ITSWA-2.Virtue of Knowledge
ITSWA-2.Virtue of Knowledge
ITSWA-2.Virtue of Knowledge
why is it important to know a virtue of something before you embark on that particular thing? For example why
is it important to know the benefits of seeking knowledge before you seeking knowledge
- [ ] For motivation purposes - to overcome difficulties
- [ ] *** sincerity- you will no longer concerned with the insignificant smaller benefits of the dunya because of
the big reward in the sight of Allah.
1. we were created to worship Allah alone - SURAH dhariyat. You can’t worship Allah alone without
knowledge. This universe was created for us to know Allah. The more you know Allah the stronger and more
your worship is
َأ َ ٱلل َّ ُه ٱل َّ ِذى َخل ََق َسبْ َع َس َمـ ٰ َٰو ٍتۢ َو ِم َن ٱلَْأ ْر ِض ِمثْل َُهنَّ يَتَنَز َُّل ٱلَْأ ْم ُر بَيْن َ ُهنَّ لِتَ ْعل َُموٓ ۟ا َأنَّ ٱلل َّ َه
عل َٰى ك ُِّل َش ْى ٍءۢ َق ِد ٌ َأ
َ يرۭ َو نَّ ٱلل َّ َه ق َْد َح
١٢ اط ِبك ُِّل َش ْى ٍء ِعل ًْمۢا
It is Allāh who has created seven heavens and of the earth, the like of them. [His] command descends among
them so you **may know that Allāh** is over all things competent and that Allāh has encompassed all things in
Knowledge is the purpose Allah created the heavens and the earth so you may you know your Lord and worship
him based upon him it. The more yuo know, the stronger the worship is
2. Allah mentioned testimony of people of knowledge alongside His and the angels. What an amazing group to
be mentioned within
3:18 - َش ِه َد ٱلل َّ ُه َأن َُّهۥ ل َآ ِإ ل َـ ٰ َه ِإ لَّا ُه َو َوٱل َْمل َٓـ ِٰئك َ ُة َوُأو۟ل ُوا۟ ٱل ِْعل ْ ِم قَآِئ ًمۢا ِبٱل ْ ِق ْس ِط ۚ ل َآ ِإ ل َـ ٰ َه ِإ لَّا ُه َو
ُ ٱل َْع ِزي ُز ٱل َْح ِك
١٨ يم
Allāh witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels and
those of knowledge
- [ ] Allah mentioned people knowledge and angels and no body else because of their status
- [ ] People of knowledge it’s their knowledge that makes their testimony worthy. It’s based on certainty
58:11 - ۖ حوا۟ يَفْ َس ِح ٱلل َّ ُه لَك ُْم ُ جـٰلِ ِس فَٱف َْس َ حوا۟ ِفى ٱل َْم ُ يل لَك ُْم تَفَ َّس َ امنُوٓا۟ ِإ َذا ِق َ يَ ٓـ َٰأيُّ َها ٱل َّ ِذ
َ ين َء
ٍ ٰ ين ُأوتُوا۟ ٱل ِْعل َْم َد َر َجـ
تۢ ۚ َوٱلل َّ ُه َ امنُوا۟ ِمنك ُْم َوٱل َّ ِذ َ َٱنش ُزوا۟ يَ ْرف َِع ٱلل َّ ُه ٱل َّ ِذ
َ ين َء ُ ٱنش ُزوا۟ ف ُ يل َ َوِإ َذا ِق
ۭ ٌ ُون َخب
ِير َ ِب َما تَ ْع َمل
O believers! When you are told to make room in gatherings, then do so. Allah will make room for you ˹in His
grace˺. And if you are told to rise, then do so. Allah will elevate those of you who are faithful, and ˹raise˺ those
gifted with knowledge in rank. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.
