Cooperatif L
Cooperatif L
Cooperatif L
To cite this article: Treasa Kirk (1999): Celebrating diversity through cooperative learning and social skills, Irish Educational
Studies, 18:1, 75-90
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Irish Educational Studies, Vol.18, Spring 1999 75
Treasa Kirk
assigned material and to make sure that all other members of their
group do likewise (Johnson & Johnson, 1998). A number of
researchers have taken the heterogeneity of teams as a defining
characteristic of cooperative learning. Sharan & Sharan (1992) see the
different backgrounds, values and abilities of group members as a
group's greatest assets. Students discuss the material, share ideas and
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perspectives, listen and consider the ideas of others and encourage each
other to work hard to achieve. Cooperative learning interventions can
be implemented successfully in any subject area, with any task and
from the primary grades (Yackel, Cobb & Wood, 1991) to college
level (Dees, 1991).
(a) keeping the cooperative group size small e.g. three students;
The study
Irish Educational Studies, Vol.18, Spring 1999 81
Care was taken to ensure that there was a high, middle and low
achiever in each cooperative learning team. The pretest results of the
sixteen students in the control group and the sixteen students in the
cooperative groups were also compared using the SPSS computer
package and as the 2-tail significance score of 0.768 was >0.05 there
was no significant difference between the two groups. A reversal of
the classroom arrangement was undertaken, in Spelling, during the
following three weeks in order to alleviate any feeling of isolation
which would be felt by the control group participants in the Maths
New Class
3 Weeks 3 Weeks
"1" T
12 12
months months
later later
Classroom arrangement
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Control Group
Table Storage C'osets/Bookshelves
Irish Educational Studies, Vol.18, Spring 1999 85
terms of pretest and posttest scores either in year one or year two.
friend and three student whom they found especially helpful. This
can be accounted for by the fact that three groups in year one
displayed no choices in the pretest, unlike year two, where all
groups indicated at least one choice in the pretest, thus increasing
the possible level of change in year one. It was also apparent that
the level of social adjustment among the year two participants was
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(6) There was almost total unanimity among students of all ability
levels in their preference for working cooperatively rather than
individually or competitively.
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