Lemma Kahsay - 2
Lemma Kahsay - 2
Lemma Kahsay - 2
December, 2020
Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing an Improved Charcoal Stove Master Research 2020
I, the undersigned, certify that I read and hear by recommend for the acceptance by Addis
Ababa university, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Energy Center a thesis entitled
“Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing an Improved Charcoal Stove”. This certificate used
as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in energy
Date ____________________________
Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
I, Lemma Kahsay, I declare that this thesis is the result of my own work and that all source and
material used for this thesis have been duly acknowledged. This thesis is submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for master’s degree in energy technology at Addis Ababa
university and to be made available at the at the university’s library under the role of the library.
I confidently declare that this thesis has not been submitted to any other institutions anywhere
for the award of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate.
Signature ____________________
Date ________________________
Date ________________________
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
First of all, I am very grateful to Almighty of God, This thesis has not been possible without
His blessing and graces.
Then I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr. Kamil Dino Adem, who
has been a great source of inspiration for me, supportive in the entire activity and works
actively to the completion of this research with a day to day follow up, guidance and also for
sharing his knowledge and experience in stove designing, manufacturing, modeling and testing,
this research could not have been possible without his support and care.
I am also grateful to Dr. Solomon T/Mariam and Dr. Wondwosen Bogale, for their valuable
comment, suggestion and for providing useful measuring device. Then I would like to express
my sincere appreciation to Mr. Anteneh, for his skillful works, suggestion, and valuable
comment while developing and constructing the actual prototype, his support made this project
Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for my wife, sons and
younger brother for their continuous love, help and support.
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
Nearly 2.7 billion people in the world depend on biomass for cooking. Charcoal fuel is a solid
biomass fuel which is widely used in urban and semi-urban areas of Ethiopia. However, these
fuels are combusted inside thermally inefficient stoves. One solution to such problem could be
designing, manufacturing and disseminating improved stoves. Thus, this study aims at
designing, simulating and manufacturing an improved charcoal stove to maximize the thermal
performance. Designing the stove has been performed by solid work. Besides, simulation has
been performed by CFD module which is found in COMSOL Multiphysics software. This
module includes coupled sub models representing fluid flow and heat transfer. From the
simulation temperature distribution, velocity distribution and pressure distribution in the grate
holes and on the combustion chamber of the stove were analyzed. The simulation shows that
the increased temperature results in higher firepower, which leads to higher thermal
performance of the stove.
The prototype was tested using the Water Boiling Test (WBT) protocol. The simulation results
were compared and validated with experimental results. Based on simulation thermal
efficiency obtained was 34.7%. With regard to experimental investigation, the thermal
efficiency of the stove is 32.6% and its specific fuel consumption is 56 g of fuel/ liter of water.
The study showed an improvement in thermal performance of the charcoal stove. The specific
fuel consumption of the prototype charcoal stove shows 70% improvement compared to the
three-stone fire. Generally, the new prototype charcoal stove has better thermal performance
compared to the previous designs proposed by other researchers. Therefore, disseminating our
improved charcoal stove at a larger scale in Ethiopia will be beneficial in preservation of forests
and associated ecosystem services and will improve health for households.
Key words: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Charcoal stove, Water Boiling Test,
Simulation, Improved cookstove, Design principle
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Symbol Description and units
Cp Cooking power(kW)
ɳe Cooking thermal efficiency without energy credit for remaining char (%)
Ω Cooking thermal efficiency with energy credit for remaining char (%)
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P Pressure(pa)
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
FB Body force
St Surface force
Re Reynolds number
T Temperature (K)
Symbol Description
𝛼 Transmitted irradiation
𝜏 Reflected irradiation
𝛾 Absorbed irradiation
f Final
i Initial
sur Surface
B Body
g Grate
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v Volume
y y-direction
p Power
r Rate tensor
Abbreviations Description
CO Carbon monoxide
PM Particulate matter
OC Organic carbon
OM Organic matter
EC Elemental carbon
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION..................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. v
NOMENCLATURE ............................................................................................................... vi
ABREVIATION ..................................................................................................................... ix
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
3.3. Methods....................................................................................................................... 27
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3.6.3. Calculating cooking thermal efficiency without energy credit for remaining
char… ..................................................................................................................................... 35
3.6.4. Calculating cooking thermal efficiency with energy credit for remaining char 35
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REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 68
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................................ 72
APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................ 80
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Figure 2-1:Main components of charcoal stoves .................................................................... 14
Figure 2-2: Charcoal cook stoves which are widely used in Ethiopia a) Merchaye stove b)
Lakech stove c) traditional stove............................................................................................. 15
Figure 2-3: charcoal cookstove which are widely used in Ghana a) Ahinbenso b) Gyapa c)
Traditional stove (coal pot) ..................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2-4: Ugandan charcoal stove with pot ......................................................................... 17
Figure 3-1: New prototype charcoal stove .............................................................................. 21
Figure 3-2: Full drawing of the new prototype ....................................................................... 22
Figure 3-3: Combustion chamber ........................................................................................... 23
Figure 3-4: Grate ..................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-5: Pot support ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-6: Ash tray ................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 3-7: Bottom casing ...................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-8: Main casing .......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 3-9: Methodology of the research................................................................................ 28
Figure 3-10: the actual test set-up with measuring instruments used ..................................... 34
Figure 4-1: Model boundary conditions ................................................................................. 43
Figure 4-2: The simulation work flow .................................................................................... 47
Figure 5-1: Comparisons between thermal efficiencies % of different stoves ....................... 50
Figure 5-2: Comparisons between specific fuel consumptions g/liter of different stoves ...... 52
Figure 5-3: Temperature of water during boiling process ...................................................... 55
Figure 5-4: The generated mesh ............................................................................................. 58
Figure 5-5: Mesh independence test graph ............................................................................ 59
Figure 5-6: Velocity distribution in the grate holes and combustion chamber ....................... 60
Figure 5-7: Pressure distribution in the combustion chamber ................................................ 61
Figure 5-8: Temperature versus firepower in the combustion chamber ................................. 62
Figure 5-9: Temperature distribution in the fluid region ........................................................ 63
Figure 5-10: Comparision between simulation and experimental temperature values ........... 65
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
1.1. Background
Since the beginning of human history open fires and primitive stoves have been used to
burn a biomass fuel which includes wood, charcoal, dung, crop and plant residues for
cooking, heating, lighting and other purposes. Currently about 2.7 billion people on the
world depend on biomass as their primary fuel for cooking and this is linked to more than
2.6 million permanent deaths per year. In sub-Saharan Africa 890 million people rely on
biomass for cooking particularly in rural areas and only 17% of the populations have clean
cooking access (IEA, 2018). It has been studied that the use of solid biomass fuels in open
fires and traditional stoves for cooking, heating, lighting and other purposes leads to
adverse health effects, high levels of indoor air pollution, increased probability of death,
climate change, deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Exposure to smoke from open fires
and traditional stoves contributes to respiratory diseases such as; pneumonia, tuberculosis,
lung cancer, asthma and non-respiratory diseases such as; low birth weight, infant mortality,
cardiovascular disease and cataract (Sutar et al., 2015).
