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Dated Quetta, the 15th July, 2020.

No.PAB/Legis:II(01)/2020. The Balochistan Finance Bill, 2020 (Bill No.01 of 2020)

having been Passed by the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan on 29th June, 2020
was sent to the Hon’ble Governor Balochistan on the same date for assent under
Article 116 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Since the Hon’ble
Governor has not assented to the Bill within the stipulated period of ten days,
therefore, the same is deemed to have been assented to in terms of provisions of
Article 116 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Hence, the
Balochistan Finance Bill, 2020 (Bill No.01 of 2020) is hereby published as an Act of
the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan.

The Balochistan Finance Act 2020 (Act No. I of 2020).



to continue and revise certain taxes and fees and enacting the law of public finance management
in the Province of Balochistan.

Preamble. Whereas it is expedient to continue and revise certain taxes, fees and
public finance management Balochistan Province and for the matters
connected therewith or ancillary thereto;

It is hereby enacted as follows: -

Short title, 1. (1) This Act may be called the Balochistan Finance Act, 2020.
extent and

(2) It extends to the whole of Balochistan.

(3) Unless otherwise provided, It shall deem to have come into force
on and from the first day of July, 2020.

Enactment of 2. It is hereby enacted the Public Finance Management Act, 2020, in the
Public manner as follows: —
Act, 2020.

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to strengthen management of public finances with the view to
improve definition and implementation of fiscal policy for better
macroeconomic management, to clarify institutional responsibilities
related to financial management, and to strengthen budgetary

WHEREAS matters mentioned above are pivotal for reducing public

debt and management of public finances;

AND WHEREAS as defined under Article 119 of the Constitution of the

Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it is expedient to provide for regulating
the custody of the Provincial Consolidated Fund, the payment of
moneys into that Fund, the withdrawal of moneys therefrom, the
custody of other moneys received by or on behalf of the Government,
their payment into, and withdrawal from, the Public Account of the
Province, and all matters connected therewith or ancillary thereto;

AND WHEREAS to give elaborate mechanism of public finance

management as envisaged in Articles 118 to 127 and 160 to 171 of the
Constitution and to guide budgetary management processes, financial
and fiscal controls, cash and banking arrangements, and financial
oversight of public entities;

It is hereby enacted as follows: —



1. (1) Short title, application and commencement. — This Act may be

called the Balochistan Public Finance Management Act, 2020.

(2) It shall apply to all matters of the Provincial Consolidated Fund

and Public Account of the Province and all other matters of the
Government connected therewith or ancillary thereto.

(3) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions. — In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in

the subject or context, —

(a) "appropriation" means the, assignment to meet

specified expenditure of funds at the disposal of the
assigning authority;
(b) "Auditor-General" means Auditor-General of Pakistan
appointed under Article 168 of the Constitution;
(c) "authorization of expenditure" means payments and
withdrawals from the Provincial Consolidated Fund and
Public Account of the Province against approved
budgetary provisions deemed to be duly authorized
unless it is specified in the schedule of authorized

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(d) "bank" means the State Bank of Pakistan or any office or
agency of the State Bank of Pakistan and includes any
bank acting as an agent of the State Bank of Pakistan in
accordance with the provisions of the State Bank of
Pakistan Act, 1956 (XXXIII of 1956);
(e) "commitment" means an obligation to make a future
payment, the funds for which are reserved against the
allocated budget of an entity during the current financial
year where the unutilized amount will lapse at the close
of financial year and is subject to re-allocation for the
following financial year;
(f) "constitution" means the Constitution of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, 1973;
(g) "Controller General of Accounts" means the person
appointed under the Controller General of Accounts
(Appointment, Functions and Powers) Ordinance, 2001
(XXIV of 2001);
(h) "Provincial Consolidated Fund" means the Provincial
Consolidated Fund of the Government of Balochistan
created under Article 118 of the Constitution;
(i) "financial propriety" means the compliance of law, rules,
regulations, maintaining high standard of prudence,
vigilance, due diligence and ensuring value for money
while incurring expenditure and collecting government
(j) "financial year" means the financial year as defined
under Article 260 of the constitution;
(k) "Government" means the Government of Balochistan;

(l) "medium-term" means budgetary estimates for a rolling

three-year budgetary horizon. This includes current
estimates, which are to be appropriated by Provincial
Assembly, and two additional or "outer" years' estimates;
(m) "outcomes" means the effects of outputs on targeted
(n) "outputs" means service delivered;

(o) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this

(p) "principal accounting officer" means the secretary of a
Department or any official notified as principal
accounting officer, responsible for exercising financial
propriety in management of public funds and having
accountability to Provincial Assembly for the economic,
efficient and effective use of resources.

[Explanation. —The term "secretary" shall include the

additional chief secretary, principal secretary, secretary
or acting secretary to the Government of Balochistan in
charge of a department and where there is no secretary,
the special secretary or additional secretary in charge of
a department];

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(q) "Public Account" means the Public Account of the
Province as defined under Article 118(2) of the
Constitution and includes moneys, other than Provincial
Consolidated Fund, received by or on behalf of the
Government or a Public Entity; moneys received by or
deposited with the Supreme Court or any other court
established; and moneys received by a Public Entity as a
trust account, conditional grant, contribution or donation
from the general public or public servants, or from a
foreign donor agency or organization and is payable on
demand or fulfillment of an obligation on the part of the
payee or the beneficiary, as the case may be;
(r) "public moneys" mean the moneys forming part of the
Provincial Consolidated Fund and the Public Account of
the Province;
(s) "public servant" means a public servant within the
meaning of section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code (Act
XLV of 1860);
(t) "re-appropriation" means transfer of funds from one
head of account of appropriation to another such head of
account within the same budget grant;
(u) "supplementary grant" means budget grant within the
meaning of Article 124 of the Constitution;
(v) "technical supplementary grant" means surrender of
funds from one budget grant and supplementary budget
authorization in another grant. Technical supplementary
grant shall not result in increase of overall government
(w) “tax expenditure" means the revenue which
Government foregoes through the provisions of tax laws
that allows deductions, exclusions or exceptions,
exemptions from the taxpayer's taxable expenditure
income or investment, deferral of a tax liability or
preferential tax rates;
(x) “treasury single account" means the Provincial
Consolidated Fund Account with a banking arrangement
for the consolidation of government financial resources
in one bank account or multiple bank accounts linked to
one main account through which the government
transacts all its receipts and payments; and
(y) “voted expenditure" means expenditure other than the
charged expenditure specified in the annual budget
statement referred to in Article 122(2) of the




3. (1) Budget strategy paper. — The Government shall approve the

annual budget strategy paper containing quantified
macroeconomic and fiscal projections for the medium-term by
fifteenth of March of each year. The paper shall indicate strategic

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priorities of the Government revenue and spending policies and
specify indicative levels of spending in various Sectors and
Departments. Upon approval of the paper, the Finance
Department shall issue indicative budget ceilings to various
Sectors and Departments.

