Unearthing Potential !
4. Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency | ZIMBABWE PROJECTS BROCHURE RETURN TO CONTENTS
Unearthing Potential !
Agriculture and Food Processing
Sector: Agriculture
Unearthing Potential !
Project location:
Lead Agency/ Project Promoter: Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries Climate and Rural Resettlement (MLAW-
Contact Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement
Actions Required/ Implementation • Loan, Supply Contracts (or Both)
Arrangements/ Contract Type: • Private Enterprises / Joint Venture
Project location: Lower west bank of Sabi opposite ARDA Chisumbanje Estate, in Chiredzi District of
Masvingo Province
Lead Agency/ Project Promoter: Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (ARDA)
Contact: Agricultural and Rural Development Authority
Land development
• Develop 20,000 Ha under management of ARDA
• 20,000 under out-grower scheme management
Irrigation Development
• Construction of Kondo Dam and night storage dams
• Pumping units and in-field canal systems for gravitational flood irrigation system
Seed Propagation and establishment of new plantations:
• Sourcing of 1,000 ha seed material from local and regional markets and established
over 6 months
• Transplanting after month 9 at a rate of 300 ha per month for next 10 years
Mechanization of 50% field operations:
• Mechanized planting
• Mechanized harvesting
Establish Plant Sugar-Ethanol Plant:
• Develop a flexi-technology for varying proportions of sugar and ethanol production
Electricity generation:
• Establish a thermal power plant using sugarcane by-product to heat water, turn
turbines and generate electricity
Project location: Middle Sabi West Bank in Chipinge District, Manicaland Province
Lead Agency/ Project Promoter: Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (ARDA)
Contact: Agricultural and Rural Development Authority
Actions Required/ Implementation
Loan financing/ Build-Own-Transfer (BOT)
Arrangements/ Contract Type:
Investment Required USD 350 million
Agriculture and Food Processing
Sector: Water
Unearthing Potential !
Technical Details:
• Maximum dam height: 36.5m
• Maximum water depth: 31m
• Live Storage: 18.26x106m3
• 10%Yield: 15x106m3/ann
Technical Details:
• Full SupplyCapacity: 33 x 106 m3
• 10% Yield: 22 x 106 m3
• Crest Length: 380m
• Length of spillway: 180m
Project location: Gwanda and Gwaranyemba Communal Lands in Matabeleland South Province
Lead Agency/ Project Promoter: Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA)
Actions Required/ Implementation
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Arrangements/ Contract Type:
Investment Required USD 38 million
The project entails the construction of a zoned earth fill dam on the Dande River and a
7.3km tunnel. The dam is 300m long with a crest width of 8m and of maximum height
of 45m. There will be two saddle dams on the right bank of the main dam wall. The out-
let works comprise an intake structure, a 1.5m diameter full pressure concrete conduit,
a gate and control valve house and 1.5m wide free flow ‘D’ tunnel.
Technical Details:
• Full supply: 160x106 m³
• 10% yield : 59.3x106 m³
• Crest length: 300m
• Length of spillway: 200m
• Length of tunnel: 7.3km
• Diameter of tunnel: 1.7m
Project location: Gwanda and Gwaranyemba Communal Lands in Matabeleland South Province.
Lead Agency/ Project Promoter: Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA)
Actions Required/ Implementation
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Arrangements/ Contract Type:
Investment Required USD 83 million
The project purpose is to supply water to Chivhu Town and irrigation to the surrounding
Technical Details:
• Full supplycapacity: 100 x 106 m³
• 10% yield: 50 x 106 m³
• Crest length: 1,248.0m
• Embankmentvolume: 2,282,300 m³
• Number of saddledams: 3
• Length of spillway: 150m
The project purpose is to supply water to Bindura Town, Trojan Nickel Mine, Freda
Rebecca Mine, surrounding small mines, and commercial and small-scale farmers near
Technical Details:
• Full supplycapacity: 22.87 x 106m3
• 10% yield : 14 x 106m3
• Spillwaycapacity: 1,031 m3/s
• Maximum dam height: 36.5m
• Maximum water depth: 31m
The project purpose is to supply water and irrigation for the City of Chipinge, farmers,
institutions and communities in the Chipinge area.
Technical Details:
• Full supplylevel: 947.00m
• High flood level: 953.12m
• Maximum dam height: 72.70m
• Total storage: 1551.4 x 106m3
• Dead storage: 60.0 x 106m3
• 10% yield: 380x106 m3/annum
• Crest width: 8m
• Crest length: 860m
The project purpose is to supply water and irrigation for farmers in the Sanyati, Copper Queen,
Chenjerai and Lower Gokwe Communal Areas
The total earthworks volume is estimated at 900,000m3. The project also includes
putting in place 30,000m3 of concrete, while the water storage capacity will be 25m3.
Project location: Midlands (UTM grid ref. is RJ015212 on Map No. 1929D2)
Lead Agency/ Project Promoter: Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA)
Actions Required/ Implementation
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Arrangements/ Contract Type:
Estimated Cost of the Project: USD 70 million
Technical Details:
• Full supply level: 1028.00m
• Full supply capacity: 195 x 106m3
• Storage ratio: 1.48 (M.A.R)
• High flood level: 1033.76m
• Live capacity : 184.66 x 106m3
• Dead storage: 1.8 x 106m3
• 4% yield: 17.7 x 106m3/annum
• 10% yield: 27.30 x 106 m3/ann
• Surface area at F.S.L 3264 ha
• Ogeecrestspillwaylength: 200m
The project purpose is to supply water and irrigation to the City of Bulawayo,
Tsholotsho Growth Point and rural communities near the dam.
Technical Details:
• Full supplycapacity: 98,000ML
• 10% yield : 31,600ML
• Maximum dam height: 31.50m
• Crest length: 2,115m
• Total volume of materials: 1.684X106m3
The project purpose is to supply water and irrigation toChegutu town, Mubayira Growth
Point and commercial farming areas around Beatrice.
Technical Details:
• Full supplycapacity: 75.316x106m3
• 4% yield: 22.383x106m3
• Maximum dam height : 22.84m
• Crest length: 3.91km
• Volume of materials: 1,694,460m3
Technical Details:
• Full supply capacity: 273 x 106m3
• 10% yield: 136.5 x 106m3
• Maximum dam height: 48.3m
• Crest length: 1,250.0m
• Volume of material: 5,850,000.0m3
The project purpose is supply water to irrigate 10,000ha in the Chesa small-scale
farming area and Kandeya Communal lands of Mount Darwin. Crops that thrive in this
area are cotton, sugar cane, citrus, wheat, potatoes, maize, sugar beans and tomatoes.
Technical Details:
• Total capacity: 126.0x106m3
• Live capacity: 124.3x106m3
• 4% yield: 24.5x106m3
• Water depth: 34.4m
• Surface area at F.S.L.: 1100ha
• Embankment volume: 1.4x106m3
• Spillway: 5,770m3/sec
Technical Details:
• Full supply capacity: 273 x 106m
• 10% yield:136.5 x 106m
• Maximum dam height: 48.3m
• Crest length: 1,250.0m
• Volume of material: 5,850,000.0m3
The project purpose is to supply water and irrigation of 2,000ha in Centenary Growth
Point, ARDA Muzarabani and surrounding farming areas.
The dam is about 90m high. It will have a total volume of rock fill of about 2,000,000m3
and a central core volume of about 520,000m3. The water storage capacity will be
about 1 billion m3.
The project purpose is to supply water for irrigation for Masvingo farming community.
Project location: Masvingo Province (Its UTM grid ref. is TM577964 on Map No. 1929D2)
Lead Agency/ Project Promoter: Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA)
Actions Required/ Implementation
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Arrangements/ Contract Type:
Estimated Cost of the Project: USD 200 million
Unearthing Potential !
