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Ncwa - Iv

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MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT CALCUTTA 7th SULY, 1989 v ITE COMMITTEE FOR Hi. COAL INDUSTRY JOINT BIPARTITE COMMITTEE FOR THE COAL INDUSTRY NATIONAL COAL WAGE AGREEMENT -1V 22010223 2300232 24010242 25 26 2100275 2e 290.293 21002308 aoa 301032 Subjects Preamble Scope snd Coverage Wages, Wage structures ang Components of Wage Minimum Wace Basie Wage Structure Wipe of Pisce Rates Fred Dosinses Allowance Verate Desners low nce Minimom Gvsantena ait Fitmentin the Revita Seale of Pay for Timo ated ano Monthly Pai Seon Date of Annual Incrents Upgradation of Oa rate ‘and. Monthy Rated “En: ployet who have remained Inthe same Catogory/Grade {for 10 years or more Wiagerates, Work narmacte. for Piece-rated Workers Work norme and jb deseion a 2 2 3300333, 3500352 36 3700373 38 310 anamains v 5201522 53 sat 2 Workload andres of wages for Pico-ated Miners and Loaders in Madhyo otk load Yor Pisce rated Fall Back Woes Mechoniced Face Crow Other Piese-ated Works LoadondtittandTub-push {oad and Litt payments to be Basic Waves Misimam Csaratoed Bene ti Special Piace ato Alow \wotkersietheeewed group wages SpecinPlce tateAlowsnes| rant of one. aacions! ‘SPRAtopoce-rtes workers wie rave romain inthe ame gue fora periodot 10 yearsard mone Underground Allowance Other Allowance Washing Atowanee Transpon Subsidy ‘Addon Transport Subs Diffs Allowance ‘Thin Seam Allowance 2 23 3 2 1 2 a 342 ‘Werking 1a heavy watery conditions — Underground so 543 ‘Traveling over stoop gradients 30 saa Dust 2 55010552 City Compensatory Alowance 31 w Leave an National Festival Holidoys 2 601062 Annual Leave with Woges 32 83 ‘Accumulation of Eres omve/Annual Cosve with wages 2 64010641 Suk Lene 2 64210643 Grantof Special have 10 employes of sutlesing trom TB, Cancer Leprosy. Pras sand Heat leave a os. (Casual Lanve with ay 33 66 Nationa/Fsteal Wolds 38 vu Return Railway Faro and save Trove Benet Pa 71ow712 —RRF/LTC am 7200723 LTS, 3 73 {las of Ertemant % vn Housing, Water Supp Medical” 2nd Eoucat08! Freie 36 81010816 Housing 36 8201822 House Rent Allowance 3 823 House Ret Allowance for Employes in Ubon Atos 2 82010832 Houte Rem Recover = aa Recovery of Elcticy Charges 7 z a | aaa z z a Tapitton oe Romans 49 os Wa Spey ee ae Town Aallason = 2 paren i: eee eee chen ‘Standardisation Committe “a ae ee oi 1242 ‘Committes on Production, 87410878 — Preumoconioss aoe | ProductuiySfeyandCost 80 8010082 Edsall Fotis ad 1248 Commie on” hctee Wester enon “ — si 7 Pn a ‘Annexe! Grantoflnehm ait 82 aa ee a mex Exiting NCWA-I Pay Scales an Holiday Homa/ Rohit ee! @ tnd Revaed NOWALIV Pay {avon Cente ra ra 7 oe Scorpius = ‘Annexure 118 Pay Seales for Assem Costikls 55 a ee i ‘Annexure HC Mstabonsot Fimentin the Ute Cover Stee 8 Sas i: 82010828 Wormers Canperston ieee soem occ ce 23 Senate * Wester orknrmeaniob 24010941 ProvesotEmpoymato seston o pert “ Aomeare ith Road Date Woe Rates az Enon ne doen fer Posated Woo ° sontettne were aha ds ponoare 8 Reed anc Wage es fr win Seve a Word 00cRand 18 eas Etomite deen tft inode Pre a Gentes Water ws rn oa s oman Dated in ie Annee.) Ua or nas an Loan Place eae “6 _Annesute IIIB (1) Lift for Minees and Loaders oo x Production. Productivity, e gyre 1B (1) Tub Pushing: - tency a “ Moms (2) and nd Ut fr Oveburen 101 %0102 ——Industial Harmony Removal Workers ® x ona 5 anne a (8) ind aed Ut or Workers ihr than hea Loads Hs Eig Bente ic na Fea tC Incuiog Wagon oxo na Poneto Ovorane ne nes wen yf M15011154 Contac abou JOINT BIPARTITE COMMITTEE FoR THE Coat INDUSTRY NATIONAL COAL WAGE AGREEMENT -1V MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Representing Manage 1. Shei MP. Narayanan [Chairman, Coa nda init 2. Shri M. aha Cchauman-cum: Managing Director 2. Swi J. Uppal CChaiman-cim-Manesing Dieter Eason Coals Limited Alcornate ‘Shed. Sharon Diractor (Personne stem Coatelds Led 4 Shri. & Sinha Bhara: Coking Co! Limited ‘Sheil. 8. Pandey Director (Pesce) Bharat Coking Coa Limited 5. Shi 8. K. Chowdhury {Chaiman-cum- Managing Decor (Canal Coalelde ited 6. Shei. P. Puri Chairman: cum Manoging Director ‘Weston Coote Limited ‘Shri @. R, Bhanda Director (Pertomnet) Westen Coals Limited 1. Shui S. P. Mathur Cental Mine Pinning & Design Instat Linitd Susie Sha. NM Ove ant wine Parng 6 Design sue inte & ShiG.c. Mia {Chairman com- Managing Director ‘South Eastern Cosfieds Led 8. Shui A.V. Brahma Director (Persona! RD Coat ais Lins 10, Shri 8 Swwaminathon Director (Finance) 11, Shei U.K. Choubev SB dheear Pesan) {Cental Coates Lined 12, Shri R.A. P.Singh Directo (Person!) Northern Coates Listed 13, Shri. V. 8. K.Sarma i Diector (Personnel, Ado. & We're Singer Cotes Co. Limited Alvornate, Representing Workers ‘She. T.Thomes oer Genera Manager (Pesonne) 1. Sher Kandi Mehta ‘ Singer Caaris Co. United President jan Nationa Mine Workers Federation (INTUC) 14. OF. 8. N. Pandey Ins ee Library aa Tso 8 Soc tad San? Pradhan om Sastiseceey Pees tree 2 ste. Da pte nn eon ue ©) 0” Srenseremy i indian National Mine Workers Federation (INTUC) 18. Shei. 6. Chowksoy di Coan (General Manager (PEA) Alternate Inaian ton & Soot Co, Lina ‘Shei G. 0. Pandey ern, ‘Mamba, Working Comsnite, INMWE (INTUC) ‘Shei P.R, Bhattacharjee 3. Shri Damodar Pandoy, MP Chie Prsonnet Manager t ‘Jt Generat Secretary Indion ton 6 Stoel Co, United inion National Mine Worker Federation (NTUC) ‘Shri Karem Chand Member, Working Commitee, {NMWF(INTUC) 4. Shei NK, Bhate “ Prosidont RRKMS, Bilaspur (INTUG) c 8 Alternate ‘Shri G. M. Khode President RKKMS, Nagpur (INTUC) 5. Shri Sukumar Baneriee Working President Clery Mansoor Union, Asansol (INTUC) Alternate ‘Shei Akshoy Mutherioe General Secretary REM. Caleuta (INTUC) ‘Shi G. Sanjeay Reddy Vier Presiden ineTUc Alternate ‘Shri B. Kengar Working Preside ‘Assom Coltery Mazdoor Congess (INTUG) 7. Shvi Shafique Khan Joint Gens! Secretary India Mine Wesker Federation (alTUG) Atornate ‘Shei Krighas Modi Vice Peigent Indian Mine Worker Federation (arruc) © She Sanit Son ‘Genes Sacetry Indon Mine Workers Federaion «nirvc) Alternate ‘Shei Rajan Mathews General Secretary Coli Mazdoor Sabhe 6 Singeut Kyla Mazdooe Sangh (aiPUc) 9. Shei Komarian General Sacrtry Siogareni Colles Woke Union (alTUG) Anernate Shri Mohan she Secretary Senyukt Khan Mszdo0: Sangh (A/TUC) ° 10, De. M.K, Pandhe President ‘All India Cos! Workers Fadracion (CTU) Altornate ‘Shei 8. Kumar Sener Secretary Koyla Sami Sangh (ciTu) 17. Shei Bamapada Muthere Vio-Preident Col Mezcoor Sab of nds, Asansol (CHU) 8 ‘She K. George Genera Secretory SingoentColfeies Employees Union (CiTU) 12, Shei 8K, Bakahi General Secretary ‘ina Colony ‘nil amine target in respect of al te objectives incuding tho choie of technology and review he peor 102 Productivity linked Incentive Schemas wil be into duced ot Unit leve/Company level bo:ed on indvstt srainerng studies a agreoment with eeeating unin | | | } CHAPTER - x1 GENERAL ‘The existing bonis nd ais ot covered or sere by this Agreamont shall cotinue a hitherto 112 Free tsoue of Coat The existing systam of supply of fre coal wll cmtoue othe emoleyes inthe calirasextabishrents, 11.3 Payment of Overtime 1c is ogred that al the categories of workers who sore tiled to receive overtime payment, willeasinue to get the payment of ovevime work in ieentextabishments 11.4 Wages for Wookly Day of Rest Workers the mines and establishments governed by Minos ‘et or Factories Act cll upon to ork on the weokiy ‘ayofrestotth coleryeetabitmentshallbeaBoweshwice ‘he normal wages 11.50 Contract Labour 11.5.1 Indus shall not empty labour though contactor ‘oF engoye contacer's labour on jobs of petmaneat and perenia nate 1152. Jods of paranent and porenns nature, wich 6 =presontbcng done doparmeataly wil comtrvetobedon® y repuar employes. 1153. ImplementsonoftheCluseandtheprogessmade ‘hereon wil be revewod by the JBCC! pesca 11.54 Tho Management as. princoa employer shal con tinue 10 monitor and supervise the implementation of the ‘vious provisions Labour Laws inlcing payment con actor's waar by contacts at counter speifad by he principal oneloyee *@ (CHAPTER - xi IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGREEMENT 121.1 The Agreoment including the wage strctre shal coma ino free and willbe implemented witht om at Slanuary, 1987 unles otherwise speci 121.2. The loti rele paid during the paid for st Jenuary, 19861031 December, 1986 wilt be recovered, 121.3. This Agreement wittbein operason with tfet fom ‘5 January, 1987 to 30th June, 1994, 121.4 The Managements sna employee representatives ge that the temo ts Agrearent wil by Implmentad foithuly and ina spit of gooowilby the manapaments ad 122. During the paiod a operation of is Aaiement 0 ‘demand wil be made o ste aise in espot of ms “nla by this Agreement 123. The Managements of the Cos! Companies onthe part wilt rexorts to uniatea interpretation ofthis Act. mont. fn exo of any doubt or iticuly in tee tion of implementation of any clause of this Agtament. he same shallbe refered andsatedby theJBCCtor® Sub Commitee constivted by the JBCC! forthe purpose in ‘he sit of mts! aoodl 124 Committoos Iisagreedthatthe following Commitaeshal be constuad for te purposes indisted below 1241 Standardization Committee (0) shatloo he duty of tis Commitee to examine he ‘iterent designations, job dosrnions, dspaties a Sore conditions amongst ferent set of ployee, Including hous of work anv, Rolideys,etegarsaton| of jobs or anomalies 2s may be refered to 1243 Committee on Incentive Schemes eum ‘A Joint Commitee wil be constited consisting of th 10: (i) fet seviw the grouping fpice-ated workers presntatv ofthe Management and Cantal Trade Unions to thoi wokioad, mols jobs where they exist have an indepth study ofthe existing incentive tema che tee and formulste model guidelines for itoduction of Incentive schemes to achive higher levle of graducton and prosvetivy. 