1. Christianity Jesus Christ Judea, Christianity developed The Bible is the holy Christians are monotheistic, i.e.,
in Judea in the mid-first scripture of the Christian they believe there's only one
century CE, based first on the religion, purporting to tell theGod, and he created the
teachings of Jesus and later history of the Earth from its heavens and the earth. This
on the writings and missionary earliest creation to the divine Godhead consists of three
work of Paul of Tarsus. spread of Christianity in the parts: the father (God himself),
Originally, Christianity was a first century A.D. Both the the son (Jesus Christ) and the
small, unorganized sect that Old Testament and the New Holy Spirit. Much of Jesus'
promised personal salvation Testament have undergone teaching is about the love of
after death. changes over the centuries, God, which is universal and
including the the publication unconditional. Universal which
of the King means for everyone everywhere,
unconditional means without
conditions (regardless of what
they have done). This is why
Christians believe that even
those who do the most evil
things are still loved by God and
can still come back to God to be
2. Islam The Prophet Mecca, Islam started in The Qur'an, the sacred text Muslims are monotheistic and
Muhammad Mecca, in modern-day Saudi of Islam, is believed to be the worship one, all-knowing God,
Arabia, during the time of the Word of God as revealed to who in Arabic is known as Allah.
prophet Muhammad's life. the Prophet. Followers of Islam aim to live a
Today, the faith is spreading life of complete submission to
rapidly throughout the world. Allah. They believe that nothing
can happen without Allah's
permission, but humans have
free will. Islam teaches that in
the sight of Allah, all men are
equal regardless of race, status
or wealth. He judges them only
on their good deeds. The
religious obligations of all
Muslims are summed up in the
Five Pillars of Islam, which
include belief in God and his
Prophet and obligations of
prayer, charity, pilgrimage, and
fasting. The fundamental
concept of Islam is the Sharīʿāh
—its law, which embraces the
total way of life commanded by
3. Buddhism Siddhartha India, Buddhism is one of the Tripitaka (called Tipitaka in Buddhists believe that the
Gautama world's largest religions and Pali). It is also called the Pali human life is one of suffering,
originated 2,500 years ago in Canon, after the language in and that meditation, spiritual and
India. which it was first written. physical labor, and good
behavior are the ways to achieve
enlightenment, or nirvana. The
moral code within Buddhism is
the precepts, of which the main
five are: not to take the life of
anything living, not to take
anything not freely given, to
abstain from sexual misconduct
and sensual overindulgence, to
refrain from untrue speech, and
to avoid intoxication, that is,
losing mindfulness.
4. Judaism Abraham Israel, The origins of Judaism Tanakh, after the first letters Buddha's teachings are known
date back more than 3500 of its three parts in the as “dharma.” He taught that
years. This religion is rooted in Jewish tradition. T: Torah, wisdom, kindness, patience,
the ancient near eastern the Teaching of Moses, the generosity and compassion were
region of Canaan (which today first five books. N: Nevi'im, important virtues.
constitutes Israel and the the books of the prophets. Buddhism teaches that everyone
Palestinian territories). Kh: Ketuvim, for the Writings, is attached to other people,
Judaism emerged from the which include the psalms and objects, activities and many
beliefs and practices of the wisdom literature. other things.Jewish people
people known as “Israel”. believe there's only one God
who has established a covenant
—or special agreement—with
them. Their God communicates
to believers through prophets
and rewards good deeds while
also punishing evil. Most Jews
(with the exception of a few
groups) believe that their
Messiah hasn't yet come—but
will one day.
5. Hinduism None Indus River Valley, The The Vedas. These are the Hindus believe in the doctrines
birthplace of Hinduism is Indus most ancient religious texts of samsara (the continuous cycle
River Valley which runs which define truth for Hindus. of life, death, and reincarnation)
through northwest India into and karma (the universal law of
Pakistan. The Indus Valley cause and effect). One of the
civilization, or "Harappan key thoughts of Hinduism is
civilization" originated “atman,” or the belief in soul.
sometime around 4,500-5,000 This philosophy holds that living
B.C.E. and reached its zenith creatures have a soul, and
between 2300 to 2000 BC. they're all part of the supreme
6. Jainism Rishabhadeva India, Jainism is one of the Agamas, and are the Jainism teaches that the path to
world's oldest religions, canonical literature - the enlightenment is through
originating in India at least scriptures - of Svetambara nonviolence and reducing harm
2,500 years ago. The spiritual Jainism. Mahavira's disciples to living things (including plants
goal of Jainism is to become compiled his words into texts and animals) as much as
liberated from the endless or sutras, and memorised possible. Like Hindus and
cycle of rebirth and to achieve them to pass on to future Buddhists, Jains believe in
an all-knowing state called generations. reincarnation. This cycle of birth,
moksha. death, and rebirth is determined
by one's karma. The main belief
of Jainism is that all living beings
and the universe itself should be
protected and treated with care
and respect.
