Cronograma Proyectos SSI AR CW 04
Cronograma Proyectos SSI AR CW 04
Cronograma Proyectos SSI AR CW 04
68 7.1 Project start, system optimization 22 días lun 9/1/23 lun 13/2/23 Project start, system optimization and customer approval signed
and customer approval signed 9/1/23 13/2/23
69 7.2 Detailed engineering 60 días mar 14/2/23 lun 8/5/23 Detailed engineering
14/2/23 8/5/23
70 7.3 IT specifications book signed and 24 sem. mar 11/4/23 lun 25/9/23 IT specifications book signed and realization
realization 11/4/23 25/9/23
71 7.4 Production 20 sem. mar 9/5/23 lun 25/9/23 Production
9/5/23 25/9/23
72 7.5 Delivery of material and local 6 sem. mar 26/9/23 lun 6/11/23 Delivery of material and local import process
import process 26/9/23 6/11/23
73 7.6 Site Installation 8 sem. lun 26/2/24 vie 19/4/24 Site Installation
26/2/24 19/4/24
74 7.7 MHE PLC commisioning 6 sem. lun 22/4/24 vie 31/5/24 MHE PLC commisioning
22/4/24 31/5/24
75 7.8 IT commisioning 3 sem. lun 3/6/24 vie 21/6/24 IT commisioning
3/6/24 21/6/24
76 7.9 Tests and internal protocol 4 sem. lun 24/6/24 vie 19/7/24 Tests and internal protocol acceptance
acceptance 24/6/24 19/7/24
77 7.10 Ramp‐Up phase and final 3 sem. lun 22/7/24 vie 9/8/24 Ramp-Up phase and final acceptance signed
acceptance signed 22/7/24 9/8/24