Java Memory Leaks W/ Finalize Examples: Malloc ( ) Inside A Tight Loop. This Creates Unbounded Amounts of
Java Memory Leaks W/ Finalize Examples: Malloc ( ) Inside A Tight Loop. This Creates Unbounded Amounts of
Java Memory Leaks W/ Finalize Examples: Malloc ( ) Inside A Tight Loop. This Creates Unbounded Amounts of
Most people think Java cannot leak memory, but actually thats not true. Java, unlike languages such as C or Javascript, can have two kinds of memory leaks:
True leaks unreferenced, unrecoverable segments of memory Soft leaks memory that could be garbage collected, but is accidentally referenced The first kind of memory leak, the true leak, is common to C. Its trivially easy to write a C program which leaks memory like a sieve by simple putting a call to malloc() inside a tight loop. This creates unbounded amounts of heap memory and eventually runs out of space. Additionally, the memory is lost if you dont save a pointer to it. However, the same program in Java will not run out of memory: view sourceprint?
1.public class finalizer { 2. 3. 4. public static void main(String[] args) { while (true) { finalizer f = new finalizer();
} }
01.import java.util.LinkedList; 02.import java.util.List; 03. 04.public class finalizer { 05. protected Object ref;
06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. System.out.println("" + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + " bytes free!"); 22. 23. 24.}
This creates a linked list in which every element also contains a reference to the list, then blows away the scope of the list entirely by dereferencing x and moving into a new loop scope. This leaves all the elements we just allocated floating in memory and all pointing at each other, but not pointed to by our active memory graph. The output shows that this memory is reclaimed: 12601488 bytes free! 8597784 bytes free! 4584656 bytes free! 12596808 bytes free! Unfortunately, though, there is a way to create true memory leaks in java, and that is with a poor implementation of the finalize method, which is described in the Java 6 docs as: The general contract of finalize is that it is invoked if and when the JavaTM virtual machine has determined that there is no longer any means by which this object can be accessed by any thread that has not yet died, except as a result of an action taken by the finalization of some other object or class which is ready to be finalized. The finalize method exists on every Object and is called by the garbage collectors thread before it reclaims that memory. So, the simplest thing we can do to prevent the garbage collector from reclaiming it is to yield execution:
public static void main(String[] args) { while (true) { List x = new LinkedList();
x = null;
} }
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01.public class finalizer { 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. System.out.println("" + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() + " bytes free!"); 16. 17. 18.}
This produces a quick memory leak and Out of Memory Exception: 12591736 bytes free! 8599816 bytes free! 4584576 bytes free! 602496 bytes free! Exception in thread main java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Throwing any kind of Exception or Error from finalize() also prevents the garbage collector from reclaiming the memory: view sourceprint?
public static void main(String[] args) { while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { finalizer f = new finalizer(); }
} }
01.public class finalizer { 02. 03. @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public static void main(String[] args) { while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) new finalizer();
} }
busted! Yes, == is faster than String.equals(), but in general it isn't near a performance improvement as it is cracked up to be.
I agree, it doesn't make sense to intern Strings to be able to use == instead of equals. But the real reason is that String.equals already does == in the first place. If your Strings are identical you automatically get the speed advantage because usually equals will be inlined! Myth 2: String.intern() saves a lot of memory
Here I disagree. String.intern() can help you to save a lot of memory because it can be used to avoid holding duplicates of Strings in memory. Imagine you read a lot of Strings from some File and some (or a lot) of these Strings might actually be identifiers such as the name of a City or type(class). If you don't use String.intern()(or a similiar mechanism using a Set), you will hold copies of those Strings in memory. The number of this unnecessary copies will often increase with the number of Strings you read, and therefore you will really save a significant amount of memory.
In my experience duplicated Strings are one of the most common memory usage problems in Java applications. Check for example my blog post about the Memory usage of Netbeans versus Eclipse.
