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Avocado Seed Discoveries

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Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

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Food Chemistry: X
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Avocado seed discoveries: Chemical composition, biological properties, and

industrial food applications
Sneh Punia Bangar a, *, Kyle Dunno b, Sanju Bala Dhull c, Anil Kumar Siroha c, Sushil Changan d,
Sajid Maqsood e, Alexandru Vasile Rusu f, g, *
Department of Food, Nutrition, and Packaging Sciences, Clemson University, SC 29634, USA
Department of Packaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA
Department of Food Science and Technology, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa-125055, India
Division of Crop Physiology, Biochemistry and Post-Harvest Technology, ICAR – Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla 171001, India
Department of Food Science, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain 15551, United Arab Emirates
Life Science Institute, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Animal Science and Biotechnology Faculty, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Keywords: The processing industry discards avocado seeds, which increases production and ultimately pollutes the envi­
Avocado seed ronment. It would be advantageous to handle these waste by-products both economically and environmentally.
Bioactive compounds Avocado seeds are rich in polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive substances.
The nutritional and phytochemical composition of avocado seeds has been well studied and discussed.
Health-promoting effects
Industrial application
Avocado-seed extracts also have many health-related bioactive properties, such as anti-hyperglycaemic,
anticancer, anti-hypercholesterolemia, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-neurogenerative effects are
clearly demonstrated how these properties can be used to formulate or fortify food. The health-promoting
properties of avocado seeds have been studied. These properties are attributed to various phytochemicals,
such as acetogenin, catechin, epicatechin, procyanidin B1, estragole, etc. Additionally, items made from valo­
rized avocado seeds that people can consume have been explored. The best applications of valorized by-products
have been created for the pharmaceutical, functional food, and nutraceutical sectors while considering quality
and safety. More clinical testing and product development research are required to prove the effectiveness of
avocado seeds.

Introduction perspective (Araújo et al., 2020). Seeds of avocados represent a sub­

stantial percentage (13 %–17 %) of the avocado fruit and are rich in
Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) crop is cultivated and highly various functional and bioactive components, namely polysaccharides,
demanded internationally because of the growing demand for fruit and proteins, lipids, minerals, and vitamins (Melgar et al., 2018; Tremocoldi
food products. It is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the flowering et al., 2018). Avocado seeds contain many plethoras of bioactive viz.,
plant family Lauraceae, a native of Central America and Mexico. It is phenolics, flavonoids, and condensed tannins. These extracts have been
mainly grown in Mexico, Saint Dominic, Peru, Indonesia, Colombia, examined for their bioactivities, such as anti-hyperglycemic (Trem­
Brazil, Kenya, Venezuela, Chile, the United States, New Zealand and ocoldi et al., 2018), anti-cancer (Lara-Marquez et al., 2020), anti-
South Africa (FAO, 2018). Generally, avocado seeds are discarded, inflammation (Dabas, Elias, Ziegler, & Lambert, 2019), anti-
considering them a waste by-products of avocado processing industries. hypercholesterolemia (Uchenna, Shori, & Baba, 2017), anti-oxidant
This by-product has not been used significantly, causing serious envi­ (Soledad et al., 2021), anti-microbial (Villarreal-Lara et al., 2019), and
ronmental pollution (Figueroa, Borrás-Linares, Lozano-Sánchez, Quir­ anti-neurogenerative, with numerous traditional uses as dermatological
antes-Piné, & Segura-Carretero, 2018). Effective waste by-product applications. They are a good natural source of biologically active in­
management would benefit from an economic and environmental gredients for the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic sectors because

* Corresponding authors at: Life Science Institute, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
E-mail addresses: snehpunia69@gmail.com (S.P. Bangar), rusu_alexandru@hotmail.com (A.V. Rusu).

Received 4 September 2022; Received in revised form 29 October 2022; Accepted 8 November 2022
Available online 11 November 2022
2590-1575/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

they contain no harmful or dangerous compounds. (Tremocoldi et al., Table 1

2018). Additionally, because of their high antioxidant potential, they Nutritional composition of avocado seeds.
prevent food oxidation, a degrading process of proteins, vitamins, car­ Group Composition References
bohydrates, and lipids with reactive nitrogen and oxygen species that
Proximate analysis
modifies the nutritional and sensory properties of food products (Calder Moisture Content 13.09 % Egbuonu et al.,
& Iztapalapa, 2016). The exploring potential of seeds as a promising 2018
source of natural bioactive components can develop a novel product Dry Matter 86.91 %
with added value and a safe alternative to synthetic compounds. In Crude Fibre 2.87 %
Ash 3.82 %
addition, the valorization of avocado seed residue significantly in­
fluences the environmental benefits and avocado processing industry
Sugar components (mg/g of DW)
(Saavedra et al., 2017). This review is an updated compilation of various
Hexose 1.9 Tesfay et al., 2012,
aspects of avocado seed, such as nutritional composition, bioactive Liu et al., 2002
compounds, health-promoting biological activities, and its application Glucose 5.62
in the food industry. Fructose 12.93
Sucrose 7.86–18.5
D-Mannuheptulose 10.51–63.8
Nutritional profile of avocado seed
Perseitol 12.54–88.3
Carbohydrate (%) 64.9
The avocado seed is rich in various nutritional and bioactive com­
pounds, especially proteins, starch, lipids, crude fiber, vitamins, min­ Protein %
erals, and numerous phytochemicals. The nutritional profile of the Crude protein content (AOAC, 1990 method) 2.64 Egbuonu et al.,
avocado seed in several studies is summarized in Table 1. 2018
Protein content 23 Ifesan &
Olorunsola, 2015
Protein content 17.94 Arukwe et al.,
Among all the macromolecules found in avocado seeds, carbohy­ Protein content 7.75 Macey et al., 2015
drates are said to make up a significant portion (64.9 %). Starch makes Protein content 15.55 Ejiofor et al., 2018
up 91.2 % of the total carbohydrates in avocado seeds (Tesfaye et al.,
2018). It has been found that plant-based polysaccharide fractions Lipid’s profile
contain a variety of biological activities (Bangar, Ashogbon, Lorenzo, Long-chain fatty acids (μg/g)
Tetracosanoic acid 4.29 Báez-Magaña
Phimolsiripol, & Chaudhary, 2022). The two C7 sugars, namely perseitol
Nervonic acid 2.88 et al., 2019
(88.3 mg/g) and D-mannoheptulose (63.8 mg/g), were abundant in Behenic acid 3.63
avocado seeds (Liu, Sievert, Lu Arpaia, & Madore, 2002). The domi­ Erucic acid 2.44
nance of these C7 sugars in avocado seeds indicates their importance in Arachidic acid 2.39
these tissues. These sugars might have a role as transport and storage Stearic acid 5.06
Oleic acid 5.32
sugars in avocados. Tesfay, Bertling, and Bower (2011) concluded that Linoleic acid 4.06
the abundance of perseitol, at physiological maturity, among all sugars Palmitic acid 7.1
in the avocado cotyledons indicates their role as a C7 carbon storage Myristic acid 2.49
compound. Liu et al. (2002) reported the carbohydrate profile of avo­
cado seed as 246.1 (starch), 18.5 (sucrose), 1.9 (hexose), 63.8 (D-man­ Fatty acid derivatives (aliphatic acetogenins)
noheptulose), and 88.3 (perseitol) mg/g of dry weight (DW). The Avocatins 32.28 Báez-Magaña
quantity of C7 sugar found was 36.3 % of the total sugars in the avocado et al., 2019
Polyhydroxy fatty acids 24.26
seed. Similarly, another study reported various sugars, including fruc­ Pahuatins 4.26
tose (12.93), glucose (5.62), sucrose (7.86), D-mannoheptulose (10.51), Persins 10.12
and perseitol (12.54 mg/g of DW) (Tesfay, Bertling, Bower, & Lovatt,
2012) present in avocado seeds. Minerals mg/100 g
Calcium 0.82 Ifesan &
Lipids Olorunsola, 2015
Potassium 4.16
Phophorus 0.09
Plant-derived lipids are mostly used for food and non-food industrial Zinc 0.18
utilization. Takenaga, Matsuyama, Abe, Torii, and Itoh (2008) investi­ Sodium 1.41
gated the fatty acids and lipid profile of avocado seeds from 3 different Iron 0.31 Arukwe et al.,
cultivars: Bacon, Fuerte, and Hass. They reported total lipid (TL) content 2012
Copper 0.98
of1.1 %–1.6 % in avocado seeds. Further analysis of TL using thin-layer
chromatography revealed the presence of neutral lipid, glycolipid (GL),
and phospholipid (PL) as 77.1–80.3, 12–13.2, and 7.4–10.9 % of TL, Vitamins mg/100 g
Vitamin A 10 Seed et al., 2017
respectively. Authors reported GL composition as 17.5–18.6 (acylster­
Thiamin 0.33
ylglucoside), 56.3–57.7 (monogalactosyl-diacylglycerol), 10.1–10.8 Riboflavin 0.29
(sterylglucoside), 9.8–10.7 (cerebroside), 1.7–2.0 (digalactosyl-diac­ Niacin 0.06
ylglycerol) and 1.9–2.4 % (others) of total GL. While PL composition Ascorbic acid 97.8
Vitamin E 0.12
contains 14.5–17.6 (phosphatidic acid), 30.7–31.9 (phosphatidyl etha­
nolamine), 10.5–13.4 (phosphatidylglycerol), 28.9–31.4 (phosphati­
dylcholine), 3.6–4.2 (phosphatidylinositol) and 6.3–6.9 % (others) of Garciglia, and López-Meza (2019) performed fatty acid profiling of the
total PL. An investigation of the fatty acid profile of avocado seeds lipid-rich extract of avocado seeds by GC–MS. They reported fatty acids,
displayed that linoleic acid is present in the highest amount (35 %–38 including palmitic (7.1 μg/g), nervonic (2.88 μg/g), arachidic (2.39 μg/
%), followed by oleic acid (22 %–24 %) and palmitic acid (17 %–19 %). g), linoleic (4.06 μg/g), oleic (5.32 μg/g), stearic (5.06 μg/g), myristic
Similarly, Báez-Magaña, Ochoa-Zarzosa, Alva-Murillo, Salgado-

