TSC 3900 DPAnalysis Rev E
TSC 3900 DPAnalysis Rev E
TSC 3900 DPAnalysis Rev E
Model 3900
Two-Temperature, Two-Pressure Low Humidity Generator
Revision E
September 28, 2017
1 Introduction
Described here is the Dew Point and Frost Point Uncertainty Analysis, following NIST Guideline 1297 1,
for a Model 3900 Humidity Generator, manufactured by Thunder Scientific Corporation, that combines the
NIST developed and proven two-temperature and two-pressure humidity generation principles.2,3
Generating gas of a known dew point or frost point temperature in a system of this type does not require
direct measurements of the water vapor content of the gas. Rather, the generated dew point and/or frost
point temperature is derived from the measurements of saturation temperature, saturation pressure, and the
pressure at the point of use, commonly referred to as either test pressure or chamber pressure. For the
purposes of this analysis, the terms ‘test pressure’ and ‘chamber pressure’ are synonymous with each other.
2 Defining Equations
2.1 Common Equations
The following equations of Wexler/Hardy7 for saturation vapor pressure, enhancement factor, and
temperature (from saturation vapor pressure) are common and fundamental to most humidity calculations
presented here.
e exp g i T i 2 g 7 ln T (1)
i 0
where e is the saturation vapor pressure, in Pascals, over liquid water in the pure phase,
T is the temperature in Kelvin,
and g0 = -2.8365744·103
g1 = -6.028076559·103
g2 = 1.954263612·101
g3 = -2.737830188·10-2
g4 = 1.6261698·10-5
g5 = 7.0229056·10-10
g6 = -1.8680009·10-13
g7 = 2.7150305
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e exp k i T i 1 k 5 ln T (2)
i 0
where e is the saturation vapor pressure, in Pascals, over ice in the pure phase
T is the temperature in Kelvin
and k0 = -5.8666426·103
k1 = 2.232870244·101
k2 = 1.39387003·10-2
k3 = -3.4262402·10-5
k4 = 2.7040955·10-8
k5 = 6.7063522·10-1
é = e·ƒ (3)
The enhancement factor, for an air-water vapor mixture, is determined at a given temperature and pressure
from the formula [7]
e P
ƒ exp 1 1 (4)
P e
with ai T i (5)
i 0
and exp bi T i (6)
i 0
for water
223.15 to 273.15 K (-50 to 0 °C) 273.15 to 373.15 K (0 to 100 °C)
a0 = -5.5898101·10 a0 = -1.6302041·10-1
a1 = 6.7140389·10-4 a1 = 1.8071570·10-3
a2 = -2.7492721·10-6 a2 = -6.7703064·10-6
a3 = 3.8268958·10-9 a3 = 8.5813609·10-9
b0 = -8.1985393·101 b0 = -5.9890467·101
b1 = 5.8230823·10-1 b1 = 3.4378043·10-1
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b2 = -1.6340527·10-3 b2 = -7.7326396·10-4
b3 = 1.6725084·10-6 b3 = 6.3405286·10-7
for ice
173.15 to 223.15 K (-100 to -50 °C) 223.15 to 273.15 K (-50 to 0 °C)
a0 = -7.4712663·10 a0 = -7.1044201·10-2
a1 = 9.5972907·10-4 a1 = 8.6786223·10-4
a2 = -4.1935419·10-6 a2 = -3.5912529·10-6
a3 = 6.2038841·10-9 a3 = 5.0194210·10-9
b0 = -1.0385289·102 b0 = -8.2308868·101
b1 = 8.5753626·10-1 b1 = 5.6519110·10-1
b2 = -2.8578612·10-3 b2 = -1.5304505·10-3
b3 = 3.5499292·10-6 b3 = 1.5395086·10-6
c ln e
T i 0
d ln e
i 0
with coefficients
for water for ice
c0 = 2.0798233·102 c0 = 2.1257969·102
c1 = -2.0156028·101 c1 = -1.0264612·101
c2 = 4.6778925·10-1 c2 = 1.4354796·10-1
c3 = -9.2288067·10-6 c3 = 0
d0 = 1 d0 = 1
d1 = -1.3319669·10-1 d1 = -8.2871619·10-2
d2 = 5.6577518·10-3 d2 = 2.3540411·10-3
d3 = -7.5172865·10-5 d3 = -2.4363951·10-5
Ts Saturation Temperature. The temperature at which the gas is fully saturated with water
vapor, and is most often made by a direct measurement of the temperature of the saturator
itself. Ts is in Kelvin, ts is in °C.
Tc Chamber Temperature. The temperature of the gas in the test chamber, or in the device
under test, at the location of the humidity sensor. Tc is in Kelvin, tc is in °C.
