29th September 1990
29th September 1990
29th September 1990
Programme Leaders:
Gems may be described as those specimens of minerals or organic materials used for
personal adornment that possess beauty, rarity, and durability. Organic materials used as
gems include pearl, coral, amber, and jet. Gems are devided into two classifications:
i) diamonds and
In its broadcast sense, the term "colored stones" is used in the jewelry trade to
refer to all gem minerals and organic gem materials, but not diamonds. In a narrower
sense, pearls are. also eliminated from this classification and treated separately; Diamond
i) In its finer qualities it is usually nearly colorless, whereas the finer qualities in
ii) its physical and optical properties are sufficiently different from other gems to
iii) unlike good-quality coloured stones, diamonds have been consistently available in
The subsequent competition in sales has demanded a specialization that has not been
ing is a fultime occupation. The sources of rough, the cutting techniques and marketing
are totally foreign to those of coloured stones, and thus it has rarely been practical to
attempt to combine the two other than at the retail sales level.
It is interesting to note that a gem material or potential gem material may sometimes
little demand exists for it to achieve sufficient status to bring high prices.
d) D e m a n d
The fourth factor having a bearing on the value of gemstones is DEMAND, or VOGUE.
There are times when some of the less important gemstones enjoy great demand and other
From time to time, fashion dictates the use of very large stones or numerous small
stones massed in settings. Factors such as these have a bearing on value at that time.
e) Tradition
One of the important factors affecting the demand and value of gemstones is TRA
DITION. It might be said that tradition, as applied to gems, is the sum of all the efforts
throughout the centuries to interest and educate the public in the use of gems for ornamen
tation, symbolism, and as a medium of exchange. Such efforts include promotions on the
part of jewellers, publicized purchases and use of gems by royalty and wealthy individuals,
the symbolic use of gems in various churches and other developments in which gems play
a part. All of these activities have, over a period of time, created an acknowledgement by
f) Portability
to any fine gemstone because it represents a high concentration of value in a small object,
permitting the owner to transport great wealth on his person. This is what gives gemstones
a universal security value, perhaps greater than any other commodity. This is the factor
that has influenced royalty and many wealthy families to invest a certain amount of their
funds in jewels. When everything else fails, even their government, they can take or send
their gems out of the country and realize a return on them quickly.
d) DEMAND (or V O G U E ) ,
a) B e a u t y
A transparent coloured stone, such as ruby,, depends for its beauty on several factors;
namely, the quality and depth of colour, the degree of transparency, and fashioning. The
beauty of an opaque stone depends mainly on colour and, to a lesser extent, on fashioning.
It is not necessary that a specimen display its maximum beauty in order to be valuable.
For example, a fine-quality rough specimen of ruby with highly abraded surfaces might be
very unattractive to the layman but have great potential beauty that could be revealed
by proper fashioning. Thus, to qualify as a gem or gem mineral, a specimen must display
b) Durability
ornament, however, a stone must withstand ordinary wear well enough to retain its beauty
like some metals that oxidize and slowly disintegrate, or some fabrics and woods that
decompose, gems will withstand for centuries conditions that .quickly destroy most other
c) Rarity
The third factor contributing to the value of a gemstone is RARITY. Rarity frequently
plays a very important role in determining the value of a gemstone, since, obviously, the
rather the material in great demand as a gemstone, the higher its value. In sizes over 2
carats, the finest qualities of ruby and emerald are more valuable per carat than colourless
Of approximately two thousand minerals that have been identified, only about ninety
have varieties that produce specimens possessing the requisite beauty and durability to be
considered gemstones. Of this ninety, only about twenty are particularly important to the
Since most gemstones are minerals, the classification method used in gemology is the
same one applied by mineralogists to the various minerals, with minor adjustments. Each
mineral that produces gemstones is considered a gem SPECIES. A gem species is charac
therefore, each species possesses characteristic properties. Most species, however, include
a number of different types of material with variations that are usually based on color,
transparency or phenomena; each of these is called a VARIETY. For example, ruby and
sapphire are both varieties of the gem species corundum. Ruby is the red variety and sap
phire is the name applied to blue and all other colors. Since both are corundum, ruby and
sapphire have the same basic chemical composition, the same crystal structure, and the
same properties. They differ only in color. Rubies and sapphires also occur in "asteriated"
or "star" varieties.
Sri Lanka in relation to its surface area, is the most dense gem-bearing country in the
world. No other country in the world exept perhaps Bras., has such a wide variety of gem
In addition to the commonly found gem stones, one also finds associated with the gem
gravels, minerals such as taaffeite, Sinhalite, Olivine, Ekanite etc. which may be useful as
index minerals. These are the potential of valuable elements generally found in the gem
gravels such as gold, thorium, uranium, inobium, tantalum, have rarely been considered.