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

(2.49 μg/g), erucic (3.63 μg/g) andtetracosanoic acid (4.29 μg/g), and HPLC-ESI-MS was employed for the structural confirmation. Catechin/
their derivatives such as avocations (32.28 μg/g), persins (10.12 μg/g), epicatechin gallate, 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid, procyanidin trimer A (II),
polyhydroxy fatty acids (24.26 μg/g), and pahuatins (4.26 μg/g). These 3-O-p-coumaroylquinic acid procyanidin trimer A (I), were found in the
results concluded that avocado seeds extract is abundant in fatty acids concentration presented in Table 2 (Kosińska et al., 2012). In another
(particularly oleic, linoleic, and palmitic acid) and derivatives, viz., study, phenolic compounds in Hass and Fuerte variety were evaluated
acetogenins, pahuatins, persins, avocatins, or fatty acid alcohols.
Table 2
Protein Bioactive compounds associated with avocado seeds.
Source Compound Cultivar and References
Protein is a major component among various macromolecules in concentration
avocado seeds (Egbuonu, Opara, Onyeabo, & Uchenna, 2018). Proteins
Total phenolic – Hass: 9510 and Kosińska et al.
are large, complex molecules made of amino acids that play a key role in content Shephard: 13040 (2012)
growth and development, cell signaling, enzyme regulation, and bio­ μg/g dw
catalysts. Due to the increased need for nutritionally superior food, Total phenolic – Hass: 57,300 and Tremocoldi
plant-based nutrients, especially protein, have gained attention. Thus, content Fuerte: 59200 et al. (2018)
μg/g dw
much emphasis has been given to finding sustainable alternative nutri­
Phenolic compounds and its derivatives
tionally dense food sources (Lonnie et al., 2018). Various studies re­ Phenolic acids
ported protein content in avocado seeds as 23 % (Ifesan & Olorunsola, Queensland, 3-O-caffeoylquinic Hass: 57.5 and Kosińska et al.
2015), 17.94 % (Arukwe et al., 2012), 15.55 % (Ejiofor, Ezeagu, Ayoola, Australia acid Shephard: 53.5 (2012)
& Umera, 2018), 7.75 % (Mahawan, Francia, Tenorio, Gomez, & Bronce, μg/g dw
Queensland, 3-O-p- Hass:13.6 and Kosińska et al.
2015), and 2.64 % (Egbuonu et al., 2018). Thus, the substantial amount Australia coumaroylquinic Shepard: 8.1 μg/g (2012)
of nutrients in avocado seeds, including carbohydrate, protein, and di­ acid dw
etary fibers, could warrant their utilization in human supplements Jaguacy Avocado trans-5-O-caffeoyl- Hass: 1630 and Tremocoldi
(Ejiofor et al., 2018). There are limited research reports available with Brasil Bauru, SP, D-quinic acid Fuerte: 5740 μg/ et al. (2018)
Brazil g dw
regard to the quantified amino acids and protein in the avocado seeds;
therefore, more focus is required to unearth its amino acid and protein Queensland, Catechin/ Hass: 152.8 and Kosińska et al.
profiles. Australia epicatechin gallate Shephard: 105.4 (2012)
μg/g dw
Minerals and vitamins Jaguacy Avocado Epicatechin Hass: 10,270 and Tremocoldi
Brasil Bauru, SP, Fuerte: 11060 et al. (2018)
Brazil μg/g dw
The avocado seeds are a rich source of various minerals, namely Jaguacy Avocado Catechin Hass: 3640 and Tremocoldi
phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), iron (Fe), sodium (Na), Brasil Bauru, SP, Fuerte: 8130 μg/ et al. (2018)
zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), and lead (Pb), and vitamins Brazil g dw
including vitamin A, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), Vitamin
Queensland, Procyanidin trimer Hass: 81.7 and Kosińska et al.
C and vitamin E. Ifesan and Olorunsola (2015) found the concentration Australia; Level of A (I) Shepard: 98.9 μg/ (2012)
of various minerals, namely, P, Ca, Na, and Zn as 4.16, 0.09, 0.82, 1.41, ripening: ready-to- g dw
and 0.18 mg per 100 g of the avocado seed, respectively. The minerals in eat ripeness
avocado seeds make them a preferable choice for animal feed and Queensland, Procyanidin trimer Hass: 89.3 and Kosińska et al.
Australia; Level of A (II) Shepard: 73 μg/g (2012)
human nutrition to fulfill micronutrient deficiency (Justina, Olukemi, ripening: ready-to- dw
Ajayi, & Adegoke, 2016). Egbuonu, Opara, Atasie, and Mbah (2017) eat ripeness
observed the concentration of various vitamins as 10 (A), 0.33 (B1), 0.29 Jaguacy Avocado Procyanidin B1 Hass: 48,380 and Tremocoldi
(B2), 0.06 (C), and 0.12 (E) mg per 100 g of the avocado seed. The vi­ Brasil Bauru, SP, Fuerte: 28340 et al. (2018)
Brazil μg/g dw
tamins A, C, and E in the avocado seed may improve the health of the
Polyhydroxylated fatty alcohol derivatives
immune system, vision, and blood vessels. In contrast, vitamin B dis­ Fundacion Sanchez Acetogenins 1090 to 8330 μg/ Rodríguez-
plays a major role in cognitive function stimulation, nerve relaxation, Colın – g dw in 22 López et al.
and improving blood circulation. CICTAMEX, cultivars of (2015)
Coatepec Harinas, avocado
Estado de Mexico,
Bioactive compounds in avocado seeds Mexico
Fundacion Sanchez Persin 0–300 μg/g dw in Rodríguez-
Recently, numerous research and reviews articles on the utilization Colın – 22 cultivars of López et al.
of by-products of horticultural crops showed that phytochemicals and CICTAMEX, avocado (2015)
Coatepec Harinas,
their health-promoting activities could boost their use in the preparation
Estado de Mexico,
of innovative foods (Bangar et al., 2022; Punia & Kumar, 2021). This Mexico
will improve the overall profitability of the farmers and reduce the cost Alkaloids
of disposal of the by-products. Avocado seeds contain severalfold phe­ Botanical garden in Hyoscyamine 0.6 600 μg/g dw Oboh et al.
nolics compared to popular antioxidant sources such as raw blueberry Akure metropolis, Atropine 460 μg/g dw (2016)
Nigeria Scopolamine 240 μg/g dw
(Wang, Bostic, & Gu, 2010). It constitutes phenolics from five groups Norhyoscyamine 40 μg/g dw
viz., procyanidins, catechins, flavonols, hydroxycinnamic, and hydrox­ Solanidine 41 μg/g dw
ybenzoic acids (Rodríguez-Carpena, Morcuende, Andrade, Kylli, & Solanin 40 μg/g dw
Estévez, 2011). Further, Kosińska et al. (2012) reported 9.5 and 13.04 Solasoline 80 μg/g dw
mg CE/g dry weight (DW) in Hass and Shephard varieties of avocado. In
Local market in Campesterol – Alkhalaf et al.
contrast, Soong and Barlow (2004) stated relatively high levels of 88.2 Egypt Stigmasterol 1.11 % (2019)
mg of GAE/g of DW. The variation in the bioactive profile is attributed to β-sitosterol 2%
the variety, soil type, agronomic conditions, and post-harvest handling – 5α-colestane 49.77 μg/g dw Barrera López
of the fruits (Kosińska et al., 2012). Specific phenolics in avocado seeds Stigmasterol 19.17 μg/g dw and Arrubla
Vélez (2017)
were identified using UV spectra characteristics and retention times, and