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Td Dew Point Temperature. The temperature to which a gas must be cooled in order to just
begin condensing in the form of liquid dew. While contrary to common sense, liquid
dew can form in a meta-stable state at temperatures below freezing (called super-cooled
dew). Thus, dew point temperatures below 0 °C are quite common and reproducible.
While dew point and frost point exhibit identical vapor pressures, dew point and frost
point temperatures are not the same, except at 0.01 °C which is the triple point of water.
Td is in Kelvin; td is in °C.
Tf Frost Point Temperature. The temperature to which a gas must be cooled in order to just
begin condensing in the form of frost or ice. Frost point only exists at temperatures
below freezing (tf <= 0.01 °C). While frost point and dew point exhibit identical vapor
pressures, frost point and dew point temperatures are not the same, except at 0.01 °C
which is the triple point of water. Tf is in Kelvin, tf is in °C.
Ps Saturator Pressure. (As it applies to the humidity generators described in this document,
Saturation Pressure is synonymous with Saturator Pressure.) The total pressure in the
saturator, measured at the final point of saturation (generally the saturator outlet). This is
an absolute (not gauge) measurement. Ps is in Pascals.
Pc Chamber Pressure. The total pressure as measured in the test chamber, or at the device
under test, at the location of the humidity sensor. This is also referred to throughout this
document as Test Pressure. This is an absolute (not gauge) measurement. Pc is in
es Saturation Vapor Pressure at the Saturation Temperature. The partial pressure of the
water vapor in the saturator, as determined by measurement of the saturation temperature.
Regardless of the total pressure of the saturator, es is dependent on saturation temperature
only and further assumes that full saturation is actually being achieved. For temperatures
above freezing, es is computed as Saturation Vapor pressure over Water. For
temperatures below freezing, es is generally computed as Saturation Vapor Pressure over
Ice. es is expressed in Pascals.
ec Saturation Vapor Pressure at the Chamber Temperature. The maximum possible partial
pressure of water vapor that could exist in the test chamber, if the gas were fully saturated
with water vapor at the chamber temperature. Regardless of the total pressure of the
chamber, ec is dependent on chamber temperature only. For temperatures above freezing,
ec is computed as Saturation Vapor pressure over Water. For temperatures below
freezing, ec is generally computed as Saturation Vapor Pressure over Ice. However,
when using ec in the computation of %RH, but only when doing so in accordance with
the World Meteorogical Organization (WMO) adopted quidelines, ec is to be computed
with respect to water for all temperature conditions, even those below freezing. ec is
expressed in Pascals.
ed Saturation Vapor Pressure at the Dew/Frost Point Temperature (also known as Dew
Point Vapor Pressure, Frost Point Vapor Pressure, and partial water vapor pressure).
The partial pressure of the water vapor at the dew point temperature and computed with
respect to liquid water, or at the frost point temperature and computed with respect to ice.
Where frost point exists (at all temperatures below freezing), dew point vapor pressure
calculated at the dew point temperature with repect to liquid water and frost point vapor
pressure calculated at the frost point temperature with respect to ice are always equal and
synonymous terms. ed is expressed in Pascals.
s Enhancement Factor at Saturation Temperature and Saturation Pressure. The
enhancement factor corrects for the slight non-ideal behavior of water vapor when
admixed with other gases. The effective saturation vapor pressure that results under
saturation at any given temperature and pressure condition is determined by computing
the product of the saturation vapor pressure and the enhancement factor.
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c Enhancement Factor at Chamber Temperature and Chamber Pressure. The
enhancement factor corrects for the slight non-ideal behavior of water vapor when
admixed with other gases. The effective saturation vapor pressure that results under
saturation at any given temperature and pressure condition is determined by computing
the product of the saturation vapor pressure and the enhancement factor.
d Enhancement Factor at Dew/Frost Point Temperature and Chamber Pressure. The
enhancement factor corrects for the slight non-ideal behavior of water vapor when
admixed with other gases. The effective dew/frost point vapor pressure that results under
saturation at any given temperature and pressure condition is determined by computing
the product of the dew/frost point vapor pressure and the enhancement factor.
A. The vapor pressure es at the saturation temperature is calculated with equation 1 or equation 2. To
get es from this equation, the saturation temperature Ts is used for T. When Ts > 0, equation 1 is
used. When Ts < 0, specific knowledge of the state of the water (whether liquid or ice) is needed.
While it is possible for the water in a saturator to remain liquid for a short time when below 0 °C,
liquid water in a saturator operating below 0 °C will eventually freeze into a state of ice. (A
saturator that has been operating at or below –5 °C for more than an hour is most often expected to
be operating in a state of ice.) Once frozen into ice, the water remains in that state as long as the
saturation temperature remains below 0 °C. When the saturator is operating in a state of ice,
equation 2 is required.
