Massive MIMO For Maximal Spectral Efficiency
Massive MIMO For Maximal Spectral Efficiency
Massive MIMO For Maximal Spectral Efficiency
Abstract—Massive MIMO is a promising technique to increase per cell, while maintaining robustness to inter-user interfer-
the spectral efficiency (SE) of cellular networks, by deploying ence. The research on massive MIMO has so far focused on
antenna arrays with hundreds or thousands of active elements at establishing the fundamental physical (PHY) layer properties;
the base stations and performing coherent transceiver processing.
A common rule-of-thumb is that these systems should have an in particular, that the acquisition of channel state information
order of magnitude more antennas, M , than scheduled users, (CSI) is limited by the channel coherence block (i.e., the fact
K, because the users’ channels are likely to be near-orthogonal that channel responses are only static in limited time/frequency
arXiv:1412.7102v3 [cs.IT] 20 Oct 2015
when M/K > 10. However, it has not been proved that this rule- blocks) and how this impacts the SEs and the ability to
of-thumb actually maximizes the SE. In this paper, we analyze mitigate inter-cell interference [2], [6], [7]. In addition, the
how the optimal number of scheduled users, K ? , depends on M
and other system parameters. To this end, new SE expressions aggressive multiplexing in massive MIMO has been shown to
are derived to enable efficient system-level analysis with power provide major improvements in the overall energy efficiency
control, arbitrary pilot reuse, and random user locations. The [8]–[11], while [12]–[14] have shown that the hardware im-
value of K ? in the large-M regime is derived in closed form, pairments of practical transceivers have smaller impact on
while simulations are used to show what happens at finite M , in massive MIMO than contemporary systems. In contrast, the
different interference scenarios, with different pilot reuse factors,
and for different processing schemes. Up to half the coherence research community has only briefly touched on the resource
block should be dedicated to pilots and the optimal M/K is less allocation problems in the media access control (MAC) layer
than 10 in many cases of practical relevance. Interestingly, K ? (e.g., user scheduling)—although the truly achievable SEs can
depends strongly on the processing scheme and hence it is unfair only be understood if the PHY and MAC layers are jointly
to compare different schemes using the same K. optimized.
Index Terms—Coordinated multipoint, massive MIMO, multi- The importance of resource allocation for massive MIMO
cell, pilot contamination, spectral efficiency, user scheduling. was described in [15], where initial guidelines were given. A
main insight is that the limited number of orthogonal pilot
I. I NTRODUCTION sequences needs to be allocated intelligently among the UEs
to reduce interference, which can be done by capitalizing on
Cellular communication networks are continuously evolving pathloss differences [16], [17] and spatial correlation [15],
to keep up with the rapidly increasing demand for wireless [18], [19].
data services. Higher area throughput (in bit/s per km2 ) has In this paper, we consider a related resource allocation
traditionally been achieved by a combination of three multi- question: how many UEs should be scheduled per cell to
plicative factors [1]: more frequency spectrum (Hz), higher cell maximize the spectral efficiency? This question has, to the best
density (more cells per km2 ), and higher spectral efficiency of our knowledge, not been answered for multi-cell systems.1
(bit/s/Hz/cell). This paper considers the latter and especially We show how the coherence block length, number of antennas,
the massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) concept, pilot allocation, hardware impairments, and other system pa-
proposed in [2], which has been identified as the key to rameters determine the answer. To this end, we derive new SE
increase the spectral efficiency (SE) by orders of magnitude expressions which are valid for both uplink (UL) and downlink
over contemporary systems [3]–[5]. (DL) transmission, with random user locations and power
The massive MIMO concept is based on equipping base control that yields uniform UE performance. We consider
stations (BSs) with hundreds or thousands of antenna elements both conventional linear processing schemes such as max-
which, unlike conventional cellular technology, are operated imum ratio (MR) combining/transmission and zero-forcing
in a coherent fashion. This can provide unprecedented array (ZF), and a new full-pilot zero-forcing (P-ZF) scheme that
gains and a spatial resolution that allows for multi-user MIMO actively suppresses inter-cell interference in a fully distributed
communication to tens or hundreds of user equipments (UEs) coordinated beamforming fashion. The following are the main
E. Björnson and E. G. Larsson are with Department of Elec-
contributions of each section:
trical Engineering (ISY), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden • Section II presents the UL/DL massive MIMO system
({emil.bjornson,erik.larsson} M. Debbah is with CentraleSupélec,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France ( and with the Mathe-
model, where the unique features are the power control
matical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Huawei, Paris, France. and random UE locations.
