and apartments to ensure you have living arrangements that are safe
and adequately suit your age and needs. Our staff work closely with accommodation providers to
make sure you find the best place to live during your studies.
Your living arrangement while at Trinity is a huge part of your Students under 18
experience in Melbourne. There are many accommodation
Special accommodation arrangements must be made for
options for you to choose from to suit your personal
students under 18 years of age. If you are under the age
circumstances. The Trinity Student Accommodation staff
of 18, you can apply to the Department of Home Affairs to
work closely with accommodation providers to ensure you
live with an eligible relative, or you can request that Trinity
have a safe and secure living environment. The Student
College issues a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation
Accommodation Office is also here to help you with:
and Welfare (CAAW) letter. Trinity College will only issue a
• booking accommodation CAAW for students who stay in one of Trinity’s pre-approved
• information, advice and referrals accommodation options. Trinity College will need to confirm
• contracts, rights and responsibilities, rental locations your accommodation arrangements before a CAAW is issued.
and transport information The Department of Home Affairs will use this CAAW when
• advocacy. processing your student visa application.
For more information regarding under-18 accommodation, visit
Room options
Accommodation options
Under 18 Under 18
Enjoy the art of balance at Scape Swanston, which is a great Iglu Melbourne City offers support when need it and independence
option if you want to excel in your studies and have a great time when you want it. A combination of fully furnished designer living
while doing it. The accommodation is less than a 15-minute walk spaces and hotel-inspired communal areas allows you to connect
from the University of Melbourne and RMIT, and is within easy and expand socially and academically, with the added benefit of
reach of Melbourne Central, a large shopping, entertainment, knowing there is dedicated 24/7 onsite support. Located next to
dining, and public transport hub. At Scape Swanston, you can Melbourne’s iconic Queen Victoria Market, it’s a 12 to 17-minute
choose from a modern studio or shared apartment, with access commute to campus, either by public transport or on foot. You can
to super-fast, study areas, and communal spaces, where all choose to share an apartment with your own private bedroom and
utilities are included. Various events and programs bring students bathroom, or opt for a more private studio apartment. Your all-
together and help build a sense of community. inclusive weekly rent covers unlimited internet, utilities, weekday breakfast, resident events and more.
Under 18 Under 18
Journal Student Living is known for its high-quality architectural Close to the city, with convenient access to public transport, Yugo
and interior design and spacious common rooms, and generous University Square sits within the University of Melbourne precinct
landscaped areas. Located at Uni Place on Leicester Street, and is an eight-minute walk from Trinity College.
Carlton, it’s within easy reach of Trinity College and public This fully equipped accommodation has 24/7 security and offers a
transport options. Journal offers a residential life program that range of room types, from 1-bed apartments through to three-bed
encourages student interaction and personal growth. and six-bed shared apartments. It also provides vibrant common spaces and outstanding facilities, including study pods, a gym,
cinema areas, a skyline terrace and a BBQ area. Yugo offers many
social events and much more, making this the perfect place to
study, relax and socialise.
40 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Student Life
Accommodation options
Under 18 Under 18
Scape Lincoln College is located on the doorstep of Melbourne’s With a golden façade and 360º rooftop terrace, Scape Queensberry
iconic Lincoln Square. The modern accommodation offers plenty of is a standout. It has one of the best views in Melbourne from its
events and shared spaces to help you balance uni life and leisure Sky Terrace and rooftop zones, which include an outdoor game
time. Choose from modern studio or shared apartments, which area. The property features a gym, cinema, and games room, and
include an ultra-comfy double bed, large study desk, super-fast has 24-hour security. Choose from a studio or shared apartment
Wi-Fi, a private or shared bathroom, a kitchenette, and storage and get access to a kitchenette, super-fast Wi-Fi, a large study
space. All utilities are included. Feel safer, calmer, and more at desk, comfortable bed, storage space, and a private or shared
home with Scape 24/7 security. bathroom. All utilities are included. You’ll also be able to get involved in many events and meet
likeminded students.
42 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Student Life
This map shows Foundation Studies learning spaces and accommodation providers located
in the University of Melbourne precinct and the Melbourne CBD. For a comprehensive list, visit
Map key
Foundation Studies
learning spaces
Trinity College
North Melbourne
Melb Uni
Lygon Stre
Tram Stop
Bouverie Street
Victoria Street
City circ
Scape Queensberry tram le
Iglu Melbourne City Central
Melbourne CBD
le tr
n St
Flinders Street
Station Yarra River
Living expenses
Melbourne offers lifestyle options to fit many budgets, so you can choose a living arrangement
that best suits you. You might choose to live in the inner suburbs and walk or take a short tram
ride to classes, or choose to save on rental costs by living further away from the CBD, in which
case you will need to think about public transport costs.
