HACCP Generic Model For Fresh Produce, Ready-To-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables
HACCP Generic Model For Fresh Produce, Ready-To-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables
HACCP Generic Model For Fresh Produce, Ready-To-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables
Fresh-Cut Vegetables
HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – Forms
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Example of Completed Form 1: Product Description Process for Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables
Example of Completed Form 2: List of Ingredients and Incoming Material
Example of Completed Form 3: Process Flow Diagram
Example of Completed Form 4: Plant Schematic
Example of Completed Form 5: Biological Hazards Identification
Example of Completed Form 6: Chemical Hazards Identification
Example of Completed Form 7: Physical Hazards Identification
Example of Completed Form 8: Critical Control Point (CCP) Determination
Example of Completed Form 9: Hazards not controlled by the Operator
Example of Completed Form 10: HACCP Plan
Example of Completed Form 1: Product Description Process for Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables
1. Product name(s)
Note: the manufacturer may reference a computer file where a complete list of products including various package sizes can be accessed
No barrier to pathogens
4. Packaging
plastic bags
single serving containers (sealed plastic pouches or plastic trays [clam shells])
bulk containers (plastic bags in a corrugated cardboard carton)
5. Shelf life
7. Labelling instructions
(B) = Biological
(C) = Chemical
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
(P) = Physical
Fresh Vegetables
carrots (BCP
lettuce ( BCP)
broccoli (BCP
cabbage (BCP)
cauliflower (BCP)
celery (BCP)
tomatoes (BCP)
sweet peppers (BCP)
water (BCP)
Packaging Material
Antimicrobial Treatment
sodium hypochlorite ( C)
Food Additives
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
Indicate the flows of raw and finished products as well as employee traffic and, where a possible hazard exists, the movement of waste or
Include the flows of all ingredients and packaging materials from the moment they are received through storage, preparation, processing,
packaging, finished product holding and shipping.
Indicate employee traffic patterns throughout the establishment from the time the employees enter the building. Include movement into
change rooms, washrooms, lunchrooms, offices and maintenance areas, as well as employee movement through food production areas of the
This diagram should be your primary tool for identifying potential areas of cross-contamination (e.g., locations where allergen
ingredients, food additives, waste or raw ingredients could come into unplanned contact or where employees could cross-
contaminate product).
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
Note: The points of cross-contamination should be marked on the plant schematic and a full description of each of the identified hazards
should be recorded on Form 5, 6 and/or 7, Form 8 and, where appropriate, Form 10 (examples of possible hazards that could be identified on
Form 4 are provided on Form 5 and Form 6).
Fresh Vegetables – Presence of pathogenic microorganisms on fresh vegetables due to contamination at - Transportation and
the farm level (animal or human faecal material, insects or mould growth). Storage B2.1.3 (of the
FSEP Manual)
Section 1.4.1 (of the
guidance document)
Fresh Vegetables – Growth of pathogenic microorganisms on fresh vegetables due to time/temperature - Transportation and
abuse at the grower's and/or during transportation. Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.1
Fresh Vegetables - Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to damaged - Transportation and
packaging materials/unclean vehicles for transporting vegetables. Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.1
Fresh Vegetables – Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to presence - Transportation and
of pests ( e.g. rodents, insects and birds). Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.1
Fresh Vegetables – Cross-contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms from other - Transportation and
raw products (non-ready-to-eat products) such as raw meats, chicken or fish carried on the same truck. Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.1
Fresh Vegetables – Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms from - Transportation and
unclean/recycled packaging material used at the growers. Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.1
Water /Well Water - Not meeting the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality published by - Premises A4.1.1
Health Canada as well as any provincial or municipal requirements. Section 3.4.1
Packaging Material – Presence of pathogenic microorganisms due to contamination with faecal material - Transportation and
from pests (e.g.
( e.g. insects, birds and rodents.) Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.2
Packaging Material – Presence of pathogenic microorganisms on damaged, unclean or contaminated - Transportation and
packaging material due to mishandling at the source. Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.2
# 1, #3, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 - Growth of pathogenic - Transportation and
microorganisms due to time/ temperature abuse. Storage B1.1.1, B1.1.2,
B2.1.3, B2.2.1 and B2.2.2
Sections 1.6.1, 6.1.2, 6.2.1
and 6.2.3
#1, #3, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 - Contamination of vegetables - Premises A2.1.1
with pathogenic microorganisms due to inadequate physical and/or operational separation between - Personnel D1.1.1 and
incoming (unclean) vegetables and cleaned vegetables (in-process or finished product). D2.1.1
- Sanitation and Pest
Control E1.1.1
Sections 3.2.1, 4.2.1 5.1.1
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
and 5.2.1
# 1, # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6, # 7, # 8, # 9, # 10, # 11, # 12, # 13, # 14, # 15, # 16 - Contamination of - Personnel D1.1.1 and
vegetables and/or packaging materials with pathogenic microorganisms due to improper employee D2.1.1
handling procedures between incoming (unclean) vegetables and cleaned vegetables and/or improper Sections 1.7.1, 5.1.1 and
employee hygiene procedures. 5.2.1
#1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 - Contamination of vegetables - Premises A2.1.1
and/or packaging materials with pathogenic microorganisms due to improper movement and handling of - Personnel D1.1.1 and
dirty pallets and packaging materials between areas of the facility where vegetables are unclean to areas D2.1.1
of the facility where vegetables are clean. Sections 3.2.1, 5.1.1. and
# 1, # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6, # 7, # 8, # 9, # 10, # 11, # 12, # 13, # 14, # 15, # 16 - Contamination of - Premises A2.1.1 and
vegetables and/or packaging materials with pathogenic microorganisms due to contamination from A2.1.2
overhead structures. - Sanitation and Pest
Control E1.1.1
Sections 3.2.1, 3.2.3 and
# 1, # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6, # 7, # 8, # 9, # 10, # 11, # 12, # 13, # 14, # 15, # 16 – Contamination of - Sanitation and Pest
vegetables and/or packaging materials with pathogenic microorganisms due to contact with pests (e.g.