1 (it) Consolidate to job desertion of front jobs ave ble niteont documents. (iv) silts examine all caresofanomates and ssparites intogard to the ob description, categorsation ard Principe al erves condians of employees "rough to | 125. The JOC! will pedal review the uncioning of (1) To deseimine the wose seats, categorisation and joo ®. 4 Ccipion of lt cuts and new ob which ve ome ua oresukaintoductionot nx tcl Imai of ter capecies ang te NEAL {rd eet (\) Tooranine eensing romotiongaies bing n | diterent oat Competes any antrum Canes or chorea of romoton 1242 commitee on Produetion, Producti Sst on Cae ‘it Conmian of Managesnt an Wott wi be contd an item bean esucton rin Und ec ed econ ~ Fronts nose mn cine — Steps for reducing cost. . + Saeer = Eaten any tan Cron cf weuge feo met I tone net — itt adc ond tae Menara Tevet wcthg cat Titman Secner Annexure -1 No. 2(30)/87-8PE(wo) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY Bureau of Public Enterprises 14, €60 Complex, Lodi Rowd Now Deihi- 110 009 Sub: Grant of Interim Relief to employees Soverned by wage settlements in, pul sector enterprises on Industria! Dearnees Allowance 1. The employees in publ sector enterprises on industria DOA ptt govieed by wage sotloments ave raised 2 damand for payment of interim ait consequent a the sanction of adhoe reli wo executives in BPE OM 2(60)) 86-BFE(WC), dated 1.41987. Alter caret examcrsvon of the demand. Goverment have decided to muthonse ‘mangementsof publi sector enterprise. rds OA to neon itr rit we 1.1.86 n enterprises what, tho ened of vay ef wage setamants har expted or is ‘xpi shorty. Interim Fle! wail be eld at he rate ot Rs, 100/- eer month in eu, act of those deewings bose ‘ay Upto Rs. 700). For thoes drawing basic pay becneen Fs, 7O1/- and Rs 1,00/- intr eit wil be oid o ine aie of fs 120/- por month, Fr those daw batc poy ‘above RS. 1,000/- the rates of inteim ral saya ney ‘month wil be the seme, sabwis, a noted for xacu vee 2. There givonispurtyintriin nature artist be ob ‘vba in wage stlaments bing naotiated unde the woe Polcyard guidelines issued in tha roged. The introe ‘ef should be taken ito account wien obeamng the videtines akeady aid down fr wage setlemente Wore . a ‘extlements where thay ae akeady due ora due shorty ‘shouldbe frahedimeadiately end wel tine. As te lori to tobe absorbed inthe woge sete ‘ants 10 ba tnase, i wll not count fr any ote: pps 4. The totam ret wil not be payable io pubic sector fonteprses where setoment: have heady been fad at lavele beyond the guideline sued in January, 1987, or those governed by Tparie Enginerng setement in West Bengal or in entarvisse whore wane agreements are ‘inased on the recommendtione of Wage Boords in the case of camant jute andtextl nits, ee 5. The modalities of paymant of interim lel should be finalised by the concerned mansgements of publi svtr en twrrses at tho uni love. 6 Misty of Energy, Minsty of Stoel & Binge oe 0 requested wo bring the conan of his .M to the notice ofall he managements of publ sector enterpices under ‘oi administrative contol for necessary action. Depa mont of Public Emtarprizes my be consulted fo any ela eats onthe deci oy teint ot. say (8K Royehowhary) Join aise (Fiance) To ‘Secretaries of al administeative Minti, copy to : Secretary (Labour) Secretary (Minty of Law & Justice) ‘Secretary 0 the Pre Mister Cebinat Secretary AIVFAS tthe Adminisnative Mines

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