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description Amount
Sector Location Mode
1 Gold exploration • Gold exploration in a reserved Mining Fort Rixon, 3,5 Million Joint venture
area covering 63 000
• Both green field and brown field Matabeleland
exploration zones North
• Current exploration being done
through a government entity
• Historical mining grades
averaged 8g/t Au
2. Copper • Copper exploration on a reserved Mining Mhangura, USD 5 Million Joint Venture
Exploration area covering 325,000hectares Mashonaland
• Hosts world class Mhangura West
• Reservation also hosts semi-
precious stone deposits (beryl,
aquamarine) and gold
• Area under consideration
contains high mineralization
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description Amount
Sector Location Mode
3 Diamond • Kimberlite diamond exploration Mining Chihota, 18 million Debt/Equity
exploration • Exploration and evaluation of Mwenezi,
kimberlite diamond deposits Katete, Ngulube
4 Gold processing • Gold processing plants Value All 8 provinces 9,6million Public Private
• Establishment of 24 gold addition Partnership
processing plants (PPP)
5 Gold exploration • Gold exploration in a reserved Mining Ngondoma, 4,5 million Joint Venture
area Midlands
• Area covers 50 000hectares Province
• Greenfield exploration and
brownfield exploration
• Historical mining grades
averaged 7g/t Au
6 Gemology Park • Establishment of a one stop Value Mutare 18 million Debt, equity,
diamond processing hub addition and redeemable
7 Diamond mining • Diamond value chain Mining Marange, 132 million Debt, equity,
development through Chimanimani, and redeemable
• Expansion of existing diamond Beitbridge, preference
mining operations Chihota, shares
• Diamond processing, cleaning, Mwenezi. Harare
sorting, valuation
• Diamond security and
accounting systems
Tourism - (cont’d)
Unearthing Potential !
2 Mtarazi Tourism The project entails the Mr. L.C. Sibanda Tourism Eastern USD 700 Joint venture
Resort construction of 311 Sunninghill Close, Highlands, million
• Luxury Hotel Glen Lorne, Manicaland
The projects seeks to • Theme Park Harare Province in
develop an Integrated • Leisure Centre +263 772 248 327 Mtarazi
Mtarazi Tourism • Golf Estate
Resort • Shopping Mall
• Conference Centre
The project sits • Condors/Time Shares
on 3807 ha and
feasibility studies
for the project are
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
4 Kariba Integrated Construction of the Mr. F.D Hunzwi Tourism Kariba, USD 400 Joint venture
Tourism Resort Kariba Integrated Resort +263 774 654 834 Mashonaland million
whose grand plan West
The projects seeks to includes:
develop an Integrated • 36 Hole
Resort in Kariba Championship Golf
The project sits on • Hotels, Convention
+/- 2370 ha Centre, Casino
• Shopping mall
• Integrated
commercial district
• Luxury
condominiums time
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
6 Zimbabwe The project entails the Zimbabwe Agricultural Tourism Zimbabwe USD 150 Joint Venture
Convention Centre development of: Society Agricultural, million / Build-Own-
and Hotel • State-of-the-art Reason Machigere Harare Transfer (BOT)
15,000-seater +263 712 321 893
The facility is convention centre +263 778 249 160
linked to the Harare • 200 hotel rooms.
Agricultural Show, the
biggest agricultural
show in Africa and
seeks to develop a
convention centre
and a hotel in Harare
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
8 ZITF Luxury Hotel The project entails the Mr C. Dube Tourism Bulawayo, USD 100 Joint Venture
development of: City of Bulawayo bound by the million
The project seeks • A luxury hotel P.O Box 591 Bulawayo Zimbabwe
to construct a • Conference Centre Tel: 00263975011 International
luxury Hotel with • Restaurants ext. 2162/ +263969701 Trade Fair
ancillary facilities • Casinos, Exhibition
next to Zimbabwe Centre and the
International Trade Bulawayo Golf
Fair Exhibition Centre Club
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
10 Cledza Enterprises - The aim is to develop a: Mr D. Dzikiti, Tourism Binga, South - USD 100 TBA
Binga 5 star Luxury • 5-star hotel Marketing Director Eastern shore of million
hotel and Conference • Conference Centre 511 Shawdene Close, Lake Kariba.
Centre Uplands,
The project seeks Harare
to develop a Luxury +263 774 357 960
5-star Hotel and
Conference Centre in
Feasibility studies
not yet done
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
14 Heavenly Executive The lake shore resort will Dr. F. Kasese Tourism Shagashe River, USD 42 TBA
Solutions – Masvingo also include: 12 Herbst Road, Masvingo million
Tourism Resort • an amusement park, Rhodene, (on the shores
• 2 3D theatres Masvingo of Lake
The project seeks • a conference centre Tel: +263-39-265974 Mutirikwi)
to develop a world a Mobile: +263-712 206 095
world class tourism
resort/village on the
shores of Shagashe
River in Masvingo.
It sits on 33.4 ha of
prime land
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
It sits on 480km2
18 Chimanimani Health The vision is to Chimanimani Rural District Tourism Chimanimani USD 10 Joint Venture
Spa Resort and transform this natural Council in Manicaland million
Lodges product into: Province,
• A health spa Nyanyadzi,
The project entails • Lodges/chalets 151km due
development of a • Specialty restaurants south of the City
health spa resort of Mutare
around magnificent,
natural hot springs
with therapeutic hot
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
20 Kariba Town The project entails the Mr. R Kamhoti, Tourism Kariba’s low- USD 5 Million Joint Venture
Municipality - development of: Town Clerk density suburb
Accommodation & • A luxury hotel Municipal Offices, of Baobab
Ancillary Services • Conference centre Old Administration Block Extension and
• Restaurants P. O Box 130, on top of a hill.
Kariba Town • Casinos Heights,
Municipality is Kariba
looking to develop
a luxury hotel
overlooking the late
on their 2ha Baobab
Extension stand
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
22 Binga Hot Springs The project entails the Binga Rural District Tourism Binga, USD 4 million Joint Venture
Resort development of: Council Matabeleland
• Hot springs resort +263 015 326/ North Province
Binga Rural District with luxury lodges, +263 015 267/
Council seeks to • Conference facilities +263 015 407/
develop a Hot springs • Health facilities +263 015 665/
Resort in Binga +263 015 308-9/
Feasibility studies
have not yet been
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
24 Dzimbanhete Arts The project entails the Chikonzero Chazunguza, Tourism Plot 1, USD 2.2 Joint Venture
and Culture Centre development of a cultural Laura Ganda Stonehurst million Lease
village characterised by 1088 Marley Drive, Farm, Nharira Build Operate
The projects seeks to 54 villages, laid out on Kambanji, Hills, Transfer (BOT)
develop a thematic a 12-hectare piece of Harare, Harare
park in the form of land in a natural set up, Zimbabwe
a one-stop African with each village, with an +263 783 499 954
village. average of 2/3 structures +263 784 455 056
on a 2000 sqm area with
The project sits on unique architectural style
17 ha and feasibility and material culture.
studies for the project
are available
2. PROJECTS - (cont’d)
26 Mhofu Safari Camp The project entails Mr. C. Dembetembe, Tourism Fuller Forest, USD 1 million Joint Venture
construction of: Director Victoria Falls,
The project seeks • 10 lodges No 40 Hopton Road, 10 km from
Re-capitalization of • A water hole Southwold Victoria Falls
company operations • A reception area Bulawayo International
• game viewing +263 29 474235, Airport
The project sits platform +263 772384251
on 2200 ha and
feasibility studies
for the project are
Information Communication &
Unearthing Potential !