Corrundum is one of the fairly common minerals in Sri Lanka and also in the earth's
crust. It is found in many different kinds of rocks and in many places on the earth's sur
face, but only under the rare occurrence of nearly ideal conditions is transparent material
formed. With the exception of black star sapphire, only the transparent to translucent
Corrundum was formed under a wide variety of geological conditions. In almost any
mineral, crystals suitable for gem use occur only under usually good conditions.
Conditions conducive to ideal crystal growth seem even more rare during the for
mation of corrundum than of most other gem minerals, for it is among the most widely
occurring but least commonly transparent minerals. The right conditions seem to occur
most frequently in the contact metamorphism of certain limestones that recrystallize into
marble. In the process, the necessary impurities in the limestone, mainly aluminium oxide,
Corrundum also occurs in a variety of aluminium rich igneous rocks. There are some
pegmatite dikes (Fig.2) bearing a higher than ordinary percentage of aluminium in which
gem quality material was formed. Also it is occasionally found in very basic igneous rocks.
Corrundum is next to Diamond, in the grade of hardness. Many gems obtained from
Illama show round or oval shapes due to rolling in river beds and streams. But often
Ruby Sapphire
— blue sapphire
— yellow sapphire
—white sapphire
_ padmaraja
—yellow blue
The colour caused by chromium oxide in the red; titanium and iron oxide
in the blue, iron oxide in the yellow, clrromium and iron oxide in the
orange, iron and titanium oxide in the green and chromium, titanium
Crystallographic Character :
Characteristic Inclusions
- zircon crystals
- spinel crystals
- mica crystals
- hematite slabs
- garnet grains
Feldspar Orthoclase
Olivine (Mg, Fe ) [Sio ] 2 4
Andalusite Al [0/Si0 ]
2 4
Sillimanite Al [Si0 ]
2 6
Topaz A1 [F /Si0 ]
2 2 4
Tourmaline (Na,Ca) (Li Mg,Fe Al) B Si6(0,OH) i ) ) 9 3 3 Schrol
Axinite Ca (Mn,Fe) Al Al [B0 OH/Si40 ]
2 3 12 Uwait
Pyroxene LiAl[Si 0 ] 2 6 Spodumene
Mg [Si 0 ]
2 2 6 Enstatite
(Fe, Mg) [Si 0 l 2 2 5 Hypersthens
CaMg (Si0 ) 3 2 Diopside
CaF 2
Chalcopyrite Cu Fe S 2
Marcasite FeS 2
Pyrites Fe S 2
Quartz Si0 2 Rock crystal, Amethyst
Rose-quartz, Smoky-quartz,
Brown-quartz, Citrine
Quartz with inclusions Quartz - Cat's eye
Quartz - Tiger's eye
Quartz Chalcedony, Jasper,
(Cryptocrystalline) Agate
Chrysoberyl BeAl 0 2 4 Chrysoberyl Cat's eye
Spinel MgAl 0 2 4 Ceylonite
Taaffeote AUMgBeOs
Corundum A1 0
2 3 Ruby, Star-ruby,
Sapphire, Star sapphire,
Yellow sapphire, Pink sapphire,
Rutile Ti0 2
Calcite CaC0 3
Apatite Ca(F,Cl)Ca4(P0 )3 4
Monazite Ce(P0 ) 4
Sinhalite Mg A1(B0 ) 4
Scheelite CaW0 4
• 80°00' 81°00*
o 10°00'
io ocr
WVC-Western Vijayon Complex
EVC-Eastern Vijoyan Complex
H6-Highlond Group
SWG-Soulhwest Group
Scale 1:500.000
0 10 20 30 Mis
10 30 50Kms
B0°00 81°00*
Figure 1
Chemistry of colour of blue sapphires and
heat treatment
A characteristic feature of the transition elements is-the wide variety of colours ex
hibited by these compounds. The colour of a compound is due to its absorption of visible
light. As you know the visible light (white light) which the human eye can see is composed
of several types of colours. A common demonstration of this is the rainbow where sun
light gets dispersed by tiny droplets of water giving the characteristic colours from violet
to red. Transtion metals have d orbitals and transitions between different d orbitals can
occur with absorption of light in the visible region. The colour of a compound that is
absorbing light in the visible region is the complement of the absorbed light. For example
3 +
an aqueous solution containing T i is violet in colour which is due to the absorption of
most of the green and yellow light and the transmission of blue and some red. In simple
terms, coloured compounds absorb some colours of visible light and the transmitted colour
The beautiful colours of gems are due to the presence of traces of transition elements
in them. Most gems are mixed oxide crystals (silicates, aluminosilicates, borosilicates,
alumina, silica). These aluminosilicates and pure oxides like corundum (aluminium oxide)
are white. However in the presence of traces of transition elements such as iron, titanium,
and chronium, these compounds exhibit brilliant colours. Some examples are given in table
Blue sapphires contain small amounts of iron and titanium as impurity ions. Their
combined percentage concentration is generally less than 1%. It has been found that both
iron and titanium are necessary for a sapphire to exhibit the blue colour. However some
3 +
synthetic corrundum samples with T i incorporated into it also show the characteristic
blue colour. The oxidation states of iron and titanium in blue sapphire are not well
2 + 3 +
established. It is quite possible that all four possible oxidation states, i.e. F e , F e ,
4 + 3 +
Ti , Ti may be present and their relative concentrations are important factors in
determining colour.
