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SatuanPendidikan : SekolahMenengahKejuruan
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum : 2006
JenisSoal : PilihanGanda
JumlahSoal : 45Soal

Petunjuk :

1. Kerjakanlahpadalembarjawaban yang disediakandenganmenggunakan ballpoint/pulpen

yang bertintahitam
2. Tulisnama, nomorujianAndapadalembarjawaban
3. Laporkankepadapengawaskalauterdapattulisan yang kurangjelas,
4. Berikantandasilang (X) padasalahsatupilihanjawaban yang menurutAnda paling tepat
5. ApabilapilihanjawabanAndasalahsatudanAndainginmemperbaikinya,
coretlahdenganduagarismendatarpilihanjawaban yang salah, kemudianberitandasilang
(X) padapilihan yang Andaanggapbenar.
Contoh : PilihanSemula A B C D E
Dibetulkanmenjadi : A B C D E

Listening Section

In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part 1. Pictures

Questions : 1 to 3

Directions :

For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the
tape. They are spoken TWICE, and are not written out in your test book, so you must listen to
them carefully. You must choose one statement – (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that best describes
the picture.

Then on your answer sheet, mark your choice.

Example :

Look at the following picture. Sample answer

Now, listen to the following statements.
a. The man is wearing a tie.
b. The woman in wearing a jacket
c. The woman is wearing a hat
d. They are both wearing glasses

Choice (A) – “The man is wearing a tie.” – that best describes what is seen in the picture.
Therefore you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.

Let’s begin with question number one.



Part II. Question – Response

Questions :4–7
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They
will not be printed on your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question:

You will hear : Woman : Could you tell me how to get to the convention center?
You will also hear : Man : (A) No, the convention was already over
(B) Sure, go two blocks and turn left
(C) Yes, I have to get it now
(D) Yes, I met her there

Choice (B) – “Sure, go two blocks and turn left” – is the best response to the question.
“Could you tell me how to get to the convention center?” Therefore, you should mark (B) on
your answer sheet.
4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III. Short Conversations

Questions : 8 to 11.
Directions :
In this part on the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the
conversations TWICE. The conversations will not be printed on your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speaker says.

In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it
on your answer sheet.

You will hear :
Woman : I ordered that last Tuesday. It should have arrived by now
Man : Maybe there was a delay in sending it. Have you called them?
Woman : Not yet. I will call them now

You will read : What will the woman probably do?

A. Phone the company Sample answer
B. Order the software
C. Cancel the order
D. Arrive at the store

Choice (A) – “Phone the company.” – is the best response to the question, “What will the
woman probably do?” Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer sheet.

8. What does the man do when he gets bored

A. He meets his cousin
B. He watches news on TV
C. He spends time in the reading room
D. He reads magazines at his desk

9. What is the woman looking for?

A. A business suite
B. A nice sweater
C. A pair of black shoes
D. Some shirts for her husband

10. What happened to the woman?

A. Her night flight was delayed
B. She sat on the wrong plane
C. She lost her boarding pass
D. She couldn’t find her ticket
11. What does the man say about the investment?
A. It has to be restricted
B. It is too early to go
C. It is possibly profitable
D. It has no free trade

Part IV. Short Talk

Questions : 12 to 15
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not
be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question
will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and
mark it on your answer sheet.

Questions 12 and 13 refer to the following procedure.

12. What is the instruction about?

A. Participants of online business laws
B. Plans in writing a business proposal
C. Process to start an online business
D. Steps in setting up a business website

13. Which of the following is mentioned as part of online business laws

A. Recognition of other legal accounts
B. Extraction of essential business plans
C. Registration of website domain names
D. Distribution of customers personal information

Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following information.

14. What will the interested listeners probably do after hearing the information?
A. Go to the market to buy salmon
B. Buy sushi and salmon tempura
C. Search the location of the restaurant
D. Talk to the chief of the restaurant

15. Which poultry item is wonderful choice for dinner?

A. Chicken
B. Duck
C. Turkey
D. Goose
This is the end of the listening section
Questions 16-17 are based on the following text.

Star Gardens
Ever since its grand opening in Jakarta six months ago, Star Gardens has been
one of the most popular places in the city. Star Gardens serves many different
kinds of traditional Indonesian lamb and fish dishes. The service is fast and
friendly and the price are moderate. Only the atmosphere leave something to be
desired. The dining room lacks adequate lighting, and the tables are too closer
together. Open for lunch and dinner, seven days a week.

16. “The dining room lacks adequate lighting, ...” (line 5)

The underlined word means ...
A. Great
B. Little
C. Enough
D. Excessive

17. What is advertised in above advertisement?

A. Mall
B. Hotel
C. Garden
D. Restaurant

Questions 18-19 are based on the following text.