4. easiest path to jannah and it’s reason for everything of the heaven and earth to ask for your forgiveness and
it’s the inheritance of prophet(all of this found in the hadith)
- [ ] Abu dawud 3641-
ال َ اء ُه َر ُج ٌل َف َق َ ت َجا ِل ًسا َم َع َأ ِبي ال َّد ْر َدا ِء ِفي َم ْسجِ ِد ِد َم ْش َق ف
َ َج ُ ْ َال كُن َ ق،ير بْ ِن قَيْ ٍس ِ ع ْن ك َ ِثَ
يث بَل َ َغ ِني ن ََّك ٍ ح ِد َ ول صلى الله عليه وسلم ِل ِ الر ُس َّ يَا بَا ال َّد ْر َدا ِء ِإ نِّي جِ ْئتُ َك ِم ْن َم ِدين َ ِة َأ
ول َ ت َر ُس ُ َال َفِإنِّي َس ِم ْع َ ق. اج ٍة َ ح َ ِت ل ُ ول الل َّ ِه صلى الله عليه وسلم َما جِ ْئ ِ ع ْن َر ُس َ ح ِّدث ُُهَ ُت
يه ِعل ًْما َسل ََك الل َّ ُه ِب ِه َط ِريقًا ِ " َم ْن َسل ََك َط ِريقًا يَ ْطل ُُب ِف ول ُ ُالل َّ ِه صلى الله عليه وسلم يَق
حتَ َها ِر ًضا ِل َطالِ ِب ال ِْعل ْ ِم َوِإ َّن ال َْعالِ َم ل َيَ ْستَ ْغ ِف ُر ل َُه َم ْن َ ِم ْن ُط ُرقِ ال َْجن َّ ِة َوِإ نَّ ال َْمالَِئك َ َة لَتَ َض ُع َأ ْج ِن
عل َى ال َْعا ِب ِد َ ف ال َْما ِء َوِإ َّن ف َْض َل ال َْعالِ ِم ِ ان ِفي َج ْو ُ َات َو َم ْن ِفي اَأل ْر ِض َوال ِْحيت ِ الس َم َو
َّ ِفي
َأل َأل
اء ل َْم َ َاء َو َرثَ ُة ا نْبِيَا ِء َوِإ َّن ا نْبِي َ عل َى َساِئ ِر الْك ََوا ِك ِب َوِإ نَّ ال ُْعل ََم َ كَفَ ْض ِل الْقَ َم ِر ل َيْل َ َة ال ْبَ ْد ِر
" ح ٍّظ َوا ِف ٍر َ ارا َوال َ ِد ْر َه ًما َو َّرثُوا ال ِْعل َْم ف ََم ْن َأ َخ َذ ُه َأ َخ َذ ِب ً َ يُ َو ِّرثُوا ِدين
Narrated Kathir ibn Qays:
Kathir ibn Qays said: I was sitting with AbudDarda' in the mosque of Damascus.
A man came to him and said: AbudDarda, I have come to you from the town of the Messenger of Allah ( )ﷺfor
a tradition that I have heard you relate from the Messenger of Allah ()ﷺ. I have come for no other purpose.
He said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ( )ﷺsay: If anyone travels on the road in search of knowledge, Allah
will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure
with one who seeks knowledge, the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and the fish in the deep waters will
ask forgiveness for the scholar(some narrations even say a student of knowledge) The superiority of the learned
man over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned
are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only knowledge, and he
who takes it takes an abundant portion.
2 reasons on why the scholar is that much better than an Aabid1) The scholar is able to fulfil those worship
properly. Becauseof the dedication, theKhushuu the fear only comes from knowledge. he knows what to do and
what not. The sunnah etc 2) scholar has more benefits to others than an abid.
