This Manual Includes: Repair Procedures Fault Codes Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics
This Manual Includes: Repair Procedures Fault Codes Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics
This Manual Includes: Repair Procedures Fault Codes Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics
Z®-45 XC™
from Z4525XCM-101
This manual includes:
Repair procedures
Fault Codes
Electrical and
Hydraulic Schematics
Intr oducti on Intr oducti on
Revision History
Revision Date Section Procedure / Page / Description
A 5/2017 Initial Release
A1 8/2017 Fault Codes Control System Fault Codes
Specifications Hydraulic Component Specifications
Repair Function Manifold Components
Schematics Hydraulic Schematic
A2 9/2017 Repair Procedure 2-3, 2-4
Fault Codes Introduction, Control System and Platform Overload Fault
Schematics Hour Meter Pin Legend
B 9/2017 Schematics Add wiring diagrams
B1 11/2017 Specifications Machine Specifications
Reference Examples:
Section – Repair Procedure, 4-2 Electronic Version
Click on any content or procedure in the Table of Contents to view
Section – Fault Codes, All charts the update.
Section – Schematics, Legends and schematics
1 Model
2 Facility code
3 Sequence number
4 Serial number (stamped on chassis)
5 Serial label (located under cover)
Safety Rules
Section 1 Safety R ules
Failure to obey the instructions and safety rules in
this manual and the appropriate Operator's Manual
on your machine will result in death or serious
Many of the hazards identified in the operator's
manual are also safety hazards when maintenance
and repair procedures are performed.
Safety Rules
Read each procedure thoroughly. This Be sure to keep sparks, flames and
manual and the decals on the machine, lighted tobacco away from flammable and
use signal words to identify the following: combustible materials like battery gases
and engine fuels. Always have an
Safety alert symbol—used to alert approved fire extinguisher within easy
personnel to potential personal reach.
injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol Be sure that all tools and working areas
to avoid possible injury or death. are properly maintained and ready for
use. Keep work surfaces clean and free of
Indicates a imminently hazardous debris that could get into machine
situation which, if not avoided, will components and cause damage.
result in death or serious injury.
Be sure any forklift, overhead crane or
Indicates a potentially hazardous other lifting or supporting device is fully
situation which, if not avoided, capable of supporting and stabilizing the
could result in death or serious weight to be lifted. Use only chains or
injury. straps that are in good condition and of
ample capacity.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, Be sure that fasteners intended for one
may cause minor or moderate time use (i.e., cotter pins and self-locking
injury. nuts) are not reused. These components
may fail if they are used a second time.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, Be sure to properly dispose of old oil or
may result in property damage. other fluids. Use an approved container.
Please be environmentally safe.
Be sure to wear protective eye wear and
other protective clothing if the situation Be sure that your workshop or work area
warrants it. is properly ventilated and well lit.
Be aware of potential crushing hazards
such as moving parts, free swinging or
unsecured components when lifting or
placing loads. Always wear approved
steel-toed shoes.
Table of Contents
Introduction Introduction........................................................................................................... ii
Important Information ............................................................................................. ii
Find a Manual for this Model .................................................................................. ii
Revision History..................................................................................................... iii
Serial Number Legend .......................................................................................... iv
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Engines ................................................................................................................ 43
6-1 RPM Adjustment - Deutz D2011L03i Models ................................................ 43
6-2 Flex Plate ....................................................................................................... 43
How to Install the Flex Plate............................................................................ 44
How to install the Pump and Bell Housing Assembly ..................................... 44
Manifolds ............................................................................................................. 48
8-1 Function Manifold Components ..................................................................... 48
8-2 Valve Adjustments - Function Manifold .......................................................... 52
How to Adjust the System Relief Valve ........................................................... 52
How to Adjust the Secondary Boom Down Relief Valve ................................. 52
8-3 Jib Boom / Platform Rotate Manifold Components ........................................ 53
8-4 Turntable Rotation Manifold Components ..................................................... 54
8-5 Directional Valve Manifold Components ........................................................ 55
How to Set Up the Directional Valve Linkage ................................................. 56
8-6 Traction Manifold Components, 4WD ............................................................ 58
8-7 Valve Adjustments, 4WD Traction Manifold ................................................... 60
8-8 Hydraulic Generator Manifold Components, 2.2kW ...................................... 61
8-9 Valve Coils ..................................................................................................... 62
How to Test a Coil Diode ................................................................................ 62
Table of Contents
Section 2 Specific ati ons
Flow rate @ 2500 psi / 172 bar 32 gpm Platform level relief valve 3000 psi
121 L/min pressure 207 bar
Drive pressure, maximum 3500 psi Steer flow regulator 2.0 gpm
241 bar 7.6 L/min
Auxiliary pump relief pressure 3200 psi Hydraulic tank return filter 10 micron with
220.6 bar 25 psi / 1.7 bar bypass
Illustration 2
1 body hex fitting
2 reference mark
3 second mark
Repair Procedures
Machine Configuration:
Section 3 Repair Pr oc edures
Repair Procedures
Symbols Legend
Safety alert symbol—used to alert
personnel to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol
to avoid possible injury or death.
Platform Controls
Platform Controls
How to Adj ust the Joystick Max- out Setting
Platform Controls
How to Adj ust the Joystick Ram p R ate Setting
8 Start the engine from the platform controls and How to Adjust the Joystick Ramp
press down the foot switch.
Rate Setting
9 Start a timer and activate the machine function
The ramp rate setting of a joystick controls the time
that needs to be adjusted. Record the time it
at which it takes for the joystick to reach maximum
takes for that function to complete a full cycle
output, when moved out of the neutral position. The
(ie; boom up).
ramp rate settings of a joystick can be changed to
10 Compare the machine function time with the compensate for hydraulic pump wear to maintain
function times listed in Refer to Specifications, peak performance from the machine.
Performance Specifications. Determine
whether the function time needs to increase or Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in the
decrease. stowed position.