(e.g. Control E2.1.1
insects, rodents, birds). Section 4.2.1
# 1, # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6, # 7, # 8, # 9, # 10, # 11, # 12, # 13, # 14, # 15, # 16 - Contamination of - Sanitation and Pest
vegetables and/or packaging materials with pathogenic microorganisms from unclean utensils, conveyors Control E1.1.1
and equipment as a result of improper cleaning procedures. Section 4.1.1
# 1 Receiving - Acceptance of incoming materials and ingredients not meeting specifications (i.e., not - Transportation and
meeting standards as described on specification sheet for each incoming material and/or ingredient). Storage B1.1.1, B1.2.1,
B2.1.3 and B2.2.1
Sections 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 6.1.1
and 6.1.2
# 1 Receiving - Contamination of vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to damaged packaging - Transportation and
materials resulting in exposed product. Storage B1.1.2 and B2.1.3
Sections 1.4.1 and 6.1.1
# 1 Receiving - Receiving of vegetables contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms from other raw - Transportation and
products (non-ready-to-eat products) such as raw meats, chicken or fish carried on the same truck. Storage B1.1.2
Section 6.1.1
#3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 - Contamination of fresh vegetables and/or packaging materials with - Premises A2.1.2 and
pathogenic microorganisms due to condensation ( e.g. Listeria monocytogenes). A2.3.1
-Sanitation and Pest
Control E1.1.1
Sections 3.2.3 and 4.1.1
#3 Vegetable Storage - Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to - Transportation and
damaged packaging material resulting from improper storage procedures. Storage B2.2.2
Sections 1.7.1 and 6.2.1
#3 Vegetable Storage - Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to - Personnel D1.1.1 and
damaged packaging material resulting from improper employee handling and hygiene procedures. D2.1.1
Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1
#3 Vegetable Storage – Cross-contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due - Transportation and
to inadequate separation between incoming fresh vegetables and outgoing RTE vegetables stored in the Storage B2.2.2
same area. Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.3
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
#3 Vegetable Storage – Growth of pathogenic microorganisms due to failure to rotate fresh vegetables - Transportation and
properly (first in/first out). Storage B2.2.2
Section 6.2.1
#3 Vegetable Storage – Cross contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to - Transportation and
failure to identify and/or isolate defective or suspect product. Storage B2.2.2
Section 6.2.1
#5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13 - Cross contamination of vegetables with pathogenic - Transportation and
microorganisms due to contact with contaminated product. Storage B2.2.2
- Sanitation and Pest
Control E1.1.1
Sections 1.5.1, 1.6.2, 4.1.1
and 6.2.1
#5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 - Cross-contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms - Sanitation and Pest
due to failure to clean tools between handling of contaminated/unacceptable vegetables and acceptable Control E1.1.1
vegetables. - Personnel D1.1.1 and
Sections 4.1.1, 5.1.1 and
#5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 - Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to - Premises A2.3.1
contaminated air ( e.g. Listeria monocytogenes) . Section 3.2.3
#6 First wash – Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to failure to #9 Antimicrobial Treatment
remove soil/microbial contamination from incoming fresh vegetables. CCP-1BC
Sections 1.5.1 and 1.6.2
#6 First wash - Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to build-up of #9 Antimicrobial Treatment
microbial loads because the frequency of water changes/addition/removal of the recirculated water has CCP-1
been insufficient to prevent the build-up of organic material and microbial contamination of the vegetables Sections 1.5.1, 1.6.2 and
i.e.,, water serves as a source of contamination).
(i.e. 3.4.1
#8 Washing – Contamination of fresh vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to build-up of #9 Antimicrobial Treatment
microbial loads because the frequency of water changes/addition/removal of the recirculated water has CCP-1BC
been insufficient to prevent the build-up of organic material and microbial contamination of the vegetables Sections 1.5.1, 1.6.2 and
(i.e., water serves as a source of contamination). 3.4.1
#8 Washing – Growth of pathogenic microorganisms on fresh vegetables due to improper washing - Equipment C1.1.1 and
procedures resulting in build-up of nutrients available to support microbial growth. C1.2.1
Sections 1.5.1 and 2.1.1 to
#8 Washing - Growth of pathogenic microorganisms in wash water due to elevated wash water - Equipment C1.1.1 and
temperature resulting in contamination of fresh vegetables. C1.2.1
Sections 1.5.1 and 2.1.1 to
#9 Antimicrobial Treatment - Growth of pathogenic microorganisms due to prolonged length of time CCP-1BC
between start of cutting/slicing/grinding/shredding and completion of antimicrobial treatment of RTE Section 1.6.2
vegetables resulting in microbial growth due to presence of nutrients at the cut surfaces.