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

using chromatographic analysis. The authors identified four phenolic keratinocytes, which could be due to proanthocyanidins B1, proantho­
compounds, namely trans-5-O-caffeoyl-D-quinic acid, procyanidin B1, cyanidins B2, and A-type trimer (Ramos-Jerz, Villanueva, Jerz, Win­
catechin, epicatechin, and the concentrations of the respective com­ terhalter, & Deters, 2013).
pounds are shown in Table 2. The volatile compounds of the seed ex­ Triterpenoid, an important secondary metabolite in avocado seeds,
tracts were investigated and showed esters of fatty acids and their has anticancer activity (Iskandar, Novriyani, Damayanti, Afriani, Suk­
derivatives and isoprenoid derivatives (Soledad et al., 2021). Under the mawaty, Iqraini, & Razak, 2019). These secondary metabolites disrupt
terpenoid and phenylpropanoid compounds category, seven compounds the membrane permeability of the mitochondrial cell wall, resulting in
were identified: estragole, isoestragole, cubebene, α-cubebene, α- ger­ cell necrosis. It has been reported that triterpenoids have cytotoxic ac­
macrene α-farnesene, and caryophyllene. Another important component tivity for lung cancer cells (A549), gastric cancer cells (SGC-7901),
of the lipid fraction of avocado seeds is polyhydroxylated fatty alcohol breast cancer cells (MCF-7), liver cancer cells (HepG2), and colon cancer
(PHFA) derivatives. Acetogenins (type of PHFA) originated from fatty cells (HCT15) (Hu et al., 2014). Further, ethanolic extract of avocado
alcohols with unsaturated aliphatic chains, commonly acylated. The seeds triterpenoids displayed significant cytotoxic activity against Vero,
concentration of total acetogenins varied between 1090 and 8330 μg/g human breast cancer cells (MCF-7), and human liver carcinoma cells
DW in avocado seed among 22 cultivars. Acetogenins viz., persenone A (HepG2). In vitro 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium
& B, AcO-avocadene contributed the maximum to the acetogenin profile bromide (MTT) assay displayed that triterpenoid of avocado seeds have
of the avocado seeds, followed by persenone C, AcO-avocadenyne, the potential to inhibit proliferation of MCF-7 and HepG2 having the
persin, and persediene (Rodríguez-López, Hernández-Brenes, & de la IC50 values of 62 and 12 mg/mL, respectively (Abubakar, Achmadi, &
Garza, 2015). Alkaloids, phytosterols, and tocopherols are other minor Suparto, 2017). Ethanolic extracts of phenolic compounds, alkaloids,
components in avocado seeds. glycosides, and saponins were reported to have a cytotoxic effect on
breast cancer (T47D) cell lines with IC50 values of 107 μg/mL (Kristanty,
Health-related bioactive properties of avocado seed extracts Suriawati, & Sulistiyo, 2014).
Lipidic extracts of avocado seeds were targeted for anticancer action
Due to their importance in human health, the separation and iden­ on the HCT116 and HepG2 cancer cells. Authors described that seed
tification of functional components from natural resources have become lipids at a concentration of 100 µL exhibited an inhibitory percentage of
the main research focus of the food, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical 65 and 58 % in HCT116 and HepG2 cancer cell lines compared to av­
industries. This is because these components play a role in various ocado fruit lipids (Alkhalaf et al., 2019). Ethnopharmacological studies
biological and health-promoting processes in the human body. Avocado of Widiyastuti et al. (2018) reported cytotoxic and apoptosis effects of
seeds are high in phytochemicals and are utilized for medicinal pur­ avocado seeds on MCF-7 cell lines. The authors examined cytotoxic
poses. The bioactivities of avocado seed extracts will be discussed in the activity by MTT assay and apoptosis by flow cytometric analysis. The
sections below. An illustration showing various bioactivities of the av­ cytotoxic test revealed the potent cytotoxicity of chloroform extract on
ocado seed extract is presented in Fig. 1. MCF-7 cancer cell lines with an IC50 concentration of 94.9 μg/mL.
Moreover, increased cytotoxicity with IC50 of 34.5 and 66.0 μg/mL
Anticancer activity was observed for methanol-soluble and non-soluble forms. Flow
cytometry study concluded that methanolic fraction induced apoptosis
Globally, cancer has become a serious health issue, with the global by modulating sub-G1 phase arrest in MCF-7 cells. The lipidic extract of
cancer burden increasing to 18.1 million with 9.6 million deaths avocado seeds also has a cytotoxic effect on colorectal cancer. The
(GLOBOCAN, 2018). Cancer is characterized by the growth and multi­ avocatins and polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols in avocado seeds are
plication of abnormal cells that invade neighboring tissues and spread associated with the possible cytotoxic reaction on Caco-2 cells (Lara-
outward (Zheng, Zhang, & Zeng, 2016). Synthetic anti-tumor medica­ Marquez et al., 2020). These compounds induced apoptosis by acti­
tions have been found in clinical research to have possible therapeutic vating caspases 8 and 9. Extracts can induce loss of mitochondrial
results but substantial toxicity to normal cells, posing a threat to human membrane potential, inhibit fatty acid oxidation, and increase the su­
health. Due to its safety and immune-enhancing effect in humans, plant peroxide anion (O−2 ) and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS).
sources are gaining interest as anti-tumor medicines with lower toxicity. Additionally, lipidic extracts encouraged the release of cytokines IL-6,
Avocado seeds and their biologically active components exhibited anti- IL-8, and IL-10; but inhibited IL-1β secretion.
cancer potential in human and animal cell lines, including prostate and
lung cancer (Dabas et al., 2019), breast cancer (Dabas et al., 2019; Antidiabetic activity
Widiyastuti, Pratiwi, Riyanto, & Wahyuono, 2018), colon cancer cells
(Alkhalaf, Alansari, Ibrahim, & ELhalwagy, 2019; Dabas et al., 2019), Diabetes mellitus is a common genetic disorder caused by the
and hepatocellular carcinoma (Alkhalaf et al., 2019). Polyphenols from impairment of insulin secretion and its deficiency. The International
avocado seeds can inhibit human prostate cancer cells (LNCaP), breast Diabetes Federation (IDF) reported that diabetes mellitus had reached
cancer cells (MCF7), lung cancer cells (H1299), and colon cancer cells epidemic levels worldwide. Currently, 463 million people and about 10
(HT29) with inhibition rates of 19, 19.1, 67.6, and 132.2 μg/mL in a % (USD 760 billion) of global health expenditures are on diabetes (IDF,
dose-dependent manner (Dabas et al., 2019). 2019). Chronic hyperglycemia is caused by insulin insufficiency, dis­
The authors explained that avocado seed extracts induced G0/G1 cell turbing carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism. Type 2 diabetes
cycle arrest via downregulating cyclin D1 and E2 expression in prostate can be delayed and managed by altering one’s lifestyle and developing
cancer cells. Further, similar results were shown by Lee, Yu, Lee, and Lee good habits. Natural products with anti-diabetic properties could be a
(2008) in breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231) by methanolic extracts viable option to treat diabetes with minimum adverse effects (Zhao
of avocado seeds. Seed extracts (0.1 mg/mL) increased activation of et al., 2018). Avocado seed help in treating type 2 diabetes by targeting
caspase-3 and caspase-3 target protein, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma in the same way as
(PARP), resulting in apoptosis. Ethanolic extracts of avocado seeds an anti-diabetic drug (thiazolinediones) (Dabas, Shegog, Ziegler, &
induced apoptosis in Jurkat lymphoblastic leukemia cells in an oxidative Lambert, 2013). Avocado seeds (2 %–8%) were added to a high-sugar
stress-dependent manner through depolarization of the mitochondrial diet and given to spontaneously hypertensive rats, which had an anti-
membrane, activating protease caspase-3, and transcription factor p53, diabetic and lipid-lowering impact by lowering blood glucose and
and predominancy of apoptosis-inducing factor (Bonilla-Porras, Salazar- cholesterol. The blood-glucose-lowering effect was attributed to bioac­
Ospina, Jimenez-Del-Rio, Pereañez-Jimenez, & Velez-Pardo, 2014). tive compounds that assist in depositing glucose into the glycogen in the
Avocado seeds can inhibit the proliferation of immortalized HaCaT liver cells (Uchenna et al., 2017). In alloxan-induced diabetic rats,