11 While the joystick is activated, adjust the 1 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
max-out setting to achieve the proper function on position at both the ground and platform
cycle time. Momentarily move the drive enable controls.
toggle switch in the right direction to increase 2 Turn the key switch to platform control. Do not
the function speed or momentarily move the start the engine.
drive enable toggle switch in the left direction
to decrease the function speed. 3 Push in the platform controls red Emergency
Stop button to the off position.
Note: Each time the drive enable toggle switch is
momentarily moved, the function speed will change 4 Do not press down the foot switch.
in 2% increments from a default of 100%, with a
minimum of 60% and a maximum of 120%. 5 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch
in the right position and pull out the red
12 Repeat steps 9 through 11 for each joystick Emergency Stop button to the on position.
controlled machine function. 6 When the alarm sounds, release the drive
13 Return the joystick to the neutral position and enable toggle switch.
wait for approximately 10 seconds to allow the 7 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle
settings to be saved. switch in the right direction 6 times.
Result: The alarm should sound indicating that Result: There should be a pause and the
the settings have been saved in memory. alarm should sound 6 times indicating that the
Note: Do not operate any machine function during machine is in ramp rate calibration mode.
the 10 second waiting time.
Platform Controls
8 Start the engine from the platform controls and 13 Return the joystick to the neutral position and
press down the foot switch. wait for approximately 10 seconds to allow the
settings to be saved.
9 Start a timer and simultaneously move the
joystick in either direction full stroke. Note how Result: The alarm should sound indicating that
long it takes the function to reach maximum the settings have been saved in memory.
speed. This is the ramp rate.
Note: Do not operate any machine function during
10 Compare the function ramp rate time with the the 10 second waiting time.
table below and determine whether the ramp
rate time needs to increase or decrease. Ramp rate (factory settings)
Primary boom up/down
11 While the joystick is activated, set the ramp
rate. Momentarily move the drive enable accelerate 4 seconds
toggle switch in the right direction to increase decelerate 0.5 second
the time or momentarily move the drive enable Secondary boom up/down
toggle switch in the left direction to decrease
accelerate 2 seconds
the time.
decelerate 0.5 second
Note: Each time the drive enable toggle switch is
momentarily moved, the time will change in 10% Turntable rotate
increments. accelerate 2 seconds
decelerate 0.5 second
12 Repeat steps 9 through 11 for each joystick
controlled machine function. Drive
accelerate 3 seconds
decelerate to neutral 0.5 second
decelerate, change of direction 0.5 second
decelerate, coasting 0.75 second
decelerate, braking 1 second
decelerate, shift from low to high 1 seconds
decelerate, shift from high to low 2 seconds
Platform Controls
How to Adj ust the Joystick Thr es hol d Setting
How to Adjust the Joystick 9 Select a boom function joystick to set the
Threshold Setting
10 Slowly move the joystick off center in either
The threshold setting of a joystick is the minimum
direction just until the function begins to move.
output at which a function proportional valve can
open and allow the function to operate. 11 Slowly move the joystick back towards the
neutral position. Just before the function stops
Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in the moving, move the drive enable toggle switch
stowed position. to either side to set the threshold.
1 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the Result: The alarm should sound indicating a
on position at both the ground and platform successful calibration.
Note: For each joystick axis, the threshold must be
2 Turn the key switch to platform control. Do not set for both directions.
start the engine.
12 Repeat steps 9 through 11 for each direction
3 Push in the platform controls red Emergency of boom joystick controlled machine function
Stop button to the off position. (boom up/down, boom extend/retract and
4 Do not press down the foot switch. turntable rotate left/right).
5 Move and hold the drive enable toggle switch 13 Return the joystick to the neutral position and
in the right position and pull out the red wait for approximately 10 seconds to allow the
Emergency Stop button to the on position. settings to be saved.
6 When the alarm sounds, release the drive Result: The alarm should sound indicating that
enable toggle switch. the settings have been saved in memory.
7 Momentarily activate the drive enable toggle Note: Do not operate any machine function during
switch in the right direction 8 times. the 10 second waiting time.
Result: There should be a pause and the 14 Cycle the red Emergency Stop button off, then
alarm should sound 8 times indicating that the back on.
machine is in threshold calibration mode.
Result: The alarm does not sound. Repeat
steps 3 through 7.
8 Start the engine from the platform controls and
press down the foot switch.
Platform Components
Platform Components
How to Bleed the Sl av e Cylinder
1 Raise the jib to a horizontal postion and raise How to Bleed the Platform
the secondary boom 3 feet. Rotator
2 Move the function enable toggle switch to
Note: This procedure will require two people. Do
either side. Simultaneously activate and hold
not start the engine. Use auxiliary power for this
the primary boom up and platform level up
toggle switches until the primary boom is fully
raised. 1 Move the function enable toggle switch to
The platform should be facing in an upward either side and activate the platform rotate
position. As shown. toggle switch to the right then the left through
two platform rotation cycles, then hold the
switch to the right position until the platform is
fully rotated to the right.
2 Place a suitable container underneath the
platform rotator.
3 Open the top bleed screw on the rotator, but
do not remove it.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to
squirt or spray.
3 While still holding the function enable toggle 4 Move the function enable toggle switch to
switch, simultaneously activate the primary either side and hold the platform rotate toggle
boom down and platform level down toggle switch to the left position until the platform is
switches until the primary boom is fully fully rotated to the left. Continue holding the
lowered. toggle switch until air stops coming out of the
The platform should be facing in a down bleed screw. Close the bleed screw.
position. As shown.
Crushing hazard. Keep clear of
the platform during rotation.
Platform Components
Platform Components
4 Activate and hold the calibration toggle switch Zero load cell calibration:
in the down position for 2 seconds to store the Perform this procedure when the required weight
zero load calibration. for full load calibration is not available. This
Result: An audible alarm sounds for 1 second. procedure will re-calibrate the zero load point
Calibration has been stored. without effecting a previous full load calibration.