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#10 Rinsing – Presence of high levels of pathogenic microorganisms in rinse water due to infrequent CCP-2BC
water changes/addition/removal resulting in contamination of RTE vegetables. Sections 1.6.2 and 3.4.1
#10 Rinsing - Growth of pathogenic microorganisms in rinse water due to time/temperature abuse, i.e., CCP-2BC
warm rinse water resulting in contamination of RTE vegetables. Section 1.6.2
#11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 - Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due - Premises A2.3.1
to microbial contamination of the environment, i.e., condensation and/or contaminated air ( e.g., Listeria - Sanitation and Pest
monocytogenes) Control E1.1.1
Sections 3.2.3 and 4.1.1
#11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 - Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due - Personnel D1.1.1 and
to improper employee handling and hygiene procedures. D2.1.1
Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1
#11, #12, #13 - Cross-contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms due to failure - Sanitation and Pest
to clean tools/change tools between handling of contaminated/unacceptable vegetables and acceptable Control E1.1.1
vegetables. - Personnel D1.1.1 and
Sections 4.1.1, 5.1.1 and
#11 Drying – Growth of pathogenic microorganisms due to excess moisture on the product after - Equipment C1.1.1 and
washing/rinsing that the drying process failed to remove. C1.2.1
Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.3
#13 Packaging/Labelling/Coding – Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms - Personnel D1.1.1 and
from packaging material as a result of damage or soiling of containers/packaging material during storage D2.1.1
improper employee handling procedures. Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1
#13 Packaging/Labelling/Coding – Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms - Transportation and
from packaging material as a result of damage or soiling of containers/packaging material during storage Storage B2.2.2
due to improper storage procedures. Sections 5.1.1 and 6.2.1
#13 Packaging/Labelling/Coding – Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms - Equipment C1.1.1 and
due to damaged, improper or faulty package seals. C1.2.1
Sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.3
#13 Packaging/Labelling/Coding – Incorrect, illegible or absent best before date and storage CCP-3B
instructions (i.e., Keep Refrigerated) resulting in growth of L. monocytogenes to unacceptable levels at Sections 1.9.1 and 1.6.2
time of consumption.
#13 Packaging/Labelling/Coding – Failure to apply correct/legible lot code resulting in inability to - Recall F1.1.1 and F1.2.1
recall product. Sections 1.9.1 and 8.2.1
#15 Storage – Growth of pathogenic microorganisms due to improper stock rotation resulting in RTE - Transportation and
vegetables in storage that exceed shelf life. Storage B2.2.2
Section 6.2.3
#15 Storage – Contamination of RTE vegetables by fresh vegetables (untreated) due to inadequate - Transportation and
separation. Storage B1.1.1 and B1.1.2
Sections 6.1.1, 6.2.1 and
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#15, #16 – Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms as a result of damaged - Personnel D1.1.1 and
and/or exposed RTE vegetables product due to improper employee handling procedures. D2.1.1
Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1
#15, #16 – Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms as a result of damaged - Transportation and
and/or exposed RTE vegetables product due to improper storage procedures. Storage B2.2.2
Section 6.2.3
#16 Shipping/Distribution – Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms as a - Transportation and
result of loading onto a carrier that is unacceptable for the transportation of food. Storage B1.1.2
Section 6.1.1
#16 Shipping/Distribution – Contamination of RTE vegetables with pathogenic microorganisms as a - Transportation and
result of transporting on same carrier with non-ready-to-eat product ( i.e., raw meat or other product Storage B1.1.2 and B2.2.2
contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms.) Section 6.1.1
#16 Shipping/Distribution – Growth of pathogenic microorganisms due to failure to load carrier as per - Transportation and
written procedures ( i.e., in order to allow for proper air circulation during transport) resulting in Storage B1.1.2
time/temperature abuse. Section 6.1.1
#16 Shipping/Distribution – Contamination with pathogenic microorganisms as a result of improper - Transportation and
loading/stacking resulting in damaged packaging material and contamination of finished products. Storage B1.1.2
Section 6.1.1
Form 4 - Plant Schematic – B1 – Entrance to processing room and B2 - Entrance to packaging room - - Personnel D1.1.1 and
Improper employee hygiene procedures between rooms resulting in contamination with pathogenic D2.1.1
microorganisms (i.e., improper use of foot dips / hand dips / change of clothing). Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1
Form 4 - Plant Schematic – B1 – Entrance to processing room and B2 - Entrance to packaging room - - Premises A2.1.1
Concentration of sanitizers in hand dips / foot dips inadequate to control pathogenic microorganisms. Section 3.2.1
Note: The manufacturer should indicate the hazards using letters and/or numbers, e.g., B1 (for the first biological hazard identified on the
Plant Schematic) and B2 (for the second biological hazard identified on the Plant Schematic), etc., and record each of the hazards on the
Plant Schematic (Form 4) at the point where it occurs.
Fresh Vegetables – Presence of agricultural chemicals (pesticides and herbicides) on fresh vegetables Form 9
above the maximum residue limits.
Fresh Vegetables – Presence of heavy metals and other chemicals in fresh vegetables due to water used Form 9
for irrigation and fumigation on farm.
Fresh Vegetables – Contamination of fresh vegetables with agricultural chemicals or non-food chemicals Form 9
due to improper use of reusable food containers at the farm level.
Fresh Vegetables – Contamination of fresh vegetables with fuels ( e.g., diesel, gasoline), lubricants and - Transportation and
machine grease/oil at the farm level or during transportation (e.g.
(e.g.,, leakage of fuel oil onto produce). Storage B2.1.3 (of the
FSEP Manual)
Section 1.4.1 (of the
guidance document)
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Water/Well Water – Not meeting the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality published by Health - Premises A4.1.1
Canada as well as any applicable provincial or municipal requirements. Section 3.4.1
Water/Well Water – Presence of heavy metals ( e.g., arsenic), pesticides, and/or excess chlorine. - Premises A4.1.1
Section 3.4.1
Packaging Material/Treatment Chemicals – Not food grade and/or not appropriate for intended use. - Transportation and
Storage B2.1.3
Sections 1.4.1 and 1.4.2
#1, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13 – Contamination with cleaning chemical residues on - Sanitation and Pest
product contact surfaces, including handling equipment, due to improper sanitation procedures. Control E1.1.1
Section 4.1.1
#1 - Receiving – Contamination of fresh vegetables and/or packaging materials with non-food chemicals - Transportation and
or chemical residues (e.g., cleaners, sanitizers, lubricants, oils) as a result of improper receiving Storage B1.1.1, B1.1.2,
procedures. B2.2.2 and B2.2.3
Section 6.2.1
#1 - Receiving – Contamination of fresh vegetables and/or packaging materials with non-food chemicals - Sanitation and Pest
or chemical residues (e.g.