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
1 Construction of 856 New To provide improved data services for e-learning and SMART Agriculture ICT Countrywide 86 million Debt/Equity
3G/4G sites use cases in rural communities; of these 375 are Co-located NB-IOT/4G
Sites to provide access, capacity, throughputs and latency to support the
following services: - IOT for SMART Cities, IPTV/VOD, M2M
2 Build a Telco Cloud To modernize the network and support the following summed up use ICT Countrywide 13 million USD Joint Venture
• Mobile (MPC/EPC/5G)
• Networking (L2-L7)
• Security
• Voice
• CDN/ Caching
• Access
• Video Content Management
3 Build the following VAS • Modernise the Mobile Financial Service platform ICT Countrywide 20 million USD Joint Venture
Platforms in the Virtual • Bulk SMS Project + LBS Dynamic Tariffing System Project
Environment • Campaign Management System Project
• Service Delivery Platform (SDP) Project
• Diameter Routing Agent Platform (DRA) Project
• Data Analytics and Reporting Platform (PRS) Project
• Project Converged Billing Platform Project
• Contact Center Project Data Center & Core IP Expansion Project
4 Fibre to The Home (FTTH) for FTTH rollout targeting 100,000 homes to be reached by 2023 ICT Countrywide 50 million USD Partnership
Fixed Broadband Access funding (PPP)
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
5 Fixed Wireless Access Deployment of 1 million fixed wireless broadband lines through long term ICT Countrywide 130 million USD Partnership
evolution technology (LTE) as well as point to multipoint access radios funding (PPP
6 Broadband Core Network Internet Core Network upgrade including core network, IP/MPLS and ICT Countrywide 20 million USD Partnership
Expansion access systems such as VSAT and Wi-Fi funding (PPP)+
Debt Funding
7 Deployment of Data Centre Expansion of Data Centre facilities (Power, Air cooling, Racks, DC ICT Countrywide 22 million USD Partnership
Cloud Infrastructure Modules, Cloud Infrastructure, Disaster Recovery) Expansion of co- funding (PPP)
location rooms throughout the country
8 Information Systems Upgrade Upgrade of core information systems (Billing, CRM, BSS, OSS, Workflow) ICT Countrywide 34.8 million USD Debt funding
9 Core Network Systems Upgrade of core network systems to enhance capabilities with the ICT Countrywide 19.8 million USD Debt funding
Upgrade following systems being targeted:
• Network Operations Centre
• Power
• Hybrid Solar
• Air cooling systems
• Network Synchronisation
10 National ICT Manufacturing Manufacture or assemble of ICT equipment featuring: ICT Countrywide 5.8 million USD Joint Venture
Project • Computer Desktops & Laptops
• Tablets & Smart Phones
• Telephone Handsets & PBXs
• Smart Meters
11 Africom Investment Focus Focused on investment in service accessibility in the under serviced ICT Countrywide 120 million USD Joint Venture
areas, through telecommunications infrastructure development as well
as solar power roll out
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
12 Digitisation of the post Post Office Computing Hardware ICT Countrywide 2, 032 million USD Joint Venture
• Provision of ICT Hardware to augment existing infrastructure to
enable the operationalization of the already acquired front end Postal
• ICT Hardware – Desktops, Document Printers, Bar Code Scanners,
Postal Scales, Receipt Printers, Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)
and Servers for the Data Center.
• Servers and accessories to host the Digital Money Order Financial
system (Post Money).
• Setting-up of Hot Posts Wi-Fi Connectivity at all Post Offices.
• Bureau De Change Software.
• Finger Print Scanners for the building and compilation of a National
Biometric Database with relevant Biometric Information for the
automation of Pension Life Cycle Management System and Proof of
life Certification.
• Real-time integration of systems and easy access of Pension Funds.
• Hand held scanners for delivery of E-Commerce and E- Government
Services, including Post4Health items, Acknowledgement of Receipt
and Track and Trace.
13 Solar Energy Power • Installation and generation of solar power at Post Offices premises to ICT Countrywide 1, 46 million USD Joint Venture
ensure uninterrupted power supply to all Post Offices and to offload
excess power to the National Grid and or nearby Communities.
• Seed stock for the Sale of Solar Products and Accessories throughout
the Postal Network.
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
14 Property Development • Change of property use of the existing Postal Buildings and Houses. ICT Countrywide 42 million USD Joint Venture
• Property Development by modernization the existing Post Offices into
one stop Postal Express Malls incorporating Fuel Stations, Fast Food
Outlets, Medical Centres and Convenient Stores.
• Development of existing Post Office stands into Inland Ports for
Bonded Warehousing, Construction of Medical and Shopping Centre
15 Passive Infrastructure • Base station towers erection in batches of 100. ICT Countrywide 1, 46 million USD Joint Venture
16 Green Power for base Stations • Provision of solar power for already deployed 800 base stations ICT Countrywide 36 million Vendor Finance
• Solar Plant for New HQ
And Headquarters
17 NetOne Headquarters • Construction of NetOne headquarters in Harare ICT Harare 5million Mortgage loan
18 Broadband Transmission • Provision of Mobile broadband systems for high-speed mobile ICT Countrywide 15 million Debt Financing
systems network communications.
19 National Fibre Backbone To extend the existing fibre backbone to reach and serve every district in ICT Countrywide 30 million USD Partnership
the country approximately 6000km will be covered
20 Construction of shared To extend coverage by constructing 350 shared base stations in ICT Countrywide 250 million Partnership
telecommunications base uncovered rural remote areas. This will include the requisite passive
stations and associated infrastructure.
passive infrastructure
for the provision of All the three MNOs in the country will ride in this infrastructure.
telecommunication services
in underserviced areas in
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
21 Mobile Number Probability To allow convenience to people to move with their number from one 1 million USD
operator to another
22 Smart City This project (Smart/Safe City project) integrates information and ICT Countrywide 5 million Joint Venture
communication technologies (ICTs), network infrastructure and various focusing on
physical devices to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operations Harare city
and services, and competitiveness.
23 Smart Education Computerisation of all government schools across the country. This will ICT/ Countrywide 75 million Joint Venture
involve the capacitation of schools with computers, networks (WAN, Education
LAN, WIFI), learning & teaching aids such as interactive intelligent tools,
printers, and remote learning aids. Target per year is at least 1500
24 Smart Government • This involves automation of all government systems and embedding ICT Countrywide 200 million Joint Venture
IOT in the process for improving service delivery and decision making
and at the same time increasing productivity across all government
25 Smart Health The Smart Health seeks to provide health-related services and ICT/Health Countrywide 350 million Joint Venture
(Phase 1) information using modern technologies. This will allow long-distance
patient and clinician contact, care, advice, reminders, education,
intervention, monitoring remotely
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
26 Community Information • The project involves establishment ICT enabled Community ICT Countrywide 5 million Joint Venture
Centres Information Centres.
• These centres will be established in all the country’s 10 Provinces
including districts and village centres.
• The Centres should serve the community through the provision of
Internet, e-Government Services, e-Commerce services, gaming
systems, Training facilities, Document processing etc.
• It’s a National ICT strategy of bridging the digital divide within
Zimbabwean Society
27 Smart Agriculture The project looks at ICT enabling and embedding IOT & Big Data ICT/ Countrywide 100 million Joint Venture
Management in the Agricultural Sector. This will be anchored on the Agriculture
Smart Africa Agri-Tech Blue print and the Smart Zimbabwe 2030 Master
Student Accommodation
Unearthing Potential !
Unearthing Potential !