This research has received funding from the EU FP7 under ICT-619086 • Section III provides new analytic results for channel
(MAMMOET), from ELLIIT, the Swedish Research Council (VR), and the
ERC Grant 305123 MORE.
estimation with arbitrary pilot signals and new tractable
Part of the material in this paper was presented at the IEEE Global Con-
ference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Atlanta, Georgia, 1 A few results for single-cell systems are available in the literature; for
December 3-5, 2014. example, in [8].
power plk = dl (zρlk ) , where ρ > 0 is a design parameter.4 This interfering signals. This requires, however, some knowledge
power-control policy inverts the average channel attenuation of the UEs’ channels; for example, plk hjlk in the UL, for
dl (zlk ) and has the merit of making the average effective all l and k. Such CSI is typically acquired by pilot signaling,
channel gain the same for all UEs: E{plk khllk k2 } = M ρ. where the UEs send known signals in a predefined manner.
Hence, this policy guarantees a uniform user experience, saves Accurate CSI acquisition is a challenging task in multi-cell
valuable energy at UEs, and avoids near-far blockage where systems, where the transmission resources are reused across
weak signals drown in stronger signals due to the finite cells, because the pilot signals are inevitably affected by inter-
dynamic range of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). cell interference. This so-called pilot contamination limits the
B. Downlink quality of the acquired CSI and the ability to reject inter-cell
interference (unless intricate subspace methods can be used
Building on the UL/DL channel reciprocity in calibrated for decontamination, as suggested in [17]).
TDD systems, the received DL signal zjk ∈ C at UE k in cell
The impact of pilot contamination is usually studied under
j in a frame is modeled as
the assumption that exactly the same pilot signals are used in
XX all cells. In contrast, this section derives the main properties
zjk = hTljk wlm slm + ηjk (3) of massive MIMO systems (with power control) for arbitrary
l∈L m=1 pilot reuse, where each cell might only use a subset of the
where (·)T denotes transpose, slm is the symbol intended for pilots. As shown in Fig. 1, the pilot signals are assumed to
UE m in cell l, wlm ∈ CM is the corresponding precoding span B symbols of each frame, where 1 ≤ B ≤ S.6 Each pilot
vector, and kwlm k2 is the allocated DL transmit power. Any signal can be represented by a deterministic vector v ∈ CB
power control can be considered in the DL since the BS has and the fixed per-symbol power implies that all entries have
access to the estimated CSI. We show later how to select the unit magnitude: |[v]s | = 1, where [·]s denotes the sth element
transmit power to achieve the same SEs in the DL as in the for s ∈ {1, . . . , B}. We assume that all pilot signals originate
UL. The additive noise at UE k in cell j is modeled as ηjk ∼ from a fixed pilot book V, defined as
CN (0, σ 2 ), with the same variance as in the UL.5 (
B, b1 = b2 ,
Remark 1 (Synchronization Issues). The UL/DL system mod- V = {v1 , . . . , vB } where vb1 vb2 =
els in (2) and (3) assume perfect synchronization across all 0, b1 6= b2 ,
cells, as commonly done in the massive MIMO literature;
cf. [2], [6]–[8], [15]. Local synchronization is achievable, where (·)H denotes the conjugate transpose. Hence, the B pilot
for example, using the cyclic prefix in OFDM-based systems, signals form an orthogonal basis and can, for example, be the
but network-wide synchronization is probably infeasible over columns of a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix [24].
large coverage areas. The processing techniques analyzed The pilot signal transmitted by UE k in cell l is denoted by
in this paper can thus be used to suppress the strong in- vilk , where ilk ∈ {1, . . . , B} is the index in the pilot book.
terference between the closest tiers of neighboring cells, By transmitting these pilot signals over B symbols in the UL
while the interference from distant cells is asynchronously system model of (5), the collective received UL signal at BS
received and practically insuppressible. We expect that the j is denoted as Yj ∈ CM ×B and given by
simplified synchronization modeling used here and elsewhere K
has negligible impact on the system performance, since the XX √
Yj = plk hjlk viTlk + Nj , (5)
insuppressible distant interferers are weak as compared to l∈L k=1
(partially suppressed) interference from neighboring cells.
where Nj ∈ CM ×B contains the additive noise at the receiver
III. AVERAGE P ER -C ELL S PECTRAL E FFICIENCY during the pilot signaling.
In this section, we derive and analyze the SE for multi-cell The following lemma derives the minimum mean-squared
systems with random UE positions. error (MMSE) estimator of the effective power-controlled UL
channels, which are defined as heff
jlk = plk hjlk .