(2) The Government may extend the deadline mentioned in sub-

section (1) in case of extreme requirement.

4. (1) Annual Budget Statement. -The Government shall, in respect of

every financial year, cause to be laid before the Provincial
Assembly, Annual Budget Statement consistent with Articles 120
and 121 of the Constitution including a statement of the purpose
and estimates divided into detailed items for each item of
receipts and demand for grant.

(2) Each item of receipts and Demand for grant shall indicate budget
estimates of the ensuing year, initial budget estimates and
revised estimates of outgoing year and actual expenditure of year
Prior to outgoing year.

5. Plan based Government's expenditure estimates. — All

government expenditures, whether from a recurrent or
development demand for grant, shall be based on well-defined

6. Grant-in-aid. — The Government may approve grant-in-aid for

individual, public and private institutions, local bodies and other
non-political institutions and associations as it may consider
appropriate in the manner as may be prescribed.

7. (1) Receipt of grants and loans by the Government. — Grants or a

loan made to the Government by a federal government or
foreign Donor Agency through Economic Affairs Division or by
any other person shall be received by the Finance Department on
behalf of the Government.

(2) The Planning and Development Department may, with the

approval of Government, enter into grant and loan agreements
with donor agencies in collaboration with representatives of
concerned departments.

(3) Any endorsement, under sub-section (2), shall be given after

obtaining prior concurrence of Finance Department.

8. Tax expenditure. — The Government shall, in respect of every

financial year cause to be laid before the Provincial Assembly,
Finance Bill consistent with Article 115 of the Constitution
including a statement of estimated tax expenditure of the

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9. Mode of budgeting. —The Government shall, in respect of every
financial year, cause to be laid before the Provincial Assembly a
budget including the Annual Budget Statement based on any
reasonable approach of budgeting as it may deem appropriate.

10. Changes in schedule of authorized expenditure. -If in respect of

any financial year it is found—

(a) that the amount authorized to be expended for a

particular service for the current financial year is
insufficient, or that a need has arisen for expenditure
upon some new service not included in the Annual
Budget Statement for that year; or
(b) that any money has been spent on any service during a
financial year in excess of the amount granted for that
service for that year,
the Government shall have power, as prescribed, to authorize
expenditure from the Provincial Consolidated Fund, whether the
expenditure is charged by the Constitution upon that Fund or
not, and shall cause to be laid before the Provincial Assembly a
Supplementary Budget Statement or, as the case may be, an
Excess Budget Statement, setting out the amount of that
expenditure, and the provisions of Articles 120 to 123 shall apply
to those statements as they apply to the Annual Budget

11. Re-appropriation of funds. — Principal Accounting Officers may

sanction, in consultation with Finance Department, at any time
before the close of the financial year, re-appropriation of funds
from one detailed expenditure item to another within a budget
grant in the manner and subject to such conditions and
limitations, as may be prescribed.

12. (1) Surrender of savings. —All Departments, their attached

departments and sub-ordinate offices and autonomous
organizations shall surrender to the Finance Department by 15th
May each year all anticipated savings in the grants or assignment
accounts or grant-in-aid controlled by them.

[Explanation: In case of autonomous organizations, surrender of

any savings from their grant-in-aid are subject to provisions of
their respective enactments.]

(2) The Finance Department shall communicate the acceptance of

such surrenders before close of the financial year and where
requirement is justified, shall provide for equivalent amount in
the next financial year budget.

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13. (1) Conception and preparation of development projects. —All

development projects shall be conceived and prepared in
conformity with procedures, processes, templates and guidelines
defined by the Planning Commission or Planning and
Development Department, as the case may be.

(2) Cost and benefit analysis and risk assessment of all development
project proposals, in excess of a threshold size prescribed by the
Planning and Development Department, shall be undertaken.

14. Quality assurance. —Development project proposals which

exceed in their total cost thresholds defined by the Planning and
Development Department shall be subject to clearance by a
committee of experts, aimed to ensure quality assurance, to be
notified by the planning and development department prior to its
placement before the relevant competent forum for approval.

15. (1) Technical approval. —All development project proposals shall be

subject to a technical approval process. Technical approval shall
only be granted to projects which are compliant with the
standards and procedures set by the Planning Commission or
Planning and Development Department, as the case may be.

(2) Findings and recommendations of the quality assurance reports,

required under section 15, and cost and benefit analysis and risk
assessment, where required as per sub-section (2) of section 14,
shall be taken into account by these forums while considering the
development project proposals.

16. (1) Inclusion of development projects in demands for grants. —No

development project shall be considered for inclusion in
demands for grants that has not been granted technical approval.

(2) No development project shall be considered for inclusion in

demands for grants unless it is provided with a budget allocation
of at-least thirty three percent of its total cost for the coming

17. (1) Monitoring and evaluation of development projects. —

Development projects shall be subject to the following forms of
monitoring and evaluation, namely: —

(a) monitoring of progress during implementation;

(b) evaluation of the project on completion; and

(c) in case of the projects with a total cost exceeding a

threshold to be set by the Planning and Development
Department, an independent impact assessment within
five years after completion of the projects.

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(2) Timelines, forms and formats and guidance on conducting
monitoring and evaluation and reporting shall be as may be

18. (1) Budgetary provision for maintenance of assets. — Every

Department shall include in its demands for grants adequate
funds dedicated for operation and maintenance of the physical
infrastructure assets under its supervision.

(2) The Finance Department, in consultation with concerned

department, shall define adequacy requirements for different
categories of physical infrastructure expressed as the ratio of the
annual provision for maintenance and the current market value
of the asset.

19. (1) Records and Utilization of public assets. —Principal Accounting

Officers shall ensure a comprehensive and updated fixed-assets
register on the form as prescribed and that the maximum
possible returns are achieved on each and every asset falling
under the oversight of the Department.

(2) The returns on a public asset may include utilization of the asset
for delivery of one or more public services or a financial return
accruing to the Government from utilization of the potential of
the asset.

(3) Each Principal Accounting Officer shall send updated report of

such fixed assets register periodically as prescribed to Finance
Department for compilation and other purposes but not later
than 31 August following the close of current financial year.




20. (1) Provincial Consolidated Fund.— All Departments, their attached

departments and subordinate offices and all public entities if so
required by their statutes, shall arrange remittance in the
Provincial Consolidated Fund, without delay, of all revenues
including all grants received by the Government, all loans raised
by the Government including sub-lent loans by the federal
government and all moneys received by it in repayment of any
loan and all other moneys into the Public Account of the Province
as required under Article 118 of the Constitution.

