Q1 Grade 7 Music DLL Week 1
Q1 Grade 7 Music DLL Week 1
Q1 Grade 7 Music DLL Week 1
A. Content standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of representative music from the
lowlands of Luzon.
B. Performance standard The learner performs music of the lowlands with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and style.
Lacia,G., & Limos, A. et al. ( ed.2015 ) The 21 st Century MAPEH in ACTION-7 ( pp. 13-21 )
3. Textbook pages
A. Reviewing Previous Listening Activity: Play the game: "Guess the The teacher will let The students will get a
Lesson or Presenting New Students will listen to Instruments” the students watch picture and try to
Lessons different sounds of the a video presentation match it with the
following instruments: Let the learners listen to the about the example pictures of the
recorded or actual sound of of instrumental different ensemble
Guitar , instruments. Ask the ensemble, and such as Bamboo
Banduria ,Trumpet , students to name the afterwards will ask Organ, Angklung
Tuba , Snare drum , particular instrument that the following Ensemble and Himig
Cymbals , will be played. questions: Pangkat Kawayan.
Bamboo Organ and
Angklung The learners may answer by What can you say
writing the name of the about the video
• What can you instrument on the board. The clips?
say about the first one who guesses it
sounds of the correctly gets a point. The
instruments? student who earns the most
number of points wins the
• What did you game.
feel while
listening to
the sounds?
B. Establishing A Purpose For Play a game about the Have a picture
The Lesson different instrumental parade. Present
music used on different pictures showing
occasions and seasons in different
the Philippines by instrumental
arranging the jumbled ensemble from
letters on the board. Bamboo Organ,
Make the students realize Angklung Ensemble
that each region/place in and Himig Pangkat
our country has its own Kawayan. Learners
set of instrumental music. analyze the musical
elements if it is
string, drums and
wind instruments.
D. Discussing New Concepts The teacher will discuss The teacher will
and Practicing New Skills the Instrumental Music : discuss what is
#1 • Rondalla Bamboo Organ,
• Brass Band Angklung
Musikang Bumbong Ensemble, and
Himig Pangkat
Kawayan while
(10 minutes) showing videos for
each ensemble.
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will ask the The students will give
and Abstractions students about the musical their opinions
About the Lesson characteristics of music from regarding the different
the ensemble of musical styles of the
Rondalla,Brass and Musikong ensembles being
Bumbong. studied.
I. Evaluating Learning Let the students use their Complete the table
improvised instruments with showing the musical
their chosen music from the elements used in the
lowlands of Luzon. selection. – Tempo,
(Criteriacorrect expression Rhythm, Melody,
and style, Form, and Timbre
accurate rhythm, (see the attachment)
Appropriateness of
accompaniment and
movements, correct pitch,
sensitive phrasing,
welldefined dynamic level and
creativity. 1-5 )
J. Additional Activities for Students will explore Paste some pictures of wind Students will search Students will listen to
Application and more ways in producing and brass instruments. Try and note down some examples of
Remediation sounds from a variety of to compare and contrast provinces or rondalla. Write words
sources. their similarities and places that still use that best describe the
differences. Bamboo rondalla music.
K. Assignment The students will create Listen to the music / sound of Let the student Read and study the
an improvised Bamboo Organ, Angklung practice for their music of Cordillera,
instruments found in their Ensemble and Himig Pangkat upcoming Mindoro, Palawan, and
surroundings. Bring it in Kawayan. performances. Visayas.
the class.
A. No. of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The
B. No. of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Work? No. of Learners
Who Have Caught Up With
The Lesson.
D. No. of Learners Who
Continue To Require
E. Which of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?
G. What Innovation or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With Other