A stove is called an improved cook stove if it is highly efficient, safe and emits fewer
emissions (Kshirsagar and Kalamkar, 2014). There are a lot of reasons for the development
of improved biomass stoves such as environmental, health, and socio-economic benefit.
Improved stoves can be designed to be more efficient, clean and to reduce the emissions of
several pollutants, which include carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM), black or
elemental carbon (EC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), methane (CH4), nonmethane
hydrocarbons (NMHCs), organic carbon (OC) and organic matter (OM). There are also
other benefits due to the production improved charcoal stoves. As one study indicates in
china, adoption of improved cook stoves reduced fuel wood consumption, tree felling and
wood collection time by 40.1%, 23.7%, and 38.2% respectively (Zhang et al., 2000). The
implementation of improved cook stoves in Tanzania saved wood fuel consumption,
reduced women’s workload by reducing time required for fuel collection, created business
for the stove producers (Mwampamba et al., 2013). Similarly, in china improved cook
stoves reduce the emissions of healthy risky pollutants like carbon monoxide (CO) in the
short term and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the long term (Zhang et al., 2000).
Improved cook stoves in Mexico reduced particulate matter (PM) by 74% and carbon
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monoxide (CO) concentrations by 78% (Pine et al., 2011) . Improved cook stoves (Patsari)
reduced concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and fine particulate matter (PM) by 66%
and 67% respectively. They also improved health, climate, environment and socio-
economic benefit (Masera et al., 2007). Improved stoves can be designed to be more
efficient, clean and to reduce the emissions of several pollutants.
Biomass cook stoves are classified on the basis of; use of technology, type of draft used,
application type, purpose served, chimney use, portability, construction materials and on
the basis of fuel used (Kshirsagar and Kalamkar, 2014). Biomass stoves that are classified
on the basis fuel type used are fuel-wood cook stoves, charcoal cook stoves, Agri-residue
cook stoves, dung cake cook stoves and miscellaneous and multi-fuel cook stoves. On the
basis of use of technology, they are classified into traditional cook stoves and
improved/advanced cook stoves. There are two types of traditional stoves; ‘three stone fires”
and “built on stove” or “mud stove”. Three stone fires are characterized by low efficiency,
least costly and least safe stove. In the laboratory these stoves showed high carbon
monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) emissions, high fuel usage, and 10% thermal
efficiency and moderate time to boil (Kshirsagar and Kalamkar, 2014).
Charcoal fuel is one of the biomass fuels which are used broadly in developing countries.
The production, trade and consumption of charcoal fuels for household food preparation
are characterized by conflict, misconceptions and stereotyping (Mwampamba et al., 2013).
These fuels are combusted and burnt in charcoal stoves. In many parts of the world there
are different types of improved charcoal stoves; such as Kenyan charcoal Jiko (Kenya),
Mali charcoal (Mali), Gyapa charcoal (Ghana), UCODEA charcoal stove (Uganda), and
Lakech stove (Ethiopia) are the stoves which are found in Africa (Kshirsagar and Kalamkar,
Ethiopian households dominantly use solid biomass fuels for cooking, water heating and
coffee making. The cookstove technologies which are found in Ethiopia are classified as
injera baking cookstoves and non-baking cookstoves (pot sized stoves). Non-baking
cookstoves are referred to cookstoves that are used for cooking, water heating and coffee
making. In Ethiopia improved cookstoves; reduce fire wood consumption and harmful
emissions, the drudgery of fuel wood collection is diminished saving time and effort, small
scale stove producers benefit from self-sustaining income-generating opportunities as well
as low-income households, social facilities and small and medium enterprises gain
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Charcoal fuel is one of the biomass fuels widely used in urban and semi-urban areas of
Ethiopia. At this time there are two improved charcoal stoves and other traditional metal
stoves. The improved stoves are called merchaye and lakech. Merchaye charcoal stove
reduced emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and particulate matter
by 28%, 22% and 27%, respectively in comparison to traditional stoves. Lakech charcoal
stove reduced emissions of CO, CO2, and PM by 15%, 8%, and 13% (Mamuye et al., 2017).
Stoves are usually designed using trial and error processes i.e. manufacturing a prototype,
and testing it for different types of performance, then changing parameters until successful
design found. The design process depends on previous engineering design, experience and
experimental works. This trial and error process results in greater resource and time
consumption on manufacturing prototype and testing it (Nordica Ann MacCarty, 2013).
Application of computational modeling used for product design would help to answer these
problems. In the past 30 years above 500 scientific articles have been published which
examined various aspects of biomass cookstoves; however, only less than 6% of the
scientific articles have answered numerical simulation of fluid flow, heat transfer processes
in traditional biomass stoves and none of these coupled, provide detailed simulation
validation of the experimental results (Nordica MacCarty and Bryden, 2016). Among the
cookstove modeling software’s is the CFD package which is found is found in COMSOL
Multiphysics. CFD modules can solve temperature profiles, velocity distribution and
pressure distributions (Sengupta et al., 2019).
Even though CFD models have advanced the art of modeling cook stoves, they have largely
been validated without considering real stove design principles and used very small number
of stove geometries. Combustion has been modeled with simple reaction and heat transfer
is often modeled without considering the presence of remaining char. The remaining char
highly affects the temperature distribution, velocity distribution and heat transfer from cook
stoves to the pot. The influence of design principles such as secondary air entrance, grates,
pot support height, cone deck, ash tray, bottom body of the stove and outer casing on the
stove thermal performance has not been studied. The fundamental physics behind why
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certain arrangements result in better thermal performance and emissions has not been fully
studied (Pundle et al., 2019 ;Varunkumar et al., 2012).
1.3. Objectives
The main objective of the research is to design, simulate, manufacture and test improved
domestic charcoal stove.
The Specific objectives include;
• Designing charcoal stove using solid work.
• Simulating the stove.
• Manufacturing the stove
• Testing the performance of the improved charcoal stove.