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

Fig. 1. Biological activities of the avocado seed extract.

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

treatment of 300 or 600 mg/kg body weight avocado seed extract their potential application as an antioxidant additive (Soledad et al.,
lowered glycemia (>70 %) and restored damage to pancreatic islet cells 2021). Acetone and ethanolic extracts of avocado seeds total phenolic
(Edem, Ekanem, & Ebong, 2009). content of 30.80 and 30.25 GAE/100 g, respectively, and DPPH inhi­
Supplementation of 40 g/L of hot aqueous avocado seed extracts and bition of 212.75 and 183.75 mg Trolox/100 g, respectively. Also,
glibenclamide (5 mg/kg) to alloxan-induced Wistar albino rats signifi­ acetone extract of avocado seeds exhibited a higher power reduction of
cantly decreased the blood glucose of diabetic rats. They observed that 56.35 ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE)/100 g than ethanol extract
the reference drug glibenclamide provided the highest response (58.9 (45.05 g AAE/100 g). Therefore, it is suggested that avocado seeds have
%) on day 14, equivalent to the reaction of 40 g/L avocado seed extract potential application as an antioxidant additive in food products.
on day 21 (Ezejiofor, Okorie, & Orisakwe, 2013). According to pancreas
histology, the normal control rats had intact pancreatic islets and
exocrine cells. Alloxan-induced diabetes rats (diabetic control rats) Anti-neurogenerative
showed reduced islet cells and necrosis regions. Compared to the un­
treated alloxan-induced diabetic rats, diabetic rats treated with the 20 g/ Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a brain disorder characterized by the
L extracts showed tiny, maintained islet cells. The studies above have gradual degeneration of nerve cells, which leads to deficits in cognitive
revealed that avocado seeds extract may have anti-diabetic character­ ability (Oboh et al., 2016). A cholinergic hypothesis states that acetyl­
istics, indicating that more study is needed. cholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) catalyze the
breakdown of acetylcholine into choline and acetate groups. Several
Antioxidant activity studies indicate that 40–90 % of AD patients had reduced AChE activity
and increased BChE activity (Brimijoin, 1983). Reducing acetylcholine
Free radicals are generated due to oxidative stress and autoxidation levels may inhibit brain transmission in Alzheimer’s patients (Ahmed,
of human lipids and lipoproteins, which are linked to diabetes, cardio­ Ghalib, Sasikala, & Ahmed, 2013). Therefore, restoring acetylcholine by
vascular disease, respiratory disease, cancer, neurodegenerative and inhibiting AChE and BChE with phytoconstituents from plants is the
many other diseases (Punia, Sandhu, & Kaur, 2020; Dhull, Kaur, & modern method for treating Alzheimer’s disease and neurodegenerative
Sandhu, 2020). An interest in using natural plant antioxidants, including illnesses. Avocado seed aqueous extracts inhibited the AChE and BChE
polyphenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids, is increasing daily to solve these enzymes with IC50 values of 27.93 and 30.08 mg/mL, respectively
health problems (Dhull, Kaur et al., 2020; Bangar et al., 2022c). These (Oboh et al., 2016). Inhibition of both enzymes by phenolic compounds
compounds can quench free radicals, scavenge free oxygen and chelate such as caffeic acid in avocado seeds inhibits the breakdown of butyr­
catalytic metals (Kaur, Dhull, Sandhu, Salar, & Purewal, 2018), which ylcholine and acetylcholine in the brain neurons, resulting in increased
have shown promising potential in reducing oxidative stress, preventing levels of these neurotransmitters at the synaptic clefts. This ultimately
several diseases, maintaining health, and delaying the aging process. improves the communication between the nerve cells and helps to
Avocado seed displays in vitro antioxidant potential by stabilizing per­ manage neurodegenerative ailments such as AD. Various bioactivities of
oxyl radicals and superoxide anions and DPPH and ABTS, ferric reducing the avocado seed extracts are presented in Table 3.
power, inhibiting the β-carotene blanching and development thio­
barbituric acid reactive substances (Tremocoldi et al., 2018). Colored
avocado seed extracts displayed oxygen radical absorbance capacity Anti-inflammatory
(ORAC) of 2012 Trolox equivalents/mg, and electron paramagnetic
resonance spectroscopy assay observed radical scavenging potential of The inflammatory response is a defense response of an individual
seed extracts with EC50 of 42.1 μg/mL (Dabas et al., 2019). A dose of against invaders. It involves various chemical mediators capable of
0.75 % avocado seed extracts causes an 80 % delay in oxidation as triggering vascular changes, such as plasma protein extravasation and
measured by oxidation induction time (Segovia, Hidalgo, Villasante, defense cell recruitment. (Tremocoldi et al., 2018). Many immune cells
Ramis, & Almajano, 2018). involved in the inflammatory response, such as neutrophils, macro­
Aqueous extracts of avocado seeds exhibit antioxidant potential and phages, and phagocytes, secrete inflammatory mediators such as nitric
can prevent radical-induced oxidative damage (Oboh et al., 2016). The oxide (NO), interleukins, and TNF-, as well as inflammatory proteins
authors induced rat brains with Fe2+ and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) such as nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 in
solutions. They observed an increase in thiobarbiturate reactive species response to exogenous stimulation (Hyung, Ahn, Kim, Kim, & Je, 2016).
(TBARS) level resulting in oxidative damage caused by free radicals by Excessive inflammatory mediator release due to inflammatory responses
Fe2+ and SNP. Furthermore, avocado seed extract reported decreased has been linked to atherosclerosis, diabetes, tumor growth, immuno­
TBARS levels in Fe2+ and SNP-induced lipid peroxidation due to the logical illness, and other inflammatory diseases. A novel glycosylated
synergic effect of phenolic components and saponins of seeds. In avo­ benzotropolone-containing polyphenol was identified in colored avo­
cado seeds, phenolic components and procyanidins (catechin and epi­ cado seed extracts (Hatzakis, Mazzola, Shegog, Ziegler, & Lambert,
catechin) contribute 38 % antioxidant activities of whole avocado fruit 2019). Many studies have reported the anti-inflammatory effect of
(Wang et al., 2010). Ethanolic extracts of Hass and Fuerte avocado seeds benzotropolone-containing natural products. At the dose of 6 µg/mL,
possessed many phenolic components (Tremocoldi et al., 2018). The avocado seeds extract reduced the secretions of IL-1β and tumor necrosis
reported antioxidant potential of 1175.1 and 1881.4 μmol Fe2+/g for factor (TNF)-α in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. Avo­
Hass and Fuerte peel extracts. They reported that epicatechin and cado seed extracts at a concentration of above 5 µg/mL reduced NO
catechin in seeds could stabilize peroxyl radicals (ROO.) and superoxide production resulting in reduced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)
anions (O2.). Interestingly, catechin had 1.3, 2.5, and 1.6 folds better- expressions. Similar findings were reported by (Tremocoldi et al., 2018)
stabilizing activity to stabilize ROO., O2., and hypochlorous reactive for avocado seed extracts of Hass and Fuerta cultivars, which can inhibit
species than epicatechin. Lyophilized avocado seed power was added in TNFα and produce NO in lipopolysaccharides-stimulated RAW 264.7
oil in water emulsion and beef meat burger to evaluate the delay in macrophage culture (Tremocoldi et al., 2018). Kristanti, Simanjuntak,
oxidation (Gómez, Sánchez, Iradi, Azman, & Almajano, 2014). They Dewi, Tianri, and Hendra (2017) demonstrated the anti-inflammatory
observed oxidation inhibition of 30 % (pure extracts) and 60 % (extract activities of infusion (0.67 g/kg BW) and methanolic (3.33 g/kg BW)
+ egg albumin) in emulsion and 90 % inhibition of TBAR substances in extract of avocado seed in carrageenan-induced paw edema in mice.
meat burgers. The authors suggested that avocado seeds could be used in They observed a decrease in area under curve values and percentage
meat to increase shelf life. inhibition of inflammation results in the decreased thickness of paw
The volatile or lipophilic chemical profile of avocado seeds indicates edema on the test animals’ paws.