B. The enhancement factor fs at the saturation temperature and saturation pressure is calculated using
equation 4. To get fs from this equation, calculations are performed using e = es, P = Ps, and T =
Ts. Equation 4 must be used with the correct coefficients (relative to the correct temperature range
for water or ice) based upon saturation temperature Ts and specific knowledge of the state of the
water in the saturator.
C. An educated guess is made at the dew/frost point enhancement factor, d. Setting d = 1 is a
suitable first guess.
D. The dew/frost point vapor pressure ed of the gas is computed with the two-pressure, two-
temperature relationship
ƒ s Pc
ed e s (8)
ƒ d Ps
E. Dew point temperature Td is calculated from dew/frost point vapor pressure ed using equation 7
and the coefficients for water. To get Td from this equation, calculations are performed using e =
F. The dew/frost point enhancement factor fd is calculated using equation 4 and the coefficients for
water of the appropriate range (based on the value of Td). To get fd from this equation,
calculations are performed using e = ed, P = Pc, and T = Td.
G. The dew point temperature, Td, converges to the proper value by iterating steps D through F
several times as necessary.
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2.2.3 Frost Point Temperature, Tf
Frost point temperature is the temperature to which a gas must be cooled in order to just begin condensing
water vapor in the form of frost or ice. Frost point only exists at temperatures below freezing.
Note that generating a frost point does not require ice in the saturator, nor does generating a dew point temperature
require liquid water in the saturator. While the state of the saturator is required for proper application of the
equations and their calculations, the generator is ultimately controlling at some specified vapor pressure. Dew point
temperature and frost point temperature share the same vapor pressure and enhancement factor, but have different
numeric values of temperature. All vapor pressures that correspond to a dew point temperature at or below 0.01 °C
also have a corresponding frost point temperature. At a dew point temperature of 0.01 °C, frost point temperature is
equal to dew point temperature. For all values below that down to -50 °C, the two diverge from each other with dew
point temperature always lower in value than the corresponding frost point temperature. Dew point temperature and
frost point temperature, while different from each other in numeric value, are equally valid methods of expressing the
same vapor pressure. Dew point temperatures below -50 °C are considered unobtainable as no vapor pressure data
for water is available for temperature below -50 °C, while frost point temperature remains valid down to -100 °C as
vapor pressure date with respect to ice is available.
A. The vapor pressure es at the saturation temperature is calculated with equation 1 or equation 2. To
get es from this equation, the saturation temperature Ts is used for T. When Ts > 0, equation 1 is
used. When Ts < 0, specific knowledge of the state of the water (whether liquid or ice) is needed.
While it is possible for the water in a saturator to remain liquid for a short time when below 0 °C,
liquid water in a saturator operating below 0 °C will eventually freeze into a state of ice. (A
saturator that has been operating at or below –5 °C for more than an hour is most often expected to
be operating in a state of ice.) Once frozen into ice, the water remains in that state as long as the
saturation temperature remains below 0 °C. When the saturator is operating in a state of ice,
equation 2 is required.
B. The enhancement factor fs at the saturation temperature and saturation pressure is calculated using
equation 4. To get fs from this equation, calculations are performed using e = es, P = Ps, and T =
Ts. Equation 4 must be used with the correct coefficients (relative to the correct temperature range
for water or ice) based upon saturation temperature Ts and specific knowledge of the state of the
water in the saturator.
C. An educated guess is made at the dew/frost point enhancement factor, d. Setting d = 1 is a
suitable first guess.
D. The dew/frost point vapor pressure ed of the gas is using equation 8.
E. Frost point temperature Tf is calculated from dew/frost point vapor pressure ed using equation 7
and the coefficients for ice. To get Tf from this equation, calculations are performed using e = ed.
F. The dew/frost point enhancement factor fd is calculated using equation 4 and the coefficients for
ice of the appropriate range (based on the value of Tf). To get fd from this equation, calculations
are performed using e = ed, P = Pc, and T = Tf.
G. The frost point temperature, Tf, converges to the proper value by iterating steps D through F
several times as necessary.
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3 Uncertainty
To analyze the overall expanded uncertainty in generated dew point and/or frost point temperature, the
uncertainties associated with temperatures and pressures must be determined, along with other possible
sources of uncertainty. These individual components of uncertainty must then be statistically combined to
form the Combined Uncertainty. The Expanded Uncertainty is then determined by multiplying the
Combined Uncertainty by a suitable coverage factor, k, based on the desired confidence level.
Due to the complexity associated with the computations, and the iterative requirement to reach a final
solution, algebraic methods involving partial derivatives of the underlying equations prove difficult.
