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Loxoprofen DS SajaPharma2012

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ROXONIN® 60 mg Tablets
Loxoprofen sodium Chloroform JP, Medium 1 (pH 1.2) 87
JP, Medium 2 (pH 6.8) 0.95
2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE 4.1 Therapeutic indications
COMPOSITION 1. For relief of inflammation and pain in the following
ROXONIN Tablet contains the following ingredients disorders and symptoms:
per tablet Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lower back pain,
periarthritis of the shoulder, and shoulder-arm-neck
Active Ingredient: Loxoprofen sodium hydrate (JP)
68.1 mg (60 mg as anhydride) syndrome, toothache
Excipients: 2. For relief of postoperative, post-traumatic or post-
Lactose. exodontial pain and inflammation
For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3. For antipyresis and relief of pain in the following
3. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Acute upper respiratory, tract inflammation, (inclu-
ROXONIN 60 mg is Pale red tablet, Coded by SJ ding acute upper. airway inflammation, accompany-
112 on one side and plain on the other side ing acute bronchitis)
PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE 4.2 Posology and method of administration
Nonproprietary name: Loxoprofen Sodium Hydrate
For indications (1 & 2) the usual adult dosage is
Chemical name: Monosodium 2-{4-[(2-oxocyclo- 60 mg of loxoprofen sodium (as anhydride) orally
pentyl)methyl]phenyl} propanoate dehydrate three times a day.
Molecular formula: C15H17NaO3.2H2O For p.r.n. use, administer 60-120 mg once oral-
ly. The dosage may be adjusted according to the
patient’s age and symptoms.
For indication (3) the usual adult dosage is 60 mg of
Molecular weight: 304.31 loxoprofen sodium (as anhydride) p.r.n. once orally.
Structural formula: The dosage may be adjusted according to the
Description: Loxoprofen sodium hydrate occurs as patient’s age and symptoms. In principle, the recom-
white to off-white crystals or crystalline powder. It is mended maximum daily dose of ROXONIN is twice
very soluble in water and in methanol, freely soluble daily administration, and the total daily dose should
in ethanol (95), and practically insoluble in dieth- not exceed 180 mg/day.
yl ether. A solution of loxoprofen sodium (1 → 20) Use of ROXONIN on an empty stomach should be
shows no optical rotation. avoided.
Partition Coefficient: Use in the Elderly
Organic sol- pH of aqueous phase Partition coef-
In as much as adverse reactions are likely to occur in
vent ficient K elderly patients, ROXONIN should be used with caution,
1-Octanol JP, Medium 1 (pH 1.2) 190 e.g., starting at a low dose, while closely monitoring the
JP, Medium 2 (pH 6.8) 0.82 patient’s condition (see “Important Precautions”).
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Pediatric Use 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use

The safety of ROXONIN in low birth weight infants, 1) Careful Administration (ROXONIN should be
newborn infants, Infants and toddlers, Children and administered with caution in the following
adolescents has not been established. patients.)
Precautions Concerning Use a) Patients with a history of peptic ulcers [since
When ROXONIN Tablets are dispensed, patients the use of ROXONIN may cause recurrence of
should be instructed to remove each tablet from the ulceration.]
PTP blister package before taking the drug. [It has b) Patients with peptic ulcer associated with chron-
been reported that accidental ingestion of the blis- ic use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory-anal-
ter package can lead to esophageal mucosal injury gesic agents whose clinical condition requires
and subsequent perforation caused by the pointed long-term administration of ROXONIN and who
corner of the package, resulting in serious complica- are currently on misoprostol therapy [ROXONIN
tions such as mediastinitis.] must be administered with care while close-
4.3 Contraindications ly monitoring the clinical condition of patients
(ROXONIN is contraindicated in the following receiving this drug continuously, because pep-
patients.) tic ulcers may be refractory to treatment with
misoprostol, which is indicated for nonsteroidal
• Patients with peptic ulcers [Peptic ulcers may be
aggravated due to reduced gastric blood flow antiinflammatory- analgesic drug-induced peptic
resulting from inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthe- ulceration.]
sis.] (See “Careful Administration”) c) Patients with or with a history of blood disorders
• Patients with severe blood disorders [Platelet dys- [since adverse reactions such as hemolytic ane-
function may occur and the abnormality may be mia are prone to occur.]
worsened.] d) Patients with or with a history of hepatic function
• Patients with severe hepatic functions disorders disorders [because exacerbation or recurrence
[Hepatic function disorders have been reported of the hepatic function disorders have been
with the use of ROXONIN, and the patient’s hepat- reported with the use of ROXONIN.]
ic function disorder may be aggravated.] e) Patients with or with a history of renal impair-
• Patients with severe renal impairment [Adverse ment [since adverse reactions such as edema,
reactions such as acute renal failure, nephrotic proteinuria, serum creatinine elevation or hyper-
syndrome, etc. have been reported with the use of kalemia have been reported with the use of
• Patients with severe cardiac function failure f) Patients with cardiac dysfunction [See
[Cardiac symptoms may be exacerbated because “CONTRAINDICATIONS”]
inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis in the kid- g) Patients with a history of hypersensitivity
neys may cause edema and an increase in cir- h) Patients with bronchial asthma [as the disease
culating body fluid volume, with a consequent state may be exacerbated.]
increase in cardiac work.] i) Patients with colitis ulcerative [as the disease
• Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any state may be exacerbated.]
ingredients of ROXONIN. j) Patients with Crohn’s disease [as the disease
• Patients with or with a history of aspirin-induced state may be exacerbated.]
asthma (induction of asthmatic attack with non k) Elderly subjects [See “Use in the Elderly”.]
steroidal anti-inflammatory-analgesics, etc.) [May 2) Important Precautions
induce an aspirin-induced asthmatic attack.] a) It is important to note that treatment with anti-
• Women in the late stages of pregnancy [See “Use inflammatory-analgesic agents is a symptomatic
during Pregnancy, Delivery, or Lactation”] treatment, not a causal treatment.
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b) The following should be considered when using 3) Other Precautions

