Montaigne Blood
Montaigne Blood
Montaigne Blood
John Wick
All Ages
Novus Ordo Mundi
Any Heroes can participate, but we suggest those with
connections to Montaigne and the War of the Cross.
To Fabien Badilla
The War of the Cross nearly destroyed Théah. In the Running Adventures
end, nearly eight million died. Two generations were Like the Stories you make for your own games, a 7th Sea
wiped out. But what many do not know is the secret Adventure proceeds through a series of Steps on its way to
reason behind the War. It was Novus Ordo Mundi’s a Goal. But here, we’ve provided a number of Scenes that you can
first attempt to control all of Théah. And it failed. Just use, to cut down on your prep work. While these Scenes proceed in
barely. a fairly traditional order, feel free to add other Scenes to the Story,
Montaigne Blood is the second part in a series just as you would running any other adventure. Good luck!
of adventures revealing this secret truth to
your Heroes. However, you can also use it as a
stand-alone adventure. The Heroes uncover an Adventure Setup
assassination plot against a powerful Montaigne This is a short adventure broken down into three
Marquis, but things get complicated when the Steps and five Scenes. There are no Paths for this
Heroes realize exactly what kind of Villain the adventure—simply run these Scenes in order along
Marquis really is. with any other roleplay you need in between.
To be clear, this adventure challenges your Each Scene has hooks leading into the next. While
players’ moral compasses. They discover an the players may explore each Scene at their own
assassination plot against a character they soon pace, the clues they discover should lead them to
learn is a dire Villain. What do they do with subsequent Scenes, and inevitably, a confrontation
that? They can’t leave and allow the assassins to with the Villain.
succeed, but at the same time, they are protecting I designed the adventure to take no more than
a cold-hearted Villain. To accomplish their goals, three-to-four hours, depending on your own pace and
your players must find a solution to this problem, your players’ choices.
and the solution may have nothing to do with
their character sheets, but instead involve their Three Assassins
own ingenuity. The adventure begins with our Heroes capturing
an assassin. He reveals he has been chosen to
Goal and Basic Story murder a prominent Montaigne noble. The authors
Montaigne Blood has a 3-Step Story before achieving of this nefarious plot are none other than Novus
its Goal. In keeping with the advice on pages 199-200 Ordo Mundi, who usually take this approach to
of the Core Rulebook, feel free to reveal the Goal of assassinations. The question is, how many assassins
the Story when you first sit down to play. In addition, have they actually sent?
reveal Step 1, and then reveal each Step in turn as the The Order thrives on confusion and keeping even
players get there. its most trusted agents on their toes. Thus, how many
assassins has The Order actually sent? This depends
Discover NOM is out to kill a Montaigne on you and your group. If you feel your group can
noble: Apollinaire de Sylvain, Marquis handle all three other assassins, send all three. If you
De La Porte-Du-Theuil. feel they can handle only one or two, that’s how many
you should send.
Protect de Sylvain from the assassins We’ve provided all three just in case you have
who want to kill him. a great deal of confidence in your group. But be
warned! These are all Villains and should not be
Help de Sylvain escape from the organi- underestimated.
zation that wants him dead.
him before you’re caught. Once de Sylvain is down,
make your escape. If you’re caught, treat your captors protected. The Explorer’s Society wants to buy an
like curiosities—no one has ever been able to out-ma- artifact from him. The Rilasciare wants him exposed
neuver you before, and you respect that. This doesn’t
mean you like them—you hate to lose—but at least it as the villain he is. If any of your Heroes are part of a
was a challenge for once. If you can survive this encoun- Secret Society, you can get them here.
ter and later escape, you’ll make sure to hunt down this
new and interesting quarry to prove that you’re better
than them after all. A Sort of Invitation
Another clandestine approach involves an anonymous
Emmanuelle V: The Mimic letter. Read or paraphrase the following text to your
UNKNOWN players:
Strength: 12. Influence: 4. Rank: 16. You’ve received a letter, unsigned, which reads as
Small, Come Hither, Disarming Smile, Poison Immunity, As Heroes, good and true, I appeal to your sense
Slip Free, Opportunist, Lyceum. of rightness and justice. In the town of Arrent in
Virtue Montaigne, a noble makes his summer residence. He is
The Fool (Wily)
Apollinaire de Sylvain and he is in danger. A murderous
The Lovers (Star-Crossed)
plot entangles him. I cannot pay you much, but I appeal
Nobody knows if they’ve ever seen Emmanuelle V’s real
to your sense of rightness and justice. Protect him, please.
face. Nobody really knows Emmanuelle’s real gender. V’s A Friend.
disguises have fooled the best bodyguards in Théah and
her success record is impeccable. V spends weeks get-
How your Heroes receive the letter is up to you. It
ting close to the target, then striking when the moment could be slipped under their door at an inn or even
is right, giving enough time for a clean escape. delivered by a Seahorse if they are on the waves.
Emmanuelle V makes a good last assassin. Once the Regardless, the letter is an urgent plea and contains 2
Heroes think they’ve saved de Sylvain, here comes the
invisible hand of death. Emmanuelle waits until everyone Wealth in a small, purple velvet purse.
thinks the coast is clear, waiting for the other assassins
to strike and fail.