(2) All loans or grants made to the Government by a foreign donor

agency or federal government or otherwise shall be remitted to
the Provincial Consolidated Fund.

21. Custody of the Provincial Consolidated Fund and Public Account

of the Province. — The operation of the Provincial Consolidated
Fund and the Public Account of the Province shall vest in the
Finance Department under the overall supervision of the

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22. (1) Expenditure from Provincial Consolidated Fund.— No authority
shall incur or commit any expenditure or enter into any liability
involving expenditure from the Provincial Consolidated Fund and
Public Account of the Province until the same has been
sanctioned by a competent authority duly empowered and the
expenditure has been provided for the financial year through—

(a) schedule of authorized expenditure; or

(b) supplementary grant and technical supplementary grant

as per Article 124 of the Constitution; or
(c) re-appropriation as per section 10.

(2) No authority shall transfer public moneys for investment or

deposit from government account to other bank account without
prior approval from the Government.

(3) Every grant approved by the Provincial Assembly for a financial

year and every other authority or sanction issued under this Act
in respect of a financial year, shall lapse and cease to have any
effect at the close of that financial year.

23. Withholding of authorized appropriations.—The Finance

Department may, with the prior approval of the Provincial
Assembly, suspend, withdraw, limit or place conditions on any
budget appropriation or other authority issued by it if the
Finance Department is satisfied that such action is required by
reason of a financial exigency or is in the public interest.

24. (1) Excess expenditure. —The expenditure in excess of the amount

of budget grant as well as the expenditure not falling within the
scope or intention of any budget grant, unless regularized by a
supplementary grant, shall be treated as excess expenditure.

(2) Excess expenditure shall not become a charge against the

Provincial Consolidated Fund except when—

(a) The Provincial Assembly approves an additional amount

equivalent to overspending as a direct charge against the
Provincial Consolidated Fund as voted or charged
expenditure; or
(b) it decides—
(i) to recover the excess expenditure from the
public servants who are found to be involved to
incur such an expenditure. In this case, the
Finance Department may take appropriate
measures; or
(ii) to take disciplinary proceedings against the
principal accounting officer.
(3) If the provincial Public Accounts Committee recommends the
excess expenditure to stand as a charge to Provincial
Consolidated Fund, then it shall be included in the statement of
excess expenditure required under Article 124 of the

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25. Commitment control system. — The Finance Department in
consultation with the Auditor General shall approve and issue
guidelines related to annual and multi-annual commitment
control systems.

26. Delegation of financial powers. —The Finance Department shall

approve regulations for the delegation of financial powers based
on the following principles, namely: —

(a) financial powers accorded to the principal accounting

officers to balance financial authority with responsibility
for financial propriety as per the applicable financial rules
and regulations;
(b) financial powers are accorded with the view to enhance
public service delivery; and
(c) allowing the principal accounting officers to delegate
financial powers to sub-ordinate officials. The delegation
shall not diminish the responsibility and accountability of
the principal accounting officers.
27. Fiscal Management Targets. — In particular and without
prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the
Government shall —

(a) strive for achieving zero budgeting deficit through

gradual annual reduction gradual reduction in deficit by
Rs. 10 billion;
(b) restrict its total outstanding debt up to a threshold as
prescribed by the Government;
(c) also strive for an annual gradual decrease in the
percentage of non-development expenditure, with a
specific preference to expenditure for pay and
allowances and its related expenditure and increase
development expenditure with the same ratio;



28. (1) Cash management. —The Finance Department, with the

approval of the Government, shall notify policy and rules under
this Act to prescribe an effective cash management system for all
public entities and special purpose funds leading to treasury
single account. Fundamental principles and objectives of such
policy and rules shall be—

(a) to anticipate cash needs of Government;

(b) to ensure availability of cash when it is required;

(c) to manage cash balance in the Government bank

accounts effectively; and
(d) to neutralize impact of the Government's cash flows on
the domestic banking sector.
(2) the policy and rules under this section, inter alia, shall provide

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(a) establishing institutional and administrative
arrangements needed to manage an effective cash
management system;
(b) availability of funds in accordance with schedule of
authorized expenditure or supplementary grant;
(c) availability of foreign exchange, where required, from
within the allocation of foreign exchange sanctioned for
the Departments concerned;
(d) placement of all public moneys into the treasury single
(e) quarterly revenue, expenditure, cash requirement and
debt plan within sanctioned budget;
(f) gradual expansion of budgetary and accounting
framework to all autonomous entities;
(g) usage of idle cash of the autonomous entities;

(h) require all principal accounting officers to provide the

information deemed necessary for effective operation of
the cash management and treasury single account
system. This may include the unused cash balances of
any entity operating under the administrative control of
that principal accounting officer; and
(i) The Finance Department, with the approval of
Government, may advise, in writing, the State Bank of
Pakistan to direct all conventional and non-conventional
banks and other financial institutions, to debit their bank
accounts and credit the same into Provincial
Consolidated Fund for purposes of formulation and
management of single treasury account system.
29. (1) Government banking arrangements.— The Government shall
maintain its Provincial Consolidated Fund Account in the State
Bank of Pakistan and it may open its such other bank accounts as
may be required by the Finance Department, from time to time,
in accordance with the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956 (XXXIII of

(2) These accounts shall be operated by such authorized signatories

as may be prescribed by the Finance Department.

(3) For the purpose of effective financial management and taking

corrective measures to ensure financial discipline, all banks in
Pakistan shall provide such information of all accounts
maintained by Departments, attached departments and
subordinate offices and public entities as shall be required by the
Finance Department, from time to time, through State Bank of

(4) Finance Department may give any instructions, in respect of

regulating and operating the bank accounts pertaining to
provincial consolidated fund and public account, to State Bank of
Pakistan or any other bank acting on its behalf.

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30. (1) Special purpose funds. — If monies have been appropriated by

the Provincial Assembly to establish a fund, the Finance
Department shall notify rules or regulations and issue directives
for the management and control of such a fund. Any statutory
instrument shall—

(a) state the purposes for which the special fund has been
(b) revenue generation capacity of such fund as a source of
provincial revenues and transfer of such proceeds into
provincial consolidated fund;
(c) identify the principal accounting officer responsible for
its operations; and
(d) specify that the cash balances of such funds shall form
part of Public Account of the Province.
(2) Such funds shall be subject to audit by the Auditor-General of

(3) Where the Government is satisfied that either—

(a) the purposes for which any special fund was established
have been fully served; or
(b) it is in the public interest to wind up a special fund,
it shall notify dissolution of the said special fund and any credit
balances in such fund shall be transferred to the Provincial
Consolidated Fund. An evaluation report and regulation of such
funds shall be notified by the Finance Department.