A. Pilot-Based Channel Estimation Lemma 1. The MMSE estimate at BS j of the effective power-
BS j can use its multitude of antennas for coherent receive controlled UL channel heff
jlk , for any UE k ∈ {1, . . . , K} in
combining in the UL and transmit precoding in the DL, any cell l ∈ L, is
which can adaptively amplify desired signals and suppress
dj (zlk )
4 The parameter ρ needs to be selected such that UEs at the cell edge do
jlk = Yj (ΨTj )−1 vi∗lk (6)
dl (zlk )
not use more transmit power than their amplifiers can handle or the spectrum
regulations allow. This is not a critical limitation in massive MIMO since high
SEs are provided also at low SNRs (see Fig. 12), but it might be necessary 6 The pilot signals need not be synchronized across the cells as assumed
to occasionally drop severely shadowed UEs from service. herein, but there is little to gain from shifting the pilot signals and UL payload
5 The noise variance is conventionally lower in the UL, due to better data signals between cells; this leads to a mix of deterministic pilots and
hardware characteristics at the BS, but since massive MIMO has an inherent stochastic data signals at each symbol transmission, but the average pilot
robustness to noise amplification [13] it is possible to use handset-like contamination will not change in any substantial way [8, Remark 5]. The
hardware at the BSs. In any case, any disparity in noise power between the UL new full-pilot interference suppression concepts proposed in this paper are
and DL can be absorbed into the transmit powers without loss of generality. also harder to implement in such cases.
where (·)∗ denotes the complex conjugate and the normalized Remark 2 (Mobility and Pilot Sharing). Each UE might have
covariance matrix Ψj ∈ CB×B of the received signal is a different dimension of its coherence block, defined by some
K coherence time T̃c and coherence bandwidth W̃c , depending on
XX dj (z`m ) σ2 the propagation environment and the UE’s mobility. Suppose
Ψj = vi`m viH`m + IB . (7)
d (z )
m=1 ` `m
ρ that T̃c = aTc and W̃c = bWc for a certain UE, where a ≥ 1
and b ≥ 1 since the frame structure was defined to fit into
The estimation error covariance matrix Cjlk ∈ CM ×M is the coherence block of all UEs. Then, τ = bacbbc is the total
given by number of frames that fits into the coherence block of this
n o
Cjlk = E (heff eff eff eff H particular UE, where b·c stands for truncation. If τ > 1, there
jlk − ĥjlk )(hjlk − ĥjlk )
is no need to send pilots in every frame; it is sufficient with
dj (zlk )
dj (zlk ) dl (zlk ) B 1/τ of the frames. Hence, multiple UEs with τ > 1 can share
=ρ 1− P PK dj (z`m ) H IM a pilot signal, without disturbing one another, by using it in
dl (zlk ) σ2
`∈L m=1 d` (z`m ) vilk vi`m + ρ different frames.
and the mean-squared error (MSE) is MSEjlk = tr(Cjlk ).
B. Achievable UL Spectral Efficiencies
Proof: The proof is given in the appendix. The channel estimates in Lemma 1 enable each BS to (semi-
There are two important differences between Lemma 1 )coherently detect the data signals from its UEs. In particular,
and the channel estimators that are conventionally used in we assume that BS j applies a linear receive combining vector
the massive MIMO literature: 1) we estimate the effective gjk ∈ CM to the received signal, as gjk H
yj , to amplify the
channels including the UL power control; and 2) the MMSE signal from its kth UE and reject interference from other UEs
estimator supports arbitrary pilot allocation. in the spatial domain. We want to derive the ergodic achievable
The covariance matrix in (8) reveals the causes of estimation SE for any UE, where codewords span over both the Rayleigh
errors; it depends on the inverse signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), fading and random locations of the interfering UEs—specific
σ 2 /ρ, and on which UEs that use the same pilot signal UE distributions are considered in Section IV. For notational
(i.e., which of the products viHlk vi`m that are non-zero). The convenience, we assume that β = K B
is an integer that we refer
ratio dj (z`m )/d` (z`m ) describes the relative strength of the to as the pilot reuse factor. The cells in L are divided into
interference received at BS j from UE m in cell `; it is almost β ≥ 1 disjoint subsets such that the same K pilot sequences
one for cell-edge UEs of neighboring cells, while it is almost are used within a set, while different pilots are used in different
zero when cell ` is very distant from BS j. sets. We refer to this as non-universal pilot reuse. An explicit
Although Lemma 1 allows for estimation of all channel
example is provided in Section IV for hexagonal cells, while
vectors in the whole cellular network, each BS can only
the result in this section holds for any network topology. The
resolve B different spatial dimensions since there are only
following lemma shows how the SE depends on the receive
B orthogonal pilot signals. To show this explicitly, we define
combining, for Gaussian codebooks where xjk ∼ CN (0, 1).