The platform load capacity will be reduced until a
5 Add maximum rated load of 1000 lbs / 454kg full load calibration has been performed. A full load
to the center of the platform. calibration is required for rated load performance.
6 Activate and hold the calibration toggle switch 1 Remove all weight, tools, accessories and
in the up position for 2 seconds to store the equipment from the platform.
rated load calibration.
Note: Failure to remove all weight, tools,
Result: An audible alarm sounds for 1 second. accessories and equipment from the platform will
Calibration has been stored. result in an incorrect calibration.
Platform Components
How to R eplac e the Platform Ov erload Load C ell
15 Use a soft metal drift to remove the pin and let 3-2
the cylinder hang down. Remove the platform
rotator from the machine.
Jib Boom Lift Cylinder
Crushing hazard. The jib boom
could fall when the barrel-end How to Remove the Jib Boom Lift
pivot pin is removed if not Cylinder
properly supported by the
overhead crane. Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in the
stowed position.
16 Remove the pin retaining fastener from the jib Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,
boom pivot pin. Use a soft metal drift to the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hose
remove the pin, then remove the jib boom from end must be replaced. All connections must be
the bellcrank. torqued to specification during installation. Refer to
Crushing hazard. The jib boom Specifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque
may become unbalanced and fall Specifications.
when it is removed from the
1 Raise the jib boom slightly and place blocks
machine if it is not properly
under the platform mounting weldment. Then
supported by the overhead
lower the jib boom until the platform is resting
on the blocks just enough to support the
17 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane
to the lug on the rod end of the jib boom lift Note: Do not rest the entire weight of the boom on
cylinder. the blocks.
18 Use a soft metal drift to remove the jib boom 2 Tag, disconnect and plug the jib boom lift
lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin, then remove the cylinder hydraulic hoses. Cap the fittings on
jib boom lift cylinder from the bellcrank. the cylinder.
Crushing hazard. The jib boom Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
lift cylinder may become hydraulic oil can penetrate and
unbalanced and fall when it is burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
removed from the machine if it is connections very slowly to allow
not properly supported by the the oil pressure to dissipate
overhead crane. gradually. Do not allow oil to
squirt or spray.
9 Tag, disconnect and plug the platform rotator 14 Remove all hose and cable clamps from the
hydraulic hoses at the union located above the underside of the primary boom.
primary boom lift cylinder. Cap the fittings on 15 Support the rod end of the primary boom lift
the unions. cylinder with a suitable lifting device.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying 16 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
hydraulic oil can penetrate and primary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin. Do
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic not remove the pin.
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate 17 Raise the primary boom slightly with the
gradually. Do not allow oil to overhead crane to relieve the pressure on the
squirt or spray. primary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin.
18 Use a soft metal drift to remove the primary
10 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin.
from the platform leveling master cylinder.
Cap the fittings on the cylinder. Crushing hazard. The primary
boom lift cylinder could become
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying unbalanced and fall if not
hydraulic oil can penetrate and properly supported by the lifting
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic device.
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate 19 Lower the rod end of the primary boom lift
gradually. Do not allow oil to cylinder approximately 12 inches / 30 cm.
squirt or spray.
20 Pull all of the hoses and cables out and away
11 Raise the boom to a horizontal position. from the mounting ears for the rod end of the
primary boom lift cylinder.
12 Place blocks between the upper and lower
cable tracks and secure the upper and lower 21 Raise the rod end of the primary boom lift
tracks together. cylinder back into position and install the
rod-end pivot pin. Install the pin retaining
Crushing hazard. If the upper fasteners.
and lower cable tracks are not
properly secured together, the 22 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to the
cable track could become cable track.
unbalanced and fall when 23 Remove the mounting fasteners from the
removed from the machine. upper cable track at the platform end of the
extension boom.
13 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead 5 ton /
5,000 kg capacity crane to the platform end of
the primary boom for support. Do not lift it.
1 Remove the platform. 12 Tag, disconnect and plug the primary boom
extension cylinder hydraulic hoses. Cap the
2 Remove the jib boom. Refer to Repair fittings on the cylinder.
Procedure, How to Remove the Jib Boom.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
3 Remove the cable track. Refer to Repair hydraulic oil can penetrate and
Procedure, How to Remove the Cable Track. burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
4 Raise the primary boom to a horizontal connections very slowly to allow
position. the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to
5 Remove the hose and cable cover from the squirt or spray.
upper pivot.
13 Remove the hose clamp at the pivot end of the
7 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the How to Remove the Primary
primary boom lift cylinder rod-end pivot pin. Boom Extension Cylinder
Use a soft metal drift to remove the pin.
Bodily injury hazard. This
Crushing hazard. The primary procedure requires specific repair
boom will fall if not properly skills, lifting equipment and a
supported when the primary suitable workshop. Attempting
boom rod-end pivot pin is this procedure without these skills
removed. and tools could result in death or
serious injury and significant
8 Place a support block across both turntable component damage. Dealer
covers under the primary boom lift cylinder. service is strongly recommended.
9 Lower the rod end of the lift cylinder onto the
block. Protect the cylinder rod from damage. Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,
the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hose
Crushing hazard. The primary end must be replaced. All connections must be
boom lift cylinder could become torqued to specification during installation. Refer to
unbalanced and fall if not Specifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque
properly supported by the lifting Specifications.
1 Raise the primary boom to a horizontal
10 Remove the primary boom lift cylinder position.
barrel-end pivot pin retaining fasteners. Do not 2 Extend the primary boom until the primary
remove the pin. boom extension cylinder rod-end pivot pin is
11 Use a slide hammer to remove the barrel-end accessible in the primary boom extension
pivot pin. Carefully remove the primary boom tube.
lift cylinder from the machine. 3 Remove the hose and cable guard from the
Crushing hazard. The lift cylinder upper pivot.
could become unbalanced and
fall if not properly supported and
secured to the lifting device.