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

Table 3
Health-related bioactive properties of extracted compounds from avocado seeds.
Region Extraction Compounds/component Model In Target mechanism Key findings References
method/solvent vitro/
used In

Anticancer activity
Mexico Lipidic extract Avocatins, Colon cancer cell line In (+) Caspases 8 - Lara-
polyhydroxylated fatty Caco-2 vitro (+) Caspases 9 Marquez
alcohols and saturated (+) Cytokines IL-6 et al. (2020)
long-chain fatty acids (+) IL-8
(+) IL-10(-) IL-1β
USA Methanol Polyphenols – In (-) Cyclin D1(-) Avocado seed extracts could be Dabas et al.
vitro Cyclin E2 a functional source of (2019)
(+) Caspase 3 anticancer compounds
(+) PARP
Saudi Methanol/ Lipids HepG2 and HCT11 In – – Alkhalaf
Arabia chloroform cancer cell lines vitro et al. (2019)
Vietnam Ethanol – – In – – Vo and Le
vitro (2019)
Indonesia Chloroform and – – (+) Apoptosis – Widiyastuti
methanol et al. (2018)
Indonesia Ethanol Triterpenoid – In – Avocado seed triterpenoids Abubakar
vitro exhibit cytotoxic activity with et al. (2017)
low IC50 value
Colombia Ethanol – – In (+) Transcription Avocado seeds function as a Bonilla-
vitro factor p53 pro-apoptotic component Porras et al.
(+) Protease (2014)
(+) AIF
Jakarta Ethanol Phenolic compounds, T-47D breast cancer cell In – – Kristanty
alkaloids, saponins line vitro et al. (2014)

Germany Methanol Proanthocyanidins B1, – – – – Ramos-Jerz

Proanthocyanidins B2 et al. (2013)
and A-type trimer
Korea Methanol Polyphenols – In (+)Caspase 3 – Lee et al.
vitro (+) PARP (2008)
(+) apoptosis

Antidiabetic activity
Brazil Ethanol Phenolic compounds – In – To stabilize peroxyl radicals Tremocoldi
vitro (ROO.), superoxide anions et al. (2018)
(O2.) and hypochlorous
reactive species.
Saudi seed-supplemented diet Anti-hyperglycemia and In – Avocado seeds extract Uchenna
Arabia Anti-hypercholesteremia vitro Improved carbohydrate and et al. (2017)
lipid metabolism.
Nigeria Hot water – – In – Seeds have anti-diabetic and Ezejiofor
vivo protective effects on some rat et al. (2013)
tissues such as the pancreas,
kidneys, and liver.

Antioxidant activity
Mexico Acetone/ethanol Lipophilic compounds Antioxidant potntial In (+) Phenolic Avocado seeds have potential Soledad et al.
vitro compounds application as antioxidant (2021)
(+) DPPH additive.
(+) Reducing
Spain Methanol; Catechin Radical scavenging In (-) oxidation Avocado seed extracts are Segovia et al.
Ethanol/water epicatechin activity vivo effective as a natural (2018)
Nigeria Aqueous extracts Phenolic compounds – In – Oboh et al.
and alkaloids vivo (2015)

Anti-neurogenerative activity
Nigeria Aqueous extracts Phenolic compounds In (-) AChE(-) BChE Avocado seed extracts may Oboh et al.
and alkaloids vivo serve as a cheap therapeutic (2015)
drug for preventing/treating

Anti-inflammation activity
USA Methanol Polyphenols RAW264.7 cells In (-) IL-6(-) TNF-α(-) Avocado seeds exhibited anti- Dabas et al.
vitro IL-1β(-) NO inflammatory compounds (2019)
(continued on next page)

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

Table 3 (continued )
Region Extraction Compounds/component Model In Target mechanism Key findings References
method/solvent vitro/
used In

which could be as functional

food ingredients.
Saudi Methanol/ Lipids In – Alkhalaf
Arabia chloroform vitro et al. (2019)
Brajil Ethanol Phenolic compounds RAW264.7 cells In (-) TNFα Tremocoldi
vitro (+) Nitric oxide et al. (2018)
Indonesia Infusion and Kristanti
methanol et al. (2017)

Antimicrobial activity
Mexico Acetone/ethanol Lipophilic compounds Staphylococcu aureus and In (-) gram positive Maximum microbial Soledad et al.
Salmonella enterica vitro bacteria(-) gram reductions of 4 and 1.8 log (2021)
serovar typhimurium negative bacteria cycles for Staphylococcus
aureus and
Salmonella enterica
serovar Typhimurium
USA Dichloromethane Acetogenins In (-) gram positive Villarreal-
vitro bacteria Lara et al.
Mexico Heptane:Methanol Acetogenins Clostridium sporogenes PA In (-) C. sporogenes Avocado seeds as a potential Pacheco et al.
and Heptane: 3679 vitro source of functional (2017)
ethanol:methanol: compounds with anti-
water inflammatory activity
Mexico Heptane:Methanol Acetogenin Listeria monocytogenes In (-) Listeria An anti-listeral agent Salinas-
and Heptane: (ATCC 35152) vitro monocytogenes Salazar et al.
ethanol:methanol: (2017)

IL-6-Interleukin 6; IL-1β-interleukin-1β; No-Nitric oxide; TNF-α-tumor necrosis factor alpha.