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Mode
1 Natpharm • Medical consumables Health Harare Joint Venture
• Equipment
• Expertise
• Raw materials
• External markets
3 Varichem • General pharma and pharma-related products Health Harare Joint venture/
• Market support Partnership
• Equipmen
• Expertise
4 Medicinal Cannabis • Medicinal cannabis cultivation Health Harare 100% ownership
• Processing
• Markets/ Market support
5 Medicines Control Authority of • Analytical Instruments Health Harare Partnership (PPP)
Zimbabwe (MCAZ) • Technical support
Provision of green
Smart City Developing a Smart City model ICT-led city New Provision of: Harare Public Private
for Melfort (Pilot project for a - a technology- Partnership
Smart City) based
- smart
- a high
- ICT model
urban planning
Roads and Bridges
Unearthing Potential !
Project Description Intention Length (km) Cost (million) Feasibility Study Remarks
1 Beitbridge - Harare – Part of the North South Rehabilitation and Dualisation 934km $2135 Yes
Chirundu corridor
2. Harare Ring Road Takes transit traffic out of Construction 110.7km $120 Yes
Harare CBD
3. Bulawayo – Beitbridge To link the Bulawayo City to Rehabilitation and widening 321.7km $320 Yes Awarded to Katho
the South African markets Civils and South
Zambezi JV
4. Bulawayo – Victoria Falls- Links the country to tourist Rehabilitation and widening 510 km $610 No
Kazungula destinations of Victoria Falls
& Hwange, mining and energy
sectors as well as providing
links to Namibia, Zambia and
5. Harare – Nyamapanda To enhance trade between Dualisation of regional trunk 237km $320 In Progress
Zimbabwe and other SADC road
and COMESA members
6. Mvurwi – Guruve – To enhance trade between Construction and Upgrading 293km $250 No Awarded to Ncube
Angwa – Kanyemba Zimbabwe, Zambia and of regional trunk road Barrow, Exodus
Mozambique & co. and Inyatsi
7. Rutenga – Boli - Sango To enhance trade between Construction and Upgrading 150km $120 No Awarded to Badore
Zimbabwe, SADC and COMESA Engineer and
Palace Group JV
8. Kwekwe – Nkayi – Lupane The road connects Harare the Upgrading to surfaced 118km $130 No
capital to Victoria Falls
9. Birchenough Bridge Located along the Masvingo- Construction of a new bridge $40 No
Mutare highway
10. Victoria Falls Bridge The Bridge links Zambia and Construction of a new bridge $55 No
Zimbabwe across Zambezi
2 Shamva (Zim) – Moatize (Moza) • Feasibility Study – Request for Still to be determined When complete, the project will open
Expressions of Interest (Done) an alternative route to the Indian
• Design (To be done immediately Ocean through the Port of Nacala in
after feasibility study) Mazambique’s northern province of
• Investor Engagement (After Nampula.
completion of designs)
Creative Industry
Unearthing Potential !
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
1 Construction National Cultural and • Land Acquisition, Architectural Design and Plan for NCCC Arts and Harare 25 million PPP/ Joint
Creative Industries • Equipping the Centre with digital equipment Culture Venture
Centre (NCCC) • Construction Arts and Culture facility with the following;
-Office Space Infrastructure
-Multi-purpose Auditorium performance venue with a carrying Development
capacity of 3000 pax
-Restaurant with the capability to promote international and
traditional cuisine culinary
-Conference Facilities for workshops and meetings
-Production Studios (Theatre, Music, Dance, Spoken Word and
-Galleries and Sculpture Park (Exhibition space both indoor and
- Resource Centre/Library
-Open-air performance/ museum space
(Amphitheatre for multipurpose activities)
-Space for Shops
-Exhibition Facilities
-Facilities (Residency and Fellowship Programmes)
2. Centres of Sporting Excellences / • Setting of state of art high-performance centres in all Sport and All Provinces TBA Joint Venture
High Performance Centres Provinces Recreation
• Centres should have state of art equipment
• Setting up of an athlete rehabilitation centres
• Investment might be in the form of construction of sporting
arenas, multipurpose facilities, gymnasium and availing
relevant equipment.
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
3 Establishment of Multi-purpose • Establishment and capacitation of Multipurpose Youth Centre Services Harare Metropolitan TBA Joint venture
Youth Centre • Create office space for Zimbabwe Youth Council Province
• Provide renting space for Youth Businesses
• Establish a co-working space Bulawayo
4 Modernising Agriculture Production • Land for Agriculture development Youth, Sport 25 VTCs TBA Joint Venture
at Vocational Training Centres with • The existing Agriculture training and production systems not and Culture
Farming Land adequate
• Need for modern means of Agriculture training production
• Modern Agriculture machines and equipment needed
• Appropriate and effective irrigation to be installed
• Setting up of animal handling and housing facilities
• Post-harvest and storage facilities to established
• There is scope to carry out commercial agriculture activities
at the training centres
• Develop staff
5 Establish a Microfinance facility for • Provision of microfinance services Arts and National 10 million PPP/ Joint
CCIs in Zimbabwe • Loan products Culture Venture
• Capital for Infrastructure Development for CCIs
6 Sport for All Programmes • Sport for All programmes provide for an enabling Sport and All Provinces and All TBA Joint Venture
environment for participation of all individuals irregardless of Recreation District
skills perfection.
• Implementation and programming of sport for all
programmes may be target based programming meeting the
various clientele within communities.
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
7 Expansion of Youth Incubation Hubs • There are 9 youth incubation hubs that are at difference Manufacturing All provinces TBA Joint venture
levels of production Services
• The hubs in the following sectors Agriculture
o Manufacturing
o Horticulture
o Animal husbandry
o Motor mechanics
o Cosmetology
o Clothing and technology
• Additional equipment and machinery to upscale operations at
a) Mutoko Fruit and Vegetable Processing Hub
b) Kaguvi Dairy Hub
c) Umguza Diary Hub
d) Phangani Boer Goat
e) Zvishavane and Manicaland Motor Mech Hubs
f) Clothing Technology Hub in Manicaland
g) Midlands Events Management Hub
h) Cosmetology Hub in Bulawayo
• Linkages with export markets
8 Setting up facilities for Trainee • Construct facility for Agro-processing Youth, Sport 25 VTCs TBA Joint Venture
Incubation: Agro-processing Hubs at • Install appropriate equipment and Culture
Farm based VTCs • Train Operations staff Construction of New workshops
• Equipping and tooling of the constructed workshops
• Develop Staff
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
9 Construction of Kanyemba Arts and • Land is available Size; 3.2Ha, Architectural Design and Plan Arts and Kanyemba, 6 million PPP
Culture Centre (KACC) for KACC Culture Mbire, Joint Venture
• Equipping of the Centre with digital equipment Mashonaland
• Construction of an Arts and Infrastructure Central
Culture facility with the following facets; Development
--Office Space
--Multi-purpose Auditorium performance venue with a carrying
capacity of 400 pax
--Restaurant with the capability to promote international and
traditional culinary cuisine
-- solar electrification,
--Conference Facilities for workshops and meetings
--Production Studios (Theatre, Music, Dance, Spoken Word and
--Galleries and Sculpture Park
(Exhibition space both indoor
and outdoor
-- Resource Centre/Library
-- Open-air performance/
museum space (Amphitheatre
for multipurpose activities)
--Space for Shops
--Exhibition Facilities
Facilities (Residency and
• Fellowship Programmes)
10 Upgrading National Sport Stadium in • Main soccer arena, B soccer arena and hockey stadium Sport and Harare TBA Joint Venture
Harare Province already in existence Recreation
• Current renovations being done by through Government of
• Pieces of land available suitable for construction of hotels
and other such amenities.