That those interned Strings end up in Perm space IMHO is not a big issue. You need to setup perm space these days to pretty high values anyway, check for example my blog post about the perm space requirements of Eclipse. Still in the SAP JVM we also introduced a new option to store those interned Strings in the old space. Maybe someone wants to implement this option for the OpenJDK as well ;)
In the previous section, you looked at the general principles in exception handling without a J2EE tilt. In this section, we will cover what servlet specification has to say about exception handling. Consider the doGet() method signature in a HttpServlet. public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException The above method signature implies that a Servlet or a JSP (and finally a web application) is only allowed to throw ServletException or its subclasses IOException or its subclasses RuntimeExceptions
All other checked exceptions have to be handled in the Servlet/JSP code in one of the following manner: Catch the checked exception and log the error message and (or) take any business related action. Wrap the exception in a ServletException and throw the ServletException. (ServletException has overloaded constructors to wrap the actual exception.) Servlet specification provides exception-handling support through web.xml. In web.xml, you can declare <error-page> to handle exceptions that are thrown but not caught. <error-page> <exception-type>UnhandledException</exception-type> <location>UnhandledException.jsp</location> </error-page>
What this means is that if an exception of type UnhandledException is thrown from your web application but not caught anywhere, then the user gets to see the UnhandledException.jsp. This works well for ServletException, IOException, RuntimeException and their subclasses. If the UnhandledException is a subclass of ServletException and none of the error-page declaration containing exception-type fit the class hierarchy of the thrown exception, then the Servlet container gets the wrapped exception using the ServletException.getRootCause method. Then the container attempts again to match the error-page declaration. This approach works well if the UnhandledException is not a subclass of ServletException or IOException (but is a checked exception). You have to throw a ServletException or its subclass by wrapping the UnhandledException in it and the servlet container does rest of the magic. There are times when the user cannot see a page due to incorrect access rights or the page simply does not exist. The Servlet sends an error response with an appropriate HTTP error code. For instance, 404 corresponds to Page not found, 500 corresponds to Internal Server Error and so on. You can also assign JSPs for default HTTP error code as follows.
Similarly, exceptions can occur in the JSPs in scriptlets and custom tags. These can throw runtime exceptions. In addition scriptlets can throw ServletException and IOException since a JSP gets translated into the body of _jspService() method and the signature of the _jspService() method is same as doGet(). public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException Tags however throw JspException in their Tag callback methods (doStartTag(), doEndTag() and so on). JspException is a direct subclass of java.lang.Exception and has no relationship with ServletException or IOException. The _jspService() method is container dependent but its contract is to catch all those exceptions and forward the request to the errorPage specified by the JSP. Hence it is a best practice to assign error pages in JSPs with the declarative: <%@ page errorPage="/error.jsp" %> When forwarding to the exception page as specified by errorPage setting shown above, the exception describing the error is stored as request attribute with the key ?javax.servlet.jsp.JspException?. If the JSP assigned to handle the exceptions has the directive <%@ page isErrorPage="true" %> at the top of their page, then the exception is provided as the implicit scripting variable named exception.
Details about load on startup (load-on-startup tag) in Servlet ? Used to decide whether servlet will be " lazily " or " eagerly " loaded Specified in web.xml file If the value is not specified or is a Number < 0 then it means " lazy loading " What " lazy loading " means is that servlet is NOT loaded by container on startup Servlet in this case is loaded on the first client request - so the first client can experience poor performance " Eager " loading means that the servlet is initialised on container startup If there are two servelts A & B with values 0 & 1 than it means that Servlet A ( having value = 0 ) will be loaded first So if there are more than one servlet this element specifies the order of loading - lower integer values ( including zero ) are loaded first If you specify this element but do not provide the value - even then the servlet will be the first servlet that gets loaded
To ensure that servlet follows " lazy loading " - do not provide this entry at all in web.xml file OR provide a negative number
What's the difference between init() & init(ServletConfig) and Which is better ? Q.What is the difference between init() and init(ServletConfig) ? Before start we have to understand the servlet flow. For example you have servlet LoginServlet which extends HttpServlet public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet{ } And your HttpServlet internally extends GenericServlet.