ROXONIN in the management of chronic dis- a) It has been reported that temporary sterility is
eases (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis): observed in women receiving long-term NSAID
i) Patients receiving long-term medication should therapy
be followed by periodic laboratory examinations 4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products
(e.g., urinalysis, hematological examination, and other forms of interaction
liver function tests). If any abnormality is noted, 1. Drug Interactions Precautions for co-adminis-
appropriate measures such as dosage reduction tration (ROXONIN should be co-administered
or withdrawal should be taken. with care when administered with the follow-
ii) Therapies other than drug treatment must also ing drugs.).
be considered. See Table.
c) The following should be considered in using
4.6 Pregnancy, Delivery and lactation
ROXONIN in the management of acute diseas-
es: Pregnancy
i) The proper dosage regimen, depending on the • ROXONIN should be administered to women
degree of acute inflammation, pain and fever, who are or are possibly pregnant only when the
should be determined. anticipated therapeutic benefits are considered
ii) Long-term use of the same drug(s) must be to outweigh any potential risk. [The safety of this
avoided in principle. ROXONIN in these populations has not been
iii) If any causal treatment is available, should be established.]
undertaken preferentially. Aimless treatment • ROXONIN should not be used in women in the late
with ROXONIN should be avoided. stages of pregnancy. [Delayed parturition has been
d) The patient’s clinical condition should be closely reported in an animal tudy (in rats).]
monitored with caution against the development • Fetal arterial vasoconstriction has been reported in
of adverse reactions. As an excessive decrease a study on rats receiving the drug in the late sta-
in body temperature, collapse, coldness of ges of gestation.
limbs, etc. may be manifested in patients using Lactation
ROXONIN, the clinical status must be carefully • Administration of this drug to nursing mothers
monitored after administration of the drug espe- should be avoided. If administration of this drug is
cially in elderly patients with a high-grade fever judged to be essential, nursing should be discon-
or patients with a debilitating disease. tinued. [Preclinical studies have showed that loxo-
e) ROXONIN may mask the signs and symptoms profen is excreted into milk in rats.]
of infections. Therefore, an appropriate antibiotic 4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines
should be used in combination to treat inflam- Some undesirable effects (e.g. dizziness or sleepi-
mation due to infection, and the patient should ness), have been reported.
be closely monitored and ROXONIN adminis-
To be safe, should be careful when driving and
tered with care.
using machine.
f) It is recommended to avoid the concomitant use
of other anti-inflammatory- analgesic agents with 4.8 Undesirable effects
ROXONIN. (Including reports on adverse reactions the inci-
g) In elderly patients pay special attention to dence of which cannot be calculated)
adverse reactions. Careful administration is Adverse reactions to this drug were reported in
necessary; for example, care should be taken 409 (3.03%) of 13,486 patients treated. The major
to administer the individual minimum effective adverse reactions reported were gastrointestinal
dose. symptoms (Stomach discomfort, abdominal pain,
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Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Mechanism and Risk factors
Coumarin Anticoagulants (e.g., Warfarin)
The anticoagulant effect of these drugs may be enhanced. The inhibitory effect of this drug on prostaglandin biosynthesis
Therefore, caution should be exercised and the dosage reduced may lead to inhibition of platelet aggregation and to hypo-coagu-
as necessary. lation, thereby adding to the anticoagulant effects of these drugs.
Sulfonylurea hypoglycemic agents (e.g., Tolbutamide)
The hypo glycemic effect of these drugs may be enhanced. It is generally considered that co-administration of this drug, the
Therefore, caution should be exercised and the dosage reduced protein-binding rate of which is as high as 97.0% as loxoprofen
as necessary. or 92.8% as its trans-OH form, results in increased plasma lev-
els of active form of the concurrently administered hypoglycemic
agent with a high protein-binding rate, to enhance the effect of
the latter drug.
New quinolone antimicrobial agents (e.g., Enoxacin hydrate)
The convulsant effect of these drugs may be enhanced. New quinolone antimicrobials inhibit receptor binding of GABA,
an inhibitory neuro transmitter in the central nervous system, and
hence may produce a convulsant effect. Co-administration with
these drugs is thus considered to enhance their inhibitory effects.
Plasma methotrexate concentration may be increased,
leading to enhancement of the effects of methotrexate.
Therefore, the dose should be reduced whenever deemed necessary.
Although the exact mechanism is not known, it is generally
thought that excretion of the drug from the kidneys is reduced
with a consequent elevation in its plasma concentration due to the
drug’s inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis in the kidneys.
Lithium preps. (e.g., Lithium carbonate)
Plasma lithium concentration may be increased, giving rise to
lithium poisoning. Therefore, plasma lithium concentration should
be carefully monitored and the dosage reduced as necessary.
Thiazide diuretics (e.g., Hydroflumethiazide, hydrochlorothiazide
Diuretic-anti hypertensive effects of these drugs may be It is generally considered that the inhibitory effect of this drug on
reduced. prostaglandin biosynthesis in the kidneys leads to reduction in
water and sodium excretion.