Rather, a more straightforward approach will be taken that utilizes a table of sensitivity coefficients at
various temperature and pressure combinations. The table will identify the sensitivity of generated dew
and frost point temperature to uncertainty in the saturation temperature, saturation pressure, and test
pressure. Construction of the sensitivity tables will then allow straight forward determination of the
uncertainty in dew and frost point temperature due to:
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-79.05 2000 0.834 0.002
-80 597.029 0.897 0.009
-90 -75 1414.74 0.849 0.003
-73.04 2000 0.829 0.002 0.054
-80 101.325 1.000 0.060
-72.37 344.74 0.925 0.017
-70 498.099 0.903 0.012
-60.91 2000 0.821 0.003 0.060
-70 101.325 1.000 0.066
-61.54 344.74 0.921 0.019
-70 -60 427.266 0.907 0.015
-50 1667.27 0.823 0.004
-48.66 2000 0.812 0.003 0.066
-60 101.325 1.000 0.072
-50.66 344.74 0.917 0.021
-60 -50 374.63 0.912 0.019
-40 1277.76 0.832 0.005
-36.28 2000 0.803 0.003 0.072
-50 101.325 1.000 0.079
-40 334.27 0.915 0.024
-50 -39.73 344.74 0.913 0.023
-30 1020.07 0.839 0.008
-23.76 2000 0.794 0.004 0.079
-40 101.325 1.000 0.087 1.057 0.092
-30 302.6 0.919 0.029 0.971 0.030
-40 -28.76 344.74 0.909 0.025 0.961 0.027
-20 839.95 0.846 0.010 0.894 0.011
-11.1 2000 0.785 0.004 0.087 0.830 0.004 0.092
-30 101.325 1.000 0.094 1.074 0.101
-20 277.21 0.922 0.034 0.990 0.037
-17.73 344.74 0.905 0.027 0.973 0.030
-10 708.82 0.851 0.013 0.915 0.014
0 1723.92 0.738 0.005 0.793 0.006
1.96 2000 0.682 0.004 0.094 0.732 0.005 0.101
-20 101.325 1.000 0.102 1.093 0.112
-10 256.5 0.925 0.040 1.010 0.044
-6.66 344.74 0.901 0.030 0.985 0.033
0 610.31 0.805 0.017 0.879 0.018
10 1248.98 0.695 0.008 0.760 0.009
16.91 2000 0.657 0.005 0.102 0.718 0.005 0.112
-10 101.325 1.000 0.111 1.112 0.123
0 239.37 0.872 0.047 0.970 0.052
-10 5.08 344.74 0.784 0.032 0.873 0.036
10 484.44 0.754 0.023 0.838 0.025
17 770.59 0.713 0.014 0.111 0.793 0.016 0.123
0 101.325 1.000 0.135
0 10 204.24 0.922 0.067
17 323.42 0.872 0.042 0.135
10 101.325 1.000 0.147
17 160.19 0.946 0.093 0.147
Notice that in the table of sensitivity coefficients, nominal frost and dew point values are shown with a
variety of saturation temperature and pressure combinations. For each specific frost point or dew point
temperature listed, an attempt was made to include the maximum possible saturation pressure, minimum
saturation pressure, and a pressure equal to the switch-over point between the high and low range saturation
pressure transducer. In addition, the lowest and highest possible saturation temperature was also listed.
For all of the above calculations, a common test pressure (standard atmospheric pressure) is assumed.
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3.2 Uncertainty Contribution from Pressure
Determining the uncertainty in generated output based on saturation pressure and test pressure requires
knowledge of uncertainty in the pressure measurement, pressure hysteresis, and measurement resolution of
the saturator and test pressure transducers.
Pressure measurement uncertainty was analyzed from the data collected during annual calibration of the
pressure transducers. During calibration, each transducer was tested at no fewer than 3 points over its
specific range using a total system calibration approach. With this approach, the transducers remain
electrically connected to the system allowing the pressure transducer, the measuring electronics, and the
displayed data to be calibrated as a complete system rather than as individual components. Data gathered
during the calibration is system rather than component data. The combined data from several years of
calibration history were used in the computation of statistical standard deviations. For each of the pressure
transducers (which includes the measurement electronics and display), the standard deviation, P, from the
desired mean values were determined to be:
Using normal distribution, the pressure uncertainties normalized to one sigma are equivalent to the standard
deviation values given above for each of the transducers.
uPs[meas] = 0.069 kPa (0.01 psia) for P<345 kPa (<50 psia)
= 0.276 kPa (0.04 psia) for P>345 kPa (>50 psia)
The statistical standard deviations calculated from the calibration history also have an uncertainty
component from the Mensor PCS400 pressure standard used during the calibration process. The uncertainty
of the Mensor PCS400 pressure standard for the low and high-pressure ranges are as follows:
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3.2.2 Pressure Hysteresis
The system most often operates for hours, days, or weeks on end at one saturation pressure. When a
change in saturation pressure is made, the new condition is again maintained for hours, days, or weeks.