Anti-microbial activity 3679 (ATCC 7955)in carrot puree under high hydrostatic pressure
(HHP) (300–600 MPa), time (3–6 min), temperature (25–120 ◦ C) and
Numerous studies have been conducted to find natural alternatives salt (1 %–3%). The authors reported that AcO-avocadene exhibited the
to the synthetic antimicrobial used in food, medicine, and pharmaceu­ highest antimicrobial activity, whereas the extract was resistant to high
ticals. These efforts have been made for consumers’ concerns regarding temperature, HHP, and salt, with greater stability at pH ≥ 7.0. However,
the safety of synthetic chemical products. Many scientists claimed the acetogenins were reduced by 63 and 32 % at 25 and 4 ◦ C for 42 days.
potentiality of avocado seed to control human food-borne pathogenic Among acetogenins, persediene was the most stable, followed byperse­
bacteria and spoilage microbes. Leite et al. (2009) and Idris, Ndukwe, nones andAcO-avocadene with an aliphatic chain, a keto group, or trans-
and Gimba (2009) concluded that avocado seeds organic extracts enone in C-4 allow hydrogen donation to a carbon atom and inhibit
inhibited Candida spp., Cryptococcus neoformans, and Malassezia pachy­ oxidation (Pacheco et al., 2017).
dermatis and bacteria including S. aureus, S. pyogenes, C. ulcerans, C. Villarreal-Lara et al. (2019) conducted a study to evaluate the anti-
albicans, E. coli, and S. typhi. Further, methanolic and chloroform extract microbial spectrum of avocado seeds acetogenins. They added purified
of avocado seed exhibited antifungal potential against Cryptococcus acetogenins meat inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes and then stored
neoformans with IC50 value of less than 8 μg/mL and 8.211 μg/mL, and at 20 and 4 ◦ C. They exposed eight gram-positive bacteria to Nisaplin®
petroleum ether extracts exhibited inhibition activity against S. aureus, and Mirenat® (food preservatives) for comparative analysis. The au­
IC50 8.7 μg/mL (Falodun et al., 2014). Jiménez-Arellanes, Luna- thors concluded that the inhibition zone of avocado seeds acetogenins
Herrera, Ruiz-Nicolás, Cornejo-Garrido, Tapia, and Yépez-Mulia was two-four times higher than Nisaplin® and Mirenat® for gram + ve
(2013) also observed anti-parasital activity of seeds for E. histolytica, and bacteria, except for Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally, after storage at
G. lamblia. 4 ◦ C for 72 d, acetogenins inhibited L. monocytogenes completely. These
Avocado seeds contain fatty acid derivatives with antimicrobial po­ suggested avocado seeds as a good source of functional compounds with
tential called acetogenins. The first report on the antilisteral potential of anti-microbial potential.
avocado acetogenins was conducted by Salinas-Salazar et al. (2017). Chemical profiling of volatile compounds indicated that avocado
They identified AcO-avocadene, persediene, persenone C, persenone A, seed contains sesquiterpenoids, poly, and unsaturated fatty acid esters
persin, and persenone B in avocado seeds and considered persenone C, (Soledad et al., 2021). They reported that the fatty acids of avocado
persenone A, and AcO-avocadenyne as the most powerful acetogenin. seeds display antimicrobial activities. The fatty acid has double bonding
The acetogenin extracts showed a minimum inhibitory concentration of in the cis-configuration. They alter its functionality by disordering the
7.8 mg/L and a bactericidal activity due to an enhancement in mem­ phospholipid chain, resulting in fluidity, disorganization, and disinte­
brane permeability resulting in cell lysis. Further, they added that gration of the cell membrane resulting in leakage of intracellular content
antilisteral activity is a combined result of the trans-enone feature and and cell death. A high concentration of 2000 mg/L exhibited maximum
the number of unsaturated molecules in the aliphatic chain. microbial reductions of 4 and 1.8 log cycles for Staphylococcus aureus
In another study, acetogenins (AcO-avocadene, AcO-avocadenyne, and Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium, respectively (Soledad
persediene, persenone A, persenone B, persenone C, and others), natu­ et al., 2021). They explained that minimum microbial reduction for S.
rally occurring lipidic molecules of avocado seeds were evaluated to typhimurium could be due to the composition and cell wall structure.
control growth and endospore germination of Clostridium sporogenes PA Gram-negative bacteria exhibit lipidic bilayer providing more

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

protection against antimicrobial components (Beristain-Bauza et al., powder-supplemented diets of culled female quail improved its kidney
2019). and liver functions, meat quality, tenderness, protein, and fat content,
while cooking losses were reduced (Tugiyanti, Iriyanti, & Apriyanto,
Valorization approaches in the food industry 2019).
A vegetable extract prepared from avocado and soybean fruit and
The industrial processing of avocados generates various by-products seed oil (mainly in the ratio of 1:2) is known as avocado and soybean
such as peel and seed, in which seed is a major waste product that ac­ unsaponifiables (ASU). It has anti-inflammatory effects attributed to
counts for about 13 % to 17 % of avocados. The avocado seed is ideal for many phytosterols and isoflavones, which suggests its possible role in
valorization because it includes various nutritious components with the prevention of osteoarticular, autoimmune, and menopausal disor­
numerous potential industrial uses. Its seed powder and flour have many ders (Eser et al., 2011). ASU as a pure extract or mixed with other plant
specific nutrient contents, which encourage scientists to work on the extracts (e.g., Uncaria tormentosa and Zingiber offcinalis) is available as
utilization of seed in various food products, i.e., Instant soup and bev­ food supplements in many countries (Ghasemian, Owlia, & Owlia, 2016;
erages (Alissa, Hung, Hou, Lim, & Ciou, 2020), antioxidant-rich tea Salehi et al., 2020). The seed extract can be used as a nutraceutical due
(Araujo et al., 2018); antibacterial agent in meat products (Villarreal to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial potential, having
Lara et al., 2019), antioxidant in sunflower oil (Segovia et al., 2018), more powerful effects than avocado bulb extracts (Alkhalaf et al., 2019).
used as a preservative (Pachego et al., 2017), and bakery products In an indomethacin-induced ulcer study in mice, the ethyl acetate
(Rivera Gonzalez et al., 2019). Further development and commerciali­ fraction of avocado seed extract was found effective in decreasing the
zation of these research efforts by the food industry will provide an level of oxidized products and increased superoxide dismutase enzyme
opportunity for a raw material source that is still underutilized and activity, thus mitigated the oxidative stress and also prevented the in­
generally treated as waste. crease in the ulcer and lesions (Athaydes et al., 2019). The extract is rich
in substances such as flavonoids, epicatechin, catechin, caffeoylquinic
acid, phenylpropanoids, and tannins, proving it a valuable nutraceutical
Application in functional food formulations
that can be used a safe, effective, and cheap alternative to conventional
treatments to prevent or treat gastric ulcers. However, further studies
The avocado seed contains various classes of nutritional components
and clinical assays are required to develop more scientific information
(carbohydrate, protein, olefinic and acetylenic bond containing fatty
and one formulation for sustainable utilization (Athaydes et al., 2019).
acids, fiber, and minerals) as summarized in section 2 and other natural
To improve the nutritional quality and antioxidant profile of
products such as phytosterols, triterpenes, dimmers of flavonols, and
different seeds, solid substrate fermentation has been focused on these
oligomeric pro-anthocyanidins (discussed in section 3) which can be
days (Dhull, Punia et al. 2020; Dhull et al., 2021). Solid substrate
explored in designing of different functional foods to stimulate growth
fermentation of avocado seeds using fungi such as Aspergillus niger
and metabolism (Permal, Chang, Seale, Hamid, & Kam, 2020). The up-
resulted in the secretion of bound phenolic compounds and increased
to-date food applications of avocado seeds (flour and extract) have been
antioxidant capacity. Several factors such as low cost, fast growth rate of
summarized in Fig. 2. When included in the diets, avocado seed flour
microbes, easy downstream of phenolic/fermentation compounds and
showed dose-dependent partial effects on the feeding and growth per­
eco-friendly nature have proven fermentation as an efficient process for
formance of rats (Uchenna et al., 2017). The cholesterol levels were
the production of polyphenolic compounds. Meanwhile, different en­
lowered; high blood glucose was suppressed, especially after adding
zymes (protease, amylase, lipase, phytase etc.) produced by fermenting
sucrose to the diet. The liver glycogen storage of rats improved after
microbes convert complex carbohydrates, proteins and lipids into easily
avocado seed inclusion in diets. Therefore, avocado seed flour can
digestible components with an appealing taste and texture (Dhull, Punia
modulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and improve the glycogen
et al. 2020; Dhull et al., 2021). Also, these enzyme significantly reduce
storage ability of the liver and can be utilized in the diets of people with
different anti-nutritional factors, including tannins, phytic acid, and
hyperglycemia and/or hypercholesterolemia. Due to the seeds’ dietary
protease inhibitors (Soetan & Oyewole, 2009), and help to improve the
and crude fibre, antioxidants, and phenolic content, Pahua-Ramos et al.
absorption and bioavailability of certain minerals present in seeds. This
(2012) also discovered minimal toxicity, hypocholesterolemia, and low
suggested an opportunity to increase the value of processing avocado
LDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic model mice. The avocado seed