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1.5. Limitations
The limitation of this work is that Computational Fluid Dynamics models have problems
in predicting the complex phenomenon of turbulence and combustion, model assumption
and non-availability of accurate reaction mechanisms result in the predictions deviating
from the experimental data significantly. In terms of its setting up of the model and its
actual computations Computational Fluid Dynamic models are significantly time
consuming. The second limitation of this research will be the indoor air pollution measuring
instruments are not available. The emissions of CO, CO2 and PM are not measured in the
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
In this chapter, the different types of literatures reviewed are discussed. Stove construction
materials, stove design principles, biomass testing protocols, the main components of
charcoal stove, development of charcoal stove in Ethiopia, research gap and CFD models
are discussed.
A lot of biomass resources can be changed to enable energy supply. These can be divided
into six groups, based on their properties such as forestry products, wastes, and residues,
agricultural wastes and residues (herbaceous species), Industrial and municipal organic
wastes, aquatic species, energy crops, which are grown with the aim to supply energy
carriers and derivatives. Cellulose, hemicellulose, linin and chitosan are the main structural
organic constituents of biomass fuels. Together with the main structural organic
constituent’s biomass fuels contains other minor constituents such as oils, fats (lipids),
proteins, star and sugar as well as spectrum of organic extractives (McKendry, 2002).
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Table 2-1: Biomass fuel consumption in Ethiopia (2013) (Geissler et al., 2013)
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these design principles were used in designing the new prototype charcoal stove and it was
a successful procedure. Table 3-3 shows charcoal stove design principles.
Principle two Charcoal stove can have a high turn down ratio.
Principle three Secondary airs are required to burn up the remaining CO.
In most charcoal stove design, the Air must pass through the
burning charcoal before it reaches to the top where the CO is. To
burn up the remaining CO hot air must be added above the charcoal
Principle four Put the pot close to the charcoal.
This will maximize heats transfer by conduction & radiation from
the charcoal fuel to pot.
Principle five Insulators like clay, ceramic fiber, rock wool and sheet of foil, etc.
are required in order to achieve a temperature of 609℃ or above
five minutes or less than five minutes after lighting
Principle six Small channel gaps are required between the pot and the stove.
Radiative and convective heat transfer are the main modes of heat
transfer in charcoal stoves. In order to increase heat transfer by
convection to the pot a skirt is needed around the pot. The pot
should be located very close to the top of the burning charcoal.
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time to boil thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption, burning rate, fire power and turn
down ratio. WBT is dependent on temperature change and mass loss of water on a pot.
Because this test is planned to be repeatable and reproducible procedure it is useful and
suitable as an aid to the design process in the ability of identifying areas of poor
performance and for comparing the performance of different stoves. However, the WBT
also has weakness; it cannot provide necessary information about how the stove performs
when cooking actual foods and the fuel type, composition, moisture and size may vary
(Taylor, 2009).
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burns down and it is used to hold charcoal fuels. The combustion chamber is the area where
combustion takes place (Stewart, 1987).
2.7.2. Grate
The advantage of a grate is to improve the combustion efficiency, due to improved supply
of primary air under the bed and better contact of this air with the fuel. It should have
sufficient open area to allow good mixing of air under the charcoal. The openings should
be greater 0.5cm wide in order to prevent blocking, but less than 2cm wide to reduce the
amount of small charcoal pieces that will fall through. If the open area is too large excess
air enters the combustion chamber and this decreases the flame temperature, but if the open
area is to small sufficient will not enter the combustion chamber (Stewart, 1987).
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
Table 2-3: Different types of traditional charcoal stoves in Ethiopia (Gashie, 2005)
No Stove type Weight(gm) Combustion camber Upper rim Pan Air Grate
area(cm2) rest
Figure 2-2: Charcoal cook stoves which are widely used in Ethiopia a) Merchaye stove
b) Lakech stove c) traditional stove
(Mamuye et al., 2017)
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The Merchaye charcoal stove is lighter, with a smaller depth, upper surface area and
combustion chamber area. It has combustion chamber area of 169 cm2, depth of 7.8 cm and
upper surface area of 324 cm2 as well as it has 1.8 kg weight. The grate holes are 1-2 cm in
diameter. Lakech charcoal stove has an upper surface area of 400 cm2, combustion area of
179 cm2 and depth of 8.5 cm. It weighs 1.9 kg with a bowl-shaped combustion chamber.
The grate holes are 0.5 cm in diameter. The traditional metal charcoal stove weighs1.5kg
with combustion area of 180 cm2, depth of 9.5 cm and an upper surface area of 441 cm 2.
The cooking pot seats directly on the charcoal in the chamber. Merchaye and lakech
charcoal stoves are made from clay and sheet metal while the traditional stove is made only
from sheet metal (Mamuye et al., 2017). Figure 2-2 shows the different charcoal stoves
which are found in Ethiopia.
Figure 2-3: charcoal cookstove which are widely used in Ghana a) Ahinbenso b) Gyapa c)
Traditional stove (coal pot)
The Ahinbenso charcoal stove has hemispherical combustion chamber with curved surface
area of 942.82 cm2. The combustion chamber and the grate are made from sheet metal.
Gyapa charcoal stove also has a hemispherical combustion chamber with surface area of
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726.10 cm2. The combustion chamber and grate are made from clay material. The
Traditional coal pot stove had a truncated pyramidal combustion chamber with a
surface area of 1093.00 cm2.
2.9.2. Ugandan charcoal stove
The Ugandan charcoal stove is made from fiber glass, stainless steel and granite rocks. The
combustion chamber of the stove 100 mm with 120 mm diameter.
The outer chamber was fabricated at an internal diameter of 170 mm using granite rock,
glass wool and stainless steel at 23 mm, 48 mm and 1.0 mm thick, respectively.
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All the improved charcoal stoves had higher thermal efficiencies than the traditional
charcoal stoves. The improved thermal efficiency is due to the fact that more heat being
transferred to the cooking pot and less heat are being lost to the surroundings mainly due
to the use of insulating material in the combustion chamber of the improved stove. The
thermal efficiency of the different charcoal stoves which are found in Ethiopia ranges from
18% to 29%. The difference between the highest and lowest thermal performance is 11%.
Ugandan Ahinbenso Charcoal stove had the highest thermal performance. In terms of
specific fuel consumption, the traditional metal charcoal stove consumes more fuel than the
other charcoal stoves. From stoves tested in Ethiopia Merchaye charcoal stove offered
significant fuel savings of 59.5% compared to the traditional metal square charcoal stove.
The Ethiopian Shekela (clay) charcoal stove and the Ugandan charcoal stove had the
highest thermal efficiency next to the Ghanan Ahinbenso charcoal stove. In terms of
specific fuel consumption, the Ethiopian traditional charcoal consumes the highest fuel and
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Ghanan Ahinbenso charcoal stove consumes the least fuel. Table 2-4 shows the different
types of charcoal stoves reviewed in the thesis.