(e.g.,, cleaners, sanitizers, lubricants, oils) as a result of improper sanitation control E1.1.1
procedures. Section 4.1.1
#1 - Receiving – Contamination of fresh vegetables and/or packaging materials with non-food chemicals - Equipment C1.1.1 and
or chemical residues (e.g., cleaners, sanitizers, lubricants, oils) as a result of C1.2.1
improper equipment maintenance procedures resulting in contamination with lubricants/oils etc. Sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.3
#1 - Receiving – Acceptance of incoming materials and ingredients not meeting specifications (i.e.
(i.e.,, not - Transportation and
meeting firm=s standards as described on specification sheets for each incoming material and/or Storage B2.1.3
ingredient). Sections 1.4.1, 1.4.2,
6.2.1 and 6.2.2
#2, #3, #4 – Contamination of fresh vegetables and/or packaging materials as a result of improper - Transportation and
storage or use of chemicals. Storage B2.2.2 and B2.2.3
- Equipment C1.1.1 and
- Sanitation and Pest
Control E1.1.1
Sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.3,
4.1.1 and 6.2.2
#2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 – Contamination of exposed - Transportation and
vegetables and/or packaging materials with cleaning solutions, sanitizers, lubricants and/or their residues Storage B2.2.2
as a result of damaged packaging material and/or open or exposed product due to improper storage of Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2
vegetables/packaging materials.
#2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 – Contamination of exposed - Personnel D1.1.1 and
vegetables and/or packaging materials with cleaning solutions, sanitizers, lubricants and/or their residues D2.1.1
as a result of damaged packaging material and/or open or exposed product due to improper handling by Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1
#2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 – Contamination of exposed - Sanitation and Pest
vegetables and/or packaging materials with cleaning solutions, sanitizers, lubricants and/or their residues control E1.1.1
as a result of damaged packaging material and/or open or exposed product due to improper sanitation Section 4.1.1
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#2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 – Contamination of exposed - Equipment C1.1.1 and
vegetables and/ or packaging materials with non-food chemicals (e.g., lubricants, oils, hydraulic fluid) from C1.2.1
machinery and equipment as a result of improper equipment maintenance procedures. Sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.3
#10 Rinsing – Presence of residual antimicrobial agent on RTE vegetables due to inadequate rinsing. CCP-2BC
Section 1.6.2
#13 Packaging/Labelling/Coding – Contamination of RTE vegetables with inks/solvents as a result of - Equipment C1.1.1 and
equipment that is not properly maintained and/or set up. C1.2.1
Sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.3
#13 Packaging/Labelling/Coding – Contamination of RTE vegetables with inks/solvents as a result of - Transportation and
improper storage of inks/solvents. Storage B2.2.2
Section 6.2.2
#16 Shipping/Distribution – Contamination of RTE vegetables with non-compatible goods carried on - Transportation and
the same transport vehicle (i.e., non-food or food grade chemicals). Storage B1.1.1
Section 6.1.1
Fresh Vegetables – Presence of hazardous extraneous material (metallic and/or non-metallic) as a result - Transportation and
of improper handling at the source Storage B2.1.3 (of the
FSEP Manual)
Section 1.4.1 (of the
guidance document)
Packaging Material – Presence of hazardous extraneous material (metallic and/or non-metallic) as a result - Transportation and
of improper handling at the source. Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.2
Antimicrobial Agents – Presence of hazardous extraneous material (metallic and/or non-metallic) as a - Transportation and
result of improper handling at the source. Storage B2.1.3
Section 1.4.1
#1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 – Contamination of packaging - Premises A2.1.1 and
materials, ingredients and vegetables with hazardous extraneous material (metallic and/or non-metallic) as A2.1.2
a result of dirty or poorly maintained overhead structures. Section 3.2.1
#1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 – Contamination of packaging - Equipment C1.1.1 and
materials, ingredients and vegetables with hazardous extraneous material (metallic and/or non-metallic) as C1.2.1
a result of improper maintenance procedures. Sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.3
#1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 – Contamination of vegetables - Transportation and
and/or packaging materials with hazardous extraneous (metallic and/or non-metallic) material as a result of Storage B2.2.2 and
damaged packaging material resulting in exposed or open product due to improper storage procedures. B2.1.3
Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2
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#1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 – Contamination of vegetables - Personnel D1.1.1 and
and/or packaging materials with hazardous extraneous (metallic and/or non-metallic) material as a result of D2.1.1
damaged packaging material resulting in exposed or open product due to improper employee handling Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1
#1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16 - Contamination of vegetables - Personnel D1.1.1 and
and/or packaging materials with hazardous extraneous material (metallic and/or non-metallic) due to D2.1.1
improper employee handling procedures (i.e., metal, wood, glass, plastic). Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1
#1 - Receiving – Acceptance of incoming materials and ingredients not meeting specifications (i.e., not - Transportation and
meeting standards as described on specification sheets). Storage B2.1.3
Sections 1.4.1 and 1.4.2
#5, #7, #12 –Contamination of vegetables with hazardous extraneous material (metallic) due to wear and #14 Metal Detector
tear and/or rubbing of machine parts (e.g., metal shavings resulting from metal rubbing against metal CCP-4P
during cutting/slicing). Section 1.6.2
#14 – Metal Detection – Presence of hazardous extraneous material (metallic) in vegetables due to failure CCP-4
of the metal detector to detect metal. Section 1.6.2
#14 – Metal Detection – Presence of hazardous extraneous material (metallic) in vegetables due to failure CCP-4P
of the metal detector to function as intended when metal is detected (e.g., line stops, alarm sounds, Section 1.6.2
product is kicked off the line).