Emmanuelle V’s Tactics: Avoid a direct confrontation at
Who is de Sylvain?
all costs. You have Poison Immunity for a reason—use Some Heroes may have access to information
it. Don’t admit who you are or what you want unless networks and ask questions about de Sylvain. What
it’s absolutely necessary. Get close to your target, slip
something in his drink, and then walk away. Vanish that they learn is this:
night. If caught, cut a deal—you don’t owe your employ- • He is a Montaigne noble with some influence in
ers anything, and you’re sure that eventually they’ll turn
on you too. Your greatest weapon is your understanding the King’s court.
of other people and how to get close to them, but it’s • He is known to be a decadent fop with excellent
also your greatest weakness—you sometimes get infat-
uated with people that you really shouldn’t. If you fall taste.
for one of the Heroes (a tip to GMs: Emanuelle should • His reputation as a gentleman is questionable at
absolutely fall for one of the Heroes), try to tempt them
into your way of thinking. The two of you could have a
wonderful life together if you just deal with this scoun- • He collects Syrneth artifacts.
drel of a nobleman. Promise that you’ll never kill again if
they come with you—and mean it. But if they spurn you,
or betray you, or don’t return your affection, add them
to your list of targets.
Secret Society
One of their Secret Societies has sent them here
on a mission. The Rose and Cross wants de Sylvain
You may offer them more information based on
what you read here. As always, your group requires
a personal touch from you that we, unfortunately,
cannot provide. Tailor the information to their tastes
and curiosities.
GG Deal with Novus Ordo Mundi’s assassi-
nation plot.
Step 1: Discover NOM is out to kill a
Montaigne noble: Apollinaire de Sylvain, Step 1 Scene Descriptions
Marquis De La Porte-Du-Theuil. The Heroes seek to intercede in an assassination.
Arrent Arrent
Apollinaire de Sylvain, Marquis De La Porte-Du- The Heroes can approach Arrent only from land—it
Theuil is going to be assassinated. The Heroes learn has no harbor. The small village is popular among a
of this by thwarting a group of thugs terrorizing a few Montaigne aristocrats who appreciate its rustic
farm just outside a small village by the Lock-Horn flavor and excellent cheeses.
Forest. They must race to meet de Sylvain before it is
Hungry Bandits
The Tavern As your Heroes approach the village, read or
A roleplaying scene where the Heroes discover a little paraphrase the following:
of the history of Arrent as well as some of its secrets. You can see the chimneys of Arrent just peeking up
over the small hills. But there, ahead of you, is a wood
Protect de Sylvain from the assassins and stone farmhouse on the side of the road, and a young
who want to kill him. girl in a white sleeping robe running at full speed toward
you. As she gets closer, you see blood on her robe. She’s
The Marquis De La Porte-Du-Theuil crying and screaming for help.
de Sylvain is on vacation in the Montaigne region of The 8-year-old’s name is Edmée and she is terrified.
Pierre-Percée and Lock-Horn Forest. As a scholar, She tells the Heroes a group of bandits is in the
he’s interested in the legends of the region and as a house, and they killed her mother and father. She
greedy bastard, he’s interested in learning the power escaped out the window in her room before the
of Les Feuilles Blanches. When our Heroes arrive to bandits could catch her. The blood stains on her
protect him, they discover what kind of Villain he is chemise are fresh.
and must decide the best course of action. Of course, the Heroes take action.
The house is small with only three rooms: a living
Help de Sylvain escape from the organi- space and two bedrooms. The living space is where all
zation that wants him dead. the cooking is done.
Opposition: A Brute Squad is here as well as a
The First Assassin minor Villain: Oscar de la Cicatrice (Oscar the Scar).
Once our Heroes have interfered in Novus Ordo Oscar is a notorious Montaigne bandit who has
Mundi’s plans to assassinate de Sylvain, the Order developed a reputation among the peasantry. He’s also
sends a warning: walk away or share his fate. At this a part-time assassin.
point, the Heroes must decide what to do with de
Sylvain and how to deal with this new mysterious
Oscar de la Cicatrice way. He doesn’t know how many. He’s received orders
MONTAIGNE like this before, but always anonymously, slipped
Strength 8, Influence: 0; Rank: 8 under his door wherever he may be staying. He says
the people who make these requests are thorough and
Slip Free, Opportunist, Quick Reflexes (Athletics), Reck- professional. They always know where to find him
less Takedown, Reputation (Ruthless), Large and always pay. And pay well.
You are absolutely not equipped to deal with opposition He doesn’t know who is behind the letter. The drop
of this caliber. Throw your bandits in front of you, strike
hard and fast, and get out if you can. If caught, try to off for the evidence always changes, and the person
intimidate your captors into letting you go by insinuat- who picks up the evidence is never the same. He’s seen
ing that they have no idea who you are, and they’ll be
sorry when they find out. When that doesn’t work, offer them once and then never saw them again.
to pay them if they let you go. When that doesn’t work, Once the Heroes have this information, they have
lie and say that you’re sorry and you’re a changed man.