Existing facilities need upgrading to meet international standards
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
11 Youth Build Zimbabwe construction • Equipment and machinery for road repair and maintenance Services- All provinces TBA Joint venture
projects • Equipment and machinery for construction of buildings Construction
12 Installation of Renewable energy • Construction of Industrial Biogas Digesters Youth, Sport 43 VTCs TBA Joint Venture
Systems • Installation of Biogas powered electricity generators and Culture
• Installation of industrial level photo-voltaic panels
• Conversion to at least 50% dependence on renewable energy
• Develop Staff
13 Refurbishment and upgrading of • The Park is in existence and is situated on 40.3 Ha of land Arts and Guruve 5 million Joint Venture
Tengenenge sculpture park in Guruve, • Equipping of the Centre with digital equipment Culture
Mashonaland West • Construction of an Arts and Culture facility with the following
-Office Space
-Multi-purpose Auditorium performance venue with a carrying
capacity of 500 pax
-Restaurant with the capability to promote international and
traditional culinary cuisine
- solar electrification,
-Conference Facilities for workshops and meetings
-Production Studios
--Galleries and Sculpture Park (Exhibition space both indoor and
-- Resource Centre/Library
-- Open-air performance/ museum space (Amphitheatre for
multipurpose activities)
--Space for Shops
--Exhibition Facilities
• Facilities (International Residency and Fellowship
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
14 Tugwi Mukosi One Stop Sport Facility • Area still awaiting final site masterplan. Sport and Tugwi Mukosi TBA Joint Venture
Masvingo Province • The main attraction is the water body, largest inland water Recreation
body in the country.
• The site has huge potential aquatic sport and recreation
• The area has been marked as a special economic zone
• Current works being done by the Government
15 Youth Economic Empowerment • Partnership with youth in various sectors of the economy Agriculture All provinces TBA Partnerships/
• Youth have mining rights and own mine claims; have Mining joint ventures
• Mining access to land for agricultural purposes and others have Tourism
• Agriculture conservatories for tourism but do not have equipment and Manufacturing
• Tourism adequate capital for their projects to be fully functional
• Manufacturing • 25% youth quota has boosted youth access to natural
resources in various aspects of the economy hence the huge
need for partnerships to enhance their participation in the
country’s economy
16 Setting up facilities for Trainee • Construct water based sewerage systems Construct facility Youth, Sport VTCs: Ruwa, Jairos 5 million Joint Venture
incubation: Coach building Hubs at for coach building and fabrication engineering and Culture Jiri, Gweru, Bindura,
Urban VTCs • Install appropriate equipment Masvingo, Chinhoyi,
• Develop staff. Mutare, Marondera.
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
17 Construction of a Multi-purpose • The facility was allocated 10ha of land Arts and Masvingo 6m Joint Venture
Cultural Creative Centre at Tugwi- • Equipping of the Centre with digital equipment Culture
Mukosi in Masvingo • Construction of an Arts and
Culture facility with the following facets;
--Office Space
--Multi-purpose Auditorium performance venue with a carrying
capacity of 1000 pax
--Restaurant with the capability to promote international and
traditional culinary cuisine
-- solar electrification,
--Conference Facilities for workshops and meetings
--Production Studios (Theatre, Music, Dance, Spoken Word and
--Galleries and Sculpture Park (Exhibition space both indoor and
-- Resource Centre/Library
-- Open-air performance/ museum space (Amphitheatre
for multipurpose activities)
--Space for Shops
--Exhibition Facilities
--Boarding/Accommodation Facilities (Residency and Fellowship
18 Kanyemba One Stop Sport Facility. • Development of multipurpose one stop sport facility in Sport and Kanyemba TBA Joint Venture
Mashonaland Central Province Kanyemba Recreation
• The facility will cover gymnasium, sports fields,
amphitheaters, gyms, sport retail shops etc
• The area has been marked as a special economic zone
• Current works being done by the Government
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
19 Establishment of Water Bottling • Setting up of water bottling company in Vumba Manufacturing Vumba Training TBA Joint Venture
Company at Vumba Training Centre • Ground water source secured Centre, Manicaland
• Equipment and machinery for processing and packaging of Province
mineral water
• Delivery vehicles
20 Transforming the Tourism and • Setting up of state of art hospitality facilities which include Youth, Sport 10TCs TBA Joint Venture
Hospitality Training at VTCs state of art hotel and Culture
• Develop staff
21 Construction Binga Arts and • Land Acquisition, Architectural Design and Plan for BACC Arts and Binga 5 million PPP/ Joint
Culture Centre (BACC) • Equipping the Centre with digital equipment Culture Venture
• Construction of an Arts and Culture facility with the
following; Infrastructure
--Office Space - Administration Development
-Multi-purpose Auditorium performance venue with a carrying
capacity of 300 pax
-- solar electrification,
Restaurant with the capability to promote international and
traditional culinary cuisine
--Conference Facilities for workshops and meetings
--Production Studios (Theatre, Music, Dance, Spoken Word and
--Galleries and Sculpture Park (Exhibition space both indoor and
-- solar electrification,
-- Resource Centre/Library
-- Open-air performance/ museum space (Amphitheatre for
multipurpose activities)
--Space for Shops
--Exhibition Facilities
--Boarding/Accommodation Facilities (Residency and Fellowship
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
22 Development of a Sport Arena in • Development of a multipurpose sport arena Sport and Victoria Falls TBA Joint Venture
Victoria Falls, Matabeleland North • To have multi discipline sporting and recreational facilities Recreation
Province • To have an antidoping facility
• Sport retail sector
Creation of a sport acclimatization hub for National Teams
23 Construction of Low-Cost Youth • Undeveloped land offered to the youth by various Local Youth Harare and TBA Joint Venture
Housing Authorities already available Development Bulawayo
• Discussions progressing well to have the land titles under the and Economic
Zimbabwe Youth Council Empowerment
• A Youth Committee of Experts in construction (Archtects,
Quantity Surveyors, Engineers, etc) already in place.
24 Modern ICTs for VTCs • Installation of new ICT infrastructure Youth, Sport 43 VTCs TBA Joint Venture
• Establishing computer laboratories and Culture
• Develop Staff
25 CCIs Capacity • Classification, Standardization and Certification of CCIs Arts and National 2.5 million International
Building and operators as a critical and highly skilled human capital in Culture Cooperation,
development Zimbabwe Technical
• Experience for certification’ programme by institutions of Expertise and
higher learning to empower skilled and experienced artists Equipment
acquire formal qualifications
• Retooling and Digitization of CCIs equipment in line with
Global trends and best practises
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
26 National Sport Academy, • Project still under phase 1 Sport and Bindura TBA Joint Venture
Mashonaland Central Province • Located at Bindura University for Science Education Recreation
• Land allocated covering over 15 hectares
• Suitable for stadium, athletes pavilion, sport lab and testing
• Room for expansion towards creation of a hotel and other
sporting amenities.
Current works being done by the Government
27 Waste Disposal and Recycling Plants • Pilot project done under the Zimbabwe Sunshine Group in the Youth Harare, Bulawayo TBA Joint Venture
Harare Show Grounds. Development and Gweru
• Land for the main project identified, though the allocation is and Economic
pending. Empowerment
• Youth experts in the sector identified.
