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Nama : Mayang Ayu Faluthamia, SPd.

, MKesos
Pengajar : Martha Sonya Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi., MEdSt.
Batch : PKP2i Batch 18

No Istilah Definisi Sumber

1. Appraxia of Apraxia is a rare type of speech disorder that https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/
speech makes it difficult to move the mouth in the apraxia-of-speech
way needed to produce sounds and words.
Apraxia occurs when the brain can't move the
mouth, lips, jaw and tongue properly. Even
though they know what they want to say,
people with apraxia have problems
pronouncing sounds, syllables and words.
Apraxia of speech is also known as dyspraxia,
developmental verbal dyspraxia (DVD) or
childhood apraxia of speech (CAS).
2. Echolalia E‌ cholalia is the repetition or echoing of words or Echolalia: Causes, Symptoms,
sounds that you hear someone else say. It is an Treatment, and More (webmd.com)
important step for language development in

Echolalia can also be a sign of autism or

developmental disability in children or
neurological problems in adults. These include a
stroke or psychiatric disorders like Tourette’s

3. Adverse Potentially traumatic events or https://www.unicef.org/serbia/

Childhood circumstances that can have negative, lasting media/10726/file/
Experiences effects on adult health and wellbeing. Adverse%20Childhood
(ACEs) These experiences range from physical, %20Experiences%20(ACE)
emotional, or sexual abuse to parental divorce %20Study.pdf
or the incarceration of a parent or guardian.
4. Posttraumatic Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a https://www.psychiatry.org/
stress disorder psychiatric disorder that may occur in people patients-families/ptsd/what-is-ptsd
(PTSD) who have experienced or witnessed a
traumatic event, series of events or set of
circumstances. An individual may experience
this as emotionally or physically harmful or
life-threatening and may affect mental,
physical, social, and/or spiritual well-being.
Examples include natural disasters, serious
accidents, terrorist acts, war/combat,
rape/sexual assault, historical trauma, intimate
partner violence and bullying.
5. Relative Relative deprivation is a feeling that you are https://www.thoughtco.com/
deprivation generally “worse off” than the people you relative-deprivation-theory-
associate with and compare yourself to. 4177591
6. Motor Physical growth and strengthening of a child’s https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov ›
Development bones, muscles and ability to move and touch p00280-d
Nama : Mayang Ayu Faluthamia, SPd., MKesos
Pengajar : Martha Sonya Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi., MEdSt.
Batch : PKP2i Batch 18

his/her surroundings. A child’s motor

development falls into two categories: fine
and gross. Fine motor skills refer to small
movements in the hands, wrists, fingers, feet,
toes, lips and tongue. Gross motors skills
involve motor development of muscles that
enable babies to hold up their heads, sit and
crawl, and eventually walk, run, jump and skip.
7. Midline Crossing The ability to reach across the middle of the https://
Activity  body with the arms and legs. This allows childdevelopment.com.au/areas-
children to cross over their body to perform a of-concern/fine-motor-skills/
task on the opposite side of their body (e.g. crossing-the-bodys-midline/
being able to draw a horizontal line across a
page without having to switch hands in the
middle, sitting cross-legged on the floor or
being able to insert puzzle pieces using the
dominant right hand when the puzzle is placed
on the left hand side of the body.
8. Proprioception Proprioception, otherwise known as https://www.webmd.com/brain/
kinesthesia, is your body’s ability to sense what-is-proprioception
movement, action, and location. It’s
present in every muscle movement you

Without proprioception, you wouldn’t be

able to move without thinking about your
next step. Proprioception allows you to
walk without consciously thinking about
where to place your foot next. It lets you
touch your elbow with your eyes closed.

9. Ekolalia Ekolalia adalah kondisi yang menyebabkan https://www.alodokter.com/kenali-

penderitanya mengulang kata dan suara gejala-dan-penyebab-ekolalia-
yang diucapkan orang lain. Kondisi ini beserta-cara-mengobatinya
kerap kali membuat penderitanya
mengalaminya kesulitan untuk
berkomunikasi dengan efektif.

10. Retardasi kondisi ketika kecerdasan atau kemampuan https://www.hellosehat.com/

Mental mental seseorang berada di bawah rata- mental/mental-lainnya/
rata, disertai dengan kurangnya keterbelakangan-mental/
keterampilan dalam menjalankan aktivitas
11. Auditory Hearing condition in which your brain has Auditory Processing Disorder:
processing a problem processing sounds. This can Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
Nama : Mayang Ayu Faluthamia, SPd., MKesos
Pengajar : Martha Sonya Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi., MEdSt.
Batch : PKP2i Batch 18

disorder (APD) affect how you understand speech and (healthline.com)