The module uses the newest research possible to simulate fluid flow; it offers the most
manageable simulation environment for CFD applications. It is used to models laminar and
turbulent single or multiple flow, stirred vessels etc. CFD models includes all the steps
available for the modeling process such us creating , importing and manipulating the
geometry , definition of parameters and component variables , specifying the materials to
be includes in the component, setup an appropriate mesh for the modeling domain ,
defining the physics of the fluids flow on boundaries and in domains ,solving the equations
that describe a system for stationers or time dependent behaviors as well as collecting and
analyzing results to presents for furthers use in others analysis (Comsol AB, 2019).
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COMSOL Multiphysics software gathers and answers problems using a set of advanced
numerical analysis tools. It runs the analysis together with adaptive mesh refinement and
error control using a variety of numerical solvers. It also creates arrangements to record all
steps that create the geometry, physics, mesh studies, solver settings, visualization and
results presentation. This makes to easily change a node in the model tree and rerun the
sequences. COMSOL Multiphysics software can be applied in many engineering and
science areas, such as; fluid dynamics, heat transfer, geophysics and geomechanics, metal
processing, micro fluidics, microwave engineering, pipe flow, porous media flow, semi-
conductor devices, structural mechanics, transport phenomena, quantum mechanics,
multibody dynamics, chemical reactions, fuel cell and batteries. The software also offers
modeling and analysis power for many application areas. There are optional adds-on
modules for several key application areas. The module also includes comprehensive
application libraries with example models that show the use of the product within its
application areas.
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
In this chapter the manufacturing process of the stove, design principles and experimental
setup are discussed. It is divided into three sections. The first section discusses about the
manufacturing materials and in the second section design principles of charcoal stoves are
discussed. The last section discusses about the experimental test set up.
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Primary air enters via the grate holes below the fuel bed. The door remains completely open
for high power operation and can be almost completely closed to create a large degree of
turndown for lower phase (simmering). Figure 3-2 shows the full drawing of the new
prototype charcoal stove and table 3-1 shows part drawing names.
Figure 3-2: shows the major components of the new prototype stove. Most of the stove
parts are made from sheet metal because of its availability on the local market. Clay was
selected for the combustion chamber because it has low thermal conductivity and it is
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easily accessible. Aluminum foil was selected for the ash tray in order to reflect heat back
to the grate holes and combustion chamber
8 Inner_Case_CS003SMT2 Clay 1
Clay bricks are physically durable and to resist abrasion and breakage. The main function
of the chamber is to hold the charcoal and to serve as a combustion area. The combustion
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chamber is 85 mm deep with 180 mm diameter and it is 30 mm thick. Clay properties are
explained in chapter four of this research paper. Figure 3-3 shows the combustion chamber
of the stove.
Steel was selected for the grate body because steel has less density than clay and it does not
store huge amount of heat in its body. For this particular prototype the total numbers of
holes are thirteen and are shown in figure 3-4 below. The holes are 12 mm diameter and 3
mm depth. It is 3 mm thick with 180 mm diameter.
First the diameter of the grate holes is determined from Laketch and Merchaye charcoal
stoves. The diameter of the grate holes for Laketch and Merchaye charcoal stoves are 5
mm and 20 mm, respectively (Mamuye et al., 2017)
. The diameter of the new stove taken to be 12 mm in diameter because this is the optimum
diameter. If it is less than this number enough air will not enter the combustion chamber
and small pieces of charcoal can block the holes. But if it is greater than this number excess
air will enter the chamber and small pieces of charcoal fuel will fall in the ash tray which
diminishes the combustion process and thermal performance of the stove. The number of
holes were determined using rotational angle with equal spacing method. One hole was
drilled at the center and the other four holes were drilled using -90,180, -90- and -180-
degree angles. The outer eight holes were drilled using 90, 45, 180, 135, -90, -135, -180-
and -45-degree angles.
3.1.2. Auxilaries
Pot support is constructed on the top of the stove. Its basic function is to support the pot
during boiling process of water, figure 3-5 shows the pot support of the prototype. It is 20
mm high with 200 mm inner diameter and 250mm outer diameter.
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In this particular study the ash tray of the charcoal stove is made up of aluminum foil and
is used to collect ashes and small charcoal pieces during burning process. This reflecting
aluminum foil placed in the ash tray is used to reflect radiant heat back to the combustion
chamber. The ash tray is 2 mm thick and with 180 mm diameter. Figure 3-6 shows the ash
tray of the new prototype stove.
The bottom casing is constructed on the bottom of the stove. It is made from sheet metal
and its feet are constructed from woods. The woods are used for safety purposes,
households can easily use them. It has 322 mm diameter at the bottom and 250 mm at the
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The bottom casing was manufactured to be aesthetically appealing to the end users. Users
satisfaction is one of the essential requirements used to evaluate stove acceptability at
community level. There are three feet which used are to prevent heat transfer from the
stove to the ground. So, the prototype charcoal stove is easy to use everywhere. Figure 3-7
shows the bottom casing of the stove.
The main casing is used to hold the combustion chamber, the pot support, the grate and the
ash tray. It is made from stainless steel and it is 180 mm high with 250 mm diameter. The
main casing is shown in figure 3-8 below.
Sheet metal was selected as a casing material because of; its availability on the local market,
its resistance to corrosion in high temperatures, its minimum cost and it has longer service
life time than most metals. Its material properties are described in chapter four table 4-5.
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Collect information and opinions to gain a better understanding, brainstorm different ideas
and select the best one, test, implement and verify prior to moving on to the next phase.
Table 3-2 shows the essential requirements for cookstove design.
Table 3-2: The essential requirements for cook stove design (Global Alliance for Clean
Cookstoves, 2014a)
Performance Affordability
Attractiveness Safety Sale price
Maintenance & service Health pollutants Fuel consumption
Ease of ignition Durability Service life
Time saved Time Unit cost
Cleanliness Energy efficiency
Portability Greenhouse emissions
User interface
3.3. Methods
This section describes the method used to develop the improved charcoal stove from the
beginning to the end. The method sections throughout this paper are as shown in Figure 3.9.
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Material selection
Conceptual design
Engineering design
Optimized design
Material selection is the act of choosing material best suited to achieve the requirements of
a given application. In this section the materials needed for the construction of the prototype
are discussed. The materials for the combustion chamber, grate, ash tray and insulation
sheets are selected. Conceptual design is an early stage of the design process which includes
the design of experiences, processes, strategies and interactions. In the case of stoves this
stage includes modification of popular stove designs, recombination of different stove
designs, or full product design from scrap. Different scientific papers were reviewed in
order to design the new prototype charcoal stove.
The 3D cad drawing model of the new prototype stove is drawn using solid work and
dimensions are shown in Appendix A. After choosing the conceptual design fundamental
and applied principles of engineering and science are applied to generate visible solution.