5. the only people who fear Allah are people with knowledge
- [ ] َال
َ َال ق
َ ق،اب ٍ ع ِن ابْ ِن ِش َه َ ،ع ْن يُون ُ َس َ ،َال َح َّدثَنَا ابْ ُن َو ْه ٍب َ ق،عفَيْ ٍر ُ َح َّدثَنَا َس ِع
ُ يد بْ ُن
ِي صلى الله عليه وسلم َّ ت النَّب ُ ول َس ِم ْع ُ ُخ ِطيبًا يَق
َ ،ت ُم َعا ِويَ َة َّ عبْ ِد
ُ الر ْح َم ِن َس ِم ْع َ ُح َميْ ُد بْ ُن
ين ِّ ول " َم ْن يُ ِر ِد الل َّ ُه ِب ِه َخيْ ًرا يُ َف ِّق ْه ُه ِفي
ِ الد ُ يَ ُق،
- [ ] Fiqh here does not mean shafi hanbali etc but it means understanding all religion
BOOK TO READ about more virtues in seeking knowledge- ibn qayim- miftaar dar as saadah
Side note: The four best in order, Abu bakr, Umar, Uthman Ali. The companions used to say that order tot the
Prophet and he used to agree
Ali radiyallahu anhu said - علِ ُّي بْ ُن َأ ِبي َ َأ َخ َذ: َال َ ق، ع ْن ك َُميْ ِل بْ ِن ِزيَا ٍد الن ََّخ ِع ِّي َ
” يَا: َال َ ثُمَّ ق، ح َر َجل ََس ثُمَّ تَنَف ََّس َأ
َ َفل َ َّما ْص، ان ِ ِ ِ
ِ َّخ َر َجني ِإ ل َى نَاحيَة ال َْجب َأ ِ
ْ َف، َطال ٍب ِبيَدي ِ
ٌف ََعالِم: َّاس ثَالثَ ٌة ُ اها الن َ عَ ُوب َأ ْو ِعيَ ٌة َخيْ ُر َها َأ ْو ُ ال ْ ُقل: ُول ل ََك ُ اح َف ْظ َما َأق ْ ، ك َُميْ ُل بْ ُن ِزيَا ٍد
، يح ٍ ُون َم َع ك ُِّل ِر َ اع ٍق يَ ِميل ِ َ اع ك ُِّل ن ُ َ َأتْب، عٌ عا َ َو َه َم ٌج ِر، جا ٍة َ َ ِيل ن
ِ عل َى َسب َ ٌ َو ُمتَ َعلِّم، َربَّا ِن ُّي
ح ُر ُس َك ْ َ ال ِْعل ُْم ي، ال ِ ال ِْعل ُْم َخيْ ٌر ِم َن ال َْم، يق ٍ َول َْم يَل َْجُأوا ِإ ل َى ُرك ٍْن َو ِث، ور ال ِْعل ْ ِم ِ ُ ل َْم يَ ْستَ ِضيُئوا ِبن
، ٌ ال ِْعل ُْم َحا ِكم، ال تَنْقُ ُص ُه النَّفَقَ ُـة ُ َوال َْم، عل َى ال َْع َم ِل َ ال ِْعل ُْم يَ ْزك ُوا، ح ُر ُس ال َْم َال ْ َت ت َ ْ َوَأن،
تُك ِْسبُ ُه، ان ِب َها ٌ حبَّ ُة ال َْعالِ ِم ِد
ُ ين يَ َد َ َم، ول ِب َز َوالِ ِه ُ ال تَ ُز
ِ يع ُة ال َْمَ َو َص ِن، عل َيْ ِهَ حك ُو ٌم ْ َوال َْم ُال َم
ُ ال ُْعل ََم، ٌال َو ُه ْم َأ ْحيَاء
اء ِ ان اَأل ْم َوُ ات ُخ َّز َ َم، يل اُأل ْح ُدوثَ ِة بَ ْع َد َم ْو ِت ِه َ َو َج ِم، اع َة ِفي َحيَا ِت ِه َ الطَّ
'O Kumail Ibn Ziyad, These hearts are containers, the best of them which hold (memorise,internalize)the most,.
Memorise what I am gonna say to you. People are of three types . There is a scholar who is Rabbani (a scholar
who joins between nurture and tarbiyah).2)A student who is on the path to safety. 3)Comparing them to like
mosquitoes as they are little flies who are buzzing who follow every one who shouts out. Every time the wind
blows they are inclined towards it . They haven't englightened themselves with a light of knowledge. And they
haven't turned to a trustworthy support
O Kumail. Knowledge is better than wealth. Knowledge guards you and you have to guard your wealth.
Knowledge increases through spending, while you give out your wealth it decreaes. Benefit of wealth goes away
once away it's gone, benefit of knowledge will only increase
O Kumail loving the scholar is part of the religion we follow. Knowledge brings about obedience for the
Scholar in his own lifetime and causes him to have good repute after his death, whereas the benefit of wealth
ceases when it passes away(not in passage above). Knowledge is a judge. Wealth is judged upon.
O Kumayl The hoarders of wealth have died even though they are still alive, whereas the Scholars remain for as
long as time remains - their persons are lost, but their examples remain in the hearts.
Here, indeed here - (and he pointed to his chest) - there is knowledge, if only I could find carriers for it
Reported by Abu Nu’aym in Hilyat-l Awliya and Al faqih wal mutafaqih by alqhatib al baqdadi( a def
recommmended read when u understand arabic) - deals with virtue of knowledge and seeking it