Typical expenses
44 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Student Life
46 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements
Also check our website regarding entry requirements:
Note: Students must be at least 16 years of age when commencing studies.
As an alternative to the above tests, some applicants may sit the Trinity English Test.
Academic requirements
Bangladesh Completion of Higher Secondary Completion of Higher Secondary Completion of Higher Secondary
Certificate (HSC) with B average Certificate (HSC) with C average Certificate (HSC) with A average
Brazil Completion of Year 12 with 8.0 average Completion of Year 11 with 8.0 average Completion of Year 12 with a 9.0 average
(or 80%) (or 80%) (or 90%)
GCC Countries Completion of Year 12 with 80% average Completion of Year 12 with 70% average Completion of Year 12 with 90% average
Hong Kong (SAR) Completion of Form 5 with two subjects Completion of Form 5 with two subjects Completion of Form 6 with four subjects
at level 3, and two subjects at level 4 (or at level 2, and two subjects at level 3 (or at level 3 (or 20 above pass mark)
15 above pass mark) 10 above pass mark)
India Completion of CBSE 11th / ISC 11th Completion of CBSE 11th / ISC 11th Completion of CBSE 12th Standard with
Standard with 65% average Standard with 60% average 75% average
Indonesia Completion of SMA 3 with 70% average Completion of SMA 2 with 70% Completion of SMA 3 with 75% average
Completion of SMA 2 with 80% average average
International Completion of first year of IB Diploma Completion of first year of IB Diploma Completion of first year IB Diploma with
Baccalaureate with an aggregate of 23 with an aggregate of 20 an aggregate of 26
Iran Completion of Year 12 with an average Completion of Year 12 with an average Completion of Year 12 with an average
of 15 of 13 of 18
Japan Upper Secondary School Certificate with Completion of Year 2 with 4 average Upper Secondary School Certificate with
4 average 5 average
Completion of Year 2 with 5 average
Macau (SAR) Completion of Form 5 (Year 11) with Completion of Form 5 (Year 11) with Completion of Form 5 (Year 11) with
75% average (65% for English medium 65% average (60% for English medium 80% average (75% for English medium
schools) schools) schools)
Malaysia Completion of SPM with B level (forecast Completion of SPM with C level (forecast Completion of SPM with four As and one
results accepted) results accepted) B (forecast results accepted)
UEC: Completion of Senior Middle 2 with
70% average (forecast results accepted)
Mexico Completion of Bachillerato with 8.0 Completion of Bachillerato with 7.0 Completion of Bachillerato with 9.0
average (or 80%) average (or 70%) average (or 90%)
Mongolia Completion of Year 12 with 80% average Completion of Year 11 with 80% average Completion of Year 12 with 90% average
(or B average) (or B average) (or A average)
Myanmar Completion of Myanmar Matriculation Completion of Myanmar Matriculation Completion of Myanmar Matriculation
with 70% average with 65% average with 80% average and four distinctions
Pakistan Completion of Higher Secondary School Completion of Higher Secondary School Completion of Higher Secondary School
Certificate with B average (80%) Certificate with C average (70%) Certificate with A average (90%)
People’s Republic Completion of Senior Middle 3 with 80% Completion of Senior Middle 2 with 75% Completion of Senior Middle 3 with 90%
of China average average average
Completion of Senior Middle 2 with 85%
South Korea Completion of Year 2 with 75% average Completion of Year 2 with 70% average Completion of Year 3 with 75% average
Taiwan Completion of Senior High School Completion of Senior 2 (Year 11) with Completion of Senior High School
Diploma with 70% average 70% average Diploma with 80% average
Completion of Senior 2 (Year 11) with
80% average
Thailand Completion of Matayom 5 with GPA 3.5 in Completion of Matayom 5 with GPA 3.0 in Completion of Matayom 6 with GPA 3.5 in
four subjects four subjects four subjects
The Philippines Completion of High School Diploma with Completion of Year 11 with 80% average Completion of High School Diploma with
80% average 90% average
Turkey Completion of Year 12 with 75% average Completion of Year 12 with 70% average Completion of Year 12 with 80% average
US Completion of US Grade 11 with 80% Completion of US Grade 11 with 80% Completion of US Grade 12 with 90%
average average average
Vietnam Completion of Year 11 with 8.0 average Completion of Year 11 with 7.0 average Completion of Year 12 with 8.0 average
Please contact Trinity College for further information regarding academic requirements:
Trinity College will base assessment on results in relevant academic subjects for each course and will require five subjects (unless specified above).