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A𝒄 = π𝑟 2 (3.1)
𝐶𝑐 = 2 × 3.14 × 9
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= 56.52 𝑐𝑚
Cc is Circumference of the combustion chamber, cm
A𝒔 = 2πr 2 d + πr 2 (3.3)
a) OHAUS Scale
OHAUS Scale is used to measure different instruments like charcoal fuel, water, pot and
remaining char etc. Table 3-4 shows the specifications of the scale.
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Designing, Simulating and Manufacturing of Improved Charcoal Stove
It was used to measure the approximate moisture content of the charcoal fuel. Table 3-5
shows the detail specifications of the wood moisture meter.
for wood;
c) 5 in 1 Environmental meter
The 5 in 1 environmental meter was used to measure many parameters like ambient
temperature, humidity, light intensity, sound level and air velocity Table 3-6 shows the
detail specifications temperature, relative humidity and air velocity of the environmental
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≧ 70 %RH:
± (4%rdg +
1.2 %RH)
d) K-Thermocouple
The temperature variation during boiling the water was recorded by thermocouple and they
were placed inside the pot. Temperature specifications of the K-type thermocouple is
shown in table 3-7 below.
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fabricated stoves meet planned performance based on designs and Compare the
effectiveness of different designs at accomplishing parallel tasks (Global Alliance for Clean
Cookstoves, 2014b).
The water boiling test procedure is explained as follows; Determining the type, size and
moisture content of the fuel used. General conditions such as room temperature, wind speed,
relative humidity and local boiling of water was recorded, Pot was weighed empty and dry,
then weight was recorded, The pot was filled with 2.5 litter water and its new weight was
taken and recorded, Weight of charcoal and char containers were taken and recorded, Some
quantity of charcoal fuel placed in charcoal container was weighted and recorded,
Thermocouple was placed on top of the pot and water temperature was recorded at one-
minute interval, The tests were done for 30 minutes. When 30 minute reaches all the
remaining charcoal was removed from the stove, the weight of the remaining charcoal and
the unused charcoal were weighted and recorded separately and the weight of the pot with
the remaining water was taken and recorded.
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Figure 3-10: the actual test set-up with measuring instruments used
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𝑈𝑖 (3.6)
𝑃𝒄 =
(𝑡4 − 𝑡1 )
3.6.3. Calculating cooking thermal efficiency without energy credit for remaining
The Net Heating Value or Lower Heating Value is defined as the theoretical maximum
amount of energy that can be extracted from the combustion of the moisture free fuel. If it
is completely combusted and the combustion products are cooled to ambient temperature
but the water produced by the reaction of the fuel burning hydrogen remains in the fluid or
gas phase. It is calculated using equation (3.7) as follows;
𝑈𝑖 (3.7)
𝜂𝒆 =
3.6.4. Calculating cooking thermal efficiency with energy credit for remaining char
Thermal efficiency increases when the energy credit for the remaining char is considered.
This is calculated using equation (3.8) as follows
𝑈𝑖 (3.8)
𝜑𝒄 =
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𝑋𝒕 (3.9)
𝐸𝑭 =
𝑋𝒕 (3.10)
𝐸𝑹 =
𝑡4 − 𝑡1
𝑓𝒄 (3.11)
𝑺fC =
𝑊𝑝𝑊 − Pt
Specific fuel consumption is a measure of the amount of the fuel needed to boil or simmer
one liter of water. It is also described as any number of cooking tasks and should be
considered the fuel needed to produce a unit output whether the output is boiled water,
cooked foods or loaves of bread. In the case of the cold-start high-power WBT protocol, it
is a measure of the amount of charcoal fuel required to produce one liter of boiling water
beginning with cold stove.
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4.1. Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics and CFD
It is an influential communicating environment for modeling as well as for answering all
types of engineering and scientific problems. COMSOL Multiphysics use the Recognized
finite element method to solve models (Comsol AB, 2019). CFD models are capable of
handling complex geometries, require simple assumptions, and can provide detailed
information about heat transfer, combustion and fluid flow within the cook stove. There
are three elements to every computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation process
(Versteeg and Malalasekera, 2007): pre-processing, solution and post-processing. We
describe each of them briefly below.
4.1.1. Pre-processing
It is done at the beginning of the simulation to build and analyze the fluid flow model. It
includes building geometry of the model; generating and applying a proper computational
mesh, choosing of fluid properties that need to be modeled and entering flow boundary
conditions. The preciseness of the solution is defined by the number of cells in the mesh.
Better accuracy is achieved by increasing the number of cells but this increases the
computational time of the simulation. Finer mesh is needed at the point of interest.
4.1.2. Solution
At this step CFD solver is used to produce results by solving the discretized form of the
governing equation. It needs clear understanding of the physics involved in the problem
like phenomenon related to heat transfer, reacting flow, mass transfer, radiation, turbulence
etc. there are different types of options in the CFD package to solve the governing equations.
Flow parameters like velocity, viscosity, density, pressure concentration and temperature
are calculated as a solution of all the governing equations at each grid point.
4.1.3. Post-processing
This is the final step in CFD analysis. At this stage the CFD analysis involve the
coordination and explanation of the anticipated flow data and the yielding of CFD images
and animations. In order to solve the problem different post-processing tools like counter
plots, color plots and vector plots are used. The interpretation of these results plays
important role in determining the performance of any system being used.
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4.2.1. Radiation
Thermal radiation is the energy emitted by body that is at a nonzero temperature. It uses
electromagnetic waves (photons) to transport the radiation field. Actually, radiation transfer
occurs most efficiently in a space. Radiation heat transfer is the principal mode of energy
transfer in charcoal stoves. There are five principal areas through which radiative heat
transfer should occur in charcoal stoves; from the fire bed and flames to the frying pan,
From the hot gases to the charcoal to sustain combustion, from the flames and fire bed to
the stove wall, from the stove body to the pot and from the stove body to the surrounding
(Usman, 2011) .