the M × B matrix
b V,j = Yj (ΨT )−1 [v∗ . . . , v∗ ] Lemma 2. In the UL, an ergodic achievable SE of an arbitrary
H j B (9)
1 UE k in cell j is
using each of the B pilot signals from V. The channel estimate
n o
(ul) (ul)
in (6) for UE k in cell l, which uses the pilot vilk , is parallel ζ 1− E{z} log2 (1 + SINRjk ) [bit/s/Hz]
to the ilk th column of H
b V,j ; more precisely, we have
dj (zlk ) b where the effective signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio
jlk = HV,j eilk (10) (ul)
(SINR), SINRjk , is given in (12) at the top of the page.
dl (zlk )
The expectations E{z} {·} and E{h} {·} are with respect to UE
where ei denotes the ith column of the identity matrix IB .
positions and channel realizations, respectively.
This is the essence of pilot contamination; BSs cannot tell
apart UEs that use the same pilot signal and cannot reject the Proof: By coding over variations in the channel re-
corresponding interference since the estimated channels are alizations {h} and positions {z} of the interfering UEs,
parallel. In some cases (e.g., for slow changes in the user an achievable SE is given by E{z,h} {I(xlk , yj )}, where
scheduling and high spatial channel correlation), statistical I(xlk , yj ) is the mutual information between the transmitted
prior knowledge can be used to partially separate the UEs [18], and received signal in (2) for fixed channel realizations and
but this possibility is not considered herein since we want to UE positions. The lemma follows from computing a lower
develop methods to suppress pilot contamination that can be bound on I(xlk , yj ), similar to [6], [7], [13], [25], [26], by
utilized in any propagation environment. making three limiting assumptions: 1) a Gaussian codebook
is used; 2) the signal component received over the effective Zjl = K, while ZF combining is obtained by GZF = M −K
channel mean E{h} {gjk H
hjjk } is the only desired signal, while and
the interference and the signal component over the remaining
uncorrelated channel gjkH
hjjk − E{h} {gjkH
hjjk } are treated as
K 1 − P jl µ
if l ∈ Lj (β),
noise (i.e., not exploited in the decoding); and 3) the noise ZF
Zjl =
(1) σ2
µj` + Bρ (17)
is taken as worst-case Gaussian distributed in the decoding,
`∈Lj (β)
K if l 6∈ Lj (β).
leading to a further lower bound on the mutual information.
The ergodic achievable SE in Lemma 2, for any UE in The following notation was used:
cell j, is a lower bound on the ergodic capacity, which is ω
unknown for general multi-cell networks. Similar bounds are (ω) dj (zlm )
µjl = Ezlm for ω = 1, 2. (18)
found in [6]–[8] and the bounding technique interacts with dl (zlm )
the Rayleigh fading, which is why its expectations end up
inside the logarithm while the user positions are averaged at Proof: The proof is given in the appendix.
the outside. To compute these expectations we need to specify The closed-form SE expressions in Theorem 1 are lower
the receive combining. The combining schemes for massive bounds on the ergodic capacity and slightly more conservative
MIMO can have either passive or active interference rejection. than the non-closed-form bound in Lemma 2; see Section
The canonical example of passive rejection is maximum ratio IV-B for a numerical comparison. We stress that the closed-
(MR) combining, defined as form SEs are only functions of the pilot allocation and the
(1) (2)
MR b V,j ei = ĥeff , propagation parameters µjl and µjl defined in (18). The
gjk =H jjk (13)
latter two are the average ratio between the channel variance to
which maximizes the gain of the desired signal and relies on BS j and the channel variance to BS l, for an arbitrary UE in
that interfering signals are rejected automatically since the co- cell l, and the second-order moment of this ratio, respectively.
user channels are quasi-orthogonal to ĥeff
jjk when M is large.
7 These parameters are equal to 1 for j = l and otherwise go to
In contrast, active rejection is achieved by making the zero as the distance between BS j and cell l increases. The SE
receive combining as orthogonal to the interfering channels as expression manifests the importance of pilot allocation, since
possible. This is conventionally achieved by zero-forcing (ZF) the interference term in (16) contains summations that only
combining, where the combining is selected to orthogonalize consider the cells that use the same pilots as cell j.
the K intra-cell channels: The first term in (16) describes the pilot contamination,
ZF b V,j Ej EH HbH H
−1 while the second term is the inter-user interference. The
gjk =H j V,j V,j Ej
b eijk , (14)
difference between MR and ZF is that the latter scheme
where Ej = [eij1 . . . eijK ] ∈ CB×K and all the UEs in cell j cancels some interference through Zjl , at the price of
are required to use different pilots. reducing the array gain G from M to M − K.