Fig. 2. Various food applications of avocado seed powder and extracts.

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

waste and develop new products to avoid processing waste (Yepes- rich avocado seed extract significantly affect the colloidal stability of
Betancur et al., 2021). A seed powder prepared by spray drying a O/W emulsions, depending on the emulsifier used to prepare the
mixture of avocado seed extract, maltodextrin, and water showed good emulsion/nanoemulsion (Velderrain-Rodríguez, Salvia-Trujillo,
yield (24.46 %–35.47 %), water activity (0.27 %–0.34 %), solubility González-Aguilar, & Martín-Belloso, 2021). Also, the lipid oxidative
(55.50 %–79.67 %), and color values (Alissa et al., 2020). This powder stability of emulsions and nanoemulsions was enhanced as the phenolic
can be used in different food such as instant soups and beverage prod­ components in the extract retarded the oxidation process. It decreased
ucts, simultaneously adding value to the waste product. the formation of secondary lipid oxidation products during storage. The
The growing trend towards no or minimal use of synthetic additives extract from avocado seeds also inhibited oxidation of about 30 % in
forced the food industries to use natural additives and discover new pure form and about 60 % in combination with egg albumin. In com­
antimicrobial molecules (Tiwari et al., 2009; Negi, 2012). Avocado seed parison, TBARS formation was reduced by 90 % in meat burgers (Gómez
extract is a rich source of acetogenins which have strong antimicrobial, et al., 2014), suggesting its possible use as an antioxidant in foods. The
antifungal, and insecticidal properties (Pacheco et al., 2017; Salinas- oxidation was also delayed in sunflower oil with added avocado seed
Salazar et al., 2017; Villarreal-Lara et al., 2019; Salazar-López et al., extracts (Segovia et al., 2018) which suggested its use in reducing syn­
2020). The seeds are almost 1.6 times richer source of acetogenins than thetic surfactants and additives.
the pulp, showing a good waste management solution for the avocado Avocado seed processed into flour have good yield (46.3 %), protein
processing industry (Salinas- Salazar et al., 2017). The extract inhibited (6.7 %), fat (3.4 %), ash (2.7 %), and dietary fibre (45.53 %) contents
Listeria monocytogenes completely and showed antibacterial activities which can be an alternative source of nutrients for the preparation of
against several Gram-positive bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, bread, cakes, and cookies (Rivera-González et al., 2019). The flour has
Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, C. sporogenes, and Alicy­ good water and oil absorption capacity and solubility (2.4 %, 2.16 %,
clobacillus acidocaldarius (Villarreal-Lara et al., 2019). The acetogenins 11.2 %, respectively) related to different macro and micronutrients
from avocado seeds were characterized for the anticlostridial activity, present in the seeds and their strong intermolecular interactions. Still,
stability and effectiveness under different food processing conditions additional compounds such as gum, pectin, alginates can be added to
and in a model food system (Pacheco et al., 2017). The extract bioac­ avocado flour to alter its properties for better exploration. Avocado
tivity showed resistance to different food processing conditions such as seeds are a rich source of dietary fiber which has many health benefits
HPP (300 MPa –600 MPa, 3–6 min, 25 ◦ C), high temperature (≤120 ◦ C), such as hypoglycemia, hypocholesterolemia (Hu & Yu, 2013), car­
and salt concentration (≤3 % w/v), the extract had good resistance dioprotective and prebiotic (Slavin, 2013), early satiety (Kristensen &
while showed higher stability at pH ≥ 7.0. Additionally, after exposure Jensen, 2011), and excretion and retention of bile juices (Kristensen
to HHP treatment and pH 9.5, an increase in the potency against en­ et al., 2012). The avocado seeds fibrous residue has useful technological
dospores was observed, suggesting a positive effect on the solubility or properties, including good water and oil absorption properties, sug­
structure of particular acetogenins. However, the initial quantity of gesting its use as an important ingredient to improve softness, freshness,
acetogenins was gradually decreased in HHP processed model food and viscosity in bakery products and juiciness in meat products (Bar­
system (carrot puree) during storage at different temperatures. The bosa-Martín, Chel-Guerrero, González-Mondragón, & Betancur-Ancona,
antioxidant activity conferred by hydrogen donation to surrounding 2016). The seed also contains fatty acids esters, and unsaturated fatty
carbon atoms could be due to a keto or trans-enone group at C-4 in the acids, which are beneficial for human health; therefore, suggesting the
aliphatic chain of the acetogenins. This suggested the potential of avo­ use of these solvent-extracted compounds in developing functional foods
cado seeds as natural food preservatives, but further investigation (Soledad et al., 2021). Natural anti-diabetic and flavonoid-rich sub­
regarding the effectiveness of acetogenins against different microor­ stances from avocado seeds can regulate blood glucose levels in many
ganisms, its stability in more complex food systems, effect on sensory ways (Brahmachari, 2011), which can be explored in the preparation of
attributes, and human consumption safety evaluation is needed. In alternative snacks such as biscuits used for diabetes management
combination with nisin (an antimicrobial peptide), the seed extract (Mursyid & Kadir, 2020).
acted synergistically in its microbial response, providing a novel com­ The avocado seeds can also be utilized as alternative/non-
bination to decrease nisin use at the industrial level, reducing cost, and conventional starch sources (Rivera-González et al., 2019). Its starch
promoting the utilization of natural resources compounds (Calderón- fraction (27.3 % yield) have low total dietary fibers (7.32 %) (Rivera-
Oliver et al., 2016). González et al., 2019), which can be useful as a thickener, emulsifier,
In lipids and protein-rich foods, lipid oxidation and protein carbon­ and gelling agent in different food applications (Dhull et al., 2022;
ylation lead to nutritional loss, off-flavors, loss of essential amino acids, Chandak, Dhull, Chawla, Fogarasi, & Fogarasi, 2022; Chandak, Dhull,
reduced digestibility of myofibrillar protein, and degradation of their Punia Bangar, & Rusu, 2022). The avocado starch contains 15–16 %
texture and other quality traits (Shahidi & Zhong, 2010). Avocado seed amylose, with a gelation range at 56–74 ◦ C having good water absorp­
extracts are an interesting natural source of rich phenolic compounds tion capacity (22–24 g of water/g of starch), solubility (19 %–20 %),
with strong antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. Its addition to the swelling power (28 g–30 g of water/g of starch), and a maximum vis­
meat system would enhance nutritional and sensory properties by cosity (380 BU–390 BU) which makes it an ideal ingredient for gelling
effectively inhibiting the oxidation of protein and lipids. In raw pork and thickening, pharmaceuticals and biodegradable packaging mate­
patties, avocado seed extracts reduced oxidative reactions and color rials for foods (Chel-Guerrero, Barbosa-Martín, Martínez-Antonio,
deterioration during storage through protein carbonyl formation and González-Mondragón, & Betancur- Ancona, 2016). Further, treatment
TBARS reduction (Rodríguez-Carpena, Morcuende, Andrade, Kylli, & like microwave-assisted extraction of avocado seed starch has been re­
Estévez, 2011; Rodríguez-Carpena, Morcuende & Estévez, 2011). ported improving the extraction yield and induce some changes in the
In emulsion-based foods, lipids are present in dispersed colloidal structure and properties of starch, for example, the production of small
particles (O/W emulsions) and stabilized by surface-active compounds, size starch chain and improving the starch solubility (Araújo et al.,
including proteins, polysaccharides, gums which act at the interfacial 2020). These changes can improve the starch functionality and provide
regions (Decker et al., 2017). As the molecules at the interface come in new biotechnological applications, such as formulation of nanoparticles
contact with many pro-oxidants (enzymes, metals, photosensitizers, and preparation of oligomers with bioactivity (Araújo et al., 2020).
etc.), the oxidative and colloidal stability of emulsions highly depends Starch has a huge world of utilization, which can be further extended by
on the composition of the interface (Yi et al., 2019). In the O/W emul­ many modifications such as oxidation of avocado seed starch with
sion, lipid oxidation results in the development of off-flavors, and standard sodium hypochlorite solutions (Lacerda et al., 2014) and heat
shortening of shelf-life, which causes rejection by consumers and in­ moisture treatment (Lacerda et al., 2015). These modifications change
fluences food safety by forming toxic reaction products. The phenolic- various physicochemical properties of starches, such as average