The rate at which energy is released per unit area is termed as the surface emissive power
and it is governed by Stefan Boltzmann law which can be expressed as
E = εσT 4 S (4.1)
𝜀= emissivity, whose values lie in between 0 and 1 (1 for an ideal radiator or black body)
The rate at which radiation is incident upon the surface per unit surface area is called
irradiation, G (W/m2). This irradiation can be transmitted, reflected or absorbed (Bergman
et al., 2011). That is;
𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 + 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 + 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑑
ρ +α+τ=1 (𝟒. 𝟐)
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Radiosity (J) is the rate at which radiation leaves a surface per unit area. For an opaque
surface itis described by
𝐽 = 𝐸 + 𝜌𝐺 (4.3)
4.2.2. Convection
Convection heat transfer is a mode of energy transfer between a solid surface and a moving
fluid due to bulk fluid motion and random motion of fluid molecules. To understand
convection heat transfer between a surface and flowing fluid the concept of boundary layer
is necessary. The rate of convective heat transfer can be expressed as
4.2.3. Conduction
Conduction is mode of energy transfer between two solid surfaces. In charcoal stoves there
are two principal areas which conductive heat transfer should be expected; conduction heat
transfer through the stove walls and conduction heat transfer through the pan to the product
to be boiled, fried and baked (Usman, 2011). The conductive heat transfer is given by the
Fourier’s relation
𝒒 𝝏𝑻 (4.5)
The minus sign in the above formula is inserted to satisfy the second principle of
thermodynamics i.e. energy transfers from high temperature region to low temperature
region (Holman, 2010).
𝜕ρ (4.6)
+ ∇ ∙ (ρu) = 0
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∇ ∙ (ρu) = 0 (4.7)
(McDonough, 2009)
𝐹𝑟 is the resultant of all forces acting on the fluid element.
If we consider a fixed mass m of a fluid contained in an arbitrary region R(t), there are two
main types of forces acting on a fluid element. These are categorized into body forces and
surface forces.
Body forces acting on the entire region R(t), denoted
∫ 𝐹𝑩 dV
Surface forces acting only on the surface S (t) of R (t). Denoted by.
∫ 𝑭𝒔 dA
This is not suitable for practical use or engineering calculations. So, the momentum
conservation equation for a single-phase fluid flow interfaces are based on the Navier-
stokes equations, which in their most general form read as
∂v (4.11)
𝜌 + 𝜌(𝑣. ∇)𝑣 = ∇. [−pI + 𝜏] + 𝐹𝑣
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2 (4.12)
𝜏 = 2𝜇𝑆𝑟− μ(∇. v)I
𝟏 (4.13)
𝑆𝒓 = (∇𝑣 + (∇𝑣)T)
On rearranging equations (4.10) and (4.11) the momentum conservation equation for
incompressible as well as for compressible fluid flow with viscosity and density variations
are given by (Zienkiewicz et al., 2000)
𝜕𝑣 2 (4.14)
𝜌 + 𝜌𝑣. ∇𝑣 = −∇𝑝 + ∇. (𝜇(∇𝑣 + (∇𝑣)𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒) − 𝜇(∇. 𝑣)𝐼) + 𝐹𝑣
𝜕𝑡 3
2 (4.15)
𝜌𝑣. ∇𝑣 = −∇𝑝 + ∇. (𝜇(∇𝑣 + (∇𝑣)𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒) − 𝜇(∇. 𝑣)𝐼) + 𝐹𝑣
For incompressible fluid flow where 𝜌 is constant or nearly constant i.e., the case for gases
at low velocities and for all liquids under normal conditions the momentum conservation
equation reduces to;
𝜕𝑣 (4.16)
𝜌 + 𝜌(𝑣. ∇)𝑣 = ∇. (−𝑝𝐼 + 𝜇(∇𝑣 + (∇𝑣)𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑇)) + 𝐹𝑣
𝜕𝑇 𝑇 𝜕𝜌 𝜕𝑝
𝜌𝐶𝑝 ( 𝜕𝑡 + (𝑣. ∇)T) = −(∇. q) + 𝜏: 𝑆𝑟 − 𝜌 𝜕𝑇 ( 𝜕𝑡 + (𝑣. ∇)p) + Q (4.18)
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4.4. Materials
In this section, the materials specified for the different stove components and some of their
important properties are stated.
i. Combustion chamber
The combustion chamber is made of fired clay which can withstand high temperatures.
Some important properties of fired clay are given in table 4-1.
Table 4-1: Material properties of the fired clay
Property value
Density 1460kg/m3
Sheet metal is the material needed for the seal, grate and vessel. The most important
properties of the material used are stated in Table 4-2.
iii. Air
The material specified for the fluid phase occurring in the domain is air. The properties of
air available from the COMSOL Multiphysics material library are used. Table 4-3 shows
air properties
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• The flow is steady state flow where fluid variables become independent of time
• The fluid is assumed to be incompressible
• To reduce computational time and resource on 2D-axisymmetric model is
There are four types of boundary conditions in the domain. A brief overview of the
different boundary conditions is provided in the following section.
4.5.1. Inlet
It is the part where air enters the ash chamber. The air at this position is entered by natural
convection. The flow properties of the entering air are calculated from experimental results.
The fluid velocity measured at the inlet is
𝐹𝑅 = 𝑉𝐴 (4.19)
w = Vρ (4.20)
After calculating the grate hole areas and with the flow rates available a rough estimation
of the Reynolds number can be obtained. Since there are three grate holes, the flow from
the ash chamber is divided almost equally among the three holes. The flow rate through
each of the grate holes was calculated using equation 4.22;
𝑉𝑔 = 𝐴𝑉 (4.22)
The air gets heated as it rises up the grate. The average air temperature at the inlet of the
grate holes which is found from experimental measurement is 500K .
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temperature specified is the ambient temperature which is 293K. There is conduction and
radiation heat loss to the base of the combustion chamber. No slip conditions.
4.5.4. Outlet
This boundary condition is specified as the outlet pressure and pressure value was taken as
ambient pressure. The ambient pressure of Addis Ababa is 76 kPa. This value is taken for
the simulation.
A flow will remain laminar as long as the Reynolds number is below a certain critical value.
The equations solved by the laminar flow interface are the Navier-stokes equations for
conservation of momentum and the continuity equation for the conservation of mass. The
laminar flow interface can be used for stationery and time-dependent analysis. Note that
for high Reynolds number, a flow becomes inherently time-dependent and three
dimensional, and time dependent studies have to be used. We can use the Reynolds number,
as a simple mathematical expression, used to predict whether the flow via geometry will be
laminar or turbulent. Laminar flow heat transfer in tube geometries like cook stoves is
encountered in a wide variety of engineering and science applications. The following
examples describe laminar heat transfer in tubes (Hong, 1974); heat of the circulating fluid
in solar collectors, heat transfer in compact exchangers, heat transfer in biomass cook
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stoves, cooling of space suits and warming and cooling of blood during surgical operations.
Laminar flow heat transfer is dependent on many variables including tube geometry, flow
inlet velocity profile, fluid properties, tube orientation, tube wall properties and heat flux
boundary conditions. The Reynolds number can be calculated using equation (4.23) (Uruba,
ρUg d Ug d Qr d (4.24)
Re = = =
µ ν νA
In the COMSOL Multiphysics software desktop different types of windows are found such
as model builder window settings window and graphics window etc. So first making a tour
in the desktop window is necessary. Before creating a geometry creating definitions like
parameters, variables and functions were done. The 2D-axisymmetric geometry was done
in the software first by creating 3D drawing of the object and second by making a partition
of the object in four parts. After creating the geometry material was selected from the
material library which is found in the software.
