Is It ADHD or Trauma
Is It ADHD or Trauma
Is It ADHD or Trauma
Why the symptoms are often confused, and how to avoid a misdiagnosis
Clinical Experts:
Caroline Mendel, PsyD
, Jamie Howard, PhD
When kids are struggling with behavior and attention issues, the first explanation that
comes to mind is oftenADHD
But exposure to trauma can also cause symptoms that look like ADHD. And trauma
can be overlooked and left untreated when kids are misdiagnosed with ADHD.
Children with ADHD can be fidgety (always getting out of their seats), distracted (not
paying attention to the teacher), and disruptive in class. Kids who have had a
traumatic experience – or repeated exposure to violence or abuse – do some of the
same things, explains explains Jamie Howard, PhD, a clinicalpsychologist
(PTSD). There are also many kids who experience repeated traumatic events in their
home or community who develop these symptoms, even though they don’t meet all
the criteria forPTSD.
This is sometimes called “complex trauma,” and these kids, too,
can be misdiagnosed with ADHD.
And to add to the confusion, kids can also have both ADHD and trauma.
Hyperarousal. Children who’ve been through a trauma, or exposed to repeated
trauma, are unusually sensitive to signs of danger or threat. “If you’re on high
alert for danger — if you have all sorts of stress hormones surging in your body
— it’s going to make it hard to sit still and calmly pay attention,” explains Dr.
Howard. “That can look like the hyperactivity and impulsivity of ADHD.”
Difficulty with executive functions. Like kids with ADHD, children who’ve
experienced trauma tend to have trouble with executive functions like staying
focused, planning how to complete a task, managing emotions or thinking things
through before acting.
A clinician looking at all the symptoms a child is exhibiting would be able to identify
behaviors of ADHD that distinguish it from trauma, and vice versa. For instance, notes
Dr. Howard, kids who are hyperactive and impulsive have behaviors that don’t map
with trauma: “Interrupting, excessive talkativeness, running down the hallway.” Having
a variety of hyperactive and impulsive symptoms points to ADHD.
In the same way, kids with PTSD have symptoms that are not consistent with ADHD.
For instance, they experience intrusive, disturbing thoughts— not a symptom of
Another symptom of PTSD is avoidance of things that remind you of the traumatic
experience. As Dr. Howard puts it, “Are they avoiding going home? Getting in a car?
Lingering in the hallways at school? Especially if you know what trauma they’ve been
exposed to, consider if there’s a strategic component to some of their behaviors,
because with PTSD it’s all designed to keep you safe.” Again, this kind of avoidance
does not stem from ADHD.
it’s also possible for kids to have both ADHD and PTSD.
In fact, there is evidence that children with ADHD who have a disturbing experience
are four times as likely to develop PTSD than kids without the disorder. And they’re
likely to experience more severe trauma symptoms than kids without ADHD.
Imaging studies show that ADHD and PTSD are associated with similar irregularities
in brain functioning, which could explain the heightened risk. And that heightened risk
means that children with ADHD need extra attention and support in case of a
traumatic experience, and should be screened for PTSD, notes Dr. Mendel. Kids
diagnosed with PTSD should be screened for ADHD, too.
Most important, when signs of trauma are misdiagnosed as ADHD, children are
unlikely to get the specific support they need to deal with the trauma in a healthy way.
Unless they get treatment that addresses the trauma with something like trauma-
focusedcognitive behavioral therapy
(TF-CBT), their symptoms aren’t likely to improve. “ADHD treatment is not going to
help them process the trauma,” explains Dr. Mendel. “It won’t help with their
relationships with others, how they see the world, how they view themselves or their
future. They’re still going to have difficulties managing the thoughts and feelings that
come along with having experienced the trauma.”
In addition, kids who have behavior problems stemming from unrecognized PTSD
tend to be stigmatized, especially if they are diagnosed with a behavior disorder like
oppositional-defiant disorder orconduct disorder.
“If a school is seeing a child through a behavior lens, they’re going to be more likely to
remove them from the class, to suspend them, even to call 911,” observes Dr.
Mendel. “And again, that is not the supportive environment that a child who has
experienced trauma needs to heal.”
Parents might not see a link between the child’s behavior and possible trauma — or
they may not feel comfortable talking about disturbing experiences the child might
have had. As a result, they may not volunteer information about it unless they’re
directly asked. And a clinician might well be reluctant to ask about trauma — which
includes things like domestic violence, abuse and neglect — out of worry that it might
damage their relationship with the family.
Kids are also more at risk where there is poverty, whether it’s in urban or rural
communities, explains Dr. Howard. “Where there’s poverty, there’s more trauma, and
usually fewer educational resources and taxed teachers.” And kids often hide
traumatic events, lack the words to explain them, or don’t see or understand them for
what they are.
Studies show that students of color are more likely to be treated as behavior problems
than white students, which can lead to misdiagnosis. “We know that BIPOC students
are more likely to be referred and suspended for disciplinary reasons than their white
peers,” notes Dr. Mendel. “But there’s also a higher likelihood of them experiencing
traumatic events, whether it’s racial trauma or anotherstressor,
like poverty or community violence.”
That said, trauma can happen anywhere, to any child, and is often invisible to
outsiders. “You don’t know if there’s domestic violence going on at home,” says Dr.
Howard. “You don’t know if a child’s been in a terrible car accident.” As a clinician, she
says, “You should always consider what’s happened to this child that might be causing
them to behave this way.”
That’s why, Dr. Mendel adds, a series of questions about traumatic events should be
part of a standard evaluation for any mental health challenge. If it’s standard
procedure, a family might be less likely to feel singled out by questions about possible
trauma, she notes. “Asking those questions should be part of a diagnostic evaluation
for any disorder. Look at the symptoms of depression, there’s some overlap with
trauma. Look at symptoms of anxiety, there’s overlap with trauma. You always want to
make sure that you have the full picture.”