The next theorem provides closed-form expressions for the ZF combining only actively suppresses intra-cell interfer-
per-cell SEs with MR and ZF. ence, while the inter-cell interference is passively suppressed
just as in MR combining. Further interference rejection can
Theorem 1. Let Lj (β) ⊂ L be the subset of cells that uses
be achieved by coordinating the combining across cells, such
the same pilots as cell j. In the UL, an achievable SE in cell
that both intra-cell and inter-cell interference are actively
j is
! suppressed by the receive combining. We propose a new full-
(ul) (ul) B 1 pilot zero-forcing (P-ZF) combining, defined as
SEj = Kζ 1− log2 1 + scheme [bit/s/Hz/cell]
S Ij −1
(15) gjk =H
b V,j H
V,j V,j
b eijk . (19)
where the interference term
2 In contrast to the conventional ZF in (14), which only orthog-
(2) (1)
X (2) µjl − µjl onalize the K intra-cell channels in H b V,j Ej , P-ZF exploits
Ijscheme = µjl +
G scheme that all the B estimated channel directions in H b V,j are known
l∈Lj (β)\{j} at BS j and orthogonalizes all these directions to also mitigate
! parts of the inter-cell interference; a similar downlink concept
(1) scheme 2 (1) 2
σ σ
was proposed in [15]. The cost is a loss in array gain of B,
µjl Zjl + ρ µj` + Bρ
l∈L `∈Lj (β) instead of K as with conventional ZF. There is no signaling
+ (16)
Gscheme between BSs in this coordinated multipoint (CoMP) scheme—
depends on the receive combining scheme through Gscheme BS j estimates H b V,j from the UL pilot signaling—and thus
and Zjl . MR combining is obtained by GMR = M and the P-ZF scheme is fully distributed and scalable. Achievable
SEs with P-ZF are given by the following theorem.
7 With quasi-orthogonality we mean that two vectors a, b ∈ CM satisfy
aH b
→ 0 as M → ∞, although aH b will
Theorem 2. Let Ll (β) ⊂ L be the subset of cells that uses
M √ not converge to zero and the same pilots as cell l. In the UL, an achievable SE in cell
might even go to infinity, e.g., proportionally to M as with Rayleigh fading
channel vectors. j with P-ZF combining is given by (15) for GP-ZF = M − B
and policy {qjk }, with
qjk =
pjk , for which
(1) j∈Lk=1 j∈Lk=1
Zjl 1 −
=K . (20) (dl) (ul)
P (1) σ2 SINRjk = SINRjk (24)
µj` + Bρ
`∈Ll (β) scheme
by using ǧjk = gjk for all j and k. Consequently, an
Proof: The proof is given in the appendix. achievable SE in the DL of cell j is
The SE expressions were derived assuming that M and K !
(dl) (dl) B 1
are the same in all cells, for notational brevity. However, the SEj = Kζ 1− log2 1 + scheme [bit/s/Hz/cell]
S Ij
results in this section are straightforward to extend to cell-
specific M and K values.
where the interference term Ijscheme is the same as in the UL
(for MR, ZF, or P-ZF).
C. Achievable DL Spectral Efficiencies Proof: The proof is given in the appendix.
The channel estimates from Lemma 1 are also used for This theorem shows that the SINRs that are achieved in
linear precoding in the DL, where the M channel inputs are the UL are also achievable in the DL, by selecting the
utilized to make each data signal add up (semi-)coherently at power control coefficients {qjk } properly. The total transmit
its desired UE and to suppress the interference caused to other power is the same, but is allocated differently over the UEs.
UEs. Recall from (3) that wjk ∈ CM is the precoding vector This is a consequence of the uplink-downlink duality [28],
associated with UE k in cell j. We express these precoding conventionally considered for single-cell systems with perfect
vectors as CSI, which is applicable also in our general multi-cell massive
wjk = ǧ∗ (21) MIMO setup with estimated CSI. The exact expression for
E{h} {kǧjk k2 } jk the power control coefficients is only given in the proof, since
the main purpose of Theorem 3 is the fact that equal UL/DL
where the average transmit power qjk ≥ 0 is a function of the
performance is possible, which allows for joint analysis in
UE positions, but not the instantaneous channel realizations.
what follows.