7. Sikhism Guru Nanak Punjab, Sikhism was born in The Guru Granth Sahib is the Sikhism advocates equality,
the Punjab area of South Asia, sacred text of the Sikh social justice, service to
which now falls into the community and the humanity, and tolerance for
present day states of India and embodiment of the Guru. It is other religions. The essential
Pakistan. The main religions of central to the lives of devout message of Sikhism is spiritual
the area at the time were Sikhs, both in the sense of devotion and reverence of God
Hinduism and Islam. The Sikh being physically present in at all times while practicing the
faith began around 1500 CE, the gurdwara and as Sikhs' ideals of honesty, compassion,
when Guru Nanak began ultimate spiritual authority humility and generosity in
teaching a faith that was quite everyday life. The three key
distinct from Hinduism and pillars of Sikhism are Kirat Karni
Islam. (honest living), Vand Chakna
(sharing with others) and Naam
Japna (focus on God).
8. Zoroastrianism Zarathustra Iran, Zoroastrianism is one of Avesta, also called Zend- The core beliefs of
the world's oldest known living avesta, sacred book of Zoroastrianism lie in the choice
religions and has its origins in Zoroastrianism containing its that humans must make in the
the distant past. It developed cosmogony, law, and liturgy, dualistic struggle between good
about three and a half the teachings of the prophet and evil. God is worshiped as
thousand years ago from the Zarathushtra (Zoroaster). supreme. Zoroastrians believe
ancient Indo-Iranian religion that everything he created is
that was once shared by the pure and should be treated with
ancestors of nomadic herding love and respect. This includes
tribes that later settled in Iran the natural environment, so
and northern India. Zoroastrians traditionally do not
pollute the rivers, land or
9. Shintoism / None / Japan, Shinto existed in Japan The holy books of Shinto The main beliefs of Shinto are
Animism Anthropologist by the 8th century, various are the Kojiki or 'Records of the importance of purity,
Sir Edward scholars have argued that Ancient Matters' (712 CE) harmony, respect for nature,
Tylor Shinto as a distinct religion and the Nihon-gi or family respect, and
was essentially "invented" 'Chronicles of Japan' (720 subordination of the individual
during the 19th century, in CE). These books are before the group. There are
Japan's Meiji era compilations of ancient many Shinto gods or spirits and
myths and traditional these have shrines dedicated to
teachings that had previously them where people offer food,
been passed down orally. money and prayers. Animism
perceives all things—animals,
plants, rocks, rivers, weather
systems, human handiwork, and
in some cases words, as
animated and alive.
10. Confucianism Kong Qi China, Confucianism is a The Lunyu (Analects), the Confucianism believes in
system of ethics devised by most-revered sacred ancestor worship and human-
the Chinese scholar K'ung Fu- scripture in the Confucian centered virtues for living a
tzu (Latinised to Confucius) in tradition, was probably peaceful life. The golden rule of
sixth century BC China. compiled by the succeeding Confucianism is “Do not do unto
generations of Confucius's others what you would not want
disciples. others to do unto you.” There is
debate over if Confucianism is a
religion. Confucius said people
should practise five virtues:
kindness, goodness, honesty,
modesty, wisdom and
11. Taoism Philosopher China, Taoism (also spelled The Tao Te Ching, or “The Taoism is not a religion; it is a
Lao Tzu Daoism) is a religion and a Way and Its Power,” is a philosophy – a way of looking at
philosophy from ancient China collection of poetry and life and a way of thinking about
that has influenced folk and sayings from around the third things. Taoism holds that
national belief. and fourth centuries B.C.E. humans and animals should live
that guides Taoist thought in balance with the Tao, or the
and actions. universe. Taoists believe in
spiritual immortality, where the
spirit of the body joins the
universe after death. Taoism
teaches that everything has a
particular nature; to fight against
that intrinsic truth is to welcome