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8 TQ Quarter4

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4th Quarter For items 10-12, read the following statements for each
English 8 number and determine whether the statements are
primary or secondary sources. Write on the space
Name: ___________________________________________ provided after each statement P for primary and S for
Section: ______________ Date: _______________ secondary sources.
10. I am reading textbooks to search more
I. Answer the questions below by choosing the letter information about Philippine History. ______
of your best answer. Encircle your chosen letter. 11. I have read sports magazines. I really like the
1. Apart from using, determiners, repetition and articles written by sports enthusiasts about
transitional devices, which among the choices UAAP players. __________
below can be used to achieve coherence? 12. I was also looking into the artworks of Dr. Jose
a. claim c. idea development Rizal to help me in my History class research
b. signals d. pattern of idea project. _______________
2. Also, for example, in addition, specifically and for 13. How would you differentiate primary sources to
instance secondary sources?
The italicized phrases above are what type of a. Primary sources are firsthand information
pattern of idea development? while secondary sources are secondhand
a. persuasion c. claim-counterclaim information.
b. cause-and-effect d. general-to-particular b. Primary sources are the only main source in
3. Arranging grammatical signals, we can find the outline.
below, which should be LEAST appropriate for c. Primary includes diaries while secondary
cause-and-effect pattern idea of development? sources include letters of correspondence
a. as a result c. even though d. Secondary sources are critics
b. consequently d. with these reasons 14. Analyze the given statement below. What context
For items 4 & 5, read and figure out what is the clue will help you find out the source being used
appropriate grammatical signals should you use to in the statement?
complete the paragraph. I have found a letter in the locker room of my
4. There are many reason students are not allowed friend the other day. I know it is private, but I read
to chew gum during class. One reason is it is a it anyway.
distraction. When students are allowed to chew a. locker c. private
gum, their attention is more focused on chewing, b. letter d. friend
popping, or snapping it. ________, they may not 15. In making an outline, how do we expand the
listen, read, and learn properly. content of an outline using different sources?
a. Therefore c. In conclusion a. Important keywords taken from primary and
b. Despite this d. Because of this secondary sources were added
5. Some teachers do not allow students to use b. Use primary sources to have firsthand ideas
cellphones during classes. Cellphones are useful c. Make use of secondary sources for
for students in searching definitions and relevant secondhand sources
information. __________ teachers view cellphones d. None of the above
as a distraction to students, they are still very 16. It is a piece of writing that brings together
useful. multiple sources or ideas to create a new idea or
a. Although c. As a result point.
b. Because d. Furthermore a. Analysis c. Summary
6. When you want to write a feature article that b. Inference d. Synthesis
would encourage people to keep the right attitude 17. What refers to pulling of information from several
and stay hopeful amidst COVID-19 crisis, which sources to generate a new thought?
of the following could NOT be considered as a a. Analyzing c. Comprehending
secondary source for your article? b. Revising d. Synthesizing
a. Books c. Diaries For items 18 & 19, as you have understood synthesizing
b. Journals d. Reports information from different sources, what is the first
7. What is a type of outline that presents the thesis thing you need to do that will definitely start the
statement, major topics, subtopics and sequence? Write your answer as briefly as you can.
supporting details in sentence form? ___________________________________________________
a. Sentence Outline c. Sub-topic ___________________________________________________
b. Supporting d. Topic ___________________________________________________
8. What type of an outline presents major topics, _______________________________
subtopics and supporting details? 20. Since synthesizing skill is one of the most
a. Outline c. Subtopic important reading comprehension strategies that
b. Topic Outline d. Major Topic every learner should have, what method is being
9. An outline contains four contents. What content created and followed to synthesize each
refers to the major phrases/sentences which are information?
formed from the thesis statement? a. RES Method c. SCR Method
a. Thesis c. Major Topic b. KIL Method d. LUV Method
21. What refers to a group of sentences organized to b. Voice d. Mouth
discuss a topic? 35. Text types can be categorized in a number of
a. clauses c. essay ways. Which among the choices below is an
b. composition d. paragraph informational text that present factual data on a
22. What pattern of paragraph development uses topic through description, sequence?
series of examples to support and further explain a. Narrative c. expository
the topic sentence? b. Persuasive d. Explanatory
a. cause and effect c. definition 36. Another text type is recount. It retells past events
b. exemplification d. comparison which may either be personal or factual. What
23. What pattern of paragraph development is used should we use if we retell past events that the
to explain a stage or phase on how to do writer was personally involved in?
something by presenting the steps, procedure or a. Personal c. Factual
instructions? b. Financial d. Persuasive
a. definition c. description 37. A speech choir composes of members that will
b. narration d. process perform a given content piece. How many people
24. What principle of paragraph writing is evident should complete the group?
when all sentences in the paragraph talk about a. 25-40 c. 10-25
one central idea or topic? b. 5-15 d. 5 only
a. coherence c. development 38. In a procedural text a list a sequence of actions or
b. organization d. unity steps needed to make or do something. What
For items 25-27, how would you observe the principles articles uses this type of text which is not
in writing a paragraph? There are three different confused as explanations?
principles in each item. Give a one-sentence answer for a. Recipes c. essays
each. b. Biography d. Editorials
25. Coherence - 39. Analyze the given text below. Describe how ideas
_____________________________________________ are developed in Persuasive Text Type. Provide
_____________________________________ your own answer.
26. Development
_____________________________________________ Treshella White Beauty Soap
_____________________________________ By Clarit,. Tresh
27. Unity
_____________________________________________ Using “Treshella White Beauty Soap” truly gives
_____________________________________ an amazing effect. It makes your skin look smooth
28. There are a few patterns of paragraph and silky white. It contains glutathione and
development. What pattern tells a story or Vitamin C. Hurry! Grab this product from stores
recounts a series of events? nationwide and experience young-looking skin
a. Narration c. Description like no other.
b. Process d. Exemplification
29. ‘Vlogs are different from blogs.’ Which pattern of _____________________________________________
paragraph development best fits the given topic? _____________________________________________
a. Cause and effects c. definition _____________________________________________
b. Comparison d. exemplification _____________________________
30. The sentence below is an example of a topic 40. In writing a speech, there are many things that
sentence. Evaluate what the sentence shows that should be considered. What would result if the
proves it is a topic sentence. Provide your answer. characteristics of a good speech is neglected in
There are three reasons why I prefer walking to writing one? Provide your answer.
other physical activities. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
31. What article exposes the possible causes of _____________________________
a. Narrative c. expository
b. Persuasive d. Explanatory
32. What type discusses a theme from Romeo &
a. Narrative c. expository
b. Persuasive d. Explanatory
33. What popular performing art operates like a
music choir minus the music?
a. Plays c. Speech Choir
b. Spoken Poetry d. recitals
34. Which among the choices below is NOT an
element of speech choir?
a. Members c. Content Piece

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