Advances in Intelligent Systems and Interactive Applications
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Interactive Applications
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Interactive Applications
Fatos Xhafa
Srikanta Patnaik
Madjid Tavana Editors
Advances in
Intelligent Systems
and Interactive
Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Intelligent, Interactive
Systems and Applications (IISA2019)
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Volume 1084
Series Editor
Janusz Kacprzyk, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Warsaw, Poland
Advisory Editors
Nikhil R. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
Rafael Bello Perez, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computing,
Universidad Central de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba
Emilio S. Corchado, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Hani Hagras, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering,
University of Essex, Colchester, UK
László T. Kóczy, Department of Automation, Széchenyi István University,
Gyor, Hungary
Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas
at El Paso, El Paso, TX, USA
Chin-Teng Lin, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao
Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Jie Lu, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology,
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Patricia Melin, Graduate Program of Computer Science, Tijuana Institute
of Technology, Tijuana, Mexico
Nadia Nedjah, Department of Electronics Engineering, University of Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen , Faculty of Computer Science and Management,
Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland
Jun Wang, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
The series “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” contains publications
on theory, applications, and design methods of Intelligent Systems and Intelligent
Computing. Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, natural sciences, computer
and information science, ICT, economics, business, e-commerce, environment,
healthcare, life science are covered. The list of topics spans all the areas of modern
intelligent systems and computing such as: computational intelligence, soft comput-
ing including neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computing and the fusion
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The publications within “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” are
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** Indexing: The books of this series are submitted to ISI Proceedings,
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Madjid Tavana
Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Interactive
Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Intelligent, Interactive
Systems and Applications (IISA2019)
Multiple Key Encryption (MKE) Technique:
An Encryption-as-a-Service Delivery Model
in Cloud Computing
1 Introduction
when the client prefers the security service. The opportunity of hacking the data is more
prevalent in the transmission spectrum. Cryptography offers the security of data
through the conversion of data into an intelligible format. Public Key encryption and
Private Key encryption are the types of encryption scheme, in which both the consigner
and consignee share the same secret key that is related in an easily computable way in
the first method and the second involve separate keys [11]. Moreover, the multi-
tenancy model and the pooled computing resources in computing have introduced new
security challenges [7] that require novel techniques. It is mandatory to use them in an
optimized manner to avoid overheads [1]. The logical operations employed in key
generation method in the proposed work offer high security for keys.
Sastry, Udaya Kumar and Vinaya Babu [12], have developed block ciphers by an
iterative method. Sravan Kumar, Suneetha and Chandrasekar, [15], reported on the
utilization of the logical operator XOR logical operator and its working algorithm, in
block ciphers. According to the authors, key scheduled algorithm is less prone to
timing attacks. Srikantaswamy and Phaneendra, [16], demonstrated the use of one time
padding that can be used for efficient encryption scheme by involving arithmetic and
logical operations. Kameswari, Kumari and Kumar [3], explained the use of block
ciphers in encryption and multi code generation based on secret key generation. Paul,
Kumar and Mandal, [8], proposed a technique that is very secure and suitable for
encryption of large files of any type. Session Based Symmetric Key cryptographic
Technique (SBSKCT) considers the plain text as a string with finite number of binary
bits. This input binary string is broken down into blocks of various sizes. Roy [14],
demonstrates the use of a cryptographic method called UES – III (Ultra Encryption
Standard III). It is a Symmetric key Cryptosystem which includes multiple encryptions,
bit-wise randomization and a new advanced bit-wise encryption technique with feed-
back. Ramakrishna Das, Saurabh Dutta [12], extended their views on private key
encryption with use of some logical operators.
Anupriya, Agnihotri, Soni and Babelay [2], put forward a novel approach for
encryption using XOR based Extended Key. Satyajeet R. Shinge, Rahul Patil, in the
year of 2014 [13], explained the encryption algorithm based on ASCII characters.
Padhmavathi, B. Ray, Arghya, Anjum, Alisha, Bhat, Santhoshi in 2014 [9], explained
the advancement of conventional encryption technique by using the Merkle-Hellman
Knapsack Cryptosystem. Vaidehi and Rabi, in the year 2014 [17], experimentally
verified the design and analysis of AES-CBC mode for high security applications. Li,
Li and Shi [19], reported about tripartite secret key protocol in the private cloud file
encryption. An encryption algorithm that is certificate less, being employed in the work
by authors, yields better results for large scale environment.
Multiple Key Encryption (MKE) Technique 539
3 Preliminaries
3.1 Access Structure
The basic mathematical rationale for the implementation of this proposed encryption
Algorithm is in a matrix form. Each text file with varied input (text, numerical,
alphanumeric, special characters) is converted to its corresponding binary bits, each of
8 bits. Let us assume that the input data is to be filled in 8 8 Matrix blocks with 64-bit
input elements as binary bits. If M is a matrix, then Mnm is a 8 8 matrix, whose
elements are represented using 8-bit binary structure, where m, n indicates the elements
of the matrix. The Improved Cipher Block Chaining operation mode is followed after
this design rationale to strengthen the key generation process.
3.2 Preprocessing
Block cipher is a form of substitution cipher where the data processed as chunks.