The test pressure transducer generally monitors changes only in the barometric pressure. Since both the
saturator and test pressure measurements result in very slow moving, nearly steady state conditions,
hysteresis in pressure measurement is nearly imperceptible. However, the affect of any hysteresis must still
be considered in the overall analysis. Based on rectangular distribution, hysteresis in pressure
measurement normalized to one sigma, is estimated to be
uPs[hyst] = 0.035 /3 kPa (0.005/3 psia) for P<345 kPa (50 psia)
= 0.020 kPa (0.003 psia) for P<345 kPa (50 psia)
resolutionp = (TransducerRange)/25000
Based on a rectangular distribution of the half-interval of resolution, the uncertainty of pressure due to
resolution normalized to one sigma is computed by multiplying the resolution by 0.5/3. The uncertainty
of pressure due to resolution is then
uPs[res] = 0.004 kPa for P<345 kPa (0.0006 psia for P<50 psia)
= 0.024 kPa for P>345 kPa (0.0035 psia for P>50 psia)
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3.2.4 Summary of Pressure Uncertainties
Pressure uncertainties of various types may be combined statistically using the following
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3.3 Uncertainty Contribution from Temperature
Determining the uncertainty in generated output based on saturation temperature requires knowledge of
uncertainty in the measurement, the resolution, and the self-heating of the saturation thermometer.
Saturation temperature is measured by a 1k ohm thermistor to measure the saturation temperature range of
–80 to +17 °C. Temperature measurement uncertainty was analyzed from the data collected during annual
calibration of the saturator temperature probe. During calibration, the saturation thermometer was tested at
no fewer than 3 points over its measurement range using a total system calibration approach. With this
approach, the thermometer remains electrically connected to the system allowing the temperature probe, the
measuring electronics, and the displayed data to be calibrated as a complete system rather than as
individual components. Data gathered during the calibration is system rather than component data. The
combined data from several years of calibration history were used in the computation of statistical standard
deviations. The standard deviation of the saturation thermometer system, T, from the desired mean
values were determined to be:
T [meas] = 0.023 °C
Using normal distribution, the temperature measurement uncertainty normalized to one sigma is equivalent
to the standard deviation value given above for the saturation thermometer.
uTs[meas] = 0.023 °C
The statistical standard deviations calculated from the calibration history also have an uncertainty
component from the Hart 1560 Black Stack & 5626 PRT temperature standard used during the calibration
process. The uncertainty of the Hart 1560 Black Stack & 5626 PRT temperature standard is as follows:
uTs[std] = 0.006 °C
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3.3.4 Thermal Lag
The saturator is of a stacked plate design, constructed completely of stainless steel, sealed and immersed in
a pumped fluid medium. Direction of the fluid flow is counter to that of the saturator gas stream.
The temperature of the pumped fluid medium is controlled to the desired saturation temperature and
measured by the saturation temperature probe. Given adequate time, the saturator outlet is assumed to
come into thermal equilibrium with the average temperature of the pumped fluid medium. However,
during times of temperature transition, the saturator plates will lag the temperature of the fluid by up to
several degrees. No attempt will be made here to predict the uncertainty associated with thermal lag.
However it will be assumed that adequate time is allowed for the saturator to regain thermal equilibrium
with the pumped fluid medium prior to relying on the data from the generator. Lag times of 30 minutes to
1 hour are not considered uncommon. When approaching the final value, the rate of change is very slow
and becomes difficult to detect on the instrument under test. Therefore, an estimate of uncertainty will be
uTs[gradient] = 0.005 °C
[It is believed that the design of the saturator reduces any negative affects that a temperature gradient might otherwise cause if
uncontrolled or improperly directed. Furthermore, it is believed that this design actually improves the ability of the saturator to fully
saturate the gas stream with water vapor, thereby improving saturator efficiency.]