other sounds in your environment. For
example, the question, “What color is the
couch?” may be heard as “What color is
the cow?”
12. Conduct sebuah pola atau gangguan perilaku yang Conduct Disorder (Pengertian, Ciri,
Disorder menetap dan berulang, yang ditunjukkan Jenis, Penyebab dan Terapi
dengan ciri-ciri berupa menyerang atau Pengobatan) (kajianpustaka.com)
menyakiti orang lain, berperilaku tidak
sesuai dengan norma dan nilai kebenaran
yang dianut di masyarakat atau merusak
dan melanggar kesusilaan lainnya.
Menurut Kearney (2003), gejala-gejala
yang ditemukan pada anak-anak atau
remaja yang mengalami conduct disorder,
antara lain yaitu sebagai berikut; suka
melakukan intimidasi pada orang lain, suka
berkelahi, menggunakan senjata,
melakukan kekerasan seksual, merusak
barang milik diri sendiri dan orang lain,
menyulut pertengkaran, berbohong, suka
keluar malam, suka minggat dari rumah,
bolos dari sekolah, mencuri dan melakukan
kekerasan fisik pada orang lain atau
13. Fragile X Kelainan bawaan genetik yang Fragile X Syndrome: Gejala,
Syndrome mengakibatkan masalah pada Penyebab, Pengobatan • Hello
perkembangan dan gangguan kognitif atau Sehat

Fragile X syndrome atau sindrom fragile X

adalah kelainan genetik yang juga dikenal
dengan nama sindrom Martin Bell. Bayi
dan anak dengan sindrome fragile X
umumnya mengalami keterlambatan dalam
perkembangan bicara dan bahasa di usia 24
bulan atau 2 tahun.

14. Cognitive It aims to challenge and eliminate negative Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) –
behavior distortions and replace negative automatic Lancaster Glossary of Child
therapy (CBT) thoughts with alternative adaptive thoughts Development
by using logical analysis and behavioural
Behavioral techniques include increasing
rewarding activities (activity scheduling),
Nama : Mayang Ayu Faluthamia, SPd., MKesos
Pengajar : Martha Sonya Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi., MEdSt.
Batch : PKP2i Batch 18

decreasing behavior that is followed by

unpleasant consequences, training
family/friends to praise/encourage
constructive behaviors and not to reinforce
depressive behaviors, and assertiveness
and social skills training. 
15. Corporal Murray A. Straus mendefinisikan cor- https://media.neliti.com/media/
Punishment poral punishment sebagai penggunaan publications/81334-ID-
kekerasan fisik dengan maksud penggunaan-hukum-disiplin-
menyebabkan anak-anak mengalami rasa corporal-punis.pdf
sakit tapi bukan luka, demi tujuan untuk
memperbaiki atau mengontrol perilaku
anak-anak. (the use ofphysical force with
the intention of causing a child to expe-
rience pain but not injury, for purposes
of correction or control of child's
16. Dysthymia or The Greek word dysthymia means "bad state https://www.health.harvard.edu/
Persistent of mind" or "ill humor." As one of the two newsletter_article/dysthymia
Depressive chief forms of clinical depression, it usually has
Disorder (PDD) fewer or less serious symptoms than major
depression but lasts longer. The American
Psychiatric Association defines dysthymia as
depressed mood most of the time for at least
two years, along with at least two of the
following symptoms: poor appetite or
overeating; insomnia or excessive sleep; low
energy or fatigue; low self-esteem; poor
concentration or indecisiveness; and
Dysthymia is a serious disorder. It is not
"minor" depression, and it is not a condition
intermediate between severe clinical
depression and depression in the casual
colloquial sense.
17. Axis I disorders Axis I disorders tend to be the most https://www.verywellmind.com/
commonly found in the public. They axis-i-disorders-2797271
include anxiety disorders, such as panic
disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-
traumatic stress disorder. Other examples
of Axis I disorders are as follows:

 Dissociative disorders
 Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa,
bulimia nervosa, etc.)
 Mood disorders (major depression,
bipolar disorder, etc.)
Nama : Mayang Ayu Faluthamia, SPd., MKesos
Pengajar : Martha Sonya Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi., MEdSt.
Batch : PKP2i Batch 18

 Psychotic disorders
 Substance use disorders

Axis I was for the diagnosis of clinical

disorders, the conditions that people most
often think of when they think of psychiatric
disorders. For example, major depressive
disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder
would have been diagnosed on Axis I.

18. Speech- Speech-language pathologists, also called https://www.asha.org/public/who-

language SLPs, are experts in communication. are-speech-language-pathologists/
SLPs work with people of all ages, from
babies to adults. SLPs treat many types of
communication and swallowing problems.
These include problems with:

Speech sounds—how we say sounds and

put sounds together into words. Other
words for these problems are articulation
or phonological disorders, apraxia of
speech, or dysarthria.

Language—how well we understand what

we hear or read and how we use words to
tell others what we are thinking. In adults
this problem may be called aphasia.

Literacy—how well we read and write.

People with speech and language disorders
may also have trouble reading, spelling,
and writing.

Social communication—how well we

follow rules, like taking turns, how to talk
to different people, or how close to stand to
someone when talking. This is also called

Voice—how our voices sound. We may

sound hoarse, lose our voices easily, talk
too loudly or through our noses, or be
unable to make sounds.