31. Accounts of the province. — The Accountant General,

Balochistan shall prepare Financial Statements and Appropriation
Accounts of the province in accordance with Accounting
Framework as prescribed by the Auditor General of Pakistan.

32. (1) Pre-audit and Payments of expenditure from the Provincial

Consolidated Fund Account. — The Finance Department, with
the approval of Government, may delegate powers for pre-audit
and authorization of expenditure from the Provincial
Consolidated Fund Account to the Accountant General,
Balochistan or District Account Officers, as it deems appropriate;

(2) The Finance Department, with the approval of Government, shall

delegate following functions to the Accountant General,
Balochistan at provincial level and to District Account Officers at
district level:

(a) collection and record keeping of subscription of

Government employees towards General Provident
Fund, Group Insurance, Benevolent Fund and any other
employee contributory scheme notified by the

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(b) settlement and authorization of payment of General
Provident Fund or any other employee contributory
scheme authorized by the Finance Department with the
approval of Government;
(c) Preparation of Government employee salary-slips
including fixation of pay as prescribed by the
(d) Preparation, record keeping and endorsement of work /
development cheques;
(e) Record keeping and maintaining accounts of receipts of
the province;
(f) Verification of service books; and
(g) Opening of assignment accounts on the advice of Finance
(3) The District Accounts Officers shall report monthly accounts to
Accountant General, Balochistan for compilation and preparation
of the consolidated monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual
accounts of the province.

(4) The Accountant General, Balochistan shall prepare and report

monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual accounts including
Financial Attest Audit Report to Finance Department.

33. Mid-year reporting of budget developments. —By twenty-eighth

February each year, the Government shall place mid-year review
report before the Provincial Assembly. The report shall provide
budget and actual comparison of revenues, expenditure and



34. (1) Public entities.— Where—

(a) any board, commission, company, corporation, trust or

other fund or account is established by or under any law
which is fully or substantially funded either from the
Provincial Consolidated Fund or by way of taxes, levies,
duties or other public monies accruing to it in terms of
any laws; or
(b) any entity other than a state enterprise is established by
or under any law, the activities of which may result in a
financial commitment or other liability being incurred by
the Government, the Government may declare such
entity to be a public entity for the purposes of this Act.
(2) The Government shall, by notification in the official Gazette,
classify public entities as-

(a) Government's business enterprises, including public

limited companies or registered companies under the law
regulating companies or banking; or

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(b) autonomous entities, which include all public entities
that are not Government's business enterprises, which
have been established to provide regulatory, research,
development and training or are producing goods or
services on non-commercial basis.
(3) The Finance Department shall be responsible for notifying the
policy framework and guidelines for financial management of
Government's business enterprises and autonomous entities,
including those related to internal controls, borrowing, cash
management, accounting, reporting and external audit.

35. Self-generated revenues. — The Finance Department shall, with

approval of the Government, notify policy and guidelines and
may issue regulations on the utilization of revenues generated by
autonomous entities which may arise from any act or statutory
instrument of the government.

36. (1) Preparation of accounts.— Financial Statements including

detailed accounts of its financial affairs of Government's business
enterprises shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions
of the relevant law. Copy of the annual audited financial
statements shall be made available to the Finance Department
within three months of their certification.

(2) Financial Statements including detailed accounts of its financial

affairs of autonomous entities shall be prepared in accordance
with instructions issued by the Finance Department. Copy of
annual audited financial statements and auditor’s certificate in
respect of any other statement if required, shall be made
available to the Finance Department within three months of their

(3) Audited financial statements and annual accounts referred to in

sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) shall be laid before Provincial
Assembly along with other accounts of Government not later
than one month after the same are submitted by Auditor-
General, except that, if Provincial Assembly is not in session, then
the accounts shall be laid before it on the first day of the
following session.

(4) Any reports laid before Provincial Assembly under sub-section (3)
shall be referred to the Public Accounts Committee of Provincial

37. (1) Audit. —The audit of all public business enterprises shall be in
accordance with the provisions of the relevant law.

(2) The audit of autonomous entities classified shall be in accordance

with instructions issued by the Auditor-General.

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38. Dissolution of public entity. —Where the public entity
established under any law or legal instrument stands dissolved or
has been wound up, any monies or other resources standing to
the credit of the public entity at the time of dissolution or
winding up shall be paid into the Provincial Consolidated Fund.



39. Removal of difficulty. — If any difficulty arises in giving effect to

the provisions of this Act, Government may make such order, not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as it may consider
necessary for removal of such difficulty.

40. (1) Power to make rules.— The Government may, by notification in

the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of
this Act.

(2) All existing instruments shall continue in force until altered,

amended or repealed by such authority competent to alter,
amend or repeal the same.

(3) Without prejudice to anything contained in this Act, the existing

instruments shall include—

(a) The General Financial Rules;

(b) Federal Treasury Rules;
(c) Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules;
(d) Civil Service Regulations;
(e) Provident Fund Rules;
(f) Civil Pension Rules;
(g) Methods and procedures prescribed by the Auditor-
General of Pakistan with reference to deposit and
withdrawal of public money;
(h) Public Works Department Code;
(i) the New System of Financial Control and Budgeting,
(j) the Central Public Works Account Code;
(k) the New Accounting Model including Accounting Policies
and Procedures Manual;
(l) other Financial Regulations consistent with the above
rules; and
(m) all amendments, schedules, manuals, notifications,
forms, appendixes, orders, circulars, codes, instructions,
directives, guidelines, clarifications and any other
supplementary legal instruments relating to any of those
rules, in each case as in force in the Government before
commencement of this Act.
(4) All the existing public finance management and administration
including the rules, regulations and all amendments, schedules,
manuals, notifications, forms, appendixes, orders, circulars,
codes, instructions, directives, guidelines, clarifications and any
other supplementary legal instruments relating to any of
those rules, in each case as in force in the Government before

Page 15 of 32
commencement of this Act shall be made consistent with this Act
through appropriate amendments where required.

41. Budget manual. —Within a period of one year from

commencement of this Act, the Finance Department shall
approve a budget manual, to be published as well as placed on
the Government's website.

42. Implementation and improvement —The Government shall

constitute a committee to oversee implementation of this Act
and its secondary legislation. The committee shall also enlist
international best practices of the public finance management
and shall recommend improvements in this Act and its secondary
legislation from time to time.

43. Overriding effect —This Act shall have overriding effect over all
other laws and any law inconsistent with this Act in contradiction
with this Act shall be amended to the extent of the inconsistency.