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Set up model
Specify material
Define boundary
Run simulation
In the material browser section, there are a lot of materials to be selected. In this model air,
clay and stainless steel were selected and added in the material properties window. There
are four types of boundary conditions in this simulation; inlet, clay wall, heat source and
outlet. After doing the above procedures the mesh was done and normal mesh was selected
for clay wall and extra fine mesh for grate inlets and the fluid section. Lastly, running the
simulation and interpreting the results were done.
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In this chapter, the results obtained from the experiment and simulation model are discussed.
The chapter is divided into two sections. The first section discusses the results obtained
from the experimental testing and in the second section the CFD simulation results are
discussed and compared with the experimental ones.
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7 Temp-corr sp energy consumption kJ/liter 1819 1798 1700 1591 1613 1704 4013
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Fire power; this is the fuel energy consumed to boil the water divided by the time to boil. It
tells the average power output of the stove in watts during the high-power test. It is affected by
both the stove i.e., size of fuel and combustion chamber and user operation i.e., rate of fuel
feeding. It is an indicator of how consistently the operator ran the stove over multiple tests. A
higher or lower value is not necessarily preferable, but rather is an indicator of the size of the
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The thermal efficiency of the new prototype stove is increased because of the grate and the ash
tray are made from sheet metal and aluminum, respectively. Sheet metal does not store and
absorb huge amount of heat in its body. Aluminum foil in ash tray is used to reflect radiant
heat back to the combustion chamber. The thermal efficiency of a granite charcoal stove is 29%
(Bantu et al., 2018) . The thermal efficiencies of shekel, Lakech, Merchaye and traditional
charcoal stoves are 29%, 26%, 27%, and 18%, respectively (Mequaninte et al., 2013) . the
Tanzanian traditional charcoal stove and Jiko Bora charcoal stove have a thermal efficiency of
21% and 24%, respectively (Grimsby et al., 2016). The thermal efficiency of Gyapa and
Ahinbenso charcoal stoves which are found in Ghana are 23% and 31.3 %, respectively
(Boafo-Mensah et al., 2013 ). In Fig 5-1 Comparisons was made with locally and globally
existing stoves. The designed, simulated and manufactured new prototype charcoal stove
achieves tier 2 in the IWA tiers of performance which shows substantial improvement over the
baseline traditional 3-stone fire.
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Figure 5-2: Comparisons between specific fuel consumptions g/liter of different stoves
From figure 5-2 the new prototype charcoal consumes less fuel than the other charcoal stoves.
If a stove can save a fuel up to 25% over a traditional stove it is called an improved cook stove
(Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority, 2004). In Africa, especially sub-Saharan
Africa, charcoal and wood fuel accounts for 75% of total wood harvest, which contributes for
high deforestation in countries like Ethiopia (Jagger and Jumbe, 2016). Thus, designing and
manufacturing improved cook stoves have great implications concerning forest degradation
since the use of such stoves can reduce deforestation and climate changes.
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The WBT protocol specifies that the stove to tested at three phases i.e., high-power cold start
phase, high power hot start phase and low power (simmer phase). All the tests began with the
stove at ambient conditions and this is called the high-power cold phase. During high power
phase the stove operated at high power to heat water in the pot. As the WBT protocol the tests
were conducted inside cook stoves lab. In all the tests conducted temperature increases from
the starting time to the end of the test. Five tests were conducted on the manufactured stove
principally to access the thermal performance of the stove such as thermal efficiency, specific
fuel consumption time to boil, fire power etc. At the same time, the result indicates the accuracy
level of the test results. The tests were conducted at different times day morning and day
afternoon. At both times the tests show similar trends because the tests were conducted at rainy
season. For all the tests there was a gradual decrease in mass of water with increasing
temperature over time. During the first test mass of water with pot decreases from 2850.4
grams to 2680.5 grams and water temperature increases from 15.3 ℃ to 68.5 ℃. The weight
of fuel consumed was 120 grams and the time was day-morning. For test two weight of pot
with water decreases from 2850 grams to 2685.7 gram and water temperature increases from
16.3℃ to 66.2 ℃. The amount of fuel consumed was 110 grams and the time was day morning.
For the third test the weight of pot with water decreases from 2848 grams to 2678 grams and
water temperature increases 16.1℃ to 73.1 ℃. In this test the amount of fuel consumed was
118 grams and the time was day-morning. During the fourth test weight of pot with water
decreases from 2850 grams to 2640 grams and water temperature increases from 14.4℃ to
86.5 ℃. The amount of fuel 157 grams and the time was day-afternoon. For the last test weight
of pot with water decreases from 2848 grams to 2690 grams and temperature increases from
17.1 ℃ to 78.6 ℃ . The amount of fuel consumed was 120 grams.
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the geometry (element type used), Shape used to divide the geometry, how the solution is
interpolated between the nodes. The generated mesh was dominantly composed of mostly
triangular elements is used for the simulations. Table 5-2 shows some details of the mesh used.
Discretization of the geometry in to small elements of simple shapes is called mesh. The mesh
quality is defined as an indication of the length to width ratio of the elements. Minimum
element quality measures the regularity of the mesh elements shapes which leads to inverted
mesh elements. From the above table the geometry is divided by element type. The element
type used is the shape which is used to divided of the geometry. The mesh element quality is
a dimensionless quantity between 0 and 1, where 0 represents a degenerated element and 1
represents a perfectly regular element in the choosen quantity measure. Low element quality
cuases poor convergence for iterative solvers and makes the problem ill- conditioned in general.
Inverted mesh element is defined that a mesh element is wrapped inside-out or has zero area
in 2D or zero volume in 3D. Triangular and quadirilateral shapes are used to divide 2D model
geometry. Tetrahedron, hexahedron,pyramid and prism shapes are used to divide the 3D-model
geometry. The number, size and distribution of elements are controlled using size and
distribution nodes.
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There is very finer mesh at the shared boundary and this is to accommodate the material effects
on both sides. In order to get real solution, the number of edge elements must be increased.
When the number of edge element increases the mesh becomes very finer and this leads to
high average element quality. Very finer mesh near at the walls is required to produce a smooth
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When the number of elements increases the degree of freedom also increases. The memory
requirement and the solution time are directly related to the number of degrees of freedom in
the simulation. The variation in temperature is studied for all the mesh sizes. There is
temperature variation from extremely coarse mesh to the finer mesh. Reducing the mesh size
further beyond the finer size did not give any great difference in the temperature. Figure 5-5
shows generated mesh independence test of the simulation.