28 Upgrading Staff and Trainees’ • Construction of staff housing Youth, Sport 43 VTCs TBA Joint Venture
Housing at VTC • Construction of Trainee accommodation and Culture
29 Construction of a • Land Acquisition, Architectural Design and Plan for BACC Arts and Mutare, 1.5 million Sole/Individual/
Music Studio • Equipping the Centre with digital equipment Culture Manicaland Company
• Arts and Culture facility with the following facets; Province investment
--Construction of a music studio with the following facets;
-- Office Space
-- 5 Booths Music Production Studios
- Open-air performance/ Sculpture Park space (Amphitheatre
for multipurpose activities)
- Resource Centre/Library
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
30 Chitungwiza Aquatic Complex, • The existing infrastructure is in absolute state Sport and Chitungwiza TBA Joint Venture
Mashonaland East Province • The biggest aquatic facility in the country Recreation
• The Facility if resuscitated has the capacity to host regional
and international events.
• The facility has a lot of other amenities including a large hall.
• Facility owned by the Government
31 Youth Radio Station • Statutory Instrument that allows for youth to register and run Youth Harare TBA Joint Venture
a radio station available Development
and Economic
32 Upgrading the water Reticulation • Establish dams and boreholes Youth, Sport 43 VTCs TBA Joint Venture
Systems at VTCs • Install the pumping systems powered by renewable energy and Culture
• Revamp the water supply systems
33 Digital Creativity • Cultural and Creative Industries’ Digitisation Arts and National 10 million Joint Venture
• Artificial Intelligence Culture
• Market concentration
• Cultural and Creative entrepreneurs
• Intellectual Property Rights
34 Setting up of Sport and Recreation • Setting up of sport sectorial industries Sport and National TBA Joint Venture
Industries • Setting up of companies and industries that manufacture Recreation
sporting equipment and gear and paraphernalia.
• Citing high demand of replica jerseys and other sporting
regalia and equipment.
• There is an steady increase in community sport and
recreation clubs hence creating demand for sporting
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
35 Establishing Modern Workshops at • Construction of New workshops Youth, Sport 43 VTCs TBA Joint Venture
Provincial VTCs • Equipping and tooling of the constructed workshops and Culture
• Develop Staff
36 Traditional Herbs and • Research and Product Development Arts and Gokwe South, 500 000 Joint Venture
medicine Exploration, • Exploration and preservation equipment Culture Midlands Province
Conservation and • Composed of tangible and intangible knowledge on herbs.
Preservation • Current exploration and research is being carried out in
liaison with the National Chiefs Council and Ministry of Local
37 Resuscitation of Provincial Sport • Renovation of Provincial Stadia into world class facilities Sport and All Provinces TBA Joint Venture
facilities, All Provinces • Setting up of a Provincial Sporting Hub facility Recreation
• Existing Stadia Facilities are in bad state with absolute
38 Setting up facilities for Trainee • Construct facility for ICTs and Electronics Youth, Sport VTCs TBA Joint Venture
incubation: ICTs and Electronics Hubs • Install appropriate equipment and Culture
at selected VTCs. • Train operations staff
39 Development of Film Production • Location for documentary or movie production. Arts and Binga, Tax FDI,
Locations • Prestine Wildlife and Expansive land with natural in-situ Culture Hwange, incentives Co-Production,
features Lupane, Rebate Joint Venture
• Very good Climate for different locations. Tourism Matabeleland
• Proximity to the vast Mighty Zambezi River North, Mbire
• Provides exotic Film extras with exotic languages and Wildlife (Mashonaland
cultures Conservation Central), Chiredzi
• Availability of technical expertise. (Masvingo)
• Indigenous people with local area knowledge and guides on
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
40 Establishment of a Sport and • Development of a sport and recreation scheme to cater for Sport and National TBA Joint Venture
Recreation Scheme athletes’ welfare: Recreation
During retirement
Unforeseen event
• Medical coverage
41 Setting up facilities for Trainee • Construct facility for Mining and Mineral processing Youth, Sport VTCs: Guyu, TBA Joint Venture
incubation: Mining and Mineral • Install appropriate equipment and Culture Chaminuka, Kaguvi,
processing • Train operations staff Shurugwi, Ngezi
42 Masvingo Cultural • Land Acquisition, Architectural Design and Plan for MCCIsMF Arts and Masvingo 2.5 Million Joint Venture
and Cultural • Equipping the Centre with digital equipment Culture PPP
Industries • Construction Arts and Culture facility with the following;
Multi-purpose -Office Space
Facility - Open-air performance/ museum space (Amphitheatre for
(Dual Stage and multipurpose activities)
Gallery) -Equipment and accessories
-- solar electrification,
• Exhibition events
• Performance events
43 Dzimbadzamabge • Refurbishment/upgrading cultural and heritage centre Arts and Masvingo 1.5 million Joint Venture
Cultural Heritage • Capacity building personnel and Cultural Creative Industry Culture
Enterprise practitioners with entrepreneurship skills. Cultural
• Cultural Creative exhibitions Tourism
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
44 Establishment of • Land Acquisition, Architectural Design and Plan for Cinemas Arts and Midlands 10 million Joint Venture
Provincial Cinema/s • Digital equipment Culture Manicaland PPP
• Construction of state-of-the-art cinemas Matabeleland North
• Equipment and furniture Mat
• Currently only Harare and Bulawayo have Cinemas
45 Establishment of Cultural Creative -Construction of incubation hub infrastructure facilities Arts and All the 10 1.5 million Joint Venture
Incubation -Development of education material for the incubation Culture Provinces
Hubs in all provinces -Establishment of Savings and Investments vehicles for arts and
cultural creative practitioners
-Creation of platforms for social and Business networking
-Financing of cultural creative incubation hubs
-Capacity building of cultural creative industry practitioners
-- Beneficiation of cultural creative goods and services
-infrastructure and logistics networks for movement of cultural
creative goods and services
-Promoting entrepreneurship
46 Upgrading of Chambuta Cultural • Upgrade of facility Arts and Chiredzi 1.5 Million Joint Venture
Creative Centre • Fencing Culture Masvingo
• Musical kit equipment
• Training
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
47 Capacitation of Zimbabwe Fashion • The council is already in existence Arts and National 3 million International
Council • Value Chain Analysis and Addition; Culture Cooperation and
--Textile Design, manufacturing, Distribution, marketing, retailing, Technical
advertising, and promotion of all types of apparel Expertise
--Institutionalisation and Standardization of the Fashion Council
--Funding, resource mobilization and Training
• --Garment, Accessories and Apparel manufacturing
48 National Arts and • The National Arts and Culture Festival amongst many Arts and Harare 2 million International
Culture Festival interventions and initiatives is a medium for celebrating Culture Cooperation
Global Cultural Diversity with the aid of CCIs. PPP
• Cultural Exchange Programme Cultural
• Financing Tourism
• Cultural Diversity
• International participation
• Branding and Sponsorship
• Promotion and Marketing
• Education and Training
• Capacity Building
• Community Development
• Innovation and emerging technologies
• Youth Leadership and Civic Engagement
• Strategic Urban Development
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
49 Bulawayo Arts and Culture Festival • Strategic Urban Development Arts and Bulawayo 2 million International
• Cultural Diversity Culture Cooperation
• Financing
• International participation
• Branding and Sponsorship
• Promotion and Marketing
• Education and Training
• Capacity Building
• Community Development
• Innovation
• Youth Leadership and Civic Engagement
50 Harare International • HIFA, is an annual international arts festival that Arts and Harare 2 million International
Festival of the Arts encompasses five main disciplines: Culture Cooperation and
--music, theatre, fine arts, dance and spoken word. Finance
• HIFA began in 1999 and since then has taken the
Zimbabwean and Southern African arts scene by storm.
• The festival showcases the best of Zimbabwean
performances and fine arts while at the same time staging
and exhibiting the most exciting and creative international
and regional performances.
