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Udl - Tips For Assessment

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UDL Tips for Assessment

In CAST’s Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice, assessment is defined as
“the process of gathering information about a learner’s performance to make educational
decisions” (Salvia & Ysseldyke, 2009). Universal Design for Learning (UDL) encourages
“assessment by design,” but what does that mean specifically for educators?
How can you use the UDL framework to design and reflect on assessments — whether the
assessments are through remote learning environments or in a face-to-face experience?

Align assessments to learning goals.

When the learning goals are clear, the
Ask yourself:
assessments should align so they measure
whether learners have achieved the intended
• Are my learning objectives/goals clear?
goal. Design assessments alongside learning
goals so that you can ensure you are measuring • Does my assessment reflect and
the intended goals of your learning experience. measure the intended learning goals,
There can be flexibility in the assessment or are there additional components or
skills that are also being measured by
options when the construct, or focus for the
my assessment?
assessment, is clear.

Offer authentic opportunities for assessment.

Offering relevant, authentic options for
assessment can help learners transfer usable Ask yourself:
knowledge and understand the “what,”
the “how,” and the “why” of their learning. • In what ways do my assessments
Whether you are in a face to face setting or in engage learners in understanding
the authenticity and relevance of
a remote learning environment, ensure that
the content?
the assessment can be personally relatable
and culturally relevant. • How am I providing opportunities
for learners to apply new
knowledge to novel situations and
relatable experiences?
Assess engagement as well as content knowledge.
We know that engagement is essential for Consider a resource such as the Mood
learning. Assessing engagement in the learning Meter to build vocabulary and reflection
process can invite metacognitive reflection, so around emotion and engagement during
learners have the opportunity to assess their learning. It can be critical to develop this
own learning process. As part of the reflection kind of communication for remote learning,
process, assess and understand how learners as educators are not necessarily able to
engaged with and used resources strategically accurately evaluate learners’ engagement in
towards given demands in a task. the same ways in the remote context.

Ask yourself:

• How have I assessed learner engagement during the learning process?

• What strategies or supports helped a learner persist through a challenge to engage in
the assessment?

Include frequent formative assessments.

Formative assessments are ongoing, frequent Examples of formative assessments might
checks to measure learners’ progress toward include reflection questions on exit tickets,
the targeted learning goals. Data from “do now” questions, portfolio collections,
formative assessments should influence journal entries, or quick polls such as
instructional decisions and help determine how Plickers. Note that formative assessments
the options supported learners to achieve the should be incorporated in any learning
intended goals. experience, including remote learning.

Ask yourself:

• In what ways do my assessments engage learners in understanding the authenticity and

relevance of the content?
• How am I providing opportunities for learners to apply new knowledge to novel situations
and relatable experiences?
Reduce unnecessary barriers to access.
Assessments often have additional barriers or For example, options such as practice
challenges for learners that are not connected assessments, review guides, flexible timing,
with measuring the intended learning goal. assistive technologies, or support resources
Where possible, reduce the barriers that do not can be made available for all learners.
tie to the learning goals you want to measure.

Ask yourself:

• Are there accessibility barriers my learners may encounter in my assessments?

• What are the targeted skills or understandings this assessment is intended to measure?
• What may be preventing learners from showing what they know in my assessment?

Support learner variability through flexible assessments.

In any assessment, we can anticipate variability For example, assessments should reflect
in how our learners engage, are prepared, and the learning experience. Just as we use the
can show what they know. Flexible options UDL framework to design our lessons, the
not only enhance access, but can also reduce UDL principles (provide multiple means of
perceived threats or distractions and ensure all engagement, representation, and action and
learners are able to demonstrate their skills. expression) should also guide the design of
our assessments.

Ask yourself:

• What is some of the variability I can anticipate in my learners, especially during

• How do the flexible options for engagement, representation, and action and expression in
my assessments align to the intended learning objectives and support learner variability?
Use and share rubrics to clarify expectations.
Rubrics are effective in making the goals and
expectations of an assignment explicit. They can Ask yourself:
serve as a baseline for what is required and then
can include opportunities for learners to add • Does the rubric align to the intended
goals they have for a given assignment. Clear skills or knowledge?
communication of expectations through a rubric • Are there opportunities for learners
can allow for consistent measurement of the to contribute to the rubric in ways
intended goal. that are meaningful to them?

Involve learners in assessing their learning progress.

Communicate with learners about their
progress towards the intended learning goals Ask yourself:
through formative assessment data, mastery-
oriented feedback, and providing guidance for • Have I offered timely, goal-related
possible adjustments or new strategies that may feedback for my learners on the
support the intended goal. This allows learners assessment?
to become active advocates and take ownership • Have I offered opportunities for
of their learning. learners to assess their own progress
and process (for example, through
regular check-ins)?

Reflect on summative assessments for future design.

Summative assessments focus on learner
performance after instruction has occurred, Ask yourself:
such as unit exams, course summative tests,
final project artifacts, or chapter summaries. • What kinds of summative
They are often used for accountability purposes, assessments am I using to measure
criterion for admittance, or to compare learner the learning outcomes for this
performance. Summative assessments can also learning experience?
be used to reflect on ways to improve learning • What are the summative
strategies and to further design goal-directed assessments measuring and how can
learning environments. that data be used to inform my future
instructional design?
Build communities of practice that support
reflective design.
Both formative and summative assessments
can be used to reflect on the purpose and Ask yourself:
effectiveness of instructional materials
and learning strategies. Collaborating with • How do I collaborate with other
colleagues around these assessment topics, educators to design effective
instruction and curricular materials
collecting and analyzing data, discussing
that support the targeted learning
outcomes, examining challenges, and
goals as measured through the
recommending solutions can be both effective
and empowering. Find ways to have these
important discussions, whether together • In what ways do our teams or
departments adjust instruction or
during team meetings or through remote and
curricular decisions after evaluating
online platforms.
assessment results/ data?

Additional Resources
• UDL Instructional Planning Process from the UDL-IRN
• UDL and Assessment from CAST’s UDL on Campus
• A Policy Reader in Universal Design for Learning
by David Gordon, Jenna Gravel, and Laura Schifter
• Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice
by Anne Meyer, David H. Rose, and David Gordon
• Using Formative Assessment to Improve Student Achievement in the Core Content Areas,
a briefing paper from the Southeast Comprehensive Center at SEDL
• UDL Quick Tips from the ACCESS Project at Colorado State University
• Just Write! Guide from TEAL (Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy)

Salvia, J., Ysseldyke, J.E. & Bolt, S. (2009). Assessment in special and inclusive education. (11th edition).
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

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