The above minimum entry requirements are deemed to be equivalent to Australian Year 11. Trinity College may issue a conditional letter based upon first semester,
forecast mock or preliminary results.
Trinity College and the University of Melbourne require prerequisite subjects for some areas of study. Your results in these subjects may form part of the assessment
of your application.
48 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Trinity College Foundation Representative’s Contact Details
Do you have Australian or New Zealand citizenship or Australian permanent residency status? Yes No
ACADEMIC HISTORY (Certified true copies of all latest available academic results or forecast results should accompany this form)
Name of qualification (e.g. O levels, SPM, SMA3) Year awarded
Have you attended Trinity College Young Leaders Program? Yes No If yes, please provide the year
Do you have a parent who previously studied at TCFS? Yes No
If yes, please provide full name of parent
Do you have a sibling who previously studied/is currently studying at TCFS? Yes No
If yes, please provide full name of sibling TCFS ID (if known)
Do you have any existing condition/s (medical, psychological or physical
condition or disability) that may require additional support from Trinity College? Yes No
If yes, please provide further information
How to apply
You can apply to Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS) directly or via our overseas
Trinity College has a worldwide network of registered If you wish to apply directly to Trinity College, you will need
overseas representatives to help you apply for TCFS. to submit:
They provide detailed information about our program and • a completed online application
can assist with the application process, accommodation (see
arrangements and student visas. For more information, visit
• certified copies of original academic qualifications
• evidence of English language proficiency (if applicable).
Successful applicants
1 Receive letter of offer 2 Accept your offer 3 Pay your first fee instalment
Accepted students receive a letter of To confirm your place at Trinity College, Payment of fees can be made via a
offer, which details their intake, fees you need to: bank draft, credit card or telegraphic
payable, course commencement date • meet any conditions stated in the transfer/direct deposit.
and relevant policies, including our letter of offer Please include your full name and
refund policy. TCFS ID number (found on the bottom
• sign and date the acceptance page
left-hand corner of your letter of offer)
• pay the first fee instalment shown on
on the transfer document. If you do not,
the letter of offer.
Trinity College cannot identify which
By signing this form, you are entering students’ fees have been paid.
into a legally binding contract with
Trinity College under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Australia.
4 A rrange your accommodation 5 Have your enrolment confirmed 6 Secure your visa
and Student Advocate On receipt of payment and meeting Present your e-COE, CAAW letter (if
Students under the age of 18 must Department of Home Affairs guidelines, you are under 18) and other required
have their approved accommodation Trinity College confirms all student documents to an Australian diplomatic
and care arrangements in place before enrolments by issuing an electronic mission, or submit them online, to
Trinity College can issue a Confirmation confirmation of enrolment (e-COE). apply for a student visa. If you apply to
of Appropriate Accommodation and Trinity via an overseas representative,
Welfare (CAAW). If the student is they will assist you with your student
staying with a relative they must apply visa application. Find more information
directly to the Department of Home at
Affairs for approval. information/international-students
50 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Entry Requirements
January Comprehensive Plus 36 weeks 5.5 (no band 16 January 15 July $52,430
CRICOS Course Code: 102518K less than 5.0) – 21 June 2024 – 6 December 2024
June Fast Track 27 weeks 6.0 (no band 11 June 30 September 2024 $37,056
CRICOS Course Code: 073416E less than 6.0) – 20 September 2024 – 29 January 2025
July Comprehensive Plus 36 weeks 5.5 (no band 16 July 13 January $52,430
CRICOS Course Code: 102518K less than 5.0) – 20 December 2024 – 6 June 2025
September Fast Track 27 weeks 6.0 (no band 24 September 2024 3 February $37,056
CRICOS Course Code: 073416E less than 6.0) – 24 January 2025 – 30 May 2025
*If students meet the Fast Track English entry requirements, they will have a $3000 bursary applied to their fees.
Note: Students who have had a sibling or parent undertake the Trinity College Foundation Studies program will receive a 5% fee reduction.