Amendment in 3 In the Balochistan Finance Act, 1964 (West Pakistan Act XXXIV of
the Balochistan . 1964), in section 11, in sub-section (1),-
Finance Act,
1964 (West
Pakistan Act

(1) in clause (k), the word “and” appearing at the end shall be
omitted; and thereafter, for clause ‘(l)’, the following new clauses
from (l) to (bb) shall be substituted, namely: -

“(l) Educational institutions:

Particulars Rate of Tax

Rs.100,000 per annum for

All private schools, colleges,
main campus and in case
universities and academies, where
of its sub-branch
the number of enrolled students
Rs.50,000 per annum per
is 120 or more and further such
branch. These rates are
enrollment is active for at-least
applicable for schools
three months in the concerned
charging average monthly
institution record: -
school fee Rs.7,000 and

Rs.70,000 per annum for

main campus and in case of
its sub-branch Rs.35,000
per annum per branch.
These rates are applicable
for schools charging
average monthly school fee
Rs.3,000 to Rs.6,999.

Page 16 of 32
Rs.35,000 per annum for
main campus and in case
of its sub-branch
Rs.20,000 per annum per
branch. These rates are
applicable for schools
charging average monthly
school fee Rs.3,000 or

Particulars Rate of Tax

(m) Motor cars dealers / Rs25,000 per annum from

Motor car and Motor authorized dealers of
cycle bargain centers. Motorcar Manufacturers.

Rs. 10,000 per annum from

authorized dealers of
Tractors/ Rickshaws/
Motorcycle etc.

Rs. 10,000 per annum from

bargain centers having
floor area of 1,000 square
feet and above.

Rs. 5000 per annum from

all bargain centers having
floor area below 1000
square feet.

Rs. 5,000 per annum.

(n) Carriage of Goods and
Passengers companies

(o) Furniture/ Carpet Rs. 2,000 per annum for

Showrooms. show rooms having floor
area up to 1,000 square

Rs. 5,000 per annum for

show rooms having floor
area above 1,000 square

(p) Pesticide dealers. Rs. 5,000 per annum.

(q) Cable Operators Rs. 10,000 per annum.

(r) Departmental Stores Rs. 10,000 per annum.

Page 17 of 32
(s) Marriage Halls and
Marquees Rs. 10,000 per annum.

(t) Tent/ Catering Service Rs. 2,000 per annum.

Providers/ Pakwan

(u) Franchisee, Authorized Rs. 3,000 per annum.

Dealers /Agents and
(v) Jewelers Rs. 2,000 per annum.

(w) Money Exchange Traders. Rs. 5,000 per annum.

(x) Courier Companies. 1% of the invoice value

excluding tax.

(y) Restaurants eateries, Ice Rs. 1,000 per annum having

cream parlor, Juice floor area up to 1,000
centers, Fast food points, square feet.
Bakeries and Sweet
Rs. 2,000 per annum having
floor area up to 2,000
square feet.

Rs. 5,000 per annum having

floor area above 2,000
square feet.

(z) Commercial Vehicles. Rs. 200 per annum.

(aa) Hardware, Tiles and Rs. 1,000 per annum.

Sanitary shops,
Electronics/ electrical
Goods stores, Mechanical
works/ Machinery
dealers, Solar energy
equipment dealers,
Battery Shops, Health
clubs, Gymnasium, New/
Old Spare parts
/accessories dealers,
motor car garages,
stationeries, medical
stores, Cloth shops,
Crockery shops, Grocery
shops, Boutique/
Garments dealers, Foot
ware shops, Printing
press, Tailors, Hair
dressers, Beauty Parlors,

Page 18 of 32
Service Stations, Iron
works, Carpenters,
Timber Depot, Poultry
/Mutton /Beef Shops,
Fruit/ Vegetable Shops,
Dairy /Milk shops and

(bb) Commercial establishments other than

mentioned in clause ‘a’ to ‘aa’. Any
commercial establishment not covered in any
of the clauses (a) to (aa) will be charged to tax for
Rs. 1,000 per annum.”.
(2) At the end of proviso, for ‘paragraph (iii)’, the following shall be
substituted: -

“(iii) for the class of persons specified at clause (h) the rates
shall be,-

S.No. For class of Medical Rate of Tax


1. Specialist Doctors Rs. 50,000 per annum

2. General Doctors Rs. 30,000 per annum

Amendment in 4. In the Balochistan Finance Act, 1965 (W.P. Act No. I of 1965) in
the Balochistan section 12, in sub-section (8), —
Finance Act,
1965 (West
Pakistan Act No.
I of 1965).

(1) in clause (a) of the ‘Explanation’, after the word “consideration”

the full stop and words “. It also includes motels, boatels and
similar type of establishment” shall be inserted.

Amendment in 5. In the Balochistan Sales Tax on Services Act, 2015 (Act No VI of

the Balochistan 2015), -
Sales Tax on
Services Act,
(Balochistan Act
No. VI of 2015).

(1) In section 30, for sub-sections (2) and (3), the following shall be

substituted: -

“(2) The Authority may, by notification in the official Gazette,

specify a format of invoices to be issued by a registered person
or class of registered persons and prescribe a procedure for
authentication of such invoices.

Page 19 of 32
(3) The Authority or an officer authorized by the Authority in
this behalf, may require a registered person or a class of
registered persons to issue invoices electronically in such
manner as may be prescribed, and to transmit such invoices to
the Authority, subject to such conditions and restrictions as the
Authority may specify by notification in the official Gazette.”

(2) In section 31, in sub-section (1): -

(a) for clauses (a), (b) and (c), the following shall be substituted: -

(a) record of services provided, including exempt services,

indicating the description, quantity and value of service,
name, registration number and address of the person to
whom services were rendered and the amount of tax
(b) record of goods and services received, including exempt
goods and services, indicating description, quantity and
value of goods and services, name, address and
registration number of the service provider or supplier
of goods and the amount of the tax charged;
(c) record of goods imported indicating the description,
quantity and value of goods and the amount of tax paid
on imports;”
(b) After clause (c), as so amended, the following new clauses shall
be added, namely: -

(d) Books of Prime Entry or subsidiary books including Cash

(e) double entry accounts including General Ledger;
(f) Annual Audited Financial Statements prepared either
on the basis of International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRSs) or International Public Sector
Accounting Standards (IPSAS), as the case may be;
(g) bank statements, banking instruments and the related
reconciliation statements;
(h) inventory records, utility bills, salary and labor bills, rent
deeds and agreements;
(i) record required to be maintained and the declarations
filed under any other law for the time being in force;
(j) records of tax invoices and debit credit notes issued by
the person;

(k) records of tax invoices and debit credit notes received

by the person;
(l) records of customs documents (goods declaration under
section 30 of the Customs Act, 1969 and its ancillary
(m) Minutes of various meetings including minutes of
Board, Annual General Meeting (AGM), Extra Ordinary
General Meeting; and
(n) such other records as may be specified by the

Page 20 of 32
(3) In section 33, sub-section (1), after the word ‘records’, the words
“or documents which are in his possession or control or in the
possession or control of his agent; and where such record or
documents have been kept on electronic data” shall be inserted;

(4) In section 33, after sub-section (3), the following new sub-section
(3A) shall be inserted namely: -

“(3A) The officer authorized under sub-section (1) may conduct

audit proceedings electronically through video links or any
other facility as may be notified by the Authority.”