The vector ǧjk ∈ CM defines the spatial directivity of the
Motivated by Theorem 3, this paper considers three types
transmission and is based on the acquired CSI; the normaliza-
of linear precoding vectors: MR precoding which amplifies
tion with the average squared norm E{h} {kǧjk k2 } gives the MR
the desired signal by setting ǧjk = gjk ; ZF precoding that
analytic tractability that enables the following results.8 ZF
actively rejects intra-cell interference by setting ǧjk = gjk ;
Lemma 3. In the DL, an ergodic achievable SE of an arbitrary and P-ZF precoding that actively rejects both intra- and inter-
UE k in cell j is cell interference by setting ǧjk = gjk . We stress that P-
ZF precoding is a fully distributed coordinated beamforming
B n
ζ (dl) 1 − E{z} log2 (1 + SINRjk ) [bit/s/Hz] scheme tailored to massive MIMO systems, since each BS
S only uses locally estimated CSI.
with the effective SINR, SINRjk , given by
D. Finite and Asymptotic Analysis
|E {ǧjk hjjk }|2
qjk E{h} 2
{h} {kǧjk k }
Based on Theorems 1–3, the sum of the per-cell achievable
. SEs in the UL and DL are given by the following corollary.
H h
|E{h} {ǧjk 2
jjk }|
H h
E{h} {|ǧlm 2
ljk | }
qlm E{h} {kǧlm k2 } − qjk E{h} {kǧjk k2 } + σ2 Corollary 1. Looking jointly at the UL and DL, an achievable
(23) SE in cell j is
(ul) (dl)
Proof: This follows from the same procedures as the SEj = SEj + SEj
proof of Lemma 2. !
B 1
Note that Lemma 3 takes into account the fact that each UE =K 1− log2 1+ [bit/s/Hz/cell]
only knows the expectations in (23) and not the instantaneous
S Ijscheme
channels (see [6, Theorem 1] for more details). where the interference term Ijscheme for UE k is given Theorem
The precoding can be designed in a variety of ways. The 1 for MR and ZF and in Theorem 2 for P-ZF. This SE can be
next theorem shows that there is a strong connection between divided between the UL and DL arbitrarily using any positive
transmit precoding in the DL and receive combining in the fractions ζ (ul) and ζ (dl) , with ζ (ul) + ζ (dl) = 1.
This is a convenient result that allows us to analyze and
Theorem 3. Let {gjk } be the set of receive combining optimize the SE of the network as a whole, without having
vectors used in the UL. Then, there exist a DL power control to separate the UL and DL. Since it is hard to gain further
8 Conventionally, the power is normalized by kǧ k2 instead of
insights from the structure of the SE expression in (26), we
jk analyze it for a particular network topology in Section IV. In
E{h} {kǧjk k2 } in multi-user MIMO systems [27], but the difference is small
in massive MIMO since |E{h} {kǧjk k2 } − kǧjk k2 |/M → 0 as M → ∞, the remainder of this section, we consider the limit of a large
for most precoding schemes. number of antennas.
the cells. However, inspired by [15], we consider pilot books
50 points
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Number of BS Antennas (M) Number of BS Antennas (M )
200 60
Optimal Number of Scheduled UEs (K)
(b) Corresponding optimal number of UEs: K ? . (b) Corresponding optimal number of UEs: K ? .
Fig. 5: Simulation of optimized SE, as a function of M , with Fig. 6: Simulation of optimized SE, as a function of M , with
best-case inter-cell interference. worst-case inter-cell interference.
in each cell. Results for the average case are shown in Fig. 4, they are achieved; that is, which number of UEs K ? and which
the best case in Fig. 5, and the worst case in Fig. 6. The pilot reuse factor β that are used. The general behavior is that
optimized SE and the corresponding K ? are shown in (a) and larger M implies a higher K ? and a smaller β, because the
(b), respectively. channels become more orthogonal with M . Since the reuse
factor is an integer, K ? changes non-continuously when β
The achievable SEs (per cell) are very different between the
is changed; smaller β allows for larger K ? , and vice versa.
best case interference and the two other cases—this confirms
MR schedules the largest number of UEs and switches to a
the fact that results from single-cell analysis of massive MIMO
smaller reuse factor at fewer antennas than the other schemes.
