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Aquaculture Spectrum 31 Murrel Farming in Silpaulin Lined Ponds

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Aquaculture Spectrum 31 Murrel farming in Silpaulin lined ponds

Article · January 2022


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2 authors:

Aswathy Thekkandathil Arun Das

Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean studies

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Murrel farming in Silpaulin lined ponds Success story of a farmer from Thrissur, Kerala View project

The growth performance of red cap Oranda type Gold fish (Carassius auratus auratus) in a small scale biofloc system View project

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Murrel farming in
Silpaulin lined ponds
Success story of a farmer from Thrissur, Kerala
Arundas N H and Aswathy T
B.F.Sc students, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi
Corresponding author: arund1999@gmail.com

Introduction considered as a high valued fish, selling at a minimum

price of around Rs. 350 - 400/Kg in most markets of
Murrels, commonly called as Snakeheads are a group of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, West
predatory fish belonging to the family Channidae. They Bengal, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.
are widely distributed in the tropical regions of Asia
and are well known for their hardiness and adaptability Snakehead farming in India
to different culture conditions. Possessing supra
branchial accessory respiratory organs, Snakeheads Murrels have long been commercially farmed in
can survive in waters with low dissolved oxygen levels. countries such as Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines
These fish are highly preferred by consumers all over and Bangladesh. In India, though we also have
the Asian subcontinent due to its unique taste, firm natural populations of different fast-growing species of
texture of meat, very few intramuscular spines and snakehead such as Channa striata, Channa micropeltes
in some cases for their medicinal value. In India, it is and Channa diplogramma, fish farmers, until recently

Murrels or Snakeheads – One of the most

popular fish among seafood consumers

VOL 4 ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2021 Aquaculture Spectrum 31

were not familiar with murrel culture due to lack of farming Snakehead fish in Silpaulin lined ponds and
breeding, feeding and culture techniques. Farmers were to popularize this technology across Kerala. Binoj is an
also wary of venturing into culture of these fish as they experienced farmer who usually carries out farming
were carnivorous and displayed cannibalistic behavior. of Tilapia and Koi Carp. However, we convinced him
However, over the last 3 - 4 years, aquaculture of to start murrel farming in view of the very low profit
Snakehead fish is gradually gaining in popularity owing margins presently being obtained for Tilapia in Kerala.
to its high price and market potential. Farmers initially This was therefore his first farming trial with Snakehead
experimented with wild caught seeds but presently, fish and it commenced in May 2021. Having his own
a handful of commercial hatcheries have emerged in Silpaulin sheet factory, Binoj created a lined pond
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala that cater to (Silpaulin 550 GSM thickness) with an area of 606m2
the seed requirements of farmers. India now, also has and a depth of 2m (water volume - 1200T). A 45o
quite a few feed mills that already are/capable of slope was provided from the edge of the pond bottom
producing feeds suitable for snakehead hatcheries as to the centre to facilitate accumulation and easy
well as farms. This article narrates the success achieved removal of sludge and water which was carried out
in farming of Snakehead in Silpaulin (cross laminated by means of a 4” PVC pipe drilled with several 2mm
plastic film) lined pond in Kerala. holes. We provided the required technical support in
water quality, feed and animal health management
Murrel farming in Silpaulin lined throughout the crop.
Seed stocking
This collaborative farming project was carried out
by us (the authors) with Mr. Binoj, a farmer and Fingerlings of the local murrel species Channa striata
entrepreneur from Chalakudy in Thrissur district of measuring 2 inches length that were already weaned to
Kerala, with a view to demonstrate the potential of pellet feed were procured from the hatchery of

A view of Binoj’s Silpaulin lined pond at Chalakudy

VOL 4 ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2021 Aquaculture Spectrum 32

Snakehead fingerlings ready for stocking in the open pond

M/s. Rosen Fisheries, Thrissur and released into 3 nylon Water Quality Management and
hapas (dimensions - 6 feet x 4 feet x 4 feet) with 2P Aeration
mesh (1 cm) size. After about a month of rearing, these
fish were graded and about 3000 nos. of uniform size Well water was used for the crop and the water quality
(approx. 6 inches) fish were released into the open parameters recorded throughout the crop were in the
pond. following range.

