Written Report
Written Report
Written Report
Marieta Garcia
Nueva Ecija
December 2022
growth of the population and the resulting increased use of resources (Odlare,
2011). In line with this, the project in the AFA 2100 Crop Production Laboratory
course is planned and has been carried out as a project in which wastes such as
residue and compost are used as essential ingredients in the production of field
important to find the best location for the production wherein, a good source of
sun and water is present. However, the best soil for production to ensure its
optimum growth is rich, sandy loam. Thus, using organic waste such as biogas
for both the plants and the costs of production. Organic waste is a useful
fertilizer that can improve soil structure and water-holding capacity, which lowers
the cost of production since we didn't have to purchase compost soil; instead, we
just hauled soil from the school's previous garbage dump. The soil we
contains organic waste, worms, and worm excrement. According to the review of
the environment.
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) such as kinerots and ube, using the soil from
organic wastes and nourishing it with organic pesticides (e.g. kakawate, ripe
banana) and fish amino acid as organic fertilizer. The project started on
September 05, 2022 (the start of the semester) and will end on December 16,
Review of Literature
The study by Ogbonna D., et al. (2012) found that using composted
organic material as a fertilizer source on the ground not only gives plants vital
nutrients but also enhances soil quality and efficiently eliminates soil waste. Their
Properties and Plant Growth and Yield" by M.Z. Hossain, et al. (2017) argue that
the use of organic wastes in agriculture plays a great role in recycling essential
plant nutrients, sustaining soil security, and protecting the environment from
unwanted hazards.
According to the study of Vivek Saini, et al. (2017) composting is the best
method to reduce or recycle Municipal Waste and helps in the agricultural field
where the compost is useful for growing crops and vegetables with the help of
farming in the Pacific Islands. Under the natural circumstances of the Pacific
islands, the use of plant and soil diagnostics can be easily accommodated into an
agricultural system that uses composting organic material as the main source for
The project will investigate the efficacy of using organic wastes and
organic pesticides for the selected field crop, as well as the factors that must be
considered when using organic wastes and pesticides as input materials in the
field crop.
participants in the proper use of organic waste for crops and gaining knowledge
The students – The project will provide students with knowledge about using
organic waste and pesticides, as well as how to convert organic waste emissions
Future researcher – The data from the project can be used by a future
Teacher – this project will help the teacher in improving the outcome of the
General Objective
Specific Objective
To use organic waste as soil and apply an organic pesticide using organic
This portion of the report entails how the project is conducted, the step-by-
step procedure that has been executed, and the major activities that have been
We started the project with the orientation with our professor. During the
soil to reduce production costs. Instead, to grow the seeds, seedlings, and
After the planning phase, we immediately start to clean the area where the
project will be executed. The project began with the removal of large to small
weeds from the surroundings. After removing all the grass and cleaning the area,
Selection of seed to be
Pechay, Mustard, Lettuce, and Sweet Potatoes
Application of fertilizer and attempts to use fish amino acids, ripe bananas,
Marketing of the Product students, and other citizens who live near the
The project was carried out for only four months, which is the reason why
we are not able to harvest the fruit of our sweet potatoes (white ube, kinerots)
and mustards. Pechay, lettuce, and the leaves of the sweet potato are the
the overall result of the project is good enough and resulted in a good yield
wherein, half of the input cost spent on production was recovered in sales.
In the totality of the project, it appears that even in a short period you
can gain a profit that is half of what you invested. Assumingly, if we have more
two months to continue the project, we can get a high value of return on
investment because of the expected yield of mustard and fruit of sweet potatoes.
Therefore, this project entails that using organic waste can result in more
In every production, there is always a chance to have a pest, but the use
of organic pesticides such as kakawate, ripe banana, and fish amino acids can
help the plants to get rid of pests. Therefore, the use of organic waste is
Yadav, S. K., Dabu, S., Yadav, M. K., Singh, K., Yadav, G. S., & Pal, S. (2013). A
Saini, V., Gupta, S., Verma, R., & Singh, B. (2017). A Review Study on Municipal
Golabi, M., Denney, M. J., & Iyekar, C. (2004). Use of composted organic wastes as
from https://www.tucson.ars.ag.gov/isco/isco13/PAPERS%20F-L/GOLABI.pdf
Estimated Project
This part of the project is the detailed breakdown of its budget with the
Unit Gross
Php Php Php
Potato 5 tali Php 20.00
20.00 120.00 100.00
Php Php
and 8 packs Php 80.00 Php 110.00
10.00 190.00
The budget for the project is prepared and acquired by BTLED 2-1 AFA.
All project expenses were paid for by the combined efforts of myself and my co-
students, totaling PHP 690.00. The allocated budget for sweet potatoes is PHP
500.00, resulting in a total of PHP 560.00 in gross income; the allocated budget
for lettuce is PHP 60.00, resulting in a total of PHP 240.00 in gross income; and
the allocated budget for pechay and mustard is PHP 10.00, resulting in a total of
First orientation,
we cleaned, cut,
the nursery.
cleaning, land
Ivy Joy Bebanot
Sept 19, 2022 cultivation, and Done
and classmates
meeting about
seed trays,
organic waste,
placing the
gathered soil in
Buying sweet
the seed of
pechay, weeding,
planting of sweet
potato, and
watering it.
planting of the
Ivy Joy Bebanot
Oct 12, 2022 seedings of Done
and classmates
pechay, and stem
of sweet potato
transferring of
pechay to the
cultivated soil,
of lettuce, then
going to CLSU to
watering of all
planted plants.
Making of
Ivy Joy Bebanot
Oct. 26, 2022 pesticides ang Done
and classmates
applying it to the
Harvesting and
fertilizer and
transferring the
and classmates
seedling of lettuce
to the styro.
Harvesting of
transferring of
Ivy Joy Bebanot
Nov. 10, 2022 lettuce, watering Done
and classmates
the plant and
marketing the
Ivy Joy Bebanot
Nov. 13, 2022 lettuce, and Done
and classmates
watering the plant.
Planting mustard
seed, removing
leftover pechay in
Nov. 14, 2022 the soil, land Ivy Joy Bebanot Done
weeding, and
Planting mustard
Ivy Joy Bebanot
Nov. 24, 2022 watering, Done
and classmates
harvesting sweet
potato leaves
Watering, land
planting of
Ivy Joy Bebanot
Nov. 28, 2022 seedlings, Done
and classmates
harvesting and
marketing of
potato leaves.
applying fertilizer
and pesticides
Done by- someone who is responsible for the project of the activity.
4. Unit Price- the price for a single unit of measure of a product sol (e.g.,
CLSU_CEd_BTLED AFA 2100 LAB. First SY 2022-2023
Php Php
690.00 300.00
Gross Income- the sum of all profit’s gains from your project.
the expenses.