5 At the platform end of the boom, remove the How to Remove the Platform
external snap rings from the extension Leveling Master Cylinder
cylinder rod-end pivot pins. Use a soft metal
drift to remove the pins. Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,
the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hose
6 Remove the barrel-end pivot pin retaining end must be replaced. All connections must be
fasteners. torqued to specification during installation. Refer to
7 Place a rod through the barrel-end pivot pin Specifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque
and twist to remove the pin. Specifications.
8 Support and slide the extension cylinder out of 1 Raise the primary and secondary booms until
the upper pivot. both the rod-end and barrel-end pivot pins on
the master cylinder are accessible.
Crushing hazard. The extension
cylinder could fall when removed 2 Tag, disconnect and plug the master cylinder
from the extension boom if not hydraulic hoses. Cap the fittings on the
properly supported. cylinder.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
Component damage hazard. Be hydraulic oil can penetrate and
careful not to damage the burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
counterbalance valves on the connections very slowly to allow
primary boom extension cylinder the oil pressure to dissipate
when removing the cylinder from gradually. Do not allow oil to
the primary boom. squirt or spray.
11 Attach a strap from an overhead crane to the 20 Remove the number 1 arm from the machine.
lug on the rod end of one of the secondary
boom lift cylinders for support. Do not apply Crushing hazard. The number 1
any lifting pressure. arm could become unbalanced
and fall when removed from the
12 Use a soft metal drift to drive the barrel-end machine if not properly attached
pivot pin half way out. Lower the barrel end of to the overhead crane.
the secondary boom lift cylinder and let it hang
Crushing hazard. The upper
13 Use a soft metal drift to drive the rod-end pivot pivot could fall when the number
pin half way out. 1 arm is removed from the
machine if not properly
14 Remove the secondary boom lift cylinder from supported by the overhead
the machine. crane.
15 Repeat steps 11 through 14 for the other
secondary boom lift cylinder. 21 Using the overhead crane attached to the
upper pivot, raise the secondary boom
Crushing hazard. The secondary assembly approximately 30 inches / 76 cm.
boom lift cylinder could become
unbalanced and fall when 22 Insert a 4 x 4 x 11 inch / 10 x 10 x 28 cm block
removed from the machine if not between the number 2 arm and the boom rest.
properly attached to the Then lower the secondary boom assembly
overhead crane. onto the block.
Crushing hazard. The secondary
Component damage hazard. boom assembly could fall if not
When removing a secondary properly supported by the4 x 4 x
boom lift cylinder from the 11 inch / 10 x 10 x 28 cm block.
machine, be careful not to
damage the counterbalance 23 Pull all of the cables and hoses out through
valve at the barrel end of the the upper pivot.
Component damage hazard.
16 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane Cables and hoses can be
to the upper pivot for support. Do not lift it. damaged if they are kinked or
17 Attach a lifting strap from a second overhead
crane to the number 1 arm at the mid-point 24 Remove the hose and cable covers from the
between the upper pivot and mid-pivot. top of the number 2 arm.
18 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the 25 Pull all of the hoses and cables out of the
number 1 arm pivot pins at the mid-pivot and upper pivot and out through the mid-pivot. Lay
the upper pivot. Do not remove the pins. the hoses and cables on the ground.
19 Use a soft metal drift to drive both pins out. Component damage hazard.
Cables and hoses can be
damaged if they are kinked or
26 Remove the pin retaining fastener from the 37 Use a soft metal drift to remove the lower
number 2 arm pivot pin at the upper pivot. Use compression link pivot pin at the number 3
a soft metal drift to remove the pin. arm.
27 Remove the upper pivot from the machine. 38 Support the compression link with an
appropriate lifting device.
Crushing hazard. The upper
pivot could become unbalanced 39 Use a soft metal drift to remove the upper
and fall when removed from the compression link pivot pin from the number 2
machine if not properly attached arm. Remove the compression link from the
to the overhead crane. machine.
28 Attach the lifting strap from an overhead crane Crushing hazard. The number 2
to the number 2 arm at the upper pivot end. arm could fall when the
compression link is disconnected
29 Raise the number 2 arm slightly and remove from the number 2 arm if not
the 4 x 4 x 11 inch / 10 x 10 x 28 cm block. properly supported by the
overhead crane.
30 Lower the number 2 arm onto the boom rest
Crushing hazard. The
31 Insert a 4 x 4 x 81/2 inch / 10 x 10 x 22 cm compression link may fall if not
block between the number 3 arm and the properly supported when
number 4 arm at the mid-pivot end. removed from the secondary
boom assembly.
32 Attach a lifting strap from the overhead crane
to the mid-pivot for support. Do not lift it.
40 Remove the number 2 arm from the machine.
33 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
number 2, 3 and 4 arm pivot pins at the Crushing hazard. The number 2
mid-pivot. Do not remove the pins. arm could become unbalanced
and fall when removed from the
34 Use a soft metal drift to drive each pin out. secondary boom assembly if
Then remove the mid-pivot from the not properly supported by the
secondary boom assembly. overhead crane.
Crushing hazard. The mid-pivot 41 Remove the upper and lower hose and cable
could become unbalanced and covers from the number 3 arm.
fall when removed from the
secondary boom assembly if not 42 Pull all of the cables and hoses from the
properly supported by the number 3 arm and lay them over the turntable
overhead crane. counterweight.
35 Attach the lifting strap from an overhead crane Component damage hazard.
to the center point of the number 2 arm for Cables and hoses can be
support. Do not lift it. damaged if they are kinked or
36 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from both
compression link pivot pins. Do not remove 43 Open the ground controls side turntable cover.
the pins.