• Each year, HIFA announces a theme that drives the artistic
policy of the festival
• However, HIFA failed to take place since 2019 due financial
Project Investment
No. Project Title Project Description
Sector Location Amount (USD) Mode
51 Centre for Cultural • Great Limpopo Cultural Fair (GLCF), is an annual international Arts and Boli, 4 million Joint Venture
Development arts and culture festival Culture Mhlanguleni
Initiatives (CCDI) and • It seeks to promote culture, tourism and sustainable Chiredzi, Masvingo
Great Limpopo Cultural community development Province
Fair (GLCF) • Organisers eventually wish the Festival to be adopted by
other communities in Trans frontier Conservation Areas in the
• GLCF pursues to establish a multi-cultural centre which
will include the construction of chalets for residency or
fellowships, a research centre, conference facilities, a
campsite, tents, borehole, solar electrification, office furniture,
laptops and computers, field equipment like cameras and a
4x4 vehicle
52 Victoria Falls Art Fair • Given the growth of the Zimbabwean Art Scene and African Arts and Victoria 3 million Joint Venture
Art across the world this is an opportunity to an art fair in the Culture Falls PPP
city of Victoria Falls. International
• As one of the seven wonders of the world the City of Victoria Visual and Cooperation
Falls provides an opportunity for such a venture and it can Contemporary
contribute to the African art eco system. Art
• Art Fairs are a driver of cultural tourism and also a driver for
cultural economies across the world and Victoria Falls is a
hub that can be another Center of Contemporary art in Africa
• This is an opportunity for Contemporary Art private Galleries
and Museums to operate in Zimbabwe. There are very few
private galleries and Museums.
• The growth of the Zimbabwean and African Contemporary
art scene provides an opportunity to establish these above
mentions initiatives
Profiles Of Listed Opportunities
Unearthing Potential !
Item Company name Sector Project location Investment Current Value Infrastructure Intervention Current and SWOT Analysis
opportunities Chains available (e.g. funding potential (risk, strategies,
available within the (name and (ZW$), sector/company current status,
sector / company briefly explain infrastructure capacity and Partners,
the status) development job creation targets etc.)
(US$) etc.)
Harare Province
1 Dorowa Minerals Fertiliser Buhera Capex for USD 13 million 60-135 000
refurbishment of tons/annum
phosphate plant
2 Zimbabwe Fertilizer Harare Capex for USD13.2 million 35-80%
Phosphate Ind. rehabilitation of capacity
(a)Phosphate sulphuric acid plant utilisation
Item Company name Sector Project location Investment Current Value Infrastructure Intervention Current and SWOT Analysis
opportunities Chains available (e.g. funding potential (risk, strategies,
available within the (name and (ZW$), sector/company current status,
sector / company briefly explain infrastructure capacity and Partners,
the status) development job creation targets etc.)
(US$) etc.)
Harare Province
5 Willowvale Motor Bus/truck Harare To refurbish plant USD 6 million TBA
Industries and resuscitate
motor vehicle
6 Deven Engineering Bus/Truck Harare Plant refurbishment USD 6 million TBA
& resuscitation of
bus & truck assembly
7 Sunway City Construction Harare To develop an USD 5.5 million TBA
industrial park within
a Special Economic
Zone to attract FDI
8 Dete Ceramics Construction Dete Plant refurbishment USD 2 million
& manufacture of
bricks & tiles using
local clay
Item Company name Sector Project Investment Current Value Chains Infrastructure available Intervention Current and SWOT Analysis
location opportunities (name and briefly explain (e.g. funding potential (risk, strategies,
available within the the status) (ZW$), sector/company current status,
sector / company infrastructure capacity and Partners,
development job creation targets etc.)
(US$) etc.)
Midlands Province –
(About the Cotton to Dete Midlands Province Cotton to clothing Value Ginneries (source of raw Funding for National -lack of
Midlands Clothing boast of 52% of chain material) investment ginning infrastructure
Provivince) Value Chain national cotton opportunities capacity is for further value
production. Only ginning is done Roads (tarred and earth identified in the around 500 addition after
in the province by roads) value chain 000 tonnes ginning
Only ginning is done companies such as and Midlands -Low
in the province and Cottco, Southern Cotton Telecommunication Province production
exported out of the and Shawasha Cotton infrastructure both cellular accounts for of cotton
province as lint. Company. The province and landline phones. about 40% of caused by
requires investors in national ginning uncompetitive
At national level, spinning and weaving to Electricity grid capacity. prices both
the uptake of lint is produce yarn and cloth. on the world
only 30% and 70% is The cotton producing and domestic
exported in its raw areas of Gokwe have markets
form. earmarked for Special -Lack of
Economic Zone status adequate inputs
The province requires and registration of such -Erratic rains
investors in spinning is still to take off. (crop is rain
and weaving to fed).
produce yarn and
Item Company Sector Project Investment Current Value Chains Infrastructure available Intervention Current and SWOT Analysis
name location opportunities (name and briefly explain (e.g. funding potential (risk, strategies,
available within the the status) (ZW$), sector/company current status,
sector / company infrastructure capacity and Partners,
development job creation targets etc.)
(US$) etc.)
Midlands Province –
9 Caridorn Fertilizer, Midlands Idle capacity due to -Company’s products Equipment and machine USD1 million At peak the Viability
Abrasives pharmaceuticals, Province closure though the are strategic as they are still in a good state capital injection company problems.
chemicals, company used to used across value chains required either employed
printing and be sole producer of of all the economic Available work space and through joint around 120 Loss of market
packaging its abrasive range sectors like- engineering, premises venture or PPPs people. to imports.
of products. 80% of foundry, furniture, motor to kick start
raw materials used industry, mines, farms, Connected to the production, for Its uniqueness Working capital
by the company are hospitality industry, etc. electricity grid and raw materials meant that it challenges
local which include municipal water and paying was the only
corundum, garnet The products include outstanding company that Ownership
and fire clay. water paper, garnet debts, plant produced status of the
finishing, wide and upgrading and its range of company needs
narrow belts, emery refurbishment abrasives in to be resolved
tape, door paper, metal Southern Africa
cloth, grinding stones, apart from one Promoting the
glass paper, varnish in South’s
for furniture, grinding products and
discs, sharpening and This enabled safeguarding
refractories, among it to export to it from cheap
others. countries like imports as
Zambia, Malawi, it uses 80%
Tanzania, of locally
Kenya, among resources in
others. line with the
local content
Item Company Sector Project Investment Current Value Chains Infrastructure Intervention (e.g. Current and SWOT Analysis
name location opportunities (name and briefly explain available funding (ZW$), potential (risk, strategies,
available within the the status) infrastructure sector/company current status,
sector / company development (US$) capacity and Partners,
etc.) job creation targets etc.)