Say anything, promise anything, do anything to go free
some choices. How do they handle Oscar? And how
or at the very least to survive another day. Jail is better about the little girl? She’s an orphan now. Of course,
than the grave, and besides you’ve broken out of prison
before. You could do it again.
she may become a hanger-on for one of the Heroes, in
which case, she has a role model to follow on her own
Oscar’s Bandits: Strength 2[H]. road to becoming a Hero.
They’re going through the home looking for anything
valuable. Why did they attack in the first place? Well,
As for Oscar, they have a few options.
they were hungry and the town is still a few hours away. • Take him in to the local constable. Arrent has
Tactics: The bandits initially seek to defend, but if the a sheriff, but a local constable might not be able
Heroes take out the Brute Squad quickly, Oscar tries to to handle a Villain such as himself. That hints at
escape and possible revenge for Oscar.
Opportunities and Consequences: None. • Summary execution. Oscar is a known bandit,
Outcome: Two outcomes are likely here: and he just murdered two people. He’s also
• Oscar escapes or is killed. If this happens, he an assassin for hire. This will probably cause a
drops a letter with a broken wax seal. Corruption check.
• They capture Oscar. If the Heroes capture him, • Take him to Charouse to stand trial. This
they find only one thing of any significant value: will be an annoyance and added burden for the
a letter with a broken wax seal. (Also: Go to Heroes, but if they are sticklers for the law, this
Oscar’s Story.) is a likely choice. It’s also the surest way to make
sure he sees justice.
The Letter • Let him go. Not advised, as Oscar doesn’t even
You have been selected as one of MANY. know the definition of the word “repentance.”
The target is Apollinaire de Sylvain, Marquis De La Oscar has no intention of going on the straight
Porte-Du-Theuil, currently visiting the Pierre-Percée and narrow, although he’s certainly willing to lie
region, specifically Lock-Horn Forest. (poorly) and say he’s a changed man.
The one who delivers his head gains 1,000 Guilders. But now, with the information they have, it’s time
Deliver evidence to Grey Goose. to make a run to Lock-Horn Forest, looking for the
target, de Sylvain. But first, the Heroes might wish
ENCOUNTER: OSCAR’S STORY to check in at the local tavern for more information
When asked about the letter (if he’s available), Oscar about the area.
gives the following information:
He knows where the delivery spot for the evidence The Tavern
is. It’s a small tavern in Charouse called the Grey This scene is largely a roleplaying scene and requires
Goose. He’s supposed to give the evidence to the no dice rolling from the players.
innkeeper and he’ll receive the Guilders.
“One of MANY” means more assassins are on the
ENCOUNTER: INFORMATION GATHERING both kind and terrible, depending on how you treat
Read or paraphrase this to your players after they him. She knows stories where he’s granted wishes to
enter the only inn Arrent possesses. those who gave him proper respect, and for those who
A minstrel plays softly in the corner, just enough to add didn’t...he turned them into trees.
atmosphere but not enough to intrude. He knows his job
well. There are other travelers here from all across Théah. Next Scene
Nearly all the tables are full, save two. Head into Step 2 after this scene: It’s time to
If the Heroes settle down at a table after arranging interact with the target of the assassins in The
for their horses, a room, a meal, and other sundries, Marquis De La Porte-Du-Theuil.
read or paraphrase the following:
The innkeeper’s wife brings out the food: rural Step 2 Scene Descriptions
Montaigne cuisine. She brings you savory meatloaf Now the Heroes meet de Sylvain and learn more
stuffed with sweet prunes, a white wine soup, and a about his character—or lack thereof.
bottle of wine from the local orchard. And of course, hot
bread, fresh from the bakery. “My sister’s bakery,” the The Marquis De La Porte-Du-
innkeeper’s wife says proudly. You didn’t expect this kind Theuil
of treatment, but the innkeeper’s wife just smiles. “We are As a matter of fact, de Sylvain is out in a number of
very proud of our food here in Arrent. Is there anything pavilions set up in the forest. He and his servants are
else I can help with?” getting ready for a hunt. They’re dressed in hunting
The woman’s name is Flora and her husband is clothes and have muskets ready. The dogs are ready to
Elouan. She’s a friendly, good-hearted woman who break free from their leashes.
loves to chat with strangers, especially if it’s to give He’s a tall man, slender—almost threadbare. His
advice. Flora is full of advice. Some may find her face is painted and his mustache is impeccable. He
taxing, but she means well, even if some of her advice wears a long black wig of curls and his clothes are
is unsolicited. Some questions the players may have made of Khitai silk. He wears many rings on his
along with Flora’s answers: immaculate, ungloved fingers. Despite his known
de Sylvain: Yes, she’s seen de Sylvain. “How could reputation as a Porte user, his ungloved hands are
you not?” she says, as if she just tasted something unscarred.