is often not applicable to multi-cell cases (and vice versa). ZF
In contrast, P-ZF schedules the smallest number of UEs and
brings much higher SEs than MR under the best case inter-
has the highest preference of large reuse factors, since this it
cell interference, since then the potential gain from mitigating
can suppress more inter-cell interference in these cases. Simply
intra-cell interference is very high. P-ZF is equivalent to ZF in
speaking, MR gives low per-user SEs to many UEs (sometimes
the best case, but excels under worst case inter-cell interference
more than M ), while ZF and P-ZF give higher per-user SEs
since it can actively suppress also inter-cell interference. In
to fewer UEs.
the realistic average case, the optimized SEs are rather similar S
Recall from Corollary 3 that K = 2β becomes the optimal
for MR, ZF, and P-ZF; particularly in the practical range of
number of UEs as M → ∞. This property is confirmed by
10 ≤ M ≤ 200 antennas. In all cases, the largest differences
Figs. 4–6, since K ? → 67 in the average case (where β = 3),
appear when the number of antennas is very large (notice the
K ? → 200 in the best case (where β = 1), and K ? → 50 in
logarithmic M -scales). At least M = 105 is needed to come
the worst case (where β = 4).
close to the asymptotic limit in (29), which was proved by
Corollary 3, and many more antennas are required under best
case interference. Clearly, the asymptotic limits should not B. Impact of System Parameters
be used as performance indicators since unrealistically many We now focus on the average case of inter-cell interference,
antennas are needed for convergence. due to its practical relevance, and investigate how each system
As seen from Figs. 4–6, the main difference between MR, parameter affects the simulation results. We focus on the range
ZF, and P-ZF is not the values of the optimized SE but how 10 ≤ M ≤ 1000 antennas, and when other system parameters
80 180
Spectral Efficiency (SE) [bit/s/Hz/cell]
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Number of BS Antennas (M) Number of BS Antennas (M )
Fig. 7: Per-cell SE for K = 10. The lines are based on Fig. 8: Impact of changing the pilot reuse factor β, for a system
Theorems 1 and 2 while the markers are computed numerically optimized for high per-cell SE.
from Lemma 2.
14 300
10x more antennas than UEs
6 Pilot reuse:
β=3 100 M = 500
Pilot reuse:
β=1 50
M = 100
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Number of BS Antennas (M) Coherence Block Length (S)
Fig. 10: Number of BS antennas per UE with different Fig. 13: Per-cell SE as a function of the coherence block length
processing schemes, for a system optimized for high per-cell S.
Spectral Efficiency (SE) [bit/s/Hz/cell]
The analytic and numeric analysis in the previous sections
100 have focused on cellular networks where the BSs and UEs are
M = 500 equipped with ideal transceiver hardware, which can radiate
P−ZF any waveform without distortions and which can receive
60 ZF any waveform with infinite resolution. However, practical
M = 100 transceivers inevitably operate with non-linearities in ampli-
fiers, clock drifts in local oscillators, finite-precision ADCs,
20 I/Q imbalance in mixers, and non-ideal analog filters [33]–
[36]. In this section, we provide a prediction of how these
0 50 100 150 200 hardware impairments affect the achievable SEs in multi-cell
Number of UEs (K)
massive MIMO systems. We notice that it was recently shown
Fig. 11: Achievable per-cell SE as a function of the number in [12], using impairments models developed and evaluated
of scheduled UEs. in [33]–[35], that the hardware impairments caused by the
BS array are negligible in massive MIMO systems, since the
desired signals are amplified by the array gain from coherent
Spectral Efficiency (SE) [bit/s/Hz/cell]
0 ≤ ≤ 0.17 [37]. Based on these generalized system models,
Generally speaking, high per-cell SEs are achieved by matrix Cjlk is given by
scheduling many UEs for simultaneous transmission, while
dj (zlk )
the SE per UE might only be 1–4 bit/s/Hz. P-ZF gives the ρ IM − E{h} {heff
jlk vec(Yj ) }
(ul) 1
SINRjk = d (z )
dj (zlm ) H
K 2 viH vilm ρ dj (z lm) 1−AZF −1
jl dl (zlm ) vilm Ψj vilm
P P dj (zlm ) σ2
dl (zlm )
B + l lm
H −1
(M −K)ρvi Ψj vijk
−1+ (M −K)ρviH Ψ−1
l∈Lm=1 jk j vijk
(ul) 1
SINRjk = d (z )
d (z )
K 2 viH vilm ρ dj (z lm) 1− dj (z lm) viH Ψ−1 j vilm
P P dj (zlm ) σ2
dl (zlm )
B + l lm l lm
(M −B)ρviH Ψ−1
−1+ (M −B)ρviH Ψ−1
l∈Lm=1 jk j j vijk
2 H
vijk vilm
The expectations in (12) with respect to the channel real- P-ZF H dj (zlm )
plm E{h} {|(gjk ) hjlm |2 } =
izations for ZF combining are dl (zlm ) B
dj (zlm ) dj (zlm ) H −1
1 ρ dl (zlm ) 1 − dl (zlm ) vilm Ψj vilm
ZF 2
E{h} {kgjk k }= (46) + (53)
(M − K)ρviHjk Ψ−1
j vijk (M − B)ρviHjk Ψ−1 j vijk
pjk |E{h} {(gjk ) hjjk }|2 = 1 (47) by following the procedures used for ZF. Using (51)–(53),
we obtain the expression (54) at the top of the page for P-ZF.