Cipher Block Chaining is one of the encryption schemes that acts as a primary model
for encrypting data stored in the cloud data centers as chunks. It needs an Initialization
Vector (IV), with 8 elements of which the other elements are disjunctive. The key
generation is random most of the time. The output of the first block remains as input to
the consequent block. Every preceding block element is XORed, with the successor so
that the decryption has to be dependent on the previous block. Hence, a single bit error
in any block element will lead to decryption failure.
4.2 Algorithm
Step 1: Read the input text file consists of the original plain text to get encrypted.
Step 2: Convert the corresponding character (Including Numeric’s, Characters and
Alphanumeric) to corresponding Binaryvalues.
Step 3: Fill the converted binary strings in the basic access structure, Matrix form
comprises of 8 8 blocks, with 64 elements, till end of file is reached.
540 K. Kuppusamy and J. Mahalakshmi
Step 1: Read the output text file consists of the encrypted text values.
Step 2: Convert the corresponding character (Including Numeric’s, Characters and
Alphanumeric) to corresponding Binary values.
Step 3: Fill the converted binary strings in the basic access structure, Matrix form
comprises of 8 8 blocks, with 64 elements, till end of file is reached.
Step 4: The first key is generated as a result of the improved cipher block chaining
algorithm, which ends from the chaining process.
Step 5: The key thus generated from the input file is XORed with the output file
Step 6: Second key is generated with the help of pseudorandom number generators.
Step 7: The resultant partially decrypted blocks as a result of first key generation is
again XORed with the key generated from the PRNG.
Step 8: Repeat the process, till end of file is reached.
Step 9: convert the binary strings to corresponding ASCII codes.
Step 10: The evolved matrix blocks is completely deciphered blocks.
The following Fig. 1, is the block diagram of the proposed Multiple Key
Encryption Algorithm.
numbers, letters, and special characters all. The sample text considered here is “IN-
PUTVALAlagappaUniversityresearch][.;/’-,”. Every input character is converted to
8 8 matrix blocks. From the given input series the first eight characters INPUTVAL
is taken and equivalent ASCII code is processed. Now the ASCII code is transformed
into their binary values and occupied in the 8 8 matrix block in horizontal manner.
Consider the given block as PBXi (Process Block X where I indicates 0–7 bits).
542 K. Kuppusamy and J. Mahalakshmi
The initialization vector be [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0]. The converted binary bits matrix PBXi
now fed to the chaining operation mode. The first input bit values (0–7) is XORed with
the initialization vector IV. The output is again XORed with the second input bits
(0–7). This is continued until end of the loop is reached. Since, it is operated on the
block cipher mode, all blocks were simultaneously transformed. The output is the
resultant matrix block PBYi. Now the Block matrix PBYi is XORed with PBXi.
The XOR logical operator is employed in every place since it is the self invertible
operator. Hence, when the number of blocks increases the computational complexity of
the process becomes low. Again, this is converted to binary format. For the decryption,
the reversible order of the encryption steps was followed.
The proposed method is implemented for Windows 7 operating system with Core-i3 and
3 GB RAM, on Visual Studio 2010, with C# language. The experimental results are
analyzed for various form of text with various volumes and their performance evaluation
is done. The results show the security of the proposed encryption algorithm against
various attacks. Efficacy of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated through the statistical
measures such as the entropy/Frequency analysis, poker test measure etc. The experi-
mental result is done with various standard input data and their outcomes are analyzed.
Table 1. Experimental results of encrypted and decrypted text with time in milliseconds
Plain text Encrypted Decrypted Encryption time in Decryption time
text text (msec) in (msec)
sampleout ♥♂┐⌠*ƮP sampleout 1340 ms 1345 ms
12345678 6_5♠╣◊◘ 12345678 595 ms 590 ms
Alagappa #aJ_ð"♠q Alagappa 1245 ms 1245 ms
(19ma!`) &t%_@E” (19ma!`) 1036 ms 1036 ms
&89as + -6 ©rwb$◄K♥ &89as + -6 1559 ms 1560 ms
Table 2. Table with varied volume of contents in file and the time taken
Size of file in kilo- bytes Time in milli seconds
560 kb 13000 ms
187 kb 5000 ms
16 kb 2000 ms
9345 kb 18904 ms
126789 kb 98754 ms
6 Conclusion
In the existing cloud services, the security or the encryption services remain low while
comparing the others. The Proposed Multiple Key Encryption Algorithm, presented in
this research work basically alters the form of data and works better for data security in
cloud paradigm. It is verified with various experiments that improve the encryption
strength. The block ciphers are involved for the implementation, which works against
the parallelization and the altering of entire data to 0’s and 1’s, leads to most important
devastation if there is an even error in a single bit. Since consistency followed in the
design rationale it automatically fastens the processing speed. The experimental results
show minimum time for encryption of data and prove this presented algorithm is less
prone to timing attacks. Hence, in cloud computing, this hybrid Improved cipher block
chaining with multiple key encryption security services yield a better solution for
encryption services to the users.
Acknowledgement. The author express deep sense of gratitude to the Alagappa University,
Karaikudi, India for the financial assistance through the RUSA Phase 2.0, to carry out this
research work.
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