44 Remove the fuel tank filler cap.
45 Using an approved hand-operated pump, 51 Remove the mounting fasteners from the
drain the fuel tank into a container of suitable cover located in the boom storage area to
capacity. Refer to Specifications, Machine access the number 3 and number 4 arm pivot
Specifications. pin retaining fasteners at the turntable riser.
Explosion and fire hazard. 52 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
Engine fuels are combustible. number 3 arm at the turntable riser. Do not
Perform this procedure in an remove the pin.
open, well-ventilated area away
53 Use a slide hammer to remove the number 3
from heaters, sparks, flames and
arm pivot pin from the turntable pivot through
lighted tobacco. Always have an
the access hole behind the ground control
approved fire extinguisher within
easy reach.
54 Remove the number 3 arm from the machine.
Explosion and fire hazard. When
Crushing hazard. The number 3
transferring fuel, connect a
arm could become unbalanced
grounding wire between the
and fall when removed from the
machine and pump or container.
machine if not properly
Note: Be sure to only use a hand-operated pump supported by the overhead
suitable for use with gasoline and diesel fuel. crane.
46 Tag, disconnect and plug the fuel hoses from 55 Remove the upper and lower hose and cable
the fuel tank. Clean up any fuel that may have covers from the number 3 arm.
56 Remove the secondary boom drive speed limit
47 Remove the fuel tank mounting fasteners. switch mounting fasteners from the number 4
Carefully remove the fuel tank from the arm at the mid-pivot end. Do not disconnect
machine. the wiring.
Component damage hazard. 57 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
The fuel tank is plastic and may number 4 arm at the turntable riser. Do not
become damaged if allowed to remove the pin.
fall. 58 Attach a lifting strap from the overhead crane
to the center point of the number 4 arm. Do not
Note: Clean the fuel tank and inspect for cracks
lift it.
and other damage before installing it onto the
machine. 59 Use a slide hammer to remove the number 4
arm from the turntable riser through the
48 Remove the retaining fastener from the ground controls side bulkhead.
ground control box and function manifold pivot
plate. 60 Remove the number 4 arm from the machine.
49 Lower the ground control box and function Crushing hazard. The number 4
manifold pivot plate to access the number 3 arm could become unbalanced
arm pivot pin. and fall when removed from the
machine if not properly
50 Attach the lifting strap from the overhead
supported by the overhead
crane to the center point of the number 3 arm
for support. Do not lift it.
6-1 6-2
RPM Adjustment - Deutz Flex Plate
D2011L03i Models The flex plate acts as a coupler between the engine
and the pump. It is bolted to the engine flywheel
Refer to Maintenance Procedure in the appropriate
and has a splined center to drive the pump.
Service or Maintenance Manual for your machine,
Check and Adjust the Engine RPM.
How to Remove the Flex Plate
1 Disconnect the battery cables from the
Electrocution/burn hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
circuits could result in death or
serious injury. Remove all rings,
watches and other jewelry.
How to Ins tall the Fl ex Plate How to i nstall the Pum p and Bell H ousing Ass embly
How to Install the Flex Plate How to Install the Pump and Bell
1 Install the flex plate onto the engine flywheel Housing Assembly
with the rubber vibration isolators towards the
1 Install the pump and bell housing assembly.
2 Torque the bell housing mounting bolts
2 Apply Loctite® removable thread sealant to
labeled "C" in sequence to 28 ft-lbs / 38 Nm.
the flex plate fasteners and loosely install the
Then torque the bell housing mounting bolts
labeled "C" in sequence to 40 ft-lbs / 54 Nm.
3 Torque the flex plate mounting bolts in
Component damage hazard.
sequence to 28 ft-lbs / 38 Nm. Then torque the
When installing the pump, do not
flex plate mounting bolts in sequence to 40
force the pump coupler into the
ft-lbs / 54 Nm.
flexplate or damage to the pump
4 Apply a high viscosity coupling grease (Genie shaft seal may occur.
part number 128025) to the splines of the
pump shaft and flex plate. Component damage hazard. Do
not force the drive pump during
Grease Specification
installation or the flex plate teeth
Shell Alvania® Grease CG, NLGI 0/1 or equivalent. may become damaged.
Deutz Models
Deutz Models
Hydraulic Pumps
open closed
Hydraulic Pumps
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting, 3 Tag and disconnect and plug the hydraulic
the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hose hoses from the drive and lift/steer pumps. Cap
end must be replaced. All connections must be the fittings on the pumps.
torqued to specification during installation. Refer to Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
Specifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque hydraulic oil can penetrate and
Specifications. burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
1 Disconnect the electrical connectors at the connections very slowly to allow
electrical proportional controller located on the the oil pressure to dissipate
drive pump. gradually. Do not allow oil to
squirt or spray.
Hydraulic Pumps
How to Prime the Pum p
5 Carefully pull the drive pump out until the How to Prime the Pump
pump coupler separates from the flex plate.
1 Connect a 0 to 600 psi / 0 to 41 bar pressure
6 Remove the drive pump from the machine. gauge to the test port on the drive pump.
Component damage hazard. The 2 Remove the safety pin from the engine pivot
pump(s) may become plate latch.
unbalanced and fall if not
Note: The engine pivot plate latch is located under
properly supported.
the engine turntable pivot plate at the
counterweight end of the machine.
Component damage hazard.
When installing the pump, do 3 Open the engine pivot plate latch and swing
not force the pump coupler into the engine pivot plate out and away from the
the flexplate or damage to the machine.
pump shaft seal may occur.
4 Hold the manual fuel shutoff valve clockwise
to the closed position.
Component damage hazard. Be
sure to open the two hydraulic
tank valves and prime the pump
after installing the pump.
