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1. cnNote Down different types of maps and their features.

Type of map What does it show? Why is it used? Will it change?

Type of map What does it show? Why is it used? Will it change?

Type of map What does it show? Why is it used? Will it change?

Type of map What does it show? Why is it used? Will it change?

2. Write the 5 components of a good map and give an example of each.

3. Answer the questions using a grid

1. To what degree can you find the north pole? __________________

2. What is 0-degree latitude called? __________________

3. The portion of the angling globe from prime meridian west to 180-degree longitude is the
What is:

Monotheism:- _________________________________________________________________


Polytheism:- _________________________________________________________________


Atheism:- _________________________________________________________________


Write what religion each symbol represents.

Fill out The following.

The Judaism symbol represents __________________________________. They celebrate

_________________________, _______________________ and ____________________.

____________________ is there imam. __________________ is the day they take a rest

Thinking ‘G-D’ took rest on the ________ day. __________________ is there quran.

_____________________ is called halal in their religion. __________ is a stick used to move t

the ___________. _______________ is the cap they wear. Their law is called

_______________. _____________ is their language.______________ is the place they go to


Christianity is a _______________ religion. ____________ is their holy book. They believe god

was Revealed in three forms and they are:- god the Father, god the Son, and

___________________. They go to the ______________ to worship. Their leader is

Called_______________ or ________________. They celebrate ___________ and

_______________. Isa ibn Maryam is called ________________ in their religion. The

________________ in Easter symbolizes life.

Buddhism is __________________ religion. _______________ __________________ was a

King who lived a luxurious life. __________________ _____________________ became

known as the Buddha. He loved to ________________. The Buddhist scriptures are known as

the ___________. They go to _____________ to worship. _____________ and Vesak is their

Hinduism is a _________________ faith. They believe in 3 great gods called ______________

and they are Vishnu, ______________ and _______________. ______________ is the god of

Creation. Vishnu is the god of ___________________________ and ___________ is the god of

resection. _____________ Is there a holy book? Hinduism believes in ______________.

What are the 4 holy truths in Buddhism?





What is sustainability and why is it important?





What are the barriers to sustainability?




What is overfishing? And mention 3 unsustainable finishing and ways to tackle them.




What is bottom trawling?





What is deforestation? and write 6 concerns








What is globalization?



What is a sweatshop?



Do you know the definition of the following abbreviations?


LEDC ;-___________________________________________________

HIC ;-____________________________________________________

LIC ;-____________________________________________________


What is Fair Trade?

What is a fair trade premium?


Why do poor countries make use of child labor?


How did the fair trade foundation put a stop to child labor?


What benefits do football manufacturers have in being part of a fair trade program?


What is globalization?



What is localization?



What is glocalization?



What are developed indicators?




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