bitter. “He and his are staying in those...tents...out in
the forest. You cannot miss them.” ENCOUNTER: MEETING THE MARQUIS
Flora also tells the Heroes: “I tried to warn him When the Heroes approach, his guards cut
about the Bandit Delaine, but he wouldn’t listen. He them off until the Heroes tell the guards—and de
told me a bandit was beneath his notice.” Sylvain—of their intentions. He does not yet know
The Bandit Delaine: The Bandit Delaine is a local he’s been marked for assassination, but he’s naturally
legend in Arrent. He’s been known to rob from rich suspicious of people who look like...well, Heroes.
nobles moving through the forest and protect villagers When he learns they are here to stop an
from real bandits, and many idealistic youths from assassination attempt, he is both grateful and
the region have ventured into the forest in hopes of mortified. He’s been a minor player in Novus Ordo
joining Delaine’s band. Exactly where he came from, Mundi and hearing that he’s been marked for murder
nobody knows, but she’s heard rumors he made some means he knows he has to disappear. However, he
kind of deal with the King of the Wood. Who’s the also decides to use the White Forest to make that
King of the Wood? Well... disappearance happen. At first, he had wanted to
The King of the Wood: Flora also warns the study it. Now that he knows about the assassination,
Heroes about another local legend: the King of the he plans to use it to his own ends.
Wood. He is an ancient entity who has been a part of When he first hears about the plot, he asks, “Now
the Wood for as long as anyone can remember. He is that you are here to protect me, what do I have to
fear?” Some may see through his bravado: he’s secretly The First Assassin
very concerned about his life once he learns about the Whenever things slow down at the table, when the
assassination plot. players relax and forget why they are here in the first
From here, de Sylvain has two options: place—or even start debating whether they should
• He can use the White Forest to escape the Order. protect this piece of trash—the first assassin strikes.
A viable option. He uses the Heroes to do just It’s up to you which one to use. As we said before,
that. Guglielmo Scarlatti is a good first choice because
• He can use the Heroes to thwart the he’s direct and to the point. He creates some kind of
assassination plot. This is a short-term solution. distraction to lure the Heroes away, then charges in
He knows the Order is after him, and they’ll find for the kill.
him soon enough, so stopping the assassins is a But then again, Haakon is also a good choice. He
stop gap in a larger problem. can be perched somewhere in the forest, firing his
Syrneth artifact.
Next Scenes Handle the Scene as you will, adapting it to your
Now that the Heroes have met the Marquis, they Heroes’ situation and attitudes. Two of the assassins
have some tough decisions to make in Step 3. Go to have an action sequence below, but you can also layer
The First Assassin. them as you wish if you choose to have more than one
assassin show up. (Emmanuelle V shows up later in
Step 3 Scene Descriptions the adventure.)
The Heroes face at least one assassin in the next
Scarlatti knows that the Heroes have recently
arrived, but he doesn’t consider them a significant
The Marquis and Corruption threat. If, however, one of the Heroes is a Duelist
The Marquis rips huge holes in reality to fulfill the most mundane and demands a duel with Scarlatti (by revealing their
needs. If a servant makes him unhappy, he asks for a servant’s hand, Triskelion Pin to him), he accepts under the terms
cuts it, then uses the blood to open a portal. Then, he commands the that if he is victorious, he claims the Marquis’ head.
servant to enter the portal or die. The Marquis agrees to this immediately without
“Who knows. You may survive,” he tells the servant. “But if you giving the Heroes a chance to object or discuss. The
stay, I will certainly kill you.” Marquis has absolutely no intention of following
Servants exist to serve him and obey his commands or suffer the through with this bargain and attempts to cheat by
consequences. killing Scarlatti. This is another sign that the Marquis
Standing by while de Sylvain sends some helpless servant into a is a scumbag.
Portal could justify a Corruption Point. However, you don’t want to Opposition: Scarlatti has hired a dozen or so
push the players too far. If you threaten them with Corruption for local ruffians to set the fire and occupy anyone who
doing nothing, they may decide to walk away from the situation. responds to it.
“Screw this guy. He can get himself killed.” However, walking away Objectives: Kill the Marquis.
from an assassination—even against a Villain—may also be worth a Tactics: He sets fire to a logging camp just south
Corruption Point. of de Sylvain’s tents. The loggers—twelve of them—
This is a delicate situation here. The Heroes cannot stand by and scream for help. This causes enough of a distraction
do nothing. They also can’t simply leave. Protecting de Sylvain is the to lure at least some of the Heroes away, dividing the
right thing to do. Preventing him from abusing his servants is the group. That’s when Scarlatti strikes.
right thing to do. Neither of these is easy, but then again, being a Opportunities and Consequences:
Hero is never easy. The fire set by the local thugs is sloppy, and spreads
quickly: all Heroes suffer a Wound each time they
take an action from intense smoke, dancing flames, grabs and throws one of his servants in front of
or falling debris. The fire can be controlled and him, blocking the second shot. Then Haakon leaps
contained (and this Consequence can be removed) by between trees, always trying to maintain his distance.
the Heroes collectively spending [H] Raises (clearing Opportunities and Consequences: None.
flammable material from the area, fetching water, Outcomes: If the Heroes capture or defeat
helping the loggers to fight the flames, etc). Haakon, good on them. If they do not, the assassin
Half a dozen loggers are trapped within a burning escapes and will, perhaps, find another opportunity to
cabin, their exit blocked by a collapsed ceiling. Heroes attack.