public abstract class GenericServlet implements Servlet, ServletConfig, Serializable { public GenericServlet() { } public void init() throws ServletException { } public ServletConfig getServletConfig() { return config; } public void init(ServletConfig config)
throws ServletException { this.config = config; init(); } public abstract void service(ServletRequest servletrequest, ServletResponse servletresponse) throws ServletException, IOException; private transient ServletConfig config; } Now servlet container flow
Step 1. Loads the servlet class and create instance of the servlet class (LoginServlet). LoginServlet login = new LoginServlet(); Step 2. Then servlet container create ServletConfig object for that servlet and Call login.init(ServletConfig); Case 1 : If you have overridden init(ServletConfig) method in your servlet then call goes to your init(ServletConfig) method . public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { System.out.println("\n**** Initializing LoginServlet Init Servlet ********** \n"); super.init(config); } It will print "Initializing LoginServlet Init Servlet" and call goes to supper class GenericServlet init(ServletConfig) method. In the GenericServlet init(ServletConfig) method there is code This.config= config // initialize the Servlet config object and it is available to you. Case 2 :
If you overridden init() method and not overridden init(ServletConfig) method. Servlet container call login.init(ServletConfig); There is no method like init(ServletConfig) in your servlet so call directly goes to super class GenericServlet init(ServletConfig) method. This.config= config // initialize the Servlet config object and it is available to you. You can get the Servlet config object using getServletConfig() method. Conclusion: It is BETTER to use init(). If you use init() you have no such worries as calling super.init(). If you use init(servletconfig) and forgot to call super.init(config) then servletconfig object will not set and you will not get the servletconfig object. Servlet Life Cycle ? life cycle of a servlet is controlled by the container in which the servlet has been deployed. When a request is mapped to a servlet, the container performs the following steps. If an instance of the servlet does not exist, the Web container Loads the servlet class. Creates an instance of the servlet class. Initializes the servlet instance by calling the init method. Initialization is covered in Initializing a Servlet. Invokes the service method, passing a request and response object. Service methods are discussed in the section Writing Service Methods. 4)If the container needs to remove the servlet, it finalizes the servlet by calling the servlet's destroy method.
Q. Can we override service method in HttpServlet ? You can override service method in HttpServlet also. If you override service method in HttpServlet then call will go to service() method instead of doGet() or doPost() method.
If the jsp form you mentioned <form name="reg" method="post"> then also call will go to service method of the servlet. Call don't go to doPost() method. you can call doPost() method explicitly from servive() method.
If the jsp form you mentioned <form name="reg" method="get"> then also call will go to service method of the servlet. Call don't go to doGet() method. you can call doGet () method explicitly from servive() method. Q.How to upload an File/image from servlet/jsp into server from clients machine? In the JSP
<form name="regform2" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="ImageFile" id="ImageFile" onChange="uploadImage()"/> </form> uploadImage() - java script - document.regform.action ="<%=request.getContextPath()>/dfdmin?cmd=uploadimage"; document.regform.submit(); In the servlet - add the below code. String rtempfile = File.createTempFile("temp","1").getParent(); MultipartRequest multi = new MultipartRequest(request, rtempfile, 500000 * 1024); File rnewfile=null; rnewfile = new File("D:\\"+"jsp"+File.separator+"images"+File.separator+"uploadImage"+File.separator); if(rnewfile.exists()){ }else{ rnewfile.mkdirs(); } //Enumeration files = multi.getFileNames(); //while (files.hasMoreElements()) { File f = multi.getFile("ImageFile"); System.out.println(f.getName()); FileInputStream fin =new FileInputStream(f); RandomAccessFile r = new RandomAccessFile(rnewfile+File.separator+f.getName(),"rw"); filename = f.getName();
// FileOutputStream fos =new FileOutputStream(rnewfile); byte sizefile[] = new byte[5000000];; // fos.write(sizefile); r.write(sizefile); //fos.close(); r.close(); fin.close(); This will upload multipart file to your path. Note : get cos.jar from oreilly website.
What's the difference between init() & init(ServletConfig) in genericServlet ? init(ServletConfig ): The default implementation of init(ServletConfig) does some initialization then calls init(). If you use init(ServletConfig) and forget to call super.init(config) at the start of the method then your Servlet will not be initialized correctly. Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being placed into service. You will get the ServletConfig object. init(): You can get the ServletConfig using getServletConfig(). A convenience method which can be overridden so that there's no need to call super.init(config). Instead of overriding init(ServletConfig), simply override this method and it will be called by GenericServlet.init(ServletConfig config). The ServletConfig object can still be retrieved via getServletConfig(). It is BETTER to use init(). If you use init() you have no such worries as calling super.init().
ServletContext: Gives the information about the container PageContext: Gives the information about the Request
Q.Given the request path below, which are context path, servlet path and path info? /bookstore/education/index.html context path: /bookstore servlet path: /education path info: /index.html
Q.What is the difference in using request.getRequestDispatcher() and context.getRequestDispatcher()? The difference between ServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher(String path) and ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(String path) is that the former can accept a relative path as well whereas the latter can accept paths relative to the current context root only. If the path starts with a '/' in the getRequestDispatcher(String path) of the ServletRequest interface then it's interpreted as being relative to the current context root otherwise it'll be a relative to the request of the calling servlet. Whereas, the path of the getRequestDispatcher(String path) of the ServletContext interface must start with '/' only - being relative to the current context root. Another difference between the two is that path of the getRequestDispatche(String path) of the ServletRequest interface cannot extend outside the current servlet context whereas getRequestDispatcher(String path) of the ServletContext can use the getContext(String uripath) method to obtain RequestDispatcher for resources in foreign contexts.