uTs[stability] = 0.02 °C
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3.3.7 Summary of Temperature Uncertainties
Temperature uncertainties of various types may be combined statistically using the following
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10 0.008
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-30 302.60 0.020
-28.76 344.74 0.020
-20 839.95 0.018
-11.1 2000.00 0.016
-30 101.33 0.019
-20 277.21 0.017
-17.73 344.74 0.016
-10 708.82 0.015
0 1723.90 0.014
1.96 2000.00 0.014
-20 101.33 0.015
-10 256.50 0.012
-6.66 344.74 0.011
0 610.31 0.011
10 1249.00 0.011
16.91 2000.00 0.011
-10 101.33 0.009
0 239.37 0.006
-10 5.08 344.74 0.006
10 484.44 0.006
17 770.59 0.006
0 101.33 0.001
0 10 204.24 0.001
17 323.42 0.001
10 101.33 0.001
17 160.17 0.002
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-72.37 344.74 0.010
-70 498.10 0.013
-60.91 2000.00 0.047
-70 101.33 0.004
-61.54 344.74 0.009
-70 -60 427.27 0.010
-50 1667.30 0.036
-48.66 2000 0.043
-60 101.33 0.004
-50.66 344.74 0.008
-60 -50 374.63 0.009
-40 1277.80 0.026
-36.28 2000.00 0.040
-50 101.33 0.004
-40 334.27 0.008
-50 -39.73 344.74 0.008
-30 1020.10 0.020
-23.76 2000.00 0.037
-40 101.33 0.004
-30 302.60 0.007
-40 -28.76 344.74 0.008
-20 839.95 0.016
-11.1 2000.00 0.034
-30 101.33 0.003
-20 277.21 0.006
-17.73 344.74 0.007
-10 708.82 0.013
0 1723.90 0.016
1.96 2000.00 0.019
-20 101.33 0.003
-10 256.50 0.005
-6.66 344.74 0.006
0 610.31 0.007
10 1249.00 0.011
16.91 2000.00 0.017
-10 101.33 0.002
0 239.37 0.003
-10 5.08 344.74 0.004
10 484.44 0.005
17 770.59 0.007
0 101.33 0.002
0 10 204.24 0.003
17 323.42 0.004
10 101.33 0.002
17 160.17 0.003
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3.7 Permeation, Adsorption and Desorption
Permeation, adsorption and desorption refers to a continuous influx from or outgas to the humidity of the
surrounding environment (such as the air within the laboratory) through small leaks or semi-permeable
surfaces through the walls, fittings, valves, and dead spaces within the system. Although somewhat
difficult to accurately quantify, instrument comparison has shown that these permeation affects start to
become noticeable at frost point temperatures below approximately –60 °C with the greatest negative
impact at the lowest frost point values. In the case of this generator, permeation affects are due to
permeation of water vapor from the high ambient room conditions, through the tubing, fittings, or valves,
into the dry gas stream output of the generator. Permeation tends to increase the frost point temperature of
the generated gas stream. It is estimated that permeation tends to increase the concentration of water vapor
in the gas stream independent of saturation temperature, saturation pressure, and test pressure. However,
the effect of this permeation is most noticeable when running at the lowest frost points (where the
concentration of water vapor in the gas is also very low), and at low flow rates. By increasing the flow rate
of the generated gas, while assuming a constant permeation rate, the affect of that permeation is minimized.
Like wise, if the gas being generated is of higher concentration (i.e., warmer frost point), then the affect of
added water vapor from permeation is reduced. While the nominal frost point value being generated may
be very low, it is recommended that the highest flow rate possible be used for the low frost point conditions
to minimize the affect of permeation. This analysis assumes that the generator is run at the highest possible
flow rate. Even with the high flow rate, permeations impact the generation of low frost point values. This
permeation uncertainty is again very small and very difficult to isolate and measure outright, making it
difficult to accurately quantify. Because of this, the same instrument comparison described in section 3.4
was also used to identify the uncertainty caused by permeation. Permeation leads more to an uncorrected
bias than to a random variation in output, resulting in an offset during the instrument comparison tests.
This offset was estimated to be five parts per billion (ppb). Table 9 shows the estimated permeation
uncertainty bias in terms of frost point temperature.
Because permeation leads more to an uncorrected bias than to a random variation in output it will be treated
slightly different in the analysis. Uncertainty associated with uncorrected bias will be algebraically added to
the expanded uncertainty rather than statistically included in combined uncertainty.
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The following tables reflect the standard uncertainty components and the combined standard uncertainty at
various frost and dew point temperatures at a variety of saturation pressures and temperatures.
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Table 12. Combined Uncertainty at -10°C Frost Point
Combined Uncertainty at -10°C Frost Point
Ts = -10.00 Ts = 0.00 Ts = 5.08 Ts = 5.08 Ts = 10.00 Ts = 17.00
Ps = 101.33 Ps = 239.37 Ps = 344.74 Ps = 344.74 Ps = 484.44 Ps = 770.59
Assigned Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std
Source Name Uncertainty Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert
Test Pressure uP c 0.076 0.111 0.008 0.111 0.008 0.111 0.008 0.111 0.008 0.111 0.008 0.111 0.008