nausea and/or vomiting, anorexia, etc.: 2.25%); ii) Hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, and throm-
edema (0.59%); rash, urticaria, etc. (0.21%); and bocytopenia: Hemolytic anemia, leukopenia,
sleepiness (0.10%). [At the end of reexamination and thrombocytopenia have been reported with
period1) and at the latest approval of indications the use of ROXONIN. Patients should be care-
2-7)] fully followed by hematological examination, etc.
(1) Clinically significant adverse reactions (inci- during treatment. If any abnormal symptoms
occur in a patient being treated with ROXONIN,
dence unknown)
ROXONIN should be discontinued and appropri-
i) Shock and anaphylactoid symptoms: Shock
ate therapies should be initiated immediately.
and anaphylactoid symptoms (decreased
iii) Oculomucocutaneous syndrome and toxic
blood pressure, urticaria, edema of the lar- epidermal necrolysis: Oculomucocutaneous
ynx, dyspnea,etc.) have been reported with the syndrome (Stevens-Johnson syndrome)
use of ROXONIN. Patients should be carefully and toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell syn-
monitored during treatment. If any abnormal drome) have been reported with the use
symptoms occur in a patient being treated with of ROXONIN. Patients should be carefully
ROXONIN, ROXONIN should be discontinued monitored during treatment. If any abnormal
and appropriate therapies should be initiated symptoms occur in a patient being treated
immediately. with ROXONIN, ROXONIN should be discon-
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tinued and appropriate therapies should be etc. are noted in a patient being treated with
initiated immediately. ROXONIN, ROXONIN should be discontinued
iv) Acute renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and appropriate therapies should be initiated
and interstitial nephritis: Acute renal failure, immediately.
nephrotic syndrome and interstitial nephritis ix) Hepatic function disorders, and jaun-
have been reported with the use of ROXONIN. dice: Hepatic function disorders including
Patients should be carefully monitored during jaundice, increased serum levels of AST
treatment. If any abnormal symptoms occur (GOT), ALT (GPT) and ã-GTP, or fulminant
in a patient being treated with ROXONIN, hepatitis have been reported with the use
ROXONIN should be discontinued and appro- of ROXONIN. Patients should be carefully
priate therapies should be initiated immediately. monitored during treatment. If any abnormal
ROXONIN should be used with special caution symptoms occur in a patient being treated
in such patients because hyperkalemia may with ROXONIN, ROXONIN should be dis-
appear in association with acute renal failure. continued and appropriate therapies should
v) Cardiac failure congestive: Cardiac failure be initiated.
congestive has been reported with the use of x) Asthmatic attack: Acute respiratory disor-
ROXONIN. Patients should be carefully moni- ders such as asthmatic attack have been
tored during treatment. If any abnormal symp- reported with the use of ROXONIN. Patients
toms occur in a patient being treated with should be carefully monitored during treat-
ROXONIN, ROXONIN should be discontinued ment. If any abnormal symptoms occur in
and appropriate therapies should be initiated a patient being treated with ROXONIN,
immediately. ROXONIN should be discontinued and appro-
vi) Interstitial pneumonia: Interstitial pneumonia priate therapies should be initiated immedi-
with manifestations of fever, cough, dyspnea, ately.
chest X-ray abnormalities, and eosinophilia xi) Aseptic meningitis: Aseptic meningitis inclu-
have been reported with the use of ROXONIN.
ding fever, headache, nausea and vomiting,
If these signs/findings are observed in a patient
nuchal rigidity, clouding of consciousness, etc.
being treated with ROXONIN, ROXONIN should
has been reported with the use of ROXONIN.
be discontinued and appropriate therapies such
Patients should be carefully monitored during
as corticosteroid medication, should be initiated
treatment. If any abnormal symptoms occur
in a patient being treated with ROXONIN,
vii) Gastrointestinal bleeding: Serious peptic
ROXONIN should be discontinued and appro-
ulceration or gastrointestinal bleeding from
priate therapies should be initiated immedi-
the small intestine and/or large intestine, e.g.,
hematemesis, melena and hematochezia, and ately. (in particular, the adverse event is likely
consequent shock has been reported with the to occur in the patients with systemic lupus
use of ROXONIN. Patients should be carefully erytgematosus or mixed connective tissue dis-
monitored during treatment. If any abnormal ease).
symptoms occur in a patient being treated with (2) Clinically significant adverse reactions
ROXONIN, ROXONIN should be discontinued reported in association with the use of other
and appropriate therapies should be initiated non steroidal anti-inflammatory-analgesic
immediately. drugs
viii) Gastrointestinal perforation: Gastrointestinal i) Aplastic anemia: Aplastic anemia has been
perforation has been reported with the use of reported in association with the use of other non-
ROXONIN. If epigastric pain, abdominal pain, steroidal anti-inflammatory-analgesic drugs.
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(3) Other adverse reactions 5. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES

Adverse Reactions 5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
Frequency of Adverse Reactions General properties
0.1 to <1.0% 0.05to <0.1% <0.05% Incidence
Loxoprofen sodium hydrate has excellent analgesic,
Hypersensitivity Note anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, with
Rash Pruritus Urticaria Fever particularly potent pain-relieving activity. This drug is
Gastrointestinal a prodrug which, after being absorbed from the gut,
Abdominal Peptic ulcerNote Dyspepsia Thirst is biotransformed into an active metabolite to exert
pain Stomach Constipation Abdominal
discomfort Heartburn Distension its actions.
Anorexia, Stomatitis 1. Analgesic effect
Nausea and/
or vomiting,
i) Loxoprofen sodium hydrate has been demon-
Diarrhea strated to show an ED50 value of 0.13 mg/kg in
Cardiovascular the Randoll-Selitto test (inflamed paw pressur-
Palpitations Blood pressure ing method: rat, p.o.), the analgesic effect being
10 to 20 times as potent as the reference drugs
Sleepiness Headache Numbness ketoprofen, naproxen and indomethacin.
Hematologic ii) As assessed using the rat thermal inflammatory
Anemia, Thrombocy- pain test (rat, p.o.), loxoprofen sodium hydrate
Leukopenia topenia showed an ID50 value of 0.76 mg/kg and proved
to be as potent as naproxen and 3 to >5 times
Increased Increased ALP more potent than ketoprofen and indomethacin.
AST (GOT), iii) In the chronic arthritis pain test (rat, p.o.), loxo-
increased ALT profen sodium hydrate produced the most pro-
found analgesic effect (ED50: 0.53 mg/kg), 4
Hematuria to 6 times more potent as compared with indo-
Proteinuria methacin, ketoprofen and naproxen.
Others iv) The analgesic action of this drug is peripheral.
Edema Facial- warmth Chest pain
Malaise 2. Anti-inflammatory effect
Note) Discontinue administration. Loxoprofen sodium hydrate produces an anti-inflam-
matory effect essentially comparable with the effects
4.9 Overdose of ketoprofen and naproxen on acute and chronic
Although there is no experience of acute overdos- inflammations such as carrageenin-induced edema
age with loxoprofen sodium hydrate, it may be (rat) and adjuvant arthritis (rat).
expected that the signs and symptoms mentioned 3. Antipyretic effect
under Adverse Reactions would be more pro- Loxoprofen sodium hydrate was demonstrated to
nounced. exert an antipyretic effect, essentially comparable
There exists no specific antidote for loxoprofen sodi- with the effects of ketoprofen and naproxen and
um hydrate, overdose should be countered by con- about three times more potent than the effect of
ventional measures to reduce absorption (eg gastro- indomethacin on yeast-induced fever (rat).
lavage and charcoal) and speed up elimination. 4. Mechanism of action
In the case of an actual or suspected overdose, Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis consti-
patients should be observed and appropriate hydra- tutes the mechanism of action of this drug, the
tion maintained. Symptomatic and supportive treat- site of action being cyclo-oxygenase. When
ments should be used. administered orally, loxoprofen sodium hydrate
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is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract as an Pharmacokinetics Parameters (single dose)