Laboratory fees (Biology, Physics, Chemistry) $400 Charged after course commencement for Science students
per subject
Music surcharge $1000 each Charged after course commencement for Music students
Mathematics 1 Handbook $20 Charged after course commencement for Mathematics 1 students
Accounting Handbook $15 Charged after course commencement for Accounting students
Overseas Student Health Cover Visa length Amount dependent upon the VLC
cover (VLC)
52 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Staying in Touch With Your Alma Mater
Upon completion of the TCFS program, you will become a lifelong member of the Trinity
College alumni community, a network of almost 30,000 people doing amazing things in
more than 80 countries.
Connect Participate
Connect with the wider Trinity community to expand your Maintain contact with friends and academic staff through
network through My Trinity Connect, our online platform reunions in Australia and overseas.
exclusive to our alumni ( More than 70 Come to our career events to meet with other alumni and gain
per cent of our alumni on the platform are willing to help Trinity insights into their career journeys in various industries. All these
students and other alumni, and would welcome you reaching events are advertised on My Trinity Connect.
out and connecting with them. Many alumni also post internship
In the future, you can volunteer to help young students by
or employment opportunities on the site for our young alumni
speaking at events, informally mentoring a young alum, or just
seeking work experience.
offering to help on My Trinity Connect. It’s a great way to give
back to the college you will come to love!
My time at Trinity College was incredibly valuable and it provided me with a strong
platform to excel in a career that I truly love.
In 2016, I started the Australian Coalition to End Loneliness (now known as Ending
Loneliness Together) to tackle loneliness in Australia. One of the most vulnerable age
groups is 18 to 25 years and Trinity is home to young people of this age who are living
away from their home countries and communities for the first time. During this time, it
is important to feel like someone has our back. This is what is so wonderful about the
Trinity community. It provides a strong social environment that can help students feel
meaningfully connected to each other, to feel cared for, supported and valued.
I am so grateful to have had this environment during my time at Trinity.
Familiarity with a range of policies is a condition of enrolment at Trinity College. You need to read
and understand the policies listed in these terms and conditions before accepting your offer of
enrolment. These policies are available on our website under our policy page.
Education Services for Overseas Students Community portal and academic reports
legislative framework You and your parents are able to view class attendance records,
Australia’s laws promote quality education and consumer and mentor and academic reports on the Trinity College
protection for overseas students. These laws are known as the Community Portal, and are informed by email if your attendance
Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework, is unsatisfactory.
and include the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code 2018.
Trinity College requests that you familiarise yourself with your Care arrangements for international
rights and responsibilities under the ESOS framework prior to
students under the age of 18
The Department of Home Affairs has established special
requirements relating to your accommodation and welfare while
Attendance you are under the age of 18.
In accordance with government legislation, Trinity College You will need to have appropriate accommodation and welfare
monitors your attendance at all lectures, tutorials and arrangements in place before you apply for your visa. Your
practical sessions. International students studying ELICOS and parents can apply directly to the Department of Home Affairs for
Foundation Studies courses are required to attend a minimum approval if you wish to live full-time with a relative in Australia.
of 80 per cent of all scheduled classes each semester. If your Alternatively, your parents can request that Trinity College issue
attendance falls below 80 per cent Trinity College will need a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare
to investigate your reasons for being absent and may need to (CAAW). If Trinity College issues the CAAW, you will be required
report you to the Department of Home Affairs. If your attendance to live in accommodation approved by the College.
falls below 70 per cent Trinity College will have to report you to
the Department of Home Affairs. Please refer to the Attendance
Policy and Procedure for further details. Change of address
In accordance with your student visa conditions, you must
notify us within seven days of any change to your Australian
Satisfactory academic progress residential address. Failure to do so puts you in breach of your
You must achieve satisfactory academic results, as outlined in visa conditions. If you are under 18 years of age you should
our Academic Progress and Completions Policy, to continue to not sign a lease and/or move into new accommodation before
study the program. If you do not meet the requirements speaking to our Housing and Accommodation Office or our
for progression, you may not be able to continue studying Student Welfare Office. You may be in breach of your student
your course and you may be reported to the Department of visa conditions if you fail to comply.
Home Affairs.
54 Trinity College Foundation Studies 2024 Prospectus | CRICOS Provider Number: 00709G
Age of students
Students must be at least 16 years of age at the time of
commencing studies in a Trinity College Foundation Studies
墨尔本大学预科 TCFS