Midlands Province –
10 Ferrochrome Metals and Midlands The country is Currently the major Railway Intervention required The Province Fluctuating
Value Chain/ electrical Province endowed with players in the value chain connectivity is high level mineral account for 90% world market
Sector second largest only beneficiate up to beneficiation beyond of the current prices
chrome ore reserves high carbon ferrochrome. Well-developed production of high 264 000 tonnes
in the world after road network carbon ferrochrome. total national Antiquated
South Africa. Only one smelter has smelting infrastructure
Midlands, by ventured into high Existing electricity Investment is required capacity. i.e. furnaces
virtue of it lying value low carbon infrastructure in production of low
on the Great Dyke, ferrochrome production. and micro carbon The sector High electricity
commands a The company is also ferrochrome. has potential cost
significant share of venturing into micro to employ
the resource. carbon ferrochrome There is need to thousands of Lowly
and will be the first in “moving up the value” people. automated
the country and in Sub through investment
Sahara. in production of High rail costs
stainless steel, alloy requiring
steel, non-ferrous capacitation of
alloys; NRZ
And production of
chemicals used in
plating, corrosion
control, metal
finishing, pigments,
tanning compounds,
wood preservative
Item Company Sector Project Investment Current Value Infrastructure Intervention (e.g. Current and SWOT Analysis
name location opportunities Chains available funding (ZW$), potential (risk, strategies, current
available within the (name and infrastructure sector/company status,
sector / company briefly explain development (US$) capacity and Partners, targets etc.)
the status) etc.) job creation
Midlands Province –
11 Lancashire Metals and Kwekwe The opportunity to Iron and steel Electricity and Working capital to a 250 jobs to be Revitalization of
Steel Electricals import substitute value chain municipal water total of 190 000 000 created the iron and steel
on wire and wire connection. value chain through
products currently Rail linkage establishment of new
being imported into Good road network steel making company
the country Factory and the anticipated
infrastructure imminent resuscitation
of Ziscosteel for the
supply of raw material,
steel billets
12 Sables Fertilizer, Kwekwe Production of Fertilizer Value Plant and Land Working capital to a More than Working capital
Chemicals pharmaceutical, ammonia gas Chain total of 200 000 000 300 jobs will challenges
chemical, be created as
printing and Investment the company Erratic rains/drought
packaging partnership for expands leading low uptake of
provision of working production and top dressing fertiliser by
capital and expertise venture into farmers
in its current production of
diversification drive. sanitization Coal bed methane
products, dairy and natural gas for
and solar. production of ammonia
Item Company Sector Project Investment Current Value Infrastructure Intervention (e.g. Current and SWOT Analysis
name location opportunities Chains available funding (ZW$), potential (risk, strategies, current
available within the (name and infrastructure sector/company status,
sector / company briefly explain development (US$) capacity and Partners, targets etc.)
the status) etc.) job creation
Matebelend South Province
13 Beitbridge Food and Drink Beitbridge -Stockfeed Agro Processing -Digital sorting Capital requirement of Company has Increased supply of
Juice processing. Value Chains machine 35 million USD. completed oranges to the juice
Company _Pharmaceutical Oranges -Solar plant working on the plant and contract
(BBJ) production factory Project expansion EIA certification farming with the locals
to do the orange -Agricultural
plantation on 4000ha design plan in
40% capacity
14 Bishopstone Citrus-Oranges Beitbridge -Fruit juice Supply of -Conveyor belt 7 million USD Funding Employment Upgrade will boost
production plant Oranges to BBJ sorting plant to do the fruit juice creation orange and orange
-Digital sorting production project juice production in the
machine company
15 Toppick Citrus Production Beitbridge -Fruit juice Supply oranges -Milling plant Capital requirement of Employment Increased Employment
Investment production Plant to BBJ -Digitalized 4 million USD. creation
-Digital Sorting plant irrigation system Increased supply of
-Canning plant (beef To put more oranges oranges and orange
and lamb) and lemon in the juice
-Stockfeed plantation from
processing plant the current 27000
Item Company Sector Project Investment Current Value Infrastructure Intervention (e.g. Current and SWOT Analysis
name location opportunities Chains available funding (ZW$), potential (risk, strategies, current
available within the (name and infrastructure sector/company status,
sector / company briefly explain development (US$) capacity and Partners, targets etc.)
the status) etc.) job creation
Matebelend South Province
16 PPC Manufacturing Gwanda -Solar energy plant Construction -Clinker production Capital requirement of Upgrade will Upgrade of the back-
Clinker/Cement -Cement production Industry Supply plant 2-3 million USD deal with filler will eradicate
of Cement pollution pollutants.
and ensure
17 Credcorp Food and Drink Matopo -pecan nut Agro Processing -digitalized state 5 Million USD Funding -To produce -Expansion of irrigation
-Agro-business production Value Chains of the art irrigation for expansion projects pecan nuts for schemes to produce
-Potato crisps -Wheat system e.g potato value chain export market pecan nuts for export.
production -Maize -Grain silos to produce potato -To revive -venture into the potato
-Stockfeed -Horticultre crisps and increase value chain
processing -pecan nut production production
in irrigation
- create
18 E W &J Food and Drink Plumtree- --Heifer breeding Dairy value -Milking 8 Million USD Funding 60% capacity -Plans to supply heifer
Kirby T/A -Dairy Bulilima programme chain parlour(now small) for expansion and utilisation breeding programme
Sedgemoor -Stockfeed -Supply of milk upgrade of milking -To increase with 100 heifers per
production plant -Processing parlour. milk production annum
-Upgraded milking milk products i.e -Repairs of irrigation to 2,5 million -To increase milk
palour cheese equipment litres per annum production to 2,5 million
-Purchasing of milk litres per annum
Item Company Sector Project Investment Current Value Infrastructure Intervention (e.g. Current and SWOT Analysis
name location opportunities Chains available funding (ZW$), potential (risk, strategies, current
available within the (name and infrastructure sector/company status,
sector / company briefly explain development (US$) capacity and Partners, targets etc.)
the status) etc.) job creation
Matebelend South Province
19 Shepco BMA Metals and Bulawayo Idle capacity due Iron and steel Infrastructure and Working capital to a 700 jobs to be Working capital
Electricals to low demand value chain machinery readily total of USD588 236 created constraints, influx of
of company’s available. cheap imports from
products. 50% of China. Resuscitation of
raw materials used closed mines with spur
by the company are demand of company’s
local products
20 Marvo Printing and Bulawayo Investment in Printing and buildings Working capital of At peak it Resuscitation of
packaging the printing and packaging value USD550 000 including employs 600 company to boost
packaging chain capex. people. printing and packaging
sector and provincial
21 G& D Textiles and Bulawayo They have an Beef to leather Buildings and Working capital of Around 3000 Working capital
Holdings clothing and established brand value chain machinery USD20 million employees
leather which has local
demand in the
leading retail
chain stores in the
country. There are
opportunities in
tannery as well.
Item Company Sector Project Investment Current Value Infrastructure Intervention (e.g. Current and SWOT Analysis
name location opportunities Chains available funding (ZW$), potential (risk, strategies, current
available within the (name and infrastructure sector/company status,
sector / company briefly explain development (US$) capacity and Partners, targets etc.)
the status) etc.) job creation
Matebelend South Province
22 Footwear & Textiles and Bulawayo Tannery, prospects Leather value machinery Initial capital funding Looking for The company has
Rubber clothing and of training chain of land establish a opportunities of training
leather labourforce USD1 200 000.00 factory young labourforce,
employ skilled
labourforce as well
import machinery for
23 Zimbabwe Textiles and Bulawayo Investment in Textile to Infrastructure and Working capital of At its peak the The company is being
Hosiery clothing and manufacture of Clothing value machinery USD40 000 company can choked by cheap
leather socks, legwear chain employ up to imports from South
and pantihose for 300 employees Africa and low demand
women both on full time of its products
and parttime.
24 Primetone Iron and Steel Bulawayo Moulding of iron Iron and steel Infrastructure USD50 000 for At its peak the Provision of
Investments sector. products and iron value chain retooling company has engineering, iron and
castings a potential to steel to the sector and
employ 250 to the country at large
25 Umvumila Construction Bulawayo To develop an Designated land TBA TBA Access to regional
Industrial industrial park to Special markets and related
Park attract FDI Economic Zone incentives
106. Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency | ZIMBABWE PROJECTS BROCHURE RETURN TO CONTENTS
1st Floor, ZB Life Towers, Cnr Jason Moyo & Sam Nujoma,
Harare, Zimbabwe