(5) In section 35, for sub-section (1), the following shall be

substituted namely: -

“(1) Every registered person shall furnish to the Authority, not

later than the due date, a true, correct and properly filled-up
return in the form notified by the Authority, indicating the tax
due and paid during a tax period and such other information or
particulars as may be notified by the Authority.”

(6) In section 48, in sub-section (2), in the table, after S.No.2 and the
entries relating thereto in columns 1, 2, 3 and 4, the following
new entries shall be inserted: -

2A Where any Such person shall be General

person liable to pay a penalty
fails or refuses of twenty thousand
to rupees
issue a tax on first default and
invoice fifty thousand
as required in rupees for each
sub-rule subsequent
(1) of rule 29 default. In case of
of the three acts of such
Balochistan default, the
Sales business premises
Tax on Services shall be liable to
Rules, 2018. be sealed.
2B Where any Such person shall be 59A
person either liable to pay a penalty
avoids, defies, of up to one hundred
fails to comply thousand rupees, but
with e not less than twenty-
invoicing five thousand rupees.
system or In case of three
Issues Invoices consecutive defaults,
outside the e- the place of business
invoicing of such person may
system. further be liable to

Page 21 of 32
(7) In section 63, for sub-section (4), the following shall be
substituted, namely: -

“(4) An appeal under subsection (1) may be filed manually or

electronically as may be specified by the Authority.”;

(8) In section 66,

(a) for sub-section (2), the following words “The Appellate Tribunal
shall consist of three members of such number of judicial and
technical members as are determined and appointed by the
Government having regard to the needs of the Tribunal.” shall
be substituted;

(b) in sub-section (4), after the word ‘Member’ the words “on the
recommendations of a Government Committee as prescribed in
section 3(4) of the Balochistan Revenue Authority Act, 2015”
and further in clause (b), after the word ‘authority’, the words
“or Federal Board of Revenue” shall be omitted;

(c) in sub-section (4), after clause (b), a new clause (bb) “is
Associated Chartered Certified Accountant or Associated
Chartered Accountant having at-least three years of experience
in taxation;” shall be inserted;

(d) after sub-section (4), the following new sub-section (4A) shall be
inserted, namely: -

“(4A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (4),

the Government may, for three years from the enforcement of
this Act, appoint any person, as Technical Member, who has
worked for a minimum of three years:

(i) in the Federal Board of Revenue or Provincial Excise and

Taxation Department or Balochistan Board of Revenue in the
rank not below BS-20 for five years in aggregate, or

(ii) as A Commissioner Inland Revenue (Appeals) under clause

(c), sub-section (1) of section 30 of the Sales Tax Act 1990, for
three years with service of at least five years in BS-20, as an
Accountant Member of the Appellate Tribunal.” shall be

(e) in sub-section (6), full stop “.” appearing at the end shall be
substituted by colon “:” and thereafter the following two
provisos shall be added: -

“Provided that in the event of the occurrence of any vacancy in

the office of the Chairperson by reason of his death, resignation
or otherwise, the senior most Member of the Tribunal shall act
as the Chairperson until the date on which a new Chairperson,
appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Act to fill
such vacancy, enters upon his office:

Page 22 of 32
Provided further that where the Chairperson is unable to
discharge his functions owing to absence, illness or any other
cause, the senior most Member of the Tribunal shall discharge
the functions of the Chairperson until the date on which the
Chairperson resumes his duties.”

(f) in sub-section (7) after the word “discharged” the words “in the
prescribed manner, if not provided in this section” shall be

(g) in sub-section (9) after the word “may” and comma “,” the words
“subject to such conditions, limitations or restrictions as it may
determine,” shall be inserted;

(h) in sub-section (11) for the words “tax or penalty involved does
not exceed five million rupees” the words and full stop “tax or
input tax credit involved or the difference in tax or input tax
credit involved or the amount of fine, fee, default surcharge or
penalty determined in any order appealed against, does not
exceed five hundred thousand rupees and which does not
involve any question of law.” shall be substituted;

(i) in sub-section (12) after the word “opinion” the words “or are
equally divided” shall be substituted;

(j) sub-sections (13) and (14) shall be omitted;

(k) in sub-section (16) after the word “may” the commas and words
“, in consultation with Authority and Finance Department,” shall
be inserted;

(l) after sub-section (16), as so amended, the following new sub-

section (17) shall be added, namely: -

“(17) No act or proceedings of the Appellate Tribunal shall be

questioned or shall be invalid merely on the ground of the
existence of any vacancy or defect in the constitution of the
Appellate Tribunal.”

(9) After section (66), the following new section (66A) shall be
inserted: -

“66A- Member Qualification, Remuneration and Removal: -

(1) Prior to appoint any person as Members of the Appellate

Tribunal under section 66, the Government shall satisfy itself
that such person does not have any financial or other interests
which are likely to prejudicially affect his functions as such
Member including Chairperson.

(2) The salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of

service of the Members including Chairperson of the Appellate
Tribunal shall be such as may be prescribed by the Government:

Page 23 of 32
Provided that neither salary and allowances nor other terms
and conditions of service of the Members of the Appellate
Tribunal shall be varied to their disadvantage after their

(3) Any Member may, by notice in his hand writing addressed to

the Government resign from his office:

Provided that the Member shall continue to hold office until the
expiry of three months from the date of receipt of such notice
by the Government or until a person duly appointed as his
successor enters upon his office or until the expiry of his term of
office, whichever is the earliest.

(4) The Government may, after consultation with the Chief

Justice of Balochistan High Court in case of

Judicial Members only, remove Members from their office,

who: -

(a) has been adjudged an insolvent; or

(b) has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of

Government involves moral turpitude; or

(c) has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as

Member; or

(d) has acquired such financial or other interest as is likely to

affect prejudicially his functions as Member; or

(e) has so abused his position as to render his continuance in

office prejudicial to the public interest:

Provided that the Member shall not be removed on any of the

grounds specified in clauses (d) and (e), unless he has been
informed of the charges against him and has been given an
opportunity of being heard.

Provided further that, the Judicial Member shall not

be removed from their office except by an order made by the

Government on the ground of proved misbehavior or incapacity
after an inquiry made by a Judge of the Balochistan High Court
nominated by the Chief Justice of the Balochistan High Court on
a reference made to him by the Government and of which the
said Member had been given an opportunity of being heard.