can save 2 loggers for each Raise they spend, either Either way, the next day, the Heroes receive a
by moving the debris blocking their escape, smashing letter...
down a wall, helping the loggers escape through a
narrow window, etc. ENCOUNTER: THE LETTER
In addition to the pay Scarlatti has promised the When they awaken the next morning, our Heroes
thugs, they’ve also been allowed to ransack the place. discover an envelope. The envelope is addressed
They aren’t interested in a full-blown fight to the to them and sealed with wax, nearly identical to
death with heavily armed Heroes, but they’ll fight to the letter they found on Oscar. The letter inside is
escape and snatch up anything of value that they can written—in a different hand than the first letter—on
get their hands on. The thugs are a Strength 10+[H] expensive vellum. Also included is a great deal of
Brute Squad, and have the Thief type. Guilders (3 Wealth).
The blaze is a distraction, despite being a very real We are inspired by your recent display of courage, but
threat. A Hero can spend a Raise and take a Notice also feel is it misguided and misused. We suggest you
or Warfare Action to find the real threat: Scarlatti, ply your trade in another location where it will be better
slipping from tent to tent, blade at his side.. appreciated.
Outcomes: If Scarlatti surrenders (after having Surely, you have learned the fool you mean to protect is
been beaten in a duel or otherwise outmaneuvered), unworthy of your protection. He is a clod masquerading
the Marquis immediately orders the Heroes to as a cold-hearted masochist. Wouldn’t the world be a
execute him. If they refuse, he orders one of his better place without him?
retinue to do it instead. If the Heroes interject, he We know you will see the wisdom of our suggestion
attempts to bully them out of his way using his that you choose to leave now and put your efforts
status as a noble and pointing out that the man is an elsewhere. That is why we have included this reward,
assassin. He threatens to have the Heroes arrested if with more promised should you heed this advice. We
they attempt to protect Scarlatti, but backs down if appreciate your dedication and feel it is worthy of
the Heroes maintain their resolve. remuneration.
However, if you choose to remain behind and protect
ACTION SEQUENCE: IF YOU CHOOSE this man, you should know that we will not spare you.
HAAKON… His fate will be your fate. With that in mind, we are
Haakon perches somewhere out of sight and out confident of your wise choice.
of range...except for him and his weapon. Stopping Safe journeys,
Haakon is an Action Sequence usingthe Hazard A Friend
System from the New World Sourcebook. Of course, every group will respond differently to
Opposition: Haakon also works alone. this letter. But here’s a quick warning:
Objectives: Kill the Marquis. Leaving de Sylvain behind and taking the money
Tactics: The first shot Haakon takes hits the earns everyone in the group a Corruption Point.
Marquis in a non-vital spot (the shoulder or the arm, As usual, warn the players, “If you do this, you will
although you can make it a more serious injury if one all earn Corruption.” Then, let them reconsider their
of the Heroes is skilled in medicine). The Marquis actions. Knowingly leaving someone to die is Evil.
But there are alternatives. And those alternatives As we said, Delaine is a Hero. When he and his
are about to make themselves known. bandit crew appear, they do not attack, but simply
provide superior numbers, offering the party a chance
Next Scenes to surrender. Delaine has three Rank 20 Brute
The Marquis has a strong desire to explore the area, Squads: more than enough to intimidate de Sylvain,
so continue with Les Feuilles Blanches. regardless of his pride and ego.
How your Heroes react to Delaine is important:
Goal Scene Descriptions he may provide a key for dealing with de Sylvaine.
Now the Heroes must decide what to do about the Delaine is a direct ancestor of Lanvaus, the first true
Marquis in general. regent of Pierre-Percée and source of the Straw King
legend (see Nations of Théah Volume 1, p. 141; also see
Les Feuilles Blanches the sidebar for more information). He could be an ally
De Sylvain is here for a reason: he wants to against the assassins and de Sylvaine if your Heroes
command the power—whatever that might be—of recognize him as such.
Les Feuilles Blanches (the White Leaves). He’s heard
rumors and legends, but he wants to know what the
secret is himself.
Regardless of the assassination attempt, de Sylvain Is this Avalon or Montaigne?
is bent on exploring Les Feuilles Blanches. He also Much of the folklore in Pierre-Percée feels like it belongs in Avalon.
insists his servants—and the Heroes—stay close by. It’s true that a great deal of Arthurian-esque stuff is going on here,
At any sign of danger—a breaking branch, or a flock but that has a lot to do with the medieval link between Avalon and
of birds suddenly flying from the tree limbs—he hides Montaigne. Montaigne ruled Avalon in the Middle Ages and kept its
behind either a servant or a Hero. control for centuries. Pierre-Percée may be the last remnant of that
He moves into the forest using an old (and time. The Forest certainly feels like it is ruled by the Sidhe, and the
incomplete) map and journal of a former explorer, legends of Lanvaus feel like they belong in the Old King’s court. At
Isaura Odalys Cruzita de San Efraín. If truth be the same time, this is Montaigne, and while the stories may seem
known, he killed de San Efraín for the map. If any Avalonian, they have a distinct Montaigne flavor.