#16 - Shipping/Distribution – Contamination of RTE vegetables with hazardous extraneous material - Transportation and
(metallic and/or non-metallic) due to improper condition of transportation vehicle. B1.1.1 and B1.1.2
Section 6.1.1
#16 - Shipping/Distribution – Contamination of RTE vegetables with hazardous extraneous material - Transportation and
(metallic and/or non-metallic) due to improper loading and arranging procedures resulting in damaged or Storage B1.1.2
exposed product. Section 6.1.1
Q4. Will a
Q3. Is this subsequent step
eliminate the
process step
Q2. Is it likely that identified hazard
contamination with specifically or reduce its
Q1. Could a control designed to
measure(s) be used by the the identified hazard eliminate or
likely occurrence
Category and identified hazard could occur in to an acceptable
operator at any process step? reduce the likely
excess of the level? CCP
Incoming occurrence of the
Determine if fully controlled by * If no = not CCP
CCP.. Identify acceptable level or number
material/ prerequisite program. identified hazard * If no = CCP .
how this hazard will be could increase to an
process/ hazards to an acceptable Enter its number * Proceed
controlled before and after unacceptable level?
on schematic * If yes = indicate Prerequisite Program level? in the last to next
and proceed to next identified hazard. the process. Then proceed to identified
diagram * If no = not CCP . column.
the next identified hazard. * If no = proceed
Proceed to the next to Q4.
* If no = proceed to question 1 (Q1). identified hazard. * If yes = not a
* If yes = describe the
measure and proceed to Q2. * If yes = CCP
CCP.. CCP. Identify
* If yes = proceed subsequent step
Enter its number
to Q3. (controlling) and
in the last
proceed to the
column. next identified
Prerequisite Program:
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Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Premises A4.1.1
Water / Chemical
Well Water
Presence of heavy metals (e.g., arsenic),
pesticides, and/or excess chlorine.
Prerequisite Program:
Premises A4.1.1
Packaging Biological
Material Presence of pathogenic microorganisms due
to contamination with faecal material from
pests (e.g., insects, birds, rodents).
Prerequisite Program:
Presence of pathogenic microorganisms on
damaged, unclean or contaminated
packaging material due to mishandling at
the source.
Prerequisite Program:
Packaging Chemical
Material /
Not food grade and/or not appropriate for
Treatment intended use.
Prerequisite Program:
Packaging Physical
Materials Presence of hazardous extraneous material
(metallic and/or non-metallic) as a result of
improper handling at the source.
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Antimicrobial Physical
Presence of hazardous extraneous (metallic
and/or non-metallic) material as a result of
improper handling at source.
Prerequisite Program:
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Premises A2.1.1
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Premises A2.1.1
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
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Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
#1 - Receiving Biological
Prerequisite Program:
#1 - Receiving Biological
Prerequisite Program:
#1 - Receiving Biological
Prerequisite Program:
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
#1 - Receiving Chemical
Prerequisite Program:
#1 - Receiving Chemical
Prerequisite program:
#1 - Receiving Physical
Prerequisite Program:
#2 #3, #4 Chemical
Prerequisite Program:
1) improper storage of
vegetables/packaging materials and/or
Prerequisite Program:
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Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
#3 Vegetable Biological
Storage Cross-contamination of fresh vegetables
with pathogenic microorganisms due to
inadequate separation between incoming
fresh vegetables and outgoing RTE
vegetables stored in the same area.
Prerequisite Program:
#3 Vegetable Biological
Storage Contamination of fresh vegetables with
pathogenic microorganisms due to damaged
packaging material resulting from
Prerequisite Program:
#3 Vegetable Biological
Growth of pathogenic microorganisms due
to failure to rotate fresh vegetables
properly (first in/first out).
Prerequisite Program:
#3 Vegetable Biological
Storage Cross-contamination of fresh vegetables
with pathogenic organisms due to failure to
identify and/or isolate returned, defective or
suspect product.
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
Prerequisite Program:
Premises A2.3.1
#5, #7, #12 Physical Pass all product through a Yes No Yes
functioning metal detector
Contamination of vegetables with #14 Metal
hazardous extraneous material (metallic) Detection
due to wear and tear and/or rubbing of CCP -4P
machine parts (e.g., metal shavings
resulting from metal rubbing against metal
during cutting/slicing).
#8 Washing Biological
Prerequisite Program:
#8 Washing Biological
Growth of pathogenic microorganisms on
fresh vegetables due to improper washing
procedures resulting in build-up of nutrients
available to support microbial growth.
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Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite program:
Premises A2.3.1
Prerequisite Program:
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Prerequisite Program:
Prerequisite Program:
#13 - Biological
Packaging/ Contamination of RTE vegetables with
Labelling/ pathogenic microorganisms from packaging
Coding material as a result of damage or soiling of
containers/packaging material during
storage due to
Prerequisite Program:
#13 - Biological
Contamination of RTE vegetables with
Labelling/ pathogenic microorganisms due to
Coding damaged, improper, or faulty package seals.
Prerequisite Program:
#13 - Biological
Packaging/ Failure to apply correct/legible lot code
Labelling/ resulting in inability to recall product.
Prerequisite Program:
#13 - Chemical
Packaging/ Contamination of RTE vegetables with
Labelling/ inks/solvents as a result of
1) equipment that is not properly
maintained and/or set up
Prerequisite Program:
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Fresh Vegetables– Presence of agricultural chemicals (pesticides and Farm level - Educate farmers about Good Agricultural
herbicides) on fresh vegetables above the maximum residue limits. Practices (GAP)
Fresh Vegetables– Presence of heavy metals and other chemicals in fresh Farm level - Educate farmers about Good Agricultural
vegetables due to water used for irrigation and fumigation on farm. Practices (GAP)
Fresh Vegetables–
Vegetables– Contamination of fresh vegetables with agricultural Farm level - Educate farmers about Good Agricultural
chemicals, non-food chemicals due to improper use of reusable containers at Practices (GAP)
the farm level.