The best trip that I have ever taken was when I was in the second grade at senior
high school. I went to Yogyakarta with all my school friends. My school held the trip. We
went there by bus. We spent three days and went to some tourist places around
First we went to a small village near Yogyakarta where we were divided into a
small groups consisting of two to four people to stay in the villagers’ homes. We learn
many traditional arts and culture, such as how to make batik, how to play gamelan
(karawitan), and how to cook traditional food. The next day we went to Yogyakarta and
checked into a hotel that we had reserved. In the hotel, five to six people occupied each
room. My best friends and I were in the same room and we spent the night by talking and
sharing about many things.
In Yogyakarta, we went to many places. We went to the Sultan Palace of
Yogyakarta, shopped in Malioboro, saw the sunset from the rubble of and old temple that
is found on the top of the hill ( I forgot the name of the temple), watched a Rama Sinta
play in Prambanan ( which was really a fascinating performance and play ) and the best
part was that we got to eat at seafood restaurant that was located above the pond where
we could eat big delicious fresh lobster.
I was to say it was a great holiday. I had so many great new experiences and it
enabled me to know about one of the many Indonesian tribe’s culture better. It also
helped me get closer to my friends and know them better.
18. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Exploring the places in Yogyakarta
B. Eating seafood at the restaurant
C. Watching Rama and Sinta play
D. Enjoying the beautiful sunset

19. The passage tells us about…

A. Process of the school’s trip.
B. Personal experiences.
C. Description of things.
D. Sequence of events.

Questions 20-23 are based on the following announcement.

Police are trying to locate Miss Nancy Smith, age 75, who disappeared from
Sweety's Home for the Elderly on Saturday night. Miss Smith is 160 centimeters
tall, weighs 98 kilograms, and has short brown hair. She wears thick glasses, has
a light complexion, and brown eyes. When last seen she was wearing a short
blue jacket, brown slack and black shoes.

20. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Giving the information about the missing person
B. Calling the police station for urgent information
C. Introducing Miss Nancy Smith
D. Visiting the Sweety’s Home

21. Which statement is true about Miss Smith?

A. She left Sweety’s home in the morning
B. She has brown hair and black eyes
C. She was wearing a blue dress
D. She is an old lady

22. What is the synonym of the word ‘locate’ in the above passage?
A. find
B. move
C. arrest
D. investigate

23. How is Miss Smith’s appearance?

A. She's ideal weight
B. She's overweight
C. She's Tiny
D. She's slim
Question 24-25 refer to the following procedure

1. Print the document from the application.

2. Ensure your printer is selected, then click tha main tab.
3. Specify the required settings and click OK.
4. To start printing, click OK

24. What do you do to start printing?

A. Click OK.
B. Click the main tab.
C. Print the document.
D. Select your printer.

25. “To start printing ....” (line 4)

The synonym of theunderlined word is ....
A. continue
B. begin
C. open
D. select

Question 26-28 refer to the following application letter

52 Martin Ave
Los Angeles
March, 1
The Personnel Manager
United Travel Service
PO Box 2567
East Post, Santa Barbara

Dear Sir,
I am applying for a position as a Public Relation Officer advertised in Los
Angeles Post on February25.
I am 27 years old, and I graduated from UCLA 2 years ago. I have been
with the AMEX as Public Relation Officer.
I would be very interested in gaining experience in an International
Company such as United Travel Service, and I have always been interested in
public relation. I enjoy meeting and talking to people.
To provide you with my particulars, I enclose my curriculum vitae, a recent
photograph, academic records, and a letter of reference from my previous
I would like be available for an interview at any time. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Your sincerely,
26. “I would be very interested ...” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word means ...
A. fond of
B. look for
C. proud of
D. long for

27. The following are the documents provided by the writer in his letter, EXCEPT ....
A. curriculum vitae
B. academic records
C. recent photograph
D. job advertisement

28. What is expected by the writer by sending the letter?

A. To apply for the position of public relation officer.
B. To have experience in international company.
C. To be one of the staff of the company.
D. To be invited for an interview.

Questions 29 to 30 refer to the following text.

A factory is usually a very big building where things are produced. In a factory,
machines are used. Therefore, many things can be made more rapidly. In every
industrial town, we can always find factories.
Factories give jobs for many people. Those who work in factories will get money
for their wages. Nowadays, almost everything we wear and use has been produced in a
factory. Of course, some things are still made by hand, but factory-made poducts are
usually cheaper than handmade ones.

29. What does a factory give to people?

A. Modern product.
B. Working oportunities.
C. Cheaper machines.
D. Handmade things.

30. “Those who work in factories will get money for their wages.” (last paragraph)
The underlined word refers to ...
A. wages
B. things
C. people
D. factories
Questions 31 to 33 refer to the following text.
Medical sales representatives (widely referred to as ‘reps’) are a key link between
medical and pharmaceutical companies and health-care professionals.