unchanged compound with only a modest gas- Absorption rate Elimination rate con-
tric-mucosal irritation. It is then rapidly biotrans- constant (hr-1) stant (hr-1)
formed into the active metabolite trans-OH form Loxoprofen 11.21±1.82 λ1= 4.04±0.93
λ2= 0.59±0.04
(SRS coordination) with a potent inhibitory effect Trans-OH form 3.56±0.21 λ1= 4.99±0.07
on prostaglandin biosynthesis to exert its phar- λ2= 0.54±0.02
macologic effects. n=16. Mean±SE

5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties (1) Absorption rate constant and elimination rate
Absorption and Metabolism constant
(2) Plasma protein binding rate the plasma protein
In sixteen healthy adult volunteers, ROXONIN tab-
binding rate, as determined in humans (5 sub-
lets was absorbed rapidly following a single 60-mg
jects at 1 hour after dosing of 60-mg ROXONIN
oral dose, and loxoprofen (unchanged drug) and its
tablets) was 97.0% and 92.8% for loxoprofen
trans-OH form (active metabolite) were demonstrat-
and the trans-OH compound, respectively.
ed in blood. The time to peak plasma concentration
(3) AUC8) (n=16, Mean±SE)
was about 30 minutes for loxoprofen and about 50
Loxoprofen: 6.70 ±0.26 μg.hr/mL
minutes for the trans-OH form, with an approximate
Trans-OH form: 2.02 ±0.05 μg.hr/mL
half-life of 1 hour and 15 minutes for both com-
pounds. Excretion
ROXONIN is rapidly excreted in urine; it is excreted
Plasma concentrations following a single largely as glucuronate conjugates of loxoprofen and
60-mg dose of ROXONIN tablets (Simulation the trans-OH compound.
Excretion in urine after a single 60-mg dose of
ROXONIN tablets

Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes
Loxoprofen sodium hydrate did not affect the metab-
olism of the various drugs that serve as the sub-
strates for cytochrome P450 isoforms (CYP1A1/2,
2A6, 2B6, 2C8/9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, and 3A4), even
at concentrations approximately 10 times as high as
its peak plasma concentration (200 ÌM) in a meta-
bolic inhibition study with human liver microsomes in
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Excretion in urine over 8 hours after dose (% of For any information, please contact
dose) Saudi Arabian Japanese pharmaceutical company
Free forms Glucuronate conju- limited
gates Jeddah – Saudi Arabia
Loxoprofen 2.07±0.29 21.0±0.4 P.O. Box: 42600, Jeddah 21551, KSA
Trans-OH form 2.21±0.47 16.0±0.6 Tel: + 966 2 645 0303
n=6, Mean±SE
Fax: + 966 2 6379997
Absorption and Excretion Following Multiple www.sajapharma.com
Absorption and excretion of ROXONIN after oral 15/370/05
administration at 80 mg t.i.d. for 5 days in five
healthy adult volunteers did not noticeably differ 9. DATE OF FIRST AUTHORISATION/RENEWAL
from those after a single oral dose; hence no evi- OF THE AUTHORISATION
dence of accumulation. 18/02/1426
5.3 Preclinical safety data 10. DATE OF REVISION OF THE TEXT
No safety information June 2012
6.1 List of excipients
Low Substituted Hydroxypropylcellulose, Red Ferric
Oxide, Lactose hydrate, Magnesium Stearate
6.2 Incompatibilities
Not applicable.
6.3 Shelf life
4 years
6.4 Special precautions for storage
Stored below 30°C.
6.5 Nature and contents of container
How supplied
Forming Aluminium / Aluminium blister pack.
Packs of 20 tablets
6.6 Special precautions for disposal and other
No special requirements.
7. Marketing Authorisation Holder
SAJA Pharmaceuticals
Saudi Arabian Japanese pharmaceutical company
Jeddah – Saudi Arabia
Under license from
Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd.

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