The final expression is obtained by considering an achievable
2 H 1 1
vijk vilm lower bound E{z} {log2 (1 + f (z) )} ≥ log2 (1 + E{z} {f (z)} )
ZF H dj (zlm )
plm E{h} {|(gjk ) hjlm |2 } =
dl (zlm ) B using Jensen’s inequality, similar to the ZF case in Theorem1.
dj (zlm ) ZF dj (zlm ) H −1
ρ dl (zlm ) 1 − Ajl dl (zlm ) vilm Ψj vilm Proof of Theorem 3: Suppose that γjk = SINRjk is the
+ (48) UL SINR value achieved by UE k in cell j for a given receive
(M − K)ρviHjk Ψ−1 j vijk
combining scheme. The goal of the proof is to show that we
with AZF = 1 if l ∈ Lj (β) and zero otherwise, where can also achieve γjk = SINRjk for the DL SINR in (23).
(46) follows from the definition of ZF and by utilizing well- This condition can also be expressed as
known properties of Wishart matrices (see e.g., [8, Proof γjk E{h} {kǧjk k2 }
of Proposition 2]) and (47) is a consequence of the ZF |E{h} {ǧjk
hjjk }|2
principle. The first term in (48) follows from (47) whenever qjk
viHjk vilm 6= 0 (i.e., when the same pilot signal is used). = K
H h
|E{h} {ǧjk 2
jjk }|
H h
{|ǧlm 2
E ljk | }
qlm {h}
The second term is the product between E{h} {kgjk ZF 2
k } and E{h} {kǧlm k2 } − qjk E{h} {kǧ 2
jk k }
+ σ2
the variance of the estimation error of the effective channel (55)
plm hjlm if AZF
jl 6= 0 (i.e., if the UE is in a cell l ∈ Lj (β))
√ We define the K|L|×K|L| block matrix Ψ, where each block
or the original variance of plm hjlm if AZF jl = 0. Using
(46)–(48), we obtain the expression (49) at the of the page for is K × K and the (j, l)th block is denoted Ψjl . Its (k, m)th
ZF. Finally, the achievable SE in the theorem is obtained by element is given by
using Jensen’s inequality in the same way as for MR, where [Ψjl ]k,m
the expectation in (43)–(45) reappear along with
H 2
E{h} {|ǧlm hljk2| } − |E{h} {ǧjk hjjk }|2
E{h} {kǧlm k } E{h} {kǧjk k2 } if k = m, j = l,
= E {|ǧH h |2 }
vilm Ψ−1
( 2 H )
{h} lm ljk2
dj (zlm ) j vilm E{h} {kǧlm k } otherwise.
E{z} −
dl (zlm ) viHjk Ψ−1j vijk
P (1)
µj` + Bρ σ 2
(50) Moreover, we define the K|L| × K|L| block diagonal matrix
(1) `∈Lj (β) D, where the jth K × K block is Dj and its kth diagonal
≤ −(µjl )2 P (1) , element is
µj` + Bρ γjk E{h} {kǧjk k2 }
`∈Ll (β) [Dj ]k,k = . (57)
|E{h} {ǧjk
hjjk }|2
where the inequality is once again from Jensen’s inequality. Using this notation, (55) can be expressed as
Proof of Theorem 2: Similar to the proof of Theorem 1, qjk
[Dj ]k,k = K
for P-ZF we obtain P P
qlm [Ψjl ]k,m + σ 2
P-ZF 2 1 (58)
E{h} {kgjk k }= (51) K
(M − B)ρviHjk Ψ−1
j vijk
⇔ [Dj ]k,k σ = qjk − qlm [Dj ]k,k [Ψjl ]k,m .
l∈L m=1
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2 2 2 2 2 E{|n| } + E{|s|2 } − (1 − 2 )|E{s}|2
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