They sell their company’s products, which include medicines, prescription drugs and
medical equipment, to a variety of customers including GPs and hospital doctors,
pharmacists, and nurses. They work strategically to increase the awareness and use of
their company’s pharmaceutical and medical products.

Medical sales reps are usually based in a specific geographical location and
specialize in a particular product or medical area. They may make presentations and
organize group events for healthcare professionals, as well as working with contacts
on a one-to-one basis.

31. What is the text about?

A. The products of Medical sales rep.
B. The main job of Medical Sales rep.
C. The medical equipment rep.
D. The pharmaceutical products.

32. According to the text, what does a variety of customers include?

A. Midwives.
B. Pharmacists.
C. Professionals.
D. Patients.

33. “They may make presentations and organize group events for healthcare professionals,”
The underlined word is best replaced with....
A. occasions
B. reunions
C. experiences
D. celebrations

Questions 34 to 35 refer to the following invitation.

Please join us
as we celebrate ... (34)
40th Anniversary
Rahmat and Wati Juminten
Friday, May 7th
6.30 p.m -10.00 p.m
Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
(Dinner is available)
RSVP 65412397
(Nanang/ Nini/ Nita)

34. The suitable pronoun to complete the sentence above is ....

A. Their
B. your
C. our
D. my

35. The purpose of the invitation above is….

A. To persuade people to have marriage
B. To tell an good relationship
C. To describe a certain party
D. To share the happiness

36. All of the following are true about the invitation, EXCEPT ...
A. They prepare dinner for the guests.
B. The party will be started in the evening.
C. Rahmat and Wati Juminten are old couple.
D. The invetees should not give their respond.

Questions 37 to 39 refer to the following passage.

Don’t let all the cautions listed here turn you off the idea of checking your vehicle’s
battery. It is easy to check your battery. Just locate it and follow these steps :
1. Clean off powdery deposits on the positive and negative terminals.
The deposits that form in lovely colors on the top of your terminals are made
by battery acid. Before you clean it, remove the cables (negative first) from
both terminals by undoing the nut on each cable clamp and wiggling the cable
until the clamp comes off the terminal post.
2. Dry everything with a clean, disposable, lint-free rag. Try to avoid getting the
powdery stuff on your hands or clothes. If you do, wash it off with water right
3. Reconnect the terminals to the battery, replacing the positive cable first and
the negative cable last.
4. Examine the battery cables and clamps to see whether they are frayed or
Check the battery case and the terminals.

37. What is the main topic of the text?

A. How to turn your battery off.
B. A procedure to check a battery.
C. A description of someone’s battery.
D. Checking a battery case and terminals.

38. What will you do if powdery stuff from a battery stains your hands?
A. Dry your hands.
B. Replace the battery.
C. Disconnect the battery.
D. Wash it off with water.

39. “Before you clean it, remove the cables …”

The underlined word refers to …
A. the battery acid
B. the lovely color
C. the terminal
D. the cable

Essay Test

Read the text then answer the question!


Do you know the history of the house you are considering to buy or sell? Let us do the
research. Find out who the past owners, builders, and architects associated with your
home and where they worked. We will provide you with photographs, maps, and other

For more information or a free estimate, call Thorndike and Company at 312589-9812,
or stop by our offices at 14th street and J. You will learn the histories of many local
homes, from those on K street built during the civil war to the luxury homes that fill up
the entire city block between 8th and 9th avenues.

40. What information will the company provide you with if you want to buy or sell house?

41. Read this text and answer the question!

All staffs who will apply for an annual leave for 2 days or more need to file a leave form which is
available in the Personnel Department Office or contact Ms. Erika Suharso for assistance. The
form has to be submitted a week before the leave. When it is approved by the unit manager,
the paid leave will be applied automatically.

Thank you
Personnel Manager

We can conclude from the text that the staffs can take their 2-days annual leave after....

Answer :
Read the text then answer the question, then anwer question 42 and 43!

64 Longford Lane
London EC4 7EL

January, 25 2019
Personnel Manager
White House & Co Ltd
79 Puritan Street
London WC23 3XP

Dear Sir,
I enclose an application form for the position of Person Friday.

As you can see, I don’t have any experience, but my examination results were good and
I am very interested in fashion.

I am available for an interview at your convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your faithfully

Barbara Tracy

42. What is Barbara’s expectation by sending the application letter?

43. Why is Barbara interested in that position of Person Friday?

44. Arrange the following sentences or phrases into a meaningful paragraph!

1. Anita is a chef in a Chinese restaurant.
2. It is furnished with modern utensils.
3. However, she doesn’t work alone.
4. She prepares food for customers.
5. They work in a big kitchen.
6. Thehappiest moment for her is when customer like the food.
7. She has some assistants to help her.

45. Complete the following text with the suitable verb!

Yesterday I ... (go)a to the public library. I ... (meet) b my old friend when I ... (am) c still in
junior high school. We ... (talk)dmany things about our own schools.

Good Luck

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