Scientists have explained the origin of blue colour as due to the absorption of visible
2 + 4 +
light by the ion-pair F e /Ti . An electron transfer arising from this light absorption
3 + 3 +
results in F e /Ti . The question of the origin of colour of blue sapphire is not fully
The white sapphire popularly known as geuda has the same basic structure of corun
dum as the blue sapphire. However these stones appear as white, pale blue or colourless
stones with silkiness. The stone is not clear and various non-uniform inclusions are gener
ally present.
The geuda stones until 1970 were generally discarded as valueless stones. Then the
Thai gem merchants started buying the geuda stones oh a large scale. The Thai gem
traders having masterminded the technique of geuda heat treatment to convert them to
valuable blue sapphire, were buying these geuda to be exported to Thailand. The Thais
used empty tar barrels lined with bricks to heat geuda stones. A burner using LP gas
and oxygen was generally employed for heating geuda placed in an alumina crucible. The
exact details of the heat treatment remained a close secret among the Thai gem traders.
However, since then several Sri Lankans have mastered this technique and heat treatment
is done fairly extensively in Sri Lanka. The furnaces used in Sri Lanka are made in Sri
Lanka. There are many varieties available. Out of these the Lakmini furnace manufactured
The geuda heat treatment requires heating geuda stones placed in an alumina crucible
to a temperature of around 1850°c initially. The stones are next maintained at a tempera
ture of about 1700 - 1800°c for several hours. The exact temperature and the duration of
heating depends on the type of geuda to be heated. Another important requirement is that
the stones should be heated in a reducing atmosphere. The carbon monoxide formed in
the combustion of LP gas with oxygen provides the reducing atmosphere necessary. How
ever higher temperatures generally jequire more oxidizing conditions and this can cause
the appearance of white colour again. Thus carefully controlled conditions are absolutely
essential for a successful heat treatment.
3 +
Since the geuda stones are normally heated in a reducing atmosphere some F e can
2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 +
be converted to F e . Now with both F e and T i present, F e - Ti interaction
becomes possible. This is called a charge-transfer transition which results in blue colour
3 + 4 +
(Note that the presence of F e can impart only a pale yellow colour while T i does not
give any colour). If the iron concentration is high relative to titanium, after reduction, a
2 +
yellow or a green (due to F e ) sapphire may result. If the titanium content is higher,
then asterism or the formation of a white star like appearance may result. This may also
3 + 4 +
cause silkiness to reappear. In this process atmospheric oxygen converts T i to T i
which appears as T i 0 . 2
2Ti 0 2 3 + 0 2 — • 4Ti0 2
Ti0 2 separates as needles, silkiness or star like structures. These features are not
desirable in the geuda heat treatment since a clear blue coloured stone is the ultimate
goal. Such features can be removed by reheating the stones above 1600°c and cooling
Another possibility regarding the chemical reactions which occur during heat treat
ment is as follows. Under reducing condition T i + is produced by the following reactions.
O - —• l/20 2 +2e
3 2 +
Fe + + e — * F e
4 + 3
Ti + e — • Ti +
2 4 3 + 3 +
Fe + + T i + — • T i + Fe
The last reaction usually goes in the opposite direction. However at elevated temper
atures and strongly reducing conditions, it may well be possible. Thus basic research into
such scientific aspects such as original of the colour of blue sapphire and the chemistry of
Heat treatments of most gems have been practiced for a very long time Red agate and
carnelian that have been heat treated to enhance colour are reported to have been found in
Tutankhamen's tomb (about 1300 BC). During this century Wild made a scientific study
on the effect of heat on a variety of gems in 1932. Heat treatment is widely practiced by
gem producing countries and exporting countries in order to enhance colour and improve
clarity. The deep blue (almost black) Australian sapphires can be lightened by heating
under oxidizing conditions. Table 2 gives some examples for such processes.
Table 1. Colouring ions in gems
Metal ions
Ruby Corrundum 3
Cr +
orange to pink
pink to orange
or milky
to colourless
to blue or yellow