Sat Pressure <345 0.076 0.111 0.008 0.047 0.004 0.032 0.002
uP s
Sat Pressure >345 0.304 0.032 0.010 0.023 0.007 0.014 0.004
Sat Temp uT s 0.033 1.000 0.033 0.872 0.029 0.784 0.026 0.784 0.026 0.754 0.025 0.713 0.024
Vapor Pressure uVp 0.009 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
Enhancement Factor uEF 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.007
Saturation Efficiency
uSE 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006
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Table 14. Combined Uncertainty at -30°C Frost Point
Combined Uncertainty at -30°C Frost Point
Ts = -30.00 Ts = -20.00 Ts = -17.73 Ts = -17.73 Ts = -10.00 Ts = 0.00 Ts = 1.96
Ps = 101.33 Ps = 277.21 Ps = 344.74 Ps = 344.74 Ps = 708.82 Ps = 1723.9 Ps = 2000.0
Assigned Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std
Source Name Uncertainty Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert
Test Pressure uP c 0.076 0.094 0.007 0.094 0.007 0.094 0.007 0.094 0.007 0.094 0.007 0.094 0.007 0.094 0.007
Sat Pressure <345 0.076 0.094 0.007 0.034 0.003 0.027 0.002
uP s
Sat Pressure >345 0.304 0.027 0.008 0.013 0.004 0.005 0.002 0.004 0.001
Sat Temp uT s 0.033 1.000 0.033 0.922 0.031 0.905 0.030 0.905 0.030 0.851 0.028 0.738 0.025 0.682 0.023
Vapor Pressure uVp 0.019 0.017 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.014 0.014
Enhancement Factor uEF 0.003 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.013 0.016 0.019
Saturation Efficiency
uSE 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
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Table 16. Combined Uncertainty at -50°C Frost Point
Combined Uncertainty at -50°C Frost Point
Ts = -50.00 Ts = -40.00 Ts = -39.73 Ts = -39.73 Ts = -30.00 Ts = -23.76
Ps = 101.33 Ps = 334.27 Ps = 344.74 Ps = 344.74 Ps = 1020.1 Ps = 2000.0
Assigned Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std
Source Name Uncertainty Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert
Test Pressure uP c 0.076 0.079 0.006 0.079 0.006 0.079 0.006 0.079 0.006 0.079 0.006 0.079 0.006
Sat Pressure <345 0.076 0.079 0.006 0.024 0.002 0.023 0.002
uP s
Sat Pressure >345 0.304 0.023 0.007 0.008 0.002 0.004 0.001
Sat Temp uT s 0.033 1.000 0.033 0.915 0.031 0.913 0.030 0.913 0.030 0.839 0.028 0.794 0.026
Vapor Pressure uVp 0.025 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.021 0.019
Enhancement Factor uEF 0.004 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.020 0.037
Saturation Efficiency
uSE 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004
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Table 18. Combined Uncertainty at -70°C Frost Point
Combined Uncertainty at -70°C Frost Point
Ts = -70.00 Ts = -61.54 Ts = -61.54 Ts = -60.00 Ts = -50.00 Ts = -48.66
Ps = 101.33 Ps = 344.74 Ps = 344.74 Ps = 427.27 Ps = 1667.3 Ps = 2000.0
Assigned Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std
Source Name Uncertainty Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert
Test Pressure uP c 0.076 0.066 0.005 0.066 0.005 0.066 0.005 0.066 0.005 0.066 0.005 0.066 0.005
Sat Pressure <345 0.076 0.066 0.005 0.019 0.001
uP s
Sat Pressure >345 0.304 0.019 0.006 0.015 0.005 0.004 0.001 0.003 0.001
Sat Temp uT s 0.033 1.000 0.033 0.921 0.031 0.921 0.031 0.907 0.030 0.823 0.027 0.812 0.027
Vapor Pressure uVp 0.029 0.027 0.027 0.026 0.024 0.024
Enhancement Factor uEF 0.004 0.009 0.009 0.010 0.036 0.043
Saturation Efficiency
uSE 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
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Table 20. Combined Uncertainty at -90°C Frost Point
Combined Uncertainty at -90°C Frost Point
Ts = -80.00 Ts = -75.00 Ts = -73.04
Ps = 597.03 Ps = 1414.7 Ps = 2000.0
Assigned Sens Std Sens Std Sens Std
Source Name Uncertainty Coef Uncert Coef Uncert Coef Uncert
Test Pressure uP c 0.076 0.054 0.004 0.054 0.004 0.054 0.004
Sat Pressure <345 0.076
uP s
Sat Pressure >345 0.304 0.009 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.001
Sat Temp uT s 0.033 0.897 0.030 0.849 0.028 0.829 0.028
Vapor Pressure uVp 0.029 0.027 0.027
Enhancement Factor uEF 0.016 0.037 0.052
Saturation Efficiency
uSE 0.003 0.003 0.003
5 Expanded Uncertainty
Utilizing a coverage factor k=2, the expanded uncertainty, U, is computed using the formula
U = (k * uc ) + bias
Like the combined uncertainties listed in the tables of section 4, there are two separate calculations of
expanded uncertainty at the saturation pressure of 344.74 kPa for many of the nominal frost point values.
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This saturation pressure is at the switch point between use of the low-pressure transducer and use of the
high-pressure transducer. At this saturation pressure, either transducer may be in use. If the low range
transducer is in use, the associated expanded uncertainty is lower. If the high range transducer has
switched in, then the expanded uncertainty will be larger in value. There is a step change (or more
precisely, a discontinuity) in the associated expanded uncertainty at this possible pressure switching point.
The expanded uncertainty values are listed in table 22. Expanded uncertainty values are shown in °C frost
point (°C dew point for nominal generated values above 0 °C).