Fluency—also called stuttering, is how

Nama : Mayang Ayu Faluthamia, SPd., MKesos
Pengajar : Martha Sonya Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi., MEdSt.
Batch : PKP2i Batch 18

well speech flows. Someone who stutters

may repeat sounds, like t-t-t-table, use
"um" or "uh," or pause a lot when talking.
Many young children will go through a
time when they stutter, but most outgrow

Cognitive-communication—how well our

minds work. Problems may involve
memory, attention, problem solving,
organization, and other thinking skills.

19. Dysarthria Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. This https://www.asha.org/public/

happens when brain or nerve damage speech/disorders/dysarthria/
changes the way your muscles work. It can
be mild to severe. Children and adults can
have dysarthria.

There are many reasons people have

trouble talking. Dysarthria can happen with
other speech and language problems. You
may have apraxia, which happens when
your brain has trouble telling your muscles
how to move. You could also have aphasia,
which happens when you have trouble
explaining your thoughts or understanding
what others say.

Dysarthria is a speech disorder caused by

muscle problems. It can make it hard to
talk. People may have trouble
understanding what you say. Speech-
language pathologists, or SLPs, can help.

20. Developmen NAEYC defines “developmentally appropriate https://www.naeyc.org/

tally Appropriate practice” as methods that promote each resources/position-statements/
Practice (DAP) child’s optimal development and learning dap/definition
through a strengths-based, play-based
approach to joyful, engaged learning. https://www.kompasiana.com/
Educators implement developmentally izmatulizza4882/6231873a80a65a1
appropriate practice by recognizing the 2445f4b33/konsep-
multiple assets all young children bring to the developmentally-appropriate-
early learning program as unique individuals practice-dap
and as members of families and communities.
Nama : Mayang Ayu Faluthamia, SPd., MKesos
Pengajar : Martha Sonya Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi., MEdSt.
Batch : PKP2i Batch 18

Menurut Sue Bredekamp (1987), konsep dari

DAP memiliki dua dimensi, yiatu : patut
menurut usia (age appropriate) dan patut
menurut anak Sebagai individu yang unik
(individual appropriate). Sementara Gary
Glassenapp (Megawangi, 2005 : 5)
menambahkan 1 dimensi lagi, yaitu : patut
menurut Lingkungan dan budaya.DAP memiliki
tiga dimensi yang harus dijangkau. Tiga
dimensi tersebut adalah :

1. Kesesuaian Usia (Age Appropriate)

Dalam dimensi ini pendidik diharapkan
memahami tahapan perkembangan anak
secara kronologis. Pemahaman tentang hal ini
dapat menjadi bekal bagi pendidik untuk
mengetahui aktifitas, materi, dan interaksi
social apa saja yang sesuai, menarik, aman,
mendidik, dan menantang bagi anak. Hal ini
sangat penting sebagai acuan dalam
merancang dan menerapkan kurikulum, serta
menyiapkan lingkungan belajar yang patut dan
2. Kesesuaian Individu yang unik ( Individual
Pendidik harus memahami bahwa setiap anak
merupakan pribadi yang unik, dimana ia
membawa bakat, minat, kelebihan dan
kekerangannya, serta pengalaman masing --
masing anak dalam berinteraksi. Program DAP
yang dikemukakan oleh Bredekamp
bahwasanya pada proses pembelajaran
hendaknya menyediakan berbagai aktivitas
dan bahan-bahan yang kaya serta
menawarkan pilihan bagi siswa sehingga siswa
dapat memilihnya untuk kegiatan kelompok
kecil maupun mandiri dan memberikan
kesempatan bagi siswa untuk berinisiatif
sendiri, melakukan keterampilan atas prakarsa
sendiri sebagai aktivitas yang dipilihnya.
Pembelajaran terpadu juga menekankan
integrasi berbagai aktivitas untuk
mengeksplorasi objek, topik, atau tema yang
merupakan kejadian-kejadian, fakta, dan
peristiwa yang otentik. Pelaksanaan
pembelajaran terpadu pada dasarnya agar
kurikulum itu bermakna bagi anak. Proses
Nama : Mayang Ayu Faluthamia, SPd., MKesos
Pengajar : Martha Sonya Kusuma Dewi, S.Psi., MEdSt.
Batch : PKP2i Batch 18

pembelajaran seharusnya memperhatikan

kebermaknaan artinya apa yang bermakna
bagi anak menunjuk pada pengalaman-
pengalaman belajar yang sesuai dengan minat-
3. Kesesuaian Sosial dan Budaya ( Culture
Pemahaman pendidik terhadap latar belakang
sosial budaya anak dapat dijadikan dijadikan
sebagai acuan guru dalam mempersiapkan
materi pembelajaran yang relevan dan
bermakna bagi anak. Disamping itu, pendidik
juga dapat mempersiapkan anak secara lebih
dini untuk menjadi individu yang dapat
beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sosial

B. Studi Kasus

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