804.5 1033
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000
Number of elements
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From figure 5-5 when the number of elements increases temperature increases. When the
number of elements reaches 9892 there is no great temperature variation. If we further increase
the number elements the temperature remains almost the same.
Figure 5-6: Velocity distribution in the grate holes and combustion chamber
There exists a zero-velocity region in the combustion chamber. This to the blocked region
where there is limited fluid flow. This is due to non-detailed design which means specific detail
designs have not been included in the model to reduce computational time and resource. But
this is in contrast to the actual operating conditions. Therefore, the Reynolds number of the air
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flow at the grate holes is around 323. The Reynolds number along the grate holes is lower than
the critical value of 2300 for flow in circular channels (Cengel and Cimbala, 2006). The flow
in the grate holes remains laminar. From the counter plot shown in figure 5-6 there is high
velocity at the center of the grate holes and it is surrounded by relatively lower velocity layers
near the wall of the grate holes, this was also hypothesized by (Asranna, 2015).
Due to the overloading of charcoal fuels there is pressure gradient in the stove combustion
chamber (Klayborworn and Pakdee, 2019). There is also horizontal pressure gradient in the
combustion region chamber this is due to horizontal pressure gradient force is directed from
higher pressure towards lower pressure of the stove.
Temperature and firepower have direct relationship. As the height of the chamber increases
both temperature and fire power increases. As the gas temperature increases density of the gas
decreases resulting in increasing volumetric flow rates. Increase in fuel consumption results in
greater buoyant force in the combustion chamber, which results in higher gas temperatures. At
firepower 1470 W the temperature varies from 600-670 K and at fire power of 2000W the
temperature varies from 600-705 K. This indicates that when the firepower increases the
amount of heat transferred from the stove to the pot increases. This is also true in the case of
experimental test done in the cook stoves laboratory. Thermal performance of the stove such
as thermal efficiency increases as temperature increases (Pundle et al., 2019)
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Cold air is seen at the sides of the combustion zone, which diminishes the combustion process
of the fuels and this leads to a reduction in the thermal performance of the stove. The
temperature distribution decreases from the top of the fluid domain to the bottom of the fluid
domain because at the bottom of the fluid domain there is cold air entering the stove and this
decreases the combustion process, which leads to lower temperature at the bottom of the fluid
domain. But this is the same to the actual operating conditions where higher temperatures are
expected towards the outlet of the stove. Therefore, the temperature field is in realistic
approximation of the actual conditions. The highest temperature occurs at the center of the
combustion chamber and this is true for all temperature distributions (Klayborworn and Pakdee,
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From the simulation heat transfer rate at the outlet of the stove is found to be 951.34 W and
the total heat flux at this region is 74809 W/m 2. Heat loss by radiation, convection and
conduction at the height of the pot support is obtained by simulation i.e. 273 W. So, the net
heat transfer to the pot will be; 951.34-273= 678.34
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 = (5.2)
29800𝑘𝐽/𝐾𝑔 ∗ 0.118𝑘𝑔
= 1.9536𝑘𝑊
1800 𝑠
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 = ∗ 100% = 34.7%
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5.4.2. Temperature
Temprature values of simulation and experimental data at different regions of the stove were
validated. Table 5-4 provides a comparison of the simulation and experimental values.
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This chapter contains a summary of the necessary information of the research and
recommendations for future work are also included.
6.1. Conclusion
This paper examines the performance of an improved charcoal stove through experimental and
numerical simulation. The relationship between thermal efficiency and temperature was
analyzed. Considering the design principles that were followed, there was a successful design
construction and simulation of the improved charcoal stove. The aim of manufacturing
thermally efficient easy to use and aesthetically pleasing stove was achieved successfully. The
stove was designed using a solid work and it was manufactured in the university workshop.
The performance of the stove was accessed using a WBT protocol and the simulation was done
using CFD package which is found in COMSOL Multiphysics. For the sake of computational
efficiency, only the combustion chamber was modeled.
CFD model is developed to investigate the fluid flow and heat transfer in the combustion
chamber for steady state operation of the charcoal stove. The simulation model is only expected
to aid the experimental design. Combustion is modeled using uniform heat source in the
combustion chamber. The computational domain is done using 2D-axisymmetric geometry.
From the simulation velocity distribution, temperature profile, pressure distribution, thermal
efficiency, Reynolds number as well as the relationship between temperature and fire power is
analyzed. The temperature field inside combustion chamber increases as the height of the
combustion chamber increases. The Reynolds number inside the grate holes 318 and the flow
is laminar flow.
Thermal efficiency obtained from experimental and simulation results are compared.
According to this thermal efficiency obtained from experiment is 32.6% and from simulation
it is 34.7% and the relative error is 6% and this value very close to the tested data. This
difference is because of simulation is done at steady state condition, while experimental
procedures are not. Based on our study, the new prototype charcoal stove is worth promoting
than other improved charcoal stoves and traditional charcoal stoves which are found in
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Ethiopia and in other countries. Disseminating this new prototype charcoal stove will result in
reduced fuel charcoal use in urban and semi-urban areas of Ethiopia where local people widely
use traditional charcoal stoves for household cooking and coffee ceremony.
6.2. Recommendation
According to the observation made during this thesis, the following recommendations can be
reached that can be conducted for the better prediction of the thermal performance of the stove.
❖ In this thesis secondary air entrance has not been included in the stove thus it is
recommended to use secondary air has been demonstrated to improve combustion and thermal
performance of the stove.
❖ The combustion chamber is made from clay material. Very low thermal
conductivity materials like perlite or volcanic glass in the combustion chamber has been
demonstrated to increase the thermal performance of the stove.
❖ Only the combustion chamber of the stove is modeled. It is suggested to model the
different parts of the stove like modeling thermal efficiency as a function of pot support height
and modeling thermal efficiency as a function of thickness of the clay wall etc.
❖ Temperature distribution at the grate holes and combustion chamber are not
modeled in detail thus it is recommended for future researchers.
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WBT test results
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Test- five
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part drawing
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9 6
96 11
260 1
2 4
1 Door_Base_CS008SMXT2 Sheet Metal 1
2 Door_CS009SMXT2 Sheet Metal 1
3 Main_Case_CS001SMT1 Sheet Metal 1
20 80
R125 R127
R129 R127
322 All dimensions are in mm
Center of Eneryg Technology Main_Case_CS001SMT1
33 R10
Thickness: 4mm
Center of Eneryg Technology Bottom_Case_CS006T2
All dimensions are in mm
Center of Eneryg Technology Handle_RB007T35
25 20
4 15
4 15
Thickness: 2mm
36 32