Index Schematic
Description Function Torque
No. Item
1 Solenoid valve, 3 position 4 way BM Platform level up/down 25 ft-lbs / 34 Nm
2 Solenoid valve, 3 position 4 way CG Platform rotate left/right and jib 25 ft-lbs / 34 Nm
boom up/down
3 Flow regulator valve, 2 gpm / 7.6 L/min BZ Boom extend/retract circuit 20 ft-lbs / 27 Nm
4 Solenoid valve, 2 position 3 way CA Primary boom extend 20 ft-lbs / 27 Nm
5 Proportional directional solenoid valve, 3 BY Primary boom up/down 16-20 ft-lbs / 22-27
position 4 way Nm
6 Differential sensing valve 160 psi / 11 bar BG Meters flow to functions 25 ft-lbs / 34 Nm
7 Proportional directional solenoid valve, 3 BP Turntable rotate left/right 16-20 ft-lbs / 22-27
position 4 way Nm
8 Proportional directional solenoid valve, 3 BU Secondary boom up/down 16-20 ft-lbs / 22-27
position 4 way Nm
9 Solenoid valve, 3 position 4 way BF Steer left/right 25 ft-lbs / 34 Nm
10 Relief valve, 2100 psi / 145 bar BV Secondary boom down 20 ft-lbs / 27 Nm
11 Orifice, 0.046 inch / 1.17 mm CF Secondary boom down circuit
12 Check valve, 5 psi / 0.3 bar BT Differential sensing circuit, 12-14 ft-lbs / 16-19
secondary boom down Nm
13 Check valve, 5 psi / 0.3 bar BW Secondary boom circuit 25 ft-lbs / 34 Nm
14 Check valve, 5 psi / 0.3 bar BS Differential sensing circuit, 12-14 ft-lbs / 16-19
secondary boom up Nm
15 Priority flow regulator valve, 2.0 gpm / 7.6 BB Steer circuit 25 ft-lbs / 34 Nm
16 Relief valve, 3200 psi / 221 bar BA System relief 20 ft-lbs / 27 Nm
17 Shuttle valve BO Turntable rotate circuit 12-14 ft-lbs / 16-19
How to Adj ust the Sec ondary Boom D own R elief Valv e
1 Connect a 0 to 5000 psi / 0 to 350 bar 2 Start the engine from the ground controls.
pressure gauge to the test1 port on the 3 Hold the function enable switch to the high
function manifold. rpm position and activate and hold the
2 Start the engine from the ground controls. secondary boom down switch with the
secondary boom fully lowered.
3 Hold the function enable switch to the high
rpm position and activate and hold the primary 4 Observe the pressure reading on the pressure
boom retract switch with the boom fully gauge. Refer to Specifications, Hydraulic
retracted. Specifications.
4 Observe the pressure reading on the pressure 5 Turn the engine off. Use a wrench to hold the
gauge. Refer to Specifications, Hydraulic relief valve and remove the cap.
Specifications. 6 Adjust the internal hex socket. Turn it
5 Turn the engine off. Use a wrench to hold the clockwise to increase the pressure or
relief valve and remove the cap. counterclockwise to decrease the pressure.
Install the relief valve cap.
6 Adjust the internal hex socket. Turn it
clockwise to increase the pressure or Tip-over hazard. Do not adjust
counterclockwise to decrease the pressure. the relief valve higher than
Install the relief valve cap. specified.
Tip-over hazard. Do not adjust 7 Repeat steps 2 through 5 and recheck relief
the relief valve higher than valve pressure.
8 Remove the pressure gauge.
7 Repeat steps 2 through 5 and recheck relief
valve pressure.
8 Remove the pressure gauge.
Jib Boom / Platform Rotate Manifold Components
The jib boom / platform rotate manifold is mounted to the platform support.
Index Schematic
Description Function Torque
No. Item
1 Solenoid valve, 2 position 3 way G Platform rotate/jib boom select 8-10 ft-lbs / 11-14 Nm
Turntable Rotation Manifold Components
The turntable rotation manifold is mounted to the turntable rotation motor located in the boom storage
Directional Valve Manifold Components
The directional valve manifold is mounted inside the drive chassis at the non-steer end.
How to Set U p the Direc tional Valve Li nk age
How to Set Up the Directional 9 Adjust the ball joint until the hole lines up with
the retaining fastener hole in the bracket.
Valve Linkage
10 Install the ball joint to the axle and tighten the
Note: Adjustment of the oscillate directional valve
jam nut.
linkage is only necessary when the linkage or valve
has been replaced. 11 Check to be sure the drive chassis is
completely level.
1 Lower the boom to the stowed position.
12 Measure the distance between the drive
2 Use a "bubble type" level to be sure the floor is chassis and the non-steer axle on both sides
completely level. (from the inside of the drive chassis).
Tip-over hazard. Failure to Note: If the distance is not equal and the
perform this procedure on a level adjustment to the linkage was completed with the
floor could compromise the ground and drive chassis level, repeat steps 6
stability of the machine resulting through 11 OR consult Genie Product Support.
in the machine tipping over.
Traction Manifold Components, 4WD
The traction manifold is mounted inside the drive chassis at the non-steer end.