members of the Explorer Society are in your group,
they may have known De San Efraín—at least by
reputation. They may also know she vanished while
researching Les Feuilles Blanches, which raises the Delaine’s Secret
question of how de Sylvain got hold of her map and Delaine appears to be a man, but in actuality, she
her journal. is a woman. She wears a magic belt that transforms
Once de Sylvain and the Heroes enter the forest, the gender of the wearer. It was originally given to
there are a few things you can throw at them. Lanvaus’ daughter (in the 400’s) so she could take the
Let’s take a look at each of those choices. Any of form of a man and train as a knight. Delaine uses it to
these events could happen in any order. They’re all disguise her identity from the law.
connected in some way. Mix and match to suit your Delaine knows the secrets of Les Feuilles Blanches
players’ tastes. and its power. She knows it can send anyone nearly
anywhere...including through time. That means she
ENCOUNTER: AUGUSTE DELAINE has a keen interest in making sure de Sylvain does not
A Heroic bandit named Auguste Delaine wanders gain access to it.
Lock-Horn Forest. He guards both Les Feuilles
Blanches from folks like de Sylvain and robs them
of their riches, returning the money to the poverty-
stricken people of Pierre-Percée.
Using Delaine She’s infiltrated Delaine’s Brute Squad and is waiting
You can use Delaine as a foil for de Sylvain or keep for the right opportunity to strike.
her up your sleeve if things get out of hand for the
Heroes. Raymond Chandler always said that when he ENCOUNTER: THE KING OF THE WOOD
didn’t know what to do next in a story, he sent “a man Our Heroes could also encounter the King of the
with a gun into the room.” Delaine is that: a plot twist Wood. He appears at least eight feet tall, is slender
you can keep in the shadows until you need her. If the and pale, and wears a robe of leaves. He is a trickster,
players visit Delaine, she states flatly that the Marquis but he also respects those who show him respect. This
can’t be trusted with the secret of the forest, and “respect” takes the form of elaborate games that may
refuses to give him the blessing that is required. take generations to unfold. A good example is the belt
She does see some spark in the Heroes, however, Delaine wears. The King of the Wood originally gave
and says that she might be convinced to trust them if the belt to Lanvaus’ daughter. The daughter wanted
they can dispatch the Spectral Knight once and for to be a knight, but Lanvaus refused. The King gave
all. While he can be temporarily banished by jousting, the belt to her so she could disguise herself as a man
he can only be fully destroyed with the sword in the and gain training as a knight—a fact Lanvaus did not
lake. Delaine believes she is not yet ready to claim it, discover until he personally knighted his disguised
and she doesn’t believe anyone in her gang is strong daughter. When he learned the truth, he gave his
enough to withstand the trials. If the Heroes retrieve daughter his blessing and “returned the favor” to the
the sword and dispatch the Spectral Knight, she’ll give King of the Wood. But how he did so is another story.
them—NOT the Marquis—her blessing. The King of the Wood is not a Villain nor is he a
Hero, although he tends to be Heroic. He has watched
August Delaine Heroes and Villains long enough and has learned
MONTAIGNE’S PAST much from both. He admires courage and sincerity if
Strength: 6. Influence: 6. Rank: 12. for no other reason than he despises being lied to and
being betrayed. But he appreciates a good trick, even
Leadership, Reputation (Clever), Team Player, Signature if he is the one being tricked.
Item (magic belt), Direction Sense
The Road (Friendly)
The Devil (Trusting)
You don’t have any interest in getting into a fight with
The Straw King
a bunch of Heroes, but you know for a fact the Marquis “The Straw King” was a mock title given to the regent of
is not to be trusted. Your band trusts you, and that’s
Pierre-Percée by a mighty Sidhe who called himself “The King
not a responsibility that you take lightly. If forced into a
physical confrontation, use your band’s overwhelming of the Wood.” He gave the title to a knight named Lanvaus who
numbers to try to end the conflict as quickly as possible, was assigned the land as a reward for victory in battle. After an
with as few corpses on both sides as you can manage.
If the Heroes are willing to talk through a conflict rather adventure in the wood where Lanvaus hunted and defeated a
than resort to violence, meet them halfway. You know ghostly demon knight, the two “Kings” shared a relationship of
that sometimes you can be a little gullible, especially
when it comes to trusting people, but you don’t see that mutual respect that bordered on friendship from time to time.
as a weakness—you expect others to have nobility in Lanvaus is a legend in this part of Montaigne and his story varies
their heart somewhere, and you’ll assume they do until
they prove you wrong. Unfortunately for the Heroes, from region to region. However, the title of “Straw King” always
you’ve already heard more than enough stories about stays with him: a sign of recognition and respect from the King of
the Marquis and his cruelty.
the Wood.
The Quisling
Delaine does not know that one of her own has
been replaced by Emmanuelle, the Third Assassin.
If the King of the Wood appears, it is because he come across him to a joust, and if they refuse, he
becomes interested in the Heroes’ actions. Remember charges, impaling his enemies on his lance. Those who
that he admires courage and if a Hero takes a become impaled burst into flames and he tosses their
particularly heroic action, that will draw his attention. burning bodies away as he finds another target.