Q.Difference forward() and response.sendRedirect() . diffrence between the two is that sendRedirect always sends a header back to the client/browser. this header then contains the resource(page/servlet) which u wanted to be redirected. the browser uses this header to make another fresh request. thus sendRedirect has a overhead as to the extra remort trip being incurred. its like any other Http request being generated by ur browser. the advantage is that u can point to any resource(whether on the same domain or some other domain). for eg if sendRedirect
was called at then it can also be used to Redirect a call to a resource on where as in case of forward() call, the above is not true. resources from the server, where the fwd. call was made, can only be requested for. but the major diff between the two is that forward just routes the request to the new resources which u specify in ur forward call. that means this route is made by the servlet engine at the server level only. no headers r sent to the browser which makes this very eficient. also the request and response objects remain the same both from where the forward call was made and the resource which was called. In case of forward you can get the data from request object but in case of sendRedirect() you can get from session object, request object is not avilable. Q.Can we use the constructor, instead of init(), to initialize servlet? Yes , of course you can use the constructor instead of init(). There's nothing to stop you. The original reason for init() was that ancient versions of Java couldn't dynamically invoke constructors with arguments, so there was no way to give the constructur a ServletConfig. That no longer applies, but servlet containers still will only call your no-arg constructor. So you won't have access to a ServletConfig or ServletContext. Q.Why don't we write a constructor in a servlet? Container writes a no argument constructor for our servlet. Q.When we don't write any constructor for the servlet, how does container create an instance of servlet? Container creates instance of servlet by calling Class.forName(className).newInstance(). Q.Why is it that we can't give relative URL's when using ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher() when we can use the same while calling ServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher()? Since ServletRequest has the current request path to evaluae the relative path while ServletContext does not.
Q.Once the destroy() method is called by the container, will the servlet be immediately destroyed? What happens to the tasks(threads) that the servlet might be executing at that time? Yes, but Before calling the destroy() method, the servlet container waits for the remaining threads that are executing the servlet?s service() method to finish. What is new in ServletRequest interface ? The following methods have been added to ServletRequest 2.4 version:
public int getRemotePort() public java.lang.String getLocalName() public java.lang.String getLocalAddr() public int getLocalPort()
Q.When a client request is sent to the servlet container, how does the container choose which servlet to invoke? he servlet container determines which servlet to invoke based on the configuration of its servlets, and calls it with objects representing the request and response. For Example--<servlet> <servlet-name>admin</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.servlet.LoginServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name> admin </servlet-name> <url-pattern> /artadmin </url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> if the url in browser is http://localhost:8080/artadmin then server will call LoginServlet. Based on the above mapping What is servlet container?
The servlet container is a part of a Web server or application server that provides the network services over which requests and responses are sent, decodes MIME-based requests, and formats MIME-based responses. A servlet container also contains and manages servlets through their lifecycle. Why IllegalStateException in jsp/servet? by attempting to redirect from within the middle of a JSP page you will get IllegalStateException . For Example <div>News </div> <% if ("not logged in") response.sendRedirect("login.jsp"); %> <div>more news</div>
You can avoid this bu using return ; Example : <div>News </div> <% if ("not logged in") response.sendRedirect("login.jsp"); return; %> <div>more news</div>
response.sendRedirect("client-screen.jsp"); return; // <------- This return statement prevents any further writing to the outputStream }
// // Other code that may write to the outputStream.... // } Q.What's the difference between response.sendRedirect() and requestDispatcher.forward() ? <b>response.sendRedirect() </b> : This is complete new request to browser. Request is not maintained so data stored in request object not avilable to redirect page. You have to store data in session to get in the reditect jsp. You can pass data like response.sendRedirect("/techfaq360.jsp?name=satya). then in the techfaq360.jsp you have to get name using request.getParameter("name");
For example .. you forwarded from /login to login.jsp in the browser you can see /login.jsp....
<b>requestDispatcher.forward() </b> : This not new request. Just transfer the content to forwarded jsp. You can store data in request and able to get in redirect jsp.
Disadvantage - browser refresh call to /loginj again. may be duplicate data submit.