Process Step Hazard Description Critical Limits Monitoring Procedures Deviation Procedures Verification HACCP
Procedures Records
#9 CCP -1 BC Biological Water temperature X For each batch/lot of If the temperature or pH of the Once per Y time CCP -1 BC
Antimicrobial degrees prior to vegetables the CCPCCP-1-1BC
BC water does not meet the critical period the
Inadequate Monitoring
Treatment reduction of addition of Monitor: limit prior to mixing the CCP -1 BC Verifier Record
pathogenic antimicrobial - takes the temperature antimicrobial treatment solution, observes the
microorganisms due treatment solution of the or if the antimicrobial treatment CCP -1 BC Monitor CCP -1 BC
to ineffective and vegetables. water/antimicrobial exceeds the ppm or does not performing the Deviation
disinfection/ treatment liquid using a meet the ppm as indicated in monitoring Record
antimicrobial Water pH 6–7 prior to hand-held thermometer, the SOP for Antimicrobial function to
treatment (i.e.
(i.e.,, addition of and Treatments, the antimicrobial ensure the CCP -1 BC
insufficient antimicrobial - the pH of the water treatment is not mixed properly, CCP -2 BC SOP for Verification
concentrations of treatment solution. using litmus paper and, the contact time or belt speed Rinsing Record
antimicrobial - mixes the disinfectant does not meet the critical limit Vegetables and
treatment , Available chlorine: required (as per and/or if the time between the SOP for
the SOP for Rinse
inadequate pH, 100–150 ppm total Antimicrobial
pH, CCP-1
CCP -1BCBC Monitoring cutting/slicing/grinding Water Sampling
improper application chlorine. Procedures) to ensure /shredding and the completion for Antimicrobial Treatments
(including contact OR that the critical limits are of the antimicrobial treatment Levels as well as
Residual chlorine: CCP -1 BC
time) and improper met, does not meet the critical limit, the deviation
2–7 ppm free residual Temperature
agitation). - tests the antimicrobial the CCP -1 BC Monitor takes procedures,
chlorine after contact pH
treatment as per the corrective action to control the where applicable, Monitoring
Growth of time. SOP for Antimicrobial product and/or correct the are being
pathogenic Treatment to ensure the deviation. This may include the followed. Signs
organisms due to concentration meets the follow ing: adjusting the solution the CCP -1BC Food Safety
prolonged length of critical limit, as per the CCP -1BC Monitoring
Contact time: not Assessment
time betw een start - adds the antimicrobial Temperature & pH Monitoring Record, dates
more than X minutes. Procedures
of cutting/slicing/ treatment solution to Procedures and retesting the and records
shredding/grinding Time between the the vegetables and solution to ensure that the observation to Hold
and completion of start of cutting/slicing/ records the time at the critical limits are met, cooling the indicate it was a Procedures
antimicrobial shredding/grinding to start of treatment and water, adding ice, discarding the procedure check.
treatment of RTE the completion of the the completion of solution and mixing a new
vegetables, resulting treatment (or the belt solution, reducing the contact Once per Y time
in microbial growth treatment not to speed / contact time, time, and/or holding all product period the
due to presence of exceed X minutes for etc.) to ensure since the last good check as per CCP -1 BC Verifier
nutrients at the cut each batch/lot. adequate contact time the Hold Procedures and reviews X number
surfaces. with all vegetables as notifying CCP -1BC Authorized of CCP -1 BC
per the SOP for Person. Monitoring
Growth of Antimicrobial Treatments. Records and
pathogenic Records all findings, corrective associated
microorganisms due CCP-1
The CCP -1BC
BC Monitor actions, date and initials on CCP-1
to time/temperature records the time at the CCP -1BC Monitoring Record. Deviation Records
abuse as a result of completion of the and corrective
elevated antimicrobial treatment CCP -1BC Authorized Person actions
temperature of the and records it on the performs a food safety completed since
antimicrobial CCP-1
BC Monitoring assessment as per Food Safety the last
treatment liquid, Record, calculating the Assessment Procedures. If food verification for
resulting in total time from the start safety has been compromised, completeness
contamination of RTE of cutting/slicing the product is held, tested and and compliance
vegetables. /shredding/grinding to subsequently released, to ensure critical
the completion of the reworked or destroyed. limits have been
Chemical antimicrobial treatment If food safety has not been met. Signs and
Contamination of to ensure that the compromised, the CCP
BC dates.
vegetables w ith critical limit is met. Authorized Person releases the
excess product. If deviations are
concentrations of Records the volume of found for any of
antimicrobial the disinfectant used, CCP -1BC Authorized Person the above
treatment chemical the volume of water reviews all corrective actions to procedures, the
due to improper used (total volume of ensure they are completed and CCP -1 BC Verifier
mixing and/or disinfectant solution effective in controlling the follows the
application and/or used), the available deviation as well as any affected deviation
agitation. chlorine or the free product. If any issues are procedures for
residual chlorine after identified, takes immediate CCP.. When
this CCP
contact time, the pH of corrective action as described the CCP -1BC
the water, the belt above. Monitor is not
speed or contact time following
and the total time from CCP-1
BC Authorized Person procedures,
the start of cutting determines the root cause of reinforcement
slicing/shredding the deviation to assess whether training or
/grinding to the this is an isolated incident retraining will be
completion of the and/or whether preventive provided.
antimicrobial treatment corrective actions must be CCP -1 BC Verifier
on the CCP -1BC developed to prevent records the
Monitoring Record. reoccurrence. corrective
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
#10 Rinse
CCP -2 BC Biological Plant Employee X times daily, the If critical limits are not met, the Once per Y time CCP -2 BC
Presence of high follows CCP-2
BC Monitor CCP-2
CCP -2BC BC Monitor takes period, the SOP for
levels of pathogenic for Rinsing Vegetables observes the Plant corrective actions as per CCP -2 BC Verifier Rinsing
microorganisms in as written. Employee rinsing CCP -2BC SOP for Rinsing observes the Vegetables
rinse water due to vegetables to ensure all Vegetables. Corrective actions CCP -2 BC Monitor
infrequent water Water used for rinsing procedures are followed may include instructing Plant performing the CCP -2 BC
changes/addition/ the vegetables must as per the CCP
BC SOP Employee to change the rinse monitoring Monitoring
removals resulting in be X degrees or less for Rinsing Vegetables. water, to remove and add rinse function to Record
contamination of RTE and must be changed water and/or add ice to cool the ensure the
vegetables. for each rinse. X times daily, the rinse water temperature down CCP -2 BC SOP for CCP -2 BC
CCP -2 BC Monitor takes to meet the critical limit, Rinsing Deviation
Growth of Concentration of the temperature of rinse retesting the rinse water Vegetables is Record
pathogenic antimicrobial water using a hand-held temperature as per the being followed
microorganisms in treatment solution in thermometer (e.g.