S.P. Bangar et al. Food Chemistry: X 16 (2022) 100507

roughness, gelatinization enthalpy, pasting properties, degree of relative bioactivities in the human system. However, its seeds are generally
crystallinity, making them more suitable for several food industry ap­ considered as agricultural and food processing waste. The present re­
plications (Punia, Sandhu, Dhull, & Kaur, 2019, Punia, Dhull, Kunner, & view article has discussed that the seed remnants generated from the
Rohilla, 2020; Dhull, Punia, Kumar, Singh, & Singh, 2020). Alrefai et al. avocado fruit processing industries also exhibit several important con­
(2020) prepared bioplastic sheets with optimal properties and cost by stituents such as proteins, polyphenolic compounds, unsaturated fatty
mixing potato starch (47 g), mango starch (7.6 g), and avocado starch acids, antimicrobials and polysaccharides with promising biological and
(35.3 g), opening more ways for utilization of avocado seeds. functional properties. The in vitro and in vivo studies on animal models
Recently, avocado seeds demonstrated their utilization as a bio along human cell lines using avocado seed extracts have proved its
platform for producing relatively new nanomaterials, i.e., carbon dots health-promoting properties like a strong antioxidant, anti-microbial,
(CD) with polyfunctional surfaces and different physico-chemical anticancer, anti-obesity, anti-inflammation, anti-diabetes, and anti-
properties (Monje et al., 2021). Apart from its several applications in neurogenerative agent. Based on the nutritional and healthful bio­
other fields, the CD can be effectively used as a Pickering emulsion (i.e., activities of avocado seeds, the present review also summarized their
an emulsion stabilized by solid surfactant) stabilizer (Zhai et al., 2018) applications in the development of functional food for cancer and dia­
due to its high dispersibility in water. The CD can be used as a solid betic patients. Several experiments have been performed to validate the
surfactant to avoid the adverse effect of soluble surfactants, affecting safety of avocado seed consumption; however, reports on its mechanism
human health and the environment due to their mutagenic, toxic and of action and metabolism in humans are limited. It is evident that a
carcinogenic properties (Chevalier & Bolzinger, 2013). Further, using a multidisciplinary research approach has encouraged the utilization of
nanomaterial like CD with all dimensions less than 10 nm would help avocado seed residue as a healthy ingredient in the food industry.
prepare emulsion with very small droplet sizes (Zhai et al., 2018), which Recently, the application of avocado seed in functional food or food
may find its utilization in food drug delivery, and cosmetics. Copper ingredients has gained much attention from many researchers. Howev­
nanoparticles ranging from 42 to 90 nm synthesized using a green route er, the understanding is still unearthed with respect to the molecular
with avocado seed extract were found stable and reproducible with mechanism of bioactivities of avocado seed extracts. As the food in­
excellent antioxidant and antimicrobial properties against the plant dustry looks to become more sustainable, repurpose of waste generated
pathogens (A. niger, A. fumigatus, F. oxysporum) (Rajeshkumar & Rinitha, during processing into value-added products is essential. An in-depth
2018). These bio-medically important nanoparticles can be utilized in investigation on the safety and pharmacological activities of specific
drug delivery, nutraceuticals, and other food and pharma applications. compounds from avocado seed extract for pharma and food application
Apart from this, distinct photoluminescent properties and singlet needs to be proved. Also, there needs to be further research into valo­
oxygen photosensitizing capacity of the CD is of interest in wastewater rization approaches as a cost-effective raw material.
treatment and catalysis (Abd Rani, Ng, Ng, & Mahmoudi, 2020; Monje
et al., 2021). Similarly, different avocado seed based adsorbents find Funding
several applications in wastewater treatment by removing basic dyes
(Elizalde-González, Mattusch, Peláez-Cid, & Wennrich, 2007), phenol Supported by a grant from the Romanian National Authority for
(Rodrigues, da Silva, Alvarez-Mendes, dos Reis Coutinho, & Thim, Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS—UEFISCDI, project number
2011), ammonium, and p-cresol (Zhu et al., 2016, 2018), fluoride PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019–1723 and PFE 14, within PNCDI III.
(Salomón-Negrete, Reynel-Ávila, Mendoza-Castillo, Bonilla-Petriciolet,
& Duran-Valle, 2018), organic pollutants including pharmaceuticals and
phenols (Leite et al., 2018), methylene blue dye (Dhaouadi et al., 2020), Declaration of Competing Interest
anticancer drug (Della-Flora et al., 2020), and heavy metals (Boeykens,
Redondo, Obeso, Caracciolo, & Vázquez, 2019; Dhaouadi et al., 2021; The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Díaz-Muñoz, Bonilla-Petriciolet, Reynel-Ávila, & Mendoza-Castillo, interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
2016). the work reported in this paper.
Moreover, a yellow-orange-colored pigment extracted from avocado
seeds (Dabas, Elias, Lambert, & Ziegler, 2011; Hatzakis et al., 2019) can Data availability
also be a potential food ingredient (Arlene, Prima, Utama, & Anggraini,
2015), pharma and cosmetic industries but after its further safety The authors do not have permission to share data.
assessment studies. Eighteen patents related to avocado have been re­
ported by Araújo, Rodriguez-Jasso, Ruiz, Pintado, and Aguilar (2018). References
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