Index Schematic
Description Function Torque
No. Item
1 Flow divider/combiner valve AA Controls flow to flow divider/combiner 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41
valves 2 and 4 Nm
2 Flow divider/combiner valve AB Controls flow to non-steer end drive motors 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41
in forward and reverse Nm
3 Orifice, 0.047 in / 1.2 mm AC Drive circuit
4 Flow divider/combiner valve AD Controls flow to steer end drive motors in 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41
forward and reverse Nm
5 Orifice, 0.040 in / 1.02 mm AE Drive circuit
6 Check valve AF Non-steer end drive motor circuit 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
7 Solenoid valve, 2 position 3 way AG Braking 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
8 Relief valve, 250 psi / 17.2 bar AH Charge pressure circuit 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
9 Solenoid valve, 2 position 3 way AI 2-speed motor shift 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
10 Check valve AJ Steer end drive motor circuit 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
11 Check valve AK Steer end drive motor circuit 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
12 Check valve AL Non-steer end drive motor circuit 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
13 Check valve AM Non-steer end drive motor circuit 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
14 Check valve AN 2 speed motor shift circuit 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
15 Orifice, 0.030 inch / 0.76 mm AO Brake circuit
16 Check valve AP Steer end drive motor circuit 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16
17 Shuttle valve, 3 position 3 way AQ Charge pressure circuit that directs hot oil 15-18 ft-lbs / 20-24
out of low pressure side of drive pump and Nm
allows low pressure flow path for brake
release and 2-speed motor shift
18 Orifice, 0.040 in / 1.01 mm AR Drive circuit
Valve Adjustments, 4WD Traction
Index Schematic
Description Function Torque
No. Item
1 Proportional solenoid valve HH Generator speed 33-37 ft-lbs / 45-50
2 Relief valve, 3000 psi / 207 bar GG Generator circuit 20-25 ft-lbs / 27-34
How to T est a Coil Di ode
1 multimeter
2 9V DC battery
3 10Ω resistor
4 coil
Locked position
Axle Components
Fault Codes
Before Troubleshooting:
Section 4 Faul t Codes
• Turntable secured with the turntable rotation Platform Overload System Fault Codes: Faults
lock are indicated on the hour meter display, a red LED
and with one short beep every second when an
• Welder disconnected from the machine (if abnormal condition or component failure occurs
equipped with the weld cable to platform with the platform overload system. Platform
option) overload system fault codes can be retrieved on
the hour meter display located at the ground
21 Primary Up / 11 Value at 5.0 V Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Down Joystick zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
12 Value Too High
15 Value Too Low
16 Value at 0 V
17 Not calibrated Joystick Speed and Direction frozen at Calibrate Joystick.
zero and neutral.
22 Primary Up / 21 Fault Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Down Directional zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
23 Primary Up / 12 Value Too High Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Down Flow Valve zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
15 Value Too Low
17 Not calibrated Normal function except threshold for Calibrate valve threshold.
one or both directions is zero.
24 Angle sensor 11 Value at 5.0 V Reduced function speed. Retract before lowering
required. Dual capacity
12 Value Too High
15 Value Too Low Power up controller with
problem corrected.
16 Value at 0 V
17 Not calibrated Calibrate angle sensor.
31 Invalid setup Initiate 1 -second beep of Alarm. Retract before lowering
required. Dual capacity
Calibrate angle sensor.
26 Angle sensor 19 Out of Range Reduced function speed. Retract before lowering
cross check required. Dual capacity
Power up controller with
problem corrected.
31 Secondary Up / 11 Value at 5.0 V Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Down. Joystick zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
12 Value Too High
15 Value Too Low
16 Value at 0 V
17 Not calibrated Joystick Speed and Direction frozen at Calibrate Joystick.
zero and neutral.
32 Secondary Up / 21 Fault Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Down. Directional zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
33 Secondary Up / 12 Value Too High Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Down Flow Valve zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
15 Value Too Low
17 Not calibrated Normal function except threshold for Calibrate valve threshold.
one or both directions is zero.
34 primary Boom 31 Invalid setup Initiate 1 -second beep of Alarm. Fully retract, then lower
Extend / Retract 1000lb. Mode: Required retract into boom.
Limit Switches FULLY RETRACTED state before Check and service ext/ret
lowering. and fully stowed switches.
500lb. Mode: Operates normally.
Dual capacity models.
41 Turntable Rotate 11 Value at 5.0 V Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Joystick zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
12 Value Too High
15 Value Too Low
16 Value at 0 V
17 Not calibrated Initiate 1 -second beep of Alarm. Calibrate Joystick.
42 Turntable Rotate 21 Fault Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Directional Valves zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
17 Not calibrated Normal function except threshold for Calibrate valve threshold.
one or both directions is zero.
43 Turntable Rotate 12 Value Too High Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Flow Valve zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
15 Value Too Low
17 Not calibrated Normal function except threshold for Calibrate valve threshold.
one or the other direction is zero.
Display message on LCD.
44 Drive Enable 21 Fault Drive enable override direction is Power up controller with
Override Switch frozen at neutral. problem corrected.
45 Platform Level 21 Fault Platform level frozen at neutral. Power up controller with
Switch problem corrected.
46 Primary Extend / 21 Fault Platform Extend / Retract frozen at Power up controller with
Retract Switch neutral. problem corrected.
51 Drive Joystick 11 Value at 5.0 V Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
12 Value Too High
15 Value Too Low
16 Value at 0 V
17 Not calibrated Joystick Speed and Direction frozen at Calibrate Joystick.
zero and neutral.
53 Drive Flow Valve 12 Value Too High Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
(EDC) zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
15 Value Too Low
17 Not calibrated Normal function except threshold for Calibrate valve threshold.
one or both directions is zero.
54 Propel Brake 21 Fault Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Valve zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
55 Propel High Motor 21 Fault Motor speed frozen in the low state. Power up controller with
Speed Valve problem corrected.
56 Platform Level 21 Fault Direction frozen at zero and neutral. Power up controller with
Valve problem corrected.
57 Foot switch / ECU 12 Value Too High Direction frozen at zero and neutral. Power up controller with
Power problem corrected.
15 Value Too Low
61 Steer Joystick 11 Value at 5.0 V Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
12 Value Too High
15 Value Too Low
16 Value at 0 V
17 Not calibrated Joystick Speed and Direction frozen at Calibrate Joystick.
zero and neutral.
62 Steer Direction 21 Fault Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Power up controller with
Valves zero and neutral, Alarm sounds. problem corrected.
81 Platform Load 21 Fault Limited Speed and Direction frozen at Self-clearing (transient)
Sense Overload zero and neutral, Alarm sounds.
1 LCD display
2 red LED - fault indicator
3 yellow LED - battery indicator
4 green LED - engine hours indicator
34 Ext. Ret. Limit 36 Cross check fault Alarm sounds indicating a fault. Check primary boom
Switch retracted operational
Overload LED is on. (LS1) and safety (LS5)
limit switches.