He may even reward it with a gift. All the King’s gifts The Spectral Knight may be harmed only with
have a trick associated with them (such as the belt), weapons made from silver or with a sword laying in
but they are seldom—if ever—malicious or evil. a lake nearby (see below). Otherwise, the Heroes
Clever players can use the King of the Wood to deal cannot harm him. He can be defeated in a joust: if
with de Sylvain. Causing him pain or injury would anyone throws him from his horse, he vanishes and
certainly be Evil, but convincing the King to give de does not return until the moon changes.
Sylvain a gift could solve their problems. If anyone mentions “Lanvaus,” he grows enraged
The King of the Wood doesn’t have game statistics, and attacks that person first, ignoring all others.
because he doesn’t need them. If a mortal tries to lie to
him, he sees through it immediately—but he probably Fighting the Spectral Knight
doesn’t care. Attempts to intimidate him, hide from If the players elect to go after the Spectral Knight
him, or flee from him all fail—he is, for all intents and and defeat him in a joust, they gain the trust and favor
purposes, all of the Wood. If a mortal tries to attack of the Forest King, who then promises to share the
him, it fails to cause him any real harm—they’re only secret of the forest with the Marquis. Again, the King
mortal, after all. He isn’t interested in killing them of the Wood sees the big picture: what does he care if
no matter how they might insult him, and besides he a mortal can use the Forest?
thinks they might be useful in bringing Delaine to her To defeat the Spectral Knight in a joust, a Hero
rightful place. must make a Risk using either Ride or Warfare as
their Approach. A joust is divided into three tilts—
De Sylvain and the King of the for our purposes, Rounds—and each tilt is a single
Wood Action. The Knight’s opponent spends all of their
The Marquis attempts to make a bargain with the Raises to unseat him, and the Knight spends all of
King in order to gain the power of the forest’s secret. his Raises to unseat his opponent. Whoever has more
He lies, promising to use it to serve the Sidhe, but Raises wins the tilt, and the loser suffers a Wound
he has no intention of doing so. The King probably for each Raise their opponent had over them (the
accepts the bargain, but does so because he enjoys the Spectral Knight is, of course, immune to Wounds
game of playing with mortals. The King insists the unless they come from a silver weapon or from the
Marquis must slay the Spectral Knight to earn his Sword in the Lake). The first to win two tilts is the
favor, or perhaps, “Earn the trust of the Straw King’s victor.
get.” This latter command hints that the bloodline The Spectral Knight rolls 20 dice in a joust. Good
of the original lord of the land—Lanvaus—is luck!
somewhere in the area. The King of the Wood may
even hint at her gender, a clue that would throw ENCOUNTER: THE SWORD IN THE LAKE
suspicion away from Delaine, which would also At the bottom of a small lake in the middle of the
amuse the King. forest lies a sword. This is Lanvaus’ sword, thrown
into the lake when he was an old man, after he
ENCOUNTER: THE SPECTRAL KNIGHT believed all his children had died (he was wrong).
The Forest is haunted by the past in a literal way. Retrieving the sword is trivially easy for our Heroes—
The place is filled with spirits, including a spectral just swim down and get it.
knight who rides through the Forest. He wears an The sword can be lifted only by a worthy Hero (our
iron crown and his head is a blazing skull. His horse Heroes are worthy), but it belongs in the hands of
is black and breathes fire. He challenges any who the true inheritor of Lanvaus’ legacy. That’s Auguste
Delaine. Yet, she is reluctant to wield it, believing she
is unworthy and unready. For generations, the King the Marquis out of their sight, always being the one
of the Wood has been waiting for one of Lanvaus’ to escort him around, or insisting on being the one
descendents to find the sword. So far, he’s been to search him for any hidden belongings—this is
disappointed. However, this new daughter seems to Emanuelle. She stays close enough to strike if there’s
have the right stuff. And he will tell her so. an opportunity.
If Delaine holds the sword, it shines as bright as However, if an opportunity does present itself for
the moon and the Heroes can hear a slight song Emanuelle to murder the Marquis, take it. Don’t force
from the woods. This identifies her as the right and it—Emanuelle has no interest in a suicide mission or
proper “Straw King.” If the Heroes get the sword into in forcing the issue, but if she can slip a knife between
Delaine’s hands, the King of the Woods appears, gives his ribs or some poison into his food, she’ll do so.
a mock bow, and refers to her as “the Straw Queen”
(even if she is still in disguise). If De Sylvain Reaches Les Feuilles
If someone other than the Heroes or Delaine tries Blanches
to hold the sword, it becomes impossibly heavy. The He gets to travel through time. Anywhere. This, of
tip sinks several inches into the ground and cannot be course, sets up a few possibilities.
lifted again except by a worthy hand (meaning, again, The Heroes could follow him. They don’t know
either Delaine or one of the Heroes). where he went, but the King of the Wood may have
Anyone wielding this sword can defeat the Spectral that answer...for a price.