(5) The Government, with the concurrence of the Chief Justice

of Balochistan High Court, may suspend from office, the Judicial
Members of the Appellate Tribunal in respect of whom a
reference has been made to the Chief Justice of the Balochistan
High Court under sub-section (4).”

Page 24 of 32
(10) In section 72,

(a) in sub-section (1), in clause (bb), after the word ‘companies’, the
words “including running and demand finance” shall be inserted;

(b) in sub-section (1), in the proviso, the full stop at the end shall be
substituted by a colon and thereafter the following second
proviso shall be added: -

“Provided further that in cases where Assessment of tax has

been made under section 24 or where determination of tax not
levied or short levied has been adjudged under section 52,
action for the recovery of the tax and the default surcharge and
penalty relating thereto shall not be made under this section for
a period of thirty days from the date of the order of such
assessment or determination.”;

(11) In Second Schedule,

(a) against the Tariff Heading 9801.2000, in column 3 ‘rate of tax’,

for the figure and sign “15%”, the following shall be substituted,
and at the end of this entry in column 2 ‘Description’, the
following paragraph of ‘Explanation’ shall be inserted namely: -

(i) ‘Chainaki Restaurants’: - the amount of monthly tax

shall be fixed at Rs. 3,000 without input tax credit or
(ii) Other restaurants including café, coffee houses, food
huts, ice-cream shops and eateries excluding chainaki
restaurants: - 6% without input tax credit or

[Explanation: - For the purposes of this tariff heading, the term

‘Chainaki Restaurant’ means a restaurant, café, coffee house,
food hut, ice cream shop and eatery where its monthly
electricity consumption is not more than Rs. 7,000 and the
number of employees does not exceed two.]”

(b) against the Tariff Heading 9814.2000, in paragraph of ‘Excluding’

as stated in column 2 of description, after the word “or”, the
words “or interest free loans” shall be inserted and in its column
3 ‘rate of tax’ the figure and sign “15%” shall be substituted by

“(i)- Rs. 60 per square yard in case the services mentioned are
rendered in relation to residential building / property; and

(ii)- Rs. 50 per square feet in case the services mentioned are
rendered in relation to commercial building / property.”;

(c) against the Tariff Heading 9814.3000, in in column 3 ‘rate of tax’

the figure and sign “15%” shall be substituted by “(i)- Rs. 60 per
square yard in case the services mentioned are rendered in
relation to residential property; and (ii)- Rs. 50 per square feet
in case the services mentioned are rendered in relation to
commercial property.”;

Page 25 of 32
(d) against the Tariff Headings 9815.4000, 9815.5000, 9815.7000 and
9815.8000, in column 2 of description, under the existing entries,
the following paragraph shall be added namely: - “Excluding. -
Where the services are rendered and funded under an
agreement of foreign grant-in-aid or interest free loan.”;

(e) against the Tariff Heading 9824.0000, in column 2 of description,

under the existing entries, the following two paragraphs shall be
added, namely: -

“Excluding. - Where the construction work is funded under

an agreement of foreign grant-in-aid or interest free loan or
involves construction of consular buildings.

Explanation.- Notwithstanding the rate of 15% fixed in

column 3 (rate of tax), the following reduced rate of 6%, will be
applicable, for all services specified at tariff heading 9824.0000
without input tax credit or adjustment to the extent of
contracts for which payment is made from the Provincial
Consolidated Fund.”.

(f) In Second Schedule, against the Tariff Heading 9868.0000, in

column 2 of description, under the existing entries, the following
paragraph shall be added namely: -

[Explanation. -Notwithstanding the rate of 15% fixed in column

3 (rate of tax), the following reduced rate of 6%, will be
applicable, for all services specified at tariff heading 9868.0000
without input tax credit or adjustment].

Amendment in 6. In Balochistan Revenue Authority Act, 2015 (Act No: VII of 2015):
Balochistan -
Authority Act,
Act No. VII of

(1) in section 2: -

(a) after clause (f)- the following new clause (ff) shall be inserted
namely: -

Page 26 of 32
“(ff) “Corruption” means-
(i) Accepting, obtaining or offering any gratification or
valuable things directly or indirectly which deem to
be unauthorized or illegal; or
(ii) Dishonestly or fraudulently misappropriate, or
indulge in embezzlement of funds including
unauthorized drawl from the Authority’s Bank
Account or unauthorizedly using the property or
resources of the Authority including all classes of
fixed assets; or
(iii) Entering into plea bargain under any law for the time
in force, voluntarily returning the assets or gains
acquired through corruption or corrupt practices;”;

(b) after clause (k), the following new clause (kk) shall be inserted
namely: -
“(kk) “Misconduct” means a conduct prejudicial to good order
or service discipline, and includes any of the following
(i) Any action without the approval of the competent
authority; or
(ii) engage, take part, assist, aid, convince or
interfere in any political activity and election
other than discreetly casting vote; or
(iii) submission of fake documents; or
(iv) breach of contract or accepted terms and
conditions by any public servant; or
(v) conviction for an offence by a court of law’ or
(vi) absence from duty without prior approval of
leave including foreign visits whether official or
un-official; or
(vii) unauthorized or ineligible usage of assets
including vehicle, equipment etc. owned by the
Authority; or
(viii) theft, fraud, misappropriation or embezzlement
in connection with the Authority’s property or
assets; or
(ix) violation or deviation from the Act, rules,
regulations or policy of the Authority; or
(x) call, attempt, threat or induce for strike.”

Page 27 of 32
(c) in clause (o) for the figure “188”, the figure “118” shall be
substituted; and

(d) in clause (jjj) for the words “competent authority”, the word
“Authority” shall be substituted.

(2) in section 3, -

(a) in sub-section (4),

(i) after the words “performance-based market salaries” the

words [or salaries as fixed by the Government] shall be added;

(ii) at the end of the words “a similar term” the words and
comma “in accordance with the same procedure, as stated in
this sub-section” shall be added;

(b) in sub-section (5),

(i) after the words “appointed as the Chairperson” the words

“through open competition” shall be inserted;

(ii) in clause (b), for the words “twenty-five” the words “twenty”
shall be substituted;

(c) in sub-section (6),

(i) after the words “requirements for appointment of Members”

the words “appointed through open competition” shall be

(ii) in 5th bullet point, for the word “twenty” the word [fifteen]
shall be substituted; and

(d) for sub-section (7), the following shall be substituted, namely: -

“(7) If office of the Chairperson or of any Member is vacant

owing to any cause, the Chief Minister may, on the
recommendations of the Government Committee, appoint a
suitable officer of BPS-20 or above of the Government of
Balochistan on transfer / posting basis for a temporary period
but not exceeding one year, as Chairperson or Member as per
Authority’s pay structure and subject to relevant qualification
and experience.