Feeding Salinity 0 ppt

Commercial feeds specially formulated for Snakehead Temperature 27 - 29oC

fish (Skretting and Unomei) with 40% Crude Protein
pH 7.0 – 8.6
were used throughout the crop. Initially feeding was
provided at 8 - 10% of the biomass and subsequently Alkalinity Around 120 ppm
adjusted every week after sampling. Feeding was
provided 4 times a day (6.00 - 7.00 am, 12.00 - 1.00pm, Dissolved oxygen 4.5 – 8.0 ppm
4.00 - 5.00 pm and 8.00 - 9.00 pm). After about 1 Ammonia < 0.5 ppm
month of culture, feeding rate was brought down to
around 5% of the biomass. Nitrites Mostly 0 ppm

Murrels display territoriality and therefore feeding

One paddle wheel aerator (2HP) was installed in one
should be provided at different areas in the ponds
corner of the pond for maintenance of DO levels and
to facilitate feeding of fish that are not a part of the
to facilitate the movement of sludge to the centre of
group that feed regularly from one corner where most
the pond from where it could easily be drained out.
fish generally come for feeding. 60% of the total daily
Around 10% water exchange was carried out on a daily
feed was broadcast in the regular feeding area and
basis and whenever needed, around 25% exchange
the balance 40% was broadcast across the remaining
was also done. The water removed from the ponds were
pond area. A barrier net of 60cm height was provided
utilized for agriculture (Red spinach farm and banana
all around the pond to prevent the escape of fish from
plantation). No probiotics or chemicals were used for
the pond. Mature murrels can jump to a height of upto
the entire duration of the crop.

VOL 4 ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2021 Aquaculture Spectrum 35

The final lot of fish being harvested from
Binoj’s Silpaulin lined ponds

grams. The total feed used for the crop was

1913.6 Kgs and the FCR (Feed Conversion
Ratio) obtained was 1.22. While the price
of Skretting feed ranged between Rs. 125
and Rs. 168/Kg, the price of Unomei feeds
which was used towards the latter part of
the crop was Rs. 100/Kg.
The marketing channel for the sale of the
fish were identified through social media
platforms of Facebook and WhatsApp
Farmer Binoj during the harvest of Snakehead fish from his pond groups by providing sufficient advertising.
The fish were mostly sold live to all the
buyers. Based on the orders obtained, the
Harvest details
necessary quantities were removed from
The pond was harvested after a grow-out culture duration of 5 the culture pond and placed in hapas in a
months. Around 1556 Kg of fish with an average size of 560 separate pond till the buyers arrived. The
grams were harvested and the survival rate recorded was 92%. average price realized was Rs. 348.47/Kg
The individual weight of fish ranged between 140 grams and 1100 for the harvested stocks.

VOL 4 ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2021 Aquaculture Spectrum 36

Crop Economics
Feed accounted for close to 79% of the total input
costs for the crop. The details are provided in the table
Crop Input Unit cost (Rs.) Total Costs (Rs.)
Seed (3000 nos.) 10.00 30,000
Feed (1913.6 Kg) 140.55 2,68,965
Power 10,000
Other operating and
Harvesting costs
Total 3,38,965 The authors Arundas N H and Aswathy T

The price realized per Kg of fish was Rs. 348.47 total capital cost incurred towards pond lining, aerator
whereas the cost of production on operating cost was and other infrastructure facilities.
Rs. 217.80/Kg. The total amount realized through fish
sale was Rs. 5,42,220/- and the net profit earned was This culture demonstrates that farming of Snakehead
Rs. 2,03,255. The profits can be enhanced if two crops can be done profitably in Silpaulin lined ponds and is a
are taken each year. Around Rs. 5.60 Lakhs was the promising system of aquaculture suitable for Kerala.


Royalcaviar, Biospheres, Vitellus, Artemia,

MEM, Royaloyster, Royal Pepper Protein,
Royalseafoods, MPEX Black, Bactosafe.

Head - Marketing
Ph: 044 48502080, Mob: +91 9445284090, 9440284090
Email: arunachalaaqua@gmail.com
VOL 4 ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2021 Aquaculture Spectrum 37
No. 374, 30th street, 6th sector, K.K.Nagar,
Chennai- 600078, Tamil Nadu, India
www.aquaculturespectrum.com ISSN 2581-7892

Volume 4, Issue No.12 | December 2021


Need for Recirculating

Aquaculture Systems
(RAS) in India

Page 12

Utilization of seaweed
as a food source
Page 23

Aquatic health tips from

Amerneni Ravi Kumar -
White Spot Syndrome
Virus (WSSV)
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- Page 12

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