Knight by causing him a single Wound. If defeated Or, they could forget him. This is a mistake, of
in this way, the Knight vanishes in a flash of light, course. He now has access to the past, which he
leaving behind only his crown. uses to eliminate those who stood against him. He
includes the Heroes in this equation.
With all that’s going on in this forest, there’s really Saving the Marquis
no way to anticipate your Heroes’ actions, but we can Well, the Heroes could try to reform him. If
make a few suggestions. the Heroes treat the Marquis with respect and do
legitimately protect him without insulting or bullying
Delaine him, he might be willing to leave his villainous ways
Restoring the Straw Queen to her rightful behind. Encourage your players to use the Redeem a
place in Arrent wins the Heroes all kinds of favor. Villain rules to turn his attitude away from Villainy.
Realizing her legacy, she now must also deal with the It’s possible.
Montaigne aristocracy, claiming a new title for herself. They could turn the Marquis over to the
This is a hook for the Heroes: they can accompany authorities, but that’s a little bit of a sticky situation.
Delaine and attempt to win her title from His He hasn’t technically done anything illegal, and he’s
Majesty—a dangerous proposal, but one that is full of a noble of Montaigne. Who will you turn him over to?
adventure possibilities. They could kill him. That’s a complicated situation,
especially now that they’ve spent so much time
The Last Assassin protecting him, but they did that without really
Emanuelle is the most patient of the three, so if knowing much about him. The Marquis is a Villain
she doesn’t think she can take the target out, she’ll who uses others for his own personal gain and
calmly wait. She has all the time in the world, after comfort. The world might be a better place without
all—these idiot Heroes can’t guard the Marquis him.
forever. She does, however, try to stay close. Attentive
Heroes might notice one of the bandits never letting
The Heroes could just let him go. The Marquis Trusted Companion. Did one of your Heroes
is a wealthy man, certainly, but the Order is after return Emmanuelle V’s advances? If so, she is a
him. He’s not stupid, so he plans to run. This likely candidate to leave behind her villainous ways and
requires him to keep a low profile, which at least become a Trusted Companion. If the Heroes treated
reduces the amount that he can abuse or murder Edmée (the little girl whose parents were killed at the
others. Or it might just force him to be more very beginning of the adventure) well, she might want
discerning when it comes to his bullying. to take up a life of adventure—after all, she has little
to go back to now.
What About These Letters? Patron. If the Heroes turned de Sylvaine away
This raises the question of the Caliberi Letters. from villainy, he is almost certainly eager to reward
What does De Sylvain know about them? He’s an them for saving his life and finance their continued
active member of the Order. Can he shed any light on journeys.
their meaning? Reputation. Contending with deadly assassins,
De Sylvain does not reveal much. He has no vested jousting with a ghostly knight, retrieving a magic
interest in doing so. Also, he is only one step higher sword from a lake—these are the things that legends
than Oscar, knowing little. After the Heroes save are made of.
his life a few dozen times, he may become a little
less tight-lipped. He may also be intimidated or
persuaded, and if so, he says the letters and numbers
are indications of members. Capital letters indicate
important persons, smaller case letters indicate
agents. As for the numbers...he’s a little reluctant
to give that up, but retorts, “What do you think the
numbers stand for, idiot?”
He knows the numbers indicate “inner sanctum
members,” but he does not know where the inner
sanctum may be—if there even is such a place. He
receives anonymous letters, obeys the commands, and
earns compensation.
If Emmanuelle is around when he starts spouting
information, she breaks her camouflage and attempts
to kill him, retreating back to the shadows if possible.
The Heroes have all completed a 3-Step Story,
including the Goal, and should be allowed an
appropriate advancement. Here are a few that would
fit this adventure well:
Signature Item. There’s no shortage of unique
items present in this adventure. The black-bladed
rapier of Scarlatti, Haakon’s Syrneth musket, the
Spectral Knight’s crown, or perhaps even Delaine’s
magic belt. Depending on how the Heroes go about
solving their problems, any number of these might be
available to them.
You have been selected as one of MANY.
The target is Apollinaire de Sylvain, Marquis De La Porte-Du-Theuil,
currently visiting the Pierre-Percée region, specifically Lock-Horn Forest.
The one who delivers his head gains 1,000 Guilders.
Deliver evidence to Grey Goose.
As Heroes, good and true, I appeal to your sense of rightness and justice. In the town of
Arrent in Montaigne, a noble makes his summer residence. He is Apollinaire de Sylvain
and he is in danger. A murderous plot entangles him. I cannot pay you much, but I
appeal to your sense of rightness and justice. Protect him, please.
A Friend.
We are inspired by your recent display of courage, but also feel is it misguided and misused. We suggest you
Surely, you have learned the fool you mean to protect is unworthy of your protection. He is a clod
masquerading as a cold-hearted masochist. Wouldn’t the world be a better place without him?
We know you will see the wisdom of our suggestion that you choose to leave now and put your efforts elsewhere.
That is why we have included this reward, with more promised should you heed this advice. We appreciate your
However, if you choose to remain behind and protect this man, you should know that we will not spare you. His
fate will be your fate. With that in mind, we are confident of your wise choice.
Safe journeys,
A Friend