Provided that the Government shall fill in the vacant post of

Chairperson or of any Member, as the case may be, within a
reasonable period but not exceeding one year.

Page 28 of 32
Provided further that, in case of deputation, the Government
Committee, may appoint a suitable officer of BPS-20 or above of
the Government of Balochistan on deputation basis for a period
of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for a
similar term, as Chairperson or Member as per Authority’s pay
structure and subject to relevant qualification and experience.”

(e) After sub-section (7), as so amended, the following new sub-

section (8) shall be added namely: -

“(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or the

rules or regulations made thereunder, the Government
Committee, with the approval of Chief Minister, may initiate an
inquiry and thereafter on its basis, it may terminate the
contract of the Chairperson or of any Member with other
penalties as may be prescribed if, such contractual employee, is
involved in any corruption or any subversive activity, or
involved in any misconduct under the Act or the rules or
regulations made thereunder.”

(3) in section 4, -

(a) in sub-section (2),

(i) in Clause (h) after the word “grant”, the commas and words “,
with the approval of Advisory Council,” shall be inserted;

(ii) in Clause (i) for the word “defied”, the word “verified” shall
be substituted;

(iii) clause (r) shall be omitted; and

(iv) in clause (v), after the word “establish” the comma, words
and comma “, with the approval of Advisory Council,” shall be

(4) in section 5, -

(a) In sub-section (1), -

(i) for clause (b), the following shall be substituted, namely: -

“(b) assess and identify, for the approval of Advisory Council,

creation or abolition or re-designation of posts, and prepare
internal job posting regime against the posts so approved by
the Advisory Council”

(ii) in clause (h), after the word ‘appoint’, the commas and words
“, with the approval of advisory council,” shall be inserted;

Page 29 of 32
(iii) after clause (h), the following new clause (hh) shall be
inserted, namely: -

“appoint, on the Authority’s pay structure, an employee of the

Government of Balochistan through deputation as advisor,
consultant, expert, commissioner or additional/deputy
commissioner subject to his relevant qualification in
Accountancy, Commerce, Finance or Law and having an
experience, of at-least ten years, in tax or audit or law;

(iv) in clause (i) for the words and figures “as may be prescribed
under section 32 of the Act”, the words “with the approval of
the Advisory Council” shall be substituted;

(b) for the existing sub-section (3), the following shall be substituted,
namely: -

“Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other

law, rules or judgement of any court, the Government shall be
competent to re-designate or regularize employees of the
Authority working on contract or temporary basis, in basic pay
scale 1 to 20 through its selection committee, to be notified,
and further the Government shall not be required to refer such
employees to and consult the Balochistan Public Service
Commission for making such appointments, or on matters
relating to qualifications for such appointments and methods of
their recruitment.

(5) in section 13, -

(a) In sub-section (1), -

(i) for clause (b), the following shall be substituted, namely: -

“(b) Minister Finance; Member”

(ii) for clause (c), the following shall be substituted, namely: -

“(c) Chief Secretary of the Government; Member”; and

(iii) for clause (h), the following shall be substituted, namely: -

“(h) Six private members to be nominated by the

Government, on the recommendations of the administrative
department of the Authority, from amongst the eminent
Economists, Tax Experts, Bankers, Chartered Certified
Accountants or Chartered Accountants, representatives of
Chambers of Commerce and Industry or civil society
organizations, at a minimum comprising of, an Economist with a
PhD in Economics from any HEC recognized university, a
Chartered or Chartered Certified Accountant with fifteen years
of experience, a Lawyer who has LLM degree with a minimum
of ten years of Tax experience, and a tax expert with ten years
of experience; Member; and”

Page 30 of 32
(b) in sub-section (2), for the word “propose”, the word “advise”
and for the word “Government” the word “Authority” shall be

(c) in sub-section (3), for the words “Chief Secretary”, the words
“Minister Finance” shall be substituted;

(d) for sub-section (6), the following shall be substituted: -

“The Council shall meet at least once every six months or as and
when required by the Authority or the Government.” shall be

(6) in section 22, -

(a) in sub-section (1), the brackets and figure “1” appearing at the
beginning shall be omitted; and

(b) sub-section (2) shall be omitted.

(7) in section 29, in sub-section (1) for the words “tax-relator”, the
words “tax-related” shall be substituted.

(8) in section 32, -

(a) in sub-section (1), the brackets and figure “1” appearing at the
beginning shall be omitted; and

(b) sub-section (2) shall be omitted.

(9) in section 34, clause (b) shall be omitted.

Amendment in 7. In the Excise Duty on Minerals (Labor Welfare) Act, 1967 (Act No
the Excise and VIII of 1967), in section 3, in subsection (1), for the words “one
Minerals rupee”, the words “two hundred rupees” and for the words “five
(Labor rupees”, the words “25% on major minerals and 10% of the rate
Welfare) Act, of royalty on other minerals as specified in third schedule Part-II
1967 (Act No. & III of the Balochistan Mineral Rules, 2002” shall be
VIII of 1967). substituted.

Amendment in 8. In the Mines Act, 1923 (Act No IV of 1923), -

Mines Act,
1923 (Act No.
IV of 1923).

(1) in section 30A, in clause (d) for the words “not exceeding five
rupees per ton”, the words “25% per ton of the rate of royalty
on respective mineral as specified in third schedule Part-II & III
of the Balochistan Mineral Rules, 2002” shall be substituted;

(2) in section 34, in sub-section (1) for the words “one thousand”,
the words “one hundred thousand” shall be substituted and in
sub-section (2) for the words “six hundred” the words “fifty
thousand” shall be substituted;

Page 31 of 32
(3) in section 35, in clause (e), for the words “one thousand”, the
words “one hundred thousand” shall be substituted;

(4) in section 36, for the words “four thousand” the words “one
hundred thousand” shall be substituted and for the words “six
thousand” the words “ten hundred thousand” shall be

(5) in section 37, for the words “one thousand” the words “one
hundred thousand” shall be substituted;

(6) in section 38, in sub-section (1) for the words “one thousand”
wherever appears, the words “one hundred thousand” shall be
substituted and in sub-section (2) for the words “five hundred”
the words “fifty thousand” shall be substituted;

(7) in section 39, for the words “five thousand” the words “one
hundred thousand” shall be substituted and for the words
“twenty thousand” and “five hundred” the words “two hundred
thousand” and “eight hundred” shall be substituted respectively;

(8) in section 40, in sub-section (1),-

(a) for the words “forty thousand”, the words “five hundred
(b) for the words “twenty thousand” the words “three
hundred thousand”; and
(c) for the words “ten thousand” the words “one hundred
thousand”, shall be substituted.



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