Functions disabled, engine shutdown. Boom retracted:
Auxiliary functions enabled except 0 volts at C42LS of LS1.
extend. 12 volts at C166LS of
75 SCON - Safety 34 Software Alarm sounds indicating a fault. Install correct software part
controller mismatch Overload LED is on. number and version in
Primary and Functions disabled, engine secondary micro-controller.
secondary shutdown.
micro-controllers Auxiliary functions enabled except
software do not extend.
76 Platform load cell 12 Value Too High Platform overloaded. Reduce weight in platform.
13 No Response No communication to load cell. Check CAN bus circuit for
open or short.
Check for cable damage to
load cell.
Check for power at load cell.
15 Value Too Low Output from load cell lower than Confirm the platform load cell
expected while primary up is is properly pre-loaded and is
active. free of obstructions.
17 Not calibrated Zero load not calibrated: Calibrate the load cell.
Alarm sounds indicating a fault.
Overload LED is on.
Functions disabled, engine
Auxiliary functions enabled except
Zero load calibrated, gain is
Unit operates with reduced load
21 Internal load cell Alarm sounds indicating a fault. Inspect load cell for damage.
status Overload LED is on. Cycle power off then back on.
Functions disabled, engine If fault persist, replace load
shutdown. cell.
Auxiliary functions enabled except
31 Invalid setup Calibrate load cell with proper.
load or replace
36 Cross check fault Inspect load cell for damage.
Cycle power off then back on.
If fault persist, replace load
79 Hour meter 13 No Response Loss of communication to hour Check power and ground to
meter. hour meter.
Machine functions normal. Check CAN bus circuit for
open or short.
Check CAN bus resistance
between CAN high and CAN
low. 60 ohms.
82 Overload recovery 21 Fault Platform overloaded and machine Refer to Repair Procedure,
operated using auxiliary power. Platform Overload Recovery
Fault remains active until reset is Fault.
102 Overload function 12 Value Too High SCON detects 12VDC from CR54 Check for 12VDC at SCON
cutout relay or CR55 terminal 87 when C41-6. Should be 0VDC.
terminals 85 and 86 are not Replace CR54 or CR55.
activated. Check for short to 12VDC in
Alarm sounds indicating a fault. harness to SCON C41-6.
Overload LED is on.
Functions disabled, engine
Auxiliary functions enabled except
15 Value Too Low SCON detects 0VDC from CR54 or Check for 0VDC at SCON
CR55 terminal 87 when terminals C41-6. Should be 12VDC.
85 and 86 are activated. Replace CR54 or CR55.
Alarm sounds indicating a fault. Check for open in harness to
Overload LED is on. SCON C41-6.
Functions disabled, engine
Auxiliary functions enabled except
103 Overload engine 12 Value Too High SCON detects input from TB21 Replace CR56.
cutout relay when CR56 terminals 85 and 86 Check for short from TB21 in
are not activated. harness to SCON C42-2.
Alarm sounds indicating a fault.
Overload LED is on.
Functions disabled, engine
Auxiliary functions enabled except
Electrical Schematics
Electrocution/burn hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
Observe and Obey: circuits could result in death or
serious injury. Remove all rings,
Troubleshooting and repair procedures shall watches and other jewelry.
be completed by a person trained and qualified
on the repair of this machine
Hydraulic Schematics
Immediately tag and remove from service a
damaged or malfunctioning machine. Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
Repair any machine damage or malfunction hydraulic oil can penetrate and
before operating the machine. burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
Before Troubleshooting: the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to
Read, understand and obey the safety rules squirt or spray.
and operating instructions in the appropriate
operator's manual on your machine.
Be sure that all necessary tools and test
equipment are available and ready for use.
T-circuits connect Limit Switch Power relay Coil with suppression Fuel or RPM solenoid
Key switch Toggle Switch DPDT Toggle Switch SPDT Pump or Motor Tilt sensor
Oil temperature switch Coolant temperature Oil pressure switch Control relay contact Diode starting aid, glow
normally open switch - normally open normally closed normally open plug or flame ignitor
Filter with bypass relief Relief valve with pressure Solenoid operated
Priority flow regulator valve
valve setting proportional valve
Solenoid operated 2
Directional valve Pilot operated 3 position, 3
Flow divider/combiner valve position, 3 way directional
(mechanically activated) way shuttle valve
CR14 Jib relay (jib option) L48 Tilt alarm led (ansi/csa only)
G Gauge
G1 Battery Charge Indicator
G2 Engine oil pressure
G3 Engine coolant temp.
G4 Engine oil temp.
G6 Hour meter
R4 Speed limiting variable resistor 20 ohms TS51 Auxiliary pump toggle switch
R14 Up/down speed resister 7.5 ohms TS52 Engine start toggle switch
TS53 Fuel select toggle switch
SW Switch
TS54 Rpm select toggle switch
SW2 Engine oil pressure
TS56 Glow plug toggle switch
SW3 Engine oil temperature
TS57 Platform rotate toggle switch
TS58 Jib boom up/down toggle switch (option)
TS59 Platform level up/down toggle switch
TS60 Secondary boom up/down toggle switch
TS61 Primary boom up/down toggle switch
TS62 Turntable rotate toggle switch
TS63 Primary boom extend/retract toggle switch
TS64 Run/test toggle switch (Ford)
TS74 Run/test toggle switch (Deutz)
1 LCD display
2 red LED - fault indicator
3 yellow LED - battery indicator
4 green LED - engine hours indicator
5 8 pin connector
Hydraulic Schematic
Service and Repair Manual June 2018
Hydraulic Schematic
Service and Repair Manual June 2018
Service and Repair Manual June 2018
June 2018 Service and Repair Manual
Service and Repair Manual June 2018
June 2018 Service and Repair Manual
Service and Repair Manual June 2018
June 2018 Service and Repair Manual
Service and Repair Manual June 2018