(e.g.,, prior Monitoring Procedures to ensure and the critical Hold
rinse water due to rinse water at the end to the addition of the the critical limit is met prior to limit for water Procedures
time/temperature of the final rinse must vegetables at the start the addition of the vegetables, temperature and
not exceed Y (Note: Food Safety
abuse as a result of of the rinse step and at stopping the rinsing procedures, chlorine levels in
warm rinse water Manufacturer to define the end of the rinse Assessment
and/or notifying the CCP -2 BC the rinse water Procedures
resulting in the critical limit based step) as per the Authorized Person. are being met.
contamination of RTE on the antimicrobial CCP -2 BC SOP for Rinsing Signs the
treatment solution CCP -2 BC
vegetables. Vegetables to ensure Records the description of the CCP -2 BC
being used, e.g., the SOP for
that the temperature of deviation and actions taken on Monitoring Rinsing
Chemical critical limit for sodium the rinse water does not CCP -2BC Monitoring Record. Record, dates
Presence of residual hypochlorite might be Vegetables
exceed X degrees. and records
antimicrobial that chlorine levels The CCP -2 BC Authorized Person observation to SOP for
treatment solution must not exceed what Every rinse, the puts all affected product on hold indicate it was a Rinse Water
on RTE vegetables is allowed in the CCP -2 BC Monitor as per Hold Procedures and procedure check. Sampling for
due to inadequate Guidelines for samples rinse water at makes an assessment as to Antimicrobial
rinsing. Canadian Drinking the end of the rinse and whether food safety has been Every Y time Levels
Water Quality). tests for level of compromised as per written period CCP -2 BC
antimicrobial treatment Food Safety Assessment Verifier reviews X
solution in the rinse Procedures. If food safety has number of
water as per SOP for been compromised the product CCP -2 BC
Rinse Water Sampling is held, tested and subsequently Monitoring
for Antimicrobial Levels released, reworked or Records and
(e.g., for chlorine levels - destroyed. If food safety has associated
colorimetric test strips or not been compromised, the CCP -2 BC
hand-held meters). CCP-2
BC Authorized Person Deviation Records
releases the product. and corrective
The CCP -2BC
BC Monitor actions
records all findings and W hen the Plant Employee is not completed since
observations on the follow ing procedures, the last
CCP -2 BC Monitoring reinforcement training or verification for
Record. Signs and dates. retraining will be provided. completeness
and compliance
Received results of rinse CCP -2BC Authorized Person to ensure critical
water testing are reviews all corrective actions to
limits have been
reviewed by the ensure they are completed and
met. Signs and
CCP -2 BC Authorized effective in controlling the
Person to ensure that deviation as well as any affected dates.
the critical limits are met. product. If any issues are If deviations are
Signs and dates. identified, takes immediate found for any of
corrective action as described the above
above. procedures, the
BC Verifier
CCP -2BC Authorized Person follows the
determines the root cause of
the deviation to assess whether
Procedures for
this is an isolated incident
this CCP. When
and/or whether preventive
the CCP -2BC
corrective actions must be
Monitor is not
developed to prevent
CCP -2BC Authorized Person reinforcement
records the description of the training or
deviation, the corrective action retraining will be
(including date completed) and provided.
preventive measures on
CCP -2 BC Verifier
CCP -2BC Deviation Record. records the
Signs and dates.
completed and
responsible on
Deviation Record.
Signs and dates.
#13 CCP-3
B Correct, legible Best At X frequency (e.g.
CCP Biological (e.g.,, the If the package does not indicate Once per Y time CCP-3
Packaging/ Incorrect, illegible or before date and Keep start of the day, after Keep Refrigerated and/or the period, the Monitoring
Labelling absent Best Before Refrigerated appears each break, after lunch, ‘Best before date is not correct, CCP -3 B Verifier Record
date and storage on each package of after each product is not legible or is missing, the observes the
instructions (i.e., vegetables. change-over and at the CCP -3B Monitor takes corrective CCP -3 B Monitor CCP -3 B
Keep Refrigerated) end of the day), CCP CCP-3
B actions as per CCP
B SOP for performing the Deviation
resulting in growth Monitor compares the Date. Corrective actions may monitoring Record
of L. monocytogenes best before date include instructing the Plant function to
to unacceptable stamped on the package Employee to repackage product ensure the Hold
levels at time of of vegetables to ensure into packages that have the CCP -3 B SOP for Procedures
consumption. that it matches the required Best before date best before dates
Food Safety
required best before and/or Keep Refrigerated is being followed
date as indicated in the indicated, correcting the Best and the critical Assessment
SOP for Best Before before date in the equipment, limits are being
Dates and that the and/or notifying the CCP -3 B met. Signs the
SOP for Best
storage instructions on Authorized Person. CCP -3 B Before Dates
the package are correct Monitoring
and legible (i.e.
(i.e.,, Keep Records the description of the Record, dates
Refrigerated). Records deviation and actions taken on and records
the time of the check CCP-3
B Monitoring Record. observation to
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
and the best before date The CCP -3 B Authorized Person indicate it was a
on the CCP -3B puts all affected product on hold procedure check.