.How do I implement security for my web application ? The use of HTTPS/SSL can be required by adding the following to the web.xml file: <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>Entire Application</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection>
<user-data-constraint> <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee> </user-data-constraint> </security-constraint> Q.How can I use servlets with protocols other than HTTP, e.g. FTP? The javadocs for javax.servlet.Servlet and GenericServlet make it sound as if protocols other than HTTP can be used simply by extending GenericServlet, and implementing the methods that deal with the protocol, much like HttpServlet does for HTTP. That is not the case. The protocol needs to be supported by the servlet engine (which does all the network handling for the servlet), and no servlet engine exists that supports anything other than HTTP(S). Adding a different protocol would be a big project, especially since other protocols don't have the same request/response nature of HTTP. If you find yourself contemplating such a project, post your requirements to the Servlet forum, and a better solution will probably be suggested. For JSPs, the specification says "Most JSP pages use the HTTP protocol, but other protocols are allowed by this specification.". Since a non-HTTP JSP implementation would depend on a non-HTTP servlet implementation, that too is just a theoretical possibility.
(Note that all of this has nothing to do with a servlet's ability to be a client for other protocols. E.g., by using the JavaMail or Jakarta Commons Net APIs a servlet can access SMTP and FTP servers without problems.) Q.What happens if i call destroy() from init()? Destroy the servlet as soon as start. Any resource allocated for servlet would start throwing null pointer exception... Otherwise no lifecycle change occurs...
Q.Why can't a container call constructor having parameters? As it is the container that manages a servlets lifecycle, you must define a generic way of working for all servlets. You can't use the constructor because otherwise you would have to modify the container to tell him to instantiate this particular servlet Q.Why do servlets have an init method? Can't we make use of the servlet constructor for initialization? You can't make use of the constructor because the container calls it and therefore you can't pass any parameters to the constructor. Also at the point the constructor is called the class is not really a Servlet because it doesn't have a reference to the ServletConfig, which provides all the initialisation parameters etc. Because the servlet container manages the servlet lifecycle, one should never call the constructor, the init and destroy methods. Q.Explain the life cycle methods of a Servlet. The javax.servlet.Servlet interface defines the three methods known as life-cycle method. public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException public void service( ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException public void destroy() First the servlet is constructed, then initialized wih the init() method. Any request from client are handled initially by the service() method before delegating to the doXxx() methods in the case of HttpServlet. The servlet is removed from service, destroyed with the destroy() methid, then garbaged collected and finalized.
Q.What are the common mechanisms used for session tracking? 1) Cookies - Must be cookie on to your browser http session object - it used jsession id internally URL- rewriting - append variables to url Hidden variable - you can use hidden variable to track all methods just send some value to server every time and check it is same or not. if it is same then session maintains.
I have mentioned some tips regarding ServletContext and ServletConfig. okey Do well ServletContext Defines a set of methods that a servlet uses to communicate with its servlet container. ServletConfig is a servlet configuration object used by a servlet container used to pass information to a servlet during initialization. All of its initialization parameters can ONLY be set in deployment descriptor. The ServletContext object is contained within the ServletConfig object, which the Web server provides the servlet when the servlet is initialized. You can specify param-value pairs for ServletContext object in <context-param> tags in web.xml file. The ServletConfig parameters are specified for a particular servlet and are unknown to other servlets. The ServletContext parameters are specified for an entire application outside of any particular servlet and are available to all the servlets within that application. Q: What is the difference between HttpServlet and GenericServlet Difference are 1) HttpServlet extends GenericServlet <b>HttpServlet </b>Provides an abstract class to be subclassed to create an HTTP servlet suitable for a Web site. A subclass of HttpServlet must override at least one method, usually one of these: doGet, if the servlet supports HTTP GET requests doPost, for HTTP POST requests doPut, for HTTP PUT requests
doDelete, for HTTP DELETE requests init and destroy, to manage resources that are held for the life of the servlet getServletInfo, which the servlet uses to provide information about itself There?s almost no reason to override the service method. service handles standard HTTP requests by dispatching them to the handler methods for each HTTP request type (the doXXX methods listed above). Likewise, there?s almost no reason to override the doOptions and doTrace methods. <b>GenericServlet </b>defines a generic, protocol-independent servlet. To write an HTTP servlet for use on the Web, extend HttpServlet instead. GenericServlet implements the Servlet and ServletConfig interfaces. GenericServlet may be directly extended by a servlet, although it?s more common to extend a protocol-specific subclass such as HttpServlet. GenericServlet makes writing servlets easier. It provides simple versions of the lifecycle methods init and destroy and of the methods in the ServletConfig interface. GenericServlet also implements the log method, declared in the ServletContext interface. To write a generic servlet, you need only override the abstract service method