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16.91 2000 0.063
-10 101.325 0.075
0 239.37 0.065
5.08 344.74 0.059
5.08 344.74 0.062
10 484.44 0.059
17 770.59 0.057
0 101.325 0.075
0 10 204.24 0.068
17 323.42 0.065
10 101.325 0.076
17 160.19 0.071
Note: 10 °C nominal frost point listed above is actually 10 °C dew point. Expanded uncertainties at this nominal dew point are also
listed in °C dew point.
Graph 1: The following graph indicates the expanded uncertainties at various saturation pressures. Each
nominal frost/dew point value is shown separately.
10°C DP
0°C DP
DP & FP Uncertainty [°C]
-10°C FP
0.700 -20°C FP
0.600 -30°C FP
-40°C FP
-50°C FP
0.400 -60°C FP
0.300 -70°C FP
0.200 -80°C FP
-90°C FP
-95°C FP
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40
Saturation Temperature [°C]
Graph 2: The following graph indicates the expanded uncertainties at various saturation temperatures.
10°C DP
0°C DP
DP & FP Uncertainty [°C]
-10°C FP
0.700 -20°C FP
0.600 -30°C FP
-40°C FP
-50°C FP
0.400 -60°C FP
0.300 -70°C FP
0.200 -80°C FP
Uncertainty Analysis of the Thunder Scientific Model 3900 “Two-Pressure Two-Temperature” Low Humidity Generator Page 26-90°C
of 29 FP
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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Saturation Pressure [kPa]
Each nominal frost/dew point value is shown separately.
Note that at each frost/dew point value, there is only small variation in the uncertainty at the various
saturation temperature and saturation pressure combinations. In order to obtain uncertainty as a direct
function of frost/dew point temperature, independent of the saturation temperature and pressure
combinations, the average uncertainty value at each nominal frost/dew point value is chosen. The result of
using the rounded average value of expanded uncertainty at each nominal frost/dew point is illustrated in
the following table.
Graph 3: This graph, from the above table, depicts the maximum uncertainty at each of the nominal
frost/dew point temperatures.
DP & FP Uncertainty [°C]
-95 -90 -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10
Frost/Dew Point Temperature [°C]
6 Summary
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Expanded uncertainty of the low humidity generator in terms of dew point and frost point is relatively
constant between +10 and about –75 °C, varying only gradually over that entire range. For values below
approximately –75 °C, the affect of permeation tends to dominate the uncertainty.
It is also worth noting that the uncertainty at any given frost or dew point temperature is relatively constant
regardless of the specific combinations of saturation temperature and saturation pressure. This allows the
system to adequately generate frost or dew point temperatures without much regard for the specific
saturation temperature-pressure combination chosen.
It is also noted that there was no assumed permeation, adsorption and desorption assigned to the RH
Systems 373 chilled mirror comparison instrument. In reality the 373 has some quantifiable bias of
permeation, adsorption and desorption for the very same reasons the 3900 does.
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1. Taylor, Barry N. and Kuyatt, Chris E., Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of
NIST Measurement Results, NIST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edition
2. Wexler, Arnold and Daniels, Raymond, Pressure-Humidity Apparatus, Journal of Research of the
National Bureau of Standards, April 1952, Vol. 48, No. 4, 269-274.
3. Hasagawa, S. and Little, J.W., The NBS Two-Pressure Humidity Generator, Mark 2, Journal of
Research of the National Bureau of Standards – A. Physics and Chemistry, January-February 1977,
Vol. 81A, No. 1, 81-88
4. Wexler, Arnold, Vapor Pressure Formulations for Water in Range 0 to 100 C. A Revision., Journal of
Research of the National Bureau of Standards - A. Physics and Chemistry, September-December 1976,
Vol. 80A, Nos. 5 and 6, 775-785, Equation 15.
5. Greenspan, L., Functional Equations for the Enhancement Factors for CO 2-Free Moist Air, Journal of
Research of the National Bureau of Standards – A. Physics and Chemistry, January-February 1976,
Vol. 80A, No.1, 41-44
6. Kuyatt, Chris, et al., Determining and Reporting Measurement Uncertainties, Recommended Practice
RP-12, National Conference of Standards Laboratories, April 1995
7. Hardy, Bob, ITS-90 Formulations for Vapor Pressure, Frostpoint Temperature, Dewpoint
Temperature, and Enhancement Factors in the range -100 to +100C, Proceedings of the Third
International Symposium on Humidity and Moisture, Teddington, London, England, April 1998
8. Barry N. Taylor and Chris E. Kuyatt, “Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of
NIST Measurement Results”, NIST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edition
9. A. Wexler and R.W. Hyland, “In Thermodynamic properties of dry air, moist air and water and SI
psychrometric charts”, 1983 ASHRAE (Project 216−RP), Table 20.
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