Monitoring Record. as per Hold Procedures and
Initials next to the makes an assessment as to Every Y time
notation. Signs and whether food safety has been CCP-3
period, CCP -3BB
dates the record. compromised as per written Verifier reviews X
Food Safety Assessment number of CCP -3 B
Procedures. If food safety has Monitoring
been compromised the product Records and
is held, tested and subsequently associated
released, reworked or CCP -3 B Deviation
destroyed. If food safety has not Records and
been compromised the CCP -3 B corrective actions
Authorized Person releases the completed since
product. the last
verification for
W hen the Plant Employee is not completeness to
follow ing procedures, ensure critical
reinforcement training or limits have been
retraining will be provided. met. Signs and
CCP -3BB Authorized Person
reviews all corrective actions to If deviations are
ensure they are completed and found for any of
effective in controlling the the above
deviation and ensures that any procedures, the
affected product is effectively CCP -3 B Verifier
controlled. If any issues are follows the
identified, takes immediate Deviation
corrective action as described Procedures for
above. this CCP. When
the CCP -3B
CCP -3B Authorized Person Monitor is not
determines the root cause of the following
deviation to assess whether this procedures,
is an isolated incident and/or reinforcement
whether preventive corrective training or
actions must be developed to retraining will be
prevent reoccurrence. provided.
B Authorized Person CCP-3
CCP -3BB Verifier
records the description of the records the
deviation, the corrective action corrective actions,
(including date completed) and preventive
preventive measures on CCP -3 B measures,
Deviation Record. Signs and date(s) completed
dates. and person(s)
responsible on
CCP -3 B Deviation
Record. Signs and
#14 Metal
CCP -4 P Physical All product must go Plant Employees are If all product is not passing Once per Y time CCP -4 P
Presence of through a functioning responsible for passing through a functioning metal period, the Monitoring
hazardous metal detector. all product through a detector, the CCP
P Monitor CCP-4
P Verifier Record
extraneous material functioning metal places all of the product observes the
(metallic) in the RTE Metal detector must detector as per the produced since the last good CCP -4 P Monitor CCP-4
vegetables due to detect each of the CCP -4 P SOP for Metal test on hold as per the Hold performing the Deviation
the failure of the following metal wands Detector. Procedures and notifies the monitoring Record
metal detector to during a test of the CCP-4
CCP -4PP Authorized Person. All function to
detect metal metal detector as Once every Y time product is returned to the line to ensure the CCP -4 P SOP
described in the period, the CCP
P be passed through a functioning CCP -4 P SOP for for Metal
Presence of CCP -4 P SOP for Metal Monitor observes the metal detector as per the Metal Detector is Detector
hazardous Detector: metal detector in use to CCP -4P SOP for Metal Detector. being followed
extraneous material X mm ferrous ensure that all product and the critical Hold
(metallic) in X mm non-ferrous is passing through the For each of the metal wands limits are being Procedures
vegetables due to X mm stainless metal detector. indicated in the critical limits, if met. Signs the Food Safety
failure of the metal the metal detector is not CCP -4 P
detector to function Metal detector must Once every Y time detecting the metal wand when Assessment
Monitoring Procedures
as intended (e.g., function normally period, the Monitor tests, the CCP -4 P Monitor Record, dates
line stops, alarm when metal or metal passes each of the repeats the test. If the metal and records
sounds, product is wand is detected following metal wands detector does not detect the observation to
kicked off the line) (Note: the through the metal metal wand a second time, the indicate it was a
w hen metal is manufacturer must detector, placing them CCP-4
P Monitor notifies the procedure check.
detected define what function on top of the product: CCP -4P Authorized Person.
normally means for X mm ferrous Records all findings on the Every Y time
the metal detector at X mm non-ferrous CCP-4
P Monitoring Record. CCP-4
period, CCP -4PP
the X mm stainless Verifier reviews X
facility (e.g.
(e.g.,, alarm as per the CCP
P SOP If the metal detector is not number of
must sound, conveyor for Metal Detector. For functioning as intended (i.e., the CCP -4 P
must stop and product each metal wand, the appropriate alarms and/or line Monitoring
must be kicked off). Monitor observes the stoppage/product kick out does Records and
metal detector to ensure not occur), when each of the associated
the metal detector is metal wands is passed through CCP-3
B Deviation
detecting the metal the metal detector, the CCP -4P Records and
wand and observes the Monitor repeats the test as per corrective actions
functioning of the metal the CCP -4 P SOP for Metal completed since
detector to ensure that Detector. If the metal detector the last
when the metal wands does not function as intended, verification for
pass through the metal notifies the CCP -4P Authorized completeness to
detector, the metal Person. Records all findings and ensure critical
detector is functioning actions taken on the CC-4 P limits have been
normally i.e., appropriate Monitoring Record. met. Signs and
alarms and/or line dates.
stoppage/product kick If the metal detector indicates
out occurs. that metal is detected in the If deviations are
product (i.e., the appropriate found for any of
Records all findings and alarms and/or line stoppage/ the above
observations on the product kick out occurs), the procedures, the
CCP -4 P Monitoring Plant Employee stops the line CCP -4 P Verifier
Record. Signs and dates. and notifies the CCP -4P Monitor. follows the
The CCP -4 P Monitor passes Deviation
product through the metal Procedures for
detector at least two more times this CCP. When
to ensure that the metal the CCP -4P
detector is functioning normally. Monitor is not
If the metal detector continues following
to identify metal in the product, procedures,
notifies the CCP -4P Authorized reinforcement
Person. training or
retraining will be
The CCP -4 P Monitor records all provided.
deviations and corrective actions
on the CCP -4P Monitoring CCP -4 P Verifier
Record. records the
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HACCP Generic Model: Spices – Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables – ... http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/safe-food-production-systems/haccp-ge...
P Authorized Person
records the description of the
deviation, the corrective action
(including date completed) and
preventive measures on the
P Deviation Record. Signs
and dates.
Table of Contents
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